Why? free porn video

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I posted this god knows how many years back on Literotica under an old nick. Thought I had lost this until I was going through some old disks and found it. Having just reread it, and given it a bit of an edit, I though I might as well as post it. Why. I had just turned 18 when my expected future was turned on its head. I was on holiday hiking the Cornish coastal path. One evening in the first week, I was walking back from a pub meal when I saw two people coming up from the beach towards me. It was a tall muscular man wearing a bathing costume and a light open top accompanied by tall slim blond young woman wearing a bikini, and the sight of them sent my heart pounding. This close to a beach it would not have been an unusual sight except the man was bizarrely leading the woman by a leash attached to a metal collar about her neck. Unable to pull my eyes from them I felt my stomach lurch when I saw the woman's still damp bikini was translucent. However instead of the feminine vision I expected, her bikini bottoms contained a swelling, identical in shape to the one in my shorts. Thunderstruck I was paralysed, stood gazing at them as they walked towards me. I could hear the man's snort of mocking laugher, reading my expression as he ran his eyes over me, he growled. "What the fuck are you looking at boy?" I could feel my mouth was moving but try as I might nothing came out beyond a pitiful squeak, which brought a more thoughtful light to his eyes as he snapped his fingers. Unable to tear my eyes from the girl's bikini bottoms I was blushing madly, and let out another pathetic unintelligible squeak as she slipped to her knees beside him with dog like obedience. Patting her on the head he eyed my shorts and laughed dryly, "Like my bitch do you?" When I remained silent he snapped impatiently. "Look at me boy! I asked you a question?" He was in his early 40 and possessed movie star looks, even I could tell that he was a devastatingly attractive bloke with his thick dark hair, and a well-shaped face dominated by dark intelligent eyes. He was at least six or seven inches taller than me, and had the sort of physique that only came from hours in the gym. If I looked straight at him I was looking straight at his hairy sculpted pectorals and having to strain my neck to look him in the eye I felt overawed by his confident authority. Feeling dry mouthed yet trapped by his eyes I babbled, "I' I?" Feeling my shorts getting tighter as his gaze slowly trawled over me again. There was a look in his dark eyes that seemed to bore in to my mind. With out raising his voice he demanded. "Answer me!" There was a confident self-assurance in his body language, which made me feel inadequate and unable to tell him to 'piss off' I finally croaked. "Yes..." "Sir!" he said coldly, again looking pointedly down at my groin. "Yes Sir," I stuttered feeling embarrassed at calling this stranger sir. "Good boy!" he said. His eyes swept back up my body, recapturing mine. "Name?" "Dick, Richard Bell Sir," I half stuttered unable to refuse the question under his dark dominating gaze. "Age?" "Eighteen Sir." His expression warmed a little as he nodded saying, "What are you doing here?" "I'm on holiday Sir." "Until when?" My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest as I said. "As long as it takes sir, I'm walking the coastal path sir." He nodded again and then gave me a half smile as he added. "I am Master William, and this is my slut slave Nina." She was a smasher, mid to late 20's, long golden hair, large blue eyes, plump lips, large breasts and shapely legs that seemed to go on forever. Except for the bulge at her groin I never would have guessed she had once been like me - a boy. "Where were you going?" he questioned. "I'm wild camping just over there," I said adding, "Sir," as his gaze hardened. "Oh?" he smirked eyeing me up and down contemptuously. "And then Nina's hot body attracted you did it boy?" "Yes Sir," I said haltingly looking even more embarrassed. "I'm sorry sir." His face transformed as he grinned. "Why? Its obvious looking at you why such a pretty thing should attract your eye!" Giving the woman a light slap on her head he drawled, letting her lose. "Bitch, display yourself to our new friend." With the same impassive expression that had been on her face since we me Nina unfolded and walked away from us. Her movement's feminine grace drew my eyes as she spun, and started to sensuously strut towards me. There was something in her movement that was devastatingly sexy and I blushed brightly as I looked back up at him uncertainly. Knowing that my face was bright red and radiated embarrassment I felt like I was in some wet dream... "Don't you want to look at Nina any more boy?" he said. "Look at her!" The whip in his words sent my eyes back to Nina. His tone mellowing as he added once he saw that I was watching her. "I see you like my sexy bitch in her bikini boy." As he spoke Nina was gyrating her body, as if she was dancing to a tune only she could hear. As she shimmied this way and that, the leash from her collar was hypnotically swinging about drawing my eyes to her breasts. With a look of what looked like enjoyment in her face Nina, left me in no doubt that her tits were as real as her small penis. There were no way they could be false after she teased her top lose and ran her hands down her naked breasts! With in sixty seconds my jaw was on the floor! My eyes were probably saucer shaped because it was the sort of thing I had only ever seen Men and Motors late at night and it sent me falling back in to near monosyllabic embarrassment! Getting very uncomfortable as Nina continued, I hesitantly looked back at him. A cool amused expression met my gaze as he said, "Well Boy?" With Nina flaunting her self in my face and sexily rubbing against me I whimpered in answer to his question. "Yes Sir." "Doesn't look like it? Don't you like looking at sexy bitches flashing their tits at you?" he taunted, "Or is it me that's causing this?" His hand suddenly grasped my distended shorts, and took a firm possessive grip on my swollen cock. I wanted to run, but I was frozen like a rabbit in a headlamp. Assailed by repulsion, and overwhelmed astonished excitement, I felt incapable of doing any thing except stand there and let him paw me. With his manipulations and the provocative gyrations of his bizarrely attractive half man half woman, my shorts were straining to contain my arousal. "Yes," he crooned into my ear, "it's my dominant manhood that causing this isn't it?" His thumb was making circular motions on the slick patch that had formed in my shorts, rolling over the head of my stiff little cock in away that was driving me wild! "You want it don't you boy?" My shorts were slick with pre-cum and I was close to coming when his groping abruptly ceased, sliding his hand over my bum and painfully pinching my buttock as he snapped. "Well boy?" The pinch jerked me back into focus, stinging my bum and all of a sudden I felt sick with my self. Oh God what was I doing! I had found someone who was, or at least had been male sexually arousing. Even more scarily I had almost cum from having my cock played with by another man, but his eyes brooked no refusal and eventually I croaked. "Yes sir." "Thought as much!" he grunted amused, and snapped his fingers, which made Nina stop what she was doing, pick up her discarded top and return to kneeling beside him. His eyes locked onto mine again, seemingly reading my mind as he added confidently. "I think I can almost see that," mocking the unmistakeable shape in my shorts. "Although looking at you boy... I can see that if I had you wearing the same costume, you would make an equally ravishing sissy bitch?" he smirked, and added, "Correct boy?" I wanted to deny his words, but all that came from my mouth was, "Yes Sir." Even I could tell he was teasing me, as he confidently stated, "Perhaps I'll take you..." I felt like I was falling off the planet as I blushed all the brighter and gave another garbled reply, which he obviously liked as it made him snort. "With a little work and the right guidance, you'd make a pretty pair." There was no doubting the intention in his words and I felt an enormous rush of desire that I could become like Nina... My desire shocked me, as the concept sunk into the maelstrom of confused thoughts filling my mind. Never before had I been as sexually excited, or as terrified as I was then, and I willed myself to run, but his eyes still held me paralysed. I knew it was the wrong thing to say but try as I might I could not stop myself thanking him. Master William smirked enjoying my embarrassment, eyeing my body with the sort of look I recognised. I had used it myself looking at girls! "Your potential interests me boy." With another click of his fingers Nina returned to standing silently just behind him and replaced her bikini