In FluxChapter 3 free porn video

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When he pulled into the driveway he saw Joanie’s car. Damn the luck, he thought to himself; he’d been hoping she wouldn’t be there. Resigned, he got out of the car and walked to the front door. Unlocking the door he went and headed to the bedroom to get some clean clothes. Then he heard Joanie’s voice from the kitchen.

“Mike? Mike, dear God, where the hell have you been? Are you alright?” There was concern in her voice.

“Me, I’m fine, I just thought I’d spend a night on the town, why?”

“What do you mean, why? Because I was worried. Mike, what’s going on? What’s gotten into you?”

“What’s gotten into ME? That’s a good one,” he was actually laughing now. “Well, I went for a little ride last night, just cruising. I went to Kmart, then I cruised over to the Out-Of-Towner Motel parking lot. After that I didn’t feel the need to come home.”

He was still smiling as he watched her face. There was an odd expression as his words sank in. At first she went into denial.

“Mike, what are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

“Give it up Joanie, don’t play that game.”

“Mike, you’re making some sort of mistake, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“No mistake, darling, you’re forgetting what I do for a living. I can recognize cars, yours and I’ll know that Seville when I see it again. So, the question isn’t what’s gotten into me, it’s who’s gotten into you? Oh, and that damned sombrero, or whatever the hell it was you were wearing, yeah, that really fooled me. HA!”

“You’re disgusting.”

“And you’re as pure as the driven snow,” again laughing he shook his head. “You’ve been caught Joanie, face up to it like an adult not like the spoiled brat you are. For once in your life act like a grown up for Christ’s sake.”

He wasn’t prepared for her reaction, it was one of anger rather than the shame or contriteness one would have expected. She attempted to turn the table on him.

“What have you been doing anyway, spying on me?”

“Why not? I had good reason to,” his calmness surprised himself. “You’re the one who’s been cheating, not me.”

“Well, did it ever occur to you that if you’d spent more time at home with me, instead of spending all your time at work, then maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t feel the need to look elsewhere for some attention?”

“No, because the reason I spent so much time at Herring’s was so I could pay for all the shit that you wanted. Congratulations, by the way, at least you just admitted you were running around. That’s the first step.”

“That’s it, put the blame on me. That’s your way of dealing with it. Typical, I’m always wrong, you’re always right.”

“Put the blame on you?” He burst out laughing again, this time in incredulity, “Who the hell else should I blame? Jesus H Christ, did somebody put a gun to your head? If they did, tell me and I’ll blame them. In the meantime it falls on you, toots.”

“You’re God damned impossible,” she yelled.

“And you’re fucking nuts,” he laughed. “Now I’ve had enough of this. Time for me to get cleaned up and go to that evil place and earn some money, you know the thing that drove you to infidelity.”

“So, you don’t want to talk about this?”

“Nothing to talk about, the marriage is over,” he was speaking calmly in a matter of fact tone. “Now, we can end it simply and equitably, or we can get bogged down in the trenches. It’s up to you, the hard way or the easy way. I frankly don’t care all that much. I’ve pretty much done things your way as long as we’ve been married, so I’ll do this your way too. Let me know when you decide.”

Her face red with anger, she glared at him, then exclaimed hostilely, “What’s the use?” turned and went into the kitchen.

Mike watched her go, he shook his head, and went to the bedroom for some clean clothes. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but the emotional side of it was over, he couldn’t help but think it could have been worse. He laid a fresh set of outer clothes on the bed, took a robe and underwear with him to the bathroom were he showered and shaved. His calm outward demeanor bellied an inner anxiety. He wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible, away from any further unpleasantness.

Returning to the bedroom, he finished dressing. When he walked out and down the hall to the living room he saw Joanie sitting in a chair, glaring angrily at him. He exhaled heavily and shook his head in resignation. He realized the drama wasn’t over. He smiled at her.

“Well, what’s up, buttercup?”

“I take it you still don’t want to discuss this anymore?”

