RunChapter 50: Holes free porn video

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“The Cambridge is ours,” Anna told the group gathered in the small meeting room, “but, unfortunately, it looks like Utah has gotten to Malta with Tamara...”

Gene swallowed his anger, his body and mind still in shock from his intense experience moments earlier, rutting and mating with his daughter. She was beside him, her arm locked in his, her face showing much of the confusion Gene was then feeling. He tried to flush away his mixed emotions regarding incest and the warmth of Lauren’s touch and managed to growl, “So what the fuck happens now? We have to go to Malta!”

“Yes,” Anna nodded, looking around at those gathered. Holly was there, as were the elder Hendersons, Marisa and Silver had arrived minutes earlier and were seated beside Holly. A couple of men Gene didn’t know completed the set. “You’re going to Malta, Gene, as soon as possible. My father made it clear you are to meet him there. The Cambridge will be within range of the sub’s port in the next two hours. By the time you’re there, the hope is that they will have intercepted Utah and rescued your wife.”

“Some hope you offer,” Gene spat bitterly, “everything has gone so well each fucking time I’ve heard that before...”

Anna ignored his insult and said, “And there’s more news. About Finch and Logan.”

Gene swallowed his fears and waited for her to continue.

Lauren’s heart raced. She couldn’t stop squeezing her father’s arm. She needed reassurance that what they’d shared together was real. It had been wonderful but much too brief. And now, she was hearing that her mother was in a place where some horrid fate was awaiting her. It didn’t feel real, any of it.

“We believe Logan and Finch are being taken to Victor, and we have tracked him just moments ago to the same place where the sub is in port. Logan and Finch, we think, are on their way to Malta, if not there already.”

Lauren swallowed hard, unable to do more than hang on to her dad’s arm. At least it seemed that maybe all three of her captured family members were still alive, but Lauren knew things could change in a heartbeat, and that made her stomach churn and threaten to upend.

Holly said, “Five minutes, Gene. Meet me on the north pad. We’ll get you dressed on the flight.”

“I’m going, too!” Lauren exclaimed.

Holly’s eyes narrowed and Anna shook her head, the latter saying, “Not a chance, you would—”

“I said, I’m going!”

“Lauren,” Holly began, “you can’t just—”

“Dad,” Lauren said as calmly as she could, “I’m not letting go of you, no matter what. Not again. My mom, my brothers, they’re all in Malta, and you’re about to be, too. No way in hell I’m staying here alone. No way.”

Her father looked at her a moment and then nodded. “She goes where I go.”

“Gene—” Anna started to protest.

“We’re down to four minutes, Anna,” he interrupted. “We better get ready.”

The blonde fumed and Lauren could tell she wanted to argue further. Holly put her hand on Anna’s shoulder and it was clear that Anna had backed down when she shrugged and said, “Hurry your asses. You better fucking run.”

“Well, my boy, I wondered when I might see you once more,” Victor Harrelman said with a sickening smile, “and don’t you worry, you’ll be well taken care of, I promise.”

Another man stood beside Victor, a fat white man with a pale pallor in his features. Finch noted that the man was both wide and round, short but threatening, wearing a shabby grey decades-old track suit. He stared silently off somewhere beyond Finch’s right shoulder.

Finch watched Victor quietly, heart pounding, hands once more behind his back and bound, a strongman keeping a firm grasp on his neck, pinching it to the point of making Finch’s throat constrict. They were in a broad, mostly-empty warehouse or hangar, the smell of mold and brine heavy in the seemingly-abandoned facility. Finally, Finch managed to respond, “Just like last time, right?”

“Ah, my boy,” Victor said, squatting down a few inches and leaning in close to Finch’s face, “that was rather an ... unfortunate misunderstanding, you see?”

“Where’s my mom?”

“Soon, my boy. She will be with us soon. Though,” he said with a rumbling, disheartening laugh, right in Finch’s face, “she may not have had the most comfortable of receptions.”

Finch’s reaction was on instinct. Automatic. He never worried about how much it might hurt to jerk forward and smash his forehead into Victor’s nose. The pain hit two seconds after his head was already swimming from the impact.

