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I sit here on this bar stool nursing my fifth beer, wondering 'why me?' I realize that I have led a full life and that I was a little wild when I was young and foolish, but I guess there is no fool like an old fool.

I knew my greatest mistake, or maybe my worst discovery, was an errant nail. Let me start at the beginning. My name is Robert Michael Forsythe; I am 60 years old today, and I discovered yesterday that my wife of 24 years has been unfaithful to me for at least the past ten years. My wife is eight years my junior and we met when I was just starting as a manager in training for a packaging firm north of Pittsburg in western Pennsylvania. I had just retired from the US Army as a Major when the military was being downsized back in 1988.

I was a bad boy when I was younger. My parents worked a farm for most of my life, until I was about 14 when we moved into the city after my father left the farm in western New York to my older brother and his wife. I was a late in life baby; my mom was 42 when I was born and my next oldest sibling was my sister, Gretchen, at 19, then came my brother, James, who was 22. Because I worked on that farm for most of my life, I was quite strong. I was tall at 5-11, but skinny at 105 lbs. At school, there was one boy who was the biggest bully there. His name was Gordon Turner, and he was the star running back for the football team. He was about 5-11, but weighed in at 140 and none of it was fat. He had always left me alone, but not some of my friends.

I had glasses at 14, you know the big, thick, black-rimmed ones, and I was smart. We were tested for IQ when we entered high school, and mine was 141. Anyway, right before school started one day when I was 16, Gordon was pushing two of my friends around and demanding lunch money. James Sherman was about 5-5 and maybe 130 lbs, and Bill Hiller was 5-6 and 90 lbs, and neither was very strong or athletic; they would have been today's typical nerds. Gordon punched James in the arm hard, and he fell. I walked over and pulled Gordon around by the cocked arm that was aimed for Bill, and as he came around, I hit him on the side of the jaw, then in the stomach. Gordon went down and I told him, "If you want to fight, pick on me, not these two," and the three of us walked away.

Needless to say, I was called into the Principal's office and was suspended for ten days for fighting. Gordon received no punishment. When I got home, my punishment was a whipping from a lilac switch across my bare ass. It was at least two hours before I could sit at all, and even then I needed a very soft pillow. I tried to explain my side of the story, but since I was condemned by the school, I was wrong and they were right.

I must say this, though; at 61 my father was a force to be reckoned with after all that work on the farm. He was short on temper and long on discipline. After my ten day suspension, I came back and Gordon had a small party waiting for me. He now enlisted the help of three of his teammates, since his jaw was wired shut and he had 2 cracked ribs, courtesy of me. The three jumped me about a block from school and two of them each grabbed an arm to hold me as Tim Bryant, the center, attempted to pound on me for Gordon. I surprised them all by dragging the two holding my arms in front of me just as Tim threw his first punch, which hit Gary Silver in his left kidney, and he was out of the fight. As he dropped my arm, I elbowed Henry Darling in the stomach, then backhanded him to his face as well. Now it was just Tim and I, and I proceeded to beat him fiercely, and he was soon down on the ground. Henry was getting up when I kicked him in the chest and I heard a crack. I looked for Gordon and saw him running toward school.

Needles to say, by the time I got to school, the police were there and I could see ambulances heading for where I left Gordon's friends. I was taken to jail and I appeared before a judge and my father the next day. I explained my side of the story of both fights and Gordon's prior bullying, to no avail however. The judge asked my father if he would prefer that I went to the juvenile detention center until I was eighteen or if he would sign a waiver, I could go into the service for a four year minimum hitch. My father signed the waiver and I was sent to boot camp the very next day.

My career with the Army was really to my advantage. I entered the service as a very disgruntled grunt, and retired twenty years later as a Major with full retirement entitlements and a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's in business administration. I tried to find work around my hometown in New York, but there was nothing. I did find a packaging plant just over the border in Pennsylvania. They were looking for management trainees, and I submitted my resume and got an interview. With my new military bearing and my degrees, I was hired on the spot and over the next 24 years, I went from trainee to CEO. When I retired early at age 60, I was still a member of the company's Board of Directors.

Within a month of starting, I met Ellen Harper, a 28 year old secretary to the assistant director of operations. I found out that she was still single and had been hit on by just about every man in the office, including some of the salesmen who came in. I asked if she would show me around to get me acquainted with the operation and how things worked here, as well as the area. Ellen had been at the company for four years now.

At 36, I was 6'-1", 195 lbs, very fit, and I guess I was considered handsome by some. I had never married, although I never wanted for female companionship since entering the service. With me being new to the area and to the company, I needed help adapting. Ellen thought she could help me in that regard. We were dating exclusively within six months, and at nine months, I asked this dynamo for her hand in marriage. I was ready to settle down and be with one woman for the rest of my life. She accepted and we were wed before the year was up.

