Onlyfan's LiaChapter 4 - Finally, A First Date free porn video

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So this was it.

A week and a couple of days had passed since Lia had made her bet of how many $3 photos she could sell of her as Miss Puzzle sat on the kitchen stool, all demure’n’shit like. She’d said two dozen, I’d said more. Ever since they went live on her OnlyFans - I’d had an alert, and of course I’d bought one - she’d absolutely refused to say, hint, or even acknowledge how many she’d sold until this morning. Her only communication on the matter was that we agreed that tonight, Tuesday next, was to be our date night, and that I was paying, meaning I’d won and she’d sold more that two dozen.

Right on cue and 7pm the doorbell rang, and as I opened the door, I was greeted by a beaming Lia, dressed in another of what I was beginning to think might be her trademarked slip dresses, this one an equally brief affair in emerald green with a slightly scooped neck, thin spaghetti straps, and matched with almost heelless sandals in a dark green. In place of a clutch purse she had a micro bag slung over her left shoulder. In green. Sequins. Of course it was.

“Wow,” I smiled as I waved her towards the car and closed the door behind me and.

“Pretty, huh?” Lia asked as she skipped down the path.

“You certainly are.”

Lia chuckled as she stopped by the car, turning one way then the other, flourishes rampant as she showed off. “I meant the dress.”

“Also very pretty.”

“Oh, it’s ‘very pretty’ now, is it?”


“Well this date’s off to a good start,” she said as we got into the car and set off, threading our way out of town.

“A good start, but still a secretive one,” I said as we turned down the smaller roads.

“Not enough to know you won?”

“I’m happy I won, of course, but you can’t blame me for also wondering how many photos you actually sold? Say as of this evening?” I tried.

Lia smiled. “Enough to pay for this dress.”

“Well I’m not up on the prices of women’s dresses, but you make it look like it wasn’t from Primarche.”

“God no!” Lia gasped at my slanderously humorous suggestion. “Silk is not cheap, Jim. Luxurious, but absolutely not cheap.”


Lia nodded. “And matching panties.”

“Not ... a detail I imagined I’d be learning. Okay, I’ll bite. Your panties? Matching silk or matching green?”


“Impressive co-ordination, but no bra?”

Lia smiled. “Couldn’t keep that secret, could I?”

“I felt like it was being pointed out for me,” I teased, Lia’s nipples perkily reflecting her happy mood.

“Well for your information mister checks-my-tits, I do have the bra. Tonight? Hanging up all nice’n’neat like back home,” Lia confirmed as she sat back in her chair, highlighting Leftie and Rightie even more before she theatrically looked at one, then the other, then me. “Well, we had said the evening would end on a kiss, so maybe I’m a little ‘up’ for that?” she grinned.

“I’d never have guessed.”

“There is one thing,” Lia said.

“What’s that?”

“Can you find a layby?”

“I guess, er, give me a minute?” I said, slightly puzzled as we diverted a little from how I was planning on getting to our destination, finding a layby on Lia’s side of the road. “This okay?” I asked as I pulled in and pulled on the brake.

Lia paused a moment and looked side to side before breaking out in a grin. “Perfect,” said as she eased herself up in her seat, reached under her dress, and wriggled out of the world’s briefest g-string in impressively matching emerald green. Winking at me, she balled it up neatly into almost nothing and slipped it into her bag. “Okay, we can go now,” she beamed with satisfaction as she settled back down into her chair.

“Right. Er, care to explain?” I asked as I pulled us back into, well I can’t call it traffic as there wasn’t any, but it’s the thought that counts.

Lia grinned. “Jim, just ‘cause you’ve seen so much of my fanny before, it doesn’t mean it’s the same, seeing it tonight.”

“I get that, but taking them off already... ?”

Lia shrugged. “Life can be full of surprises...”

“Lia, since you knocked my door a few weeks ago looking for a photographer my life has been full of repeated surprises.”


“That’s not going to change, either, is it?”

Lia grinned. “Wanna guess?”

“No need, no need at all,” I said as we fell quiet, the country lanes soon bringing us to the little village and their little pub which I knew had a surprisingly good little restaurant if you were in the mood for a little ‘pub grub’. I’d checked, and Lia was very happy with my choice, and not just by a little.

“Oh, er, Jim?” Lia said as we pulled up.


“Can you, er, stand in front of me when I get out of the car? Please?”

“There are paparazzi around?” I asked, guessing her ‘problem’.

“No, but there are some people outside enjoying a drink and, er, I’m not planning on adding to their enjoyment.”

