DanicaPart 18C free porn video

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When Danica awoke the next morning, she took a quick bath and pulled on a comfortable blouse and skirt. Just as she prepared to leave, she looked at the bed with a sigh. Brandon had been in rare form the previous night, in a mood to be gentle. Danica was amazed at just how soft his touch could be, and at the depth of the release that the slow lovemaking had given her.

Danica shook the thoughts out of her head, realizing that they were a bad idea. If she started getting even closer to Brandon, he would be in danger, another weapon for Zoraster to use against her when the whim struck him.

Arming the wards and defenses of the room, Danica cast her spell and teleported to her room in the Forge. She had only been there for a few minutes when Bear approached her with a wide smile.

Danica returned his smile. "Hello, Bear, it's good to see you."

"I have good news as well, Janelle is with child," Bear said, pride and anticipation obvious in his expression.

Danica immediately wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "That's wonderful. It looks like Nara's prediction is coming true. How long?"

"Four months, if we have guessed the time correctly. It feels like an eternity. She is with the Commander now, making arrangements for another to take over her training duties."

Danica made a gesture in the general direction of the front door of the building. "I'm going down to the beaches near Port Varn to find some conch shells for my magic. I'll come see you both when I return. Are any of the others here?"

Bear shook his head. "Nara and Mara are out there somewhere, Venaru is in his homeland for a holy day, and Terran is away at a conclave of wizardry. We have received word that Griffith and Feros are enjoying their time amongst their own people, and they have promised to visit soon. Cheron visited recently, although she was here before we knew for sure that Janelle was pregnant. You are the only one who knows."

Danica offered a mischievous smile and a wink. "You can tell me all about it when I get back. See you then?"

"We have a house in the city now. The Commander can tell you where it is," Bear replied.

"I should visit with him for a while as well, so that will work out perfectly. I'll see you later today." Danica then waved and made her way out of the building.

Although she had visited the city of Port Varn on the coast before, Danica did not have any location she could remember well enough to teleport to, or a pattern there that she could use as a focus for the spell. That left her with two options, walking or flying.

It was hardly a choice.

Danica soon soared amongst the clouds in the general direction of the city. She planned to avoid the city itself when she got closer, going to one of the nearby beaches instead. The miles flew by quickly, and she saw the city on the horizon in only a few minutes. Not long after, she scanned the shoreline for a wide stretch of beach.

Finding what she was looking for, Danica settled to earth not far away, but far enough not to alarm the people nearby who were bathing or fishing. A short walk brought her to the beach, and she found a small conch shell almost immediately. Picking it up, Danica walked down the beach gathering more, discovering a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.

Danica had picked up dozens of the shells when she heard a scream. Looking in the direction from which the sound had arisen, she saw a woman screaming and pointing out into the surf. Danica looked and saw a frightened young man glancing in all directions at the water around his small fishing boat. He held aloft a small oar in both hands like a club.

Danica barely noticed something break through the waves several feet from the boat and cursed. Even though she had never actually seen one, she knew how the creatures known as fishmen stalked their victims, and what they looked like. What she had seen was the finlike crest that adorned the heads of the fishmen.

As she watched, she could see several of the crests occasionally peeking above the waves, continuing to maintain their distance from the boat. Danica determined that the creatures were far enough away that she could attack them without risking the teenager in the boat.

Danica knew that electrical spells could be devastating against creatures that lived in the water, but also knew that the effects would travel far from something like a lightning bolt, which could harm the boy she was trying to save. Thinking quickly, she pulled a small packet of amber bits tied inside a square of wool from her bag and began to chant.

Rubbing the packet between her fingers as she gestured and chanted, Danica completed the spell and hurled the packet toward the fins in the water. The magic hurtled forth, a spell known as sparkstrike, the tiny sparks that left her hand expanding to the size of apples as they approached their target.

When the sparks reached the area where the fishmen were lurking beneath the waves, they burst upon contact with the water. The water boiled as the creatures writhed in pain, several of them coming to the surface and flopping about. Two floated to the surface, unmoving, having been either stunned or killed by the electrical current.

Danica cast the spell a second time before the water had even calmed. Another creature floated to the surface this time as well, the lack of movement from the two already floating creatures indicating that they were indeed dead and not just stunned.

Danica pulled a small crystal from her bag, whispering words of command and bringing it in front of her right eye. Looking to where the creatures had been, she saw them through the magical lens swimming rapidly out to sea. She breathed a sigh of relief and scanned beneath the water's surface around the boat to see if there were more of the creatures in the area.

She dropped the crystal when she saw one of the fishmen approaching the boat from behind. It exploded out of the water in a great splash and grabbed the boy by the clothing, jerking him into the water.

Danica didn't even consider what she was doing. She simply ran into the water and dived when it began to impede her progress. The boat was not far from the shore, and she soon could see the young man struggling with the creature below the surface.

There were few spells she could use with the fishman holding the boy, and so she lashed out with her other weapon, her mind. Heedless of the possibility that Zoraster might be watching, she held her breath, dunked her head beneath the water, and assaulted the fishman's mind with a burst of mental energy. It had the intended result, causing the creature to release the boy and clasp its head. Danica immediately concentrated and pulled the boy toward her with her telekinetic powers. She had to strain due to the strange sensation of using her powers on the young man in water, but managed to pull him to her and the surface.

The creature looked toward them again, swimming in their direction. Again, Danica lashed out with her mind. This time the burst was fueled by fear and anger, because the young man was not moving. The creature stiffened and floated to the surface.

Danica raised her head from the water, sucking a gulp of air into her burning lungs. The boy in the water next to her floated face down, and he was not moving. Using her telekinetic powers, Danica lifted the teen up out of the water and deposited him in the boat. Speaking a word of command, she used the power in one of her magical rings to rise up above the water as well. She had never tried to move herself with her mental powers, and didn't want to risk experimenting with it now.

