Escape From Singapore
- 3 years ago
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This year has been difficult for me. As much as possible, I’ve tried to stay in the background, letting Striking Eagle make the decisions and work assignments. It was a lot harder to do that I thought it would be and has me questioning my decision to leave more than once. It’s not that Striking Eagle didn’t do a good job, but I felt as if I was letting down people who trusted me. Happily, everything went well this year with no unpleasant surprises.
All during the summer, I watched Striking Eagle run things to see how well he did. On more occasions than I care to admit, I had tears in my eyes, knowing that, for a second time, I’d be leaving my home behind and leaving behind people I cared about. The villages that came in the spring and summer to trade with us told me goodbye. Those who came in the fall to dry berries and buffalo did the same. Hundreds of braves from other tribes with whom I’d hunted stopped to tell me goodbye and to thank me for selling them good rifles. The good rifles had made a huge difference to their village’s ability to survive.
Tara had her lists again, listing who planned to go with us, what we planned to take, and what we intended to leave behind. We didn’t take any lumber because there were plenty of lumber mills in Oregon. We already had lots of tools, several cast-iron stoves, ready-made parts for a panemone, lots of cast iron pipe and fittings, cases of glass windowpanes, guns, and the necessary supplies for the guns, especially lots of black powder, lead, caps, and wadding. That was already packed in wagons sitting in the cave, waiting.
After finishing the harvest, we packed seeds, grain, dried food, and cured tobacco in barrels. We also loaded the bourbon and whiskey we planned to take. The money from selling the hooch when we reached Oregon would go a long way towards helping us start over. Besides, we still had a huge surplus of cash from what we sold each year and from selling the gold this year. Heck, we still had a lot of what we started with when the nine of us originally left Kentucky. I made sure to leave enough money for Striking Eagle to buy the things he’d need this spring, even if they didn’t have furs to sell.
By December 1, we had a firm list of the 267 people going with us. My wives and children, my extended family, and the original slaves I helped escape were going. In addition, many of the other emancipated Negroes who had joined us here, a few of the trappers who now worked for me, and a surprising number of the Indians wanted to go with us.
Striking Eagle and I had reviewed the people who remained and made sure that he had people qualified to do everything. I was surprised at how many people were staying here, partially because I wasn’t aware that we had so many living here now. Striking Eagle explained that several smaller villages from the various tribes that came here to trade or to hunt buffalo had asked permission to join ours since their villages were too small to continue supporting themselves. We had also continued to collect widows and orphans. Many made their way to a village that they knew traded with us and came here with that village, intending to stay.
Tuesday December 26, 1848
Mr. Chouteau knocked on our window this morning and then met me inside the cave again. I could tell by the look on his face that he was excited about something.
“I heard this morning that there was a major gold discovery in California last January,” Chouteau explained. “Actually, I heard about it two months ago, but ignored it like every other overblown rumor about Oregon and California. The person I just heard it from is headed from California to St. Louis. His saddlebags are full of gold to buy supplies to sell to miners.
“Evidently, just before winter set in, thousands of people flocked to the area where the gold was found. Most of them left the mountains until spring because they can’t pan for gold when the creeks are frozen. A few of the bolder ones stayed to pan along the rivers. The guy who went through here had more than eighty pounds of gold dust and nuggets in his saddlebags and plans to buy supplies with it. He plans to take a steamer back, getting off and crossing the narrow strip of land between the Atlantic and the Pacific somewhere south of Mexico. He says the trip will only take three months that way. He wants to be back as soon as he can get there.”
“Why didn’t he take a ship going back east?” I asked.
“There weren’t any available. Most of the crews deserted and headed for the mountains to look for gold. They don’t want to be stuck aboard ship when the spring thaw hits,” he answered.
“There may not be a ship available to take this guy to California after he crosses to the Pacific side,” I laughed.
Chouteau continued, “Anyway, I want the wagons to leave the eighth of January. There will be thousands of people flocking to California as soon as the first grass breaks through on the prairie. I’d also like to know if I can rent any of your wagons that you don’t need for the trip. I won’t need them to take furs down, but I want to buy at least twice as many supplies this year.