top. His eyes held mine as he said with a smile of predatory interest. "Even though you are incorrectly dressed, you will accompany us back to the car park." "Thank you sir." I blushed feeling both apprehensive and unexpectedly pleased at his offer cum demand. "Take your place beside my bitch an we'll be off." After a couple of steps he laughed. "And take Nina's hand boy, so I know you're in your place, even though I don't have you leashed. After all boy, sissy bitches belong at their Master's heel." Leashed? I gazed at him blankly as Nina's long red nailed hand took mine and led me along behind Master William. It was about a mile and a half back to his car and although Nina did not say a word, I was bombarded with questions. My family, where I was from, what I was intending on doing... It was strange, and a little humiliating to be talking to the back of his head but I seemed incapable of disagreeing with him. Even telling him how my father had second family syndrome and paying my university fee's aside cared only for the family he was raising with a woman he had met during the final stages of my mum's cancer. It was not just personal stuff he was interested in, as he also pried into my likes, dislikes and interests. He would often jump back to previous question, or head off at a tangent from what I told him. I think if I had not been telling the truth I would have got confused under his barrage of rapid-fire questions. Just before we reached the dusty and now empty car park he halted abruptly by a tree and said, "Kneel beside me boy." Nina's hand slipped from mine with a gentle push, which started me in the right direction. With my mind on fire I did as he asked aware that he was watching my expression carefully. Smiling at me he gave Nina's leash a tug saying, "Bitch." With out a word Nina knelt opposite me. The late evening sun made Nina's long red tapered nails glisten as she eased his trunks down making me gasp when his penis dangled there. Other than my own I had never been this as close to one before and as his musky man scent filled my nostrils it set a cascade of what ifs tumbling through my mind. It was enormous and I could clearly see the pale pink domed head peeking out from the rosebud like foreskin. Under the thick sausage like tube of flesh hung a pair or large heavy hairy balls and the way it all bobbled about only inches from my nose was almost hypnotic! "I think you like the view..." he mocked, half turning to pat my head and as he did I felt his cock slap against my cheek and brush over my nose. "You're far to smitten by my manhood to have the will power to get up and walk away." He was right to! Although I am sure my body must have been glowing I still haltingly admitted, "Yes sir." A part of me wanted him to tell me to open wide, while the rest of me was too stunned to do anything other than just gawp but what happened next had my eyes out on stalks! Giving me the slightest of smiles, Nina lent forwards and kissed the side of his cock. God it was huge! I could not take my eyes off it as she knelt upright and taking hold directed the stream of piss he released against the tree. Gob smacked by what I was seeing I looked on in silence and stayed that way until the loud frothing hiss of his urine hitting the tree ended. Then my jaw hit the floor as Nina immediately licked his cock clean. I could see the sliver of her tongue piercing glittering as she licked and cleaned his manhood with enthusiastic relish. "You may also show you care boy!" Master William said, lightly pushing my head forwards until my lips came in contact with his cock. "Worship it boy!" he snapped, cuffing my head until he felt my lips and tongue on his skin. It felt smooth and wiry and the sensation of skin moving under my lips almost had me cumming in my shorts. Looking down on us approvingly he grunted. "Keep licking cock boy." God it was humiliating... I had only met him 20 minutes earlier and now I was enjoying kissing his cock! What was happening to me? I felt Nina lift my hands and place Master Williams cock into them. It was heavy and his hairy balls felt enormous in my hand. Seeing the blown expression on in my eyes, she winked and licked her fingers clean, before pulling up his trunks back into place. Then as if nothing had happened Master William clicked his fingers again and said tripping me up totally. "Hope the weather is as good tomorrow boy!" I whispered something about the strength of the sun as I followed Nina's lead and stood back at his heel, blushing brightly as he laughed commenting. "Yes, it's been just perfect for sunbathing," Master William said. "I insist my sissy bitches sport vivid tan lines." His hand flew back and took hold of my still swollen cock squeezing it as he said. "Have you got any nice tan lines Boy?" "Not really sir." I stuttered still blown away by what I had just done and witnessed. "Never mind you will." He laughed dryly, giving me a second squeeze as he laughed, "My bitches always do," and let me go. Tugging Nina's leash sharply he set off and the metallic rattle of the clip on her collar set a number of disturbing and exciting thoughts whirling through my mind. His car was a top of the line BMW M5 and when we reached it I knew what to do when he clicked his fingers. I could feel his calculating smile as I followed Nina down to my knees hear his pleased snort of laughter as he clicked the remote. "You may join for Nina for her morning walk boy. Be here at 6.30 am sharp." "Thank you sir?" I said starting to feel a little freaked out by my behaviour. I had kissed another man's cock, and even worse I had enjoyed it! He laughed, "Nina?" He unclipped the leash from her collar. "I think you should remind the boy about the contents of my sissy bitches bikinis." "Yes Master," Nina finally spoke. She had a light faintly lisping tone. With that graceful unfolding motion she stood and faced me. "Look at her bikini boy." His tone held the crack of an order and I looked straight at her bulging bottoms only inches from my face. With a sensual strut Nina took a step forwards and rubbed her bulge in my face. "Kiss it!" Master William snapped, pushing my unresisting head into her. His hands pressure forced my lips against her and I felt Nina's shiver run though me as I gingerly I kissed her small cock. Under my lips I could feel something encircling her cock and curious I gained a little more confidence mixing my kisses with little licks for the minute or so he held me there. Then abruptly he snapped at Nina. "Get in the car!" I felt his eyes on my kneeling form as she bobbed at the knees and silently walked round the car, getting in the passenger seat. "Now what did you call yourself boy?" "Richard or Dick sir," I said probably sounding as freaked out as I felt. "Don't like either of them," he grumbled. "If you chose to come back in the morning, that will not be your name by lunch time understand boy?" "Yes sir." I said with out really comprehending what he truly meant. I could feel every fibre of my body was screaming at me to run like hell. Yet I was still paralysed kneeling before his confident gaze. With a domineering look in his face, he pointed to my now very erect cock. "Let me see that boy?" My hands were shaking but I could not help myself as I lifted my hips and knelt up. My thumbs slid under the waistband of my shorts and slipped them down to my knees. My little cock was sticking out and I felt humiliated as he let out a mocking snort. "God my cock was bigger when I was having a piss!" he laughed, "Shit there is no way you can be called Dick even if I was looking for one!" Thrusting his nylon covered cock in my face he said. "You my play with your self as you kiss me good night boy!" "Yes sir," I barely got out as he shoved my head between his legs. Eventually he laughed and climbed into his car. "Not much of a cock, but an adequate as clit I suppose." "Yes sir," I stuttered seeing he wanted me to reply. "Thank you sir." His dark eyes held mine in a vice like lock as he said, "I thought I told you to play with your clit boy?" With out conscious volition my right hand started to manipulate myself. I was red faced with embarrassment but unable to refuse his order. I vaguely heard him grunting something at Nina, as he slammed the door and started the engine. The regular rumble of the powerful motor idling as he watched my performance somehow making his control over me all the more complete. His satisfied chuckle of, "Pathetic," sent a shiver of twisted lust coursing down my back and cum shooting from my cock! Tossing something at me through the window Master William said, "Be in it here morning!" Nina's bikini hit me in the face as he called dropping the clutch. "Don't be late boy, or we'll be gone" With a spin of the rear tires he left me kneeling in a cloud of dust. In less than forty-five minutes he had turned my world upside down and I knelt there for a long time in a post orgasmic haze, and then the