Settling into the boat, she found the young man was not breathing. Remembering how a friend of hers had been saved from near drowning when she was a child, Danica tried to duplicate what she had seen the man do.

Taking a deep breath and pinching the boy's nose, Danica opened his mouth and locked her lips over his. She blew the breath into his lungs, watching his chest rise. When he didn't respond, Danica sucked in another breath and offered it to him. Danica cursed, her eyes filling with tears, when the young man again didn't respond. Danica refused to surrender, taking another deep breath and locking her lips over the boy's again.

She was rewarded by the boy coughing up salty water into her mouth. Danica rolled him onto his side as he coughed and vomited up the seawater, stroking his back and trying to comfort him.

When he managed to catch his breath, he rolled over and his eyes opened wide. Danica looked at him with concern, wondering what was wrong. After a moment, she realized what it was and looked down. Her blouse was soaked, clinging to her, and the saturated material was utterly transparent.

Chuckling, Danica asked, "Are you alright?"

The young man's face turned bright red and he tore his eyes away from her breasts. "I guess so. What happened? I just remember being in the boat, and then I woke up and you were kissing me."

"It wasn't exactly a kiss, but close enough. A fishman pulled you out of the boat into the water. I've managed to chase them away with my magic and pull you back into the boat."

The teen sat up then and glanced with alarm toward the beach, seeing the woman standing there, he breathed a sigh of relief. "I was worried they might have gotten Mom too."

"She's fine. It was her screaming that let me know you were in trouble. I have no idea how to work an oar, so I'm going to get us back to shore with my magic. Hold on tight," Danica instructed, and then cast a spell that summoned a gust of wind that pushed them toward shore.

The woman on the shore ran toward them and grabbed the boy in her arms with a sob as soon as the boat was close enough for her to reach. Danica sat on the seat of the boat smiling as the woman kissed her son repeatedly despite his protests.

The woman turned to Danica and said, "I don't know how to thank you."

Danica waved a hand and, still smiling, and said, "I only did what anyone with a heart would have done."

Noticing that the boat was starting to drift away from the shore again, Danica swung her legs over the side and pulled it up onto the beach. Mother and son both stepped out of the boat, the young man saying, "Thank you, Ma'am. You saved my life."

Danica smiled at him and said, "You're making me feel old, calling me Ma'am."

"You're not old," the teen replied, and Danica chuckled when she saw him pull his eyes away from her breasts again.

His mother thumped him on top of the head, saying, "Mind your eyes, boy."

Danica smiled and said, "It's alright – he's young and it's natural. You should really look at a girl's face when you're talking to her, though. We're not really fond of having a man talking to our boobs."

"I think it's high time I had the talk with this one," the woman mused.

The young man made a face and exclaimed, "Mom!"

"First things first, at least let me make you something to eat as a way of thanking you," the woman said to Danica.

"It's not necessary, but I won't be rude and refuse your offer. Besides, I'm hungry."

"Mom's a good cook," the young man offered.

"Let's be off then," the woman said and gestured for them to follow.

The woman was indeed a good cook, and Danica was stuffed when she finally walked out the front door. The young man she had saved followed her out and said, "Thank you again. I don't know how I could repay you."

Danica smiled and replied, "Listen to that talk your mom is going to give you, and remember to respect girls, not look at them like something good to eat. That is, until they let you know that that's how they want you to look at them. You'll know." On impulse, Danica leaned forward, putting her hand on the young man's cheek and kissed him full on the lips.

He stared at her in wide-eyed wonder when she pulled her lips away from hers. Danica smiled and said, "Now, that was a kiss – a real one. Be careful the next time you're out in a boat, please?"

He nodded his head and said, "I will," still looking stunned from the kiss.

Danica waved to him and started walking away, looking for a good place to cast her teleportation spell to return to the Forge. Stepping into a narrow alley behind a large building, she decided the location was secluded enough, and rode the wings of magic.

Back in her room at the Forge, Danica changed out of her still slightly damp clothing and headed toward the Commander's suite. She was greeted warmly at the doorway and immediately ushered to where he was studying a letter of some sort.

He looked up when he sensed her presence in the room and put down what he was reading to greet her. "Welcome, Danica, it has been too long since you visited."

"I'm kept pretty busy. No monstrous hordes coming out of the woods recently, I hope?"

The Commander scowled slightly. "No, although I wouldn't be surprised. I'm receiving reports from everywhere that foul creatures are boldly attacking in places they have always avoided."

Danica pursed her lips for a moment and then commented, "I guess I'll have to add to those reports. I just ran off a large group of fishmen – killing four – down by Port Varn. They were attacking a boy in a fishing boat that was close to the beach."

The Commander sighed and shook his head. "Justarius says it has something to do with a convergence of some sort."

Danica arched her eyebrows and tried to think of where the stars and planets would be aligned at this time of year. She realized that there would be a convergence soon, a rare one. "I haven't been paying much attention, but he's probably right. The bad omens should vanish after it's over in a couple of weeks."

"Justarius is not so sure. He says that his divining magic is revealing something dark on the horizon, and that it is linked to this convergence."

"What do you plan to do?"

He brought his hand to his chin and rubbed it for a moment. "There is little I can do, other than have all here on an elevated alert status in case something dark does occur."

"If you need help, just call. Ring that bell in my room and I'll know you need to talk to me," Danica offered.

"I wish I could keep all of you here, all the time," the Commander responded with a smile.

"I wish I could stay too. Speaking of all of us, I wanted to go congratulate Janelle, but there is the little problem of them having moved. Bear said you would be able to direct me to their new house."

