Fuck with guest
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Ma was surprised to see me in the kitchen reading the paper and set me to helping get things ready. For a reward she would have a picnic hamper ready for Anna and I to take with us.
Anna looked a little annoyed to find me there as well. I was told later that she had snuck in to wake me and make her peace -- but I wasn't there!
The logic of getting more upset because you couldn't apologise for being upset escaped me.
Ma let me drive though she rode shotgun. We didn't have to pick the girls up today as Rosalee's mother was free to take them but we would be bringing them home and she wasn't about to get in the back with two sweaty and possibly dirty girls regardless of which of the three they were.
Once again I found I had to give each team member a kiss and one or two were now cheeky enough to slip a tongue in between my lips as they met theirs. It wasn't enough to delay the end of the kiss but their expression indicated I could possibly have invited out more than just two of the team had I dared.
Ma and Rosalee's mother queried me as to why I kept doing it; especially as the coach had glared at me. If I was going to continue to have as disruptive an influence on the game he wanted nothing more to do with me.
"They reckon it distracts the other teams. The girls spend more time wondering about me and less on the game. I'm not sure if it's just an excuse but I'm not silly enough to disagree with them." I grinned cheekily and found them grinning back.
When the team walked off the pitch with a three-nil win Ma suggested the strategy might have helped.
"I did notice one or two of their girls looking over this way instead of moving up. That's why we caught them offside so many times."
The coach looked happier too and since there had been no antagonism between Rosalee and Hailey -- or between them and Anna -- I was given a reprieve.
Rosalee and Hailey collected their bags from Rosalee's mother's car where she took the opportunity to stress once again -- to both of them in the absence of Hailey's mother -- that they were to behave properly; no foolishness, no drinking and not to allow me to drive stupidly nor to distract me while I was driving.
I got "You drive carefully young man!" from her too and Ma's raised eyebrows seconded the commandment. Somehow they both viewed the presence of the other girls as safeguarding their daughters from sexual molestation. Perhaps it was because I had to drive the car rather than sit in the back or was it because we'd be in a public place? Naïve either way!
Mr P.I. was waiting for me as we pulled out of the soccer grounds, though at least he was aiming to keep his distance. He knew Ma was with me and would expect us to head home -- the back seat certainly smelled like there were three sweaty soccer players sitting there who needed a shower and the blanket covering the seat was not merely cosmetic.
I drove at the speed limit both to satisfy Ma and to keep in view of my tail. I spotted another two cars who were trailing him, only obvious because I was expecting someone and one car pulled off and then entered from the side a couple of blocks later when we had turned off the original road too.
I parked in the driveway and walked around the car, checking the tyres and noting another car pulling into the curb a block and a half away. I couldn't see that it was him but I knew it was anyway.
Inside, Ma was sorting out a roster for the two upstairs bathrooms. I was instructed to load up the car instead so I had no need to be upstairs while there was the temptation to check if the bathroom door was locked. (Where was that safety key kept?)
As I put the picnic basket and a rubber-backed rug into the car I had impossible visions of the three soccer players squeezed into the one tiny shower cubicle -- desperate for me to help wash them. It lasted me until I realised I couldn't go in to Ma with a raging boner in my pants.
In actual fact, Anna used her shower and the other girls, Hailey and then Rosalee, used the boys'. I was allowed to visit my room to grab my swimwear and anything else I needed and heard Hailey call down to Rosalee that she was out. That meant Rosalee found her with her tongue down my throat -- Hailey had grabbed the opportunity to start the day as she hoped to continue it. It was a good sign that Rosalee simply told her not to use it all up -- "it" definitely being me!
Left alone, Hailey whispered, "I wish it was just you and me going. We could have had fun."
"Oh I'm sure we can arrange things somehow."
Hailey perked up at that and I sent her downstairs with a pat on a very nice tush.
Summer wasn't officially on us yet but the weather lately would have suggested we were well into it. It certainly made the prospect of finding a cool pool attractive but not half as attractive as the shorts and tops my companions had selected.
Damn they looked good.
Anna followed me downstairs and I watched her arrival with unfeigned if muted interest. If she wished I was more demonstrative in public then she should have understood how hard it was not to put my arms around her.
She seemed flushed, glowing in fact and I wondered if she had been strolling down memory lane while showering, perhaps "remembering" what she would like to happen later.
She didn't react to my sitting next to Hailey at the kitchen table either but took the place at the end where her knee could rub against mine and she could discreetly play footsies with me when her mother was busy.