guilt rush hit! Sickened at my behaviour I picked myself up and yanked my shorts into place suddenly aware that anyone could have seen us. The bikini lay in the dirt before me and I gazed at it horrified by my actions. I told my self to leave it but when I stumbled back towards my tent it was clasped in my hand adding to the turmoil in my mind. What had done? My hands were shaking as I rooted about my rucksack in dire need of a calming joint! Smoking weed and sipping hot chocolate heavily laced with rum I sat in the evening gloom gazing between Nina's bikini and the sea trying to make some sense out what had happened, and how it made me feel? I could not deny I had enjoyed his treatment of me even though it made me cringe just to think about it! I was caressing Nina's bikini, fighting a losing battle against temptation and I knew it... When I finally submitted to temptation and put the thing on, the stretchy material and the solid straps felt awesome against my skin! No wonder it gave Nina a hell of a cleavage, because even my chest was forced up into a pair of small boobs. Listening to the night noises and feeling very unsure of what I was doing I told myself there was no way I was going to be waiting in that car park next morning, but I was! Embarrassed even though I was alone and could not see what I looked like, in the morning daylight I almost ripped the bikini from my body! My subconscious had obviously foreseen this as I had packed my rucksack and to change now I would have to unpack the lot... It was a dammed if I did, and dammed if I did not... I knew I would always regret not doing this if I ran. In the end I guess more of me wanted to explore the world that had filled last nights dreams with erotic imagery, than wanted to run away because by twenty past six I was kneeling next to my rucksack. Although it was early I was not really aware of it being cold, probably because I felt like I was burning up with embarrassed apprehension and excitement. I could feel every millimetre the bikini pressing into my skin, awaiting only the sun to brand me with its outline... With a squeal of breaks the BMW slid to a halt, once again surrounding me in a cloud of dust. When the dust cleared Master William was stood before me with a delighted expression on his face and clicking his fingers he said to me, "Good morning." "Good morning sir," I said. Seeing Nina give me a quick smile as she smoothly knelt beside me. Clinging to her back was one of those furry teddy bear nap sacks and she was wearing a hot metallic pink bikini that really contrasted with her tanned skin. "Ready to accompany Nina on her walk, and suitably dressed this time I see?" he smirked eyeing my figure with that same satisfied expression still on his face. "Yes sir," I whispered feeling like I was either going to cum or be sick when I saw held in his hands a collar identical to Nina's. "Thank you sir." He saw the direction of my gaze and smiled easily saying. "Sir is such a mouthful." Placing the collar on the roof of the car he easily picked up my rucksack and said tossing it on the back seat. "Wouldn't you rather call me Master?" Unable to speak I nodded. "That you came back tells me you want this," he dangled the collar from his fingers, "And what it symbolises. Don't you girl?" It was the first time he called me girl, and he smiled as it hit home behind by eyes. I nodded again, half croaking a, "Yes sir." His eyes were steady and he must have been able to read the gut twisting desire that was coursing through me as he stated. "If you take my collar you must understand and accept, that I will own you body and mind, only my desires matter. You will behave, dress and even think as I wish regardless of how you feel until I am ready to remove it from you." With his face filling with expectation Master William captured my eyes and said enticingly. "All you have to do is ask? All it takes is two clicks and then you can call me Master, just like Nina does?" His eyes bored into mine like laser beams. "I know you know you want to... You're just like Nina was a confused wannabe sissy bitch slut who knows they're not fit to live as a man!" His words were like punches as he growled impatiently. "Tell me what you are?" "Yes." The words choked in my throat as I tried to force them back feeling like a passenger in my own body as I said in a rush. "Master. I. I'm... A wannabe sissy bitch slut..." I was stumbling over my words, but I could see only instance in his expression. "And, and I'm not fit to be a man Master." "No your not!" he laughed. "But you will make a prefect addition to my household," and with astonishing suddenness he grabbed hold of my hair and yanked my head forward until the collar was inches from my eyes. "Take a good look bitchboy, because next time you see it will be in the mirror!" Twisting my head down, he slid the collar about my neck and pushed the halves together with a loud and very final click.... Nina's foot nudged me ever so silently, and in a horse whispered tone I said. "Thank you Master." The hand that untangled from my hair, patted my head almost tenderly as he said, "I considered Rikki as a suitable name, but on reflection it's far too masculine for the likes of you. Therefore I have decided to name you Tania." "Thank you Master," I said in a shaky tone. "For what?" Master William said with a confident smile. "Tania?" "F... For," I tumbled unable to find the right words, "Master." I blushed. He laughed and thrust his groin in my face. "Kiss your Master good morning Tania!" He kept his hands away from my head and chuckled lightly as I lent forward and kissed the front of his pants. "Good girl! We'll make it official later!" he said with a smirk in his eyes, adding as he clipped a leash to my collar. "And you are?" "T. Tania Master." I was stumbling over the words as he attached Nina's leash. "My name is Tania Master." The sun was just high enough that I could see my shadow, and the outline of the leash he held me on. It sent my mind into turmoil. "What had I done?" I knew nothing about the man who now believed he was my Master, other than he took a boy/girl for a walk on a leash, which was not a reassuring thought as he seemed hell bent on making me the same. Even worse was that my tiny bikini bottoms did to little to contain the evidence of how much I wanted to be in this humiliating place! My train of anxious thought was halted when he tugged my leash and said with an amused chortle in his voice. "Sissy bitches! Heel!" Giving my hand a squeeze Nina and I walked hand in hand behind him. The wave of comradeship I felt from her even managed to ease some of the disquiet that my doubts and fear were generating. The question jumped in and out of my mind just how long was this going to go on for? Why hadn't I asked that before he stuck this collar on me? Then I would look at him, striding along as if he owned the place and feel Nina's reassuring squeezes and the questions just faded out again. What was wrong with me, alone in my thoughts I questioned? Yet the moment I they brought me to thinking about him, such questions became meaningless. Instead of the trunks and top he was wearing the previous evening. Master William was more suitability dressed for the time of day, in light designer jogging bottoms, trainers and sports shirt. If it there had been a pair of dogs on the end of his leashes he could have been Bob Normal out for a morning walk. Again quizzing me on what I had planned after my holiday, and my family life. Overwhelmed by the erotic sensation of the collar about my neck, and the rattle of my leash my answers were even less guarded than the previous night. I told him everything he wanted to know and was too inexperienced at the time to recognise that he was confirming what I had already told him. In addition to reassuring himself that no one would be that interested in looking for me he also dryly pointed out that a simple letter to the University I was supposed to attend in the autumn would deal with my only long-term commitment. It was about a thirty-minute walk. Following the twisting footpath they had been on the previous evening I started to relax. The beach was gorgeous, a wide strip of golden sand about a mile long set at the back of a wide bay overlooked by high Cornish granite cliffs. Along the high tide line were numerous pedal boats, dinghies and Jet Ski's. At the far end were a large beach bar and shop, and the sight of people moving on its veranda sent my anxiety levels flying again! People could see me. I had no illusions about what I looked like. I was a hairy-legged lad, wearing a girl's bikini and a metal collar being led on a leash... Every step made me wish the world would just open up and swallow me as we walked along the path above and eventually back towards the car park. Once he was satisfied that he knew all he needed to know about my life he started to probe in to my sexual experience or lack of it. "I don't