The Ship That Giggled free porn video

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The Ship That Giggled Introduction: Anne McCaffrey published The Ship Who Sang in 1969 about ships controlled by the brains of children who otherwise would have died. Brain Ships, as they were called, were paired with fully functioning pilots. I took my version a step further and introduced virtual reality with the necessary reality, deciding also on a budding relationship between a Dominate and Submissive. The Ship That Giggled is my result. Synopsis: Flit pilots, the elite of pilots, were literarily coupled to the brains of their Flit ships. Those brains, once little girls were the controls of those flits, but still very much little girls. It took a very unique set of skills to fly a flit, and more than a little tolerance to become a little girl's doll. Jack graduated flight school with honors and in his first baby girl outfit took his first flight as Sally's doll Jennifer. Players: Margaret, Jack, Rose, Sally and Carol with special thanks to Madeline. The Story: "Damn it Margaret," Jack said throwing the covers off. It was a soft chime but he'd been sound asleep. His statement, regretted the instant it was said, came with a sigh as he struggled to sit up and as he did so he added, "sorry Margaret, it's not your fault." Margaret was Jack's link to central services although she was not for the general public as most were. She'd been his link since his promotion and because of Jack's position she was private and secure this night. Yet, even her pleasant sounding voice waking him didn't lesson Jack's anger at waking. It wasn't her waking him, nor even the early hour or, for that matter, his lack of sleep. Jack's bio bed took care of most of that the instant his brainwaves changed from Alpha to Beta. What angered Jack was Sally being Sally. There were times, Jack mused, as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Margaret without too much difficulty at reading Jack's anger added, "I'm sorry Jack, but I was told it's a level two emergency." "Margaret, it's Sally being Sally, that's what it is," Jack said in frustration as he thrust his bio sonic brush into his mouth. "I'm sure you're right," Margaret noted before going silent. Jack stood sleepily at the sink brushing his teeth. High frequency, oscillating, short range sound waves killed nearly all of the bacteria that had formed in his mouth those few hours he'd slept. He rinsed the dead stuff with a minty flavored wash followed by a jell that eased over his teeth with the swiftness only nanos had. There would be a protective coating in his mouth for the next twenty four hours before the nanos died. Sally being Sally, Jack mused, as his anger faded. The coffee helped. He was coming fully awake now and feeling more rational. Above all else, and well before his anger, Jack was sympathetic. Jack was very sympathetic to Sally's needs and her feelings. He couldn't help himself those feelings of his, nor could Sally for that matter. Too close those feelings, Jack mused, knowing why and smiling. Truth is they had designed him to be empathetic and he knew that. Right after he'd agreed they began his transformation. They were called Empathy Engrams and while Jack technically knew he was being programmed to feel the way he did, he also believed, in time, he'd most likely feel that way anyway. Although that too might be programmed into him, Jack mused. A lot of stuff was programmed into Jack when he became a Flit Pilot. Not all of it Jack knew about. It would have surprised Jack knowing that last part, but Jack didn't know that last part. Some things, according to the Flit Pilot Program Director, and this came well into it's inception, were best left unknown. Those engrams were planted during Jack's initial transformation. Small bits of biochemical changes were set among his neural tissue where memories formed. They represented new memories. Not Jack's memories, but copies of Sally's own tissue that came with some of her own memories. Memories, as odd as they might seem, to anyone not connected to the Flit Program, but so very necessary for a Flit ship and pilot to work together. You can't be that close together and not share things that might be considered very intimate. That was the theory and so far it was working. Working tonight as well. Above all else, Jack knew that last part without any Empathy Engrams. Jack had wanted to be a Flit Pilot for as long as he could remember and now he was. He still held that childhood memory of a gleaming flit flying at high speed over his farm, rolling over twice before darting straight up and into space. It really was a small price to pay, this interruption, and simply because he was a Flit Pilot. But there was a price for this fame and Jack knew that price well, because Jack also knew it was Sally being Sally. "Jennifer?" Margaret asked. "Of course we'll need Jennifer," Jack said in a minor tone of frustration suggesting he was irritated. "Shall I get her ready?" Margaret asked. "Hold on that," Jack said standing above the urinal. He wasn't really ready for Jennifer. He wasn't really frustrated, at least not as much as he showed, because there was something about these moments with Jennifer that Jack found... what was the word he was looking for... soothing. Oddly so, but that too was part of Jack's programming and that too was necessary. It was necessary, because not too many guys like being sissies, on any level, and very few on Jack's level. "Would you like me to call the Ready Room?" Margaret asked. "No thank you Margaret, I've got it," Jack said feeling a little less harsh now that he was waking. Jack, slipping his ear phone into a small socket under a hidden flap in his ear, waited for the tone. A small hair thin connection snaked along his cannel and his phone was now part of his ear. He felt it settle before clicking his jaw open and slightly to the right twice for the connection. Jack felt, more than heard, a buzz, as a tiny pad touched another in his ear, then an imagined dial tone before an imaginary clicking sound for a connection. Those sounds were not necessary, but human's needed them so they knew something was happening. Jack also imagined the two digits and in an instant a new voice spoke, "Ready Room." "Hi Rose, it's me. Listen, I'm going to need Jennifer to be ready when I get in," Jack said in that same frustrating tone he'd used earlier with Margaret. Funny he thought as he realized he was acting so macho about become so sissy. Rose, if she could smile would have. Rose knew Jack's tones as well as Margaret did. So well in fact that she changed her own tone so Jack heard just the right amount of understanding and sympathy in her voice as she said, "I'm getting her ready as we speak." "Thank you Rose," Jack said. "Is it safe to say good morning yet?" Rose asked cautiously. Jack smiled and Rose, recording all of Jack's bio readouts with the call noted the slight changes with