Then Rosalee made her entrance and it was more like Bobby-Jo-Sue-Ellen-Daisy-May had arrived. She had faded denim shorts with frayed legs -- or at least what was left of the legs was frayed; there didn't seem room for them to conceal her bikini bottoms. Then her top was designed to leave her belly bare -- two longer strap-like front panels tying together under her ample breasts. (Did I really say I liked Anna's better!?)
There were three buttons but only one was fastened -- the lowest -- so Rosalee's cleavage was prominent, as was the bikini top she wore under it.
Finally there was her hair, gathered into a pony tail out from each temple so that she was the epitome of one of the hillbilly girls in Elvis' Kissing Cousins.
I felt a "wow" wouldn't go astray, nor be begrudged by the others. Besides, Ma would expect me to say something about such an outfit even as she struggled to keep quiet herself.
Rosalee blushed proudly and turned full circle. Her tush was prominently displayed as well and I figured training for soccer probably kept them fit -- there was nothing sagging in her shorts (or mine!)
Anna stood -- anything to stop me looking at her rival I guess -- and transferred a couple of bottles of soda from the fridge into a soft cooler bag.
"You want to carry this out to the car?" she "asked".
"Everything else is packed except your personal gear." I grabbed my own small back pack and hat and lifted up the bag Anna had indicated. "I guess we can go. Thanks for the picnic lunch Ma."
"You're welcome Roger. Just drive carefully and behave yourselves."
"I will." It is always fortunate when a parental authority neglects to say exactly how we should behave.
The others said their goodbyes and followed me out but, while Hailey and Rosalee were putting their bags in the back, Anna managed to get the front seat before either of the others could call shotgun or begin to argue about it.
"Okay, seatbelts fastened? Nothing forgotten? (Why did Anna grin?) Off we go then."
I did watch for other traffic but my attention was on one special car in particular.
"Excuse me but I want to check out the city a bit while I've got the car so don't tell me if I go wrong please -- I want to see if I can work it out myself first."
In truth I wanted to lose my tail while he thought we were headed elsewhere. I let him follow us (from the lead at times) towards the Mall, copying my route from the night before but then, as I neared it, I slowed down well before a light change so I could make a last second turn when he was already across.
Now, if I had been going to the Mall, I would have ended up at the back of the parking lot instead of the front -- he really should have been trailing me from behind at that stage. In his shoes the best solution would be to speed ahead and stake out the lot as I entered. If I wasn't there within a few seconds of him then he could come out and try to get another fix on me -- no worse than doing so from his current position of inadequate competence.
Of course, since I wasn't going that way at all I did a U-turn as soon as conditions permitted and headed back through the intersection before the lights changed again.
"I was wondering when you were going to realise."
I merely looked across at Anna and smiled.
It had all been so easy. Fortunately not "too" easy. As things turned out I had seen the last of my friend.
"Your top looks nice Rosalee but doesn't your swimsuit make it hot?"
"A bit."
"Why not take your bikini top off then and just wear the other?"
It was the first hint of anything in our conversation other than the game or reminiscing about other trips out to the lake. There was silence as the three girls each contemplated what to do or say. For two of them, Anna was an unknown though Rosalee had at least confessed to fooling around with me -- fucking me in fact or so she considered it.
Had it only been Hailey with us, Rosalee probably wouldn't have hesitated. As it was the goal of attracting me more than the others and possibly the excitement of being "naughty" pushed her past any moral restraints she felt.
"Mmm. Why not." She reached behind her back, trying to unfasten it while leaving her top on.
I deliberately shifted the mirror.
"Why don't you take your shirt off first? It has to be easier."
"Why don't you watch the road? It has to be safer!" Anna wasn't going to let me have things too easy either.
"You could hold the wheel for me."
"I could hold this too." She slid her hand along the top of my thigh and inside the loose leg of my shorts. She had the knob in seconds and tugged it out where it could be seen by her and anyone else who leaned forward between the seats.
"Naughty! Don't you know nocturnal animals don't like to come out when it is light? That's why you rarely see one during the day."
"See what?" asked Hailey who had only seen Anna lean towards me.
"There," pointed Rosalee, leaning forward herself.
"I hear they like dark caves," Anna continued and I responded.
"Well they need moisture and like heat so you won't find them in dry caves or if they find it cold outside."
"They make good pets then?" She was having fun and both the girls in the back were giggling.
