A Mercenary's TaleChapter 5 free porn video

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They travelled all morning, with Donald always on point. His bow stayed in one hand, with an arrow ready to be knocked. Simon rode behind him, leading his string of horses. Although the sun shone brightly, there was a gentle cooling breeze keeping the temperature very comfortable. They stopped for lunch in a shady glade by a river. A fire was started and tea was brewed. Bread and cheese was the fare. Simon was glad to get off his horse. For the last week he had been suffering from saddle sores. Donald could see he had a tell-tale gait. He went over to his pack and retrieved some cream.

“Take this and rub it into where you are hurting. It will ease the pain. In future make sure you tell me if you are having problems. You are no use to me if you are sick, now are you?”

The boy shook his head. He took the cream and headed towards the trees. The Bishop came over to him.

“I was wondering if you had any more of that cream. Myself and my companion seem to be suffering in the same manner.”

“I have, but what would you be willing to trade for it?”

The Bishop looked at him and nodded. “How much?” he asked, reaching for his purse.

“I don’t want your money. I have enough of my own. Letters and numbers. I’m sure you and your companion can read and write? I want you to teach me and the boy. I can read and write some, myself, but I’m not very good. I’m certain the boy can do neither. No one has ever taken an interest in the lad. Now would be a good time for him to learn. Oh, and I’m sure Paul, Miriam and Peter would like the opportunity as well. Better ask the soldiers, too.”

The Bishop beamed, “Of course! We’d be only too happy to teach you.”

So it was that all of them started to learn their letters. It made Isabella and the Bishop smile to see the adults, especially the big fearsome warrior, struggling with the intricacies of spelling and grammar. His face screwed up in concentration as he tried to get to grips with the difference of things like threw and through. They had to admit, though, that he was tenacious. While it was obvious he would never be a scribe, after two weeks he found that given enough time he could just about make out what was written, as long as it wasn’t too complicated. The others were making progress as well, with Peter outshining all of them. He seemed to grasp it instantly. Both the Bishop and Isabella were impressed with his progress.

“You really should think of allowing him to come to the academy in Riverdale. I’m sure he would do well there,” the Bishop told Paul one evening after the evening meal.

“I would love to! Nothing would make me prouder, but where would we get the money for such things? How would the likes of us, poor peasant farmers ever be able to afford such a thing?”

“You are right, it will be a problem. I will speak to the abbot, there may be something we can do. I cannot promise anything, but we will see.”

Later Donald spoke to the Bishop

“Tell me, how much would the fees be to send the lad to the academy?”

“It would not be cheap, at least four gold crowns a year.”

“Very well, we will talk to the Abbot. If he is willing to make a deal with me ... well let’s see shall we?

“You would be willing to pay his fees?”

“I don’t know about all of them, but I could probably pay half. If you and the abbot could find a way to fund the other half then we could give the lad a chance to improve not only his life, but that of his family as well.”

“That is very generous of you! Very generous indeed! I will certainly speak to the Abbot when we arrive. Tell me, why would you do this? You hardly know the boy”

Donald shrugged. “I have the money, what else am I going to do with it? I’m a mercenary. We are always surprised when we awake, each morning. Dead men can’t spend it. Spend it while you live.”

The Bishop looked at this man with a new respect in his eyes. Never would he have expected this, not in a million years.

The other thing that Donald had been insistent about, was that everyone learn how to defend themselves to the best of their ability. They had all tried their best. Even Isabella who, in spite of herself, found she excelled with the bow. She used a light bow, of course. There was no way she could even hope to draw Donald’s war bow. She found she enjoyed the sense of power it gave her. No longer was she just a helpless female, who needed protecting and doing for. She was a member of the team with responsibilities. For the first time ever in her life, she had been trusted with something. She found, as well, that she was re-evaluating her opinion of Donald. He was as he said he was. He was a truly honourable man. Not once had he tried to opportune any of the women folk. She was thinking back to some of the men she had known in the past, knowing that they had taken advantage of those who they considered beneath them. She knew also that he had warned her men that if they harassed any of the women, he would be displeased. None of them had harassed anyone.