I had not made love to Ellen before our engagement, and only when we had set a date did I ask if it would be alright if we became lovers. I insisted that she either be on the pill or I would use condoms. I had always been a 'be prepared' kind of guy. I think Ellen appreciated that in me. I took things slow in my courting her and I hoped that she appreciated that as well, even though the time from when we started dating to our marriage was short.

My God, the sex was fantastic. Our first night was such a grand event. We went to Red Lobster, her favorite restaurant for dinner, then to a lounge we had frequented for dancing and some drinks. She asked me to take her home at eleven that night. I said 'sure', and as I was driving to her apartment, she said, "No, Bob, your place, not mine."

This was new. I drove to my apartment, we went upstairs, and I led her in. I asked if she wanted something to drink, and she said, "No, Bob, we came here for things other than more drinks," as she headed into my bedroom, unbuttoning her blouse. Needless to say, I followed in the wake of her shed clothes. When I arrived in the bedroom, I saw an angel lying on my bed in her bra and panties. I quickly shed my clothes down to my boxers, then joined her on the bed after folding her clothes and mine, putting them on a chair.

From there I proceeded to kiss every bit of her that I could get to, starting with her face and finishing up at her toes, going back to her bra covered breasts, where I found that she had on a front snap bra. I unsnapped it, and peeling the cups from her mounds, I kissed each exposed inch of her magnificent mammaries. Calling them tits somehow just didn't seem appropriate to me at the time or place. I continued to kiss, nibble, and tease her flesh as goose bumps rose all over her body. I then proceeded south with my hand, caressing her steaming flesh. As I rubbed her mound with my fingers, I could feel the wetness increase dramatically. Ellen was moaning and saying "My God ... so good. I never expected!" then I heard, "I'm coming, I'm coming already, and you haven't even started yet. I love you, Robert Forsythe!" My last name was drawn out as her orgasm hit her like a freight train. I continued to slowly rub her mound, but stayed away from her clit and nether lips.

Once she calmed down some, I slipped my fingers into her panties and pulled slightly as she arched her butt on the bed, allowing me to remove her soaked and soggy panties. Once they were off her body, I took them into the bathroom and put them in the sink, retrieved a towel, and went back to the bedroom. I slid the towel under her and she looked at me questioningly. I said, "I'm sure that neither of us wants to sleep in the wet spot once we are done here."

I saw love in her eyes, and there was more there too, but I was unsure about what it was. I think it might have been gratitude for thinking ahead.

As I climbed back on the bed, I had a condom that I put aside for later, and started kissing Ellen's legs from her knees up to her juncture. Once I was close, Ellen grabbed my hair and pulled me to her leaking pussy. I dove in with gusto and licked and kissed everywhere. I ran my tongue up and down her russet lips and they parted like the petals of a flower opening to the morning sun. I probed all along her slit until her fiery furnace opened up, then I drove my tongue tip into her opening. My nose bumped her burgeoning love button, and it set her off on another orgasm, although not quite the same intensity as the first one. I continued to make love to her portal of love and she continued to gain higher and higher plateaus of pleasure until she finally succumbed to the ultimate conclusion of my lovemaking. In desperation, she held my mouth to her spasming body until she was exhausted and fell back to the bed to regain her strength.

I wiped my mouth on the towel, and then climbed up the bed to hold her in my arms and cuddle her until she was able to continue.

Once Ellen regained her breath and some of her composure, she said, "Bob, I don't know where you learned to make love like that, but I hope that this is what I have to look forward to for the rest of our lives."

"Ellen, my love, I will not say where I learned the ways of loving a woman, just suffice to say that, 'you ain't seen nothing yet'. We're not done by a long shot, but yes, this is how I will make love to you until I can no longer take a breath of air."

"Oh, Bob, I love you," Ellen said, as she snuggled into my arms and soon was fast asleep. It was about a couple of hours later that early Sunday morning when I was awakened by someone sucking the lengthening stalk of my manhood. Once Ellen knew I was awake, she took a condom, rolled it on my shaft, and impaled herself on my cock, sliding back and forth while leaning on her arms as her pleasure center happily stroked my pubic bone. I was able to last for about three minutes this time before I felt my nuts retract and I said, "I'm coming, Sweetheart, come with me."

Just as I could hold out no longer, I felt her insides grip and spasm around my spear and I launched a load of sperm into the condom's reservoir. Ellen slowly moved off me, pulled the used rubber from my shrinking shaft, and put it on the towel, which she then moved to the side of the bed before cuddling back into my arms.

That is how we spent every Saturday evening until our marriage. We would go out to eat and dance, then come back to my apartment and make love all night long. Ellen moved in with me once we returned from our honeymoon in Niagara Falls, and we were deliriously happy.