“That’s right,” he kept his voice down. “Honestly, Joanie, I don’t see what there is to talk about. You admitted you were having an affair when you tried to push the blame on me. I’m not interested in any stupid rationalizations you come up with. What’s done is done, what more is there to say?”

“That’s it? You’re a really a cold hateful bastard, aren’t you?”

“No, not really,” he stopped to think for a moment. “Hateful, I don’t think so. The thing is, I don’t hate you, I hate what you did. But, you were just being you, perhaps you couldn’t help it. Joanie gets what Joanie wants; that’s always been the way. I just don’t understand, if you wanted out of the marriage, why didn’t you just say so? Why did you play me like this? You could have had a divorce anytime you wanted.”

“Maybe I didn’t want a divorce, maybe I was just looking for something that’s missing. Has that occurred to you at all?” She seemed unnerved by his calm demeanor.

“Swell, you wanted to have your cake and eat it too, married with a little on the side. Well it doesn’t work that way, Joanie. Enough is enough. You’ve been cruising on your looks your whole life. A wink and a smile and you get everything your way, even with me. Well that ends here, at least regarding me. The party is over, maybe your boyfriend will put up with this nonsense, but I’m done. But still, I don’t hate you, I’ve just had enough; you went too far this time. So, I wish you well, I hope you find happiness or whatever in the hell you’re looking for, it just won’t be with me.”

She sat staring at him for a moment. It almost seemed as if she were digesting his words, then she blurted out, “Oh, go fuck yourself.”

Mike shrugged his shoulders, put his coat on, and whistling “Zippidy Do Da” walked out the door. The whole morning with Joanie had made no sense what so ever to him, so it was time to move on.

As he drove to Herring’s, he began to wonder how he should handle that situation. He felt he should just let it be known that he was leaving Joanie, there was no sense in hiding it. The exact reason was another matter, the specifics were nobody else’s business. Then he thought the details were going to get out eventually anyhow, they always did, so perhaps it would be better to get it out in the open and be done with it. Finally he decided to go about his business, do what he had to do, and neither volunteer nor deny anything. Let it come out on its own.

When he arrived at Herring’s, it was anti-climactic. It was as if nothing important had happened, nothing had changed. Donna hadn’t said anything about his situation to anyone, then again, why would she have? As often happens in life, he had been worried for nothing. He decided that his idea of not saying anything but not hiding anything really was the best course of action. He was pleasantly relived.

He headed to what he laughing referred to as his office. Four fiberboard walls, a cheap desk covered by a wood laminate to make it look good, and a bunch of nonsensical plaques and awards on the walls, all designed to impress customers when they came to sign the final paperwork involved in a purchase. It was a glorified cubical disguised as an office, nothing more. He’d always viewed it as one of the tools of the trade, but today as he looked around at it, the absurdity of it all hit him. He realized he’d been nothing but a glorified con man all these years. He sold cars for other people, in this case the Herring family. He’d added to their wealth and received a small cut of the action; it wasn’t what he’d envisioned for himself fifteen years ago. He’d sold himself out for a good looking blonde, Joanie, the ice princess, who had left him out in the cold.

He took off his overcoat and hung it on the rack in the corner. He started to take off his sport coat, then inexplicably changed his mind. The standard dress at Herring’s in the colder weather was the long sleeved sweater with Herring’s logo on the left breast that the company provided. It wasn’t required, but it was expected. He looked at the two on hangers in his rack and decided against them. He never liked them and preferred his sport coat or just his sport shirt. He’d given too many years of good service to the company to be intimidated by some silly nonsense about a sweater. He was tired of being treated like some kind of school kid forced to comply with a stupid dress code. He was an adult and knew how to dress appropriately.

As rebellions go, it was a small one, actually insignificant. If anybody noticed he wasn’t wearing the sweater, they didn’t seem to care. Even Donny Herring made no mention of it. But to him it was a first step in breaking out of the mold and taking back his life. However small it was, there was a change in his attitude. In his mind he was no longer working for Herring’s, he was an independent operator using Herring Motors. They provided the cars and the sales space, and he sold what he could for a commission. Prior to this he’d felt he was a part of a team, working to advance the company; now he saw himself as an independent contractor, he would work to his own benefit.