believe it a virgin!" he laughed when I admitted my sexual experience was limited to masturbation, and as we passed through a gate on the way back his finger goosed my bum as he said. "Virgin here as well?" "Yes Master!" I whispered blushing feeling Nina giving my hand a compassionate squeeze as he laughed. "Not for much longer!" His words scared me, and I almost wet my self when he said, "This will do! Nina camera," thinking that he was going to bugger me there and then! My fears were dumb founded though as what he really was interested in was a few pictures. "Okay then girls," he said checking the battery charge. "Arms about each other waists, with a hand down the front of the others bikini." Nina gave me a quick wink, which calmed my nerves as we got into the requested pose, cradling each other's genitals. "Perfect!" Master William said snapping away, calling. "Nice slutty come fuck me smiles girls!" After may be twenty different poses together, he took a sequence of me, front view, side view, rear view and one face shot. It was fun and if it was not for the cold band of metal about my neck I could have forgotten the situation, I had willingly stepped into. Suddenly he passed the camera to Nina and said clicking his fingers, "Tania." With a smile of anticipation on his face he undid his pants and flopped his flaccid hairy cock out. It was only inches in front of my face when his hand twisted into hair and a further twist brought my head up to look him in the eyes and see the satisfied expression that had been there so far had gone, replaced by a hungry domineering light that chilled me to the bone as he said. "Breakfast time Tania." I knew what he wanted me to do! For a long moment our eyes were locked together and then his will prevailed. Although my mind was shrieking "NO!" I started to kiss and lick his stiffing cock aware of Nina snapping away with the camera. It tasted odd, musky and smelt faintly of urine but with his hand still firmly wrapped in my hair I had little option but to continue, and it did feel very exciting as he started to stiffen under my lips. "Master likes long laps up the underside Tania." Nina giggled into my ear, "Ease your tongue into the triangular sweet spot beneath the head..." Her fingernails were teasing my bikini-covered cock. "That's it..." She encouraged snapping a close up "Now let him slide in your mouth...." God I was turned on, it felt awesome as Master William fed me his cock. Nina's innuendo laced instructions and occasional sensual caresses sent me into a world of uninhibited sexual desire. The cock pumping in my mouth was the most exciting thing I had ever felt and as I started to suck, and tease it with my tongue putting Nina's teaching into practice hearing her giggle. "Tania you're a sister cocksucker like me!" I was near cumming, and her words made me gasped, which sucked Master's cock down my throat. I was sucking a cock, which made me a cocksucker! Oh my god what was doing?" "Yeah!" Master panted, "Throat me bitch!" His breathing was ragged and as he started jerking in and out I felt the contractions in his cock, just a split second before the first jet of hot cum flew down my neck. It tasted strange, salty and metallic, each spasm of his cock filling my mouth with more. "Don't waste any sis!" Nina encouraged. "Just drink down our Masters wonderful cum... After all?" She laughed, "It's all we are allowed before midday." I should have hated this, but I did not and when Master William said panting a little. "Tania! You are a born cocksucker!" I actually felt a buzz of pride as I knelt there with his cock still in my mouth. With a gentle swipe on my head he laughed. "You may clean me up bitch." Trying to recall what Nina had done the night before I licked him clean and then licked my fingers before fastening his trousers back up. Unsure of what to do once I was finished I knelt back on my heels and hung my head. All I could taste was his essence and I felt myself suddenly burning with embarrassment when I realised what I had done. With a tug and a grunted, "Heel." Master William snapped his fingers and nearly pulled me off my feet as he set a fierce pace back to his car. Pausing only for a piss, where he made me perform the like Nina did the night before. I found this a far more humiliating act to perform than giving him a blowjob and I am sure Master William read it in my face because he had to pick then to mention. "I'll see about getting you nice pair of knockers to fill that bikini Tania and your appearance leaves a lot to be desired." Although he was smiling broadly enjoying watching me lick my fingers, there was menacing aspect to his look that should have set alarms ringing in my head. "In both of you," he instructed once we returned to his car. "Nina sort Tania out enough so that she won't embarrass us. Holding her finger to her lips Nina produced a make up kit and using only a little mascara and lipstick did my face to match hers. My hair was hidden under a floppy cap, and after stuffing my bikini cups with cotton wool she pulled a light button up pink summer dress about my body. "Adequate!" Master William said dismissively but actually looking pleased, twisting the rear view mirror so I could not see what I looked like. Nina kept a firm grip on my hand, and now suddenly sat in the back of his car I began to have serious second thoughts... My legs sticking out from under a pink dress as I sat facing her looked wrong. It all felt wrong and blushing with mounting apprehension I regarded the pink flip-flops on my feet and wondered what next as we pulled up outside an imposing Victorian building? If I had know that with in ten minutes of entering I would be back in the car looking at a official document that legally changed my name to Tania Masters I would probably started screaming. It all happened so quickly with out any ado we were whisked into a large office containing a three people. "Sign there?" Master William said tapping the foot of a form. One look was all it took from him to quell my questions. "Again," he pointed to the next one. Four times I signed my name on different papers feeling his hand giving my bum a lingering caressing pat as I signed my name where he indicated, never guessing that I was giving my old life away. "Excellent Tania." he boomed cheerfully, "Nina, take your sister back to the car. I have to discuss a few business matters that will only confuse you." There was a large dollop of amused teasing as he added. "And for gods sakes girls, please don't mess my car up." "Okay?" Nina said with a bright air headed smile, and grabbing hold of my arm pulling me away with excited giddiness. Her sudden lack of submissiveness startled me enough for her to get me out of the place, before I said anything stupid. The crowded streets sent my heart racing, and sure that some one was going to shout 'Look at the ugly drag queen' I almost jumped in to the car. Alone at last with Nina I half hoped to get some answers to the questions that were burning about my mind, but all she chattered about was how nice it was to have a sister, regaling me plans of girly things we would be doing. "You'll love Wendy Tani. She's our hairdresser, and because of you. I get to go twice this week." She was hopping up and down on the car seat and clapping her hands together in a really girlish way, which made me wonder how long she had been with Master William, because she was so dam convincing! "Ahem!" Masters voice said, "Girls behave." Immediately Nina's giddy girlish excitement halted as he slipped into the car and said tossing me a copy of the papers I had signed. "There you go Tania, told you I'd sort out your name." Written on the top was declaration of deed-pole, and my eyes went wide as I read. I Richard Dell do here by officially change my name to Tania Masters. I also avow that as of this time all my personal documentation and identification shall reflect my new identity. I sign this here, in the presence of these witnesses on this date. The next sheet was a copy of a document that handed Master William control of my life. I agree accept that I due to my gender issues am no longer able to make important decisions for myself. Therefore I agree and accept that Mr William David Masters shall have power of attorney until a time he deems me mentally capable. I sign this here, in the presence of these witnesses on this date. Underneath was my signature followed by four other names, over that was stamped an official looking Cornwall County seal containing the date and time. Master William's eyes captured mine as I looked up from the document quelling the questioning why on my lips. "I told you that your former name was not suitable. Once you agreed to me collaring you I decided to sort that technicality out, and since you're Nina's sister whose mine, her surname." His laughter was a little mocking as he added. "Like yours from now on is mine." Oh my god what had I done? The end.