satisfaction. Rose had been with the Flit program for a lot of years, and Jack for nearly as long, as she smiled an understanding smile. "Yes, it's safe," Jack said smiling. "Good Morning Dave," Rose said in a masculine voice imitating the computer voice of HAL in the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey. "Open the Pod Bay Doors Hal," Jack said mimicking the words of Dave trying to get back into the ship in the movie. It was an inside Joke between Rose and Jack since Jack became a Flit Pilot and that day his canopy failed to open. Boys, men actually, still had to be boys even in this day and age and egos, in spite of all the advances, were still very sensitive to some things. That was why Rose ran the ready room. Rose was special, she had to be to do what she was about to do to Jack. "OK Jack I'm done, she'll be ready when you arrive," Rose said about Jennifer with a hint of sympathy in her voice. Jack felt vindicated, his pride still intact, as he slipped his one piece jump suit on. Jack wore nothing else as he slipped his ID chip onto his left ring finger. He only needed his jump suit to the base. Everything else Jack would wear that morning would be there waiting. "Rose, while I've got you on the line, give me Sally's status," Jack said as he stepped into his scooter and pressed the connect button. A tight beam of energy was picked up and a inboard computer matched it's signals with a traffic system computer. Given his priority as a Flit pilot, and the nature of the emergency, a series of lights went from yellow back to green and the scooter eased forward before picking up speed. With the exception of emergency services Jack now had a higher priority than any other ship in the vicinity, private or otherwise. 'Destination Flit Central' flashed on the small screen as the scooter picked up speed. Along his route a series of priority signals were making slight changes to whatever traffic was in the way. "Jack, Sally is fully operational status wise, but still showing stress from your mission last night. When she reached active Level Two, emergency protocols were activated and she was taken off duty status. That was an hour ago. When she didn't respond to those protocols you were called. She has been taken fully off-line and you were brought awake when she went to Level Three about ten minutes ago. She's waiting for you as we speak," Rose said. "Understood. Thank you Rose. By the way, how is the other ship?" Jack asked knowing why Sally was so stressed. He'd felt it himself when they answered that call. He asked after that other ship with the same concern he felt. That other ship, Julie, if Jack remembered the name correctly, wasn't badly hurt, but it didn't have to be bad for the other ships around her to react. There were not that many ships anyway and all of them, to some level, knew each other. Julie was an Ore Ship, a new one Jack also remembered and that would add to Sally's concern. The older ships, including Jack's Sally, felt motherly towards the new ships. Jack had felt Sally's stress long before they landed and, deep down, knew he'd be doing this sooner rather than later. "Getting a status now," Rose said and, after a moments pause, added, "Julie sustained moderate damage to her starboard cooling vents, there was some plasma loss, estimated at eleven percent before it was contained, and about two thirds of her higher navigational controls were damaged. Mostly a couple of high gain antennas." "Sounds bad," Jack said trying to visualize the damage. "Not really. That damage, luckily, was due mostly to ribbon wire damage near the strike, and the reason you and Sally went code three. No biological damage at all and her higher level controls were untouched. She should be restored to active status within a few more hours," Rose said. "Good, that's really good news. Has Sally been updated on Julie's status," Jack said before realizing she wouldn't be since she was off line as he added, "Never mind answering that question, I already know the answer. I'll do that when I see her." "I show you just at the security marker," Rose said with a lighter voice. Rose had changed her voice to match the tone in Jack's. Optimism breeds optimism. Jack's pod scooter was just entering the base. "Docking," Jack's scooter announced just as it reached the inner marker of the Flit Center's parking area. The Ready Room was a hundred feet from Jack's usual parking space. Jack, looking out over the tarmac, saw Sally then as his pod slipped into it's bay. Bright working lights were shining on her glistening jet black skin. She was beautiful. Jack paused to admire Sally for a few more seconds. A Flit ship was nearly seamless and perfect. That perfection made Jack's heart flutter slightly. She was so sleek, so feminine, and so very beautiful, he mused out loud as he stepped into the transport hall to walk towards an oval. Rose made an equivalent smile over Jack's admiration. He too would be feminine soon. "Ready Room," Jack said stepping into the brightly lit oval that began to move the instant Jack's hand touched the control pad. A small chip on Jack's ring finger gave the lift all of the information it needed. Jack's identification and authorization, as well as his biologics, were instantly categorized and now linked solidly to Rose. Rose did a final analysis as Jack slid towards the ready room. Jack stepped out four seconds later to face a softly glowing red circle of light. That light, Jack was looking into, changed in intensity. It went from Red to something pinkish with Rose's recognition as she said, "Good morning Jack, Jennifer is all set." "Me too I guess," Jack said as he unzipped his flight suit and eased out of it. "Jack," Rose said softly. "Yes Rose," Jack answered knowing what was coming. "Jack, I'm sorry to say this, but you know that Sally, when she's in this state, is going to need baby Jennifer. Right," Rose asked in a cautionary tone made even softer. It was a preventive tone meant to softly warn Jack over what was going to happen. "I know, I know," Jack said trying to sound as if he hated it. Rose of course knew better, but she was designed to allow Jack that facade. Rose, for some number of years now, had Jack mapped so perfectly she knew him better than he knew himself. "Then you also know that I'm going to use the cloth diapers," Rose said. "I understand," Jack noted as he heard a series of electronic clicks off in the distance while he folded his flight suit into a locker. Those electronic clicks were cutting him off from the world least they see what happens to a man about to become a baby girl. "Outside links broken. Doors locked. Area sealed and fully censored. We're alone Jack," Rose said. It wasn't necessary that comment, not officially that is, but it helped. Secrecy was for the pilot's sake even if it wasn't all that secret over what pilots were sometimes forced to do. "Thank you Rose," Jack said standing in the middle of the room naked. He was thankful, always thankful