DanicaPart 14B free porn video

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Danica awakened when the first rays of light fell upon her face. She found Tonda asleep sitting on the couch next to her. Danica's legs draped over the dark-skinned woman's lap, and Danica smiled when she saw Tonda's hand lying over her mound.

Danica tried to get up without awakening Tonda, but this proved impossible. Tonda rose drowsily and followed Danica to the door. Danica opened the door to reveal only the slightest hints of light filtering through the clouds. Must have been a chance beam that woke me up, she thought.

Danica could see the three corpses in the steadily increasing light. Danica walked over to the nearest zombie and knelt to examine the corpse. The smell of death seemed stronger, and the flesh of the creature looked loose on its bones. Danica heard a gasp behind her and turned to see Tonda covering her mouth.

"M-my... My brother," Tonda gasped out, staring at the corpse.

The clouds parted, allowing the sun to shine upon the town while Tonda sobbed. Danica sat back in alarm as the sunlight touched the corpse in front of her. Almost immediately, the flesh appeared to melt. The corpse decayed in mere seconds under the light of the sun. A quick glance at the other three corpses showed the same reaction to dawn's light. Only skeletons and desiccated shells of flesh remained after the briefest exposure to the sun.

Tonda continued to sob, and Danica reached out to comfort her. "Shhh, it's alright. He's at rest now. We'll give him a proper burial. He's free."

Tonda choked back another sob and nodded. Danica cast a spell and gathered up the three corpses on a glowing disk of magical force. Tonda led Danica to a place out from the edge of town where she said her brother had liked to play as a child. Here Danica excavated a grave with her magic and deposited the three corpses inside. She then laid a comforting hand on Tonda's shoulder and turned to see other people approaching.

Each nodded to Danica as they passed, then moved toward Tonda and the grave. All tossed something into the grave as they approached, spoke to Tonda, and then turned to leave with another nod to Danica. As best as Danica could tell, the entire town turned out for the ceremony.

Danica sat down on a log and watched as the people filed by. When the last person walked by, Danica stood and prepared to fill the grave. One of five men who remained nearby shook his head. "No, we will give them to the earth. Know you have our thanks for freeing these from a mockery of life."

Danica simply nodded and returned to Zoraster's outpost, feeling very out of place in the town as its citizens all grieved for their dead a second time.

Danica contacted Marlena, discovering that the zombies in Marlena area engaged in the same unearthly moaning as the ones in the town had. Marlena sounded as though she was on the edge of exhaustion, and when Danica questioned her about it, the illusionist revealed that she was staying awake with drugs and sleeping only short periods of time. She said that Zoraster had instructed her to do so.

With the mental mention of Zoraster, his mind intruded on the conversation, Both of your instructions have changed. My necromancers have studied what the two of you have learned. Marlena, return with haste to the town. Take your rest there — you shall have a long night. Danica, ensure she is prepared. You must both be at the temple at midnight, prepared to face the undead and their Master.

Danica did not miss the flash of fear from Marlena when she heard those words.

Regardless of the assumptions my necromancers have presented, any who practice the necromantic arts knows full well the power of this night and will take advantage of it. The Master of these undead creatures will be distracted by his rites and that should offset the increased power this night will grant him. I am sure you have deduced enough about the creatures to protect yourself from them as you face their Master, little rose.

Our mysterious necromancer is interfering with my plans, and he torments the natives. Therefore, you have two reasons to stop him — three if you count the fact that he practices the foulest of black magic for his own gain, which I'm sure calls out to you for justice, little rose.

The mocking tone of Zoraster's voice caused Danica to grind her teeth and bite off a retort.

Capture him or destroy him, it matters not. I want him stopped and his Art in my possession. The temple is protected against scrying, so you will be on your own.

Zoraster's contact faded with his last words, and Danica thought to Marlena, Return quickly. We'll need time to prepare you after you wake up.

Marlena thought back, I'll hurry, and Danica broke the contact.

Danica went to the kitchen and put on water to boil, filling the tub with water while she waited. She knew it was her imagination, but she still smelled the scent of death clinging to her. Once the water warmed, Danica slipped into the bath and washed, thinking she would nap while she waited for Marlena to return.

Danica blotted her body dry and walked nude back to the bedroom, the heat feeling especially oppressing today. She lay down on the bed and cast a cooling comfort spell over it. Relaxing in the cooled air, Danica soon fell asleep.

"Danica?" Tonda's word awakened Danica from her doze. The woman was glancing around in confusion as she stood near the foot of the bed.

As she awakened, Danica realized that the other woman was within the boundaries of the cooling comfort spell. "It's my magic. I needed rest, and the heat was keeping me from it."

Danica sat up and smiled when she noticed that the chilled air caused Tonda's nipples to press attractively against the top she wore. Danica could feel that her own nipples were pebble hard in the chill air as well.

"Thank you for what you have done. I feel my brother's spirit at rest for the first time since... Since..." Tonda's lip quivered and Danica could sense the woman was about to sob again.

Danica sat up quickly and embraced Tonda. She held her for a few moments, and then her body reacted to the intimate contact. Her hands involuntarily strayed down toward Tonda's bottom as she stroked her back.

Danica felt Tonda's sobs soften, and then the dark-skinned beauty stiffened for just a moment. Danica paused in her caress of the woman's back, and noticed that Tonda's breathing had quickened.

Danica released Tonda from her arms and sat back. Tonda's eyes roved over Danica's unclad body, the brown orbs filled with longing and need. Danica felt her breath catch, and she reached out a hand to the woman.

Tonda hesitated for second, and then took Danica's hand. Danica pulled her down to the bed and slowly caressed Tonda's breast through the cloth covering it. Tonda gasped and looked deep into Danica's eyes. Intense need shined in Tonda's eyes, and Danica's eyes reflected that need with equal strength.