She also found herself doing the same for her fellow travellers. Paul and Miriam were good, kind people. They had given and shared the little they had without thought. That they loved each other was without doubt. Their son Peter was a very clever lad. He was also polite, kind and thoughtful. Simon was a revelation. He idolised Donald, that was never in doubt. He also trained harder than anyone else. He was always the first up, never shirking any job no matter how odious. He was very solicitous to her, as well, always asking if she needed anything. Michael and Brianna were lovers, that much was obvious to anyone with eyes. They were never apart. Michael trained as hard as the rest, especially when Donald had pointed out the fact that he might have to defend his love against bandits. He really was becoming a demon with his stave. Even her own soldiers had taken to this new regime. They were certainly improving. The Bishop and Carlos, now they were a conundrum. She had her suspicions, but he was a man of the cloth. That sort of thing was against the teaching of the church. She had heard of such things, but really! The Bishop? Surely not. They were very close, though. Much closer than servant and master usually were. It was nothing she could put her finger on, just the odd look, the slight lingering touch. She mentioned this to Donald.

“Oh, without a doubt.”

“Doesn’t it bother you?”

“No, why should it? They are grown men, what they do in private is their business. We had men like that. I remember one couple particularly. Charlie and Mark. They loved each other dearly, you only had to look at them to see it. They were nicest, kindest pair you could wish to meet, unless of course it was on the battlefield. They were inseparable. They died together as well. We had been cut off and were trying to break out. Charlie had been wounded and Mark would not leave him. After the battle we found them. They had died in each others arms, one protecting the other. We buried them the same way. The priest said it was an abomination. We told him if they did not bury them as we had told him then we would bury him instead. He did as we bid.”

Neither of them saw Carlos listening to them from behind a tree, nor did they see the smile, nor his tears as Donald told his story.

Four days later, they came across a family sitting by the side of the road, surrounded by a few meagre possessions. They had three small children with them that looked cold and hungry. Donald went over to them. As he did so he saw the fear in their eyes.

“Hello, what are you doing here?”

“Our farm was attacked by bandits two days ago. They burnt everything. We hid in the vegetable storehouse. Fortunately, they did not find us, but everything we had is gone. We have nothing. They killed all our animals and burnt our crops. My father lives in Porhamton, a village two days away. We are hoping he will be able to take us in. If not, well, our future looks bleak,” the man told him.

“What of your Lord, won’t he help?”

“He doesn’t even know we exist. All he cares about is his rent. The farm is finished. They burnt everything. The house, the barn, the cowshed. It’s all gone, everything. What are we to do?”

“Have you eaten? Any of you?”

“No, Sir, what little we had, we gave to the children. What the bandits didn’t destroy they stole. What they couldn’t steal they destroyed. Why did they do this, Sir? We are simple peasants trying to make a living. We are not rich, and our farm was not worth much. Why did they have to destroy it?”

“I do not know. I do know though that you and your family are the backbone of our society, our bedrock. Without you, there would be no lords, barons or kings. Let us help you. I’m sure you could all do with a good meal. It must be nearly dinner time. We’ll make camp here, and get a good feed on the fire.”

Miranda and Brianna came over to help the traumatised family. They gathered up the wife and children. Donald went over to the man.

“My name is Donald.”

“I am Trevor”

“You did well protecting your family from those bastards. You’ve lost things, yes, but they can be replaced. Houses and barns can be rebuilt. Your family, your wife and children, they are what is important. If you had tried to fight those men, you would have been killed, then your wife would have been raped and your children enslaved or killed. I know what it’s like to win, but I also know what it’s like to lose, and to have all you have worked for taken from you. I’ve had to start again many times. It’s not easy, but it can be done.”

“Yes, I know what you say is true, but it still sticks in my craw that I hid like a child while those animals rampaged through my home and stole and destroyed all I have worked for.”

“I know, but what weapons training have you had? What weapons did you have on hand? Did you have a good suit of armour? A coat of mail? A good sword and shield? I’ll bet those bandits had some of those things. They would have cut you down without a thought. No, you did the right thing.”

While the camp was made and a meal prepared, Donald went to his pack horses, the ones he’d taken from the bandits. There he found a couple of warm cloaks, some bolts of good cloth, and a pair of very small boots. He approached the family.

“I don’t know if these will help. I took them from some bandits I caught, the other day. You are welcome to them, if you can use them.”

The woman came over to him with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you, thank you. I don’t know how we can ever repay you. When we saw you approaching, we were worried that you were some of those raiders. For you to show us so much kindness ... well, as I say, I don’t know how to repay you.”

Donald looked at the woman and then over towards Trevor. “First you can tell me your name.”

“It’s Annabelle.”