About a year later, she came to me saying that she thought she was pregnant. We had her see the doctor and confirmed that the rabbit died. I had moved up a couple of rungs on the corporate ladder, so we bought a house. My parents had died, and I had invested my inheritance so that I was able to buy a four bedroom home in a very nice part of town that would denote our future importance. Mary was born shortly after we moved in to our new home, and Robert Junior came along two years later. We really didn't want more children, so I had a vasectomy when she was in the hospital having RJ. Since we couldn't have sex for at least six weeks after his birth, we figured that would be a great time for me to be snipped.

Life was great for the next twenty years; we raised our children and grew old together. Our sex life did diminish some, but let's face it, we weren't kids anymore but we still managed quality lovemaking much as when we started some 24 years ago. The frequency was down to about three times a month now, but I was extremely happy about that, and I thought Ellen was too.

This is when I found that nail that killed our marriage; well it about killed me too. I think the marriage was dead a long time ago if what I found was any indication. I was in the home office we had which was one of the four bedrooms. Ellen had an antique desk that had been in her family for several generations. It was a large secretary desk with the fold down writing surface, ornate carvings inside at the top two inches, and many cubby holes to store writing materials and such. Ellen had her laptop that she carried to and from work for many years which now stayed at home there, as she had a new one for work that was much smaller. She was now the personal secretary for the CFO of the company. My assistant moved into my spot when I retired, and the director of operations moved into the assistant's spot.

Anyway, as I walked by her desk, I saw a nail or something sticking out of the side near the top. It was loose and I pulled it out and heard a wooden clunk inside the desk. I thought "Oh, oh, I really did it this time' and opened the desk to see the damage. A hidden drawer had dropped down from the scrollwork at the top of the desk, and there were lots of memos, notes, and papers. I really didn't want to pry, but I was curious as to how long they had been in the desk. Imagine my surprise when I read e-mails that were dated as recently as a week ago. They were e-mails from the CFO to Ellen, some from the ex-director of operations to her, and some of them were from her as well. They were love letters and reminders of secret meetings with each other. Not both at the same time, but her with each of them.

I read them all, then thought if there was one secret drawer, there should be two, so I looked and sure enough there was another drawer. This one had a calendar memo book and a package of birth control pills, along with some more letters. A few of the letters were dated almost ten years ago. My GOD, Ellen has been cheating on me for ten years. That would be when the kids were just becoming teenagers. I took everything and went over to my printer and scanned everything in, including the birth control pill case with the prescription and doctor's name. I put everything back where I found it and put the nail back in the desk.

I was devastated; all these years and I never knew. When could it have happened, and the big thing is 'WHY'?

Thank God both kids were out on their own now. Well, RJ was still in college, but Mary was now married and pregnant with their first. But why did she start? What possessed her to start? I tried to think back to ten years ago. That would have been when Ellen was 42; had something happened about then? I couldn't remember anything, and then it hit me that both her parents died within less than six months of each other. Her father died first from colon cancer, and her mother died about five months later. We think it was self-induced. She kind of quit eating, and by the time we could see what was happening it was too late, and she had succumbed to pneumonia from being so weak. I know I was there for her; I don't know how many nights I just lay there in bed, held and cuddled her, and let her know that I loved her. I guess she decided she wanted more than I could give her.

When Ellen came home that night, I had her favorite dish prepared; tilapia fillets in lemon pepper sauce. I had some nice white wine and candles on the dining room table. I had her sit on the sofa when she got home and I rubbed her sore feet as I knew she always complained how much they now hurt her after a long day. She arrived home at seven, even though she was supposed to get off at five. As I was rubbing her feet, I noticed her wet panties and slickened thighs. I said nothing until after dinner when we sat on the sofa and enjoyed a glass of wine after the meal.

"Ellen, please can you answer something for me?"

She dreamily said, "Of course, my love, what do you want to know?"

"Why did you feel you had to cheat on me for ten years with Rodney Coleman, then with Dennis Farley, too? I really can't understand why."

"Oh MY GOD, how did you ... Oh, I'm so sorry, Bob; I never meant to hurt you. I don't really know; I guess I was feeling so low when my mom died so soon after Daddy, and I felt so old. You tried to cheer me up, but I just felt so old, then Rod told me he thought I needed a change and we went on that conference trip where things got out of hand. He said I was so beautiful and young-looking before, but I had let myself go and he wanted to help me get back to my old self. Oh, Bob, I can see I have hurt you so bad. I'm so very sorry, I can make it up to you, I promise. Just let me make it up to you ... I'll..." and she fell apart bawling.