"Well it's never bitten or scratched anyone though it does spit occasionally and I have heard some people swell up after they've gotten too close to one."
"Allergies you mean?"
"Must be."
"I wish I could have one of my own -- I'd look after it well," said Rosalee.
"With what I can see from here, you're likely to have little trouble getting as many of them as you want. I can imagine one snuggling down on the end of your bed. Why don't you finish changing and later on I'll show you how you can get one to cuddle between your tits."
Matters were getting more sexual and with Anna accepting, in fact instigating, the banter, Rosalee and Hailey felt more relaxed.
Rosalee took her shirt off. It was only a matter of one button and a knot after all. Her swimsuit was a mixture of lime green and canary yellow which drew one's eyes even if the cleavage itself didn't.
"Why don't you help her with the catch Hailey?"
It had started. I was getting one to do things to or for the other. How far would they take it?
I did make sure the road was clear all around before I snuck a look in the mirror but that still wasn't good enough for Anna and she wrapped her palm around the short exposed length and squeezed. Possibly not appropriate as a punishment though.
Rosalee had turned her back to Hailey who did the honours. For few brief seconds Rosalee was bare from the waist up and wore little more from there down. She started to straighten out the top she held up before her and I stopped her.
"Why are you putting that back on? You look lovely as you are."
"I can't ride along with nothing on!"
"Why not? No-one can really see in. The cars approaching go by too fast to see anything and those behind can't see anything but your shoulders. Isn't that right?" I looked at Anna.
"Yeah. I guess."
"Hailey? Do you have any objections?"
"No. I don't care if she flashes you or the other cars."
"Oh alright then!"
Rosalee dropped her shirt over her bikini top on the seat next to her.
"Very," I responded. "You know your nipples are hard."
Rosalee covered her breasts with an arm.
"Hey!" I protested. "I like hard nipples."
"I like hard pricks!" Anna squeezed again.
"You agree that Rosalee's breasts look nice with hard nipples don't you?" Once again -- for convenience -- I addressed Anna.
She turned in her seat and changed hands. Rosalee watched her.
"She looks horny and I guess that makes her sexier."
"Are you horny?" I asked Anna.
"A bit, I guess."
"Are your nips hard then?"
"I guess."
"And what about you Hilly? Are your nips making your tits hilly too?"
"Maybe but if you call me that again it will be the lump on the back of your head that is growing."
"I won't ask what lump and apologise instead. But why don't you two prove it then. You can see that I'm hard."
"Can I touch it?" asked Rosalee.
"Not with your arm across your chest."
Rosalee revealed her charms and Anna let her have free access to my knob from the back seat.
"Come on Anna. Aren't you going to copy Rosalee? You'll have to eventually so why not get used to it. You shower with the girls at school so people have seen your tits before. You're not worried about me seeing them surely?"
"You might make fun of them. They aren't as big as Rosalee's."
"Well I can see that already and I'm not making fun. I'd still like to check your nips. And what about you huh-AY-lee? You're not bashful are you?"
"We aren't going to get stopped and get into trouble are we?"
"No. You can always pull your top back on well before anyone could see you. If the worst happened then you were just making an adjustment to your swimsuit while I had the mirror turned so I couldn't see you."
I could tell she wanted to be as bold as Rosalee -- and now Anna. She just didn't want to be grounded until she was thirty. She lifted her top over her head and unfastened her bikini.
"I want a turn too then." It was obvious with what.
"Are Hailey's nips hard Rosy?"
"They look to be."
"Give one a little push and see."
"Roger!" protested Hailey.
"What? No-one is going to worry, surely. I'm sure Rosalee would let you check her nip if you asked nicely."
"Roger!" It was Rosalee's turn.
"Well you'd let me wouldn't you."
"Yes," they each reluctantly admitted.
"Well I've got to keep my eyes on the road, (no lie) and can't even look at Anna's delicious tits beside me let alone move the mirror around to see both of you properly. I can do this though."
I let go of the wheel with one hand and reached back through the gap between the seats. I found Hailey as she leaned forward and searched around until I found her nipple.
"Aw. Now I'm disappointed. There I thought you were as horny as me and it's still a little lump."
"No need for you to apologise Hailey love. It's my fault if you aren't enjoying yourself."
Anna moved in her seat. She didn't appreciate my choice of endearments.
"Anna, Sweetheart, what do you suggest?"
It was the first time I had used that endearment in front of another party. It went a little way to soothing her feelings.
