Purple HeartChapter 5: Hurdles free porn video

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Moralez sat at a table in the gym, leaning over a toy barn. He dropped a wooden block shaped like a star into a matching hole, then picked up a circle in his prosthetic hand, manipulating the wooden shape in his fingers and inserting it into the appropriate slot. This was a toy for toddlers, he didn’t see the point of it.

Kaisha hovered nearby, recording data on her tablet computer.

“The dexterity is really amazing,” she said as she observed him. “I might have to ask the imaging wing to take a scan of your neural activity, we might find out something that could help us with our other patients.” She watched him insert a yellow triangle into its hole, then set the tablet down on the table beside him. “So I talked to Miss Raz earlier today, she told me that she met you at the recreational facility yesterday. She mentioned that you had some kind of ... problem with your prosthetics? Did you not want to talk to me about it? It could be important.”

He forced a square block into a square hole. Damn that Raz, couldn’t she just mind her own business?

“Just a glitch. As you can see, I’m fine now.”

“Well ... that’s not all she said. She told me you were afraid, avoidant. I’m sensing some of that avoidance right now. Why won’t you talk to me? If there’s something bothering you, something interfering with your neural link, bottling it up won’t help you get better.”

He rose to his feet abruptly, a little unsteady on his leg.

“Let’s go for a walk, it helps.”

Kaisha hesitated for a moment, then nodded, following him out to the torus.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, the exercise and fresh air making him feel more in control. His prosthetics began to respond more accurately to his commands. Kaisha seemed to notice it too, watching his demeanor change and his gait become more natural.

“A while ago, you asked me if what happened to me made me feel ashamed,” he began. There were so many people around him, but he wasn’t worried about anyone overhearing his confessions. There was anonymity in a crowd.

“I remember, yes. You didn’t reply,” she said, keeping pace beside him.

“I’m worried that if I tell you how I feel, you’ll think less of me.”

Kaisha seemed more frustrated than concerned, looking down at him with a frown.

“You’re always so concerned with how other people see you, how other people feel, that you never take the time to ask yourself how you feel.” Kaisha stopped him, placing her hand on his shoulder. He feared that he might seize up again and that his leg would fall out from under him, but her touch was different. Soft, gentle. “This is about you, Lieutenant. Your recovery, your rehabilitation. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”

“But what you think does matter, Kaisha, it matters to me...”

“What happened to you wasn’t your fault. There was nothing you could do to fight off a Borealan who was three times your weight, nor was there anything you could have done to save your limbs. You must realize that and move past it. Nothing can change what happened, but you can go beyond it, the past doesn’t have to haunt you like this.”

His leg buckled and she caught him before he fell, helping him over to a planter in the middle of the walkway so that he might sit on the side, the green leaves of the shrubs tickling the back of his head.

“There’s massive interference,” Kiasha said, holding up his arm as the polymer fingers twitched violently. “You have to communicate with me so that I can help you,” she insisted. She stared at him with her reflective, blue eyes, concern etched on her face.

“It felt ... good,” he stammered, his arm rattling audibly in its casing. His stomach churned as if he were admitting to some disgusting secret. “I was scared, I was angry. But as I lost the will to fight her and started to just ... let her have her way, when I didn’t have the strength left to keep resisting her...” Kaisha watched him intently, her expression neutral. “It felt ... good. I felt like I had no control over my body, she moved over me, and it responded to her against my will. It didn’t matter how I felt about it.”

“I see,” Kaisha replied, trailing off. Moralez’ guts knotted, terrified that she might just disown him and leave him here, sitting in the middle of the station on his own. Instead, her expression softened and she perched on the planter beside him, her fluffy tail trailing into the bushes behind them. She straightened the white coat that she always wore, taking a moment before continuing.

“Why do you blame yourself for what happened to you?”

He had to think about it for a moment, trying to calm down and breathe more regularly.

“I’m a Marine. I’m supposed to be in control of my men, the situation, myself. I’m supposed to be disciplined, but I lost everything on Kruger. The men under my command were killed, my limbs were blown off, I couldn’t fight Azi. I did my best, but it was never good enough. I was powerless to stop any of it.” Moralez felt Kaisha’s furry hand on his shoulder again, the weight of it was somehow comforting. “If I had been a better leader, if I had made different decisions, maybe they would still be alive. Maybe there was something that I could have done to take Azi down, I tried to stab her in the neck. Did I telegraph the attack? Could I have shot her if I had drawn quicker? She forced herself on me, and some part of me enjoyed it, what does that make me?”