that Margaret and Rose were programmed with discretion and understanding. Jack would have found this impossible to do with another human watching. It wasn't easy becoming a doll, especially when the doll sometimes wore diapers and Sally, when she was this depressed, like Jennifer as a baby girl. Jack watched his outfit coming together. His outfit, he mused as the diaper was laid out flat. Jennifer, of course, was a construct. She was mostly an abstract of general ideas inferred at first then derived directly from specific instances taken from Sally's memories. Jennifer was designed after filtering though the nearly 26,280 hours of Sally's life when she was first being reconstructed after her death. During reconstruction there were 1,576,800 minutes of images, plus thoughts and conversations all cataloged. A great number of those images had to do with Sally's interactions with her doll. A doll named Jennifer. As was almost always the case, a lot of those images were of Jennifer as a little girl doll, but there were still quite a lot of Jennifer as a baby doll. Jennifer, as an important part of Sally's life, came into being during that first years deconstruction phase and she was clearly a necessity when those determinations were analyzed just before reconstruction. Jennifer was once Sally's doll and now that was Jack's role. Jennifer the doll, while not always the same with all ships, wasn't totally unexpected giving the source and very typical elements of a little girl's life. It was always dolls or something cuddly that popped up during the deconstruction and reconstruction phases. Jack knew some of what to expect when he was briefed in those first few days of Flit Ground School. As Sally was reconstructed there was more briefings on Jennifer when Jack's time came to be connected with one of the ships. There were sacrifices to be a Flit pilot, being a little girl's doll one of them, but then again he was a Flit pilot. Jack was both thrilled and unnerved when he graduated from the Flit Flight Simulator Training School. He was even more thrilled during his orientation just before his transformation phase although it wasn't clear yet if Sally would accept him. Flit ships got to pick their pilots. Several pilots were given Sally's capabilities, then gently, privately, a hint of what Sally's doll Jennifer looked like. As with all of the pilots chosen, Jack's orientation was his last chance to say no. He didn't. Few men did at this phase. A Flit Pilot was the elite of pilots worldwide and getting a flit ship the ultimate goal and if he had to be a doll on occasion to keep his ship happy, so be it. When Jack agreed to be counted as one of Sally's candidates, Jack became one of six pilots under consideration for Sally, but it was really up to Sally that final choice. Sally, through Rose, touched all of them. Three were dropped from consideration immediately. Two more after a full day till it was just Jack. Sally wanted Jack and Jack, once he was told about Sally's choice, had happily agreed to be blended with Sally that very same day. Of course it was an initial blending only, a kind of a hand shake for Jack and Sally. Although it would be as Jennifer and that was when Jack also met his newest personality. While Jack was prepared for the odd and unusual, even the bizarre in some cases, it didn't fully prepare him for Jennifer. So much of this, even after all of these years developing Flits, was guess work for the scientist, and Jack did talk with Sally over those first few days together. Sally needed Jennifer badly, she said, more than a few times as they talked and Jack, not wishing to risk being pulled from the program, agreed completely, albeit reluctantly. Jack would be Jennifer in two different modes but in her most basic form Jack as Jennifer would always be a doll. "A doll," Jack had said raising his voice high enough to register an alarm on his biomedical implant that showed up instantly on the monitors. Jack calmed himself using the biofeedback tools he'd been taught, although a notation was made on his medical charts. There would be some minor tweaks made in that part of Jack's brain that had caused him to register so violently and react in that way. Jennifer was Sally's doll and Jack, if he was going to succeed as Sally's pilot would also have to become, at least on some occasions, Sally's doll Jennifer. Jack was shown pictures of Jennifer and included in those pictures most everything Jennifer once wore. "Too many dresses, too many frills," Jack mumbled as he scanned the images taken from Sally's brain. There was Jennifer the little girl who loved playing dress up sally. Of course it was Sally pretending Jennifer liked dressing up but that too had to be part of Jack's programming. Jennifer was a princess, a fairly, and all manner of things to Sally. She was Sally's best friend and sometimes what Sally wore, Jennifer also wore. There was also Jennifer the baby girl when Sally played mommy. Baby girl Jennifer, of course, dressed as a baby girl. "A damn doll," Jack whispered when he finished looking at the pictures taken and processed directly from Sally's memories. "Afraid so," the technician reviewing Sally's files said as she brought a final image of Jennifer up on the screen. What Jack was actually looking at was a Patti Play Pal doll and not a small doll either, he noted. Patti Play Pal dolls were designed to be "life like" and meant for little girls that size. When those dolls were created, they were often called companion dolls and just for that reason. Jennifer stood nearly thirty inches tall which was almost the same height as Sally had been when she was a little girl just before she ended life as a little girl. At the time of Sally's death, Jennifer was Sally's most cherished doll or had been and it would be up to Jack, both literally and figuratively, to successfully fill Jennifer's little Mary Jane shoes. Sally had named her new doll Jennifer and a lot of those hours that Sally had lived were centered strongly on and around her very best friend and playmate. Nearly ten percent of her active memories, those cataloged at least, centered on that doll and at least another four percent more added just from the reassurance she got from having the doll near. That much material was too much material to change in Sally. On the other hand it was hardly anything to make the changes in Jack's brain so it was Jack that would need to change. That too Jack knew when he joined the Flit service. He was told this just as another data point and another reason to decline if he wanted. Again Jack held firm, in spite of the images he was looking at and worse, what sort of things he'd be wearing. Trouble was there was always something like that relative to a Flit ship, and it was simply Jack's bad luck it had to be a doll. Although it could have been worse, Jack mused, as Rose, the mechanical part of Rose that is, eased him onto the soft and thankfully warm changing table. It could be