"I like stories. They make me wet."
"And you touch yourself when you're wet?"
"Ah huh."
"So what's it like when you lick your fingers afterwards?" I didn't ask if she licked her fingers. We had about half an hour until we got to the lake and then probably half an hour more to get to the pools. If they were all comfortable by then we probably wouldn't have to waste any time in what could seem a very short day.
"It's unusual but nice; tasty. I keep dipping my fingers back in to get more."
"Rosalee. What do you think of when you push your fingers up inside yourself?"
Cruel question. It was almost a certainty what she really thought about but whether she would reveal her secrets to me let alone the others was going to be interesting.
I could almost hear her swallowing -- Gulp!
"About you."
"What about me? How nice I am?"
"You're a bastard!" interrupted Anna with the sound of a grin in her voice.
"Shush. You've had your turn. Rosalee?"
"About how nice it would be to have you inside me."
"Mmm. That would be nice. If you were really wet I'd slip right in, wouldn't I?"
"Oh yes, that would be nice."
"Are you wet now?"
"I think so."
"You're going to stain your bikini. Why don't you take the bottom off as well? Then I might be able to smell your sweet pussy from here. That's one of the things I think about when I'm lying in bed at night. The gorgeous young ladies I've met, the feel of their bodies against mine, the touch of their lips to mine and the smell of their excitement.
Was that a zip? Yep.
"We'd better not get stopped!"
"For you Rosy dear, I will make every effort to obey all the road rules. Can you smell her Hailey?"
"Is it as nice as last weekend?"
Hailey didn't answer. She had to play soccer with Anna and Anna could tell the other girls. You didn't go around tasting other girls pussy juice!
"Please." It was little more than a whisper. She wanted me to be more discreet.
"It's okay. I've found out one little bird told another little bird that you two both had a cuddle with me last Saturday and it wouldn't be at all unreasonable in the circumstances for you to have caught a whiff of an excited girl."
"Yes she smells as nice."
"When you got up to go to soccer this morning did you imagine you'd be sitting next to a naked girl before, what, 10:15?"
"Anna, I've got to watch out here. Could you please check if that nip's gotten any harder since I tested it?"
I felt Hailey's hand tighten around me and then relax once Anna had actually touched her. Why had Hailey been so relaxed in the park -- or had she been? No, I wasn't that unobservant, so why was she nervous now? It could have been she'd had a week to regret what had happened on our date. I thought about the comments she had made in my room; was it that she'd had a week to regret what hadn't happened in the park?
"It seems pretty hard now."
"As hard as yours get?"
"Hmm. Yes."
"I notice you're still checking it."
"It's nice. It is lumpy between my fingers."
"Do you think it is nice Hailey?"
"Ah huh."
"Would you like Anna to stop?"
"Uh uh."
"Would you mind stopping then please. I need to concentrate on driving for a few minutes or else my pet might spit."
"I'd like to see that," chirped up Rosalee.
"I might be able to arrange a special viewing then if you want."
"A private viewing?" Rosalee liked the idea of one-on-one with me.
"Perhaps just a select audience. Hailey would you mind sitting back for one minute and letting Rosalee lean forward.
Hailey reluctantly leaned away from Anna's fingers. If I wasn't available she didn't mind another acting as my proxy to some extent though she hadn't expected Anna to be so casual about things. As she sat back in her seat her brain began joining dots and she wondered just how close her picture was to reality.
Rosalee took Hailey's place though, where Hailey had merely wrapped one tit around the side of my seat, Rosalee managed to fit both hers into the gap.
"Can I have your hand please. No the other one. Up by my nose. Ah, yes. You are lovely today. Now tell me Sugar, what were you thinking about as you sat there rubbing your pussy? Were you worried at all that we would notice?"
"Not once I touched myself. We all know we do it so I didn't think anyone would care."
"Oh I care. I'm sorry I've got to drive and missed watching you. Perhaps I can see later."
"Wouldn't you rather..." Couldn't Rosalee say "Fuck"?
"Well I think there might be opportunities for you to show us that as well as working out an afternoon of fun and games."
"Well I suspect Anna and Hailey might like to see how you touch yourself too."
Anna reached out for Rosalee's breast and felt what a couple of extra cup sizes would do for her then made sure Rosalee's nipples were hardening as well.
"Are you sure none of you have a license? I'm really missing out here aren't I?"
Hailey leaned against the back of my seat and put her arms over my shoulders so her palms were flat on my chest.