Same as Why? Videos

3 years ago
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WHY? Humming to himself, some seventy's tune, he went about his business. Permanent hair removal is so much faster now. Everything has changed so much in the last decade. The advancements, although not miraculous, are enough to make profound changes. It is hard not to ponder and marvel at what he is doing. The task at hand is something that just eight months ago would not have been a possibility. Stevie Nicks was awesome. He wondered if she wrote her lyrics. Maybe, when he starts...

2 years ago
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This is a follow up on my previous story, Dust in the Wind. Knowing that (long) story may put things into context. ‘Dust in the Wind’ – the title of the first story – was obviously borrowed from a song by the rock band ‘Kansas’, For the current story, I had the emotional song ‘Why’ from the Scottish singer ‘Annie Lennox’ on my mind. This story is not based this song – its storyline existed before I decided on the title – but I hope the song, in the back of my mind, somehow added to the...

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I sit here on this bar stool nursing my fifth beer, wondering 'why me?' I realize that I have led a full life and that I was a little wild when I was young and foolish, but I guess there is no fool like an old fool. I knew my greatest mistake, or maybe my worst discovery, was an errant nail. Let me start at the beginning. My name is Robert Michael Forsythe; I am 60 years old today, and I discovered yesterday that my wife of 24 years has been unfaithful to me for at least the past ten years....

1 year ago
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Author’s note: All legal references are based on my imagination. When she left me, she never gave me an answer to the question I asked. She just said she had to leave me. She also said she still loved me. When she left me, she never gave me an answer to the question I asked. She just said she had to leave me. She also said she still loved me. That was five years ago. She found me again. I had sold my old house, sold my company, and moved to another city. I tried very hard to not leave a...

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She got out of her car and I knew it was her. She matched her description to a 'T'. She was even a few minutes early, which is a serious plus in my book. Fashionably late might work for a party, but not a date."Hi!""Hi!" She said with just a touch of shyness. I smiled and held my arm out. She took it and we went into the club for dinner.Blind dates are always risky, but internet blind dates are the worst. You meet over a bunch of bits and bytes and try to establish a connection to the...

First Time
2 years ago
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So after a long day at work and thinking about ass all day I came home got all of my stuff ready for the next day, ate, showered, and talked my wife into going to bed with me. Once there I of course got even more horny, I started to lick her pussy and she just laid there as if she were dead. A bit disappointed I started to pout, determined though I tried again. This time she had rolled over and her fat ass was up in the air, I started to play with it and opened her cheeks. And I started to do...

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She was not sure what he had in store for her today. As she sat in his car, her mind was going over all the possibilities, trying to figure out what he might do. As much as she liked to think she could figure out what he had in mind, in reality she knew that he wasn’t really all that predictable. While she was sitting there, she became more aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. It had started as simply not wearing panties, but then her mouth had made it worse, and he had...

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Hi all if you like my story mail me on So don’t forget mail ok thanks for like my story. Sarah Jefferson lay in bed, restless. She was in her pajamas. She was a nice looking girl. Dark eyes and hair, pale golden skin. Really beautiful. She looked good and knew it. She was an honor student at her college. Her parents made a good living. Her father owned a chain of restaurants and her mother was a lawyer. Sarah herself was a model and she had a good reputation. She had it all. Money. Fame....