I got up and walked into our bedroom and grabbed my suitcases and left her sitting there on the sofa crying. I went to a hotel in town and checked in. I had called and made a reservation earlier. I had my laptop with all the evidence. I had called my lawyer and the bank, and frozen our assets until further notice. My lawyer suggested a sharp female divorce lawyer who hated cheating spouses and would do about anything to hurt them. She was cheated on, both when she was in law school and during her first and only marriage. Like I said, she hated cheaters.

I turned my cell phone off before I left the house, but called both kids from the hotel and said that their mom and I needed some time alone for a while. Mary asked me, "Dad, what did you do? Did you cheat on Mom or did you hit her?"

"No, Sweetheart, I didn't do anything except love her too much. You'll have to ask your mother why we are not together right now, if ever again."

"OMG, she cheated on you. Can you forgive her, Daddy? I know she loves you."

"I don't think so, it started too long ago."

"So it's been going on for a while, what two months ... six months?"

"You need to talk to your mother. I need to call your brother. I'll call you again, but I have my cell off right now. Remember that I love you, Pumpkin." I hung up and called my son's cell. It was busy, so I would try again later.

It's been a very lonely day. So now here I sit on this barstool, nursing my beer, and trying to figure out what I did wrong. I had been to the bank and my lawyer's; I was now in the hotel bar and I came up empty-handed as I thought about the past. I have been using that little blue pill for the last five years to make sure that I could keep up with Ellen for the actual penetration part of our sex life, but I never have needed any assistance for the oral. Now I guess I shouldn't have even bothered. It wouldn't have mattered one little bit. God, what a fool I was to think that I could marry a woman eight years younger than me and still keep her satisfied.

The bartender says it's closing time; my God it's already 2:00 AM. I ask if I'm paid up, and he nods as I stagger off my stool and head for the door so that I can drag myself up to my room and try to get some sleep. Too bad this hotel only has three floors, otherwise I could go up to the roof and throw myself off, and end this miserable existence. But there is nothing above five floors in this small town, and that's not high enough to make sure I would be dead if I splattered. I think I read somewhere that you had to be up at least seven stories to reach terminal velocity and be able to kill yourself from the fall. I guess I will have to go to a big city and jump off one of their buildings. Maybe I'll try skydiving, then jam the chute when I solo and just fall from a great height. Who am I kidding? I couldn't make the cut anymore. I don't like heights now, even though I did have my jump wings, but that was a long time ago. I guess I just will have to kill myself some other way.

I did drop off to sleep sometime early this morning; I think the alcohol had something to do with it.

I was awakened by someone vigorously shaking me. Through the cloud of alcoholic stupor, I could hear, "Wake up, Bob, wake up damn you."

"Well, damn you too, you cheating whore, who asked you to come find me? I know I sure didn't, now leave me alone so I can die in peace."

"Bob, please come home where you belong. We need to talk more. Oh, God, I'm so very sorry I hurt you like this. You were never supposed to know."

"Too Damn Bad, and too damn late too!!! I do know, and I can't live with what you have done to our family and what you did to me. You should have to live forever knowing the hurt you caused me. I never even thought to cheat on you; and boy did I have opportunities, but I loved you too much to hurt you like that. I found my true love and she shit on that love for ten fucking years. Now go get fucked by Rodney or Dennis, or take them both on for that matter. I would almost pay to see that. Now get lost, you whoring bitch, and leave me alone in my misery." I think I slurred the last part, because I passed out from the pain in my heart.

I woke up sometime later, but I wasn't in my hotel room. I looked around and I had all kinds of wires and tubes running into or out of me. I had to be in a hospital somewhere. I looked closely and noticed I was inside some plastic tent thing, but I couldn't see clearly without my glasses or contacts. I finally looked toward the left side and saw my daughter sitting in the chair reading. I croaked out, "Hi, Punkin." It hurt too much to say more, but I think she heard me because she jumped up and ran outside.

She came back in with a nurse, I think, because she was fussing with the tubes and wires. She said something to Mary, but I couldn't hear it too good with all the noise inside this tent. I realized that it was an oxygen tent, and from that I assumed that I had a heart attack in the hotel when Ellen tried to wake me up. I guess I got too excited trying to get her to go away.

After the nurse left, Mary came close to the plastic and said, "Daddy, are you feeling better now? We have all been worried about you. You had a heart attack and Mom drove you here to the hospital and got you here in time. They're pretty sure there wasn't very much damage, but you have been asleep for three days now. Mom went home to shower and change, and she should be back anytime now. What?"

I had tried to say to tell that cheating whore to never come near me again, but the only noise that came out was "No."

"No what, Daddy? No, you're not going to die yet. You have to see your new grandbaby. Mom told us what she did and for how long too. RJ and I are not speaking to her yet, but she has been here the whole time except for when I have let her go home to change. What, Daddy?"

I was shaking my head no, but couldn't move it much and said, "No Bitch."