He smiled and picked up a pen. "It is wonderful news. Although her skills will be sorely missed, it does my heart good to see two such fine people bringing a new generation into the world. That child will be a rare one."

While he sketched, Danica said, "I just wonder which one he'll take after. They're very different people, except in their hearts."

The Commander finished and offered the piece of paper to Danica. "You know of the Boar?"

Danica nodded, recognizing the name as that of a tavern in the city. "I know it – I've had a few glasses of wine there. This will work fine, I can find this easily from the Boar."

"I'm glad to help. I need to get back to this, and I won't delay you any longer, but do feel free to stop by any time. I would be glad to share my supper table with you this evening."

Danica smiled and replied, "I wish I could, but I have too many things going on right now. I'll need to get back as soon as I've visited with Bear and Janelle."

"Another time then?"

"Of course, thank you," Danica replied, and then offered a salute, which sparked a laugh in the Commander. Danica then waved and exited his suite, heading toward the Boar, and then the house Bear and Janelle now shared.

Zoraster opened the lid to Camilla's crèche and smiled. "Feeling better, are we?"

Camilla's eyes were still a little wild, and she looked groggy, as she was still returning to full consciousness from her magical stasis. "What happened, Master?"

"You allowed your arrogance to stifle your drive, and your jealousy to overshadow your sense. You attacked Danica, and I seized the opportunity to teach you both a valuable lesson."

Camilla cringed, pushing aside the memories of her horrific death that tried to assault her again. "I'm sorry, Master."

"Do not apologize, learn from your mistakes and serve me well," Zoraster instructed, offering his hand to the woman. As he helped her rise, he continued, "I have provided you with a gift, in anticipation of your continued loyal service. You will find that your new body is free of some of the ravages of age that had begun to touch you, and that it will resist the passage of time as well. You will also heal quickly."

Camilla swung her legs over the edge of the coffin-like enclosure, continuing to hold Zoraster's hand as she placed her feet on the floor. Memories of her death vanished as she ran her hands down her body. "Oh, Master – I'm so firm, so young. Thank you."

Zoraster smiled and drank in the sight of Camilla fondling her body. "There is one final gift you have been given. Through it, you may offer your gratitude, as well as affirm your desire to serve me. Your new body has never been touched, and thus your maidenhead is intact."

Camilla smiled and glided over toward the Archmage. "Virginity is such a burden to bear. Free me from that burden, my Master."

Zoraster chuckled as she pressed her nude body against him, caressing his erection beneath his robes. "It will be my pleasure."

Danica rubbed Janelle's tummy, and then looked up into her eyes and smiled, saying, "This is one fast growing baby. I don't envy you when it comes time for him to escape."

Janelle laughed. "Taking after Bear, it seems. I eat everything that I come across, and I've barely put on any weight other than this," she said, laying a hand on her stomach.

"Most any woman who has ever had a child is probably jealous of you. You still have a waist after five months," Danica replied.

"It feels like I'm carrying around a full pack on the wrong side, and way too low. Speaking of which, I need to sit down."

Bear and Danica both assisted Janelle to sit down on a couch. Janelle then cupped her breasts and added, "Well, two places actually. I'm going to be walking bent forward for the rest of my life."

"Try carrying these around," Danica countered, lifting her own heavy breasts.

"I'll be glad to help," Bear offered.

Both women slapped him playfully. Janelle then said, "That's another thing I seem to have an insatiable appetite for, and it's getting more awkward and difficult by the day. I'm starting to have trouble even getting a hand down there."

Danica laughed. "I'm sure you can both figure something out."

Janelle laughed with her. "Oh, we do. How are Celes and Brandon, and have you heard from anyone else?"

"They're both fine. I haven't caught up with any of the others, and they're all away from here so I won't get the chance today, either. I'll let Brandon know, he might want to come visit. He's feeling a little stifled in the barracks back home, and he could probably use some time with more than just the four of us."

Bear grunted and said, "It will be good to see Brandon again, and it has been too long since we sparred. With Janelle feeling slow lately, I would do well to face someone with his speed."

"I'll be sure to tell him, and I'll get him here if he can get away to come visit," Danica informed them. She then sighed and added, "I wish I could stay longer, but I have a lot of things going on and I'll have to go back today."

"You're welcome any time, of course," Janelle responded, "Busy with your studies?"

"Other things actually. I'm helping two couples move, although I plan to do some extensive study on magic to combat demons."

Bear and Janelle both looked at each other, and then Bear turned to Danica and said, "You should go to the college. If you have encountered a demon, you may want to know about a vision one of the seers had recently. It concerns demons, and is really troubling. Terran mentioned it just before he left for the conclave."

Danica could see the concern in the couple's eyes and replied, "I will. I should probably get going now, in fact. I want to give you something I made a while back." Danica dug into her bag and produced a glazed clay bowl.

Janelle remarked, "It's beautiful."

Danica winked. "Useful too. If you put a letter into it and touch this rune here," Danica explained, pointing out the rune, "It will send it directly to me. I can use mine to send things to you too. That way, we won't be so out of touch. I'm going to leave one each for you to give to the others as well, including one for the Dwarves and Cheron, if they come this way."

"That's a useful bit of magic, indeed," Bear grunted.

"There's more," Danica continued, "if it is filled with water, we can actually see and talk to each other when we're both using the bowls. That way, even if I can't get away for a while, I can see the baby. Just send me a letter with a time if you want to talk, and I'll be there."

"We'll do that, and we'll be sure that you're one of the first to see the baby," Janelle said with a wide smile.

Danica sighed and rose. "I should get to the college and then back. I have so much to do."

"It was good to see you, Danica, come again any time," Bear said, rising to walk her to the door.

