Kinda-Sorta-Maybe Nerd-BoyChapter 2: Just A Girl Next Door free porn video

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This could be heaven. Maybe Amanda was the girl I was destined to meet. College sweethearts, married right after graduation. Promising careers. Maybe a few kids and a little suburban home with the white picket fence.

Then she sucked in again and all those thoughts flew right out the window. I just groaned in appreciation that Amanda knew exactly what to do when we woke up with my morning wood poking into her back. We had no sooner exchanged sleepy "g'mornings" than she'd turned around and sort of lazily drew my erection into her mouth.

I'd moved to return the favor but she stubbornly resisted all my efforts, not relaxing until I just sat back and put my hand on her head while she fed on me. She may have been a virgin until just last night, but she knew exactly how to give head.

She brushed her long, dark hair back behind her ears and then told me not to hold it back. The sooner I finished this up the sooner we could get to the main course. So within a few minutes of her expert blowjob, she was jerking my pole off into her waiting mouth as she swallowed and swallowed until all of my jizz had washed down her throat.

She climbed up atop me, her naked body pressed against mine, her heavy tits dragging against my skin as she leaned down to kiss me. I didn't resist, I would still kiss her if her mouth was full of mud. It was a strange, yet not altogether unpleasant salty flavor. But then her hips settled over my crotch, and she began to grind herself against me, leaning forwards to let my outstretched lips give her nipples a tongue-bath.

Amanda was beautiful in High School, and age had only developed her curves until she was all woman. Perfect legs rubbed against mine. Nicely flared hips tapered down to a tiny waist. Not an extra ounce of fat around her trim abs, leading up to her perfectly shaped round bosom. Her tits were actually a little too big to be proportionate, but on her petite body they gave her a comic-book heroine kind of goddess ness. Her skin was flawless and her elfin-beautiful face was now pulled back into an open-mouthed moan as she continued to grind herself against my reviving erection.

I made a move to go down on her. I wanted to please her as much as she had me, but she still resisted my every effort to do anything other than what she wanted to do. I realized that if she'd wanted me down there, she would have moved me down there. I was only too happy to obey her every wish.

At last she was satisfied with my hardness, and prying my stiffness into an upright and locked position, she sank herself down upon me.

My eyes were open, but I felt a veil of light descending over my irises as the tight ring of her cunt descended around my shaft. And when she began to move all I could see were starbursts like fireworks going off in my head. She brought my hands up to clamp down on her heaving breasts, my fingers automatically caressing and rubbing them with vigor.

I had to get closer and I sat up to bury my face in those bouncing orbs as our hips continued to drive against each other. She was just as tight as last night, and the sensations coming from my crotch were phenomenal. When Amanda started streaking towards her first orgasm of the morning, her hips took on an urgent thrusting as she bounced on top of me so fast that I had to relocate my hands to her hips. I lay back watching her throw her head back and wail into the morning daylight the pleasure rushing through her. With her strong legs thrusting and my hands tugging her down to me she set off into her climax.

Three thrusts later she got off of me and moved onto her hands and knees, her steaming wet pussy staring back at me between her legs. "Come and fuck me this way Jay-baby!"

Like I was going to turn down a request like that. I got to my knees and grabbed her ass tightly in my palms. I leaned in forwards, and the instant my other head tucked inside her she threw her body back, sinking me into her in one go. Howling with pleasure we began to rock atop her bed, Amanda taking up the chant of "Fuck me~! Harder~! Come on baby FUCK ME!"

And I was doing my best to comply. My hips were slamming into her ass with a meat-like thud. It was such a precise repetition you could set a metronome to our fuck. Less than twelve hours ago I had been a virgin. And now I was screwing the hottest woman I had ever laid eyes on over and over and over again. This could truly be heaven.

She had two more orgasms this way, with me fingering her clit and my hands on her swaying tits. Then I lost it and blew my load into her trembling pussy. But she wasn't done with me yet.