"You don't want to see her, Daddy, is that it?" I nodded my head for yes. "I'll try, Daddy, but she is kind of like you, and is awfully stubborn. She blames herself for everything, even the heart attack; yeah, I know she should be to blame." I was nodding again. "But she swears that she loves only you and that they meant nothing. She says that she was hypnotized into doing it." I could feel tears running down my cheeks. "I know, Daddy, how she could say she loves you that much and do what she did for so long."

"No love." I croaked out.

"Yeah, that isn't love by my book either, Daddy. I guess she can justify it in her own mind, but I don't see it that way myself either. I think that she is sorry, but it doesn't ease the hurt, does it?"

I shook my head and said "Lawyer."

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After Izzie had put me in Janes bed I waited for Zeeta. She was obviously tired, but I suspected that all she wanted was to be loved. When she arrived she called to Izzie and said "Bring me that lovely white silk nightgown that Mamma has bought me for my birthday" Izzie came in very quickly carrying a beautiful white silk nightgown She held the night gown up for me to see. It was long and milky white with spaghetti shoulder straps. White lace decorated the top. The night gown was so silky...

2 years ago
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Powerfully Sadistic

My friend is a mature bbw who enjoys being kinky and dirty behind her husbands back. We fuck and spend dirty depraved session every chance we get. Afterward we paddle each other for being so bad. The fact her husband is so clueless fuels our orgy more. We fuck, go down on each other and wipe our fuck juice on his chair, pillow ect while she gives him a to do list. Once after pissing her off she completely layed into him, watching her put him in his place , i grabbed her sucked her tits and...

4 years ago
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class reunion

Well, it’s our class reunion again! ugh 30 years past way to fast! But we get to see some old friends we haven’t seen in years! and a few we see a lot more but sometimes not for few months at a time. One is our good friend from out of state that is coming up this weekend also. We are looking forward to him coming up to catch up and have some fun with! It’s been a bit since we got to hang out and all. Well, we all have been working a lot! So, time off and away is well...

3 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 14

The drive to Albuquerque was uneventful. We got a late start because one of Tina's professors changed his mind and held class when he'd originally said he was going to cancel it. We took the Deming to Hatch cut between I-10 and I-25, but since I'd already factored it into our travel time, it didn't help much. Dinner ended up being fast food in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and it was mid-evening before we arrived at Sharon's parents' place. It didn't help that I got mildly lost...

2 years ago
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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 24

Alex his back stiff after hours of sitting gently eased his son and daughter over against their sleeping mother's chest, Marti'en had gone to talk with the others some time ago. Standing up he stretched his back and let out a sigh of relief, figuring Laurel and the babies would sleep for a while longer he decided he needed a good stiff drink and a hot meal, quietly he started to walk across the blanket strewn room. Hearing a noise Alex looked back to see a tiny little dragon poking his head...

3 years ago
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Ramona Jeans Wanton Honeymoon

Note: This is the second part of the story, following Ramona Jean’s Sinful Weekend. * Despite the fact that Mona was now on her honeymoon, as she sat leaning on and clutching the upper arm of her dozing husband on the swaying, thumping train, on a journey to a faraway land, she felt like a character in a spy novel. Never had she been privy to so many secrets. In the midst of such a public event as a wedding – even her small ceremony was announced in the newspaper – much secrecy surrounded the...

3 years ago
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Just Another Football Hero

Prelude Seventeen year old Hunter Killingsford lay on the sofa in the family room of his parent's home, his eyes glued to the television. It was what he did on Saturday afternoons in the fall of the year--watch college football games on television, and today was especially important because two of the teams that had expressed an interest in him were playing each other, head to head. Hunter watched the games with keen interest for two reasons. First he wanted to try to understand the style,...

4 years ago
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The Boy Who Dicked Through Time Vol 0

YEAR: 3000XX You watch the scene unfold before you while eating a piece of pizza. Two people stand before you; Alejandra Bones, a buxom pink haired woman in a blue business suit and President of the BONES Porn Company, one of the most powerful companies in the entire solar system. The other is Dr. Miho Mads, a brilliant, brilliant and buxom engineer, wearing a standard lab coat. Both of them appear to be in their early 30s. In this incredible high tech lab, the two babes stand next to what kind...

3 years ago
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You Come Home

You walk in the door, having spent all night at work. I walk downstairs, wearing nothing but my satin dressing gown. I see you sat on the couch, starting to take your boots off and walk over to you. You look up, see how little I’m wearing, how perfect my hair is, I’m wearing your favourite lipstick and perfume.I kneel on the floor and finish taking your boots off, then your socks. I lift your pant legs up a little and gently kiss the bottom of your legs, giving you a taste of what’s to come, if...