Danica recognized what he was doing and laughed. "I won't be using the door. I'm going to teleport back to my room at the Forge so I don't have to walk so far."

"That's cheating," Bear grumbled with a frown.

"It's better than walking."

Danica then gave Bear a peck on the cheek, and leaned down to do the same for Janelle, kissing her tummy for good measure. A few words and gestures later, she vanished in a flash of light.

Celes lay quivering, her hands tightly clasped over her sex, both pulling hard against the two fingers buried in her depths. Her eyes were closed and her back was arched, gasps of pleasure escaping her as her orgasm gripped her, refusing to let her go.

When her muscles at last relaxed, Celes collapsed back to the bed and her arms fell heavily to the mattress. She panted for breath, her wetness seeping from her in a stream running from her nether lips to the bed below, which was soaked in her juices.

Her head rolled to the side, and a moan escaped her. Her body jerked as a sudden jolt of pleasure moved through her. Her breath was hot, warming the pillow to an almost suffocating temperature where her mouth and nose rested against it. Rolling her head back toward the ceiling again, she sucked in a breath of air and smiled, basking in the afterglow of her pleasure.

Her toy lay on the bedside table, unused. For the first time since Zoraster's magic had aged her, Celes had used her own fingers to bring on a peak of pleasure. Danica's toy was wonderful, and gave her orgasms that always left her breathless, but the image summoned by the item was one of Andrea.

It was Danica that filled Celes' mind.

Celes could not escape the memories of the woman's taste and scent when Danica had lowered her aching sex to her mouth. The thoughts of Danica reaching her peak on Celes' lapping tongue caused another shiver of pleasure to run through her body.

The thoughts also caused the warm glow of her pleasure to turn bittersweet. How she wanted to feel Danica do it for her, to feel her friend's lips on her, softly caressing her to the heights of pleasure. Of late, not a moment went by that she didn't think about it. Ever since the time inside the Hellgate, when she had been young and Danica had moved toward her with obvious desire, the thoughts consumed her. She couldn't escape the need to feel Danica between her legs, and it only grew stronger by the day, especially when she was near her friend.

Celes sighed, the pain in her back caused by it arching in ecstasy reminding her pointedly of why it could never be. She was cursed into a withered, old body, and regardless of how Danica saw her through some odd combination of magic and mental powers, one touch of her aged flesh would destroy the illusion.

A sob choked her as tears filled her eyes. Clenching her teeth, Celes summoned up her will and sucked in several deep breaths. One breath quavered as another sob tried to fight past her resolve, but she triumphed over her emotions and rose from the bed to clean up and change the bedclothes. Immediately thereafter, she poked her nose in a book to try to chase away the thoughts of Danica in study.

It worked – for a time.

Danica greeted the doorman when she entered the college, and when she mentioned why she was there, she was almost immediately taken to the seer.

The blind woman raised her bandaged eyes toward the doorway when Danica entered. "I have been expecting you."

"I guess you know why I'm here then," Danica responded as she walked closer.

The woman smiled. She was young and shapely, and Danica thought it was a pity that she sat here hidden away in the darkness.

"Though I have not mentioned it, I saw you in my vision as well. It is your aura of power that identifies you. I can almost see you, because I can sense where you are and the image of you from my vision replaces the darkness. A great threat arises from the one called Meckataur, and those demons over which he holds thrall. The devil has spawned, implanting his foul seed in mortal women, and I foresee that some of those he has chosen as brood mares will bring his hellish progeny to term."

Remembering her conversation with Celes about the demon, Danica asked, "That means that they won't be able to be banished back to the lower planes, because their place is here, doesn't it?"

The seer nodded, "Few women can conceive through demon seed, but this one is different because he was once a man. His brood will be more dangerous by far, because they will be able to appear as a mortal, just as Meckataur could if he felt the need. They can walk amongst us, and only the most sensitive will know them for what they are. They will have drive and cunning beyond that of most hellspawn, because they have goals beyond gaining prestige in the hells."

Danica shrugged, and then felt foolish because she knew the seer couldn't have observed the gesture. "So what do we do about it? How do we stop them?"

The seer smiled. "You follow the correct path already. Find the magics that will combat them, and keep your friends close and dear. Warn those who you can, wherever they are, because the devil's designs know no boundaries."

Danica asked, "Why did you see me in your vision?"

Danica chuckled quietly when the woman shrugged just as she had done a few moments earlier. Obviously, she had not always been blind to have developed that bit of body language. "I saw your confrontation with Meckataur. There is also something about you, your future is cloudy and tied to many others. Remember my words, and never discount what you may believe are the ravings of a madman. Many who are afflicted with madness have been touched by the gods, and they may reveal secrets that only the gods know."

"I'll remember."

The seer then picked up a bundle of scrolls at her side. "This will aid you. I have asked that the wizards here provide what knowledge they possessed of combating the evil of demons. What is here should provide you with a foundation that will allow you to defend against them, and cause them pain."

Danica stepped forward and accepted the bundle, seeing that there were over a dozen spell scrolls within the tied cloth sling. "Thank you, Seer."

"Now, go – time is precious. Learn what is here, and seek always more."

Danica started to leave, but on impulse, turned back to the seer and said, "You are beautiful. You shouldn't hide away here in the darkness. Just because you're blind and have visions doesn't mean you shouldn't have a life."

The woman laughed. "Does it appear that way? I fear I may play just a little too much into the mysterious seer image. Worry not, I am married and my husband is a good man who understands my visions and makes me happy."

"I'm glad. Thank you again, and goodbye."

The seer nodded and Danica immediately cast her spell to return to her rooms in Zoraster's complex.