worse and was at times, as Jack thought about another fellow pilot - John Baker. John, one of the new pilots that got a ship before him, spent most of his time as a Betsy Wetsy doll. While Jack would sometimes have to wear diapers as Jennifer, it wasn't all the time and that meant almost equal time in at least panties. Unfortunately, Jack mused, this was one of those times he'd have to tolerate the diapers. Thankfully this part was private and his dressing area sealed for what would happen next. With his ready room now sealed, Rose was now the only other person allowed within those walls besides Jack. Even the Program Director herself could not come in or view in when a pilot was being transformed for their special Flit interface. It wasn't a fast and firm law, but traditional. "Ready?" Rose asked softly. She was programmed to understand these moments asking Jack his permission first. Her programming was smart enough to sense Jack's brainwaves and bio read outs, and what they meant. She could have started but didn't, giving Jack a moment to gird himself. Jack's adrenal gland carried his nervousness up a notch. Rose was also programmed to give Jack even more seconds to gird himself because few Flit Pilots had to do what Jack had to do. "I'm set Rose," Jack said as he added, "go ahead." Rose was actually several machines within Jack's personal area and part of her were two very articulate mechanical arms. Those arms were capable of operating on the human brain, and moved silently, deftly, around Jack. Jack closed his eyes for this part as he always did as the bio-bed eased just enough sedative along Jack's epidermal to ease Jack just enough. The bio-bed was being careful with the med's in case Jack went on flight status as Jack's legs came up. The diaper was slipped under him smoothly. Sally too watched Jack's bio feed. Sally always watched and if she could she too would have smiled. She loved watching the macho pilot, Jack, becoming her doll Jennifer. She wasn't suppose to be watching, and Jack didn't know this, but Rose knew it helped calm her. "Hurry Rose," Sally said over the connection she was allowed the moment Jack entered his space. "I will precious," Rose said over her half of the link. Sally could not see Jack during this part because it would spoil Sally's original memories of Jennifer. Last thing Sally needed was seeing Jack's genitals, but she knew Jack was in his transformation phase when the connections were blanked out. She could also sense what Rose was doing as if she was doing it herself. She had once loved diapering Jennifer. "She's almost ready little one," Rose whispered softly, warmly, using the most motherly voice she could as she sprinkled baby powder over Jack's loins. Jack didn't hear the exchange between Rose and Sally as Jack, from the waist down, began turning almost a powdery white. Rose wasn't simply a computer once she was connected to Jack and Sally. Rose was more like a mother and meant to be, and while it was unnerving for Jack, this process of becoming Jennifer for Sally, he was thankful for the way Rose processed him. Of course that too was something done on purpose. Jack, in these minutes, was actually being nurtured into his role as Jennifer. While Jack was definitely male, and adult, he was also human and every human will respond to nurturing and Rose, in those minutes to transform Jack into Jennifer, was very nurturing as she whispered softly to Jack, "Here we go precious." Jack felt the diaper come up between his legs after feeling that slightly cool baby powder touching his skin. As much as he wanted to hate this part, he really didn't. That too was obvious to Rose as well, as she cooed Jack into his diaper. His brainwaves were already producing those first alpha waves and endorphins as each side of Jack's diaper was pinned closed. "You are my little princess," Rose said in a nearly hypnotic voice as she fussed with Jack's diaper a bit longer. Both sides were pinned perfectly and the diaper fit just as perfect, but those seconds Rose fused were, again, for the sake of Jack. So too those images Jack had before he closed his eyes. Jack had seen the dress he'd wear and the ruffled panties that matched it. There were nearly two dozen dresses in Jennifer's closet, most of which meant to make Jack look like a sweet little girl or baby girl. All of Jennifer's baby dresses had ruffled panties to match and those followed Jack's diaper a moment after Rose finished fussing with his and her diaper. Soft pliable plastic lined Jennifer's panties, with this pair covered in another soft silky sheer of pink organdy covering another silky layer of nylon. A pretty combination of materials that was decorated at the back with several rows of ruffled lace. Those ruffles were a wide lace to match the lace of his slips and dress. That slip, a baby's style slip, followed the panties and then the dress. Taffeta for the slips petticoat and nylon for the bodice would easily show under the sheer organdy of the dress. Rose cooed a soothing sound as she put Jack into his slip and dress. It was a classic Patti Play Pal dress and reproduced identically. It was one of Sally's favorites for the real Jennifer and a good likeness when Jack was Baby Jennifer. Jack was Baby Jennifer often enough to know which dress was Sally's favorite, and he smiled slightly knowing this would calm her almost immediately. Rose, programmed to read Jack's expressions, caught the smile and that slight spike from Jack's brainwaves registering his pleasure. It was registering a bit more as she manipulated the dress over his slip. She fussed with the buttons, fussed with the puffy sleeves and fussed more with the sash she tied into a large bow. It was that fussing that always spiked Jack's readouts. Some of the things Rose did, while seeming to appear as part of this act of dressing Jack, was really Rose giving Jack a little more time to himself. It was Rose's job to not only transform Jack into a Little Girl or Baby Jennifer, but to encourage him to accept himself as that baby girl or little girl, or as much as a man could for the sake of another little girl. Jack's transformation grew more intense as it grew more complete with a very cute bonnet Rose finally put in place. A large fluffy satin bow sat below Jack's chin now as he watched Rose fit his lace socks on and, although he wouldn't admit it, his favorite black patent Mary Jane's. There was a soft ding from the nanowave announcing his baby bottle of milk was now warmed perfectly and ready. "He can look so cute at times," Margaret said over a private link to Rose. Jack wasn't aware of that link between Margaret and Rose either, nor another as the senior most Program Director, Carol, watched. It was private, silent and secret which of course made it almost illegal. While Jack thought he was alone, he couldn't be, ever. Sally, like most of the ships like her, was too important to the program. "Always loved that dress," Carol said to Rose with