1 year ago
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The new lecturer

I woke up abruptly. A chalk piece had landed squarely on my occipital bone. Confused, I looked around. It was my usual seat in the second last row. Last night I was playing a video game, so I thought it best to put my head down and sleep. I had gone unnoticed in the first two lectures. The third lecture was supposed to be free, owing to the lecturer taking leave. After this was an interval for lunch, so who was waking me up? This was the question on my mind. I stood up groggily to answer the...

2 years ago
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Zendaya And Her Master

At the age of 25, Zendaya was ready to start the next chapter of her life, and as she walked inside the house carrying a box of her things, a dog stared at her from across the room, looking as if it was about to begin snarling at her, though that could have just been her imagination. It surprised Zendaya, and she almost dropped the box that she had been carrying. Zendaya had known about Tom's dog, not only from their many video chats but from the countless stories that Tom had told her over...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 22

With my little sister Princess off to the Caribbean for a two week honeymoon vacation and my delightful sister Lily mad at me because I didn't pay enough attention to her at the wedding, I was reduced to lonely nights of watching old reruns of "Buffy" on the tube and marveling how good she looked when she sitting on top of some poor vampire shoving a sharp wooden stake through his undead heart. My mother was an area counselor for the local Girl Scout troops and asked me to help out...

2 years ago
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A repair man at home Second Chapter

While this black repair man sat naked at our couch in the living room, I stumbled upstairs to have a warm shower and change my clothes, since this bastard nigger had called some of his buddies to come around and fuck me even more and more.His name was Deshawn and had fucked me in the ass and my cunt with his tremendous black cock. He warned me his black friends were very well hung as he was…After talking with my loving hubby on the phone; he just warmed me I should be careful with this black...

1 year ago
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Death name

There I was, driving home for work Thinking how my life seem so normal. Funny looking back. How much things have change. BANG!!! What??? I hit something!! As I see the body moving across my hood an into my windshied and over. SHIT!!!! Finally stopping my truck and over to the ditch. He was lying there. Blood and grass cover his body. I grab my phone call 911. 911 whats your emergency? SHIT I hit some one--------- Shanking so bad trying to think. Law enforce teaches how to hand thing...

3 years ago
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The Missing Cheese

It was well into the Second World War and Hannah had joined the Women’s Land Army. She was a very attractive 20 year old with her long dark hair usually tied back and her shapely, slim figure.The farm where she worked had a large herd of cows and the farmer and his wife also made cheese.Now, cheese was rationed and the population received a small cube each week and that was it.However, on the farm, in the diary, there were large blocks of it – lots of them. The farmer and his wife had to...

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The Neighbors Daughter Chapter Five

When they reached his house, Adam had to wake Megan up. She had fallen into a deep slumber on the drive home. Since Megan was still naked from the adventure at the restaurant, he took off his suit coat and told her to put it on for the walk to his front door. Robert followed them with Megan’s shopping bags from earlier in the day.  Adam really had mixed emotions about what he wanted to do now. He really wanted to continue what he had started at the restaurant, but at the same time, Megan was...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 57

Heather looked up as Brad and Gina entered the classroom together. Her attempt to quell her anger towards Brad failed. She wanted to believe that his fawning over Gina had not been his idea, though she realized she had no right to feel jealous if she was the one that had rejected him. Brad was as much a victim as Gina. Heather could feel it herself. She could let herself believe that it made sense for Brad and Gina to be together. From what little she heard of their conversation, she learned...

3 years ago
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Wagons HoChapter 19

I hadn't much more than climbed into our wagon after supper than I was attacked by Lettie. She was all over me, pulling my clothes off and pulling her clothes off. Millie started giggling and started removing her clothes as well. When we were naked, Lettie tackled me onto the bed. Millie piled on top of us and we were a mass of laughing, giggling, squirming lovers. I have no idea of who was touching who. I didn't care and I don't think anyone else did either. We ended up with me on my...

3 years ago
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Fill Me

Samantha is a beauty. A wonder. She showed me a night I would never forget, and she won’t let me. I chalk it up to the fact we keep repeating it. She’s 5’9”, milk-chocolate skin, plump lips, DD breasts. She weighs about 275 lbs, because hey, I like bigger women. She’s funny, smart, and outwits me all the time. What happened the first night we met, though…that’s what did me in. -- I wasn’t entirely sure what to do. This woman was amazing, but this request she made... it just seemed bizarre to...

3 years ago
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What Happens At The Gold Coast

Andie and her husband were finally going on a much-needed holiday. The Queensland border had opened just in time for their getaway. Bernie took the gamble when he booked the holiday only two weeks prior, and it paid off. The discount offered to attract tourism after the financial woes of 2020 due to Covid was too good to refuse.The long drive was uneventful as the couple shared the driving, with Andie taking the wheel for the final stage in the Gold Coast traffic. Bernie was country born and...