“Even though we’ve increased what we bought each year, we’ve barely made it through. Except for the stuff you sell us, we’re out of almost everything. The guy headed east was surprised that we still had food to sell him,” he said.
I thought for a moment before replying, “We already have a tentative list drawn up and figure eighteen wagons for what we want to buy, and two more filled with hay besides what we stuff into the top of the other wagons. That leaves us with ten extra wagons. That should give you twenty-two wagons.”
“Perfect,” he exclaimed excitedly. “I hope I can use your blacksmiths and carpenters again this summer,” he said.
“I’m sure they’ll be glad to help,” I assured him, and then suggested, “You should put up even more fences to separate pastures for their livestock. The pastures you had this summer were pretty full several times,” I suggested.
“Yes, and you should plan on having a full crew working your three rafts at the ford. Nobody has died or lost or damaged a wagon crossing the river for three years now thanks to your rafts. I’m sure you made some good money from it, too,” he chuckled.
“That we did,” I replied. “I’ve thanked Samuel for the idea several times. I just hope that the winter stays mild,” I said as I looked at the barometer on the wall. “The tribes all say that it should be mild, although the snow is deeper than I’ve seen here before.”
“I’ll check back with you next week to verify the departure date,” Chouteau said, looking greatly relieved.
“Oh, how many men will you have going?” I asked as I accompanied him back to the cave.
“Probably eight men will go, and that barely leaves us enough to run the fort,” he replied.
“I’m sure we have plenty of people to send. If you want to keep one or two more here, that shouldn’t be a problem. I think Samuel, George, and Arnaud would help at the fort so long as they don’t have to go out hunting, or if they can go out with our people when we hunt buffalo. If you need, I can handle your money and order your supplies again,” I offered.
“Yes, it was a blow when Samuel left to work for you, but the fact that you are willing to take the wagons to St. Louis for me softened the blow. I’ll make sure that my new second in command goes along again. I also suspect that four of the drivers who agreed to go will leave when they get back to civilization,” Chouteau commented. He thanked me again right before turning his horse south towards the trading post that was now barely a mile away.
“How many drivers do we have that want to go this year and how many more are willing to go?” I asked my wives when I got back to our cabin. I guess that, technically, I was asking Tara, our keeper of lists.
“Twenty-seven want to go, and another twenty-four are willing to go if we need them,” she answered.
“It sounds like we’ll need everyone, then,” I replied. “With our eighteen wagons, Chouteau’s twenty-two wagons, and three scout/hunters, we’ll need a minimum of forty-three people. That way, we’ll be prepared if none of the people from the fort decide to return and I’ll be happy if they do.
“Does this change your plans to move?” Tara asked.
Since I had decided to move west, Oregon has always been my target. I’ve talked to everyone I could who has been to Oregon. Some of the discussions touched on California, and I’ll admit that the large valley I heard about in California had piqued my interest. Unfortunately, last I heard, California was still part of Mexico, although there seems to be a battle being fought for control.
“I’ll admit that the news about finding gold in California makes that big valley I heard about sound good. I can’t believe it takes more than a week to ride from one end to the other,” I replied.
“Are you going to California to look for gold?” Tara asked.
“No, if I went, I would stay far away from wherever the gold is. That kind of wealth attracts trouble. You’ve seen me here. I didn’t go crazy when we found the gold. We worked at it each year. I finally found the vein high up on one of the ridges. After blasting out ten feet of the quartz the gold was in, I decided that it wasn’t worth risking a gold rush here,” I replied. “I want to find some of the fertile soil and the lack of snow they’re supposed to have in Oregon.”
That afternoon, my family, the former slaves, and the former trappers met in the old living quarters of the cave. It was the only indoor place big enough for everyone to gather. Everyone in the valley had learned that I planned to follow the trail west to Oregon this coming summer since we had discussed it as soon as I got back from St. Louis last April. With the Indians accepting that I wanted to move and everyone else that was excited about leaving, we planned our crops and made sure that our plans for the rest of the year left us prepared to depart. We also made sure we would be leaving everything those who stayed here would want and need.