Kaisha wrapped her arms around him, pressing his head into the downy fur that protruded from beneath her collar, her embrace warm and gentle. He felt her breath ruffle his hair, and the heavy thud of her massive heart calmed him, the rhythm somehow soothing. She smelled good, like perfume, and her silky coat tickled his cheeks. The trembling in his arm diminished, and he gained more control over it, the vibrations ceasing as he let it rest about her waist.

“You’ve not done anything to be ashamed of, Lieutenant. I don’t think less of you, I think more of you. You went through so much in so short a time, and yet you’re making faster progress than anyone I’ve ever treated.” He felt her hand stroke the back of his head, the sensation soothing. “Don’t you feel better now that you’ve gotten it off your chest?”

He withdrew from her hug, and looked at his hand, flexing the fingers. Not perfect, but better, much better. It was almost as if the prosthetics were a direct indicator of his emotional state. A line-in to his subconscious mind.

“I should have trusted you from the start,” he mumbled.

“It’s fine, these things take time. You’re exhibiting many symptoms of a stress disorder, which is a completely normal reaction to an abnormal experience. I can fix that.”

“I take it this won’t be as easy as just bolting on a new arm?”

“Not even remotely, but I can only succeed if you talk to me. We have to work together on this.”

Moralez nodded, standing up. His leg was still a bit wobbly, but if he started walking again, he knew that it would even out.

“You hungry? Sandwiches are on me,” he said. He offered her his hand, the fingers extended. Kaisha took it and rose to her feet, a smile on her furry face as she towered over him. The previously garbled signals now interpreted her fluffy palm and the pads on her fingers as they closed around it.

“I want bacon today.”

Kaisha chewed her giant sandwich happily. There must have been at least a pound of bacon in it, along with all the grease and butter that her kind so enjoyed. She must have an incredible metabolism to be able to eat as much as she did. Moralez watched her, smirking as she used her textured, feline tongue to clean the oil from her furry fingers. He took a bite of his meatball sub, savoring the taste. It would barely have been a mouthful to her, and he wondered what the cost of feeding even the minority of Borealans who were stationed on Pinwheel amounted to. One of the many benefits of living on the station was real food, it beat attempting to warm up an MRE in a rainstorm any day.

“I think it’s a good idea,” Kaisha commented, taking another bite of her sandwich and mumbling as she chewed. “Being around recruits could be beneficial. It’s like exposure therapy, you’ll see that they aren’t dangerous and that what happened to you was an exception to the rule.”

“I don’t know, a whole room full of Mad Cats?”

Kaisha chuckled, swallowing.

“They’re just kids, Lieutenant. They’re probably nearly as scared as you are, it’s their first time off-world, they’re in a new environment surrounded by aliens.” She nudged him with her elbow. “Besides, Raz will be there to keep you safe. I can come too if you want.”

“If you have the time, I’d appreciate that.”

“Well, I’m free right now. Let me see what Miss Raz is doing, hang on.”

She rose to her feet and walked across the plaza to one of the walls. There were monitors inlaid at wide intervals in the hull of the station, Moralez had never noticed them before, were they some kind of payphones? She typed in what must have been an address, and after a momentary delay, a flare of orange hair appeared on the screen. She was too far away for him to eavesdrop, but the two aliens talked for a couple of minutes before Kaisha terminated the connection and returned to their bench.

“We can go see her right now if you’re ready,” she said. Moralez chewed his sandwich, considering. “Thinking about it won’t help, better to just commit.”

“Alright, let’s go.”

It was a fairly short walk as the military quadrant was adjacent to the tourist quadrant, and the crowds of personnel on leave were soon replaced with uniformed soldiers with places to be, hurrying between the larger aliens like cars passing trucks on a highway. Kaisha led him to a building that was just across from the recruit barracks. Both were squat, spartan buildings, colored the same off-white as the floor and walls of the torus. They entered through the main door into a hallway, tall enough for Kaisha to stand without crouching, and probably for two of the aliens to pass each other without colliding. The doors that lined the walls were equally large. This structure had been constructed, or more likely modified, with housing Borealans in mind. Rather than feeling as if he were in a Borealan-sized building, the human style made him feel as if he had shrunk down to the size of a child. He might as well be a kid being dropped off for his first day of school by his mother.