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Room 268

“I was born ready!” I exclaimed. “That’s the spirit!” said my dad. I moved everything into my room, but my roommate wasn’t there yet. Who was it going to be? Was she going to be nice or mean? Kind or rude? Pretty or ugly? All these thoughts raced around my head as I moved in. After I moved all my stuff in and my parents left, I was sitting in my room enjoying the silence when there was a knock at the door. I went over and answered it and there was this beautiful girl standing there. “Hi...

3 years ago
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The Meeting 2

I am not the author, a friend of mine isWe move to my bed. Slipping between the sheets we lay entwined and kiss gently not wanting the moment to end. Your hand brushes over my left nipple. Your touch making me moan softly as my body drives into an erotic frenzy. My fingers move and massage your bum as we kiss, finding that dimple at the base of your spine. My tongue laps at your earlobe and down the side of your neck. Our bodies pressed together I feel your erection against my belly. I breathe...

2 years ago
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My Maria Scene 2

Saturday afternoon was quiet around my house so I took the time to look at my recent photos to enlarge print and mount. The music in the background was soothing and I was being serenaded by Sara Brightman’s Harem album. The sun had gone behind the clouds and I had to turn on a light. It was then that I noticed the lights came on in Maria’s Play Room (that’s what I called it now). Maria was a petite Latina woman in her late 20’s with a lovely compact tight body who loved to play with other...

3 years ago
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Komal 8211 My Princess 8211 Part 1

I was always amazed, how would it feel to penetrate, to fuck and to love someone physically intense. So here is how it happened. I am not a unique but a simple bulky guy from the neighbourhood. Mama’s boy and chubby for others – mostly ignored but has a deep urge to be the centre of attraction. This might sound phenomenal of everyday psychology but that is how it was. I am 24 now residing at Nagpur. But the incidents happened was 2 years back. It was Aug 2015. I was in the final year of my...

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The TreatmentChapter 5 Results Begin to Show

The next day was Saturday and I had some recovering to do. I had had more sex than on my honeymoon 30 years ago. It was certainly a lot more than the two years preceding my divorce last year. I decided to pursue whatever happened with any attractive women and to politely turn down any offers from others. Now don't start in with me about the shallowness of physical beauty. A women's attractiveness to men is something built into us by millions of years of evolution. I can't help what I like...

4 years ago
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Lisa Summers the babysitter

Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...

2 years ago
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I Suck my First Cock Gay

I swim at a pool near my home twice a week. I like the exercise, and I'm a decent swimmer. I tend to swim late in the evening because the pool is quieter. Last week, I was in the shower washing off the chlorine after a hard, long swim. There was one man in the pool apart from me. He was a huge bull of a man. He looked like a retired heavyweight boxer gone to seed - not a contender, but the sort of boxer who gave his all before being inevitably floored by a faster, younger man on the way to the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 284 the Gangsta Way

I went home from the club for a couple of hours rest, as I had begun to think of the recharging. I could go a couple of days on just normal free electron charging. If I wore the solar vest outside, I could go on reduced power indefinitely or so they claimed. I hated the reduced power phase, that is why I recharged as often as most people just sat resting. I guess it was pretty much the same thing. Replenishing the energy pool. Whatever it amounted to I rested for an hour or so, then turned...

2 years ago
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Encouraged by the ex

So, I think it started with my ex. She was a mean drunk and drank a lot. She got violent and insulting. We had sex pretty regular at first and one time she reached up as I was getting close to cumming while in missionary and pinched my nipples hard and said "cum in me you little bitch" I did instantly and she just laughed. I asked what was so funny and she told me her friend Stephanie thought i was a pussy and told her to pinch my nipples next time we were having sex to find out. I said,...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 04

Maynard drove frenetically, hoping to reach the entrance before Nick could. He had no idea how long ago he’d woken up, and thus knew he had to secure it fast. Maynard did have a plan in advance, he just didn’t think he’d need to use it so soon. Beforehand, Maynard had set C4 up in the mountains on either side of the road leading into Aftersun. He had the detonator in his coat and it was ready to blow at any second, but he needed to be sure that Nick was still in the town. Or that at least the...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 11

By Bob Chapter 11: Being True to My Love and Myself "Ah, Jon, can we talk somewhere else," I said knowing that chances were that others would be coming into the bathroom. "Sure, let's take a walk," Jon said as he made his way to the door. "Maybe we can hit the lake and talk." There was a very bright glimmer in his eye as he said that. I wasn't sure whether that was a good idea, but getting out of the washroom was. I followed him as he made his way down the stairs. As we left...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Sister8217s Friend In Her Home

Hi ISS readers i’m arjun and i’m a regular reader of iss and i use to read stories from many years and finally i’m posting my experince here. Any unsatisfied lady or any girl intersted in sex around hyderabad can mail me and i’ll satisfy you. Coming to the story this happen around 1 year back and i dont have time to post this from many days. I am writing it now, her name is madhuri and she is at the age of 22 when this incident happen and as she is friend of my sister who is elder than me so...