Jack as she watched Jack stand to wait for his bottle. Carol, of course, was the only human among that group talking. You could argue that Sally wasn't actually human any longer either, since she was just a brain but no one dared that argument. She was part of the Flit ship Jack flew, the most important part.. "I know," Rose said with a touch of affection in her voice and private again to Carol. Sally whispered for Rose to hurry. Jack meanwhile took up his baby bottle before walking towards the oval transport pod that would move him swiftly and silently to his ship and into Sally's virtual hands. Since Jack was dressed, the pod's external links were also made private as the glass tinted softly for transport across the distance to the ship. Sally could hardly wait for the pod to arrive. Sally's senses were nano links supporting the entire Flit as she brought her temperature up to make it more comfortable for Jack. Sally could sense temperature but she wasn't effected by it. Sally could also breath in a manner of speaking. Sally's breath, the oxygen system and mixtures she had control over were also for Jack. She was tightly connected to her body, that ship. There were actually 10,000 connections leading from Sally's brain to the various systems of the ship she was housed in, but only a handful dedicated to Jack. Sally could smile, but you couldn't see it when she did so, and she was doing so as Jack's pod started to move towards her docking bay. A thousand yards Jack traveled in the pod under the tarmac to the base of his Flit. There was a slight hiss as Jack's pod opened to the ships entrance allowing both atmospheres to equal. Jack stepped in quietly moving to the operators lounge. Jack gathered his skirts and slips after Sally, using one of several bio-mechanical arms, took his baby bottle to hold before Jack laid back in the control seat. Jack's neck nestled in the chair, his skin covering a small metallic strip, was resting against Sally's pilot sensors. Jack felt a slight warming effect at that junction confirming he was connected. With that done Jack took up his baby bottle from the mechanical arm to start nursing again. Nursing the baby bottle gave Sally a moment to adjust to having her doll back again. "I missed you Jennifer," Sally said with her voice channeled in such a way to make it seem to Jack he was in her lap. Sally's mechanical arm touched the baby bottle lightly as another brought over a soft cuddly teddy bear for Jack to hold. Jennifer was Sally's therapy as Jack remained still for her. Jack nursed on the baby bottle happily as Sally held it, recognizing his teddy bear instantly just from the touch of it. Although Jack was no longer actually seeing the reality around him and that was in part to the formula he was nursing down. It didn't take that much in the baby bottle for the formula to begin working. Jack, in a few more minutes, would be in a virtual space with Sally, and as Jennifer. Jack in that virtual world would feel everything that Jennifer felt just as Sally would feel everything. Sally pushed hard to make all of the connections and before long she had all of Jack, as Jennifer, with her. Actually, Jack's baby bottle was a mixture of several natural plants and herbs mixed with a real baby formula and natural sweetener. It was a tasty concoction of soaked bark taken from a Ayahuasca vine mixed with the stems of a Banisteriopsis caapi and a leafy plant called Psychotria viridis. It was for Jack's sake and while Jack no longer needed to be drugged to do this he liked the taste of the Ayahuasca. Technically, Jack knew why. The Ayahuasca is a hallucinogen in larger doses but only slightly in this dosage level. The Ayahuasca, Jack had learned in class, relies on the pharmacological synergy of those two other plants. Psychotria viridis is a psychoactive compound called dimethyltryptamine or DMT. That chemical from Banisteriopsis caapi contains the MAO inhibitors B-carbolines harmine, tetrahydroharmine and harmaline. Jack's mixture, a very low dose designed specifically for him, was discovered in the Amazon and had yet to be reproduced in a lab and because it was so rare was reserved mostly for Flit pilots. There were of course a number of Congressmen that often took those same drugs and a few that even liked dressing as Jack. Jack's brain, within seconds of that mixture was changing. That particular mixture, Jack also knew, allowed the drugs to be absorbed across the blood brain barrier. The baby formula was added to fill the stomach triggering a sense of fullness and change his blood flow. That fullness, biologically, puts demands on Jack's body causing blood to be pulled away from his extremities and brain during digestion. That shift in blood flow was what would trigger Jack's drowsiness just like a baby might. That drowsiness was what allowed Jack's visual imagery and reality to be confused just enough for Jack to begin to believe he really was Jennifer. Jack had to be drowsy to reach his hypnopompic state so this process always started with Jack nursing his bottle. If he was Jennifer the little girl this would be done through a sippy cup. Jack's hypnopompic or transitional semiconscious state fell between his actual sleeping and waking moments. Jack, like most under this regressive process, would soon be in a visual and auditory hallucination phase made more keen when coupled to the stimulus, clothing and paraphernalia as Jennifer, as well as, Sally's voice. "You are such a pretty little girl, yes you are," Sally said using the same words she once happily used on her doll and her own readouts began to change. Sally was calming significantly. Rose and Carol began to calm themselves. Sally, along with Jack, was feeling the effects of this bonding as her mechanical arm fluffed Jack's skirts before fusing with his bonnet. Rose, monitoring Sally's read-outs, noted a slight shift in Sally's own endorphins and before long they matched Jack's. Sally was healing. Within seconds there was a co-imaging as Jack's hallucinations, fostered by those engrams also implanted during Jack's transformation phase mapped into Sally's. Those brain waves of his would also feed into the virtual program. Those images were identical biochemical changes set among his neural tissue representing the same memories Sally had as Jack began to virtually see himself as Jennifer, now laying comfortably in Sally's arms. There was a swirling sensation of pastel colors coalescing. Jack, as baby Jennifer, was once again in Sally's room. Sally's room was a delightful place for a three year old with over a dozen dolls once sharing Sally's affections. That area, the corner of Sally's room was where Sally sat in her tiny rocker with Jack, as Jennifer, in her lap. There was a Patti Play Pal baby carriage, a table and chairs with a tea set that Jack sometimes found himself sitting at. There was a high chair, crib and playpen for Jennifer as well. There was also all of those little dresses Jack sometimes