“Well, Annabelle, you can make sure you thank your husband for keeping you safe and not doing something stupid like going out to face those bandits. If he had been killed, then where would you have been?”

She reached up and kissed Donald on the cheek.

“Thank you, I’ll make sure I do.”

The food was served and they all dug in. Everyone went to their things and found something for the family. Brianna found a blouse, Michael a shirt, the Bishop a coat, [although it was far too large, Annabelle said she could take it in.] Paul and Miriam found a couple of old pairs of trousers that should fit two of the children, Carlos found a blanket, Alan, Henry and David managed to find a spare pair of boots, a cloak that belonged to Sirius (the sleeping guard who was killed) and his jacket.

Isabella looked on as everyone rallied round, and found something for the family, some of it was old and worn, some of it was in good condition. She thought of her own family, of those she knew. Not one of them would have lifted a finger to help these people. They would have ridden straight past with barely a sideways glance. It did not escape her notice that those with the least, Paul and Miriam, were - after Donald - the first to offer help. They gave of the little they had. Everyone else had then chipped in.

They were all looking at Isabella. She smiled, went to her baggage and found a fantastic dress. She brought it over to the woman.

“Here, I have this old thing. I know it’s not very good. I brought it in case of being forced to do some dirty work, like digging or such.”

Annabelle’s eye’s widened with surprise. It was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.

“It’s beautiful. No, I really can’t accept it. It’s too much, really.”

“Go on, please. It really is an old one. I have several more much nicer ones. Would you like to see if there are any others you prefer?”

“No, it’s okay, this one will do fine.”

“Look, why don’t you get washed up, then we can get you into this dress for dinner, give the menfolk a surprise.”

“Why don’t you get changed in the wagon?” called Miriam

Annabelle nodded and together she and Lady Isabella went to get changed. Soon dinner was ready. Isabella brought Annabelle out.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present ... Annabelle,” announced Isabella with a flourish

Heads turned and jaws dropped as Annabelle emerged from behind the wagon. She looked fabulous!

“Wow!” exclaimed Paul

“Oh, my!” echoed Brianna

“My darling, you are so beautiful!” said a stupefied Trevor, taking his wife in his arms. “I always knew you were gorgeous, but ... wow!!”

Annabelle reached up and kissed her husband with real passion. “Thank you, thank you for keeping us safe.”

She then turned towards Isabella. With tears in her eyes she threw her arms around the startled woman. “Thank you, all of you. What you have done for us, well words cannot describe it. We will never be able to repay you for you kindness.”

It was the Bishop who spoke. “Was it not our Lord who said, ‘That which you do for the least of these, you do for me?’ As I see it, my dear, we are simply doing as our Lord commanded.”

“I could no more ride by and ignore you, than fly through the air. It is just not in my nature. All I wish is that if you ever see someone who needs your help, that you give it to them just as freely,” Donald said to them.

“Well, Sir Donald, we surely will.”

The children ran up to their mother and threw their arms around her.

“You look lovely, Mummy!” they chorused.

The food was brought, and it was devoured with relish. All the bowls and plates were soon licked clean.

It was by now starting to get dark. They would stay where they were, for the night. Donald went out to set his traps, as usual ... accompanied, as usual, by Simon. He told them where they could go and attend to their needs.

“You better do as Sir Donald says,” Isabella told them. “I ignored him, and very nearly paid a high price.”

“We shall, we shall.”

Later that evening Donald spoke to Isabella, “Why do you call me Sir Donald?”

“You go around rescuing folk at every turn. You saved Simon and took him on as your squire, you helped Paul and Miriam when they needed it. You saved us from certain disgrace and death, or slavery. Now you have saved Trevor, Annabelle and their children. You could have just ridden by and ignored all those around you, I know many who would have done just that. If anyone deserves the accolade of ‘Sir,’ then it is you.”

She kissed him on the cheek and went to her bedroll. It was a very surprised and confused Donald that lay in his bedroll that night.

Two days later, they arrived at Porhampton. It was a small but prosperous looking village. The houses were well kept, the fields planted, the fences maintained and there was livestock in abundance. The headman came out to see them, obviously more than a little bemused at the sight of their strange party. He looked up and down the party, wondering who was in charge. Finally he approached the Bishop.