Over the next three days, Danica spent most of her time studying the spells given to her at the college. She took the seer's warning and her encounter with the demon to heart, learning all she could to combat the denizens of the hells.

The third day, when Danica stopped by their home, she found Andrea helping Grant and Heather finish the last of their packing. They were excited about moving now, and couldn't wait to get to their new home.

Andrea said, "I have to work today, and I'm not sure if I can handle a long goodbye anyway." She went up and hugged Heather, and then Grant, her eyes misty with tears. "I'll miss you both, and I hope it won't be too long until we see each other again. I'm going to go now before I start bawling."

"We'll miss you too, Andrea," Heather said, here eyes no drier than Andrea's were.

Same as Danica
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The next day, Ariadne got ready to go back to the village to talk to them and tell them about the ending the Lottery. Erinyes lit the torch again and showed her the way to the old door. After winding their way through the maze of the Labyrinth they reached the door. The Minotaur studied it for a couple minutes testing the chains that held it secure. Then he hooked on horn under a point in the chain and with a mighty twisting pull the chain broke! Then he repeated the same thing to the second....

Monster Sex
1 year ago
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This Cant be Right

“The clock cannot be right. Oh, my God. What time…, wait it’s fucking Saturday. Saturday! I’m so messed up, what when wrong?” The fleshly and over-sexed 23 year old whispered in her head. A faint and feeble flavor of crotch and cum stuck in her throat like the seasoning of a Christmas goose. The taste vivid on her dry lips; the memory muted by the rounds of rum. Tricia Saratopia, an attractive and confident deli clerk from Hampton, New Hampshire stirred about, shifting uneasily in her bed...

Oral Sex
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A Night by the ski lodge fire

After a full day of being on the slopes and playing in the snow we head back to our room to change for dinner. It has been a long while since we have seen our friends from college and it has been nice catching up but this trip was supposed to be about us getting to spend some time together too. After dinner we enjoy drinks at the bar and someone suggests that we go dancing. You are all for it but I am a little disappointed with your excitement. Everything has seemed so rushed we really haven't...

3 years ago
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Welcome To The Neighborhood

I wake one morning to the sound of rain through my open window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and pull the curtain aside to reveal the dreary day. The sky is thick with moisture and grey as far as I can see. The rain is coming down in a steady drizzle. I don’t even bother pulling a robe on over my silky, light blue nighty as I head to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I run my fingers through my long blonde, sleep tousled hair and head for the porch with my coffee...

1 year ago
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My Blonde mother fucks me and my friend

Note : This story is completely fictional! When Monday morning came around, I decided that I would be “sick” from work and planned to spend the whole day fucking you until I couldn’t get hard anymore. I knew you would call in sick from work and I planned to spend the day inside every hole of your body. After my sister and brother head off to high school, you enter my bedroom to check on my condition. You ask me how I feel, and I say “ I’d feel better if your lips were around my cock”. You...

2 years ago
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Pleasantly surprised

She wasn't used to dating or sleeping with anyone younger than her and she was in her early 30's. But this one guy stood out. She was so confused about her mixed emotions... him being in his late teenaged years. She ,already an adult. He began showing more and more interest in her and she was slowly about to give in to him. They had spoken for a while and even c2c from time to time. She was so ready for this experience. This was all new to her but she loved it. Loved that she would be kinda...

4 years ago
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Human Waste

I've gotta tell you - I don't get mind control, I really don't. I mean, all these stories are all pretty silly wish- fufillment, reflecting most people's desperate pathtic fantasies to dominate others in the only safe non threatening enviorment, that they have, namely - their imaginations! (laughter) Now I'm not picking on you poor clods (male and female) who read this garbage and actually are sad anough to get aroused by it, really I'm not. Unless the above paragraph describes you to a...

2 years ago
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While riding home from school one day

Last day of school! I couldn’t wait to get out of these navy blue knickers into my sexy little thongs again. It was a hot summers day and the thought of diving topless into my pool at home was making me so excited. Mum has a new boyfriend to tease too who I hadn’t met yet.         I ran to my room and changed quickly.I took the train ride home and smiled sexily at the men who couldn’t resist checking me out. I was wearing my short denim skirt and a pale pink vest top. I was braless ofcourse so...

3 years ago
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A Tortured SoulChapter 16 On The Run

It was thrilling. Hurtling the car that I’d come to adore along the twisty coastal route out west from the town, while my the CD I’d burned especially for driving blasted from the stereo so loud it almost hurt my ears. I couldn’t hear the engine over the music, but I could feel it, rumbling underneath me like an untamed beast in a cage, desperate to be set free, to be unleashed. So I unleashed it. The road started high on the hill, the cliff edge just a stone’s throw to my left, before it...

1 year ago
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From the Bookstore to the Bedroom

Some of my stories are true, or at least, based on actual experiences.  Others are complete fantasy.  This one starts with an actual experience and turns into a fantasy of how I wish it would end. I never get as much “gurl time” as I would like.  It seems when I dress, the time flies by too fast.  So, when I get the rare opportunity to get away from my captive male life for more than the usual few hours, I make the best of it.  In this case, taking the hours required for a complete transition...

3 years ago
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Daddys Girl

Daddy's Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was all because of my big mouth I suppose. My cousin Beth had been complaining about how it was so unfair that girls had to spend so much time getting ready to go anywhere, mentioning hair, makeup, certain lingerie, and sometimes the silly dresses they had to wear, and also, not being allowed the freedom boys have. Beth was a real beauty, and I simply couldn't understand why she felt that way. After all, everything she named...

3 years ago
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Cindys Birthday PresentChapter 2

cindy's husband Glen shifted around a little in his seat as she told of her experiences. Only a short while into her description of the farmer's milking of her cindy could tell his cock was growing harder. Soon he brought his hand down and unzipped his pants. Taking his cock out he began idly stroking it while she continued talking. cindy licked her lips in anticipation more than once. Reliving the experience to her husband was rekindling her lust. She felt her nipples hardening and her...