wore. Jack, as Jennifer, was the same size as Sally now, or the size Sally had been before she died. Jack was by far too big to actually be Jennifer's size but Sally's memories had been altered slightly so it seemed that way. Sally was only three when she passed away. That death, was nearly twenty years ago. A boating accident left Sally brain dead when her parents agreed to let her pass. Within five minutes of that decision, in a room next to the morgue, Sally's brain had been removed, irrigated and placed in a brain support system for the flight to Arizona. Two teams of twelve doctors were on stand-by when Sally's brain arrived and for the next forty two hours, nonstop, a delicate set of nano surgeries were performed. Sally, in another fifty or so hours was embedded within a hydro flask that now had electronic links to the outside world. For the next year she was deconstructed down to all of her cells and memories. Every sensory input ever registered by Sally, was mapped under all of the circumstances of her life. Those images of her accident and several other traumas were erased while images of her mother were designed to appear once again although not for a time. Within that second year Sally was reconstructed for her initial adjustment period. While this was happening, Jack was just entering Flit Ground School. Sally believed she was still Sally in a special simulator designed in parallel to her memories and when she woke that first time, she woke in a virtual world that was nearly identical to the one she knew. A team of life engineers made the necessary program tweaks when it was clear something was amiss. For most of that time Sally's interactions were identical to those she had as a three year old girl. Rose, as it happens, was Sally's mother's name and now as close to Sally as her mother had been when she was a little girl. There were changes introduced only after it was clear that the bonding issues had been tweaked out of both Sally and Rose. That was when Sally was introduced to her first Flit toy. Sally knew of Flits because the little boys she often played with, as a three year old, played with their model Flits. A model Flit was a boy's toy, but Sally's model was feminized and designed for the Barbie Flit Pilot Play Set and in not too long a time a part of Sally's play. Engrams on Flit technology and flight characteristics were introduced and before long Sally was flying a flit simulator. When she was fully indoctrinated to a real flit her hydro flask holding her was fitted into a brand new Flit and her systems were finally brought on-line. Jack, meanwhile, was entering into his transformation phase and a new world as his ground school ended. That transformation phase had began. Only males can be Flit Pilots and only female brains can be used on space ship systems. Females do not suffer the trauma of transplantation as much as males do and while no one could tell you why, there was enough history to make it an indisputable fact. The other fact is those Flit females do not function will with female pilots. It's not discrimination one court ruled because you cannot sue a machine for discrimination. It was the only time a Flit was ever taken to court. After that it was strictly males sworn into the program. Problems were designed so they had adult males, in a very real way, working for juvenile females. It didn't take long for that to settle in. Jack had learned that part of the Flit program early on. Although it wasn't till later, till he was fully committed before he learned the rest. He met the head seamstress right after his initial implants. There was enough information planted within his brain to recognize most of what Sally's dolls wore as he went over the patterns and clothing with that seamstress. Of course everything was made for Jennifer the doll but it was Jack's body that would wear those things. Since it was his body he spent twenty minutes within the Lazar modeling booth before his exact sizes were transferred to the seamstress shop. A hundred images of what Jennifer the doll wore was recreated in Jack's sizes and that included panties, slips, nightgowns and those dozens of frilly dresses. So too his Mary Jane shoes and lacy socks. It also included a lot of the things Baby Jennifer wore as Jack tried on his first diaper that day in his private ready room. Meanwhile, as Jack and Sally played mommy and baby, Program Director Carol Wright brought up Jack's information once again. Carol was privy to all of the information that the Flit program had gleaned from Jack's background. Carol was, to put it in basic terms, in love with the feminized man that was still nursing his baby bottle on board his ship. Sally, Carol mused, wasn't the only one that loved playing with dolls. Meanwhile the needs of the man were noted and a small padded plate lowered to meet the front of Jack's dress, slips, panties and diaper. There was a small vibration coupled with an oscillation that brought Jack to an explosive orgasm just as Sally laid Jennifer down in her crib. Jack moaned to himself as Sally removed the baby bottle from Jack's mouth. Bio readouts comparing themselves to Sally's optimal readings confirmed what Rose already knew. Sally was fully operational again. Jack would remain dressed till his landing but the chemicals that had eased him into the role of Jennifer were beginning to flush themselves through his kidneys and out into his diaper. Jack felt the relief as his heads up display came on-line. Jack looked out over the horizon and then up into the blackness and smiled as Sally's voice said, "I'm ready whenever you are." Jack's hands along with his painted nails griped both soft levers as his thumbs pressed buttons spooling both engines to military power. Rose filed for clearance and was granted an immediate takeoff. Thrust retainers parted leaving the ship unfettered and Jack, with a push from Sally, lifted the ship full throttle. Jack's dress and petticoats went flush against his ruffled panties and diaper enhancing the sensation of speed as the flit soared into space. "It feels wonderful," Sally said as her gravimeters recorded the increase in thrust as the absence of atmosphere allowed space speed. "It does," Jack said as he moved within the confines of his seat so the sodden diaper adjusted. He did this while allowing the ship to corkscrew towards the moon as Earth grew smaller. Meanwhile, "Madeline, hi, it's me, Carol. I'm fine and you? Yes, that's exactly why I called! So what have we got so far... wait, let me record this. OK, go ahead. Four dresses? You said four? Seriously? That's wonderful. Oh, you are a doll. Honestly, I was hoping for just one pair of the ruffled panties and how many slips? Madeline, I owe you big time. No, no, that's more than enough for my dinner party. No, it's just Jack still. I know, and I feel very wicked doing this to him, but if he's willing to be a little living doll for a ship, why not for a woman just as eager to play."