"Is that better?"
"Much better thank you but I think you should avoid blowing in my ear while the car is actually moving."
"Perhaps I can tell you a story to get you hot?"
"Mmm. Always interested in sexy tales."
"Well I imagine living in this house with a gorgeous hunk and somehow he manages to see me without my parents finding out. So we get to fooling around but maybe he's already invited a couple of hot girls out in the past and he decides he is god's gift to women and plans on fucking the lot of them."
"Interesting story," I offered when it was clear the pause was going to be a long one. "Any idea how it turns out?"
"I've got an idea," said Anna, leaving Rosalee's tits to look at Hailey. "One possibility is that the two other hot girls find out he is god's gift to them at least and say their prayers more energetically at night. Another is they miss out on all the fun because they got greedy or nasty."
Oh wow! Hailey's power service had been returned across the net. I don't think Anna intended for a second to pretend nothing had happened before today.
Now the ball was back in Hailey's court but it appeared she was playing doubles and her partner stepped up.
"I don't like nasty. We were going to share all friendly like and I see Anna as a friend so where is the problem?"
"Are we friends with all the rest of the soccer team too? Should we invite them along as well?"
"Don't be silly Hailey! You should only do that if you win in the finals." Hailey pinched both my nipples as punishment for my comment.
"Ow! Not the driver -- please. If you want to attack me I'll hold still later."
"I prefer it when you move a bit," responded Anna.
"What have you two been getting up to?" asked Hailey but fortunately Anna wasn't about to reveal everything.
"From what 'the little bird' said, I suspect not much more than you two if that. My parents have us at opposite ends of the house with their bedroom in between. Do you know how frustrating that can be?"
I would have to compliment Anna later -- in private.
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East_TN_GentlemanAgain I had been chatting with a gentleman online, his name was Bob and he stated he would like to fuck My Wife.Bob and I chatted a few times and exchanged some photos which I shared with My 49 Year Old Wife, she agreed we would meet Bob for a couple of drinks and go to his house afterwards. At this point I knew My Wife of 14 years was hooked on having other men fuck her while I watched.My Wife dressed to meet Bob, wearing a very tight red blouse that showed off her rounds...
I worked at a local gym for a couple of years before I left school for University. While I was there my boss, who was approaching forty, used to flirt relentlessly with the younger staff (males and females). She would turn up to lifeguard training in tiny skimpy bikinis and spend most of the time trying to get a reaction out of the guys (which was sometimes difficult to hide for a hormonal teenager as I was at the time).I left for University and never thought much of it again until the...
TrueWe made good time on the road to Meridian. We found a nice camping spot and stopped. I had gotten a piece of canvas to make up a tent using the wagon as the main portion, so we set that up and washed up and fixed supper. It was still daylight and I wanted to teach Naomi to shoot. She had said that she could shoot a rifle. She didn't lie. She was a fine shot with a rifle, and an adequate shot with a pistol. I told her the second revolver was to be her main pistol, so she made up a belt and...
It would be fair to say Yann's family owned the biggest inn in town. It would also be fair to say they owned the only inn in town. Yann's great-to-the-nth grandfather bought a small house next to the small house he lived in and rented it to travelers. Every successive generation had bought another attached piece of property. They were a whole clan of real estate assholes. Just my kind of people. They let nine of the thirteen buildings by the room or house and by the day or week. The whole...
"That was a good evening," Jason said to Vicky as he drove the pickup back across town late that evening. "Those two are just as crazy as all the stories." "Yeah," Vicky said in a rather subdued voice. "And believe me, you haven't heard all the stories. You've just heard very mild versions of some of what happened at college." "I sort of suspected there were some things I wasn't hearing," he nodded. "And what I heard tonight was wilder than anything I've ever heard about your...
This is my second story, please let me have lots of feed back; I need to know what you think. Please excuse British spelling, it's the only spelling I know! If the story is accepted I will put a pic to give you an idea of Victoria looked like. I was visiting a porn site recently when I came across some pictures of a gorgeous young black girl getting fucked by her lucky white boyfriend. As I looked at the pictures, my mind went immediately to Victoria. Victoria was from Jamaica, a short,...
LesbianThis one is compliments of walt Why do they call it Labor Day? Because it comes nine months to the day after New Year's Eve. This one is compliments of john Riddle for seniors... Today's riddle for seniors ... Here is the situation: You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop-off. On your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake...
