- 4 years ago
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This is a follow up on my previous story, Dust in the Wind. Knowing that (long) story may put things into context.
‘Dust in the Wind’ – the title of the first story – was obviously borrowed from a song by the rock band ‘Kansas’, For the current story, I had the emotional song ‘Why’ from the Scottish singer ‘Annie Lennox’ on my mind. This story is not based this song – its storyline existed before I decided on the title – but I hope the song, in the back of my mind, somehow added to the atmosphere.
All names, characters, situations and incidents portrayed in this story are fictitious. No identification with actual persons is intended or should be inferred.
Copyright blablabla…
Of course, it had taken longer than expected – doesn’t it always take longer, when you are looking forward to something important? Things will never go the way you had planned. But eventually, the plane had landed, the luggage collected, and we had been welcomed by my parents and my sister Rachel.
For one week, we stayed with my parents, while painting and decorating the house, then we moved in.
Tsegay and Conjit were thrilled by all the new impressions, running around, determined not to miss a thing. Mehret was also excited, eager to take everything in, to learn about the new environment as quickly as possible, and to blend in. Nardos calmly enjoyed the enthusiasm of the others, basked in the stories of the children, but took little initiative by herself. And John, of course, relished the attention that he received so plentiful.
After one week, Tsegay started school – the first year would be at the refugee camp on a school which focused on teaching our language to foreigners. Conjit went to daycare for two days a week, also to pick up our language. Mehret and Nardos had to wait for four months, until the next series of adult language courses started.
Of course, they had all been practicing on the computer – even Nardos – but that only comprised basic social talk, greetings. For shopping, English was sufficient, but especially Mehret had great difficulties not understanding what was going on around her, I knew that feeling perfectly well.
Having entered the country on a temporary visa, waiting for the permanent one, Mehret was not allowed to do any work, and soon, sitting at home started to make her restless. Two weeks after our arrival, one week after entering our new house, I had to start working and our daily parting became harder and harder.
My mother had lent us her sewing machine, explained its working, and Nardos had quickly learned how to make use of it. Mehret, on the other hand, didn’t enjoy it. I encouraged her to keep learning, to teach herself our language, to improve on the other school subjects. It would certainly help her to continue further education after she sufficiently mastered our language, and to get a satisfying job.
However, Mehret spent most of her time cleaning the house, shopping and cooking. In some ways, it was great – I often invited colleagues to experience the Ethiopian kitchen, and Mehret flourished under their compliments. However, most of the time, without guests, her life was unsatisfying, I could see Mehret’s mood darken. She was bitchy to Conjit and Tsegay, and gave curt replies when Nardos commented on that. Although she still remained happy and relieved when I came back from work, I realized this shouldn’t take too long.
My mother started taking Mehret and Nardos to her friends, but after a few times, Mehret told me she didn’t like those visits – like my mother, most of her friends hardly spoke English, and after introductions they would quickly change to our own language, excluding Mehret and Nardos from their conversations. This, and the fact that my parents lived at more than one-and-a-half hours driving distance, caused that these visits soon became less and less frequent.
One of my colleagues told me about a group of foreign women, meeting regularly, learning about our language, our culture and our habits together. This as more of Mehret’s liking, and she started to look forward to these meetings, which, unfortunately, were only two hours a week.
They also met some other Ethiopians, but after a short period of regular visits, all of a sudden that contact was ended – according to Mehret, due to differences in attitude.
In November, we celebrated John’s first birthday. Tsegay and Conjit were totally excited – the first birthday ever, they experienced this close – even their own birthday they had never celebrated before, so this was quite a happening.
Well, it wasn’t really the first birthday celebration – Nardos had had hers a month earlier, but that one wasn’t really celebrated. I had managed to convince Mehret to buy a sewing machine – Nardos had become quite adept at making clothes, and we bought a second hand machine of pretty high quality so we could return the other one back to my mother. Cake and a comprehensive dinner concluded Nardos’ birthday. But for John, we would pull out all the stops.
Decorating the house was a celebration on its own. Under critical supervision of Tsegay and Conjit, I put up the flags, serpentines and balloons – the balloons reminded me of the day that Tsegay came home with one long-stretched balloon in her hands, which almost gave Nardos a heart-attack, and Tsegay a sound beating. Tsegay had found a condom on the street…
The celebration itself was a success – it was on a Saturday, of course my parents and Rachel came over, but also some of my colleagues, some new friends that Mehret had met at the foreign women group, and a family with children of the same age as Tsegay and Conjit that we had met at daycare. Everybody tried to keep speaking English, to include Mehret in the conversations, although that wasn’t always easy to keep up. Tsegay and Conjit, of course, had no problems playing with the other children.
Mehret and Nardos had seized once more the opportunity to show off their cooking skills, although I had made sure there would also be plenty of non-spicy dishes. At the end of the day we were all satisfied by how things had gone, although Mehret and Nardos were astonished by the presents that were given, perhaps even a bit hurt to see how much money was spent on things they didn’t see the need for.
Christmas was celebrated at my parents’ place, New Year with friends, and then it was Tsegay’s turn, her fifth birthday, the first to be celebrated! Of course, she was excited!
To my big surprise, Mehret didn’t want to celebrate it – what was the use of wasting all this money – we’d just had Christmas and New Year, so why another celebration? Nevertheless, Mehret and I went shopping for presents, but one idea after the other was rejected: why would she need another doll, she already had more than necessary, what is the use of a scooter, what is the use of Lego, no way she would ever wear that Princess Tiana dress, didn’t she have enough books already… Eventually we compromised on a new bike and some clothes…
Tsegay was allowed to invite five friends for her party, unfortunately one of her best friends from the refugee camp was not allowed by her parents to come, but nevertheless, we brought a loud and cheerful crowd back home that Thursday afternoon. Mehret had been worried – what will they be going to do all day, what will they eat, drink, how do you keep such a group of children sufficiently entertained… I assured her everything would work out fine. ‘Leave it up to me…’
The party started by decorating muffins, of course, some whipped cream ended up on the table, the floor was covered with sprinkles and one of the glasses with juice went down. But while Nardos seemed to relish the enthusiasm of the children, I could see Mehret heating up in frustration. Several times she tried to lower their voices, to stop the yelling of excitement, asked me to tell the children to walk and not to ru
Mehret calmed down a bit when all children hung on the sofas, watching the Disney video Brave. In the middle of the movie, we took a break, played candy memory (carton beakers placed upside down, covering the sweets inside – the aim of the game to find similar pairs of sweets…) they had some drinks, and the movie continued.
After the movie was finished, it was time to eat. It had taken quite some persuasion to convince Mehret that the spicy Ethiopian food might not be suitable for this children’s party, that pancakes would probably be a better choice. Nardos, Mehret and I assisted in preparing the pancakes, but still, at the end of the feast, table, chairs and floor were sticking… For Mehret, it was a great relief when all children were brought back home after dinner. ‘Never again!’
I didn’t understand – for my standards, this party had gone very well, noting broken, no-one hurt. It had been cheap, and still, everybody had enjoyed it. Although she didn’t say, I think even Nardos had enjoyed the party. And Mehret had hardly been involved in the organization and supervision. But she assured me she wouldn’t be home next time a party was planned…
Three weeks later, it was Mehret’s own birthday. She besought me not to organize anything at all for that day – cake was fine, but no presents and no visitors. I didn’t want to let that day go without any presents, so Tsegay, Conjit and I had selected a set of golden earrings and a bottle of her favorite perfume. And the ladies both added a nice drawing to that.
Despite her warnings, the presents were appreciated, however, she didn’t like my parents showing up in the evening. She got a very angry look after they had left.
‘Did you invite them?’
‘No, I didn’t, but they knew it is your birthday, so I’m not surprised they showed up.’
‘So, if you were already expecting them, even though I told you I didn’t want a celebration, then why didn’t you tell them beforehand that they shouldn’t come?’
I remained silent.
In January, four months after we had arrived, the residence permits were granted, and also at that time, language lessons started for Mehret and Nardos. Twice a week, they had three hours’ language classes. Those days, John also went to daycare.
Having a residence permit, Mehret was finally allowed to work, and immediately she found a job in a hotel, cleaning rooms on the mornings that she wasn’t going to school. Of course, I was happy about Mehret’s job, but I was disappointed that she insisted on working five mornings a week, including Saturday and Sunday, as it severely limited our freedom to make trips and enjoy our time together. However, Mehret’s arguments were that I only had a three-year contract, and she was worried for what would happen after that – we needed a financial buffer… Although I tried to convince her not to worry, it was impossible to change her mind, she kept working.
Saturday afternoons were mainly spent roaming the market and the shopping center. Nardos would search for fabrics to copy clothes she had seen in my mother’s old fashion magazines, and for herbs, spices and other cooking ingredients. Mehret would try various clothing but rarely bought any – always waiting for better sales-offers. Tsegay and Conjit would run between the stands, the cloth-racks, the people, always on the look-out for familiar faces, children from school, from daycare, from our street, …, impatiently waiting for the end of the day when we would buy ice-cream or snacks. And I would be pushing or carrying John, trying to distract and watch over the girls, trying to persuade Mehret or Nardos to buy the items in their hands.
Within a few months, both Tsegay and Conjit had sufficiently picked up the language to be able to speak with others. They loved chatting with my parents and with Rachel on the phone. Also Mehret was quick to learn the language, Nardos was having more difficulties – Even after half a year of language courses, my Amharic was still better than her knowledge of our language, and I had to abandon the idea of prohibiting the use of Amharic in the house – that would be too much of isolation for Nardos. But now it was me who remained left out on the chit-chat between Nardos and the others.
Still, I had nothing to complain, when I entered the house after work, Tsegay and Conjit would be waiting for me, hardly giving me the time to take off my shoes and jacket. They would be dying to tell me all about their experiences of the day: the things the teacher had said and done, the nasty girl from a few blocks away, the television program they’d seen, … After a few minutes, Nardos would call us for dinner. Although still not comfortable to go shopping by herself – when going outside, she would always be accompanied by Mehret, or, lately, Tsegay would do too – it was Nardos who took care of the cooking these days. Ethiopian-style meals, alternated with pasta and sometimes even dishes inspired by my mother’s cooking.
No matter how little Nardos would eat, I always insisted on taking our meals together – that included Nardos, even John would join us in his high chair. This was one of the few moments that Tsegay was silent – was forced to be silent. Without that restriction, very little food would enter her mouth, as talking was considered more important than anything else – no wonder she was that keen on learning the language… Conjit’s attention, on the other hand, was generally drawn to John, mothering him, trying to make him eat and smile. Mehret’s and my ideas differed on this – Mehret encouraged the care-taking, while I would rather have Conjit sit on the other end of the table, minding her own eating… But as usual, it’s a game of give and take…
Dinner was always followed by coffee ceremony – even to Nardos it had soon become obvious that coffee ceremonies in the morning were not feasible, but every evening all accessories were taken out, although the charcoal burner was replaced by a small gas burner, the incense lumps by sandalwood sticks, and an electric grinder was used to grind the beans. Most times it was Nardos preparing the coffee, sometimes, I could persuade Mehret.
Coffee time was my moment with John – he would sit on my lap and I would make sure to get some food in him. In between the second and third round of coffee, I would change diapers and get him into his pajamas, and after the third cup, the little ladies and I would put him in bed. I would read a short bedtime story – also appreciated by the girls – we would sing a song or three, and then leave the room.
Thereafter, it would be time for both Tsegay and Conjit to shower, brush, get into pajamas and have them a story read, sometimes Tsegay would read, to show off what she had learned so far, but both preferred me to tell the stories. A little cuddle, and also Conjit’s door would close… A little later, as part of the ritual, I would sneak back into that room, alone, for a few minutes of private father-girl talk. Talk about problems at daycare, about Mehret, Nardos or Tsegay, about other thoughts that haunted her mind, or just a few more minutes of cuddling and snoozing together.
Depending on the time, Tsegay would get another thirty minutes up to an hour to watch some TV, play with the laptop or a game with me, and then it was her turn to get bed-ready. Another short story, and then I would lie down next to her, to listen to her talking. Unlike Conjit, Tsegay had little need for privacy to tell about her problems – often those were the first things I would hear when I entered the house – but Tsegay just liked to express anything that came up into her mind, just talking for the talking. Although sometimes, some unexpected revelations would flow together with the stream of non-information. I had learned better than to ask during these moments – if she wanted to tell me, she would, but when I asked for details, she would act as if she had never raised that subject. Most of the time, those issues
would be about the other family members, mainly Mehret, and she seemed scared to raise them.
By the time the kids were in bed, the dishes were long done, allowing some time to be spent on the sofa with Mehret and Nardos, drinking some wine or a beer. Normally, I would start by asking Nardos about her day, to encourage her to try some of our language – the rest of the day she would only speak Amharic. At the beginning of those talks, Nardos would repeat a standard set of sentences, not giving problems anymore, but when I continued to ask more specific questions, she would stammer and her eyes would beg Mehret for help, and beg me for mercy – beg me to end this torture. However, if she couldn’t talk with me, then how would she ever be able to talk to others? And I wanted her too to be able to find her way in this country… I had always pitied those women from other countries that were kept inside, locked behind language barriers…
A few months after the language lessons had started, Mehret told me she got a job for the evenings, to clean offices. This work was in addition to the hotel work she was already doing. Again, I was not pleased, I was angry and I showed her. I didn’t like the idea of sacrificing our dinner time – our family time – to work. But according to Mehret, it would only be for three days a week. And we needed the money… And she needed something to do – five times four hours was not enough to satisfy her need to contribute to our finances. Why could I work forty hours a week, while she was not allowed to do the same? And what was the problem, Nardos was around, she could take care of the children and the household duties…
Conjit’s birthday was just before the summer holidays, and this time we decided to invite three of her best friends and to go to the swimming pool. Conjit, and also Tsegay, loved the water – Tsegay even followed swimming lessons – and most Sunday mornings, when Mehret was working, the kids, Nardos and I went to the swimming pool.
Conjit’s birthday was on a Saturday. My sister Rachel was very much willing to assist, Mehret had taken a day off, and so we came with four adults, five little kids and a toddler.
Mehret, who had been to the swimming pool only a few times before, didn’t like the smell of the water, the noise of the children, and almost exploded when one of Conjit’s friends splashed water in her eyes. With great effort, I managed to keep her from walking away, but she refused to go back into the water, and all the time she expected one of us to accompany her… It was a great relieve when the party was over and all children were brought back home. The whole evening, Mehret remained cantankerous, she promised this was the last children’s party she would ever attend.
I had to go back to Ethiopia for two weeks, just before the holidays started, to give some lectures, to share some teaching material with the teachers of the university, and to try to get a student exchange program taking off. I asked Mehret if we could go together, but she was strongly against it – we didn’t have the money (in my opinion, we had plenty of money…) and she had to work – she couldn’t take a day off at the hotel. The children were not allowed to join because of the money, and Nardos couldn’t, because she had to look after the children. My suggestion to let the children stay with my parents and let Nardos join me was met with an angry look – after my mother had suggested to Mehret to work a little less and spend some more time with the children, Mehret’s feelings for my mother had deteriorated. ‘I can’t be without my children for two weeks!’
It was nice to be back in Addis. As soon as I left the airplane, I was welcomed by the smell of the big city, an indescribable mix of dust, smoke and spices, which made me feel home again. How different from two years ago, when I was totally blown away by the chaos, suspicious by every move, every sound from the people around me.
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Jase was still bothered by the activities of the Muslim terrorists, particularly, he wondered who had supplied the money for their operation. He had a gut feeling that the money had come from Saudi Arabia, but he had no proof. Jase fretted about the situation for a while and finally decided to ask Bill and Suzy Ardmore, the data researchers at GPD headquarters, to see what they could come up with. It took a lot of digging through the records by the GPD computers, but they eventually came up...
Matt hadn't had a shower, a real shower, since before the dead started walking. At the shelter there'd been lukewarm rinses from a bag, with a time limit of just one minute, after that he'd washed himself with a rag when he couldn't stand it anymore. The soldiers here gave them a bar of soap to share, along with a little bottle of shampoo, and there was a stack of big fluffy towels waiting for them. They'd been checked again for bites, then they'd all gotten haircuts, just like the...
Lisa slid down my hard thick shaft and I watched as the radiance of pleasure flooded through her face! It had been years since I had been with a woman whose age began with a 3 and now I was penetrating one of the most beautiful women of that age or any other age that I had seen in a while. To top it off, daughter was lying in a sweaty puddle on the coffee table just to the side of us, heart still racing and nipples like hard berries point up at the ceiling as she recovered from what I would...
Introduction: Around you beautiful dark-haired witches laid on damask pillows are being plowed, exposed to show for your pleasure alone the slick pricks sliding in and out of the wet cunts. Samanthas Night Out The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didnt know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out. Her husband had told her that it was a special treat but he would tell her nothing more even though she pleaded, threatened, cajoled, and...
The first thing they did when they got back to the hotel was to have tea. They needed a second pot so thirsty were they all. Ralph and Simon wolfed large quantities of hot buttered toast and jam and equally large quantities of fresh scones. "Don't spoil your supper," remonstrated Joanna unctuously. "As if," retorted Simon. Joanna grinned. She had recovered. Familiar surroundings and the tea had helped but somehow Simon's presence was reassuring. She was sitting next to...
So I and my new beautiful Emily, are in the midst of a long flight, from LaGuardia to LAX, and we begin to have the most free spirited, enthusiastic, freakitty- fRESH- Freak nasty ass conversation. Emily ",Babe, I gotta come clean,,, ayyy~ further about my ,,, sexual turn on.... Prepare yourself, bc shit is about to get real......:-/" I "O.k. babe,,, lay it on, me, I know that whatever it is, it couldn't be too deranged or gross£~£~~,,, right?,,,," Emily ",,,,,,,,,ok., Babe check it out. I...
A whole month passed with me following the same cursed routine. Training, patrols, rest, repeat. And contrary to my experiences the first night of patrol, there were no more monsters strong beyond the norm. In fact, I could handle most of the monsters myself, without any assistance from Samuel. Speaking of Samuel, that guy was a big, hard reality check. I had assumed, incorrectly, that since his ability hadn’t yet unlocked, he would not be that great in the field. I had experience patrolling...
Reluctantly, I moved back to London, and tried to resume some kind of life. I became seriously depressed. Ed had gone for good, and now I had lost Tori and David too. I really didn't want to go back to my old groupie life, so, ironically, considering my deeply ambivalent feelings, it looked like Margaret was all I had left. The thought of that scared me deeply, so for a while, for as long as I could hold out, which was just a few weeks but felt like months, I avoided her. Instead, and...
Hello and hi to all the readers of sex stories, I am regular reader this stories, would like to share my story with all the readers I hope you will like it and reply me. The story began two years back when I moved to goa in search of job. As I had enough experience and qualification for the job I had applied. Let me introduce my self, I am 27 years young boy, handsome, well build from maharashtra did all my studies there and was searching for job which I got in goa. So left the asram where I...
My wife and I live in a large house in one of the best parts of town. My wife drives a Land Cruiser and I have a Porsche Boxster, as well as a customized Harley Fat Boy. Between the house and the car payments our nut is around six grand a month. My wife Shelly is a 29 year old well endowed blond. At 5 ’3 she barely tips the scales at 105 Her legs are firm and flawless, and her tits, which are 36 D’s defy description. She has always been a conservative wife who didn’t seem to notice, or...
Introduction: First read 1-8 , so that you may understand the relationship we had with the Judge One weekend, when I was spending the night with Sharon, the Judge came in again. We had been asleep for about an hour, I think. The light shinning into the room, from the hallway, woke me up. When the door closed, I strained my eyes, to watch Judge Cooke. He walked over to the night stand, and turned the lamp on. Sharon had her back to me. He walked over to the far side of the bed. He looked right...
A Family Of Friends The whole sex thing with my two daughters was not something I plotted or planned. It just sort of, I guess you would say it evolved. Nagging bitch was in another psych ward. That is how I thought of my wife, not by her name or as my wife but “nagging bitch.” How else can you describe a person who, whenever she got tired of housework or whatever, checked herself into a psych ward for a month or so and left me to take care of the girls and run my TV repair shop? Brandy...
Nineteen-year-old Matthew Pearson went through the lobby of a multi-story building and the lift at the end was about to close."Hold the lift, please," shouted Matthew and the closing doors stopped then re-opened."Thank you," Matthew smiled to the only other occupant of the lift, a very attractive mature woman who was probably in her fifties or even slightly more. She was dressed in good quality looking business skirt, jacket and blouse."Where to?" the woman asked with her finger hovering near...
MatureMy name is Jeremy. I am currently a senior at an out of town College,set to graduate in a few weeks. A couple of friends from home came out last week to celebrate. We had a great night at bars and then we went to what my friends thought was a strip club. It turned out to be a sex club and the night was unforgettable. Back when I was a freshman, I had an English teacher named Ms. K. She was smart and gorgeous and I fantasized about her all the time. She was about 5 foot 6 with black hair, 34 C’s...
ExhibitionismSometimes I like to sleep naked, especially in the summer night after a cold shower. One night I was chillin watching a ball game in my apartment, and then my A.C. went out.… Sometimes I like to sleep naked, especially in the summer night after a cold shower. One night I was chillin watching a ball game in my apartment, and then my A.C. went out. I went to go check it out and it didn't work. I call my apartment manager, and he said he will check in the morning. I could not relax, because...
FantasyHello Everyone! This is Nik again – back with one more sexcapade. The following story is a genuine incident. I enjoyed the rush of hormones and the thrill in it. I am narrating it as it is. Hope you too like it. Those who are reading this story for the first time, I would suggest you head over to my earlier story where I and . This story is a continuation of the previous incident and is one among many regular sexual encounters that I had been having for past few months. After the first sex that...
After our morning together, Kate wanted to take a shower. I joined her, but we kept things quick and playful. While she dried her hair, I picked up the remains of our breakfast and made her bed for her. When I came back to the bathroom, I borrowed her antiperspirant (strange as it may seem, over the years, I've come to enjoy the scent of Secret). "What should I wear?" Kate asked as I was getting dressed. "Something comfortable." She nodded and went to her dresser. She pulled out a...
Adventure Night I pick you up at 8 and have only told you to wear a skirt and button up shirt, you know enough to not wear panties. We get into the car and after a couple kisses head out to a local roadhouse for dinner. I ask for us to be seated in a booth across from the bar and we slide in across from each other. After a couple drinks our food arrives and as we are eating you ask where we are going next. I tell you it is a surprise but I am sure you will find it interesting. As you start to...
I meet her on xHampster---we chatted---traded e-mails---then pictures---next came phone numbers and finely it was time for us to meet in real lifeI selected a place about half way between where both of us lived---a quiet off ramp that would be easy for her to find---I phoned her with the location we were to meet at---I told her was it was along a secluded country road and told her to be there no later than 3:00 pm that very afternoon---I also told her that if she was one minute late I would be...
They were six minutes into class. I can't fucking believe this, why did she wear a dress today? Paige tried to look elsewhere in the room. Anywhere would have done it, the wall, the cute girl with the green wig. I like the wig, especially with those glasses. But she couldn't look away for long. She tried. Again. But Professor Hughes always brought her back. She would turn away from the white board on her heels, fast enough to swing her skirt wide and flash just a few inches of her thighs...
The only sound that can be heard is the gently lapping of the waves rolling into the beach. She lay naked in the sand slick with sweat in the hot afternoon sun. Alone on the beach, she stretches sensually and gets to her feet. She walks slowly to the water, the hot sand running through her toes. Then in an instant she is gone, diving beneath the surface. She swims out a way with slow easy stokes and then lay over floating on her back under the sun. She hears the movement of the ocean so in...
I try waiting for you, I really do, but I can't help myself. The thoughts running around my head are making me wiggle. I run upstairs and strip myself of my clothes, my cock swaying, half-hard in anticipation of what we might do later. I spread a towel at the foot of our bed grabbing a dildo and lube out of our toy box. I prop my back against the bed, shoulders against the ground, legs spread in the air. This my new favorite position to play with my toy. Grabbing the lube I squirt a healthy...
ToysOnce daddy gets upstairs, mom is in the bathroom with a long sleeved white shirt on. Daddy is confused, but excited at the same time. Mom walks over to him, with a pair of crotchless panty hose and a pair of black 3" heels. She smells good and is flirting with him.Daddy doesn't know what to think..but OMG what happened to my boring wife??Mom has bent over to him and kissed him on the lips. Bending over just enuf that he could see down her shirt. Mom stood back up and told daddy to stand...
Hi readers, I’m a regular reader of ISS and many are good in writing and sharing their sexperience. This is my 1st time to share my experience after thinking for a while and it is giving me good vibes and chills in spine constantly while writing it down. Well, I was traveling from Hyd to Mumbai for the first time and it was just before independence day. So buses were full and I luckily somehow got a seat reserved in AC bus. I boarded from gachibowli Royal Enfield stop. Before I boarded the bus,...
The other day I had business to take care of a few hundred miles from home. My Wifes sister lives near there so I figured I would surprise her with an overnight visit. She is super sweet and although 10 years my senior she is hot as fuck, 5'10, 135 lbs, blonde hair with gorgeous blue eyes, 38dd tits (she has flashed me accidentally in the past), and a white girls version of the now famous Kim Kardashan ass! I was excited to see how things would go because we have had some "sexy encounters" in...
Cletus drew the job of riding drag that day. He agreed that this was the best place for him, since he had no idea of the territory, except that there were hills and trees everywhere you looked. His job was mostly guarding the spare horses and mules, but he needed to keep a lookout for thieves and bandits who might attack the rear-most wagons of the train. There were 22 wagons in the train, 20 with people and their goods and 2 with general supplies and stuff belonging to the guards. The...
Lunchtime finally came and, really, I was ready for a break. Sure, I was sixteen and always horny but I'd already had lots of sex with my Aunt Suzanne and Helen and would be pairing-up with Sandra next for the afternoon. All eight of us, of course, were naked in the kitchen fixing lunch and playing with boobs, pussies and dicks the whole time. I did spend a little time with Mom asking her how it was for her so far and she told me that she never dreamed there could be so much sex in such a...
Hi this is my first story here in ISS. My name is janvi. I finished my college a year ago. I am basically from Maharashtra. But my family settled in Tamil Nadu few generations back. The story I’m about to narrate happened in my first year of college. I was a virgin until then, even though I had boyfriends, I hadn’t had any physical relationship with a guy before that. This incident changed my life and attitude towards sexual relationships. So here it goes, my public sex experience. For any...
Tony Meets a New Love Tony was now seriously anxious about how he would get back home to the UK. He knew that his name would be reviled all round the free world. He was very much alone in enemy territory and common sense told him that he would not be completely trusted by anyone in the Nazi regime. The only thing he could do would be to go along with the charade, and hope that somehow, somewhere, opportunity would come his way. Soon the time came, when he was told he was fit enough to leave...
I sat at a coffee shop in Bronte. The salt air fresh and clean and the weather pleasantly warm. I sat waiting for my prey, the very willing prey that I had met online. I spotted them from a distance coming across from the beach. I spotted Melissa first, a luscious lady in her 40s, her blonde hair billowing in the seabreeze. Even from such a distance her tits looked magnificent. I knew from the photos they were DD. Her husband James was by her side. As they approached I took in Melissa more...