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*** The island, visiting the shaman. In the summer of 2021, I found myself visiting Olkhon Island on the lake Baykal in Siberia. I was not alone, and we would spend a few days on the island and then visit the mountain regions in Buryatia. But Buryatia was closed because of the pandemic, and we stayed the whole week on the island instead. Olkhon Island is home to breathtaking landscapes that are second to none. Surrounded by the largest freshwater lake in the world, the island is a beautiful place with huge cliffs and pine trees. Many people refer to Olkhon as a magical place or a "place of power." It is also a sacred place for the Buryats, an indigenous people in Siberia closely related to the Mongols. If you talk to the locals, you will hear many stories about the power of "Grandfather Baykal." You can speak to a Buryat or a Russian. Both will describe Baykal as a living, intelligent force that does not like "bad people." Many stories refer to the wintertime when Baykal is covered in thick ice and constantly makes strange noises as if trying to talk to you. A shopkeeper, an old Russian lady, sitting under Christian icons and who also mentioned that she is a parishioner of the local Orthodox Church, instructed us how to go to the serges (ritual poles) and make an offering for luck and protection. And she sounded like combining Christianity and the pagan rituals is the most natural thing to do. Olkhon is a beautiful and interesting place to see, but please don't expect high-level services. If smooth transportation and fine dining is your priority, you may not like the place. The locals also complain that Chinese tourists, for whom the place is relatively close, hoarded the island when the border was open. And that the local authorities do not help to preserve the sacred land. It was not my idea to visit the shaman. But after a few days on the island, we felt we had already seen most of it. The shaman was not impressive. His shaman clothes were worn and dirty, and the rituals he performed looked like he was doing them half-heartedly. I was sceptical but tried to be respectful and just sat there in silence. "Look at you!" The shaman suddenly paid attention to me. "Your posture is wrong! You are sleeping not well! I will massage you!" Without asking permission, the shaman attacked me with his rough hands. It was brutal and painful, and at one point, my spine sounded like it was going to break. But to the shaman's credit, my posture visibly improved, and I was to sleep much better over the next few weeks. He gave me his rough "massage" and scolded me for not taking good care of my body. Finally, the shaman took my hands and touched my palms, and at that moment, his facial expression suddenly changed. "You are a shaman too!" he cried. "Excuse me?" "You are a shaman. You need to go through initiation!" He said sounded agitated. But I shook my head and smiled, amused. "I may be many things, but definitely not a shaman!" I replied. "Look, I know who you are! You are not here, not there!" "What do you mean?" I asked as his Russian was not perfect, and I was unsure what he was trying to say. "All your life, you are trying to be someone, but you can't because you are a shaman!" He said, looking at my eyes, and my smile died. *** My upbringing, the conflict One of my earliest childhood memories was playing outside with the girls. I liked to play with girls. Some of the girls were older than I was, and at one point, they started to talk about pregnancy and having a baby. I was too small to understand, but I sensed that it was something important. "Mom, what it's like to have a baby?" I asked when coming home, and my mother offered some explanation that she seemed to be fit for my age. "I want to have a baby too! When I grow up, I will be pregnant and will have a baby!" Mother didn't reply to me, but the silence felt awkward, and I understood that I had said something wrong. Another early memory is of envying the girls' dresses and bows in kindergarten. I especially liked the bows. One girl's big white bow came undone, and she asked the kindergarten teacher to help her tie it again. There was something magical about this process, and I stood there with my mouth open. "Look at him! He wants a bow too!" the teacher said, pointing at me, and everybody laughed. I am not sure if that particular event with all the kids laughing at me for wanting a bow was the turning point, but I understood very early on that I could not tell the others that I wanted to be a girl. I tried to bury that part of me, and a decades-long inner conflict began. And the older I got, the more intense the battle became. To this day, I am not sure what my family knew. Surely they suspected something. Every time I was alone I tried on my mother's clothes, jewellery and makeup, and once there was a big scandal when my mother discovered that her clipon earrings had disappeared. But I felt that I would rather die than allow the secret to be discovered. I felt ashamed by my "perversion." Why do I have to be like this? Why can not I be like all the other boys? Life is so much easier for them! The place and time I was born did not offer any acceptance for trans people. And the hormone therapy was out of the question. I think it is still highly problematic in Russia, but it was simply impossible at that time. Therefore I was trapped in my body and was afraid to even talk to anyone about it. I thought I was sick and tried to "cure" myself with willpower. Once I took a knife in my hand and wished that I could cut "this perversion" out of me and literally kill the part of me that wanted to be a girl. If I had been sure that