In case you didn’t know, Slim Poke has a side-hustle: he’s designing “naughty” tees for women. Naughty in the sense Slim’s designs have simple, short descriptions on them: “hoe” and “slut” and “yes daddy!”, for example. Slim hired a beautiful model — Melissa Lynn — for a photograph session. Slim and his two partners — Jax and Rob — need to get a print catalogue out, ASAP! But “ASAP” is gonna...
xmoviesforyouWhile they were working on the cases, Meg called Bill to get the Lear ready ... Bill said, ‘Ellen isn’t back yet!’... “But who is getting the GS 280, Collen,” Meg asked... ‘‘What 280?’... “She’s the pretty 10 Passenger! Okay, get that ready!”... ‘It’s already done!’... “Do not let Collen take that! What Pilots do we have?”... ‘Connie and Sally just came in!’... “Great!”... ‘One just walked by!’... “Grab her!”... ‘No way, she probably hits like you.’... “Wimp!” ... Bill called her over and...
The room was hot. Well actually hot was an understatement. Hot would have been nice. The room was an old classroom in the local middle school building. On the wall behind them a clock ticked loudly, bringing back nostalgic, though not particularly happy memories for Bryan. Many an August afternoon had been spent in just such a classroom. Bryan wiped the sweat from his brow. The people in front of him were all dressed as lightly as they could muster and retain their modesty. From the smell of...
She was just a teacher. Well, not just a teacher. She was a hot teacher and she happened to live on my block. She was the teacher you wished you had when you were a boy, unless you were exclusively into blondes. I was not, so she worked for me, big time. She had semi-curly dark hair, cropped close in a bob cut and usually tied back from her face. It gave her that hot librarian look ‒ naughty and nice, sweet as spice. She had a full bosom, not Pamela, but an ample ‘C’ cup, which presented...
Straight SexThe City Who Cried I am a city. Okay, so I'm not the streets, or the buildings, or the people. But I have the last say in a lot of what happens here - everything from traffic lights to dispatching emergency crews to dealing with garbage are under my control. It hadn't always been the case. I was born human, but badly damaged - so badly, they had little choice but to put me in the "shell" program, a way to hook up a human to mechanical frame called a shell. I went to a special...
"My Grandfather was here," I muttered to no one in particular, I remembered when he told me of it, a lovely gentle man with his collection of Cuckoo clocks. "All my family,also," said a girl with long dark hair misunderstanding what I meant. I looked around, so many dark hairs, the big noses, girls and boys, I felt suddenly out of place with my blonde hair and blue eyes . "Schultz" My teacher had shouted, "If you think dressing up like a Nazi and doing Nazi salutes is funny...
It’s Black Friday, and Bridgette B. and her husband Johnny are looking for deals! They want to save on sales so much that they’re camping outside of the the store to make sure they’re first in line when the doors open. Johnny’s distracted by his wife’s big tits inside the tent, but she’s intent on staying laser-focused on their goal of huge savings. They check their list twice, sip on some hot chocolate and just hang out for hours, waiting to run in before the stampede. But Bridgette tells the...
xmoviesforyouI tried to call Anne on Sunday morning, but the call went to voice mail. My guess was that she was pissed. My opinion was she would either get over it, or die pissed off. I was glad that I wasn’t too invested in Anne Corcoran yet. Later Sunday Anne returned my call. “Deacon you need to come to Jackson tomorrow and meet the staff.” “Okay I’ll try to make it around noon,” I said. “So give me the address.” The address turned out to be on Pearl street. It was in a classy older part of the...
Georgina, twenty-one-years-old, looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a short-sleeved white blouse and a dark blue pencil skirt with a hem just above her knee. It was summer so she had bare legs and wore high-heeled dark blue shoes. She looked every bit the strict school teacher; in fact much the way Miss Watson used to dress for class. She had met up with Miss Watson a few times since they first met back at the school and Georgina had spanked and caned her ex-teacher in the Punishment...
SpankingRhonda sits in the tub wondering what Ivan's next move will be, completely excited at the prospect of being seduced by this man. Deciding to act normal, Rhonda shaves herself and dresses in a mini skirt and blouse. With her heels on, Rhonda feels that she won't be quite as intimidated by Ivan as she examines herself in the mirror. As she passes Ivan's room the door is closed and she does not hear him and wonders if maybe he has already left. Looking out the picture window she sees his...