In order to leave everything that was needed, we’d have to buy more things to take with us, but overall, we were in good shape. We had a lot more copper this year, taking more than sixteen hundred pounds with us now that we had more experience with both mining and the stamping mill. I even cheated with the gold a bit. I had six of the former slaves who intended to go west with us work on the deposit. From higher up on the ridge where the mine was, they dumped buckets of loose ore into a chute we built to guide the ore into a wagon that had been lined with canvas. We took ten wagonloads of ore to the stamping mill and crushed it before halting our operation at the gold mine. Several of the women panned what was left after the stamping mill crushed the ore and the copper smelters smelted the gold they recovered into ingots. We have ninety-six pounds of gold to take back east with us this year and I plan to pass it off as California gold.
We also have thirty barrels of Dad’s moonshine to sell in St. Louis this year and will have thirty to take to Oregon next year, as well as twenty barrels of slightly aged whiskey.
1849 trip to St. Louis
The Missouri River was clearer of ice than I’d ever seen it on the way to St. Louis. Once we had the raft on our side and everything was ready, we began shuttling people and wagons across the river, a process that took most of the day. Once again, I was the last person to cross, along with Striking Eagle. Although I stood beside him, I let him steer the raft this year. As with my first trip, I always tied a rope around myself. We tied one around Striking Eagle, too. The other end is tied to somebody’s horse. If we fall in, the rider takes off on his horse to a predetermined point that would leave us lying in the mud along the bank of the river. Fortunately, we’ve never needed it.
There was a new man in charge of the Council Bluffs trading post this year, but he’d evidently talked to the rest of our people and was waiting for me when I got across.
“Is it true that you take widders and orphans from the different Indian tribes to your home?” he asked me.
When I confirmed it, he continued, “The Oto and Omaha was buttin’ heads last summer. They brought fifteen Oto widders with eight young’uns and the Omaha brought six widders and seven young’uns, sayin’ you’d take them back with you,” he explained.
“Do you have enough food for them to last five more weeks?” I asked. I paid him for the food they’d eaten and for what they would need for the next five weeks. I even left the rest of the buffalo we killed yesterday. Striking Eagle assured the man that he would continue to accept widows and orphans. He was immensely proud that we were able to take them in. Without us, if they were lucky, their husband’s brother or another male relative would take them in. Otherwise, widows and orphans were at risk of starving if the tribe didn’t have food to spare.
Then the man told me that the nearby Mormons wanted to see me, although Striking Eagle and I had already expected that message. Since the steamboat wasn’t due for another day or two, Striking Eagle and I hurried to the nearby predominantly Mormon town of Kane. Unlike the temporary town they had built across the river, this was a permanent settlement. The settlers here would help current and future Mormon emigrants by providing shelter through the winter if necessary, as well as food and supplies.
Even though I always agreed, they always asked if their wagons could go with ours. I always knew who to ask to see when I got to Kane because that person had been in the party of men on horseback who stopped at our place on the most recent trip east. They stopped to say “hello,” to introduce themselves, and to ask again if their wagons could go with us in the spring. They usually spent a day or two with us, recuperating and letting their animals rest. They also usually bought a large quantity of our favorite medicinal herb to take east with them.
This year, I introduced them to Striking Eagle, reminding them that I was headed for Oregon almost as soon as we returned from St. Louis. This trip to St. Louis would be my last. Striking Eagle assured them that their wagons would continue to be welcome to travel with ours.
On this, my final trip, I spent more than usual, but I was buying things to take to Oregon. I bought a wagon full of canvas, two wagons full of glass jars, plenty of cast iron pipe, pumps for the windmills, pitcher pumps, and fittings to install six windmills and to pipe water to our cabins, the barn, and our crops.
I didn’t buy a steam engine for a lumber mill because the rivers in Oregon didn’t freeze, although I did buy everything else we needed for a lumber mill. I also bought the hand tools we’d need and didn’t already have enough of. I had yet another of Tara’s lists for the tools. We compiled it from her original lists and then noted what tools we already had and how many of each. The list of things to buy included five of the fancy horse-drawn reapers. It was a good thing that they came unassembled and packed neatly in a wooden crate or they would each have required a separate wagon.