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*** The island, visiting the shaman. In the summer of 2021, I found myself visiting Olkhon Island on the lake Baykal in Siberia. I was not alone, and we would spend a few days on the island and then visit the mountain regions in Buryatia. But Buryatia was closed because of the pandemic, and we stayed the whole week on the island instead. Olkhon Island is home to breathtaking landscapes that are second to none. Surrounded by the largest freshwater lake in the world, the island is a...

1 year ago
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Each action has consequences and in this case a very dangerous ... We're all super, for some reason my mouth felt tired and had a taste, my ass hurt, the other night we were having a great time on a record. It's the only thing I remembered from the other night. Suddenly the teacher said that a new student was going to enter. We were excited by a new student, fresh meat. The teacher said that his name was Melany, for some reason it became familiar, and a sensation of cold ran through my body, I...

3 years ago
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Dogs and Bitches

DOGS AND BITCHESByDorothy StrangeloveFrom the moment our eyes met, he blew me away. I was just turned thirty, long since given up on finding a knight in shining armour. By that, I mean I had tried to find a prince and protector but all I'd found instead had been wasters, losers, drunks and bullies. I thought Trevor was different. He was funny, drew people to him like a magnet. He was charming. He was dark and handsome with cropped silver hair and striking hazel eyes with great big long lashes...

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A Pretty Sad Universe

"This looks like a good hotel," Cliff Ventage said, pulling into a gravel parking lot by the sign that said "The Extraterrestrial Inn. ET's Home Away From Home!" along the highway to Roswell, New Mexico. "we'll stop here." "Do we have to?" said Emily, his teenage daughter, looking at the green two story motel with crudely painted pictures of little green aliens on the side. "This place sucks. Can't we please keep going? I want to get home." "It's not nice to say 'sucks',"...

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Planet Earth Revisited chapter 4

Now her tits were in the air. They were quickly covered by a layer of water, it just moved on its own! Ari then felt tentacles, also of water, move around her legs, waist and arms. They held her tight and lifted her up high above the water. She could now see the waves far under her whilst she was held 200 meters above the sea. She could see she was still traveling with high speed. Another three tentacles moved out of the water towards her. One entered her pussy, which was now wet (as if it...

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I’m lost. That’s all I can think as I try to get it together. I’ve procrastinated to the point that now it’s pretty much over. I had weeks to prepare and instead of being a normal responsible adult, I’ve acted like a child and pushed it off until the very last minute. I’m not going to have a Halloween costume tonight. First of all, I shouldn’t be blamed since I didn’t want to do it to begin with. The whole thing was Rachel’s idea and she acted like she did us a favor by coming up with it. ...

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PornWorld Jenny Wild Home Alone Cheating Teen Jenny Wild has Pink Pussy Fucked by Dads Business Partner

Jenny Wild is bored, horny, and alone at home when her fathers business partner unexpectedly shows up at the house. Having just been rubbing her clit in the other room, Jenny doesnt bother getting dressed to open the door. Naked and with a wet pussy, she quickly lets Erik into the house and comes onto him. Even though shes his business partners only Erik is powerless to resist and doesnt put up a fight. Within seconds, Jenny is squirming and moaning as Erik licks her pussy. After fucking her on...

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A Margin Call Delayed

‘I’m sorry Carter, I can’t give you any more extensions, I have to call in the margin, today.’ ‘Come on Diana, you can’t mean that! That’s 50 million! I’ll be wiped out!’ ‘You shouldn’t have taken on so much margin.’ ‘Great risk means great reward, you can’t have one without the other.’ ‘Great risk also leads to disaster, like today for instance.’ ‘I took a risk on you didn’t I?’ His fingers softly grazed her cheek. ‘That was different.’ She turned her head away, her cheek burning. ‘You...

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Afshos Daddys Fantasy

Constantly horny, and with a raving hunger for sex--that was AFSHO. She wanted a man to give her his big hard cock, and she wanted him to do it soon. But AFSHO didn't want just any man's cock. Sometimes that was how she felt, but today, and mostly, she wanted one man's hard cock inside her—her DADDIES. AFSHO had a totally obsessive desire to have her own father, ASIF, fuck her and be her lover. She had always loved her DADDY, and thought he was the most wonderful man in the world. But, when she...

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AngelicaChapter 21 Internal Devastation

Jordan took Angel with him on Wednesday morning to go see patients in the remote towns north of Argus Falls. They left early but before they got very far Jordan arranged to stop at the hospital in Cedar Springs so Angel could be examined thoroughly and have some tests run. Angel chewed on her fingernails as she waited to be seen by the ultrasound technician and Jordan busied himself stockpiling supplies for their journey as he alternately kept an eye on Angel. Finally, when the technician...

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If I Told You Part 1

I. Several people over the last couple of years have urged me to set some of this down. I'm still not sure that this is the best way to go about this, but if I don't put something down now, I'm bound to forget some of it and important details might get lost. Even now there is so much about it that really beggars the imagination. I'm going to try to set some of this down in the computer for two reasons: maybe somebody will read this and think that maybe I'm not so crazy after all and it...

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The Vicar of St Dunstans Ep 03

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My First EverythingChapter 49

Nothing much happened for the rest of the school year. I saw Bill in school, but we didn't speak. Kate stayed on her good behavior, pleasing both of my parents. Kate had never wanted to study ballet, preferring modern dance, jitterbug, or ballroom dancing, but when Agnes asked her to come to her advanced ballet classes just to work on her grace and smooth out her dance movements, Kate agreed to do it. She started taking two back to back advanced ballet classes each week from Agnes. Instead...

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Joanis New Black Boy Toy

Following her pickup of a handsome, young Black Man at the Scarlet Tree Bar and Grill, Joani took him to her house where they both drank far too much champagne. One thing led to another, and after much suggestive talk Joani found herself wearing only a g-string, black thigh high stay-up stockings and black high heels. She then coached her young Black Man how to suspend her by her cuffed wrists from her bedroom's ceiling hook so that her feet just touched the floor. Once this task had been...

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Top Cat Ch 01

I’m Top Cat, TC to my friends. I’m rolling East on I-10, early on a Monday morning. The Sun is just lifting free of the horizon. I have the sun in my eyes and a jackhammer of a hangover in my skull. I’ve been partying all weekend with some of my biker friends and I am feeling it now. My bike is making those old comfortable Harley sounds and I’m making good time in spite of the feeling that my head will explode every time the sun hits me in the eyes. I am sure my helmet is the only thing...