Kaisha’s round, fluffy ears swiveled, she could obviously hear the class, wherever it was taking place. He followed her down the hall, and they turned a corner, Kaisha selecting what seemed to Moralez to be a random door. She ushered him through, and he found himself standing in a room with a dozen seated Borealans and a grinning Raz.

“Kaisha, Lieutenant Moralez, I’m glad you decided to join us.”

The Borealans watched him curiously, all clad in matching blue uniforms that labeled them as recruits, a dozen pairs of feline eyes scrutinizing him. Most were of the red-headed variety like Raz, but here and there was a head of black or blonde hair, and some had skin tones noticeably darker than the others. Their markings varied too, some had tiger stripes while others had spots like a cheetah or a leopard. It was hard to determine their ages. They didn’t seem to be children, but they clearly weren’t veterans either. If recruiting age for Borealans was anything like that for humans, they were probably in their late teens and early twenties.

He felt out of place and self-conscious as they examined him with their feline pupils. Into the goddamned lion’s den, he thought to himself, his prosthetic fingers beginning to tremble.

“Recruits!” Raz bellowed, her voice commanding. “This is Lieutenant Moralez and Doctor Kaisha, you are to treat them as Alphas, they will be sitting in on today’s lessons.” The recruits stood and saluted in unison. They were well drilled, it must take a firm hand to keep this many of them in line. Moralez felt his confidence rise a little. This was a military setting after all, and he ranked higher than anyone here. Not that rank had mattered at all to Azi, but it was still a familiar environment.

Raz waved Moralez over, and he walked to the front of the class to stand beside her, his head scarcely reaching her bust. Meanwhile, Kaisha found a Borealan-sized seat at the back. They seemed almost as curious about her as they were about him, and he was a tiny half-ape, half-cyborg. Were Polars uncommon on the homeworld?

“As many of you are fresh off the shuttle,” Raz began, “you will not have had many interactions with humans. You are here to learn, to socialize, and to gain an understanding not only of how humans behave but how you must behave around them.” She gestured to Moralez, who was standing patiently, not really understanding what he had just signed up for. “Status among humans is not decided by size, weight or strength. It is decided by,” she balled her fist to punctuate the statement, “accomplishment!”

One of the recruits asked her a question in their native language, hissing and gurgling.

“English only in class, Korza,” she replied tersely. The alien steeled himself and tried again, this time in broken English with an odd, rolling accent.

“How you know accomplish ... ment?”

“The UNN is divided into ranks. The lowest, like you fleabags, are privates. You have no accomplishments, you will obey all orders given as if they came from the mouth of your Patriarch.”

Raz retrieved a long, telescoping stick from her table, and pointed to Moralez. He was wearing a UNN-blue dress shirt, one sleeve tied where his left arm ended, and matching pants that ended in a single boot. It wasn’t quite formal, but Moralez had no civilian clothes on hand, and he had been provided with standard issue replacements for his shredded gear when he had arrived on the station. She hovered over the single, silver bar on his collar.

“Observe the metal badge, you will learn to recognize them. This one indicates the rank of First Lieutenant. Markings and medals also appear on the chest, here.” She moved the pointer down to his breast, although he had none to display at that time. “Any questions?”

Korza raised his hand again, and Raz nodded to him.

“What happen to you?” the Borealan asked. Raz shot him an angry look and hissed something, and the alien bowed his head submissively. “Sorry, what happen to you, sir?”

Emboldened by having his rank clearly stated, Moralez felt like giving the aliens a show. The slight trembling in his digits had abated, and he raised the arm to his face, catching the sleeve in his teeth and pulling it back to expose the length of the robotic arm. He held it above his head so that they could get a good look at it, flexing the fingers. The recruits muttered amongst themselves, curious and surprised.