I could stop the desire by cutting off a finger, I would undoubtedly have done so. Looking back on my life now, I wonder how much energy and willpower I spent trying to look and act "normal" and trying to suppress a big part of my soul. *** Early adulthood, life struggle, the gift The inner conflict of rejecting a part of my personality became routine. I tried hard to look manly and cool. If someone made jokes about gays, I was the first to laugh. I even started dating girls. It was easy for me to get aroused when I touched their soft, delicate skin and beautiful long hair and felt their bodies react to my touch. My life as a "deepfake" became even deeper. But somewhere inside, I understood that I could not go on like this forever. Death by overdose was the most likely destination, and I felt terrified about my future. To save my sanity, I have tried to find my calling. Perhaps I could find happiness by occupying myself with something meaningful? But that was not easy as well. To make matters worse, I am also dyslexic. And the teachers at the local school had no idea and just proclaimed me stupid and lazy. So I reacted by withdrawing and trying to avoid school as much as possible. Dyslexia and my school grades limited my career choices. And I had great difficulty in making myself useful. I tried many professions without success. I worried that I would never find my place. I read a lot, though, because that was a form of escapism. And Fictionamania simply saved my life. I read for days, learned English and got the warm feeling of not being alone in the struggle. It was out of desperation that I discovered that my effeminate soul could offer some practical gifts. For many years I tried to reject and suppress everything that seemed unmanly, including my feelings. I wanted to cry, often, like a girl. Or giggle happily, as girls do. I learned to suppress my emotions by holding my breath and pretending I did not care. Only later in life did I discover that this part of me is also a power. I am an empath, a powerful empath. As this part of me matured, it is enabled me to read people's emotions, even the hidden ones. Once I was sitting on a suburban train admiring a beautiful girl my age in front of me. She was dozing, oblivious to my staring at her, and I felt safe, for it is nothing unusual for a boy to admire a girl. But my admiration was different. I did not imagine having sex with her; I imagined being her. She was slim; the tight jeans hugged her legs. Her small breasts under her blouse moved a little with each breath. What is it like to be her? The lipstick, the earrings, the long hair. The chest was rising and falling with each breath. The girl seemed peaceful, but suddenly there was a sense of tension as if she was afraid of something. The trouble with her boyfriend? A difficult exam? I'll never know, but the feeling of anxiety was real. I later learned that it is possible to "read" other people's emotions by "feeling" them. Once the connection is established, it is also possible to influence their feelings. And this is a valuable skill when dealing with people. Developing this skill has enabled me to finally find employment with some degree of efficiency and satisfaction. *** The Icon When I stopped to smile, the shaman tilted his head to one side as if listening to someone and then instructed me to find an icon of Our Lady of Kazan and pray to her every day. It was difficult for me to imagine how I should pray to an icon. The last time I tried to pray at all, I was a teenager. I knelt on my knees and prayed to God with tears in my eyes, asking him to forgive my sins and heal my "illness." There was no answer, and I decided that there was no God or I did not deserve an answer because I was a pervert. So I concentrated on trying to cure myself through willpower and never prayed again. "There is no contradiction with Christianity or other religious," the shaman told me, seeing my confusion. "I can have a conversation with a priest and with a Buddhist lama, and there is no conflict." "And find who of your ancestors was a healer. Then it will all come to you." Back in Moscow, I checked the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. More out of curiosity than expectation, I scrolled through the pictures of the different versions of the icon. But one of them caught my attention. The icon was made in the 19th century and was not canonical. The artist took some liberties with the icon's design. The deep, dark eyes of the Holy Mother looked at me without judgement but with acceptance and love. The icon was also wounded and violated by someone who removed the jewels and left scars on the surface. Closing the browser and trying to think of something else did not work; I bought the icon the next day. "You are wounded, but so I am. Please make me feel accepted and in peace!" I was praying the very moment I was left alone with the icon. There is something special about a man praying to a female image, something humbling but with a high degree of acceptance. Finding the icon and my emotional reaction to it can be nothing but a coincidence. But anyway, I decided to learn a bit about shamanism. *** Transgender Shamans, Transgender Gods Shamanism has become a popular subject. There are tonnes of material devoted to it. But a lot of it sounds completely fake to me. Some white people in funny clothes are ranting about "connection to the earth spirit" sorry, I am not impressed. I found that the most authentic material was in publications written by anthropologists. It was in a lecture by a female anthropologist that I first heard about this. The male shamans of the Chukchi always dress in women's clothes during their rituals. After