Washington D.C. in the fall is unlike any other city. Instead of the sighing winds bringing the smell of fires, we have the vitriol of a quarterback controversy. Instead of the crisp crunch of leaves on the sidewalk, we have the sounds of laser printers as the federal government rushes to spend any money left over by the end of September. Fall in Washington is also one of extremes in temperature. On one day it could be a high in the mid to upper eighties and the next it is barely out of the...
Linda, Jessy's mother, and I had become good friends soon after Frank and I moved in the house next to theirs a year earlier. Our backyards were surrounded by privacy fences that prevented passerby’s from seeing in or from us seeing into the others yard. Who had ever built the original fence had installed a gate in the common wall of the fence that separated our yards, so we could come and go without being seen from the street. Linda had become like one of the family, coming and going as she...
Straight SexAs she dried herself off after her shower Cindy noticed that her nipples were still erect and sensitive enough to shoot jolts of pleasure through her body every time she brushed them with her towel. She was trying to decide if she had time for another cum when someone knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey Cindy," Cindy's sister Janet called through the closed bathroom door, "are you going to take all morning in there? Sue and I need to get ready for school too you know." "Just a couple...
It didn’t surprise me to find a mouth on my cock when I woke. Kim was happily licking me and sliding his mouth down my cock. My groan and tightening hips made him aware I was awake. He sucked me harder making my hips flex in time with him. Once he was happy that I was suitably prepared, he popped off my cock. “Fuck Lindell, so I can fuck you,” he asked. My wife removed her tit from my mouth where it had found itself and grinned at me. She moved on to all fours and wiggled her arse at me. I...
I work in a small country hospital as a chef or I guess a cook as is all I am required to be to fill this position. I used to work in the city and did the restaurant circuit for a few years and had a great time. Met some awesome people, made some awesome cash and yes had some awesome sex. I even rubbed shoulders with some celebrities on the odd occasion, well to tell the absolute truth I cooked for them is all. Despite all the fringe benefits I started to get restless in my work. I could cook...
Hi there, this is my first story on ISS and I am excited to start on my journey of sharing my experiences with you. I am a 34-year-old man from New Delhi. I always had the hots for Samaira. She was a typical South Delhi girl with coloured hair, branded clothes, and she spoke in a certain way. But what attracted me to her was her humility. We met through work and connected from day 1. We had many things in common – working in the same media industry, the baggage of coming from single parent...
"Good Evening my stud Agent captive." I said into the mic of my little booth.I could see him visibly shudder at my words.It's not surprising. My voice is a weapon, honed to perfection; just the right mix of breathlessness and husk, mingled with the dominating tones of a confident Queen. One of my subjects said that hearing it was like having a pair of soaked silken panties wrapped around his dick.I like to tease my victims with this first."We're going to play 20 questions. If you want this to...
FetishI think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...
Wife LoversThis story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity. ————— —————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of...
Chapter 5As she sped home with a million conflicting thoughts ping ponging in her brain, Katie was in a near panic. What if the tape got out? He wouldn’t turn her in after what he just did would he? How big was that old man’s penis? What if Jackson found out about this? Why can’t Jackson ever stay inside her long enough for her to climax? That guard’s penis was twice as big as Jackson’s at least! Are all black men that big? Was Marcus that big? How do women handle something that big? ...
“I got it!” George shouted through the tiny flat to his new bride, Nina.In January 1982 the University of Hawai’i signed off a plan to support the continued development of scientific facilities at the site. They wanted someone neutral to observe the setting up of scientific projects and how they interacted with the local environment, including the indigenous people. At the end of the year, the observer would produce a report to give everyone a guide to move forward. As a professor of Natural...
SupernaturalOk, here's a quick story and true at that. I was away on business one night and surfing for sex on Craigslist. The title of my post was "If I'm so strait then why do I want to get fucked like a girl?" It was a popular post and I got a bunch of replies, and a bunch of men wanted to fuck me. I'd just broken up with a girlfriend and I'd decided I'd finally give in to my urges and try the sissy thing for a few months.After many advances, I ended up going with someone a little older and little less...
Introduction: Just read and enjoy Authors note. Hope you guys still enjoy reading these stories ha ha SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHORS NOTE BUT IT NEEDED TO BE DONE!!! NOW REJECTS AND SHEJECTS WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY Only a Gothic Sisters Love Chapter 2 part B Liz, Taylor, and I walked out of the parking lot into the South Shore Plaza mall. People in the mall where buzzing about trying to get there Christmas shopping done, or finished I couldnt tell which but I didnt care. Liz grabbed my hand and...