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Sex With Cousin On Her 21

Hi ISS readers, this is ma first story being posted in sites. well fellows, I’am Phatt (changed) aged 19 and persuing B.com in local college. I’m from Arunachal pradesh and this story is based on my encounter wid cousin sister. Her name here is Yankee (changed for privacy matter), she is studying at 12th standard. She got a good height of 5.4 ft which is an average height here at Arunachal pradesh. She is quite arrogant type and has built a better body size. I don’t know her sizes but to commit...

1 year ago
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Hired new maid

It is my first story and I hope even if you don’t like it you will encourage me and give me suggestions. My name is Jamil (real) I live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I am 40 years old and doing government job in good grade. I already had a driver and his wife as my domestic servant. One day my driver came to me and told that his younger brother had died so he has to go to his native place. I allowed him and he along with his wife left the same day. I had difficulties in managing the house but it was...

2 years ago
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Judging Jenna

I'm Jenna. I am 25 years old, have brown eyes and long brown hair. I would refer to myself as ample, yet fit. My perky C cup tits and my plump ass are always the first thing a man notices. I have a smart-ass persona and really could care less what people think of me. I tell people what you see is what you get, if you don't like it, then you can take a walk. As a teenager, I was wild and out of control, my cocky attitude got me in a lot of trouble. I've since then calmed down and I owe it all to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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With my best friend pt 2

We walked arm in arm back to the house after a couple hours of sexual playtime and drinking. I knew that Sasha wanted more tonight, just as I wanted to experience more of her. We stood in the moon light, naked and caressing each others face and neck as lovers for the first time. She took me into her arms in just the same manner that many a men have done before. But this was different, it was sensual and erotic as we touched each other for the first time. Our breasts touching naturally as our...

3 years ago
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Spray tanning

HOT & HEALTHY HABITSHomeRETREAT!!SHOPBlogAboutWhat This Spray Tanner REALLY Thinks of Her ClientsAmanda Adams, CPTIt was one of the best, yet saddest jobs I ever had.In college, I worked at the only tanning salon in town. Confession: I loved it. However, there was one part of my job that I dreaded more than any other—giving spray tans. (But not for the reasons you might be thinking… keep reading. And if you've read this blog before, you need to read it again).Since this was the only spray...

3 years ago
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The Beach Neighbor

This is a true story, though names and locations have been changed to protect privacy.We took a family trip to the beach this summer, my wife and k**s. With the covid lockdowns we were all going a bit crazy. We managed to find a cottage to rent right on the beach in a sleepy area, far from the usual crowds - perfect for a little socially distant vacationing. Our beach house was right next to a massive new 3 story house with a "just sold" sign out front. As we unloaded, a family pulled up in a...

1 year ago
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Friends Sisters Smelly Feet

This all happened last night. My friend invited me over to his house for dinner as he only lives a few doors down from my place. I accepted his offer as he has an 18 year old sister who is extremely hot with feet to die for. I got to the front door of his house where I noticed she had left 4 pairs of her shoes there, and I could smell them from 5 meters away and I have the biggest fetish for dirty smelly feet and shoes so I knew I was in for a good night. During the dinner I sat next to her,...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 431

I was amazed to find myself behind a frog in the bank line this morning, First Niagara in Hamburg. We were both in the line of my favorite teller, Patrica Whack (who lives in Wilson). This is what happened. The frog's turn came and he approached the teller. He said, "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looked at the frog in disbelief and asked his name. The frog said his name was Kermit Jagger, son of Mick Jagger. He also mentioned that he is a close...

2 years ago
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Its Not Easy to Be a Love Goddess Ch 11

Angela came to me one afternoon. She looked tired and worn, and I felt concerned for her. I asked her how her practice was going. It was fine and we chatted about this and that, but I sensed she wanted to say something she didn’t quite know how to say. So I just got quiet and looked at her, creating a silence which was an invitation to her heart to share what she really needed to tell me. Finally, she let it out. ‘I’m leaving Sam,’ she said. I was surprised. I had not seen this one coming. ...

3 years ago
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Joan Called the Swede

(The following is a translation with some explanations for unclear words) I was brought to Georgetown about a year ago, more than a year now. I think I was sixteen then, but I'm not so sure. I'm an apprentice, they say, in the kitchen, but I haven't learned to cook much. I just carry things, wash dishes, haul the garbage. I really haven't seen very much of the town and don't have good English yet, but Jinny's helping me. Mr. McKenzie, who runs the inn here, the City Tavern, he bought my...