their work is done, they can dress male again, but some live full-time as women, have a husband and have foster children. The explanation for wearing female clothes is that the male form is transient. All souls are female, and one must be a woman to enter the realm of the gods. "What?!" I cried in amazement. I had never heard of transgenderism in a religious context. But it only got more exciting from there. Shamans were, and in some places still are, a crucial element in the lives of tribes living far from civilisation. A shaman moves his consciousness between the worlds, seeking help from spirits. Imagine an artic tribe whose livelihood depends on the herd of reindeer. When a storm comes up at night, and all the reindeer have disappeared, and all traces are covered with snow, the shaman's job is to point in the right direction. And it is the shaman's job to look after the sick, to act as a counsellor and priest. And the shaman cannot afford to be wrong too often with his advice because the tribe might think he is possessed by an evil spirit and kill him. But what if there is no shaman? The old shaman has died without preparing a successor. What can the tribe do then? The Chukchi have an answer to this question. They choose a boy and a girl, dress them one over the other and treat them as members of the opposite sex. Then, when the boy and girl reach puberty, they will be married and are expected to become a shaman couple. Inuit people believe there is another sex between man and woman: "When a man with a moustache is dressed like a woman, we are careful not to make fun of him, as instructed by our elders. The elders would say that such people were protected by the Maker of All. So to laugh at him would bring a curse to the thoughtless ones. So when we see a man dress like a woman, he is showing respect to his nature, and we are not to laugh at him or hurt his feelings." And there is an Inuit legend about a "strange man" who liked to dress in a woman's clothes and didn't want to go hunting. He/she acts as a mediator between gender roles and a mediator between peoples and god's realm. He/she is capable of talking directly to Sila (the Great Spirit), which is a shamanic gift. And special consideration for transgender people is not confined to the Artic tribes, but is found all over the world. Korean male shamans wore female clothing. In pre- Islamic Indonesia, there were transgender shamans. The shamans in Borneo wore female clothing after initiation. Some of them leave full time as women and take a husband. Transgender shamans have also been observed in North and South America. Shamanic transgenderism is usually explained by the need to combine male and female elements. Another explanation I have come across is that God is female, and the shaman must be the one to have access to the highest of worlds. This reminds me of Alan Watts" joke about an astronaut who replied: "Yes, she is black" when asked if he saw God. The theme of transgenderism is found not only in shamanism but everywhere in the religious landscape, from the Egyptian gods Shai/Shait and Hapi to the Greek Dionysios and from the Aztec Tezcatlipoca to Baron Samedi in Haitian voodoo. However, the theme is most prominently portrayed in Hinduism, where many deities change gender or even combine both genders at the same time. Shiva himself is often depicted as half male and half female. This form represents "totality that lies beyond duality". And there is a version of the myth in which Krishna takes female form. And there were lines of religious practise that encouraged male devotees to "become women" by wearing female clothing or/and inwardly visualising themselves as a woman. I say "were" because, according to the authors I was reading, the reformist movement in the 19th century classified these lineages as "deviant" and "corrupted." As I understand it, now you have to travel to some remote rural areas to find Bauls and Fakirs (unorthodox Muslims) still practising traditions of religious transgenderism. These lineages are based on tantric belief systems. Practitioners reject any discrimination based on religion, caste or gender. The human body is a reflection of the universe. The normal process of sexual intercourse is seen as a process of fragmentation and descent. The aim of the Baul couple is to perform a reverse process and impregnate the male practitioner by absorbing the feminine secrets and drawing them upwards in his body. The perfect male practitioners are said to be able to replicate female conditions, become pregnant and produce milk. The foetus is created without birth, which corresponds to the idea of the creation of the "golden embryo" in Taoism. Bauls and fakirs in Bengali say: "First become a woman and then unite with a woman." There is an example of Bauls" religious song: "The only lord (or husband) of the universe is Krishna and all the rest is feminine. Being a woman worship the woman. Only then will you receive protection from the gop? (cowgirl). If you do not act by taking shelter in the role of the gop? then the worship of the guru is not performed correctly." *** You know that English is not my mother tongue? And although I enjoy practising it, it's still not easy and takes a lot of time, especially when I am trying to improve the quality of my writing. And yes, I know, "a story must have an ending". That's my most frequently received review; thank you very much. I know you hate being left hanging like that. But there has to be some kind of energy exchange. I spend a lot of time writing, and my only reward is that you reviewed it. So if you would like to read the second part of this story, please let me know. To be continued?