“I lost my arms to a grenade, and one leg to cannon fire from a Penguin’s twenty-millimeter cannon.” He pulled up his trouser leg with his hand, showing off the stylized prosthetic. “We were fighting Bugs, Betelgeusians on Kruger III. We encountered a new variant, warriors, bigger and stronger than the drones that we were used to fighting. They were resistant to railgun fire, grenades, and bayonets. The only way we could bring one down was cannon fire, but it was practically on top of me at the time. My leg was hit by a shell during a strafing run, then the grenade that I had been cooking went off in my hands. My armor stopped the shrapnel from killing me on the spot, but it was a close call. Half of my organs were replaced too.”

The recruits seemed impressed by this, nodding approvingly and murmuring to each other. Borealans were a martial people, and it seemed that they respected conspicuously injured soldiers as if it were some kind of achievement. In a way, being back on his feet after such an ordeal was.

Raz gestured for him to take a seat and so he moved to the back of the class, hopping up onto one of the oversized stools next to Kaisha. A few of the aliens turned their heads, sneaking looks at the pair.

What followed was a class on military insignias and command structure. Moralez was all too familiar with it, but seemed to be a new concept to most of the recruits. There wasn’t much for him to do besides wait, but as the lesson dragged on, he started to become less anxious around the massive aliens who filled the room. They were entirely submissive towards Raz, and he assumed anyone who outranked them. There was no hint of the aggression that Azi had displayed towards him. That said, Lambda pack as a whole had been submissive to him at first, it was only when Azi had seen her chance to take command that her attitude had changed.

“Feeling okay?” Kaisha whispered. He nodded, clenching his mechanical fist. There were no tremors, but he felt hyper-vigilant, on edge as if waiting for something to go wrong. He missed the comforting weight of his M1911 on his hip. Come to think of it, where was his gun? He had been wearing it on Kruger. Had it been destroyed by the grenade? Unlikely. Maybe he’d inquire about it when he got back to the hospital.

His train of thought was broken as a man entered the room, he was human, wearing insignias that labeled him as a firing range instructor. Raz seemed especially happy to see him, and the recruits stood to salute.

“How are they doing, Raz? Ready for some more hands-on training?”

She called the recruits to attention, and they rose to their feet, falling in and filing out of the room in a line. Kaisha stood, and Moralez followed her lead. They left the building, exiting onto the torus, and made their way towards what must be the firing range. The Borealan recruits stayed close-knit, with Raz at the head of the formation, while Kaisha and the two humans walked nearby. It reminded Moralez of ducklings following their mother.

Same as Purple Heart
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Peggy took a couple of days off to be with Brenda and she seemed to be more like her old self. Brenda became a lot more relaxed around us and, now that all of the past tensions were gone, she started taking better care of herself and glowed with an inner beauty that matched her outer beauty. She was a big help with Peggy and within days it seemed totally natural to have Brenda living with us. The only problems I has in those weeks after we got back from Denver was the hot tub and the pool....

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sex games part2

as i watched the 2 girls starting to ravage my sister, i thought to myself,they did not know what they were in for. my sister mary is physical, hard body,hot legs.you could crack an egg on her breasts.i never really saw her monkey, but i often dreamed about it.when i was 10 years old i got a peek .,through her nite gown, but that was it. karen and i were awe struck and just sat st the picnic table and gulped our beers.we had to see this,our hands quit rubbing. we just were in shock.the 2 new...

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Adjoining rooms continued

Adjoining room continued The next day was difficult, every time I saw Vicky she would not make eye contact. I understand. Neither of us had what happened in mind. Certainly we had not planned to have seen the other nude, let alone masturbating. I think we both enjoyed ourselves, but to have a stranger become involved, was difficult to accept. The day just dragged on and on. About an hour before time to quit, I stopped at her desk, and said “I am going to stop for a pizza on the way home. And...

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Aid for Who

Hope, Aid and Fun? in Aleppo It was fast closing dusk, late in July as John, Nick, Charles and Doreen finally completed loading the seven tonne truck in the car park of the village hall in Little Dickson, Wiltshire, with goods for the refugee families in Syria. They had supplied, in some of their cases, for ten years to varied countries in dire conflict but this would be a virgin run to the troubled state. It would take John Nesty and Nick as drivers, John being the very wealthy truck...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 75

Jeff’s bachelor party was on a Thursday night ten days before the wedding. I’ll admit I was nervous. It made no sense. I didn’t make a request or even a suggestion as to what might be inappropriate behavior. That could never happen. Sure, cousins Ben, Tyler and Malcolm would be there. Ben’s attitude made me suspicious. Tyler and Malcolm were superstars at inducing fear. They were capable of attending a religious retreat and turning it into an event where they were the only ones not arrested. ...