1 year ago
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PornWorld May Thai Asian Slut May Thai DPd by Threeman Maintenance Crew While Husband is Away

May Thai, a rich Asian slut, is catching some summertime sunrays out by her pool while her wealthy husband is away on a business trip. Meanwhile, a three-man maintenance crew is tending to her yard when one of them the pool cleaner who senses her sluttiness decides to try his luck with her. First he asks her if she wants a message, which she immediately agrees to. When he has her oiled up and topless, he makes his move, and unsurprisingly May doesnt not have the will to resist. As he pounds May...

2 years ago
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The Prez Merry Fucking Christmas Bitch

The Prez. - Merry Fucking Christmas - Bitch.        A picture of the woman who is the inspiration for this story is posted on Facebook  at:        http://www.facebook.com/pages/Facebook- Login/378688786508#!/photo.php? fbid=485340538450&set=a.485340533450.261193.        598643450Page 1.        It was after hours on Christmas eve and everyone was  gone from the advertising agency except for her. Except for the Prez.        She had built the business from scratch into a highly respected creative...

1 year ago
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Cynthia Visits An Adult Theater

(This story is dedicated to CH, a wonderful friend with a vivid imagination.) It has been said there is a first time for everything, and Cynthia found that out first hand. A first date, a first kiss, a first romantic escapade in the tight quarters of the back seat of a car. Thrilling firsts, but nothing like the first time Cynthia visited an adult movie theater. She probably never would have gone if it were not for a new sense of sexual desire and adventure she had been feeling for the...

2 years ago
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As we got to know each other betterhellip

Greg, Teresa and I would continue to go out and party like we did before, however things were different now. Although there were never expectations, there was an unsaid desire that we all continued to have. Teresa would continue to dress up for us and I made sure that her pussy stayed shaven. However when we were out in public, although Teresa would still be very friendly with Greg, we never let on that we were a threesome, which only added to the anticipation. One afternoon after spending the...

3 years ago
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I was lying in my room when my mom came and told me that she was going out for shopping, and told me that maid will be coming to clean the room. Now let me tell you about that lady, her name was KIRAN and she was in her mid-30’s, with fully grown body. As she was there in our house for past 4 years, so I didn’t had any bad intention for her. She came around 1 pm in the afternoon. I was sleeping in my bed so I was not able to hear her voice. She was banging the door for a while then suddenly my...

2 years ago
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Trip to the Drug Store P6

Trip to the Drug Store P6 After I was shaved and spanked at the Quick Health Center, I went home and got ready for my date with Jill. I took my time eating and getting ready, because Jill had said that this was a special date. At 7 PM, I called Jill to ask her if I needed to stop and pick up anything. Jill answered me with, “Don’t you remember? You were supposed to be here right now. Just come over as quickly as you can.” Now I remembered that this date had something to do with the company she...

2 years ago
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From Wife To Maid In One Easy Lesson Ch 02

The restaurant was nearly deserted when we arrived, which was not that unusual for a Monday night I guess. A few people sat in the bar section watching a ballgame on the television. The dining area was occupied only by a family of three that was seated in the front of the room. Gabrielle looked around and smiled. ‘Give us a booth near the back,’ she told the waitress who proceeded to seat us at the far end of the room, away from the family. I sat next to my wife Peggy and Gabrielle sat across...

2 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 49 SinSin Fun Buns Fun

At 5:30 the adults gathered for conversation with hors d’oeuvres and liquid refreshments before the meal. That was when I told Ernie, my uncle, and Abril the story about the boardroom battle I had won. Abril was beyond excited, especially when I mentioned the talk with partners Barnes and Huttle afterward. We were ahead of our best target pace for the plan. Then Ernie had a private word for me. Subject? His wife! When he was done I said I would “present his proposal.” I also said that it...

4 years ago
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I was always aware that my mom was really sexy, I just dismissed all my friends comments about how they'd like to kiss her and do other stuff to her. I'd just laugh it off.The older I got the more I saw that she was more than hot, she was gorgeous. My mom's name is Abbie and she's 37 years old. She got pregnant when she was 16 and decided to have me. She stands at 5 ft 11 tall with the most slender legs ever. She has a tight arse and perky smallish boobs that are very rarely in a bra. My mom...

3 years ago
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An evening with Christina

This was a little over a year ago and I was dating a girl named Christina. The relationship tanked, but we had some fun while it lasted. Christina was a Puerto Rican girl with soft, permanently tanned skin, perky brown nipples, and a rump you could sink your teeth into. We would spend time at her place Friday evenings usually (among other times/places) and watch WWE Smackdown in her living room while her mom was in her own bedroom doing her own thing. After a while of watching and teasing...