“Ahhgrnggk!” Victor exclaimed, clutching his face and staggering backwards. He stared at Finch in disbelief. “You rotten little shit! You little shit! You broke my fucking nose!”

Finch was jerked backwards and spun over, slammed onto his stomach, and the teen was thankful that his face was the last part of his body to make contact with the concrete floor. Pain consumed him and Finch was unable to do more than hover on the edge of awareness for some time.

“I’ll miss you so much!” Hannah told Lauren with tears in her eyes. The liftoff had been postponed for fifteen minutes when the inbound helicopter was delayed. Hannah held her tight, and Georges was likewise pressing in, a few tears of his own wetting his cheeks.

“I’ll see you soon,” Lauren said, less certain than the sounded, “I promise. All of you.”

Henderson and Juliana were there, as was Panthea. She hugged them all and told them all how much she loved them.

“I wish we could go with you,” Georges said, “it feels wrong to be apart after all this...”

“I know,” Lauren said, eyes red and leaking.

“It is for the best,” Henderson’s booming voice called out, “Bridgewater knows what he’s about, I promise. You’ll see your mom and siblings soon, Lauren. Trust him.”

“No,” Lauren said, shaking her head, “I can’t trust him. Not really. I trust my father.”

Henderson watched her a moment, then nodded, “A reasonable position. Do take care, Lauren.”

Panthea came for a second hug and she whispered in Lauren’s ear, “You have been a special friend, Lauren ... I will miss you...”

“You too!”

It sucked leaving behind so many people who had meant so much to her over the weeks. People who had nearly died for her, protecting her and her brothers. Lauren’s heart belonged to those gathered around her, especially Georges and Hannah, but also Juliana and Panthea and even the giant man Henderson. Each was special, and it felt unusually final to tell them each goodbye.

“Lauren?” Holly’s voice called from behind her. She turned to see the pretty blonde standing just outside the doorway with Lauren’s father. “We’re ready.”

“I’m coming.” Lauren turned back, tried not to openly bawl, and whispered to those around her, “Goodbye...”

The changing tint of the water was difficult to notice at first. Tamara had found a gauge on the sub’s dashboard and for the last hour, the depth had been steadily decreasing. The blackness outside took on just a hint of a green glow before, moments later, it was obvious that some surface light was diffracting down to where she looked out from the cockpit.

The water became bright green and then, more suddenly than expected, the sub broke the surface of the water and Tamara saw, for the first time, their likely destination.

The port, if you could call it that, was a long concrete embankment with a single, long dilapidated dock poking out into the water, warehouses and cranes and old shipping containers providing accents and backdrops. The sub had slowed, Tamara thought, and it caused her stomach to lurch a bit from the different momentum. Or, she realized, it was more likely the realization that her reprieve from torture was soon to be ending.

She considered, for long moments, killing Haul. He deserved it, to be sure. Tamara was going to suffer anyway. She figured it mattered little to the man meeting her whether Haul lived or not. Tamara suspected that anyone who would do such horrible things to her was probably not doing it for the money. Haul being dead would have no affect on her treatment.

She went back to where he was bound on the floor and hovered over him a moment. There’d been a multitool in the utility cabinet, enough of a blade to end Haul’s life with little effort. The knife’s edge against his throat, she watched his terrified eyes, wide and beat red, staring up at her in disbelief.

“Why shouldn’t I kill you, Haul? What, in your miserable life, makes you deserve to take even a single breath more?”

He didn’t respond and he couldn’t given the way she’d wrapped several loops of rope over his gag. Tamara was through letting him talk. It was now a matter of whether she would continue to let him breathe. He’d soiled himself in the last hours, a satisfying humiliation despite the disgusting smell in the small space.

“I’ve learned something, Haul ... About second chances.” She drew the knife across the man’s throat just enough to separate a layer or two of skin in a small flap. He shuddered and was clearly terrified.

“When someone makes a mistake and they ask forgiveness, they get a second chance. People make mistakes, Haul,” she purred, drawing the knife once more, slicing another flap of skin away.