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I Used to be Somebody

My name is Jeffrey Bruton. I was a big shot in a small town until one stupid decision took it all away. When I was sixteen I got drafted into the CHL, the top junior hockey league in Canada. For four years, I was a hero in my town. I was a 6 foot tall two hundred pound center with long wavy hair. I played with an edge that always made me a fan favourite. I had the hottest girlfriends, and plenty of action when I was in between girls. Unfortunately I never got drafted to the NHL. So after...

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Totally Chesty Chapter 01

Chapter 01 – The Start of Everything “So, is this the place?” “It seems it is. It looks pretty rundown but I think it what that guy told” From a nice blue car, two men appeared to admire a place that once hosted a bar and club close to Steelport’s coastline. One of the men, dress with a camo shirt and army-like pants, was a 26 year old former Army standout named Chris Wallace, and the other, sporting a white polo shirt and jeans was a man on his 30s named Victor Thomas, himself who worked...

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The story behind the gallery pictures

A friend came to me and told me about this production. ‘She’ knew that I was between jobs and could use the money; she also wasn’t really interested in doing it due to what was involved…mainly a very sore ass!I grew up being punished, I’ve had some lovers who believed that it was a good way to affect an attitude change. I don’t enjoy being spanked, I don’t like being paddled or other things used to make my ass sore. I was only doing it for the money.The InterviewI contacted the producer then...

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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 7F

BOB (Monday 4/10) Kat woke me up very early with a dripping swollen nipple in my mouth. "You did this to me, Bob, now you're gonna have to handle it! They hurt!" Well a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I gave in to her pleas and started the grim job. After two sucks she started squirming. She said, "Fuck! I'm so damned turned on even that hurts!" A thumb and forefinger on Miss Clitty and a wet phantom tongue eased the pain. She came hard and squirted so much milk in my mouth...

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My Cousin 8211 A Slut In Disguise

Hello everyone, I’m Mohit. I’m 28. My father owns a restaurant franchise in India and abroad, which have been taken over by me for the last 2 years.  I had loads of money and consequently, I have been a stud wherever I go. I have always been getting girls’ attention. This story happened a year back. Till then I have had sex with more than 10 girls. I had tried every position, accomplished every fantasy of mine, and did a lot of kinky stuff. I was kinda saturated with sex. And I had believed...

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VickiChapter 9

When Dan and Haley arrived, each of the four partners rose and kissed them, again getting looks from the rest of the patrons, some of them dirty. Vicki in particular was turned-on when she saw how gorgeous Haley was, with her mocha complexion and her long, jet-black curls. Haley was too classy and professional to dye her hair a color that looked obviously fake. She, in turn, couldn't help finding Vicki and the others sexually attractive. Nothing compared to the way that three of the women...

2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 42

Gina stepped off the school bus and walked along the side of the road as if the high heels had become second nature to her. Despite the cold breeze, she gave no notice to the chill against her bare legs. A car passing the other way slowed as it approached, its driver pausing to gawk at her strutting stride before peeling away. Gina flushed with pleasure. She approached her house and slowed as she crossed the intersection with the dirt road. Her eyes twitched, and her head made an aborted...

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Lixxii Gets Caught

Being a frequent traveler makes it hard to find just one person to settle down with. And for Lixxii, this has been the sacrifice she has made. She has never been lonely, but always seemed to be alone. And then she fell in love. She was suddenly aware of being alone at the airport, talking to strangers sitting next to her on long flights across oceans, and sitting alone in the hotel bar. Tessa was never available at the same time, her job was not as flexible in travel and vacation, but Lixxii...

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Ashleys first time

I had dated my girlfriend, Lorry for over 5 years. She was divorced and had two k**s, her son James lived with her until he left for college and her daughter, Ashley lived with her father in a different town. Lorry was always very protective of her k**s and it took a couple of years before I got to meet them. I got a long great with James and even though our relationship wasn't like a father-son relationship, we were close and felt like family. James had no problem when I moved in together with...