Oral Sex
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Codex Nonconmecon

Your name is Millie Smith and you're an 18 year old college freshman attending the local branch of the state university. You're a couple months into classes and you've settled into your life as a student in a college town that has an active but geographically small Downtown. Like any city, even a modest one like Sageford, there are pockets of wealth (especially as you move towards the more ostentatiously named Grandford), some lovely parks, and seedy streets you avoid after dark. You're sitting...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Jane Wilde My Step Sister Is A Little Nympho

In todays update Pressure returns home from college and as his naughty step sister has grown a bit since he last saw her. Jane Wilde has a naughty look as she plays with a lollipop. She sneaks up on her stepbrother and after a small conversation she starts showing him what she’s been practicing while he’s away. She plays with the lollipop by teasing her nipple and pussy before finally getting Pressure to go down on her. She returns the favor with a good blowjob before getting her tight pussy...

3 years ago
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My Exdaughter In Law Part 2

Last time I had my ex-daughter in law (Debbie) being rather friendly and a bit forward with me while trying to arrange a date for me with one of her friends. She kept asking me lots of questions......... sexual questions............ which at first I felt rather shy of answering, but as she told me about her fantasies and that a lot of girls now-a-days like to know things before meeting up, like what sexual preferences you like/dislike! I decided to come clean and tell her about my dreams and my...

2 years ago
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Lee wants me to be with Emily more chapter 8

After dinner with the girls I was in the shower recovering and getting myself ready for bed. Three times with Emily today was fun, but I was hoping I could muster enough stamina to please Lee. I heard the door open and a few seconds later Lee stepped into the shower”can I share this with you “she said . She wrapped her arms around me as we kissed, feeling the water run around and down our body’s. As we washed and ran our hands over each other's body I thanked her for sharing Emily with...

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A Message to Cane Toads

This story is partly auto-biographical, I’ll leave it up to you to work our which is fact and which is fiction. * I don’t know if the brain of every male of the species Homo sapiens works as mine does but if it does then the species will die out within several generations. The mating urge in my brain is strong, it would need to be given the number of times it has got me nowhere, it urges me to home in on the most attractive female of the species at whatever function I happen to be and move...

2 years ago
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Kissin cousins And His Friend

I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...

2 years ago
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Ak Rat Ki Chuddi

HI may Kamran from Karachi may ISS ka reader hoon or aj ap ko apni ak tru story bata raha hoon. Jo girls or aunties sex karwana chati hoon maray E-Mail per rabta karian. Ya story aj say 2sal pahlay ki hay us waqat may multan may ak compny may jab karta tha mujhy company kay kam say multan say bahwalnagar jana tha may gahar say subha 8am per nikal gia takay jaldi wapas ajyoon lakin wapsi per dar hogi or may rat ko 9pm per bahwalnagar say multan kay ley nikla. Rasty may ak jagha mari car chalty...

3 years ago
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Teasing black men at the dance floor

That afternoon I came early at home and found my sensual wife getting ready for going to dinner outside. Anita said we could do some “fishing bar”.I would enter the place to take a seat. My sexy wife would enter a few minutes later and she would scan the bar waiting to be approached.Once a stranger would come over her, I would watch her flirting and teasing the guy. Ana then would make some excuses and we both would leave the bar. Both would be so turned on, that we would end up having sex in a...

4 years ago
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Wife With Grand Father

By : Sultana1999 Dear Readers, I got inspired to write this story after reading the story “My Wife was Gang Banged on a Boat”. If you like the story mails me on and the writer of the above story “My Wife was Gang Banged on a Boat or Hope you have read it. If not then you send request I will send you the url. Oh Great”, I exclaimed in reaction to my horny wife’s candid confession. And I was quite thrilled about it also.  “Everything is all right. It will be great if dadu comes forward to...

3 years ago
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The Friendliest NeighborhoodChapter 2 Discovery

The day was hot, about 80 degrees, and everywhere in the neighborhood you looked you saw tank tops or tshirts and shorts. Working in the back yard I heard voices from Kevin's own yard beyond the high fence. Knowing that if I went upstairs I could look down into their yard, invading their privacy, but after seeing what I had seen earlier I didn't care. Getting a pepsi from the fridge I went upstairs and looked out the window. On the deck, lying on a lounge chair in the bright sun, was...

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