Her mind had settled and a smile spread onto her face. It was no real choice what she would do.

Later, she knew, Tamara might not like the woman she was in that moment, but in that moment, she savored what little she could control before her world was destroyed by the Mantis. “But when someone fucks with me or my family, with those I love,” she said, turning the knife up on end, letting the sharp point press down right in the middle of Haul’s throat, “you get no fucking second chance. You killed Marcus, you sick fuck. You killed him and you took him from me ... from his wife ... his daughter. He was a good man, Haul. A good man. You’re not. You’re not and you best make amends with whatever god willing to have you.” Her fingers twitched and the knife poked just a bit. The man’s body was writhing below her, but he was so weak and her grip so intense that he couldn’t do more than shake.

“This is for Marcus,” Tamara growled, “Fuck you, Haul.”

Tamara used her free hand like a blacksmith’s hammer, driving the knife deep into Haul’s throat.

Blood exploded in a blossoming fountain, coating her fingers. She rather calmly stood and watched as Haul gasped through the new hole in his throat, gurgling and sputtering the only sounds. He would die in pain, she knew, and he deserved it. Tamara wiped the knife on her shirt, then slid it into a pocket, wiping her fingers on the bedclothes as best she could, then washed them in the tiny sink in the shower stall.

Later, she knew, this moment might bring her pain and horror. But the smile on her face felt like the first moment of happiness she’d had since she’d lost Marcus. It wouldn’t bring him back, killing Haul, wouldn’t make everything right again, but at least she’d avenged his death. She thought he would have appreciated that.

Steeled as best she could be, Tamara slid herself back into a seat in the cockpit, and waited for the inevitable. She’d make an attempt to get away, to fight back, as best she could, but she calmed her thoughts and accepted her death, or, at least, torture which would make her long for death. No idea what the Mantis would do to her, she knew enough to understand it would be cruel and painful. Whatever it brought, Tamara would protect her secrets to protect Gene, to protect her children. Her life might soon be over, but that didn’t mean that it would be given in vain.

The port was so close now that the sub was closer to the concrete embankment than the part of the dock farthest from land. The vehicle slowed and came to rest beside a part of the dock with recessed steps and three men waiting with assault rifles.

Tamara stuck her hands in her pockets, fingering the multitool and ensuring the blade was already out and ready. The small square box in her other pocket confused her a moment. Then she recalled the small game with tiny miniatures inside. Tamara started to pull it out to toss it aside, no longer in need of such a distraction, but her thought was lost when the pressure in the submersible changed suddenly and the growling voices of the men outside echoed inside the tiny world she’d sought to escape for so long. Tamara stood slowly, turning towards the opening hatch, and put on her most determined smile.

Logan watched from a rusted-out hole in a metal shipping container along one side of the tarmac, almost half a mile from where the jet had finally stopped at the airport nearby. The small submersible had come in just a bit earlier as Logan made his way towards where he thought his brother had been taken, and he wondered just who might be arriving in such an impressive vehicle as a private submarine.

He’d managed to escape the plane by crawling through the small spaces under then cabin and down one of the lowered wheels. His luck had been fairly good, coming down outside in just the right position to not be seen by the men circling the jet. A nearby wheelless transport truck had provided the perfect hiding place for the first moments, and then he’d slowly worked his way to a better spot inside a small trashed building which might have once served as a guard shack. Logan had seen his brother being taken off the jet before several men started searching around, surely looking to find out where Logan had gone.

The boy knew he needed to get far away from the jet, but he was unwilling to leave his brother to their captors. So he carefully stayed ahead of his searchers and kept an eye on Finch as he was walked quickly to a large warehouse some distance away near the open water of the surrounding seas. Finch was roughly pushed into the building, and Logan had crept as close as he could when he ran out of ideas.

Getting into the building unnoticed was impossible. There were three guards near where Logan had gone in, and there were a dozen more milling about or searching lazily. He saw the red-haired woman several times, the anger on her face clear, her shouts, in some other language, needing little translation.