Same as The Ship That Giggled Videos

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 01

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Events On A Cruise Ship Changes A Marriage Forever

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Shipra Ar Tar Nonod Kuntola

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The Cruise Chapters 2 and 3 Ship Life and The Captains Table

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 01

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The Ship the Oasis the Book the Slave Part II

The SHIP, the OASIS, the BOOK, the SLAVE, Part II. By GENEVA The Corsair Rami, after being transformed by a spell from an old book, is given the name Nesrine and is trained as a harem slave by her enemy. She is sold as a slave but eventually finds freedom and love. This is the sequel to my earlier story, The SHIP, the OASIS, The BOOK, the SLAVE. It would be better to read that story first for background. I awoke to another morning in the slave compound, as a slave, as a woman....

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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 15 A Ship of the Crown

29 February, 1687 Afternoon On January 30th Christopher Monke, duke of Albermarle, and friend to Sir Henry Morgan and having just recently replaced the Earl of Carlisle as Governor of His Majesty's Island of Jamaica, Commander-in-Chief of all His Majesties Forces within the said Island and in the Islands adjacent, Vice-Admiral to New England Royal Governor, Sir Edmund Andros in the American Seas, awarded a limited English letters of Marque to Captain Carmen O' Daire of the Maidens...

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 02 Ch 01

In Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 01, Katie Thatcher was introduced as a stage hypnotist entertainer performing a popular cruise ship show. More importantly, she is also a trained hypnotherapist who holds group sessions to help with a multiplicity of problems such as ending a smoking habit, losing weight, etc. She also holds private sessions for people with more delicate and personal difficulties. Her husband, Matt, serves as manager and agent. In Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 01, her role as...

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Three Square MealsChapter 26 Dana works on his ship and Alyssa works on his body

Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Ch 02

Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 02. The sexual enlightenment of mother, son and tutor. 02.01 Ellie, Joanne and her son Daniel: 02.02 Ellie, Daniel, First Day: 02.03 Ellie, Daniel, Second Day: 02.04 Ellie, Daniel, Visual Test: 02.05 Ellie, Cathy, Hair Removal: 02.06 Ellie, GelPod, Introduction: 02.07 Ellie, GelPod, First Orgasm: 02.08 Ellie, GelPod, Breast Enhancement: 02.09 Ellie, GelPod, Clitoris Enhancement: 02.10 Ellie, GelPod, Conditioning: 02.11 Ellie, GelPod, Vaginal Testing: 02.12 Aron...

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Aboard the Cruise Ship SS Debauchery

Day 1 Saturday “Oh my…God…Sis, is this really happening?” I gasped as the ship slowly chugged out of Southampton harbour on its way to the Mediterranean. “I know what you mean,” My younger sister Sam grinned as I hugged me; “this is going to be the best holiday of our lives!” Sam had won an ‘All-inclusive Cruise for two’ plus £500 spending money, in a magazine competition. At 38 she was still unmarried but was the only person that this didn’t seem to bother. Her...

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Love On a Cruise Ship

This is a totally made up fantasy that is not intended to be anything other than what is written below.“It is impossible for me to fully explain how this happened,” I whispered to Jill as she rolled over on top of my body and I slid my cock into her for the first time.“Let’s not try to explain,” she whispered as she rocked against my hard cock and shuddered with the pleasure my penetration caused. She looked down at me, her large breasts swayed seductively as she said, “from this angle you look...

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The Great Ship SeaWolf

The SeaWolf has ever been a Ship founded on our right to be us. The SeaWolf was originally Sired by Captain Gideon Wolfenbaine the 3rd. Our first event as a house saw us promote Captain Gideon to Baron. First Mate Lar Osito Fenryr then became Captain by making Gideon walk the plank. Captain Osito’s first year was a trial by fire. With the crowns and nobility against us we struggled ever onward winning tourneys, and assuming ministry positions. The SeaWolf has ever been a house of service. ...

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Shipra8217s Mastrubation Without Removing Clothes Part 8211 2

Hello everyone I am pritesh from pune back again with my second part. After that evening we went to our respective homes that night we didn’t even text each other or had a call next morning we both meet each other in office and had a cup tea but hum dono ne kal ke incident pe koi baat nahi ki aise paanch deen nikal gaye jab saturday aaya toh uss deen generally office ko hamare half day hota hai sare do baje mein nikal jate hai mujhe pata nahi tha ki shipra ke dimag kya chal raha hai mein nikal...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Ch 04

Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 04. The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 04.01 Ethan and Shawn: 04.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 04.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 04.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 04.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 04.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 04.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 04.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 04.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 04.10 Ethan, Plant, Feminization:...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 02

The sexual enlightenment of mother, son and tutor. 02.01 Ellie, Joanne and her son Daniel: 02.02 Ellie, Daniel, First Day: 02.03 Ellie, Daniel, Second Day: 02.04 Ellie, Daniel, Visual Test: 02.05 Ellie, Cathy, Hair Removal: 02.06 Ellie, GelPod, Introduction: 02.07 Ellie, GelPod, First Orgasm: 02.08 Ellie, GelPod, Breast Enhancement: 02.09 Ellie, GelPod, Clitoris Enhancement: 02.10 Ellie, GelPod, Conditioning: 02.11 Ellie, GelPod, Vaginal Testing: 02.12 Aron and Daniel,...