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Choose Another Profession

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 14

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1 year ago
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My Vacation With Mom Part 2

I opened my eyes. The clock on the wall said 8:00, and for a moment, I was confused. Was it night or morning? By the way the sun came through the window, I figured it must be evening. That would mean we'd been asleep for about four hours.I turned to mom. She looked so peaceful and content, strands of her blonde hair running across her face. She still had her bikini on, and I remembered how we'd come into the room from next door, too tired to change, and collapsed on the bed. As I looked at her,...

3 years ago
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My name is Jessica. I’m a fairly attractive, early-30’s single woman, about 5’6” tall, with a very nice body – my big 38D tits are my most impressive feature – a slim waist and 35” hips complete the package. As you can imagine, I had no trouble getting plenty of attention on my beach vacation. So, after 5 days of fun-filled drunkenness and debauchery in Miami, I packed my bag and headed back toward St. Louis, taking the scenic back roads through Florida and Georgia. I hadn’t given myself much...

2 years ago
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Two blow jobs in one day

My buddy Raymond was told this story by an online contact of his and passed it on to me:“I'm your average forty nine year old guy from Indiana sitting on someone's couch in Michigan who I just met only a day ago. Standing in front of me and looking down was someone that I spoke with online only recently and he was unbuttoning his pants and smiling at me as I watched him. I'm average, just short of 6 foot tall and weighing about 175, I run every day. I'm married, in good health, and just...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 06

Chapter VI   When Mike opened his eyes from his nap, he caught sight of Terri standing naked in the kitchen drying her long blonde hair. She appeared completely revived after their long afternoon of lovemaking and he assumed she must have gone for a swim before he woke up. Then looking over at the clock, he noticed it was getting late and that he'd better get up so they could head back to the dock before it got dark. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bunk and standing up, he walked over...

Wife Lovers
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Adventures being Sissy Rock Hard Guy

I was having a bit of a bad streak on CL with mature guys (I love Daddies) who only had semi-rigid cocks. Even though I got them off and got the cum the experience left me wanting. Now I'm a true and total slut (from lipstick to heels) and driven to please and satisfy, so I will always suck with enthusiasm, sound effects, and a smile. I also do my best to customize every blow job for the cock and man in front of me (unless I'm eating his ass at the time). I figured it was them and not me...

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Demons Desire

Demon's Desire Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: While this is one of my sweeter tales, when all is said and told, it *does* involved an initially unwilling TG Michael shook the salt canister, trying to shake every last granule from its...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 749

This one is compliments of Charm B. : Just one or two (actually four) old ones you may not have met. I like the last one best, perhaps because I was born before Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Why are brides dressed all in white? To match the rest of the kitchen fixtures. How many baritones does it take to change a light bulb? They can’t. Someone has to fetch a tenor to stand on a chair and change it, while all the baritones stand round saying, “I can’t do that - it’s too...

1 year ago
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Enslavement of my soul Part One

Again the dream, sweat rolling down his face, the drugged feeling. The scent still lingering in his memory, the music floating away as the fog lifted from him. His body ached as he pulled himself from the sweat soaked sheets. He flipped the bathroom light switch,  light always seemed to ease the feeling slowly away. The ice cold water that he splashed on his face brought clarity to his mind. The dreams were coming more frequent more vivid. After so many years instead of fading, her image became...

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Seducing And Fucking Husbands Cousin

Hello, their friends, sorry for delaying up the story work. I had some work that I couldn’t find time to work on the story. But no worries, I am back again here with another story and I believe you guys understood what this story is going to be about. So without wasting any time lets dive into it. My Name is Supriya, and I got married 2 years ago with my love, Rajeev who works in an IT Firm in America. So immediately after marriage, we left from India to America. Initially, our sex life was...

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Pepper Learns to Drive

“Maybe you shouldn’t ride her today,” I teased. “What!? Why not, I love Mystic, she’s the best horse in the world, and she loves me too daddy. Why can’t I ride her?” I looked at my teen daughter and judged her to be about the prettiest, most loveable daughter in the world. I felt a surge of Father’s Pride that she was so vibrant, so intelligent, so spirited. A father couldn’t ask for a better child, a better person in his life. Yeah, I loved my daughter Pepper without question, without...

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Mara The Warrior

Mara The Warrior A Note Before: In the period when Fictionmania was "off the air" I was reading a lot of sword and sorcery fantasy books, including some by Terry Pratchett. So I decided to try my hand at the genre, keeping in mind that I dislike stories that "poof" change the hero into a heroine at the beginning for no logical reason. Prologue: Captain Andrus walked between the cells in the dungeon making sure the three remaining prisoners were securely locked up and...

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Lilith the 8mm Shemale Queen

(This was written after viewing Lilith’s (fetishmy) video ‘A Rapid Cumshot. the way it is shot it looks like an 8mm film you would see in the old-time smut booths of a dirty bookstore) I have an interest in the XXX world from the 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s. Porn back then was not easily of accessed like today from the internet. the difficulty to get ahold of a dirty picture, magazine or film made it a prized possession. Today there is so much that it is rare to find a truly erotic person. One that...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three

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Jacqueline Fernandez and her Adventures Pt 03

When Jacky went to the bathroom and saw herself in the bathroom, she saw some changes in her appearance, first starting from her face. Her hair looked like she just came out of a hair salon, her makeup was still on point despite feeling so sweaty after a 5 hr sex marathon, her cheek bones were a bit higher than normal, no facial hair under nose line, more prominent jaw-line, perfect kissable lips, her skin tone got two shades higher and her face was literally glowing and nobody could tell that...

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The Unknown Planet

It's pitch black your thoughts are disturbed by a series of beeping noises. It feels like your head just exploded. God, what the hell happened? You were on a routine mission as part of the EGFA. Earths Galactic Forces Alliance created in 2035 to save humanity from it's own greed. Now we need another planet to call home or at least Earth two. This had you flying through space in a small tin can scanning planets in the hope of finding that magical planet. It was beginning to seem more like a pipe...

1 year ago
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The Night With A Transgendered Angel pt2

So,I stroked harder and faster till I couldn't take the pleasure anymore,then I blasted fat wads of my hot cum into her pink asspussy. She moaned in extacy as I she felt my load splurge into her. I pulled my semi hard cock from her ass slowly so I can watch as it leaks out. Being the little cum slut she is she ate every drop that came out of her freshly bred fuckhole. I sat in the chair naked and lit a cigarette,as I was smoking Steph got onto her knees and cleaned the pussy and cum residue off...