Logan saw no other way into the building, at least not from the rusting container which served, for the moment, as his hiding place. So, for the moment, he rubbed out the shards of pain in his neck and arms and legs and watched three men rush into the submersible’s opening hatch.

Two of them emerged seconds later dragging a limp form between them. They dumped the limp body onto the dock, then appeared to be arguing passionately. Logan could hear the men yelling at each other, though the foreign language was lost on him. They seemed to decide on a resolution, and one of the men, the larger and broader of the two, hefted the body over a shoulder and they quickly shuffled down the dock.

The closer they got, the more Logan thought the body looked familiar. It was female, for sure, and as they passed within a few yards of his hiding spot, Logan knew for sure who was being carried.

It was his mother!

The dull hum of the rotating blades offered little comfort for its occupants. They’d lifted off just a minute earlier, still gaining some altitude, and Gene had his arm around his daughter’s shoulders as they shuddered lightly from the vibration inside the broad, sleek helicopter.

“Here,” Holly shouted in his ear. She handed him an outfit which looked familiar, Gene having worn such a thing several times over the weeks. Without a thought about Lauren seeing him do so, he shed his shirt and pants and slid into the black suit quickly. Holly strapped a belt around his middle, pistol in the holster, spare clips held beside it, then pushed an assault rifle and two clips into his hands. The latter he slid smoothly into his right pocket, the former placed gently on the floor of their cabin with the safety on.

“We have to stop to refuel in about two hours,” Holly said loudly near his face, “we’ll be there as fast as possible, Gene. I’ll let you know if I hear anything new.”

Marisa and Silver were also aboard, along with a couple of soldiers who had been in the last briefing. Gene looked at his daughter, then said, “She needs to be armed, Holly.”

The blonde looked at Lauren a second or two, then nodded, “Okay.”

She slipped past him and returned a moment later, putting a rifle like Gene’s in Lauren’s hands. “Think you can handle this?” she shouted to Gene’s daughter.

There was no more fear on her face than had been there previously. In fact, Gene thought, she looked more resolved than ever. Lauren shouted, “I can,” the slung the strap over her shoulder and cradled the rifle against her body.

Holly nodded, then turned back to Gene, “The Cambridge will be on site very soon. We’ll know much more then.” She leaned very close and in a loud whisper right against his ear, “We may have a small miracle in the making. A ... chance I took some time ago might have paid off ... I don’t know yet, not yet...”

“What are you talking about?” Gene hissed back.

Holly started to respond, then shook her head, “Nothing. It might be nothing. I’ll let you know if that changes.”

Gene started to press her but she stepped away and shed her clothes, the blonde stretching in her underwear a moment before putting on a dark suit like Gene’s and then heading to the front to sit with the pilots.

Gene settled back in his seat, easing the tip of the rifle in Lauren’s hand away from him. He gave her a few quick pointers about the gun, but he knew about as little as she did. He hoped Lauren didn’t need to use the weapon, but he’d be damned if they showed up in Malta with anything less than a full armament.

“Dad,” Lauren said near his ear, “whatever happens ... thank you for earlier...”

“Oh, Lauren,” Gene whispered as he wrapped his arm tight around her body, “God, Lauren ... it was so wonderful...”

Despite her fears, Gene saw her smile and let out a long breath. Whatever happened, it wasn’t going to be easy, but at least he had his daughter with him this time, and after their incestuous, urgent mating earlier that day, Gene found a resolved strength growing inside him. “Let’s go get your mother and brothers.”

Logan had shifted his legs and rubbed his arms until he couldn’t much feel anything in his limbs. He’d watched the men drag his mother into the same warehouse where he thought Finch had been taken, but there were still far too many of the armed men around to dare moving closer. His plan, if one could call it that, was to wait until his mother or brother were brought out and then Logan would try to follow them, or, if things were perfect, free one or the other. It wasn’t much, really, but it was all Logan had to go on.