We bought all the India rubber cloth I could find in every town we visited, sure that it would be a big seller at the trading post with all the miners headed to California, along with the canvas we bought. It was a good thing that Tara had kept her lists of things we bought. That way, we had a better starting place for this shopping trip. I let the gunsmiths in Lexington, Louisville, and Jeffersonville know that I wouldn’t be back to buy rifles again because I was moving to Oregon, but someone else would be here later in the spring next year to pick up the rifles I ordered.
Our entire family had come back to see my brother Daniel one final time. When he heard that we were going to Oregon to farm, he wanted to come with us. He was fed up with witnessing the increasing abuse heaped upon local slaves, especially those who escaped. He also missed being around the rest of the family. The Negroes who worked for him wanted to come, too. Some of the Negroes from the New Hope Plantation asked to go with us, too. Even with several people leaving the plantation, they still had enough help. Each year, more free Negroes heard about the New Hope Plantation and worked there now. They had asked Daniel to buy a farm adjacent to the plantation, giving him the money. They didn’t think the owner would sell it to Negroes.
Willy took me aside and asked if I felt up to helping eighteen more slaves escape--eleven men, five women, and two girls. The escaped slaves were hiding in the former slave huts. If any white men arrived, they hid in a concealed root cellar under the huts. Evidently, my brother and the Negroes working for him had discovered nearly half of them and helped them reach the plantation before they could be recaptured. The others made it there on their own.
Our family discussed it and Tara had a great idea. Tara and I wrote letters of manumission using the names of freed slaves who were still at our place near Fort John, and then had Belle forge the signature of the clerk. Yet again, her forged signature looked identical to the original, although it was a different signature than Mr. Greene’s. We managed to find enough clothing that fit the escaped slaves so they looked like they belonged in our group. Fortunately, most of the adult runaway slaves knew how to handle a team.
Even Tara’s parents decided to go to Oregon with us. I was surprised that both their farm and my brother’s large farm sold within two days of posting a notice in Lexington. They even got a good price for the land. The only bad part about the sale was that the man who bought the two farms planned to bring in slaves and start a new tobacco plantation. Our original farm, the two I bought to make it larger, and Tara’s family farm made a large plot of land that already had most of the necessary buildings. The windmills and water tanks made the property even more valuable.
Even though I didn’t ask him to, Daniel paid me back what I had spent to buy the two adjacent farms. He explained that they had made a lot of money each year by working all three farms. We managed to buy enough farm wagons to hold their belongings, as well as all the goods I bought in Lexington and the surrounding towns, especially heavy clothing for the escaped slaves we were taking with us.
I’d made one trip to a town east of the farm and two trips into Lexington to buy wagons, wood to raise the sides of the wagons, wood to install bows in the wagons and to make the extended covers for the drivers, canvas to cover the wagons, and linseed oil for the canvas. I also bought whatever goods I could find in the area to take back with us since they were cheaper here than in St. Louis, even taking the cost of the steamboat trip into consideration. On two of the three trips, a group of six men looking for runaway slaves accosted me, insisting that the “slaves” with me were some of their runaways when they were really some of the slaves from the Greene Plantation that I had previously emancipated.
The encouraging thing was that I had the same four “slaves” with me both times they stopped us. They remembered me the second time, but thought I had four new slaves with me. After arguing with them for ten minutes, I insisted that they accompany me into Lexington to the clerk’s office so he could verify that I had freed the slaves years ago. Grudgingly, they agreed. They were stunned when they learned how many slaves I had emancipated--and were pretty upset with me about it. The clerk was relieved to learn that I didn’t have more paperwork for him to process.
When our wagon caravan finally left for St. Louis, we passed the men yet again. With the two ten-year-old girls separated and hidden beneath the driver’s seats of two wagons (in the spaces we used to hide copper ingots, our money, and the gold we panned), the men contented themselves with counting the number of Negroes in our wagon train. Since many of the former slaves I had emancipated were still at the New Hope Plantation or Fort John, the number with us was far less than the number that the clerk in Lexington told them I had emancipated.