“Quite right too,” I chuckled as I got out, Lia waiting for me to open her door and offer her a hand out, blocking anyone’s view of anything other than my back as she got out.

“I owe you,” she whispered as I closed the door and locked the car.

“I think you’ve already paid,” I said as we walked inside.

“Not yet...” Lia answered, making me wonder what she had in mind to add to her little partial striptease in the layby.

“No? Then I await the next instalment with interest,” I said, taking her hand in mine as we went up to the bar, confirmed our reservation, and were ushered towards one of the little booths that stretched all the way back along the one side of the pub, presumably with the kitchen on the other side if the meaty smells were anything to go by.

“Safe or adventurous?” I asked as we opened our menus.

“Safe, definitely safe. I can’t get saucy wearing nothing but this dress and some perfume. Oh, and shoes.”

“And shoes, of course. Not saucy. Got it,” I teased, quickly scanning the options.

“Although it’s not saucy, not exactly, but I am planning to recklessly go straight for main plus desert and skip the starter. Care to come all abandoned with me?”

“Not hungry?”

“Not wanting to feel stuffed ... with food,” Lia smirked.

“In that case, I was thinking of partridge and cheesecake, though not on the same plate.”

Lia nodded. “So you’re not that adventurous, haha. Okay, for the sake of conventionality, I’ll go for veal and the summer fruits bowl, separate plates too, but, er, can you order for me?”

“Of course. Any reason?” I asked before I called over the waiter.

“This dress.”


Lia nodded. “I’m thinking it’s not such a good choice when someone’s standing over me...”

“Ah. Well in that case, allow me,” I said as I called over the waiter and made sure I was monopolising his attention as our order was taken and two glasses of zero cider were brought in short order.

“Jim, I have a little confession to make about this dress.”

“You mean it’s not silk?” I gasped in mock horror.

“Oh it’s silk, very nice silk, and you can probably tell I love the feel of it,” she said, chuckling as she gave herself a little jiggling, her nipples captivating my attention. Leftie and Rightie seemingly permanent guests this evening. “Thing is though, that photo of me? It sort of kind of didn’t exactly pay for this dress...”


Lia shook her head. “You see, when I get my money from OnlyFans, they take 20%, and then there’s tax to pay each year, so for every dollar, I get something like 50c or 60c. Roughly. Oh, and I get paid monthly, and I’ve not yet had this month’s money. So I kind of robbed Peter to pay Paul.”

“Well I’m not normally in favour of robbery...”

“But when it’s in a good cause in green silk?”

I nodded.

“Glad we agree, but this dress though? I kind of treated myself a little.”

“Lia? I’m trying not to pry into your business affairs, but I’m a little concerned. You said I’d won, but I’m confused. Your photo did well enough to pay for a silk dress, but it also didn’t quite?” I asked.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind you knowing. So. You know I said I was using it as my first teaser for Miss Puzzle on Patreon and that I was asking $3 for it? Well, the ticket on this dress was... £85.”

I did the math. “So if you convert that back to dollars, reinclude the tax that’s been deducted...”

Lia nodded. “As of this morning, I’ve sold 37 photos. I kind of paid myself without the deductions so I owe myself some but, Jim, your photo of me as Miss Puzzle sold 37 times over and that’s without them seeing any fanny and my arms were covering up my nips.”

“Well then I think congratulations are in order. I take it Miss Puzzle is going to fully launch?”

“Damn right she is, and there’s been a knock on with OnlyFans as I’ve had a few move up to toptier.”

I smiled and raised my glass in salute. “Here’s to cute blonde catgirls,” I said, Lia clinking her glass to mine and we just having time to take a sip before I spotted the waiter coming our way, any further conversation temporarily on hold until he had gone and we had each at least tried our meals, each declaring them to be ‘bloody good’.

“You know this means more work for you,” Lia said. “I need to take a lot more Miss Puzzle photos now, and that’s on top of the plushies.”

“So the orchard shoot at the end of next week... ?”

“I need more ideas, Jim, more I tells you!” Lia grinned.

“Er, not to get all crazy tinfoil hat she’s real about this, but how does Miss Puzzle see herself being photographed?”

“She ... ah. That’s a good question, isn’t it?”

“And if she can answer it for you, that leaves you with only the plushies to think about.”

“Ooh, speaking of. Please tell me you’re not a cliché and that you like shopping?”

I smiled. “Depends on the company and the shopping.”