He decided it would be in the used lot, that’s where he first made his name at Herring’s and that’s where he was going to return. The new cars sold themselves; all you did was point out the differences between models. The used lot, that’s where the action he’d liked so much in the beginning was. The game of figuring out what somebody was looking for and how much they could reasonably afford to spend, and matching them up with the best deal. No swindling or over pricing, just playing it straight with the customers; a sale for him and a square deal for them. To hell with this high pressure bullshit, he wasn’t going to screw anybody over to add a couple of dollars to old man Herring’s bank account. As for Donny and the other kids, well, let them learn how to sell cars themselves.

It was with this adjusted attitude and renewed interest in the used lot that Mike went out to the lot when a fresh consignment of used cars came in. He watched them unload, talked with the mechanics as they went over them; listening and asking questions. He wanted to know the pros and cons of each individual car, what was wrong with them, and anything else that would help him steer the customer to the right vehicle. He was always at home talking with the mechanics and he was glad to be back with them. A lot of the other salesmen considered them to be beneath them, only dealing with them when necessary and then in a condescending manner. But Mike had always considered the service department as the heart of the operation, he was more comfortable around them than he was with his fellow salesmen.

Returning from the shop, he headed upstairs to check on some invoices when he ran into Donna on the stairs. He felt a moment of awkwardness, not being sure how he should act. Donna didn’t seem to have any such problems.

“Hi, Daddy, what’s up?” Then she looked around casually and spoke softly, “Any problems this morning at home?”

“No, we had words, that’s all.”

“Good, I was worried.”

“You should know me better than that, nothing was going to happen.” He went up one step before turning around. “It was strange though, first she denied it, then admitted it, and then blamed me. Go figure.”

“Who knows,” she smiled sympathetically, “she was probably just grasping at straws.”

With that she continued down the stairs. He watched her walking away and wished he was ten years younger or she were older. A man could do worse than link up with her. Then he remembered he had willingly done worse; it was a chilling thought. He spent most of the day familiarizing himself with the inventory of the used car lot, studying it and trying to memorize it. He took a break to call a divorce lawyer and make an appointment for the following Monday. Again, nobody noticed the change in his routine.

When it was time to leave that evening he became anxious again. He didn’t know for sure what was waiting for him at the house. Visions of some sort of big scene or more of this morning’s nonsense ran through his mind. Joanie had a whole day to stew and simmer about things and only God knows what type of mood she was in. A part of him wanted to run, just go to a motel, beg Donna to put him up for another night, anything to avoid more unpleasantness. But the controlling part of his brain knew all this was unpractical; he had to go to the house. Interestingly, he no longer thought of it as home, merely the house.

That was his mood as he pulled in the driveway. There was a light shining through the kitchen windows, the rest of the house was in darkness. He opened the front door and headed into the kitchen. Joanie was sitting at the table. For a moment he wondered if she’d been sitting there all day, but decided that was impossible. He did know, however, she was waiting there for him. She spoke first.

“Hi,” that single word was dripping with resignation.

“How’re you doing?”

“Alright,” then in slow measured words, “do you still feel the same as you did this morning?”

“Sure do.”

“OK, then can I ask one thing?”

“Go ahead, can’t hurt.”

“Next week is Thanksgiving, we were supposed to go to my parents for dinner, can we still do that? No tricks or anything, but can we keep it quiet for a while, maybe until after the holidays?”

“I’ve got an appointment to see a lawyer next week.”

“I understand, I’m just asking you not to make it public until after the holidays. Do that and file on the grounds of irreconcilable differences and I won’t contest it. We’ll settle up like you said, the easy way, Just don’t make sound like I’m ... you know, please don’t do it.”