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My new babysitter is sitting in the living room with my parents, while my mom explained what she expect of this girl. I'm listening from the hallway. Her name, I gather, is Megan, and she is a 22 y/o in school to become a teacher. I round the corner to see this girl, hoping she's better looking than the last bitch. I see my father, he's a bit slack jawed looking at her, that's a good sign. I round the corner and turn to see: sleek, brunette hair pulled into a lovely high bun, a sweet young...

2 years ago
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Copyright 2007© An excruciating pain in my jaw sends me running to the door. Is it that time of month already? It seems too soon! I have not had time to make excuses to my sweet, innocent wife and daughters! What will they think? "Get the girls inside NOW!" I scream at my wife. "Bar the door and shutter the windows and don't open them until after sunrise!" "But..." "NOW!" I scream, tearing outside as the pains threaten to rip me apart. Oh God! Please let me get far enough...

3 years ago
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I He stands behind me, gently pressing his body against mine. Slowly he explores with his hands, beginning at my hips and following the curve of my body until his hands find my breasts. I feel my flesh tingling, my breath coming faster, deeper. His caresses increase in intensity, becoming more urgent. He moves us forward against the wall, suddenly before us, and I feel his hardness pressing into me through our clothes. As if reading my mind, his hands move from my breasts and begin pulling at...

Straight Sex
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Whispering lust

Introduction: Revealing the greatest of all my secrets for the first time, how I met my lover. I was enjoying the warm August night in my bedroom with my window wide open and quiet music coming from my laptop. The full moon spills its light dancing over my silky skin as I squirm around on my bed, fondling my left breast with my left hand while my right hand is in my panties, slowly massaging my lusty love spot with circular motions. My long, dark hair scattered over my pillow, shimmering under...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Father8217s Partner With Help Of My Mom

Hello en name Kayal, naan solla porerethee oru incest sex stories. Enna pathi first soltreen ennodaa age 18, naan pakka slim ha edupha irepen ennoda physic 36c 30 32. Engaa veetla naan, appa, amma 3 peru thaaan. Ennoda ammavaku vaysu 42, ennoda appa age 45. Ennoda appavuku boy baby illanu rombhaa kavalaii because ennoda ammavaalu innoru baby pethu thara mudiyathee avangalkuu udambuu sari illa. Ennoda appavum ammaku udumbuu sari agumm wait panni paatheree sari agalaaa. Ippadi poachee appa life...

3 years ago
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I would LOVE to get that dick inside me

Damn... look at that one, Julia. He is FINE," my friend Gena said as she pointed to a picture on my computer monitor.I looked at it. It was a picture of a naked boy, about 18 or 19 years of age. His penis was hard, he had a little smile on his face and he was, indeed, really, really cute."He's pretty hot," I said.Gena was my best friend, even though she was 21, a year older than me. We'd been friends for quite some time. Right now I was over at her house and we were, as we often did,...

3 years ago
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indian family reunion ch02

Indian Family Reunion Ch. 02 By the next morning, Usha had reconciled her dilemma. She knew that her son had no lewd thoughts about her. That was not her problem. She was unsure of herself, and she knew it. But she finally decided that nothing would happen between them, for no other reason than the fact that Ashok would not even think about such a thing. She felt confident that she would be all right. Ashok woke up early, and looked over at his mother, who was sleeping in the next bed. She...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 9 Template

Thanks to his recent breakthrough, Zax’s Soul Sense had attained the qualities of Sublime Soul Sense, which only experts whose souls broke through the third realm possessed. With its aid, he followed the trajectory of the shooting horn up until it entered the Earthly Crater and his Soul Sense rebounded. His pupils shrank. Before he had the chance to formulate the first thought, to depict the abrupt anxiety in his guts, a tremor originated from the crater. It was not world shaking, but the...

3 years ago
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Introduction Winter 1209 She awoke to a thick sheet of smoke burning her lungs. Gasping she crawled from the thick furs of her bed to the icy stone floors of her chambers. Her five winters of life had not prepared her for what was happening and she was terrified. As she made her way into the corridor outside her bedchambers it was then she heard the screams, and the grating roar of the fire... Dreil slipped from the masters chambers in time to see the small child emerging from the next...