3 years ago
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PC repair

You look so horny. I just stand silently peeking at you. You have a fantastic body and legs. As I watch I see your hands moving towards your knickers. You move your right hand inside your knickers. My cock immediately goes hard as I realise you are about to masturbate. There is now way I am going to interrupt you now. I watch silent as a mouse as you masturbate your pussy. My cock is rock hard but I dare not touch it in case you hear me. Your fingers are deep inside your pussy and...

3 years ago
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Why I am a Voyeur

I grew up in the 70's after the minidress was introduced and enjoyed the sight of all the tights and panty-covered asses that were on display, especially when the wind was blowing on the playground, or the girls climbed stairs at school. Not to mention when they get on their bicycles or when they played sports like tennis or net-ball! There was one particular girl in our class, Cathy, with perfect legs. As I overheard one of the other girls said enviously "if I had legs like that, I would...

4 years ago
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Will never know

In 1986 I was 28 and the only way to find Fun and games away from home was either word of mouth or a booklet (A5) on top shelf of news agents My Booklet of choice was call Pheomix, I new the date it came out and the issure number so you did not buy old stock ( old phone numbers ) I use to go to a house in Cardiff it was lager double fronted with about 6 bedrooms. The lady who ran it was called Rita, she had a old lady who use to control the front door and tell the girls which room to put you...

4 years ago
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Snagged 3

Snagged By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 "Holy shit Jenn?" Reese exclaimed after closing the bathroom door and checking to see that no one else was in there with them. "I can't be a bridesmaid! I can't stay like this? This is fucked up!" "I know, but I didn't plan on any of this!" Jenn said, wiping tears from her face. "I'm so, so sorry Reese, but I've dreamed of a wedding like this for my entire life. It's crazy, but I know that I have to get you out of...

2 years ago
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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

He puts his best jeans on tonight. His black boots are polished, laced up nice and tight. Frankie’s hair is slicked like back in seventy-five, come on baby, let’s drive… His fingers caress the cold curves and raise dusty stripes on the sleek black skin of his oldest friend. ‘Summertime baby, summertime… Let’s get your top down.’ ‘You talking to me or the car daddy-o?’ He winks at her where she would be standing at the passenger door. ‘Why not both baby, why not both…’ he grins lopsidedly,...

4 years ago
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The Golden Rule Ch2

Introduction: Researching my Commodity The Golden Rule Ch2 Researching my Commodity The success of showing my little secret to my brother in exchange for riding his bike thrilled me to no end. Even though I was riding without my panties on the feeling of riding a big boys bike sent electricity through me from my groin to the very tips of my fingers and toes. Every time my legs would go up and down, as I pedaled the bike, little shock waves went blasting out through my body as my pussy slid...

2 years ago
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Fucking Hot Aunty Comes True8230

Hi, everyone! I am 24-year-old and I am doing my engineering. I am a guy with a huge sexual drive. Here I am writing about my first experience of sex and that too with my aunt. The lady I am talking about is 4 years elder to me and her name is Shiny. For all those females reading this sex story right now who want to have fun or sex chat with me mail me at , your privacy will be maintained. She is a sexy lady with sculpted breasts and a hot and burning ass. She just flew back from Kerala a few...

2 years ago
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Amazon Part 11a Boot Camp

Amazon - Part 11: Boot Camp By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude 2: Nicole paused in her narrative, stretched, and checked the time. "Oh my! We've managed to while away the entire...

2 years ago
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An Evening at the Opera With Her Nancy

An Evening at the Opera with Her Nancy With his wrists attached to a lacing bar Jaycen watched Basilia, his lover and demanding husband, walk over to the wall and pull on the rope attached to the pulley above Jaycen. Gradually the bar rose upwards pulling his wrists with it until his arms were vertical, but still it continued to rise until he was standing on tiptoe. Only then did Basilia tie the rope to a stanchion mounted on the wall. He turned his head and watched as best he...

1 year ago
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Bug Control

Edited by Silverman * It was late at night and the janitor was almost done with his chores at the Center for Biological Research. As usual, he cleaned the containment room last because that place gave him the creeps. There were hundreds of glass containers with all kinds of small creatures that he had never seen anywhere else. Some of them looked like rodents, some looked like insects but according to the janitor, they were all very ugly. When the janitor was half way across the room, he saw...

4 years ago
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I had an appointment with my ear, nose, and throat doctor, for my allergies. I finally remembered to ask him (on my third visit) about a mouth sore. He put on a rubber glove and put shi index finger in my mouth. Once, his finger touched me, I was a goner. I don’t know hat happened to me, but totally aroused I was.I let slip a quiet moan and leaned back in the chair contraption. Making him have to come in front of me. His body leaned into mine. I grabbed his ass. He jumped back looked at me with...

2 years ago
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To Ride a Unicorn

Woofles was a small cute fluffy dog. He wasn't a big dog. He wasn't a middle sized dog. He was only a small dog. He was smaller than most cats, But he was a very loud small dog. Have you met any dogs like that? Woofles did not like his name. He liked to pretend he was a big dog who could chase cats. Woofles had two pretty owners who were sisters. One was called Fay, who was four (4). The other was called Halley and she was eight (8). They both had blonde golden hair and they both...