After what felt like hours, but was probably only twenty minutes, he saw a man come out clutching his face. Despite his covering and the bloody rags pressed against his nose, Logan recognized Victor quite easily. A short, broad man was a step behind, and two more followed with automatic rifles at the ready. They stopped halfway between the warehouse and Logan’s hiding spot, and Logan could see a long car driving in from the opposite side of the compound.

“Goddamnit, man,” Victor sputtered, clearly in some measure of pain, “I want that little shit hurt.”

The short, broad man calmly replied, “He will be, I assure you.”

“No kid gloves, Mantis,” Victor spat blood as he spoke, “no fucking kid gloves.”

“Have I ever done less?” the stocky man asked.

“Just see it done,” Victor replied, spitting again, “and when you’re finished, make sure you bring what’s left to Lausanne.”

The Mantis cocked his head, “You intend to return to your compound? Isn’t it compromised?”

Same as Run
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Emma Faints Easily and Guys From Football Team Fucks All Her Holes

Emma faints seeing blood Hi! I am Emma from Iowa. I am your typical farm girl, grew up in corn fields. I am blue eyed, blonde, have sun tanned skin, bubble butt, round boobs, with a positive attitude from growing in a loving home. I was in my senior year in little plains high school, and I was chatting with my BFF Emily after our cheerleader team workout in the football field. “There is a new horror movie in the theaters” chimed Emily, “we should go see it”. “I would love to, but as you...

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Bartlett Ch 01 Donut Holes

This is the first installation of a series written back in 1994 but lost to the Internet since. This series is set in the same ‘universe’ as the Book series, and assumes a familiarity with other mind control erotica. Donut Holes (Bartlett 1) by Bartlett ***** It was a typical business morning. Ten cars waited at the drive thru, so I decided to head inside and wait in line. Maybe it would be quicker. On the other hand, maybe it would be some fun… Inside was the same story. Two lines, each...

3 years ago
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Two black cocks for my two holes

I was home alone that afternoon and horny, very horny.So, I had invited these men to come along and fuck me. Hard, very hard…I felt so fragile sandwiched between these two huge black guys. I let them do whatever they wanted with me. Anything they would do, would make me cum like crazy, as I felt so fucking horny.I wanted these black men to use me, just to use me and abuse my body, doing whatever dirty things they wanted to do to me. I wanted to have their lust.“Harder” I moaned, looking at...

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Pin Holes

I have been driving for the last two hours to the Marriot in Baltimore. My wife was there on a conference and I was going to surprise her by dropping in and taking her to supper. Yah, right! For the last three months I have suspected my wife of having an affair with one of her co-workers. I just had the feeling that every time she was taking one of her business trips, training sessions or conferences she was really getting laid. Tonight I was going to catch her in the act and end it for...

4 years ago
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It’s been 6 months since the last time I got laid. Even then it wasn’t anything to write home about. Needless to say frustration doesn’t begin to describe my mood. And work, work today was a joke. If it could go wrong it did. So here I am at seven thirty – a full two and half hours after I should of clocked out, climbing from my vehicle and trudging up my walk. You. You are upstairs banging away on lord only knows with your hammer and nails. Sometimes I think you do it to annoy me. Others…I...

2 years ago
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N goes to the Glory Holes

N goes to the Glory Holes We retired to the hotel for rest and relaxation. N was very tired but the excitement wouldn’t allow her to rest.   She kept talking about the big Swede’s cock and how it filled up her pussy.   The DP was a first time experience and she liked the simultaneity of my prick sawing in and out of her ass while he filled her pussy. I fixed her a stiff drink which she gulped down.   With the second she was starting to fade as we climbed into the king size bed.   She was too...

4 years ago
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Glory Holes

Jenny Sanders looked at the bar breathlessly, a small frown tugging at her red lips. She didn't like how it looked - rundown, holes in the walls and rats scurrying on the ground, however, she had no choice unless she wanted to stay out all night walking back home. Her car had been stolen, her keys forgotten, her cellphone broken... and to top it all off, she didn't even know where she was! Gloomily, the busty blonde walked into the bar, unseeing of the leers and catcalls that were sent her...