Danica pulled up the cloth covering Tonda's breasts. The brunette gasped as Danica leaned down to suckle one of the dark nipples between her lips with a moan. Tonda's hands moved to Danica's breasts as Danica sucked and licked Tonda's stiff nipples.

Tonda emitted quiet sounds of pleasure as Danica's mouth worked on her pebble hard buds. Danica could feel the gathering wetness between her legs, and her mouth watered for a taste of more than the gorgeous breasts in her mouth.

Danica let the nipple escape her lips, and then moved quickly down to the woman's dark, bare sex. Tonda's legs were already parted, and Danica's fingers parted Tonda's labia as soon as she could reach them, revealing the pink wetness inside. With a moan, Danica lowered her mouth to Tonda's sex.

Danica's moan grew louder as she tasted Tonda's juices. Tonda had a spicy scent and taste that reminded Danica of Nara and Mara, but double again the intensity. Danica lapped hungrily as she looked up into Tonda's eyes.

The sensation of Danica's mouth on her entranced Tonda. Her hands roamed over her breasts, pinching the nipples every so often as Danica lapped her folds.

Tonda's hips rocked beneath Danica, and she knew the woman was climbing her peak of pleasure. Danica lapped faster and concentrated on the woman's clit, drawing a loud, moaning scream from Tonda that only spurred her on to greater efforts.

Tonda gasped with every breath now, nearly to her peak. With a loud scream, she tumbled over the edge into orgasm. Danica lapped up the spicy juices with excited moans as Tonda writhed and came. When Danica sat up with a final kiss on the Tonda's hood, she saw Tonda looking down at her with a smile and half-closed eyelids.

"I wondered if I was reading the signals correctly, and if you were noticing mine," Danica revealed.

Tonda smiled and then shivered as another pulse of pleasure rolled through her body. "I have always thought about it, but I have never done it. There were no women who seemed to desire it as I do, until you came."

"Speaking of wanting it and coming..." Danica teased with a sly smile as she lay back, parting her legs.

Tonda's face broke into a crooked grin. She wasted no time moving between Danica's legs and slipping her tongue between the redhead's folds.

Danica moaned and cooed from the soft touch of Tonda's tongue. Though Tonda's first time doing this, she learned quickly. Danica felt her body shiver involuntarily as the dark-skinned woman lapped her while looking up into her eyes with those big, brown eyes.

Danica built quickly, Tonda's tongue darting inside her with soft quick strokes, swirling over her lips and clit. All the while, Tonda looked up into Danica's eyes with an expression of wonder and delight.

Danica felt like a great wave was building up behind a dam inside her. She could feel it straining and knew she was close. Her hands twirled into Tonda's curly hair, her eyes closed and her lip quivered as she let out a long gasp. When Tonda's lips closed over Danica's swollen bud, the dam broke.

With a loud scream, Danica's flood of cum washed over Tonda's face. Danica's hips rose up off the bed, but Tonda quickly put her hands under Danica's bottom and kept her face pressed to the wet folds she continued to lap with excited moans.

Danica's bottom bounced up and down off Tonda's hands as she kept coming. Little inarticulate gasps, growls, and yelps escaped Danica's lips as her orgasm set every part of her body tingling as if from a jolt of electricity.

It took Danica quite some time to open her eyes when her bottom settled to the bed with a final spastic bounce. She half opened her eyes and purred at the sight of Tonda's face and breasts soaked in her juices, a bright smile on the woman's lips.

The two women relaxed for a while, then dressed and changed the bed linens. Danica heard the door open just as she tucked in the last corner of the bedclothes. She and Tonda walked into the common room to assist a weary and disheveled Marlena into a bed, where she immediately dropped off to sleep.

Danica passionately kissed Tonda one last time, looked into the woman's deep brown eyes with a smile, and let out a sensual growl. Tonda moaned and waved before strutting sexily out of the room. Danica lay down with a shudder and fell asleep as well, still drifting in the afterglow of her orgasm.

Tonda awakened Danica at dusk. "Marlena is bathing," Tonda said when Danica shook off enough of the fog of sleep to understand. Just the slightest hint of a shy smile decorated Tonda's face, her eyes slightly downcast. Danica smiled as well, knowing what Tonda was thinking about.

"It was wonderful." Tonda's smile widened as she continued, "Please be careful. I would like the opportunity to be with you again."

Danica moaned and shivered. "I will — and so do I," she said and then sat up straighter to kiss Tonda.

Danica climbed out of bed and stretched. "I need to prepare. Marlena will need magic items to defend herself and aid me at the temple."

"Can I do anything?"

"We could use something to eat and drink. We'll both need our strength tonight."

Tonda nodded and went to prepare a meal. Danica cast her spell and retrieved several magic items from her horde, which she thought could prove useful to Marlena. She dismissed the magic just as Marlena walked into the room.

Marlena sighed. "I don't know what use I'm going to be. My power of illusion is meaningless against the undead."

"I have magic that will protect you and give you the power to fight them. Your natural powers may prove of great use against their Master, if he hasn't fallen to the temptation of undeath as well."

"Do you know the Phantasmal Shield spell?" Marlena asked.

Danica shook her head. "No, I know of it but I have never taken the time to learn it."

"I've learned the Phantasmal Discordance," Marlena revealed.

Danica blew out a whistling breath. The Phantasmal Discordance was a lost spell, considered only a rumor by most. Only the most disciplined and powerful of wizards could hope to master the powerful magic, or someone who had dedicated all their efforts to mastering the power of illusion. Danica had found the spell in Zoraster's library, but she had never even considered trying to learn it. As strong as her powers were growing, one look at the spell told Danica that the magic was still beyond her skill. The spell created utter chaos — illusions and phantasms of such realism and ever changing aspect that only the most disciplined of minds could hope to break free of the spell's power. Even for one who could break the power, it took time.