2 years ago
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Fucked Khala My Virgin aunt 2

Then I hugged Khala and told her - Khala, once you have cuddled with me, you will not be able to live without me. Khala was wearing a bridal red lehenga (skirt), choli ( blouse) chunri (stole) and a lot of jewels, and along with flowers in her hairs , like a nymph from heavens. My cock became uncontrollable upon seeing her and knowing that she is my virgin bride for night and another virgin awaits me for next night .. these thougts got me a good strong errection. Khala was standing...

3 years ago
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The Surrogate Husband

I’ve been divorced for over a decade.  Left my annoying as fuck wife, moved to southern Oregon, and immersed myself into the local culture; a little redneck, a little hippie, a little woo-woo, a little folks-with-money-who-don’t-flaunt-it.  Most of my friends fell into the first three categories, and many of those ladies satisfied my sexual urges without any hope of anything beyond that.  I also made a few friends, all happily married couples, in the latter set.  It’s a particular one of those...

2 years ago
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Another Love

You couldn’t hear the roar of the Boeing 737 Turbofan jet engines from the airport observation deck, but you could see the tremble of the large plane as the twenty thousand pounds of thrust kicked in. A jet engine is a marvelous creation. It is as beautiful as any work of art and has the deceptive simplicity of a flower, each delicate part intricately dependent on the others. I have spent the greater portion of my life in the pursuit of my passion for these beautiful and powerful creations....

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My Life as a Shemale Part6

It was the night before my first day of school, I was excited. Sam was over and we were chatting away, she was really becoming a good friend. I told her about what had happened with Mike the week before and she listened to the whole story. She asked me how I had felt about it and I kind of laughed, "It left me with a good memory even though I am sorry it won't happen again, I don't think he will want me anymore but you warned me about it". Then I grinned, "I did have a really sore butt for a...

2 years ago
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My Night With Hotwifepol

This is another fantasy story involving another Xhamster user, this time it's hotwifepol. Her link here: http://xhamster.com/user/hotwifepolI was spending another lazy afternoon browsing Xhamster and I was trying to find something to jerk off too when I found her picture. She was gorgeous and I was mesmerised by her beautiful eyes and enchanting smile. She was so beautiful so I sent her a friend request. To my surprise she quickly accepted and I was very happy but I thought that she...

2 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 21

She knew that voice!! It was Jamal from school, the Black boy who had intimidated her, the Black boy that her racist self had turned down for a date!! He was the sexiest guy in school! She looked up and was embarrassed to see the face of one of her classmates staring down at her and seeing her nakedness. For a second she started to move her hands to cover her tits and pussy. However, her discipline took hold and she did as her Daddy had commanded and maintained her submissive position....

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 32

Choosing what to wear proved to be the most difficult task for Lauren on Saturday morning. She wanted to wear something that would encourage Felix as they had a stroll through the local hills, but nothing that would shout 'take me now'. She knew that attack from mosquitoes was also a possibility so long sleeves were best. Jeans and her father's shirt won, with a full bra that would emphasise her shape under the loose fitting shirt. She showered and washed her hair before dressing and...

3 years ago
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Seeing Is Believing Part 1

"Craig, I think you had better leave before I say something that I will really regret." Looking somewhat stunned Craig got up and going toward Nancy said, "I didn't mean to offend you, I just wanted you to know about my fantasies that involve us." "Well you can stop fantasizing about us, because I want no part in it, of it or anything like it, Craig. It's disgusting and I really don't know how you could even contemplate such a thing, much less indulge yourself to fantasize about it. Please...

2 years ago
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Lady Sally Blackrook Victorian Adventress 2 Tormenting Technology

Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack  ([email protected]) Tormenting Technology! Lady Sally Blackrook looked down at the sabre tip pressing firmly against the front of her bodice.  It had been a short fight and from the beginning she knew that her chances of killing or incapacitating the five armed men were low if not virtually non-existent despite her prowess with a blade. Still several of the men nursed wounds to their arms and faces, her own blade coloured with their...

3 years ago
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Temple of Brahamgiri 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Urvashi. First of all, would like to thank all my readers who liked and appreciated the first part of my adventure at the Brahamgiri Hills and also encouraged me to write the second part. Just to tell you about my background once again, I am an archaeologist by profession and love to explore the unseen, unheard parts of the country. This story is about one such trip I took to South India for work. I woke up the next morning with a knock on the...

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