3 years ago
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Multiple Spring Flings Part II

In the elapsing week, Lauren, Amy and I went about our lives. Lauren, I presume, kept on selling her bras from her home computer. She also (she would tell me), hung out with her only real friend in Chicago, a Swedish woman who had a boyfriend and lived nearby. Lauren was a New Yorker by way of Ohio. She’d lived in Chicago for about a year. You could say that’s another thing we had in common; we both felt like outsiders in this city.Amy, I presume, went to her classes, read, listened to records...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

Brent sat with pride at Scott's graduation ceremony. He had made his promised B average again for the second year in a row and was qualified to attend almost any accredited university in Canada. That he had chosen to follow his sister's choice of Selkirk College in Castlegar was a minor surprise. Brent wondered if Tanya was the big influence in that decision, since she too would attend the local college. Andrea sat beside him, holding his hand and beaming with happiness at her brother's...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 2

Why was she in this terrible situation? Was it all really John's fault? Had she done something wrong to bring it on herself? This was not a new debate in her mind, but suddenly, it became critically important, faced with a new relationship with her son. She had to admit that she was submissive. Her romantic ideal was loving control by a strong man. She thought that was what she had found when she fell in love with John - yes, she had loved him in the beginning. Strong and controlling he was,...

3 years ago
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The Party

Edition II I cleaned up the living room and den a bit before checking the bar. The ice bucket was low, so I dumped out the half-melted remnants and refilled it from the plastic bag in the freezer. People had been hitting the scotch, but the worst damage had been done to the gin and tequila, so I got fresh bottles and opened them. Lawyers, the group that up most of the guests, seem to have a real taste for booze. The plastic glasses we’d provided always seem to get separated from the...

4 years ago
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Bus stop for Nancy

Nancy walked quickly to the parking garage, her last meeting finally over. It was very late, after 10 pm and she was the last one leaving. Nancy enjoyed her new position; she was 48 years old and finally made it to the top of the company. The new position meant more money and Nancy was able to afford some things she always wanted.As she approached her car, Nancy caught a glimpse of herself in the window of another car. One of the things she was now able to afford was a trip to the gym. Nancy...

2 years ago
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The Party

NOTE: While the rest of the chapter is in 3rd person, this chapter will be in 1st person. I woke up one morning to the sound of my alarm clock. After getting out of bed, I make my breakfast and sit on my couch before grabbing my laptop and switching it on. I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Nick, I'm 20 years old, I don't have a job, I'm currently single, I live alone in a small apartment in New York and I studied Art and Graphic Design in College, that was where I met her, Lauren,...

2 years ago
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Not Your Ordinary Girl

Not Your Ordinary Girl Professor Shelby Mason was at her “black board” despite having all the electronic teaching technology. She thought somethings were better explained the old way. Alfred and Levy were concentrating on how her bubble but shook as she wrote, they were “ass men”. It was their junior year in her class at Cal Technology. They figured her to be 30 years old. She was strawberry blond, slim, shapely with proportionate tits for her size. The rumors were that she was a “cold fish”,...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part VII

Dans le Murs – Part VII Synopsis: Colin has assisted Mme Lestrade with her Asian and African acquisitions and has performed the form of punishment to Therese that she feared most. Colin became an outrageous counsellor and Simone has been fascinated by his technical systems. Now read on. Part 7 – Sonia and Pippa Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Piss Girls in Love

The first time Elliot pissed in her face, Charlotte came harder than she ever had before. It amazed her how exciting it was, to kneel at his feet in the bathtub and stare up at him, her hand between her legs rubbing her clit furiously, as the hot yellow piss splashed in her face. Elliot loved her, of course, which somehow made it even hotter for her. It would be one thing to have some stranger piss on her, someone who had no knowledge of who she really was, who had no reason to respect her. But...

1 year ago
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Ben 10 Women with omnitrixes sexy edition

(This is a fictional story based on a fictional series) The omnitrix. It is an all powerful alien device that allows its user to turn themselves into any intelligent alien species in the universe. It was designed by its creator to let a person walk a mile in another species' shoes. This however was not the only purpose. In an event in which a species should go extinct, the omnitrix will be used to repopulate the species. One way...or another more sexual way. In this universe, when the omnitrix...