Danica had never learned the Phantasmal Shield because her own willpower and protective magic had proved sufficient for combating illusions. Those defenses would prove useless against the Discordance. Even the person casting the spell had to use the protective spell or fall prey to the nightmare created by the Dischordance.

"I can't protect us both and use the Discordance. One of the spells would surely fail. Do you have spell storing magic?" Marlena asked.

Danica nodded. "Just a moment — I'll have to release one of my stored spells because my ring is at its limits."

Danica concentrated on her hood ring and the stored spells within it. It took only a moment to determine that the water breathing spell stored in the ring would be the least useful where they were going. A moment of concentration let the spell slip from the ring.

Danica then lifted her sarong. "My hood ring — cast the spell into it."

Marlena nodded and fell into her spell casting. The ring absorbed the magic, and Danica could feel its power awaiting her call.

Tonda walked into the room just as Danica let her sarong fall back into place. "Please come, the food is prepared."

Danica and Marlena ate, and then Danica instructed Marlena in the use of the wands, rings, and charms she would provide for the illusionist to use in the temple. Danica also outlined her plan to deal with most of the undead in a single quick strike. Time quickly passed, and soon it was time to make the dangerous journey to the temple.

No dead roamed the town, which did not surprise Danica. The Master would have his undead creations nearby to strengthen their magic on a night such as tonight when the signs were perfect for the use of necromantic magic.

The trip to the temple proved quick without the need to dodge the dead. Both women could feel the cold touch of dark power surrounding the temple before they could see the building. Strong magic was in use within the temple this night, and that magic stank of death.

No guards — living or dead — stood at the doors of the temple. The two women crept in slowly and quietly, wands at the ready and spells on their lips. Nothing greeted them as they made their way toward the center of the temple. Danica could hear the increasing sounds of chanting as they approached, however.

As they approached the central chamber, Danica could see the dead. Approximately a hundred of the corpses stood motionless facing an altar in the center of the chamber. Moving to the doorway Danica could see a pair of motionless corpses laying upon the altar, appearing much the same as their standing counterparts. Before the altar stood the source of the chanting, a man whose nude body was covered in something that gave his skin the rusty brown color of blood. The hour of midnight was near, and the reek of the death magic increased exponentially by the moment.

Danica concentrated, sending her thoughts to Marlena, Are you ready?

Marlena stiffened, obviously surprised by the mental contact. Is it wise to use any magic before we strike like this?

Danica smiled, knowing that her psychic powers were not going to trigger any magical wards. Trust me; this magic isn't going to alert anyone. It's far safer than talking out loud. So are you ready?

Marlena nodded and thought, Yes, back to Danica. With the word came impressions of Marlena's feelings. Marlena was indeed prepared, and knew what she needed to do. She was nervous and frightened, however. The illusionist had never really faced true combat before. The closest thing she had ever experienced was when Danica and the Companions of the Forge had captured her.

Danica sent her feeling of calm and readiness to Marlena through the link. No need to fear. You are disciplined, well armed, and the Discordance will likely make this almost too easy.

The encouragement seemed to help, because the feeling of uneasiness coming from Marlena lessened. It was still there, but noticeably dulled.

When I make the first strike, I'll activate my Shield. Use the Discordance to

disorient the Master. I'll deal with the undead — your target is their Master. I believe I can deal with all of the walking dead so you can concentrate on feeding power into the Discordance.

Danica pulled out a wand fully charged with the Positive Forcebolt spell. Danica had charged this wand to near bursting with the magic. Her skill in crafting magic items grew stronger every time she sat down in her lab, and the items she crafted could hold tremendous power. If she could return to her old life, she could abandon all else to sell her own magical items for vast amounts of coin now.

Danica shook the thoughts from her head. No time for daydreaming, this dark power is growing moment by moment. Danica concentrated, feeling comforted by whatever magic in this temple prevented scrying from the outside. Here, away from Zoraster's prying eyes, she could utilize her telekinetic powers without fear. They were much easier to control — and far more powerful — than the similar telekinetic magic.

Danica levitated her wand with the power of her mind out through the doorway and into the chamber beyond. It moved swiftly and easily to exactly where Danica wanted it, directly over the group of gathered undead.

Danica smiled as she held the wand hovering in place while preparing to unleash her magic. Danica had prepared the spell she would cast beforehand, delaying it through the use of another powerful spell from Zoraster's library. The Waiting Word spell allowed her to perform all the necessary words and gestures of the spell, except the final syllable. Uttering that syllable would release the spell instantaneously. The spell it would release was an original spell created within Zoraster's domain, Kinley's Release.

Nearly all strong magic items, like Danica's wand, would release their power in a single burst if broken. The power was raw destructive magic, however. Kinley's Release caused the power to leave the item in the same instantaneous fashion, but focused the specific powers of the item to maintain the original purpose of the magic.

Danica quietly spoke the syllable that released her spell, concentrating on the hovering wand. The result was spectacular. A brilliant flash of cold blue light erupted from the wand, not bright enough to be blinding, but certainly dazzling. Three quarters of the undead dropped to the ground instantly, the power of the Positive Forcebolt releasing them from a mockery of life.

The chanting of the man before the altar instantly ceased, replaced by a scream of pain and disbelief. The breaking of his control over the de-animated undead caused the pain; the disbelief came from the speed of the zombies' destruction — here in his own sanctuary.

Danica activated the magic of the Phantasmal Shield in her hood ring, hearing Marlena finish chanting the words of the spell that would protect her as well. Both women stepped out into the chamber once protected by the shielding spell. The Master of the undead recovered and screamed in anger, gesturing toward the two women. The remaining undead turned to move toward Danica and Marlena.

Marlena chanted the words of the Discordance, and Danica discharged one of her other Positive Forcebolt wands. A male zombie closer than the others fell first, and then another dropped to the stone floor of the temple. Danica turned the wand on a female drawing near to Marlena next. Danica's eyes widened when the magic appeared to have no effect.

Marlena continued to chant, building to a crescendo. Chanting again rose from the Master of the undead on the floor. Danica quickly erected a shield to protect Marlena from magical assault, blasted another male that moved too close, and then turned the wand back on the quickly approaching female.

Danica cursed when the creature again acted as if nothing had happened. Danica raised her hand and focused her mind, shoving the creature back with a powerful burst of her telekinetic powers. The creature flew backward and collided with a column, collapsing to the floor.

Danica didn't have time to contemplate, having to turn and blast another pair of males quickly moving toward her. A blast at another female produced no results. Again, Danica cursed and telekinetically slammed the woman.

A quick glance around revealed only a dozen females moving toward them, the males all lay inanimate on the floor. The females Danica had shoved were moving, but appeared dazed — something that shouldn't happen to the undead.

Just then, Danica grimaced as the power of the Master's blood magic spell slammed into her shield. He was strong, but her shield held without weakening. At the same moment, Marlena finished her spell with a final burst of words amplified by the power of the spell.

Instantly the female zombies all fell to the floor screaming, as did the Master of the undead. The mad chaos of the Discordance summoned up all manner of horrific and indescribable illusions and phantasms throughout the chamber. The spell was working, and told Danica that the women were not undead.

Danica cursed and sped across the room toward the Master of the undead, who was already fighting the power of the spell and attempting to rise. The women shrieking on the floor would not be so lucky, having no training in magic. Danica had to neutralize the Master quickly so Marlena could release the Discordance before it drove the women mad.

Danica mentally went over her options as she approached. Any number of spells might immobilize the man, but he might be able to call powers to bear with only thought. He was also rapidly bringing his mental strength to bear against the power of the Discordance. Killing him was the simple solution, and Danica had any number of deadly spells at her disposal. It was the solution Zoraster certainly would have used, but not one Danica wanted to resort to.

Drawing near to the man, another problem emerged. He was surrounded by a powerful circle of protection. It was only the devastating power of the Discordance that had managed to penetrate the shield, but had done little to weaken its protective power against other magic. The circle was also the reason that the necromancer had such success combating the devastating illusion spell.

Danica knew the shield wouldn't affect her mental powers, but she also knew the danger of touching the mind of the man while he was in the grip of the Discordance. Rune magic could penetrate the protection with ease, but even with her advancement in those studies, Danica was still unpracticed in using the runes without physically scribing them and she didn't have enough time.

Another area of her studies she had concentrated upon regularly could provide her some insight — spell weaving.

Slipping into the second sight, Danica saw the brilliant web of the protective magic around the necromancer. Everything seemed remarkably simple to Danica, time appearing to stand still. The pattern of the magic and the key to unraveling it leapt out at Danica in her mind.

Danica reached out and grasped the strands of power, tugging precisely upon them to break them down. Almost instantly, the man within dropped back to the ground as more of the Discordance's power seeped through his weakened shield. Danica continued to unravel the circle's power, allowing the Discordance to do its work and keep the man immobilized.

Then Danica saw it, the pattern emerging to her second sight in such clarity that she was amazed she hadn't seen it immediately. Releasing the strands of the protective circle, she grasped the strands of power leading into the circle and manipulated them.

Danica wove the clear, sparkling strands together, and then tugged them toward her. The air within the protective circle suddenly thinned below breathable levels. The man within gasped and clawed at his throat, and then collapsed. When he lapsed into unconsciousness, his protective magic completely unraveled.

"Marlena, break the Discordance!" Danica screamed across the chamber. Danica felt the oppressive press of the spell's power dwindle, and then vanish.

The man in the circle gasped for breath but remained unconscious. Danica closed her eyes and attacked with her mental powers. She could feel his consciousness struggling to rise, and she winced at the twisted nature of the mind she invaded. Danica was unprepared for the vast amount of sickening information that flooded into her brain. It took her a moment to master her senses and press forward. With a burst of mental strength, Danica shoved hard against the man's consciousness and slammed it back down again.

At first, Danica wondered if she had not pushed too hard and ruined the man's mind. Then the faintest hints of his consciousness appeared to Danica's mental scanning. His mind was whole, but he would not rise for a very long time.

Danica opened her eyes and looked at the weeping women scattered throughout the room. She had no way of knowing whether they could still be dangerous. Danica pulled out a wand of telekinesis and quickly sped it with her own telekinetic powers to Marlena who started when the wand came to a halt directly in front of her.

Danica shouted, "Gather up all the women — they're still alive! I don't know if they are a danger, but I'd rather have them all in one place if they are!"

Marlena immediately used the wand to maneuver the women carefully into one place. Danica lifted the unconscious necromancer from his protective circle with her powers and deposited him on an area of bare stone floor.

Reaching into her bag of holding, Danica pulled out a magic item she had only recently crafted. It was something she though might be useful when she came across the enchantment process in the library, and her intuition now proved true. Danica sat the small wooden carving of a cage on the floor near the unconscious man and spoke the word to activate its magic.

A cage of magical force appeared where the carving once rested. Danica used her powers to levitate the necromancer into the cage and closed the barred door with a thought. Now she knew he was truly neutralized. Magic was dead within the prison, and the magic on the outside of the bars would not let anyone in or out who didn't know the proper command words.

Danica turned to see Marlena moving the last of the women, and noticed that some of the women were starting to stir with just the faintest hints of recovering consciousness.