4 years ago
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The BoxChapter 9

At times, acting on his explicit directions could be challenging ... to say the least. "Take this banana, and masturbate with it in your pussy while I watch. Then take it out and eat it." "I'm going to cum all over your face, but don't wash it off. Just leave it there all day." "I want you to write a poem about how you love my penis." "Do you think that, with enough training, we could have anal sex?" "It would be great if I sat down at my desk one day, and you were already...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 126 Cowgirls

"You know those pretty new boots are going to get all dirty, don't you?" I asked. It was a little chillier Saturday afternoon and rain was forecast for the night so they'd dressed appropriately at least. I don't know what it is, though, about girls and skin-tight jeans. Not that I was complaining. They still looked like twins in matching chambray shirts and their red hats and boots. "Did you shop together for a whole wardrobe?" "No, just a few things," Rhonda said. "Don't you like...

3 years ago
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Black coworkers

This is a true story. Yes, I know that one should practice safe sex and I'll never do anything like this crazy again, but it was a spur of the moment thing and alcohol clouded my judgment. What can I say?I am 27 years of age and I was married at 18. I'd never been with another man, until several months ago.I am often teased about my red hair and a slight sprinkling of freckles and my 38-D tits.At my place of employment we work different shifts. There are a lot of blacks working the swing shift,...

1 year ago
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Hard snow pnp freak session pt1

I was a d**g dealer and I sold crack, I also indulged from time to time. This one time in particular there was an interacial couple who partied and spent good money. They had been spending all night and ask if I could just come and hang out because they were worried about me being noticed going to and fro so much, so I agreed and went to their house. They have 2 k**s a boy 10 and a daughter 16-17 and she was REALLY pretty short, fat round c cup titties hips and a round little fat ass!. Kim was...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 75

Within an hour the remainder of the people from Prendwick arrived at the palace. Although they had left much later, they had flown in a direct line down over Germany, and didn't have any problems getting from the airport into the city, either. Finishing lunch, there was a phone call reporting that a large Church delegation headed by the Pope himself had arrived at the palace to review plans for the coronation. "Oops!" Karla exclaimed. "Here's trouble ... maybe." Then she said, "Susie,...

2 years ago
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What Wives Want

He’d been wondering lately about what the women were thinking when they were naked with him and enjoying the physical pleasures that such a condition allows. Some of them were more talkative than others, but even they didn’t seem to reveal any of their innermost feelings. A good example was the mid-30s brunette that was riding on his cock and enjoying the tit play she asked for. Rita was quite the talker, practically bragging about this being just the latest in a long series of infidelities....

2 years ago
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Were more than Just Friends now

Most people have a hard time choosing who their best friend is when asked. For me, it’s the most easy question in the world. Josh. Josh and I have been best friends since we were 2. We met at the park and we’ve been close ever since. But ever since sophomore year old high school, I’ve been finding myself attracted to him … sexually. Before I get anymore into this, let me tell you about his looks. Josh is 6’0 and has straight black hair that comes down a little bit past his eyebrows and he’s...

3 years ago
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CarnivoreChapter 9

None of them had a lot to laugh about in the past two days, but when Doolin walked in the house, his little dog, Willie, was so happy to see him, they all laughed at his antics as he ran and jumped on all the furniture while running through all the rooms. When he’d tired himself out, he ran back to jump in Gina’s lap. The next morning, James had to return to the courthouse in Rockwell Springs, but told them he’d be back before dark. Coop, Carol, and Dave Hartman were going down to see Mr....

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 14

Carl 12/24/2012 11:44:55 PM The diner door quivered in the near gale. Twice it started to open. Each time it failed to complete the task. The steel workers laughed and hollered, “Come in already, Carl!” Every night at approximately eleven fifteen, Carl Rhodes walked fourteen blocks to the diner, then waivered for a few moments, unsure whether to enter, or return home. He often tried the door, hoping it wouldn’t open. Carl believed if he wasn’t supposed to be there, the door would simply...

2 years ago
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Swim Team Love

Scott got out of the pool. He was dead tired, the two hour practice had finally come to an end. Every muscle in his body ached as he dragged himself onto the pool deck and pulled his goggles off. He picked himself up off of the deck, dripping water and ready to pass out. He slowly walked over and formed up into the circle of swimmers surrounding the coach. They all felt as shitty as he did, and looked the part. He looked across the circle at Stephanie. Even after the toughest practice of the...

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The Widow Ch 23

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-three When Larry and John heard Joanne’s scream, they immediately entered the house and started down the hallway toward the bedroom, where they could hear the sound of moaning and struggling. John reached the bedroom door first and opened it. He paused a second, shocked by what he saw. Joanne and a man were struggling on the bed, and off to the side, another man held Gail in his arms. For half a second, John debated what he...

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He Should Have Played Ball Part 1

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 1 By Erica Kennel "Chris, are you still here? You better still be here." His older sister was calling for him again from just down the hall, and Chris cringed slightly at the annoyed tone in her voice. He sighed, and felt he should get right up and let her know that he had better things to do than be at her beck and call all day. Heck, right now the guys were outside playing ball, and that is where he should be, not here helping his sister. His mind...

3 years ago
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going back again soon

Last night my husband was horny again and told me me dress up in my tiny mini skirt and open blouse as we were going out..We set out in the car and he did not tell me where we were going but the longer he drove the wetter i got because i knew that we were going to get sex...After about an hour of driving he pulled up at a park and it was very dark and we got out and walked a wee way into the park to the toilets there was one light out side that cast a very dim light into the toilets...We both...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 4 Honus Wagner

I found myself drifting off course in the Macklin affair. I kept reminding myself that I wasn’t taking on a cause, a crusade. A big-picture understanding can be helpful. But my work, my career, is ... individuals, not industries. I’d gotten caught up in the American Nazi movement, but my main focus was on Dixie Wexler all along. So ... Big Pharma. Fine. Individual companies like Macklin. Fine. But somewhere out there was a Dixie Wexler. I just didn’t yet know who he was. Or she. What is...