Mikey Franchetti felt like had just won the lottery, dodged a bullet, and been struck by lightning all in the same day. He was sitting in the back of a brand new Cadillac Coupe, series 62, riding through the Los Angeles night towards the Sunset Strip. The suit he was wearing felt just like a second skin, which shouldn't be surprising - it was brand new and tailored especially for him. His day didn't start that way. It started with him waking up in a jailhouse jumpsuit with a foul-smelling...
MILF“Hawley, I f’n LOVE the taste of your cum. I could drink it all day if you’d let me.” “We’ll have to try that one day when we’re not in school. I love the way you suck my cock. I can’t imagine, that putting my cock in a girl’s pussy would feel any better than you sucking me off.” “I feel the same way when you suck my pussy. If getting fucked by a cock like yours feels any better than getting my come while you’re sucking my pussy, I may need CPR afterwards.” “Do we need to start on your...
It’s a slow day at the bar, and the talk turns to relationships. Everyone’s been in a crazy relationship, but after the fellahs hear about the bar tender’s relationship, they can’t believe their ears. It turns out Jenna Marie — who’s been tending bar at the joint — is in a cuckold relationship. It turns out Jenna’s Hubby loves it when a “Black Bull” uses his wife for sexual pleasure. But it doesn’t end there. Hubby loves the idea...
xmoviesforyouClaudia Bavel is a sexy brunette with big natural tits who has come to Private Specials, A Private Massage With… to take on stud, Jesús Reyes, in an oily interracial fuck that both you and her will never forget! So enjoy this curvaceous beauty on www.private.com today as she takes advantage of the glory hole and gets straight to work under the table with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch Claudia’s impressive skills in action as she mounts her client for a spectacular POV fuck before spreading her...
xmoviesforyouDay 130-140: The Islanders of Sweetwater Port refused to allow anyone off the boat when they anchored. A swarm of canoes launched from shore a short while later. “No dock?” John asked. Vasin shook his head. “No, and the ground underneath the water is quite shallow near the shore as well. The natives consider it part of their protection.” One Islander, obviously the leader climbed up onto deck first, followed by a small, well-armed entourage. “You are a Raider vessel.” The Islander...
Me and Heather walked around a bit talking before going to the locker room. On our way back the whole b-ball team walked passed us to leave. I was outside the locker room and Heather says, "I dare you to sneek into the boys locker room and spray perfume everywhere, on everything." of course me being the goodie goodie I am,I refused. but she forced the bottle in my hand and shoved me into the locker room and gaurded the door so I couldnt leave. So I turned around to start spraying and none...
Asians for AuctionPart 1"I just don’t like the idea of being auctioned off for any reason.??Come on, Ev, it’s for a good cause,? Janet exclaimed.Janet was an officer of the UCLA chapter of ASA, Asian Service Association, a campus club that held various fundraisers so that they could assist needy groups and kids. After school tutoring, taking inner city students on weekend outings, visiting senior centers, and various other community activities gave the college students a sense of doing...
What will it take to sway the big boss to use your idea? If you’re Violet Starr, it’s your sex appeal and pretty pink pussy. Violet’s corporate arch nemesis Keisha Grey has been on the rise way too much for her liking, and she’s got to do something about it — like cornering the CEO, Damon, and giving him more cleavage than he can handle. And once he’s vulnerable, Violet attacks with the big ass that got her the job in the first place. An office blowjob later and Damon is suddenly giving...
xmoviesforyouWe stood outside the bathroom. When the first girl came out, the other girl I'd been eyeing up looked at me with a devilish grin, signalling for me to follow her. Once inside, she turned the key in the lock and offered her lips for me to kiss her. We put our arms around each while we embraced, rolling our tongues together. I slipped my hand under her skirt, feeling the firmness of her ass through her panties.“Wait a second,” she said, drawing away from me and stepping in the bathtub.She faced...
FetishLibrary, Part 2Once again, I am just an amateur writer. I particularly hate editing my work too. So I’m sorry if there are too many mistakes. I get ideas and then go with them. When I woke that next morning, I was both relaxed and stressed. I knew that I was going to have to go back and go through that ordeal again. I went about my day as normally as I could. I worked, I came back home, and then ent my girlfriend off to work. She is a bartender for now and she always worked Thursday, Friday and...
CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITYBeing locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously...