Why? free porn video

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She was not sure what he had in store for her today. As she sat in his car, her mind was going over all the possibilities, trying to figure out what he might do. As much as she liked to think she could figure out what he had in mind, in reality she knew that he wasn’t really all that predictable. While she was sitting there, she became more aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. It had started as simply not wearing panties, but then her mouth had made it worse, and he had told her no bra either. It was uncomfortable because the fabric outlined her nipples, but the thought that she was doing this because he had told her to, had made her pussy wet already.

As he talked, he watched her out of the corner of his eye. He saw the slight flush above the neckline of her shirt, and knew that she was aroused. Although, he knew that if he tried to get her to admit it, she wouldn’t. He was thinking about what he thought was probably going through her head at the moment. He had brought the collar with him when he had picked her up, and had her holding it in her lap during the ride downtown. He wanted to start the day off with her being very aware of her status at the moment. They finally got to his house, he parked and they got out, walking to his house.

They walked inside and she started to go upstairs to put her purse down, when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

?Stop and pick up your hair,? he said as he let go of her shoulder.

She put her purse down on the floor, and reached up to hold her hair up. He took the collar out of his pocket, where he had put it before they had left the car, and reached up, sliding it onto her neck. She felt a slight pressure as he closed it, and then she let her hair down again. She started to walk away again, but before she took another step, he spoke again.

?Stop, turn around?, she sighed and turned to face him, ?kneel?.

She shot him a quick dirty look, and then knelt down, crossing her hands behind her back, knowing this position by now. He looked at her for a moment before speaking again. 

?Who are you?? he asked, knowing she disliked having to answer this question. She gave him another dirty look and refused to answer.

?Who are you?? he asked again, and this time she realized it would a much better idea to answer than deal with any punishment he might come up with, especially since he could punish her physically.

?Your slut, sir? she said very quietly.

?What? I did not quite hear you. Who are you??

?Your slut, sir? she repeated louder.

?Yes you are, aren’t you? You can stand up again?.

She stood up and waited a second to see if he was going to stop her from going upstairs again, when he did not, she grabbed her purse and went upstairs, while he checked his computer. As she waited a minute for him to come upstairs, she felt the collar on her neck, and various thoughts flooded her mind. She had never seen herself as someone who would obey so easily, and yet she was doing just that, and being very aroused from it. This frustrated her as much as it aroused her, and she was determined not to make it easy for him today. Somehow she had a feeling she would regret it, but she didn’t want to think about that at the moment.

She had just come to this decision as he came up to the living room. He walked over to her and putting a hand on the back of her neck, pulled her towards him, kissing her. She reached up and put her hands on his arms, and he immediately pulled away.

?Keep your arms at your sides?.

He leaned in to kiss her again, and she once again put her hands on his arms. He pulled away again.

?You just can’t follow instructions, can you?? he asked.

She smirked up at him, put her hands on her hips and replied.

?I can, but I choose not to.? He looked at her for a second and then suddenly reached up, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back.

She gasped slightly in surprise, even though that action increased her arousal.

?You’re my slut, and you will follow my instructions today. You can make this easy or difficult on yourself, the more you push me, the more I will push back. Do you understand?? he said with a stern voice.

She let out a small whimper and then mentally berated herself for doing so.

?Yeah, I get it? she snapped at him.

He slapped her across the face and gripped her hair a little tighter.

?Excuse me? Care to rephrase that??

?Yes, I understand, sir? she corrected.

?Good? he simply replied. He let go of her hair again, and saw her fume a little. He found her resistance rather amusing when he knew that she would give in at the end anyway.

?I want you to go upstairs, remove your clothes, and be kneeling on the floor when I come up. I will be up shortly,? he told her.

She didn’t reply, but plainly started walking upstairs, putting a little extra swing in her hips, knowing he was watching her ass. She walked into the room and looked around; there weren’t any toys out yet. She removed her skirt and shirt, putting them on the bureau. She then knelt down on the floor. She only waiting a minute before he came in, carrying a glass of water. He put the water down on the little table, looked at her but didn’t say a word to her. He walked around her and turned on the CD player, then walked back out of the room. She knelt there wondering what the heck he was doing; he hadn’t even spoken to her when he came in the room. A moment later, he came back into the room, this time carrying several things.

Again, he ignored her as he put sown what he had brought into the room. She watched him, and she saw that he had brought the cane in. She hoped he wouldn’t use it on her, but she knew that considering she had every intention of being a pain in the ass, that she would probably wind up feeling its sting before the end of the day. She thought she might be able to talk him out of it, but doubted it. He had put everything down and was now just watching her, knowing it would make her nuts. She decided that she has knelt there quietly just long enough and stood up. As she stood up, she heard him utter.

?Did I tell you that you could stand up?? She looked at him.

?No, you didn’t, but I was just kneeling there and?? but before she could finish her sentence, he had walked up to her, pulled her towards him and landed a hard blow to her ass.

Before she had a chance to complain, he spoke again.

?I didn’t tell you to stand up yet. Kneel?. She debated whether to do so or not, and then decided it was not a good idea to not do it. She knelt down again.

?Now, do you want to stand up?? he asked her.

She turned a steely-eyed glare on him.

?Yes, I want to get up, sir? she added a bit of sarcasm.

?Ask me for permission?. She looked at him stunned for a moment; she couldn’t believe that he was asking her to ask permission to stand up.

He watched the thoughts go through her head as though they were written on her forehead, knowing that she hated having to ask permission for anything. She decided there was no way in hell that she was going to ask permission for this. She stood up again, and as she stood, she said;

?There is no way in hell I’m going to ask permission for something like that, and you should know it?.

With that, he quickly walked up to her, grabbed her hands behind her back with one hand, pushed her forwards so she was bent over, and proceeded to land several hard blows to her ass. He then let her stand up again, and told her to kneel. This time she did so without complaint, keeping her head down.

?Now, you either ask permission or the next thing I hit you with is the crop. Do you understand, slut?? He loved to watch how she went so quickly from resisting to being very compliant.

?Yes, sir. May I please stand up?? she asked quietly.

?Yes, you may. Now that wasn’t that hard, was it?? he asked, only getting a soft growl in response. ?Watch it,? he warned her.

?Go stand by at the bed, bend over it, with your hands on the bed?.

She went over to the bed and did as he said, except she didn’t spread her legs. He tapped her legs, telling her to spread them, but she did not do that. She was not really paying attention to him, so when the first blow of the crop hit her, she let out a surprised yell. Before she could respond, two more blows came down. He then stopped and tapped her legs again, this time she spread them.

?I’m not going to put up with your attitude today, any resistance will be met with quick and severe punishment,? he told her firmly. ?Stand up and turn around again? she did so, feeling the slight warmth of her ass.

He reached up and began lightly to play with and pinch her nipples, getting them very hard. As he did this, she closed her eyes and enjoyed it, only to be startled out of it when he placed a clothespin on the first nipple and then on the other.

She opened her eyes quickly and saw that he had picked up the crop again. He brought it up and lightly tapped her left nipple with the tip of it, making her move backwards since her nipple was now very sensitive. He reached out and repeated this with the right nipple, and this time she decided to stop him, so she reached up and grabbed the crop. Shortly after when she did this, she realizes just how bad a decision it had been. He simply looked at her for a second before speaking, he spoke very quietly and she realized that she had really screwed up.

?That is it, I warned you what would happen if you pushed me too hard, and yet you decided to anyway. That was your decision, but now you’re going to have to deal with the consequences?.

As he said this, she wanted to see just how far she could push him at the same time that she wanted to apologize profusely and beg him not to be too annoyed with her. He could see her mind was racing, and wondering what she would decide to do.

She quickly let go of the crop, brought her hand back down and lowered her head, trying to look remorseful. He watched her for a second before moving away. He walked out of the room telling her not to move, that he would be right back. He came back in a moment, carrying wrist and ankle restraints and a spreader bar.

?Give me your wrists, slut?. She bit back a comment and simply held out her wrists for him as he attached the cuffs. ?Go back over to the bed and get in the position you were before?.

She started to walk over to the bed, when he took one of her hands and kissed it, and she knew that he wasn’t really that mad, but she had put him in a position where he couldn’t back down. She looked up for a second and gave him a small smile.

She got over to the bed, bent over with her hands apart and her legs spread this time. He came up behind her and she heard him kneel down and attach the cuffs to her ankles. She had to spread her legs another inch so he could attach the spreader bar too. Part of her wanted to say something to him, but she wasn’t sure what exactly. She decided to simply try and break the silence.

?Uhm, sir, what are you going to do?? She knew that he probably wouldn’t answer, but she hated the silence.

?You will find out soon enough, and if you talk again, other than to use your safeword or to answer a question, I will gag you. Do you understand??

She swallowed heavily and replied with a quiet, ?yes sir?.

The next thing she felt was his hand running softly down her back and over her ass, down one leg and then the other; goose bumps rose on her skin. His hands came back over her back and then around top her breasts, squeezing them softly at first, then harder, eliciting a soft gasp from her.

?How are your nipples doing?? he asked her while his fingers played around her nipples.

?They hurt, sir?.

?Would you like me to take the clothespins off??

?Yes please?. She knew how much it hurt when they came off, but usually he used his mouth on them right afterwards so it didn’t hurt too badly.

He grasped both the pins at once and pulled them off at the same time.

?Ahhhh? owww!? she shriek.

He massaged her nipples, but it still hurt more than she was used to. Nevertheless, she could feel her pussy juices starting to drip down her leg. He stroked and soothed her nipples for another moment before stepping away. Suddenly she felt his hand on her pussy, letting his finger graze her clit occasionally. He played with her pussy for a little bit, using a finger to play with her g-spot for a minute and then going back to her clit. She was moaning and trembling slightly. He could tell she was getting close to orgasm.

?Sir, please let your slut cum?? She hoped that by asking really nicely, he would let her, despite her behavior; she was wrong.

As soon as he heard her ask, he stopped altogether.

?No, you may not cum. Do you really think you deserve to cum after the attitude you pulled??

She didn’t answer since she guessed, that is was a rhetorical question. He pulled his hand away and she whimpered slightly in protest.

She desperately wanted him to touch her again, but knew that that wasn’t going to happen yet. The soft touch of leather on her back was the next thing she felt, and she was glad, because, as much as the flogger could hurt a little, it was something she enjoyed. She felt the first blow, and instead of hurting, it seemed like it went straight to her pussy. Each subsequent hit only served to arouse her more, although she knew she would have some bruises the next day. When he finished, she was breathing hard, and was as wet as she had ever been. He gently reached between her legs and played with her, but suddenly he stopped doing that.

She heard him go through a few things and then sensed him behind her again. She didn’t have time to register the sound when the cane hit her squarely on her ass. She yelped and jumped as much as her position allowed. He hit her again and she tried to be a bit quieter, but damn it, it hurt. The third blow hit her almost directly on the juncture between her thighs and ass, and she couldn’t help but yelp loudly again. The fourth and final one came and did hit that juncture, causing her to reflexively start to bring her hands back to shield herself. She stopped herself before her hands got very far though, thankfully.

He stepped away and put the cane down. She heard the sounds of him removing his pants and underwear. She hissed in a breath when she felt his hand on her ass. He stroked it a little, soothing the sting. She knew she would have a couple welts from the cane, she had a few the last time he used it one her. By this point, she was arching into any of his touches, desperate for some kind of stimulation. He knelt down and unattached the spreader bar, letting her close her legs together.

?Up on the bed,? he told her.

She quickly obeyed getting on all fours on the bed, hoping he would just fuck her at this point. He didn’t let her down. He grasped her hips and quickly thrust into her. She let out a loud moan and clenched her muscles around him. He pumped in and out quickly several times before slowing down a little. He reached under her and found her clit, manipulating it roughly. She came almost immediately, and clenched very tightly around him as she did so. She leaned down and rested her head on her arms on the bed. He was very close now and his grip on her tightened. Shortly she heard him groan loudly and mumble something unintelligible. After he came they were both breathing very hard as he pulled out of her.

She lay down and rolled over to face him, slowly taking the cuffs off. He cleaned himself off and helped her with the last cuff. He reached up and gently removed the collar, putting it and the cuffs off the bed. He lay down next to her and she put her head on his chest with her arm over him. He kissed the top of her head.

?Sometimes I just want to hit you,? she uttered without thinking. She bit her lip.

He arched a brow but then, smiled and thought, she’s just too cute. ?So you want to hit me? Then why don’t you do that?? he said while smirking.

?Well, that’s because I don’t won’t you to end up in the hospital. I mean, it would be embarrassing for you to explain to the staff that a girl beat you?, she said with a huge grin on her face.

"The hospital?" he chuckled before he broke into full-throated laughter. ?There’s a difference. You can’t hit me, but I can hit you and do whatever I want with you? he said thereafter.

?Why?? It was the first thing that came to her mind. The answer he gave her, had most certainly been expecting as he replied with such confidence.

?Because you let me,? he replied as he smiled at her triumphantly.

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 23 Joyce and Kara

July 1981, Milford, Ohio Tuesday’s lunch at Kara’s was similar to Monday’s, though Kara’s mom spent a bit more time talking to us. It became totally clear to me that she was supportive of our relationship. I didn’t think she’d do anything to clearly violate her husband’s decisions, but knowing that she was there for Kara made me feel a lot better. Kara and I exchanged a nice kiss when I left around 2:30pm for my date with Joyce. I went home and showered and dressed. I left a bit earlier...

3 years ago
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Not Even Rage to Riches an Arduous Journey IV

NOT EVEN RAGS TO RICHES, AN ARDUOUS JOURNEY IV Philip was so excited by his good fortune. Angel had not only put out but had sucked him off last night. Sofia was a good investment. Philip liked a woman in pantyhose. Angel had it all with the tight skirt and heels and the top busting with pride for the ripeness of her attributes. Philip was a lucky man. Angel put out, but it was only because of the competition. Otherwise, she was a good catholic girl. The labor shortage had...

4 years ago
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Nicolette had a dream where she was fucked senseless by the stallion

Thunder whinnied and stamped as he was led to the mare in heat. Still, he had done this many times before, and so allowed himself to be led up to the breeding stand by Nicolette Bower, whose father helped him settle into place. The mare snorted as the large dick penetrated her vagina, and the stallion began to thrust in and out. He was a magnificent creature, 4 years old, strong, and fast. His fur was dark brown, heading to black on his “socks” on his lower legs, and his mane almost...

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Tommy Part 17

"Tommy"By GentilePart 17---------Tommy called 11 straight up."I'll get it!!!!!!!!!" She cut the corner racing in from their bedroom. Was wearing those hundred dollar jeans & a top I'd not seen before. "You have to be out of your fuckin' mind, Dale." To-my-self. "Sure, c'mon ahead, Tommy. We're waiting for you, honey. Hurry, hurry, hurry, Tommy! I can't wait to see you." She looked thru the portal twixt the two rooms. Pursed her perfectly made up lips once in my direction. Dropped the...

3 years ago
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Revenge sex Part one

When me and my wife got together we were young and hadn’t been with a lot of people, she had been with one another person and I was still a virgin. It wasn’t long before we were going at it everywhere. Well me being stupid and listening to other people and problems of my own I would disappear and did a few things I shouldn’t have done. Sex between us was amazing and we always had a great time, when we got done her legs would shake uncontrollably. One day I decided to call it quits against my...

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Be Careful What You Wish For A Marci Tale

Be Careful What You Ask For By LindaK Mark had been pestering his wife for days to do some kink play. He was a closeted cross-dresser who loved bondage, both giving and receiving. His wife, Ann had reluctantly agreed over the years to accept his dressing provided he kept it to the home. She even helped him improve 'Marci's' image through makeup advice, clothing tips and even toning down his kink clothing to outfits more suitable for a 'woman' of his age. If Ann was honest with...

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We’d all had a long but enjoyable day on the beach. It would be difficult not to take pleasure in the amenities that the isolated hotel offered. It was based on the southern tip of the Island and, for its heavy price, ensured privacy, great food and five star services. “We” was my wife and I and my step-sister-in-law. We are all in our fifties and, thankfully, the Gods had been kind to us and kept our figures reasonably trim and our minds alert.Shy, my wife, was trim and boasted a well shaped...

2 years ago
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Seduced By Seductive Lesbian

Julia Anderson was a beautiful, attractive, woman, she was 38-years-old, She was 5'14, shoulder length long brown hair, light hazel eyes, she was also a loving mother of a 3-year-old son named Benji Anderson, She and her husband, He was Benji's Father had divorced when Benji was 2-months-old, They knew each-other when they were kids, and had grown up together, they went to high school, Julia's Estranged Husband was the captain of the boy's High School Basketball, Football, Volleyball, and Rugby...

2 years ago
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GF and new roommate with a twist

I'm still playing professional football and I have a great time with the ladies. I'm 6'4", 230 lbs and very lean. My dark hair attracts women everywhere I go.If I go to an outdoor pool and show off my body it doens't take long before I have company.I've fucked high school college and married girls, professional women and even very successsful women.My prozed possession besides my looks and size is my penis. It is large and attractive. Women love to examine it after a good round of fucking or...

1 year ago
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Christine more cheating from her early years eve

This is a sequel to my wife’s first cheat. Best read that first. Thanks.after receiving my blessing so to speak to her infidelity Chris was very active with extra marital sex, and sometimes with two guys at the same time. This was good, our sex life had lost its early excitement and the stories she had to tell spiced things up and I was now already hooked on sloppy seconds (or thirds?)after she she had returned home from a quick shag in the grass, she told me the same guy had come round to the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Britney Amber Keeps Us Begging For More

Britney Amber can make any room hot looking like she does! She looks magnificent in red and has the bubbly personality to make you just sit and listen! She loves getting that cock hard knowing how much you love when she puts her big tits in your face or maybe you want those cute toes in your mouth. She’ll gladly do whatever it takes to make you cum for her. She runs her hands through her bush and already has Alex Jones big cock rock hard and ready to suck! Britney licks all around and all...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ne Diya Zindagi Ka Tohfa Part 2

Agle din mere jaane ke baad mummy ne Karan ko phone kiya shayad mere hi phone se number nikala hoga. Mummy : Hello Karan beta main Vivek ki ma bol rhi hu, kuch baat karni hai tumse!!! Karan : Hanji aunty kahiye? Mummy : Main tumhari baat manne ke liye tayyar hu par meri ek shart hai, mujhe roz ke 500 nahi chaiye, mujhe Vivek ki padhai aur mere ghar chalane ka kharcha chaiye pura jab tak uski achhi naukari nahi lag jati!!!! Karan : Ohh achha aunty ye main kar to sakta hu lekin ye to kuch jada...

3 years ago
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Watching Her

John watched her from his window every day. Her apartment was a floor above and across the narrow alleyway, so he was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen. fortunately for him, her kitchen just so happened to have a large window positioned at just the right height for his viewing pleasure. She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimes just panties. He often dreamed of tying her up with rope. In his fantasies she would be his - helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. He...

1 year ago
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Cheating wife got fucked 8 times in one night Part 1

It was the 1st time when I cheated my husband and got fucked 8 times in one night. Hey There, I am Hannah! This is the 1st time im writing a story here. I would kike to share my experience when I got fucked 12 times in one night. This happened 2 years back when I was only married for 6 months and my husband was out of town for some work for more than 2 weeks and I that time I saw on my facebook wall that one of my ex was in town and he texted me a day that we wanted to meet me see who my life...

Cheating Wife
2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 39

Lisa was in her room, dressed in only her panties and bra, when her two brothers came in, sat on the bed, and watched her putting her clothes away. "What do you two want?" she asked. "We just wanted to talk to you Lisa," Paul said. "Did you two have a good time at the movies?" "It was fun," Brad said. "Sally is a real good kisser." Lisa turned her back to the boys and removed her bra. She pulled one of her dad's old tee shirts over her head and went to the bed and sat between...

3 years ago
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On My Table

I press my thumbs hard into Andy's trapeziuses and he groans, working out the knots in his legs. Andy is beautiful, a principal dancer for the ballet. He is tall for a dancer, broad-shouldered, and the very image of a manly man. He is strong because dancers are strong and totally fit. An unfit person cannot hold extreme body positions or make the incredible leaps required in modern dance. I love working on his body. He is fit and beautiful, and hopelessly gay. “Clint has been driving me nuts...

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RachmaninovChapter 4

Near In Guezzam, Algeria The desert on the Niger – Algeria border was a dry, dusty place. The twenty men who lived at the training camp directly west of the small oasis of In Guezzam were relaxing after a rehearsal of the placing of a bomb. It was a terrible rehearsal ... nobody got their jobs right, on either the Team of the Prophet or the Team of The Rivers. One bomb exploded too early, one not at all – all ‘explosions’ were fake, of course. Any real explosion would obliterate the camp and...

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Kimberly Lucy Natural Love

With the school year finally coming to a close, Kimberly was proud of the fact that she'd been able to learn English so quickly and get accustomed to a new country and different culture. Most importantly, she'd found someone to latch on to with her immediate friendship with Lucy. Having come from Honduras to live in the U.S. with her mother, she didn't have any exposure to her new environment other than her budding friendship with Lucy. It has given her the confidence any new immigrant so...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Pregnant Neighbor Chapter 1

My name is Alan Saunders and the story I'm about to tell you happened about five years ago now. It was a nice spring day here in Wilson, North Carolina, the place I call home these days. Wilson is a small town of about 50,000 people located about fifty miles east of state capitol of Raleigh. I like it here because it has the small town feel I enjoy, but it's still close enough to Raleigh that I can go to "the big city" if I need to.I was sitting on my front porch that Friday morning, just...

2 years ago
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Another day in the life of an ordinary family

Another day in the life of an ordinary family.This is going to be a short story for a change.May I start off with an apology and that I now know the events in this story were a total accident and of nobodies fault, just something that happens in most family homes at some time or another.My name is Tina, I am 51, I am a big girl, dress size 18 with large breasts, I am not that pretty I say myself, I have two sons from my first marriage, both now in their 20s and both have a place of their own, I...

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Sexcom Lesbian

It only takes a Google search to discover that streaming lesbian videos is easier than taking a shit. It’s some of the easiest content to find, and there is no shortage. You could cum to lesbian content every day of your life, and you still wouldn’t see everything. For fuck sake, there are probably more lesbian videos published every day than you can jerk off to in your entire life, period!But even though there is a constant influx of sexy lesbian videos of all shapes and sizes, sometimes you...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Candy And Her Sugar Daddy Go To The First Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

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Wish upon a moon

You get out of your car after a night shift that seemed to go on forever, your girlfriend gets out of the passenger side. It was nice having the same shift at the same job, even if the shift was over night. You're walking up the path to your house's front door when she stops you. "Gray, don't you remember? You said we could watch the super blue blood moon!" You look at her skeptically, "Explain what this is again?" Naomi sighs and elaborates, "It's a moon that's at it's tightest radius in orbit...

2 years ago
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Back in my younger days, those moments where we used to watch adult films, my cravings were for the dicks being sucked than for the pussy. I am now 24 but still that interest holds high. I am not bold enough to flirt directly. So mostly i meet guys through internet and have fun.During one of those chats, a guy told me about an adult theatre in the city where a lot was happening on weekends. So I decided to try it out on a saturday evening 7:30 show.It was a very quiet theatre with guys here and...

4 years ago
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Cum bath in office party

Once the party was in full swing I started to dance closer to my boss Rakesh. My name is Manisha and I am a 30 year old single girl working as a secretary in a software company in Pune. I am small only 5’2″ with large firm breasts and wide hips. A lot of men liked my plump body comfortable and I was generous with it. Tonight I was dressed in a tight sleeveless top with a short skirt that showed both my assets to its advantage. My nipples flushed with heat were clearly visible through my top....

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Unhinged Desire Part 3

Day 5 "Bye mom, have a good time in Scotland!” I was genuinely sad that my parents were leaving Danny and I for three days, but after recovering from his illness my dad thought it was best to have a mini-vacation. My sadness was masked by excitement, as Danny waved away my parents I could see him checking me out every so often out of the corner of his eye, clearly he was anticipating what 'activities' were going to follow over the next few days. I walked back into our house followed closely...

1 year ago
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Seducing Her Best Friends Daughter

Introduction: A story I have wanted to write for a long time, part truth and part fiction…enjoy both. That evening after dinner Margo sat in front of the fire in her drawing room and waited while her husband busied himself upstairs packing the technical necessities for his business trip. She had already completed her share of this task, assembling his shirts and pants. She held a book in her hands, but one page had occupied her attention for the last hour. Her mind was across the lawn and...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 20 Milf Threesome

Suvendu understood the level of excitement about this milf threesome I was going through. He suggested, “Son, I think we should take your mother to bed.” Planting another massive deep kiss on my pussy, Joy spoke with newfound confidence, “Absolutely perfect suggestion, dad.” He stood up, held my left hand gently. Suvendu turned aside and held my right hand. The two men accosting me like a queen led me the few steps to the bed and laid me on my back gently on the back. “Wow, mom, you look hotter...

4 years ago
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Jacks Education Ch 01

Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

3 years ago
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Dan Allen met his match

Dan Allen has probably fucked me more than any other man on the planet. Many of our Island girls have been victimized and fucked raw by Dan’s massive cock. One day Dan was fucking me so hard all I could think about was having an orgasm. I begged him to put me out of my misery. Shit! Three orgasms later Dan was still ramming my wet cunt. I was exhausted and so I laid there like a rag doll while he continued fucking me. I remember my sister Amber yelling at Dan “give the fucking bitch a break!”...

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