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Fujhi Ki Biwi Ka Dard

Hello sabhi chut walio ko mere lund ka salaam. I’m Sidhu once again with my 3rd story aap sabhi to jante hi ho ki I am a Punjabi boy but for job from last 3 three year am living in Chandigarh. Ye jo story main sunane jaa raha hu ye chandi garh main hi hui thi 2 saal pahle agar aap logo ko meri ye story pasand aaye to reply jarur kijiyega. Chandigarh ki koi Bhabhi, desi aunty or ladki mujse milna chahe to muje. App logo ko jayada bor naa karta hua me apni story suru karta hu ek din subha me job...

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Marriage Creampie

I can still remember the first time I asked her if I could do it. I had always had a fascination for tasting my own semen, you see. My wife Megan had indulged me certain levels of satisfaction in this matter but refused to let me give her oral after sex.She said it was "gross".I had licked it off her tits and she occasionally would kiss me after a blowjob, but that was the extent of it.But then I had an idea. What if I fucked her with a condom on and then ate her immediately afterward. It might...

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Camille and the Preacher Man

The moon, riding high in the sky that night, cast a silvery light over the small town. In a brick bungalow at the top of a hill, moonlight shone through the bedroom windows, revealing a man on his knees beside the bed. Resting his elbows on the bed, he clasped his hands tightly. Reverend Paul Trent’s light brown hair was wavy, long on top and trimmed close around the sides. His face, neither handsome nor homely, was that of an everyday man. Only in his eyes could one see the fire and spirit...

2 years ago
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Sex Video With Mother In Law 8211 Part I

Hi this is Vinay from Chennai age 30. I have been living in Chennai from birth. I had many casual encounters in life with many women’s. Few of them were my family relatives, which ill tell u people after this story. I got married at the age 23. I am from a well settled family. My in laws family were good with me. But my mother in law was a little diff. she use to check me whenever I went to their house. She uses to ask all sort of questions to see whether I am taking care of her daughter well....

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Enemy Ch 03

The prom was going on without them, the entire class and all the staff looking around confused as they announced the prom king and queen, and neither Diago nor Brittany were there to accept the honor. *** Diago tried for over 20 minutes to reach his cousin Jake, it was the only safe place he knew. Jake’s mansion was in the middle of nowhere, he had no neighbors for miles, they would never be found there and if by some chance they were, he knew with out a doubt, Jake had his back. Jake was...

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I met this guy Richard about 5 months ago through a friend of mine. I was working 2 jobs at the time and needed a little pick me up from time to time and well, he was the guy to go to for it. He was a great connect in more ways then one really. He was cheap and well, there was a reason for working 2 jobs so I needed cheap. He was not your normal connect in that he was no gang banger, shit head. He was a pretty cool down to earth guy who had a family of his own. And finally he lived just a few...

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Hot lady

.... An older woman can do more than other to attract and arouse your inner desires ... I always had a passion for older women , which is said to have more experience.me bartender ,when I was working in night shifts in a local night quite pretentios.in a pretty ugly, rainy and cold day, I had clients in local and I think It will be a boring shift, until I heard slamming the door. two ladies had entered very stylish and well arranged, somewhere in the 55-60 years, little "smoked " and very...

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The Office Receptionist Heena

Hello pals! I am Jason and I would like to post another incident of mine here. I am originally from Canada, however, I have been in India for the past 2 months to live with a childhood friend of mine. The friend of mine – Kartik had some competitive exams coming up so he called me up and asked if I can come to stay with him as he has no family. I agreed. The incident is narrated in detail so it is going to be long but surely pleasurable. :) I arrived in Mumbai. Now, I knew I have to stay here...

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Church Hiding Place

My father was a pastor and an awesome Dad - I spent a lot of times exploring the churches secret hiding places - I use to go and hide in a place I thought no one knew about - you could kinda of see down on the main alter in the front of the church - I was such a rebellious k**, loved heavy metal and dark evil images and would spy On people from the hiding place. I never liked going to church but always loved finding creepy areas and fantisize about making out with girls and doing dirty things....

2 years ago
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The Magnificent MysteriansChapter 11

JOHN When I arrived at the Art Materials room, there was an ominous sight. The table, camera, and screen were there like before, and there were a number of cut away molds on the table. But there was also a somewhat beat up recliner next to the table, and a few buckets next to the recliner. The recliner had a beach towel on it. Class started, and Ms. Johnson began talking about Alginate (the stuff dentists use to make dental impressions). There are two kinds: a powder that you mix with...