Danica closed her eyes and reached toward the women's minds. They were all very confused, somewhat pained, and they felt violated. They were all in full control of their minds now — the charm over them eliminated.

"His magic over them is broken. They won't be a threat when they awaken." Danica pulled blankets out of her bag while the images and thoughts she had touched in the Necromancer swam at the edge of her mind, demanding attention. "Make them comfortable when they awaken, the ring on your pinky has a tongues spell stored in it if you don't know the spell. I need to sort something out."

Danica sat down, closed her eyes, and then let those clamoring thoughts come forward so she could examine them. Once again, Danica had to fight down revulsion while examining the man's dark and bloody thoughts. There were two dominating themes to his actions — power and racial hatred. He despised the dark-skinned natives of the island and considered them less than animals.

The revulsion he felt toward the males — who only deserved death in his mind — was not there regarding the women of the isle. From these, he took his pleasure sexually — and through inflicting pain. While under the control of his blood magic, the women were little more than the zombies the necromancer made of the males. Once strapped to the tables where he tortured and took them, the women's minds were free to feel revulsion and despair. The man's only goal was elimination and humiliation of the native population. He had first come here to attain gold from the mine, and had found greater treasures among the native population, in his eyes.

Same as Danica
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(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Little Sister Bred and Loved By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled as I trudged behind President Carver through the halls of my college. All the pleasure, the delightful rapture of my naughty sex with my big brother had died into trembling terror. My stomach writhed and swirled, and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. My heart palpitated in my chest. How could I be so stupid? Why did...

2 years ago
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Dancing On Daddys Shoes Chapter 9 Broken

Chapter 9 Broken "Hi Kim," said the voice from directly behind her. "You sure look sweet today. I have to say though, I still like that cheerleaders outfit better." Kim gasped and wheeled about 180?, saw that her mind was not playing tricks on her, it was a man. That was about as far as her mind got before her books and papers hit the floor when her body spasmed with surprise and shock. Kirk could see the fright in her eyes and smirked to...

3 years ago
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Lets Play A Game1

I have two russian cousins, Petr (yes with no e) and Mira. They’ve lived in england most of their lives so they have lost most of their accent but both have the classic russian beauty. Petr is the same age at me so 12 at the time whilst Mira was just turning 17 in a couple of weeks. Petr looked like any other 12 year old boy but coffee skinned. He had short black hair and very blue eyes which looked unnatural with his skin. Mira shared Petr’s eyes and skin but there the similarity...

2 years ago
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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 6 Beach July 3rd and 4th 2011

Mom still put on the wig the next day. And the shades. And the drooping hat. We didn't want recognisable pictures of us to be floating around out there on the Internet. But there was no paint on her body when she slipped out of her clothes at about one o'clock in the afternoon on the nudist beach three miles out of town. There were no spectators that second day. Instead it was nudists only. Almost a thousand other nudists were there besides us. The bike ride had been more show for the...

1 year ago
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“Scarlet, you know her, the tall elegant redhead, late-thirties, we had drinks with her. Slim body with wonderful long legs. “Tell her fine by me as long as she looks after my sexual needs.” “You mean you expect a blow job?” A few days later we met Scarlet for drinks. “Sarah told me you want to watch her being pleasured by two boys from the gym.” “Yes, that would be very exciting for me. She told me you expect a blow job from me as a quid pro quo. That would be even more exciting for me....

2 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 15

Michelle's Story - Part 15 Friday came at last, and for John and Michael, this could really prove a turning point in the latter's life. Michael spent the day sitting with Amy and Becky as usual in class. Their pretend ignorance of each other gave the rest of the class reason to believe that they were not getting friendly, but just tolerating each others presence. But the two girls noted that Michael seemed a little tense that day. They decided to ask Emma during morning break....

2 years ago
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Solo Weekend at the Beach

Em had decided to go away for the weekend. She sometimes did this, often as a lesson to Ambrose who insisted on working far longer hours that Em considered reasonable. Sometimes, though, she took a weekend trip because she wanted a hot massage and some uncomplicated sex. This was one of those weekends. She was going to a little beach resort they both knew well and frequently visited. It was about three hours away by car and Em had organized her Friday so she could depart by four o’clock to...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Surprise Lunch Turns To Surprise Sex 8211 Part 4

Tara moaned, “Oh, it feels so good,” as she enjoyed the sensuous body massage. She exclaimed in a breathless tone with a touch of sensuality in it. I moved my fingers on her lovely hot boobs. The lotion was dripping down her shoulders to her boobs, my fingers rolling on her nipples. I moved my fingers smoothly on her boobs and nipples. She closed her eyes as I rolled my fingers, squeezing her nipples. My one hand began to tweak her nipple softly, raising her head. My other hand gently squeezed...

1 year ago
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TSINF 62 The Ways We Tease

Steph made it back to Amanda's safely. She could wait to see the look on Amanda's face when she showed her that her bondage toys came in in front of Nate. That will be funny. She wasn't afraid to admit to her brother that she has a very healthy sexual appetite. Hell her brother already knew she had a healthy sexual appetite. Amanda on the other hand would just be comical. Plus she might need Nate's hemp to unload all the heavy boxes mainly the spank machine, the locker machine, the fucking...

1 year ago
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Hunting the HunterPart Two

The past three days Skyler has managed not to run into the SEAL when she went on her morning runs, when pulling out of her parking spot shed sometimes see him. Seeing him made her want to park her car and act like she was barely going out for a run even though shes already done hers. She was being pathetic she told herself, she was looking and coming up with a fair amount of excuses just to get a glimpse of him. Like staying past her usually routine or waiting in her car, hoping he would run...