I was surprised on the trip to Louisville to learn that Daniel had only been that far once before. Even though he was six years older than I was, aside from that one time, Mount Sterling was the farthest he’d been from home--unless he’d gone farther during one of the winter hunting trips when he accompanied me.
“Even if you weren’t going to Oregon, I was almost ready to go with you,” he said. “You’ve traveled more than a thousand miles from home and only once have I been more than fifty miles away. Every spring you have exciting new tales to tell about your new home and your new life. You’ve met and befriended more Indian tribes than I can keep track of. You’ve seen the fabled Mississippi and Missouri Rivers and the Great Plains that I see constantly mentioned in the newspaper and story books.
“I can’t even envision those places, yet you’ve come to know them well enough to guide dozens and even hundreds of people unerringly across the vast distance of the plains between your home and the Missouri River. Heck, you even built a raft big enough to carry your group across the Ohio River in the middle of the winter.
“I thought we were doing well financially here, but I know how many wagons you just bought, and how much those wagons and mules cost. Dad says that you earned more than $3,000 this year just from the copper you sold, and nearly $20,000 selling the gold you panned from your stream.
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(This CHOYA is an adapatation of a quest I ran on another site that was an adaptation of my other CHOYA. Enjoy!) (Source: A perfect opportunity. That's what the General had called it after telling you about the mission. A way to make a name for yourself. The military always had places for those willing to do what needed to be done. Especially when that involved taking a newly formed platoon and deep striking behind enemy...
Hack Kaiser was a worried man as the Beast Master led him through two sets of high, electrified, gates topped with razor-wire. The sign above the first set of ultra-secure gates read, "Black Bear Products' Bear Park — Conservation Program". The facility looked like an old army barracks with row upon row of huts. Hack realized that most of the "huts" he could see were, in fact, lines of roofed cages. In each cage he could see there was a bear. A few people, naked or in rags, were at...
Escape Ch.6 At long last, I have managed to finish this chapter. My apology for the long wait but your comments and review motivated me to find whatever time possible for me to complete it. Thank you. As usual, I crave to hear from you readers. Let me know if you like it or even chip in your ideas. You readers will always be my inspiration. Thanks! WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and brief narrations of rape. Home Invasion Seventeen year old Rachel...
It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...
57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...
"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...
I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...
So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...
Hentai Porn SitesEscape Ch.5 As always, I'm grateful for all your feedback and comments. It absolutely inspired me. Thank you. This release took longer for release as I was writing another identity theft series called Revenge. But I'm glad that it's finished and I hope to hear from you readers. Thanks! WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations and incest Farewell Little Brother The relatives, friends and neighbors gathered as they listen to Oliver Wilson's moving speech about his son...
The woods seemed to go on and on, broken only by the odd deserted cottage and broken stonework which must have represented some old temple or other. The two friends found very little to eat, but resourcefulness was a new skill they’d learnt: they’d actually prepared for this long walk by buying more food with them than they could eat in a single sitting. And fucking heavy it was too. As they plodded along, they wondered whether there might not be some wild animals in the wood, but the fiercest...
Escape Ch.4 Thanks for all the kind comments and constructive criticisms on the series so far. This chapter will be darker than the previous ones. However, I do hope to receive your feedbacks, suggestions or even which direction would you like the story to go. I hope you like this chapter as well. WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and a brief narration of rape. His Love Scott Pearson was a confident man. His self-assuring demeanor arises from his...
Escape: The Inventor's Plot This is not a sequel or prequel but merely the events which happened behind the scenes of Chapter 9 in Escape. However, it doesn't mean that there won't be a twist at the end of this short story. Read on to find out. Credit to Doc VS for the editing. WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations and incest. The single mom After all of what life had been throwing at her lately, Carla Smith could really sit back and consider herself a...
The walk back across the field was much faster than my crawl around it had been. Tara was excited that we were going to help slaves escape. I realized that we could be shot for doing it, but we could also be shot just because Mr. Tyler and his sons were assholes. At least this was a worthy cause. Then again, so was ridding the county of the Tyler brothers. My dad and Wanda should have gone to the sheriff this afternoon, so Mr. Tyler had probably started rounding up men to look for us by...