1 year ago
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Kelly Girl Chapter 1 Miss Identified

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 1 - Miss Identified By Wanda Cunningham Kelly looked at the house with the...

3 years ago
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GoldChapter 24

Roy was staying in the hanger. Art had said he didn't think it was even safe to cross the river at the ford and that we should expect a flood at anytime now. Roy offered to take a flight up the river, but Art vetoed this idea. He was afraid we may have some bad guys living up that way and there is no need to advertise our presence. I had to agree with him, besides, even if we knew what the river was doing, there was nothing we could do about it. Saturday: This morning we received a call...

2 years ago
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Bestiality on the beach

It was a hot spring day and he was layiing out on his lounge chair. He was wearing his oversized black shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt. His aide had just shown up and saw he was sleeping in the shade in his back yard. She was a young attractive girl in her mid twenties and had just graduated from college and taken a position at a local high school. Walking towards him she saw that his shorts had bunched up exposing his penis as it lay limp against his left leg. Reaching out she cautiously...

3 years ago
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Buckman Tales Trailer Park TrashChapter 2

“So, this here block party is pretty sweet, don’t you think, Dan?” Jeff Bob Chutney asked Dan Logan, the liquor merchant and resident “big man” in the trailer park. “Yeah, between the horseshoe-throwing fun, the shine, the weed, and the damn good grub, no doubt of that, Jeff Bob. But that’s not all you have in mind, is it?” Dan teased Jeff Bob a bit about his fondness for teen pussy. “Hey, one pussyhound to another, you know how it goes, man! Just ‘cause I went to the pokey for licking a...

3 years ago
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Babykins By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "I think you should try it, just to see how hard it is!" "Nope," I said firmly. "Being pregnant is for women!" "Well, yes, that's true, but you have no idea how hard it is around here! You never help!" "I'll help," I stated in typical male fashion. "Yes, I know you will, because if you don't, your little secret will get out, and we don't want that do we?" She knew damned well that my dressing up was between us, and for...

1 year ago
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An Ass To Remember

My cousin Karoline has always been really cool with me; both of us are single child’s. We have spent much of our lives together and we know each other very well. We are so close in fact that I will tease her and insult her and she won’t even get mad. If she’s being annoying; like getting in front of my face and not letting me do whatever I’m doing I will tell her to “Fuck off” but she will often pay no heed and just keep on annoying me. If she’s acting dumb I will tell her “You’re...

2 years ago
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Suzanne 1

I stood chatting with some of the other attendees that I had met at other such conferences. A very attractive young woman joined our group, I guessed that she was a student, and so I made an effort to include her in our little group. “Hi! I'm Bill Smith. I'm guessing that you are a PhD student. Am I right?” “Yes. I'm Suzanne Jones. I'm in my first year of a PhD at Adelaide Uni.” I introduced her to the rest of our little group, and we all chatted together for a while, until the...

1 year ago
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Sex Chat Se Bed Tak Ka Safar

Hi Readers, Mera naam Akshay hai. Main Bangalore me rehta hun and ek MNC company me kam karta hun. Hafte me Saturday, Sunday sutti rehti hai. Jo banda single hai and jike hath me itna khali samay rehta hai, galat mat samjiye, wo online chat hi karega. Lekin muje kya pata tha ki ye online chat ki aadat muje kisi ke bed tak le jayegi. Jada samay barbad na karte huve direct story pe aata hun. Baat 4 mahine pahile ki hai. Muje ek online chat ki site mili. Us site pe bahut sare indian log rehate...

3 years ago
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Fart slave

**characters settings and ages are all fictional**I am a sophomore in high school. i am 5 foot 10 and athletic build. My name is matt. i had seen Morgan a 17 year old beautiful junior. she was one of the hottest cheer leaders you will ever see. i had stayed after school friday for track practice and decided i would go get something from my locker, first though i had to go to the bathroom. i was facing the urinal peeing when i heard someone come in , i thought maybe it was a janitor and didn't...

2 years ago
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IncorrectionChapter 15

Yes, basic cable, but it was something, which always beats nothing. Grisham set it to a national news network as instructed on the work order. The remote would be taken to the warden, and I was left wondering when I was going to get it back if ever. How I went from happy to mad so quickly almost surprised me. But it was my kind of luck, as always. If I could find some way to reach it, I could change the channel myself. The question I contemplated was the punishment that would be for doing...

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