3 years ago
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Breast Work My tits love wire brushes

There was no avoiding  seeing them and he knew  I couldn't avoid seeing them. They were right there on the  table when I walked in the front door after work. Each was four inches wide and  9 inches long and the hundreds of tiny  tips  sparkled in the lamplight. They glinted because he'd used the grinder on them while he waited for me. I almost went weak at the knees when I saw the big, blocky wire brushes. There was a hand lettered card next to them. It  said :  We've been waiting for the...

2 years ago
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The Cookout

It was time for the summer time barbeque family reunion! The weather was perfect and things couldnt get any better. Elle Monique & Ava Dominique were enjoying themselves as they saw cousins, aunties, uncles, that they havent seen in years. They were almost brought to tears when they saw they great grandma was able to make it this year. The cookout at the park was on the one of the hottest days of the summer during a record breaking heatwave, so all the ladies were half naked & all the...

3 years ago
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Melia A Feminist Learns

Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II   Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II (Below, when it suits me, I shall write what I? know to be true in the third person, omniscient voice.? I, of course, usually prefer the first person as it privileges my own voice. But as Master, I assume Melia and know her thoughts and being.? Sometimes the third person can say more about ownership than any other because of its omniscience.) (Victor)  ------------------------Melia woke out of her fitful sleep.? Forced...

2 years ago
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A Challenging Life

January 20th 2015 Castle Texas hospice facility room 2323 Andy Ripley a young man who was born with Spina Bifida and must use a wheelchair to get around. Is sitting with his Grandpa Fred Ripley a retired Baptist minister and factory worker who is dying of congestive heart failure, shortly after lunch Grandpa called Andy very close to his bedside. Andy pushed his wheelchair over to the bed as close as he could, after taking a few sips from his water glass grandpa began to speak. "Andy I want...

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the big stretch

Calla, a beautiful 35 year old woman, went to a house in Reno, a house that specifically centered on analism, or in this case... anal fist fucking! To be admitted, she had had to fill out a long form and sign it saying that she wouldn't hold this compary responsible for anything that went wrong.Once accepted, Calla went there and filled out yet another long form after which she was tied, hands behind her back and taken upstairs to a room where there was a Mistress who already had a young girl...

4 years ago
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Anita in a good mood for sex

That night I stayed home alone, as my sexy wife had gone out with a couple of girlfriends.Her slutty girlfriend Helena was not amongst them; so I thought the night out would be a quiet one. I estimated my unfaithful wife could behave herself in a nice mood and she only would have some margarita shots with the girls.At two o`clock my cell phone started buzzing.It was Ana, asking if I was still awake. I said yes; I was waiting for her.Almost immediately a photo came through. She was bent over a...

2 years ago
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Promises Promises

Promises, Promises By Marc Lane Marc and Kara had become close friends. Late one evening about six months ago, Marc and Kara struck up a conversation in the laundry room at their apartment complex, while each was up late catching up on their laundry. Both were part- time students at the local college and both worked part-time. Marc, 19, was in his first year of college and worked part-time as a clerk at a drug store while Kara, 21, was finishing her third year and was working...

3 years ago
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Education of a Ladyboi

Ever since I can remember I have been a sissy. As a very young boi, I loved playing with dolls and other girlie things. I avoided the company of other bois my age because to be honest, they frightened me. They just gave off a threatening and hostile vibe that I went out of my way to avoid them. Instead I preferred the company of the girls. I took a lot of heat all the way through school, and after puberty I began totally embracing my femininity, by overt means, such as, wearing makeup, girlie...

1 year ago
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Big Butt Milf

I really don't know what it is about my bottom that drives these teenage boys insane. I get cat calls and I get funny facial expressions any time I walked past the teenage boys in my neighborhood and it feels really weird to me. I'm a white female and on the average we are normally not endowed with big butts but in my case I have a very big butt and tits which makes me stand out from the others, my husband is a fan of my tits but not into my ass he said he would have preferred them moderate not...

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Madeleine Ch 02

Paris, France February, 1915 It was cold, bitterly cold, as I turned up the collar of my overcoat and walked out of the embassy into the gathering gloom of the late afternoon. On impulse, I decided to turn down the little side street that was so familiar and visit Marcel’s again. I hadn’t been there since my return to France a few weeks earlier, and I found I missed it. So much had changed in Paris since those heady days of August, when the young Frenchmen had so eagerly sought out war. No...

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The Girl Next Door Ch 02

I woke to the sound of running water and the smell of coffee. The sheets were wrinkled and still smelt faintly of Joanna, while a strand of her chestnut hair clung to my pillow. I threw the top sheet back and swung my legs out of bed, just as the sound of water stopped and Joanna walked into the bedroom. She had my robe wrapped around her and her hair piled on top of her head, under a towel. She looked at me and smiled for a moment and then glanced down at the bedclothes. Seeing the bloodstain...

1 year ago
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Babysitting for my Uncle part 2

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ "Surprise..." my uncle and I hear from the door. I cover myself quickly and look at the door. I knew that quiet voice as my cousin's who was currently in college. Well now I knew he was home as he stood in the door frame with a few bags in his hands. His facial expression was unreadable. I didn't know if he was surprised, scared, turned on, or calm. That scared me more than anything. I didn't want this secret to leave the room. I could feel tears slowly...

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My first Time101

One day while I was at my friend Mark's house, only his brother Jacob(20 at the time with a 8in penis), him and I were at the house his parents had gone out of town and would be back the next night. We played video games for a while then he asked me if I wanted to play truth or dare, I said ok. We played for about 8 or 10 min doing silly boy things and messing around. Then one turn when i said dare he told me "I dare you to take off your shorts and show me your underwear", I was a bit...