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After having had a few experiences, I became slightly more comfortable with my sexuality. I decided to branch out a bit, and see what life had to offer. I wondered whether there were any bars or clubs that I could go to to meet people who were looking for someone like me, so I went online and discovered, that yes, there were quite a few such places. It is so wonderful having the internet at times like these; I have no idea how I would have learned about these things without being able to go...

3 years ago
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Night with Chantel

You were a normal guy, had a 9-5 job, lived by himself, and was single. But all of that would change today. You had an okay day at work, so you decided to go to the club because you had nothing else to do. While on your way over there you saw a flyer that said “special guest dj: Chantel Jeffries” but you didn’t know who she was so you think much of it. As you walked through the club doors, you immediately saw her, I mean how could you not she was beautiful. All that came to your head was that...

1 year ago
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The young recruit is ‘aughty -- ‘e draf’s from Gawd knows where; - R. Kipling Chapter One Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina: “Sir, First Sergeant Estes sent these files.” “Thank you, Corporal.” Lieutenant Commander James Hyschak reached out and took the short stack of personnel files. The corporal returned to attention, the very picture of a proper junior Marine NCO. The LtCmdr. said, “As you were, Son, tell the first sergeant I said thank you.” The corporal barked...

1 year ago
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Accidental LoversChapter 5

Lori awoke about an hour later and quietly slipped from the bed, careful not to wake her brother. Slipping her t-shirt on, she went downstairs to fix lunch for both herself and her new lover. As she warmed the food her mother had left for the two children, she reflected on what had transpired that morning. She knew it was wrong but she had no regrets. It had been the most intense experience of her young life. As she carried the tray of food upstairs, Lori also knew what she wanted and was...

3 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 46

It was late that evening, well past dark, when Leyota tracked Jorgarn down. He was meeting with Pernice and Torbert. She wasn't surprised. "A packet arrived on a late ship from your father," she said as she handed it to Jorgarn. He saw it was addressed to Leyota but it was in Denae's handwriting. He also noticed it was unopened. "It is to you," Jorgarn said simply. Leyota didn't meet Jorgarn's eyes when she spoke. "I am wary of what it might contain," she admitted. "Wenta and I...

2 years ago
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A Roommate Ch 1

​​ ​​ “High school was one long swirly,” He thought, “how is college going to be any better?” ​​ ​​ Adam was by no means ugly. In fact, he was quite handsome, at 6’ 1” and with good muscle tone he could be called a “looker” he just couldn’t get with the popular kids. ​​ ​​ As he was bemoaning this fact his mom shouted, “Get going or you’ll hit traffic! I want to hear from you in three hours, no later! You got that?” ​​ ​​ “Yes ma.” He said, while rolling his...

1 year ago
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Mum Youve Got to Stop This

“Mum, you’ve got to stop this.” I was getting close to my wits’ end with her. Dad died in a motorway pileup when he ran into a thick bank of fog. He had been driving, cautiously we were told, and braked well in time to stop behind a stationary truck but a big all-terrain vehicle slammed into the back of him and he was crushed under the truck in front. He never stood a chance and Mum just went to pieces. Scarcely a day went past that she didn’t collapse to the nearest chair sobbing, maybe two...

4 years ago
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An Interesting Bus Ride Part 2

The more Emma pulled back the skin the more my cock became exposed and Leanne’s hand was now working it’s was up the back of my shorts and I could feel her fingers trying to work their way into my crack and they had both now edged to the edge of the sofa getting better access and as her finger poked and probed around my hole my cock became fully exposed having forced its way out the side of my shorts. Emma didn’t hesitate and quickly leant forward seeing a droplet of precum ooze out the tip and...

3 years ago
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Dirty Little Secrets 6 Sharing

“Your wife is an unfaithful whore.”The message has been sent to my work inbox. The most remarkable thing about it is perhaps that it bypassed the attentions of my normally so reliable PA, Ms. McLeod, who does such a good job of scanning incoming messages. PA is in this instance perhaps a euphemism for general dogsbody, but Ms. McLeod performs her duties assiduously.I don’t know how other men would react to receiving such a message, but I haven’t got where I am by taking unsubstantiated rumours...