“Hmm, company’s me, so that’s a ‘fuck yes’, right?”

I chuckled. “Not quite how I’d have put it, but yes, I can imagine a little shopping in your company to not be the worst thing in the world.”

“Not the worst? You rat! For that you’re buying me dinner!” Lia pouted.

“I thought I already was.”

“You were? Okay, so maybe you’ll have to buy me something when we go shopping to make up for buying me dinner today.”

Ignoring the imploding logical implications of Lia’s conclusion I instead asked, “Perhaps if I knew what we were shopping for or when... ?”

“Plushies. Bears’n’plushies to be a bit more exact about it. I’ve not bought any new for a while, and if my OnlyFans is going to expand the way like it looks like it is, I need to add maybe a couple or three to the menagerie. Needs shaking up a little anyway, more variety to my partners, y’know.”

“And where were you planning on going for those?” I asked, our little town having many things but not those kinds of things. “Birmingham?” I suggested, wondering if they had such shops tucked away somewhere.

Lia shook her head. “I know a woman. She has a little shop, kind of,” she said, naming the village which if it was the one I thought it was, it wasn’t all that far away, maybe a lazy hour by car. How had Lia got there before? Evil taxi fare I guessed. Lia continued. “She’s mostly mail order, but you can pre-arrange a visit if she knows you and you’re going to buy not just prod. She knows me. I don’t prod, haha. So, you up for a road trip?”

“I’ve this week and next,” I said, gently reminding Lia that I had an office job to keep me from running off with her whenever and wherever she wanted.

Lia shook her head. “I know but any chance you can ‘throw a sickie’ in say two weeks? She doesn’t exactly keep normal hours and I’ve not called yet. Miss Puzzle’s success kind of prompted me to think I should be doing a little more than I am. Not a rut, just kind of drifting as I struggled with Sequins who never suggested shit other than I should look like I’m fucking a fucking bear the shithead.”

“Quite,” I said, Lia’s curse-filled rants still shocking to me. “Sickies? Not my style. Let me know some dates and I’ll sweet-talk HR into a day off.”

“Cool. Anyway, I’ve got enough bears’n’plushies and ideas to keep us busy for now but I can feel I’ll need more options fairly soon.”

“Speaking of new ideas, sort of,” I said as I remembered something I’d read in an interview with an author talking about awkward characters. “Would it help if I were to ask you some questions about Miss Puzzle, so I can get an idea where I need to learn how to take photos?”

“Hmm, interesting idea. Okay, ask your questions, I’ll pass them on and let you know what she says,” Lia grinned as she looked at her plate, mostly eaten, and decided she was done, cutlery neatly laid slightly to the right on her plate as she sipped some more of her cider.

“Okay, first question, aside from the orchard and the kitchen, which does she prefer, indoor or outdoor?”

Lia looked thoughtful for a moment. “Actually, outdoor. That a problem?”

“Once I’ve looked on YouTube for someone to teach me how to shoot outdoors, no. Of course if it’s raining or snowing or–”

“Ah. Jim?”


“Miss Puzzle is insisting very, and I do mean very firmly, that though she loves the outdoors, she also loves being warm, hot even, but absolutely not cold or wet.”

“Duly noted. So does she like to pose and vamp and vogue, or does she want me to, er, ‘catch her by the lens’ without her knowing it?”

“Ooh, that’s interesting,” Lia said, so genuinely that it sounded like the answer was coming as a surprise to her as well as it would be to me. “Okay, so I know the $3 green silk dress shot was posed, so she’s okay to try more of those, but she’d prefer natural over posed.”

I nodded. “Just so I’ve got this straight in my head, this means we have to take the photos over the next couple of months while we can find sunny days, and that we need to take enough to keep you supplied with at least one set per month until next spring at least, plus Miss Puzzle’s Boudoir shots for colder days and little teasers, that right?”

Lia nodded. “I like the idea of a boudoir, I’ve never had a boudoir before. Er, what exactly is a boudoir?”

I smiled as I realised, “I’m not sure I quite know the answer to that. Somewhere where you feel the most sexy, I’d guess.”

Lia shrugged. “Well I’ve already got my second bedroom turned over into a studio so I don’t know where Miss P’s boudoir could be.”

“Coloured light-bulbs and some furry throws over the bed?” I suggested.

“That’s ... actually, that’s not half bad at all. I’ll need to check out how others make their studios. I just, er, used my spare bedroom and ‘girlied’ it up a little, but people who remake their rooms? That might be an idea.”