2 years ago
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Little House

It was the story of Nikki's relationship with Jake, and the boys before him. She might be an attractive, intelligent young woman, but for some reason, if a boy was standing in front of her, it was as if she had no spine. The only exception was that she didn't put out -- at all. They were boys, but her father was a man and the prospect of disappointing him was unthinkable. Nikki took another look around, hoping Sara would show at the last minute, and wondered if Jake was going to break up...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex Encounter

Hello dosto… me aasu aap sabko pranam karta hu, pehle aap mere aasu se neeru bana part 1, 2 n 3 padhe he, me aapko mere ware me phir se bata du me 21 saal ka odisha ke rehne wala hu, mujhe cross dressing me bada maza aata he, aur jinke ware me me batane jaa raha hu wo basu he, west bengal se, age 29, kaafi gore aur mascular he. wo mere ye story padhake mujhe mail kiye phir aage ki ghatna me aapko bata hi deta hu, agar aapko mere ye sachi ghatna pasand aaye to aap log mujhe pe mail kar sakte...

3 years ago
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Ashley Part IV Posting the Pictures

Introduction – This is the final part of the story about my wife Ashley.   It took place not all that long ago.   As with the other parts, you’ll get more out of this one if you read those first.   Please, please, please give me your feedback so I can improve any future writing.   Ashley and I have had real growth in our relationship during this year and it has continued even after the end of this story.   Maybe one day I’ll be able to take the time and write about that as well, but to be...

1 year ago
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Learning to Love

Emily walked into her first college class twenty minuets late and about to burst into tears. She had just wanted to wait to have sex, but her boyfriend had literally been fucking around on her. She slipped into the only open desk, front and center, and could tell that everyone was looking at her. She knew her mascara was probably running down her cheeks by now but she didn't care. She was just going to sit here and stare at her teacher until he felt so uncomfortable that he let them out early....

First Time
3 years ago
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Sex with my sexy long hair aunt

Hi i am ravi raja....u can get my intro from my profile..“It was during the summer days ....... As usually i go to my cousin aunt house since my summer vacation........oh i forgot real intro of my aunt......She is vry pretty...her figure is.. 38-34-40As i entered her house she was looking same like i had seen her last summer......Only the thing had changed that last year her hair was short but this time her hair were too long till her knee........ I was fond of girls with long hair so i was...

2 years ago
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My Fiance and the Black Bodyguard Parts 08 09

Here I am listening to how my fiancée had earlier in the week done drugs with the bodyguard of the famous rapper that I was working with and then proceeded to blow him to a double orgasm while cumming all over his fingers in the back of the artist’s stretch limousine. “After he came so hard down my throat, I was still half-swallowing his snake down my throat while breathing shallowly and fucking his hand. I unexpectedly started orgasming so deliciously, that I didn’t stop shaking for a few...

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It8217s A Family Affair 8211 Part 4 How We Make Dreams Come True

In the previous parts, you read how we got infatuated with our mom and how we got into incest. Now you will read how we make dreams come true. Probably one month had passed after our adventurous summer. I had a bad headache. I had spent the previous night having wild fantasies about my mom and couldn’t sleep. So I decided to bunk college. But I didn’t tell my mom as she would not allow this. So Chetan, mom, and I got out of the house at the same time to go to our respective schools and...

1 year ago
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Solo Vacation part 2

I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander around to see what would happen, especially in the “video room” with 24-hour porn and a sling table! I hoped...

3 years ago
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Horny Mrs Phillips

It was a sunny and warm Friday afternoon in suburbia. Work had been hectic recently, so the 45 year-old, married, mother of three decided to take a day off work. The c***dren were off living their own lives. One was married and two were away at college. She had the quiet house all to her for the day until her husband would return later from work.Now that they were empty nesters, They begun a routine of taking off work an hour early each Friday for a "date". They would meet at home, remove their...

4 years ago
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Ding...Dong....Ding...dong.... Freaking shit.... I quickly hid the bottles and smoke and rushed to open the door... OMG......!!!!!!!!! Was it some kind of a miracle....??? Standing in front of me was PRANALI-my mami's((maternal aunt's)) younger sister She was wearing a simple cream colour saree the colour just as same as her skin and a cream-golden coloured semi-half sleeve blouse and just earings as her jewellery... wheatish complextion more on the fair said,her hair where...

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Sweet Sixteen Part 10

Sweet Sixteen Part 10 By Beverley Ann Miles "Alexandra, can you talk?" came the voice from the mobile. "Yeah, sure. Who is it?" It was Jeremy. It was now the beginning of March, and Alex had almost forgotten giving his favourite lingerie customer his number. "I was wondering if you were available to join me for an evening's entertainment, this Friday? I had in mind a meal, and a concert I'm attending; do you like classical music?" "I like some, but I don't know that much....

2 years ago
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The Tunnel Part 2

She emerged from the terminal and into the streets of New York City, right in front of Madison Square Garden. Unsure of what exactly to look for, she stood frozen in front of the door as throngs of people passed by without notice. She took a deep breath and analyzed her situation. She was once a he, now standing in a skirt in a once familiar city that now seemed huge and menacing. The discomfort she felt in her new body warped the sites and scenery into an imposing force, a world that was...

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He Suggested a Nightcap

Em met him in the bar, during a break in the awards dinner she was attending. They chatted briefly and had a cigarette, and said they’d probably see each other at the bar again when next there was a break in proceedings. Or perhaps, he said, they could have a nightcap later. His name was Jean and he was French. He was a big man with a nice laugh and twinkling eyes. Em hadn’t met him before and wouldn’t again. He was from the other side of the world and was in town only for the convention of...