Wife Lovers
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The Panty Job

Paul had a little trouble finding Kaylee’s apartment building and he was almost twenty minutes late by the time he finally reached her door. It was bad enough being flustered by having taken a wrong turn while following the directions he had been given but, as he pressed the doorbell, he discovered he was distinctly nervous indeed. Kaylee’s website specified several massage specialties but, although the text was suitably noncommittal and vague, it was clear that they were all of the more erotic...

1 year ago
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A Special Relationship

A true story. I guess you could say it started as far back as 1992 when I took my mother back to her hometown to visit my Aunt and our family. We had moved away when I was around 4 years old and had been back only a couple of times since then to visit our relatives. I had just turned 40 and the prospect of seeing mom's family and several of my cousins, one special male, after 30 plus years was going to be fun. My Aunt called him to let him know that we, my mother, one of my sisters, myself...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend move

I helped a lady friend move some stuff from a storage unit last month. She told me that she wanted to finish clearing out the unit but it would have to wait until later. She called me yesterday and wanted to know if “tomorrow would be a good time to finish clearing the storage even though it was supposed to rain.” I told her sure as I had nothing planned for tomorrow. I told her I would be at her place at around 9AM. When I got there it was raining pretty hard but we decided we had already...

4 years ago
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The Bells Toll for Mary

"You are NOT my mother!" Samantha closed her eyes for a moment, shutting out the image of the rebellious teen. She had been expecting, and yes dreading, that comment. As sure as water flowed downhill, at some point that fact was going to get thrown in her face. She had even told Mark she was ready for it, had her reaction all planned out. She hadn't expected it so soon, though. The sound of stomping feet came to her ears. With a sigh, Samantha opened her eyes to see the thirteen year old...

2 years ago
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Seema Ka Chudai Safar Part 3

Abhi tak apne padha ki kaise mere bf samir ne mujhe tape me bandha chhor ke chala gaya tha aur sam ko laut ke aya aur mere ko tape se khola mere meri chut ke pass khub sara pani jmha tha aur bed bhi thori gili mgr wo vibrator band ho chuka tha sayad uski battery khatam hone ke karan wo band ho gaya tha. Fir usne mujhe kha ki jja randi naha ke taiyar ho aur ye kapde phn lena . Ye kh kar usne mujhe ek packet di.   Me uske khe anusar ja ke snan kiya mgr mere legs pure dard kar rhe the aur meri...

3 years ago
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The Sybian Contest

My name is Carolyn, and I’m twenty one and live with my lover. He’s much older than me, and I guess you could say he’s my sugar daddy. Brian is sixty-one and has been caring for me since I was eighteen. I was a stripper at a bar, and he came in one night and watched me dance. I must have come home that evening with five hundred dollars in my pocket. He was stuffing fifties into my panties. He loves to parade me all over the place. He loves for me to enter contests at bars. He really gets off...

3 years ago
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Isekai Game Master

(Author note: Hi guy!! If you are here only for sex then this is not for you, but there will sex scene but it won't happen for a while. And if you watch anime, read a manga or jp novel you might understand things easier in the story since I'm a weeb. Finally, my English is bad so forgive me if I made your eyes bleed, and I'll try to fix my mistake as much as possible. And for the reader of IFMG. Please don't worry I'm still writing the next chapter, I just need to expand to the other...

2 years ago
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My encounter with a sexy black ebony amazon

This story begins at the bar on a Friday night, after a busy day at university after a nice hot spring day I wanted to spend some time with the boys chilling out and letting off some steam. A pretty common night as far as our chill outs went, drink some beer, talk shit, listen to the music. It wouldn't have ended as a usual night if it wasn't for what happened next. As we were sitting next to the entrance of the bar we had seen a couple of ladies stroll in. Amongst them was a woman who I had...

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Erica Becomes a Black Cock Slut

I never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...