“Okay, er, ready for another?”

“You’re on a roll tonight,” Lia smiled.

“Don’t know about that but how is Miss Puzzle on dressup?”

Lia shook her head, smiling as she asked, “How is my furry alter ego on having an alter ego of her own?”

“Not really. What I was meaning was, have you thought about some makeup? Face paint? Maybe some body paint? Something to make you look more cat like?”

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5 years ago
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First Date

Ken turned the water on in the shower, and waited for it to warm up. He had already spent most of the day getting ready; collecting the tux and other accessories from the hire shop, going to the barber for a haircut and a shave, even spending fifteen minute polishing his shoes until they gleamed. He was as nervous as a teenager taking a girl out for the first time. He smiled to himself as he looked down at the freshly trimmed pubic hair; it was the first time he had done any 'manscaping', but...

2 years ago
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Real First Date

First Real Date: One day Mom said one of her boyfriend’s nephew who was 17 (a couple years older than I was) was openly gay.. She told me she set up a date for us. My heart pounded being asked out as a girl. She said I she would take me to meet him when the time came. Well, a few days later she told me the boy would meet me and wanted to take me out to the movies. He had a driver’s license and could use his brother’s car. On that Saturday, she picked out my outfit a cute black pleased skirt,...

4 years ago
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The Fifth Date

The Fifth Date By Sarah Goodwoman Chapter 1 Scott paced back and forth with looking at his cell phone in his hand. He was only a half hour away from having his fifth date with Monica and was making big decision. He was either going to cancel the date or go through with it. He strongly wanted to enjoy the evening with Monica, he found her wonderful, yet he knew that if they had their date it ended their budding relationship. Scott knew it will end his relationship, the fifth date...

2 years ago
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First Date

My First DateBy: HornyJ My date went well Wednesday night. Jake and I met a few weeks ago at the library whenwe both reached for the same Kellerman book. Jake told me to go ahead and take it, andhe'd check it out when I was done. We got talking about authors we liked, and after a while heasked if I'd like to meet him for coffee sometime. I said sure, and told him I'm usually at thelibrary Tuesday afternoon. He met me there the next week, and we went out for coffee. Samethe following week, but...

4 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

4 years ago
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Things Girls Always Notice on a Date

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

4 years ago
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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

1 year ago
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Everyone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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OnlyFans girls have exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. They have been an instant hit with many guys, such as myself. What can I say? I’m a sucker for real amateur girls showing me their pussies! I can’t help it! Before OnlyFans, we had cam girls, and before those, we had porn. We still have all those things, so it might be the case that something else is better for you instead of OnlyFans. But, if you’re like me and you like following hot girls online and waiting for them to...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Do you enjoy OnlyFans? I know I do. In fact, I spend a lot of my time on there, checking out the hottest girls on there. But sometimes I get bored of the same old same old and I want to see something new and exciting. Well, if you felt the same way, I know just the place where you can find the ideal chicks to watch and subscribe to. If you go to Reddit, and then check out the subreddit /r/onlyfanshottest, I think that you will find a lot of material to work with there. On it, you’ll find some...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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A Date

Dad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...

3 years ago
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The Test Date

Ra“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.Mmmmm her lips … and...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don't know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother's fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I'm twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

2 years ago
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That escalated quick Part 3 First date

Once I regain my composer I find out Sammy gave my chastity key to the guy I fucked on the sofa. I can't believe she just handed it over. "I thought you said I'd get the key back if I had sex with him?" I ask as the frustration starts to build. "You'll get it back," she replies calmly, "You just need to go on one date first." How can she be doing this? First she goes way overboard with the blowjobs, and then she gets me to fuck a guy, ok so the last part was kind of on me, but now she's...

4 years ago
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SRU The Prom Date

SRU - The Prom Date "I don't believe this!" said Paul as he arrived at his usual table to eat his dinner. "Don't believe what?" asked his best mate, Mark. "I've just asked Yvonne to go to the prom with me and she told me to get lost!" replied Paul. Paul had had his eyes on Yvonne for ages. Yvonne was one of the hottest looking girls in their year, her light auburn hair fell below her shoulders and her lips were begging to be kissed. "Oh, I'm sorry," said Mark, feeling sorry...

2 years ago
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Blossom First Date

"Sure, I understand," Nick said into the phone. "No, no hard feelings. Well, nice talking to you." "Shot down again, huh?" His son Anthony came ambling in from the kitchen. "Yeah," Nick said, "and thanks for the sympathy. Hey, are you doing anything Saturday night? Maybe we could rent a video, or..." "Sorry, Dad, no dice. I've got to work." Anthony plopped down in front of the TV as Nick's other son, Joey, came through the front door. "Hey, Joey," Anthony called out. "Dad...