Part 3 Chapter 3A After her shower, as she was standing, nude, at the kitchen sink, Judy heard Sid fumbling around in the exercise room. Sid was always messing around with something around the house or out in the garage/workroom. It really didn't matter to her what he did. Judy was just happy to keep house for him and encourage him to screw her every chance he got. Knowing he was happy made her happy. She was totally wrapped up in doing nice things for him. She especially wanted to...
EscapeI was bored. There’s no other way to describe it. Life was boring.My girlfriend and I had been together for several years, and we had just reached that point in the relationship where I think we both knew that it wasn’t going to go much further.Our sex life had always been good, but lately it seemed that neither one of us really put any effort into it. She always welcomed our lovemaking, but was the passive partner.That’s when I started looking at the Personal ads online.Most of the ads...
Author's note: This story could be the beginning of a continuing series, though it stands on it's own. If there is any call for it I may continue the plot in another few instalments. ESCAPE PLAN Fred Wilkins sat in the center of the lumpy mattress surveying his tiny room with its barred windows. He was grateful that he had the space to himself; it annoyed him to be forced into quarters with the lunatics that inhabited the institution. At least it had been quiet when he had been...
Escape Ch.9 Hi readers! I'm back with another release to the 'Escape' series. Depending on how things go, I'm sad to say that the next chapter will likely be the last chapter. In so, it will also likely to take longer until the next release. However, I hope to continue writing other stories and improving. Please don't forget to comment and thanks for all the inspiring reviews. WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations and incest. Undeniable Discovery "Dude, I'm telling...
Sharon eventually got to sleep after tossing and turning in the dark fetid heat, crammed between Sweetness’ and Tracey’s own hot bodies, and long after the moaning and gasping ceased from the mattress where Buttercup was sleeping with Joy. When she awoke it was on a lumpy mattress sodden with sweat and the strange sensations of a slobbery tactile probing in her vagina. As she blinked in the dark, her legs were wide open and she was enjoying the sensation despite herself. What was the feeling?...
To be able to afford their holiday in Buggery, both Sharon and Tracey had told several white lies about their financial wealth: lies that they hoped wouldn’t catch up with them while they were on holiday. Perhaps the lies weren’t that small, but the girls were somewhat naVve as to what they were likely to get away with. At first these lies didn’t worry them while they were enjoying so much themselves in Throb. Throb was an aptly named resort they found, as this was exactly what their cunts did...
I've said a number of times that it is difficult for me to describe parts of my old life. Imagine your worst nightmare. Go ahead, do it. Now, imagine it continuing for twenty-four hours every day, without interruption. Imagine that nightmare continuing every day of every week for well over five years without a single break. I didn't have to imagine it. I lived it; that was my life. I hated it. It was hell on earth, and that doesn't even begin to describe it. I was the sexual plaything...
Escape From Two Prisons by Miri Jack Lewis had made a mistake. Being found at a Malaysian airport with a parcel of diamonds that had mysteriously become almost a kilogram of heroin usually meant a death sentence. He knew from the lack of surprise on the faces of the arresting police officers that he had been set up. However the evidence was indefensible and he had no important contacts in the country with sufficient influence to bribe the appropriate authorities. He was convicted and...
Buttercup’s skills extended far beyond the sensual as Sharon and Tracey became increasingly aware as they continued their tramp through the woods. It was she who told them how to orientate their progress on the map by reference to the position of the Sun and its height in the sky. This meant that they were able to get further away from the wall, which, as Buttercup reminded them, was probably not very safe when there was almost certainly a hunt being organises for her. ‘They wouldn’t like to...
Saturday March 18, 1843 We’d just returned from delivering the milk to the kitchen when Samuel told us that we’d arrive at our destination soon, so we quickly ate breakfast and started preparing to leave the steamboat. When we were about an hour away, we saddled the horses and got the mules ready to hook up to the wagons so we could unload them. I took the time to water the fruit trees and the bees, and to check on the piglets and chickens. I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe a small...