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My god it was huge 12

My god it was huge1 my uncle bobby decided 2 visit me one afternoon after everyone had left the house. He had been waiting to be alone with his favorite white girl for awhile. I was sitting on the couch when he walked thru the front door. He sat down next2me. Out of nowhere. He pulled out his big dick &starts stroking it. I turn to see if he is doing what i think. As i first made eye contact with his dick my mouth just opened. i could not say a word. My god it was huge. 13" of the thickest...

1 year ago
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The MeatChapter 2 The Friends

We finally got called to move into government quarters on post. We were saddened to see our windfall diminish but had no choice and moved into a two bedroom townhome that was nicely furnished. We had to provide our own TV, stereo, washer and dryer but everything else was provided. That worked out pretty nice for a newly married couple setting up a household. Some of my buddies showed us how to double up our twin bed mattresses and springs to make a double bed for us. Since we worked the same...

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Domestic Violence

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Andrew and Tanya Maison were an ordinary couple. They had been married for two years, he had a small business with a home office, selling outdoor equipment that he designed himself and contracted out the production, she was a housewife who felt that she ought to have a career of her own, and resented being 'just' a housewife. She was a naturally bossy sort of person, he naturally easy going. At twenty four years old she felt that they should have been making more...

1 year ago
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Another Couple

Introduction: This is totally fantasy. My wife didnt want to go to dinner. She kept saying what if they are there. I said so what, they arent going to say anything. It seemed like I would never convince her to go to anymore of our meals but I had a plan. You know tonight is the formal dinner and there is dancing there, I told her. It made her think. My wife loves to dance. She was going to miss this opportunity. She agreed to go on one condition. If they said anything about our sex at the...

4 years ago
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Pyaari Maths Teacher

Hello guys mera nam ls(nickname) ye btt jb ki h jb me 12th me tha meri ek maths teacher thi vo shyd 2nd ya 3rd year me hogi uss time btt dikhne me a-1 unka 36-28-32 ka fig. Tha vo bhi bht muskil se btaya tha unhone… Uss time hmari 12th ki preboards chl rhi thi and mene dummy le rkha tha tho syllabus me bht problem jati me state boards me and tyari me iit ki krr rha tha and iit me aapko pta hi h ki mains me kha se aata hai.. Tho unsse aksrr me puchta rhta ki ye kya h mam ye kese or yee voo kbhi...

3 years ago
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The Fate Line

The sandwich board man was there again. Every Saturday and most weekdays shoppers would see old George Timpson doing the rounds in the town square and at The Mall Shopping Centre. Most regulars knew of him and looked forward to sharing the odd joke and seeing the trademark top hat and multi-coloured jacket. He was a regular feature and if he didn’t have a proper job on, like advertising the latest movie, special offer at a local restaurant, or the latest theatre production, he’d provide a bit...

2 years ago
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Adventures with Xena Warrior Princess

It had been a couple of years or so since Xena had broken from her former destructive path and met up with her close personal companion Gabrielle in the village of Pottedeia. Having had a good few adventures together they were still on the road, looking for wrongs to right, monsters to slay and new bedmates to keep them warm at night! And whilst they enjoyed each other's 'company' neither of them were eager to dispense with the pleasures only sharing a room with a man (or three) could...

1 year ago
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Alices Awakening Part 2

Padding barefoot through a lush jungle towards a tinkling waterfall, looking desperately for a restroom and vaguely aware of a church bell ringing… ringing… Alice’s eyes jerked open. She looked around wildly for the moment it took to remember where she was. She became aware of two things simultaneously, the burning need to urinate and the ringing of her cell phone. She rolled onto her knees and half staggered into the adjoining suite in search of the bag containing her phone. She fumbled it...

2 years ago
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An Abused Wifes Wildest dream Revised

An abused wife's wildest dreams revisited and yes names have been changed. Synopsis: A beautiful talented woman who had the world before her fell in love and married a man who didn't appreciate her for herself. He abused her and wanted her to be his obedient trophy wife. Her life once looked promising but after a bad marriage now it looked to be wasted and it was turned around by an accidental web search that allowed her to regain control of her life and her dignity as her abusive...

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