3 years ago
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First Date

On our very first date, I anticipated my husband to be promiscuous and far more sexually advanced than I. Perhaps even a bit sexually aggressive, which made me cautiously choose my outfit as I got ready. I was definitely more nervous than usual for a first date. Not sure if it was because of my attraction to him or his bold manner. All I knew was it was the best invitation I'd had since moving to town six months ago. After picking me up, he asked if it would be ok if we stopped by to meet a few...

First Time
2 years ago
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Make That Date

(TG/F, transform, bondage) Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. Make that Date By Couture (c) 2002 Couture e-mail: [email protected] Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put...

4 years ago
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Joes Date

Joseph Fisher was an up and coming attorney in a prominent downtown law firm.His sharp mind and close attention to detail were assets that the partnersadmired. One day he would undoubtedly manage his own private practice, whichwas indeed his goal. The late twenties single man also made the rounds in town, frequenting themost popular night spots. His smooth style and good looks made him very invitingto the opposite gender. One particular evening he met a long legged foxy lady named Deidre,...

4 years ago
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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

2 years ago
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7th Date

Paul couldn't help grinning as he looked down at the woman nestled into his shoulder. A lock of her hair was tickling her nose, making it twitch as she slept. "Erica..." Nothing. "Ericaaaa..." "Hmmmph." Her eyes batted as the cobwebs started to clear. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she realized how she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her head with a start, and turned to look at the man sitting next to her on her couch. "Oh. Paul, I'm so sorry. That was rude." She glanced over...

5 years ago
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Hannah and Zack a Sex Date

A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...

3 years ago
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Chapter II A First Date

That night I found myself tossing and turning, wondering what exactly Lincoln had meant by those words.It’s a date.Romantic or not, this would probably be considered my first proper date. Sure, I had hung out with guys occasionally during high school… but I wouldn’t consider awkwardly making out with a guy at a party while he pawed at my chest a date.Rolling over towards my nightstand, I glanced at my phone. 2:15 AM. Sighing, I tried burrowing further into my blankets. Squeezing my eyes shut, I...

First Time
2 years ago
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First Date

First Date As the clock ticked its steady relentless way to 3 in the morning I tossed and turned another few times in our large bed. I glanced again at the clock and saw that just two minutes had passed since my last look. No point in asking myself where she was – I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. I had arranged it after all. And now I had some serious doubts and angst as I lay there, alone. Earlier I had been full of bravado, lust and vigour as I had watched her...

2 years ago
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Rhiannas Prom Date

Prom Date Ben Carter waited for all his peers to exit the classroom. His teacher Miss Jamieson had requested he stay behind for a few minutes. It was the end of the day on a Friday and a long weekend loomed. Ben was anxious to get back home. He suspected he knew what the teacher wanted to discuss, "So Ben, what am I going to do with you?" Miss Jamieson asked. She was an older lady with a kind smile and seemed genuinely concerned for Ben. Ben looked at her with a downcast look. "I...

4 years ago
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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear * I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don’t know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother’s fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I’m twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

3 years ago
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Annies First Date

It was almost 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. I was driving home from the hotel and I had a hundred different thoughts running through my head. On so many levels what I did tonight would be considered wrong by many women. I mean here I am, a happily married mother of two returning home from a date with a man who is not my husband with his cum leaking from my pussy and my asshole. It seems so wrong but it was so exciting too and my husband wanted me to do it and I wanted to do it too! For us it...

Wife Lovers
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The Perffct Date

Two days later, when the children came to live with their grandparents, Logan was nine, almost ten, and Beth was five. The children knew their grandparents but had not been around them enough to feel comfortable. Once the children were informed of their parents’ death, young Beth clung to her big brother and refused to be separated even for a short time. Logan was equally protective of his little sister. It took almost six months for them to sleep in separate bedrooms. Even then during...

2 years ago
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The FavorChapter 36 Another Date

"You have a date on Friday night," Jeff told me. He did this quite often. He would set up a date for me, and he would have the person tell me what they paid for the date. It was usually something quite insignificant, like helping Jeff out with a job or something like that. It always humiliated me to know that there were people out there ready to do anything that Jeff asked for, because they knew they would get a sure shot at me. Some of the guys that took me out made sure to tell me what...

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