3 years ago
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Fucking Rekha In All Holes

Hey guys this is James again… Thanks for your great feedbacks on my previous stories… Any ladies or couples interested in sex no strings attached can contact me at also send your feedbacks whether good or bad.. Moving on… This is the second incident involving my neighbor siblings reshma and Rekha.. Those who missed the first story about our threesome can read it in my author page… In this story I will tell you how I had an awesome fuck session with Rekha.. She’s the youngest of the two girls...

3 years ago
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Riya Fucked All Her Three Holes

Hello friends and this is my 2nd story on ISS and I am very excited since this is one sex encounter which I will be cherishing for my life and I am a 24 year old guy working in a finance company. I am fairly handsome with a good built body. I have a girlfriend named Sneha. I have been in love with her since my college and we enjoy sex regularly. But, this story is not about Sneha. I have a friend named Nayan who has been one of my best buddies since childhood and Nayan has a girlfriend named...

4 years ago
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Glory Holes

No one remembered how exactly it happened, but glory holes became popular in this small midwestern college town. City council eventually took up the question and legalized them. They were considered a relatively normal part of life... for most people. [ Author's note - This is a fantasy of mine that I've had for some time and wanted to share. As you may have guessed from the title, it primarily involves oral sex. However, I'm very interested in piss drinking, and that eventually makes an...

1 year ago
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love Glory Holes

I’ve been in one only once, while I was on vacation in Dallas. My boyfriend Tyler and I went into an adult bookstore in Kennedale on the edge of Fort Worth. We’d been too Wet ’n’ Wild water park in Arlington. On the way back to our hotel we stopped at the bookstore and, as a lark, we checked out the viewing booths behind the beaded curtain in the arcade area. The first thing I noticed when we opened the door was the smell. I mean I was hit with the smell of cigarettes, sweat, cum, piss,...

Oral Sex
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Glory Holes

This will be a short addition to my last story. As i said I started to visit that bathroom almost everyday. I was about 17 when I first went into a adult video arcade. I know i looked older then I really was but never thought they would let me in. Now I know that having a young boy in the booths is just what they wanted but I just thought I caught the guy at a good time and he just let me go in. This was back when they still had 8 mm movies. I got a hand full of quarters and went to...

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big cocks need tight holes

I never ever thought they were speaking the truth after we lost the game and they teased me i would be better as a cheerleaderi told them i knew how to be a goalie but after a 6-1 game they were angry at me teasing about being cheer for the club insteadthis is when I should have went home and never again tried to be the goaleryet i was back 2 days later this time only loosing 4-2 but still wasnt that goodI should have run they were not k**ding about itthe cheer costume out and looking both at...

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Stories of religiously minded girls trying to preserve their virginity and women trying to avoid pregnancy the old fashioned way (when/where birth control is not available), but feel free to use your imagination. Vaginal sex isn't off the table, but would only occur later in a story arc after alternative methods have been tried. If your story includes non-consent, incest, or other similarly controversial elements, tag appropriately in the title of the start of your thread, ex. [non-consent]....

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Loopholes

The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...

2 years ago
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Bunny Holes

Master Albegas had informed her two weeks ago to make sure that she had no plans on Easter Sunday, and although she did not have any, as she was sure that He well knew, Miriam would have more than willingly canceled. He was being mysterious which meant that it was going to be one of two possibilities. He was either planning on taking her on a romantic getaway for the day, just the two of them, or He was setting up a scene for her to participate in that would be a new and unique experience...

3 years ago
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Tokyo Valentino Atlanta glory holes

I went again ! OMG. I got dressed up in my sluttiest hot pink outfit with blond wig and red lipstick. I had on my sky high sparkly heels and a hot pink pearl necklace. I stepped out of my car in broad daylight and walked to the front door. I hesitated and acted like I dropped something bending over and exposing my hot pink panties to all the guys in the parking area ! I sent a message out that I was ready to used like a slut. I payed my entrance fee and walked in. I immediately pulled my skirt...