4 years ago
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Discipline and Reward A Love StoryChapter 4 In which our heroine cleans the place up a bit

Cynthia woke up at about quarter past noon and promptly launched herself into the bedroom ceiling. You see, when she awoke on the floor beside the wreckage of her bed, she found herself head down, ass up, arms stretched before her. I had something to do with that. While she was sleeping I kept planting “seed feelings” in her body that made her feel uncomfortable in whatever position she was in. Quite unconsciously I slowly “herded” her into her posture of supplication. Of course, finding...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister

StoreFraternity Brother To Sorority Sister Trouble At The Frat Ken knew he was in trouble and he couldn't hide much longer. He was hiding in a friend's house who was away and had told him he could stay there for a couple of weeks. He was thinking about his actions over the last few years that led him to his current predicament. It started three years ago with the access of easy credit. He had accumulated several credit cards with a combined credit line of $30,000. Which was...

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Fervour of the Past IV Vault

Fervour of the Past IV: Vault by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 After a week of unceasing labour, the water was removed from the vault, and the pumps could rest. The local workers moved on to removing the rock and soil from the newly revealed antechamber. Though the Roluans were just as fond of rumours as any other people I knew, my scuffle with the magnatess Sitolytta had barely registered in the local gossip. Apparently, women dropping out of windows wasn't all that interesting, at least...

4 years ago
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Kirk Creek 2

I was nauseous. I went up to my room, stripped of my swim trunks and hopped into the shower. I definitely made sure the water was cold. Staring at my partially erect cock, I began to soap up. Pieces of my dream played in my head as I washed. Trying to let the cold water force the stiffness out of my cock, I thought of my grandma's false teeth. It wasn't working.I heard my dad yelling up the stairs for me to move double time. There was no way I was going down there with even a half-chub. I began...

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Summertime Memory

Lil’ s*s (Anna) and I where laying around nude by the pool in the relax center of my home, and, as the year was coming to an end, sharing some memories. Anna left her man this past March and started hanging around hubby and me a lot more, which has been nice for the both of us. Anyway, we both agreed that one of the best memories of the years was from the summer.We live a short drive from the ocean where the beaches having rolling sand dunes. One day in July hubby, Anna and I went to beach...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 05 Chapter 9

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 9 As Rob drove home, he thought about everything that had happened to him that day. Going to the...

2 years ago
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Confessions Of A West Palm Slut Chapter 17

It had been a few weeks since I had last had sex. Three, to be exact. I had been working as many hours as possible and my new home in Palm Beach Gardens did not have nearly as many men around as my downtown apartment. This may have been the longest I had gone without sex since arriving in West Palm Beach, but to be honest, my memory was so cloudy I couldn't be sure. It was a Sunday in late June, and Courtney and I were spending the day lying on the sofa, trying to find the type of...

4 years ago
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2 School Girl

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers my name is Neil. Ye story specially Un ladkiyo k liye hai jo abhi abhi college life me enter hui hain. Kyun ki college life ek sabse Acha anubhav hota hai kuch new try karne k liye. Ye story start hoti h ek school ki ladki jiski naam kanchan tha. Wo +2 ki student thi(18 saal ki ). Mere ghar k 10 km par uska ghar tha. Jab bhi wo har roj school jati to main usko dekh ta rehta or wo hame sha mujhe ignore karti thi. Jis school me wo padhti thi us ki just pas...

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The Ring of Reality

Our story opens up with a person. Of course, who they are is up to interpretation, but what's important is that they have just come into possession of a special ring. This simple, yet beautiful ring has the ability to change reality on a grand scale. The ring is practically limitless, only held back by the imagination of the one wearing it. Why, with it, someone could cure cancer. Perhaps finally get the guy or girl of their dreams. Heck, maybe they just wanna walk around outside in their...

1 year ago
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Chasing Megan 3 REDONE

Introduction: So after rereading the old version I also felt it was a little…lacking so I went back and fixed it. I hope its just as good as the first two or maybe even better! College was hard to deal with since the one person that I wanted to most was still in high school and in classes while I had nothing for the day. All through my math class I kept thinking of how her breasts looked so fuckable in the baby-top tops that she would wear when I was around her. Or how I just wanted her to fuck...

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PenthouseGold Angelika Grays Naughty Nanny

Naughty nannies like Angelika Grays spend their free time not only giving sexy masturbation webcam shows to their boyfriends, but also making sure that their bosses get a good look and are well taken care of, too. That’s exactly what this salacious blonde does in this raunchy premium Penthouse porn flick. A late night encounter with Renato in the kitchen ends with the leggy stunner getting her pussy licked and pounded from behind while standing and getting fucked until her mouth is...

2 years ago
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It Gets Complicated

Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...

3 years ago
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My first gay experience

This is a true story. My best friend and I had sleep overs every weekend. We were both 14 and we were neighbors. Since we were 12 we would pretend we were married and would hump eachother clothed almost every sleepover night. We would usually both split time being woman, but recently I had taken the role of women more often. We also started doing different positions instead of just the traditional. My favorite is doggie style because I could feel his hard cock thrusting on my ass and it turned...

3 years ago
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Lindsey and Staceys homemade movie

I turned around to see my new 'friend' Stacey standing there. Although she was dressed in her supermarket uniform she still looked like one of the cutest and most fuckable BBW girls I knew. "Alright for a quick chat babes?" She asked winking seductively at me, we walked outside the store to a private secluded corner and began to kiss passionately. I couldn't resist her as I ran my hand up her skirt to touch her warm hairy wetness through her tan pantyhose, she broke the kiss and told me...

3 years ago
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My Fantasies No 2 The SeeSaw

This story is a fantasy I have enjoyed since the age of 16. Before I go into the details, it may help my readers if I put it into context, and provide some background, as the origins of this fantasy are based upon a real situation, which I subsequently developed in my own mind.   This all began when I was 16, with a chance encounter at the small playground   on our village green. The incident I am about to describe is completely factual, and formed the basis of my fantasy, which I will go...

2 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 30 Saturday March 19 Part Three

The phone call came right on time. 'Good tell him to come straight round. Tell him it's all clear little brother.' I did and we waited for the car to come into view. When it did Anne and Meredith jumped into the back while I sat in the front. "Just what sort of headlines am I going to read in tomorrows papers Winston, just what sort of bloodbath will they be describing? How many bodies Winston, how many?" "Seven," I said as casually as possibly. "SEVEN!" His voice began to rise...

3 years ago
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Black Tie Part 1

Nora flipped through the mail absentmindedly, sorting the junk from the bills. It was one of the things she did every afternoon (except Sunday, of course). Most days it was routine, but every once in a while...She stopped instantly when she came across a black envelope with their address in gold calligraphy. There was no return address, but none was necessary. There was only one sender that ever sent such distinguished mail, and this was the time of year it would come. It was the invitation to...


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