4 years ago
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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 8

When I finally crawled out of bed on the Friday after Thanksgiving, I stumbled downstairs to the kitchen for coffee. Emily was there, and so was Mabel, back from her brief vacation trip to Delaware. Judith was, evidently, either still asleep or long gone. I looked at Emily, and she didn’t look like a woman who’d recently been told her live-in lover had boinked her daughter. “Judith still asleep?” I asked. “We got in pretty late.” “She’s already gone,” Emily told me. “She said you two had a...

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Police Audience

Police Audience By Jenny James [email protected] There was a large group of men surrounding me and watching with many stroking themselves as I kneeled, leaning over Michael's lap, his wide and long cock sliding in and out of my throat. He said, "I'm gonna cum, do you want to swallow it?" I made an "mmmmm" sound and moved my lips out to encircle the head while lapping across his piss slit with my tongue while I stroked his shaft upward, and then he groaned and...

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Getting ByChapter 9

To say dragging my body out of the sleeping bag in the middle of the night was hard would be an understatement. Going to sleep had seemed impossible, yet here I was, being shaken awake by a hand stuck through the door of my tent. I had slept in my fatigues, partly because I was too tired to take them off, and partly so I would only have to put my boots on when awakened. I stumbled down to the house, and gratefully accepted the hot cup of coffee thrust at me by Garcia. "You look like hell,...

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Mens day at school

It is an ordinary day of your last year at highschool. You are so bored and sleepy today that you just want this day to be over and go home. Autumn weather doesn't help much, it's cloudy and rainy. "Man, just one more hour and we can finally leave this place!" said Tom, your good pal. "Where are all the girls anyway, are they skipping classes?" Mark noticed. You take a look around and see that only boys are waiting for the class to start. Maybe it's cancelled? You can hear some noises coming...

Group Sex
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It started with an itchand continued part3

“So what we gonna do now” said Tim, “We have to make it fast as I have to go in 30 minutes”. “Better get ‘em off then” said David, and both lads threw their clothes onto the floor. They stood there with their boners waving between them until David pulled Tim into an embrace and for a couple of minutes they ground their boners together while they made out. Then David pulled Tim onto the bed and they got into another cuddle with Tim on top. “I really missed you on Sunday” said Tim, “I was...

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My Brother and Me4

My Brother And Me Up until I was ten and my brother was twelve we slept in the same bedroom but in different beds. At that time Mom made Dad put a wall between us. He put up just a cheap two by two frame with cheap paneling over both sides. I could hear everything right through it, even when he burped or farted. When I was eleven and started growing my tits I was very excited about them and played with them constantly. I noticed my brother was attracted to them too. Every once in a...

3 years ago
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The Temple Priestess Ch 01

Chapter 1: A temple priestess Anouk’s initiation as a temple priestess This story is set around 5,000 years ago, in Babylonia. In pre-Christian times, just before the patriarchal Hebrews invaded places like Canaan, goddess worship was widespread and sex was connected to spirituality. Here, in Babylonia, sex is considered a sacred act to honour fertility. All women are regarded as an embodiment of the Goddess. To serve as a temple priestess or temple priest is an honour. Our main form of...

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The End of Suppression

Every inch of Victoria’s 19 year-old body objected to the rough horse ride she was currently enduring, but her pride stung far more than her butt did. In fact, Victoria’s absorption with her own unfortunate predicament was so complete that she was paying no mind to the glorious Colorado mountain scenery she was zooming through. Never, in all of her days, did she think she would be forced to cling to back of John Turner, her sworn enemy, after he had the gall to pretend he had saved her from a...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Jewelz Blu Cum At The End Of The Rainbow

Jewelz Blu can’t find her car keys anywhere! She rummages through the room, then moves on to her stepbrother, Ricky Spanish. She goes through Ricky’s pockets and feels something hard. Ricky insists it’s his dick, but Jewelz insists that Ricky’s small cock couldn’t possibly be what she’s feeling. In retribution, Ricky leaves the room and returns holding a pot of gold. He tells Jewelz that the keys are at the bottom and all she has to do is reach in. When she...

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snowboard weekends

I was finally going to try jay peaks with a bunch of friends from collegeit was organized and all, i got in the bus after the day at school, and they must have left that place for me after seeing i registered alonethey were 2 , been organizing this for the last 3 years of them degree , this year i was the choosen ''lucky one''they had booze and i spent the bus ride to the usa vermont with em drinking and chilling in the back of the buswe arrived at the hotel and i learned about the ''mistakes''...

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The Gang The formation

The gang started with four memebers, 3 black and one white. All four met 10 years ago when they worked at McDonald's, and now they were all managers of different ranks, and had become good friends. Carl the unofficial leader and brains of the pack was 33, married with four young children. Dave 32 also married with 2 teenagers was as smart as Carl but did not command the same respect from the others. This was something he resented, and could make him hard to control. Dave was very good...

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Hot Aunty

so all unsatisfied women and always unsatisfied boys have a good day!! I am Raj from Surat,Gujarat continuing my engineering just 21 years old and love to stare at old aunties. i like matured aunties very much. here i am going to tell u true incident of my life. this incident happens just 2 weeks back.i am staying with my parents and an elder brother. we are living in a row house type society. my house’s backward is lying in another society. my rooms is also at last of my home. my one window is...

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Flight Delay

Brady Damron arrived at the Columbus airport late Friday afternoon and was told that his flight had been cancelled. There would be no flights out until Monday. Having just spent the week working with Craftwood, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Arkana, he wasn’t looking forward to spending the weekend in Starkville, the home of Mississippi State University. Checking at the Marriott for a room he was told that this was the weekend of the Mississippi State/Ole Miss football game. Every...

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