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A young married man finds a public toilet with gloryholes

I was 21, far too young to be married but we had a 6 month old kid and I wanted to do the right thing. I’m slim 130 pound, white, small frame, good looking, blond with blue eyes. We rented an apartment and I worked in the parts dept of a local Truck dealer. I rode a bike to work and back, I left the small car we had for my wife in case she needed it with the baby. I rode home via a shortcut across a major highway, through a truck stop. It sold gas had a couple of stores and was a picnic...

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Why I Love Gloryholes

The first time I went to a GH I knew I was hooked. So this is why I love them.You can go with no commitment. No identity.I would wait for a finger then stick my cock in the hole and feel lips on my cock, what a thrill, men seem to be able to suck in more hard cock than woman. Men will also finish better than woman. I could blow my load in their mouth and they would drain my balls.... and love it. If the hole was big enough I would get my balls in there too, nothing like a ball message and suck....

1 year ago
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Enjoying the Gloryholes

Back in the 70s in Vegas there were several adult bookstore with video arcades a couple of my favorites were the Denmark up on Las Vegas Blvd. and the Talk of The Town at Charleston and Fremont. In those days the cops didn't bother with these places and they were never busted. The Denmark had several booths with glory holes and you could sit in them and have a haft a dozen men wanting to have you suck them off in a hours time. I would luv to sit in them waiting for a man to come into the ajoing...

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Trip to The Nashville Gloryholes

When I lived in Nashville, I never did totally “trannie” up, but I would just go"gay boy" with some white short shorts, maybe hot pink panties that show thru, some mascara, a little base and blush, flip flops with hot pink toe nails. I would visit every glory hole (when they were still there ). My shaved legs were tanned from the summer, the girls and guys were checking my ass out. Got a grin from the token sales lady and headed back. (the first one was the 5th Ave Bookstore everyone has a hard...

4 years ago
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Gunboats Gloryholes

Hannah Beck still had to adjust to the reality of it all. There were troops at the Marriott, tanks rolling through Charleston, and gunboats sailing along the Kanawha River. Ever since the bizarre spontaneous combustion wiped out most of the world?s population, the remnants of the various nation-states suffered complete anarchy for a while. No one was yet sure what had caused the situation, but the selective nature of the event made many suspect that it was manufactured by...

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In The End Everything Burns Part 6 All Her Holes

As Anandi lay half asleep, half awake she ran her fingers through Shyam’s hair affectionately. “My Shyam, my love, my stud.”, she thought to herself. She gave him a tight warm hug that made Shyam raise his head from her shoulder and look her in the eye. She blushed and gave him a shy smile. Shyam smiled back and got off her. “I’ll drink some water and come.”, he said and went to the kitchen. As he rose and walked in his full naked glory, Anandi recalled having seen some white marble statue that...

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Donnas hairy holes

I love finding random strangers and coercing them into sharing their sexual stories with me. I was in South San Francisco last weekend, stayingin a hotel room. I was kind of bored and kind of high and it was getting pretty late. I posted an add on craigslist looking for people willing to come over and let me interview them about their sexual history in exchange for something they would consider of equall value. Within 30 minutes I received a response from Donna, she was willing to do it on...

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Nicoles holes

Joe couldn't help but notice Nicole and her nice juicy ass and soft inviting thighs.  Nicole lived with her parents and she never really had a boyfriend so she didn't know the taste of a hot dripping cock in her mouth.  Nicole was a good girl and she was always helping others out especially when it came to house sitting.And then one day, Nicole need help with her laptop computer and so she dropped it off to Joe.  "I'll take a look at it when I get a chance"  he said,  of course as soon as she...

3 years ago
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The Beautiful Thing About Glory Holes

My first experience with a glory hole was just to days after my 18th birthday at an adult magazine store in Dallas where grew up. I had always wanted to go in and check at the magazines but up until I was 18 they wouldn't let me in. Trust me I tried. Just think an entire building fill with naked girl. That how stupid I was about the world I was about to walk into. I start off Saturday morning with a 20-dollar bill in my pocket think that it would buy me more then enough porno to last me for...