Sunday March 12, 1843 We spent this morning going over our lists. I was amazed that we had everything from every list, as well as a lot of things we had added when we saw them. The one thing not on the lists that I’d seen and wondered about was a small set of mill wheels. They were big enough to grind grain and would need water or animal power to turn them, but were much smaller than the wheels at the big, commercial mill along the Kentucky River back home. We were still debating the mill...
Neither Tracey nor Buttercup went to work in the factory the following day: the excuse being that they needed to exchange the proceeds of their day’s labour for more immediately edible items. Neither of them could live on chicken alone. They sought out Theta Seven Six Seven Five. She was very impressed by the wealth of returns the girls had got from their single day there. In fact, she seemed very envious. “I’ve never done as well as this!” she exclaimed. “The men obviously took quite a shine...
Tracey and Buttercup hurriedly jumped up: Tracey pulling on her blouse and checking that she still had her bag with her precious passport inside. One thing was sure, a noise like that did not bode well. Buttercup gathered herself together more quickly than her lover, but nothing could disguise the look of real alarm on her face. “What the fuck do we do?” asked Tracey. “And where’s Sharon?” “It’s best not to worry about her,” Buttercup replied, wiping traces of Sharon’s vaginal juices from her...
Monday March 18, 1844 We finished unloading the wagon that held the tables and chairs and unloading a second wagon of handmade furniture as well. When both were empty, we headed for Lexington. By the time we headed home, we had three more wagons, each with a team of six mules, as well as six extra mules. I paid half as much for the mules here as they sold for in St. Louis. I can’t even imagine what they’d sell for in Independence and St. Joseph. We filled two wagons with lumber. One was...
Chapter 1: Down On Her Luck Nancy was out of options. After high school, she had a short modeling career. With her long black hair, dark piercing eyes, and dark complexion, she had the looks, but her temper always got her in trouble. She landed a bit-role in a daytime soap, but was let go after her first episode; again, her mouth. She fell flat on her face as a stand-up comic. She dabbled in magic, and was extremely competent at it too, but just didn't have the stage presence. She tried...
Chapter 1 Walter pressed himself into the mud and held his ears tight. The noise alone was all-enveloping, allowing no thoughts. His eyes were shut tight, his lips pressed together, every orifice clenched. He was rolled into a ball in a futile attempt to protect his vital organs as he was spattered with earth falling from the sky. His elbows tucked against his knees, he lay still. The screaming of the shells and the explosions continued around him, rocking the very planet. He was pelted by...
II When the tour arrived at the King Richard the Sixteenth Airport at Throb, they were carefully segregated from any local passengers who were arriving. They saw very little of the Airport, in fact, but felt cheated by having to pay Entry Taxes they hadn’t anticipated. They were then bundled with all the other tourists onto a coach which drove them from the Airport to their hotel, the Second Honeymoon. On the journey they could see through the coach windows what Throb had to offer. This was a...
I was working in the US Embassy in Saigon towards the end of the war. I wish I could say that I was doing something glamorous, or exciting, like a CIA operative or a military attaché, but I was just another pencil pusher. I had actually put in for this assignment, wanting to do my part to “save the world from the Red Menace,” but it didn’t take too long for disillusionment to set in. The South Vietnamese didn’t really like us and had no interest in American-style democracy. We were just...
Sharon's recollection of her rape and that of Sweetness by the Buggery soldiers was confused and painful. She had never known that sex could be so horrible, and she was sure she'd known horrible sex before. Even non-consensual, when the bloke in the car park who she'd been avoiding all night had fucked her in that brutal way. But that was almost fun compared to the horrors of the brutal and seemingly never-ending rape she'd endured on the Buggery battlefield. She knew that her arse and...
Juliette Kaiser had the best view of the new act. From her vantage point astride Adolf Thiler's lap she had a clear sight of the modified saw horse where it sat in the center of the stage. Her immediate concern however was with Thiler's hard cock. He had rammed it firmly into her anus and it seemed to grow bigger as he thrust it deeper into her body. His hands now grasped her firm young breasts and he used them as handles to lift her after each penetration. Juliette struggled to take the...