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Metamorphosis The Story of Marilyn MonroeChapter 6

After a couple of days of blocking scenes, it’s time to hear some of our music. Maurice had completed the orchestrations and the overture and entre act. He brought in a couple of his keyboards and synthesizers. We were eager to hear what he’d done. “DARLENE and CAITLYN! -- On stage, please?” They came up, I asked, “Have you looked over ‘I Was Born?’” They both said ‘Yes’ as I cleared everyone off the stage, putting them back to back telling them to sing out, not to each other, but to...

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Muay Thai

"Muay Thai! Muay Thai!" -- I had heard this call from the truck-mounted loudspeakers dozens of times. "Come watch Thai boxing contest! Five fights, Friday night at nine! Muay Thai! Muay Thai!" A truck with the same announcement in somewhat broken English passed my hotel window every couple of hours, so I had almost left behind the annoyance and became used to it. For us from the West, it seems we are able to ignore successfully almost any advertisement. This one, however, was about to have a...

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My mother and her delicious set of breasts

My mother is 43 years old, and single, and to my knowledge as not been involved with any man since she broke up with my much-hated father years ago. She is quiet and always keeps herself to herself, a harmless person. However, she in no way looks like a 43 year old. She looks no older than 37, and she bares no wrinkles at all. Her skin is soft-looking and smooth, and she has shoulder-length, dark hair, and a matching pair of big brown beautiful eyes, above a gorgeous full, white smile. My...

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Brockway Mountain Dove Ch 01

I felt my tongue skim across the outer surface of my fangs as I watched her hungrily. The water running down her body made her skin glisten the color of the full moon above. My jeans were beginning to feel tight, and I looked down to see a hard bulge forming. Damn, I wanted her… I’d wanted her since the moment I became interested in women when I was fifteen and she was thirteen. I’d had so many women in the past ten years, all just to get rid of the raging hormones. Every single one, I...

2 years ago
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Closer to the Heart

‘That’s right,’ Lynn says, her voice a husky purr. ‘Deeper and deeper. Down…and down…and down.’ Each word is punctuated by a tiny caress on Michael’s cock, evoking an equally tiny whimper from him even as he sinks deeper into hypnosis. He doesn’t remember exactly when he went into trance, any more than he remembers exactly when Lynn’s touches became erotic instead of soothing. She was simply holding him and petting him, and her fingers slowly drifted down to his cock without any real moment of...

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GirlsWay Natasha Nice Sheena Ryder Spencer Bradley Homesick A Taste Of Home

Natasha Nice and her wife, Sheena Ryder, arrive home from work. They remark that the house is quieter now that their stepdaughter has gone back to college, and briefly comfort each other. Then the doorbell rings. It turns out their visitor is Spencer Bradley, an exchange student who arrived in the neighborhood earlier this year. Spencer asks the wives for help with something, and they invite her inside. Spencer explains that she’s been feeling unwell, and doesn’t know why. The wives...

3 years ago
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Entry no. 1 My therapist told me that one of the ways to help me with my emotions is to write about it. That's why I'm starting a blog so I can write my heart out, dedicated to my one true love, Amy. I hope you read this Amy, know that even though we're not together anymore, you'll always be mine. Mine only. I still remember the days where you were still my girlfriend. We were together for 3 years, I watched you grew to be a strong and sexy woman. You became so cold to me after I saw your wrong...

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Chacheri Bahen Ke Sone Ke Bad Nanga Karke Sab Kuch Dekha

Hello friends mai janta hu ki jitne diwane ISS reader boys hote hai unse kahi jyada Shayad gals bhi hoti hai, isliye mai b apni ek real ghatna aap sabse share karne ja raha hun friends mera naam Neeraj tripathi hai mai Allahabad se hun. Meri age 23 hai.,ye ghatna un dino ki hai jab mai 12th me padhai kar raha tha. Un dino jan. Ka mahina tha aur thand bhi bahut jyada pad rahi thi so college me chuttiya chal rahi thi.maine ganv Jane ka vichar banaya aur sari packing karke sham ko 5 baje ganv ke...

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