Quickie Sex
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The Wifes True Stories

These are true stories that have all happened within the last year or so and they are all true. Im not the worlds greatest writer, but I just wanted to write them out anyway. After that first night when my friend JP had come over (which was my first story) things began to get very interesting. Im just going to tell them in short story form because I simply dont have time to write out all the details. About a week after the first incident with my wife and my friend JP, I decided that I wanted...

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One Night in a Bar

It was crowded at the bar. Apparently, someone was having a hell of a party. I hate crowds, but came so that I could see you. Being so far apart, we don’t have much time for fun, and the little time we have I like to spend alone with you. You had opted to go and get us something from the bar, leaving me alone at the table. I can see you wriggle your way through the crowd to the bar, your sexy ass looking so good in the tight short skirt. You disappear for a few seconds, but the crowd parts and...

3 years ago
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Working Girl

Dragon Chronicle: Part 11 "I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored." "I get it," Neeka replied to my mostly rhetorical and utterly unnecessary outburst. "You're bored." "Maybe 'bored' is the wrong word. I have needs that aren't being met." "You can't need to get laid. You spent most of last night letting Jeff fuck you stupid. He succeeded, by the way." "Did we keep you awake?" "No, I was up anyway. Birdlistening." "Don't you mean 'birdwatching'?" "No I was awake...

3 years ago
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Dominant Aditi Fucked Hard Dominantly

Hi friends, this is Vike back with another story of my adventure. Thank you for the wonderful response to my previous sex story. You can contact me at: for help, suggestion and sexual talks. Let me get to the story, this story is about Aditi my Facebook friend who is a wild sex lover and a audacious beautiful girl. She has long brown hairs, big black eyes, round boobs of 36C and a ass which gives her a perfect sand glass figure. We met on fb in 2009 since then we have been good friends, she...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Braylin Bailey This Scene Got HIM A Contract

Well-hung 22-year-old Apollo Banks makes his hardcore industry debut today on See H?️M Fuck and we paired HIM up with another newcomer, the lovely Braylin Bailey ❤️ for this week’s update. After our wonderful director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, Apollo stands and starts to strip for Braylin, but when she sees that big dick, she can’t help but to toot on it a little bit. Braylin lubes ? HIM up front and back, making sure Apollo’s prick is nice and...

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My husband Pregnented my sister

Hi, I am a Ranjitha, aged 32, and my sister Vanaja is aged 29. She is married to Balu who is My husband’s own brother. After 5 years of marriage no symptoms of her Pregnancy. When I consulted with my sister, she told me that , her husband has no enough sperm count to give a baby. They are planning to get sperm-donation from Semen Bank. They are waiting for a good person’s sperm. I told her that why they look for new persons semen, they can have my husband’s sperm. His husband also agreed to...

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Str8 Guy Seduced By A Tranny ch1

Str8 Guy Seduced By A Tranny (ch1)For a str8 friend here at xHamster... who is a fan of my writing and when I told him I would write a story with him in it... I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into..Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To say I was nervous was a bit of an understatement... but I was also very, very excited. This was my first time putting it out there in a big way. Back home, I had gone out a few times and was completely passable... I guess I should explain more... I am...

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Introduction to pee play

It was a winter's evening when Gina and I first discovered that we shared a few fetishes. We were sitting in my living room, next to my fire place, keeping nice and cosy. We have always been comfortable with each other, so we sat lazily in our underwear. “I have always had a thing for feet,” I said as she playfully wiggled her toes in front of me. “And I love getting spanked, you know that.” We both giggled. Gina looked at me seriously, I knew the look well. “I like to pee.” I looked at her...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience

Let me introduce myself.... My name is Gary. At the time this story takes place I was 29 years old, single, and really super horny. I started having these day dreams about being with another guy. I honestly think I was just needing some affection and me being a total failure with the lady’s, maybe a man would work. I was not blessed with a big dick, I’m 4 inches when hard. I can cum gallons at a time. As I have stated, I was really horny and needed someone to fulfill my sexual needs. Me and...

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NubilesPorn Kenzie Taylor Femme Fatale

Alex Legend has had some kinky sex in his lifetime, but his evening with Kenzie Taylor takes the cake. The bigtit blonde seems happy to come back to his room. She’s totally into it as he whips out his big dick for her to suck. He’s happy to give up control as she wraps her hand around his neck for some light breath play and then keeps on with her deep throat BJ. When Kenzie lifts her miniskirt so Alex can pound her hard and deep, he thinks he’s got it made! Then Kenzie pulls...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 49 Bitchs Christmas Surprise

WARNING: This chapter has some forced sexual situations between cousins that some may find disturbing. If this sort of action is offensive to you, please skip ahead to Chapter 50. Marissa getting to me promise to make her a woman the day after her first period made me slide off into very sweet dreams indeed. When I woke it was past ten. I got up to get breakfast and found the guestroom door was open as I walked past. The girls were gone and I found a note on the table from mom. David, the...

1 year ago
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Forgetting the keys

Note : This story is completely fictional! My aunt is 45 years old and she is a bit curvy with nice tits to go with her plump ass, she has long blond hair and she usually wears glasses She isn’t the type to wear high heel shoes; at least I’ve never seen her do it She has 2 sons; the older is in the army and the younger one usually goes out to play with friends One day I slept over because I forgot my keys, apparently she was supposed to be alone the day after and didn’t know id be there. She...

1 year ago
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Project Eldest SonChapter 19

(If you haven’t read the story Calm like a Bomb, this chapter won’t make very much sense.) “I wonder what this room used to look like before they painted it this crappy shade of grey?” Simone Atkinson asked her husband. “I don’t know, but whoever did it should never work here again. Look at the splotches and runs on the wall.” He pointed out to her. Mike walked over to the head of the table. Sitting down, he smiled. “Childhood dream?” Simone asked. Speaking in a voice resembling the...

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