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Fun on a Cruise Ship

The SS Amazon Excelsior has been at sea for nearly a week straight now and the people on board are getting restless. It's an inevitability of life on a cruise ship, of course. People get tired of the same-old same-old and want to branch out. That's why there are people from all walks of life aboard the Excelsior, trying to find new things to do with their days, or even just trying to make a living for themselves. Cast of Characters Guests The Bachelorette Party A small group of women, mostly...

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Cruise Ship Cruise Back Aboard

The deep sound of the ship's whistle drowned out the band playing on the dockside. As the sound died away Samantha laughed out loud. How appropriate for the band to be playing the theme song from that old TV show. She found herself quickening her pace just a little. Perhaps her children were right. Maybe she could find love again, "exciting and new." She checked with the purser's crew and got her cabin assignment. She decided not to go down to it right away. She was assured her luggage...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration 5

Cruise Ship Regeneration 05 The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 05.01 Ethan and Shawn: 05.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 05.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 05.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 05.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 05.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 05.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 05.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 05.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 05.10 Ethan, Plant,...

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 13 Flag Ship Vigilance

Janus landed the boarding craft in the flagships hanger bay, she carefully guided it down, once it was on the deck I felt the whole ship rock. "What happened?" I said. "We are engaging the enemy." She said flatly. "How will you stop them?" I asked. She shook her head as she lowered the ramp. "We won't, we are not with out plans, but most likely this offense will fail." She said. "So we need to retreat." I said. She looked at me. "We will hold them in the system until our...

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Emperors BodyguardChapter 3 Putting a Ship Together

As soon as I was out of the office I opened a private comm to Tinker. To say he was not happy was an understatement. I walked into hanger bay nine to see fleet chief engineer Paulson waiting, “Captain Drake?” I nodded and he held out a memo broad, “If you will sign the ship receipt?” I shook my head, “I do not think so Chief.” He frowned and I smiled, “Tell me Chief, how well do you like the general?” He looked at me and then looked around. He looked back and his eyes narrowed, “What did...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 01

We were married in the Skywalker Lounge, on the top deck of the Golden Princess Cruise Ship. We hadn’t sailed yet and were still moored to the dock in San Pedro. Twenty-five of our friends came on board to attend the ceremony. We all dressed in Hawaiian shirts or sarongs. The view of the harbor was spectacular, the lounge décor was like something from outer space. It was magical! After a beautiful ceremony, hors d’oeuvres and drinks, our friends departed, wishing us well. Angel and I started...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 3 A New Ship

On paper the ship looked to be ideal for Varna's purposes - a heavily armed converted freighter that still retained a reasonable size hold. The downside was, being rather old, it needed five crew to run it. A pilot, navigator, engineer and two for weapons control. The navigator, co-pilot and second in command was Sisanna, an older, hard and vicious woman she had befriended after she pushed Minara away and transferred to a different brigade. Varna wanted a reputation as a badass, and the...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Ch 03

Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 03. The Pleasure Deck, mother, son and tutor. 03.01 Pleasure Complex: 03.02 Amanda, Julie and Tyler: 03.03 Pleasure Room, Amanda gets a Makeover: 03.04 Amanda, Chamber Preparation: 03.05 Amanda, Chamber, First orgasm: 03.06 Amanda, Chamber, Breast Enhancement: 03.07 Amanda, Chamber, Clitoris Enhancement: 03.08 Amanda, Chamber, Vaginal Enhancement: 03.09 Amanda, Chamber, Vaginal Testing, Conditioning: 03.10 Pleasure Room, Tyler gets a Makeover: 03.11...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 05

The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 05.01 Ethan and Shawn: 05.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 05.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 05.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 05.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 05.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 05.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 05.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 05.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 05.10 Ethan, Plant, Feminization: 05.11 Shawn,...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 The ship meeting

Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 15 Lorians Ship

Nobody said anything – mainly because nobody knew what to say. Trip was sure that he probably did quite a good fish impression, staring open-mouthed at his son. My son, he reminded himself mentally, before he noticed that everyone was staring at either Lorian or T'Pol, waiting for someone to say something. "Dock your boat, son," Trip said, when he noticed that T'Pol appeared to be shell-shocked. He went over to her and put his hand on her back. In every normal situation she would...

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Matthew Worships His Mother In Laws Arse

"Tell me, Matthew, do you like my bottom?" sixty-three-year-old Elizabeth St. John asked the younger man standing before her."Not so loud Elizabeth, someone will hear you," replied thirty-eight-year-old Matthew Sinclair, fearing that someone amongst the eighty or so people at the party would hear his rather loud-voiced mother-in-law."Oh, don't be such a prude and answer the question," said the rather tipsy mature woman."You have been drinking, Elizabeth," was Matthew's next gambit in trying to...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 18 Ship of Hell

Ken felt the connection close after talking to his mom, and he looked out at the bridge. His thoughts were on his sister who was lying wounded in the Oregon's medical bays. In his gut, he feared the worst because his dad was on the way to the Oregon. Looking around the flag bridge his eyes settled on Susan at the com station. He asked, "Susan any word on NAT team one?" "No, Sir. Nothing. NAT team two is going down now, they are going to have to re-bore the hole and see if they can get...

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