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All fucking three Holes

As the meeting ended sooner than expected, I decided to fly home on Friday night instead of returning on Sunday as previously planned. In order to make the surprise complete, I decided not to call Kathy to let her know of my plans. My plane was delayed in Chicago and by the time I made it to my car in the airport parking lot, it was already 9:30 PM."Shit!" I though to myself, "This day is completely shot. Oh, well, at least Kathy will be happy to have me home a few days early."I pulled up to...

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loosing control of my holes

I always knew it would happensince the night i eagerly put on my sister panty and used her lube on my freshly shaved ass, putting a condom i bought exactly for this on my sister toy, getting down on her toy deeper and deeper , realising how much i love getting open up wearing panty, cuming in the little panty humping the cock like I was a cute girlI started wearing panty dailynothing was making me feel better than the tight tissus rubbing my crack as i walkI endup driving late night wearing...

2 years ago
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It is the way. She says it's bad for her, but she immediately says she likes it in the ass, otherwise she did not. I have to make them wear a catsuit on the net and seeing the body would give her a lot. One evening he spoke to me in detail and said "break my ass, I'm your bitch", gladly, since I had taken a long journey to spend that night with her and then find myself in the morning again at 135 km. away for work; she does not remember telling me that, but she is jealous and feels inside "my...

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Fucking By 3 In 3 Holes

The different exciting show I watched my name is Naveed 18 year’s old student. I feel if doing sex is a pleasure in one way even watching others doing sex is also a pleasure in other way. That is the reason we watch porn movies and the story I am presenting is that unique sex scene I watched. It was a foursome that went on among building construction workers involving two old men and a young couple. The two old men cleverly seduced a young couple and enjoyed both that woman and her husband a bi...

3 years ago
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Fucked in all her holes

Hello all ISS readers, here comes my second experience but I need your feed back to keep me encouraged to keep posting my experiences, girls, aunties, widows, separated and couples who need a fantastic treat with no strings attached mail me at Well readers now in this story I shall be telling you about mine sexual encounter with my sister in law. I don’t want to keep describing me and her its all crap instead I will rush to my sexperience straight away. ”Well my sister in law still never liked...

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Two Hotel Quarantine Cops Use My Holes

This is not a piece of fiction and if I am vague in any parts of this it is because I want to protect the anonymity of everyone involved. ------------------------------------------------------- I was biting the pillow because it hurt, but it was a good hurt. If I hadn't sucked his cock at the beginning of his shift, the cop that was fucking me bareback wouldn't be taking so long. On my knees in the middle of the bed, I was wearing an AussieBum jockstrap and I was handcuffed. Not the...

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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 15 a Fine Selection of Holes

They surrounded me. Oh, how unfair. I'll never get away ... I'm surrounded. Such torture, such agony. When surrounded by naked redheaded twins it's best to give in and succumb to their demands. Simone knew exactly how to make me last forever. "Grab that side, Ship. Lift and slide him onto the deck. Spread his legs ... Ooo too far ... yeah, like that. Let me introduce you to our National Anthem." Sim wormed her way between my legs. "Now, watch, Ship. There will be a lab and an exam...

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Body Holes

This interactive involve stories about people who has been body hopped by someone. Meaning that someone manage to physically enter their body in various way.

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 16 Doctors Are Assholes

Nov 1st, 2018 So today I was supposed to receive the test results from my EEG and by 3:00 pm I had heard nothing. Nada. Zip. Knowing the clinic closes at 4:00 pm. I was preparing to call them, but my wife beat me to it. She finds out they had no intention of giving me my results today. I had to wait until my next regular appoint which is Dec. 5th. My wife reminds them the doctor had told us that we were to be scheduled for an earlier appointment due to the seizures and the tentative...

1 year ago
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Sneha8217s Ass Hole

Sneha, the well known actress surprisingly came for that interview. It was the dream for Sneha to act in the add of the well famous shopping mall at Chennai. Many models across Mumbai also have come for that interview. So Sneha was little less confidence about her performance. But she should get this add. Because this is much precious than other adds. If she selected, she can easily enter into “well known actress in the world’s” list. The interviewer was Raaj. He is a saree lover. He loves the...

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