We were like kids let loose in a toy store for the very first time. We didn't have class until tomorrow, and had all the time in the world to try out every position we had heard of or could think of. It was all so new to us, and Amanda was proving to be quite adventurous. We fucked in the shower, on the floor, on her desk, in her chair, against the wall. We fucked from the side, we fucked wheelbarrow, upside-down, bent over the sink. Neither of us put any clothes on the entire day and paused only to piss, drink some water, and to eat some dry cereal and bread. I'd shot my stuff down her throat, in her cunt, on her tits, in her face and in her hair.

I finally ran out of juice around midnight, having cum more than ten times that day, the last one with her fucking on top of me facing my feet and sucking on my toes as I fingered her ass. She was still sucking on me, but it just wouldn't go up any more. She finally gave up and cuddled against me, her hand on mine as I rubbed her ass-cheeks.

She looked dead on into my eyes. "Hmm, we never did try it in there," she mumbled, guiding my hand back to where my finger had opened up her rosebud hole. "We'll do that next time."

I smiled at the thought of buggering my dream girl up her ass. Amanda grinned and then leaned down to kiss me. Midway through, my stomach grumbled at the lack of real food for the whole day, and she giggled into our kiss when she heard it. When she pulled back, she pecked me on the lips one more time and then sat up. "Okay, one last shower. Then we're going out to find some food."

We got cleaned up and dressed casually. With her hair in a loose ponytail, demure sweater and jeans, Amanda seemed to be just a nineteen-year old girl as scared of the real world as I was. She was still gorgeous to be certain, but now she seemed more like a comfortable girl next door. I wasn't nervous around her anymore.

The only places open were cheap fast-food and your Denny's kind of diners, and we opted for the sit-down restaurant. There was a family run place that catered to the college crowd, and thus was open until four in the morning. We headed out and asked for a booth. The place was packed with students, and I felt a great amount of pride at holding hands with such a gorgeous woman. Let everyone stare at me and see who I was with.

A student waiter came to lead us to our table, and following him through the restaurant I caught sight of Marcus and Kendra, sitting at a booth nearby. They hadn't ordered yet as they still had their menus in front of them and I stopped the waiter for a moment. Looking to Amanda for confirmation, I said hello and asked if we could join them. Marcus scooted around the table and I slid in after him, Amanda next to me on the wing. She said hello as well and we struck up a friendly, if slightly awkward conversation.

The four of us had been out to eat before as a group of friends, but tonight was very different. Amanda didn't let go of my hand, a fact which Marcus took very conscious note of. Kendra's expression was difficult to read, but we managed to keep things cordial. We ordered food and shakes, my stomach still growling. Amanda then excused herself to go to the bathroom, Kendra going with her as girls so often do. I always wondered, do girls spread the need to pee telepathically to all other females within range? How else do they all need to go at the same time?

Marcus and I chatted about nothing for a minute before he screwed up his face into a very serious look. He reached his hand out to me, and I took it, letting him shake my hand firmly. "Congratulations. You finally got your dream."

"Marcus, I'm sorry."

"No need to say you're sorry. That night I took her out, what were the exact words I used? 'I know you've had a crush on her since Day 1 of High School... We all knew you were never going to do a thing about it.' Well, I guess 'we' were wrong."

"Actually, you weren't wrong. She made the first move."

"Either way, you got your dream girl. We knew something like this was up when you didn't come home last night or at all today. What have you two been doing all day, anyways?"

"Uh, no comment."

"Bastard," Marcus grumbled, grinning. "No sordid details?"

"A gentleman does not discuss such matters out of respect for the lady."

"Speaking of which..." he trailed off, glancing behind me. I turned my head; Amanda and a much happier Kendra were walking towards us. They must have had a productive conversation.

Marcus directed his question to Kendra as the girls sat down. "Satisfied?"

Kendra nodded. "I just made her promise not to break Jason's heart."

Amanda just laughed as she wrapped herself around my arm, giving me a peck on the cheek. The food was hot and tasty, and went a long way towards calming my growling stomach. Afterwards we went our separate ways, Marcus and I back to our apartment, and the girls to their Sorority House. Amanda made me promise to call her later.

I was asleep thirty seconds after I my head hit the pillow. My aerobic exercises with Amanda had completely exhausted me. And tonight I didn't need to dream up any fantasies. I had perfectly good memories to replay in my mind all the way until morning.

I had thought that I wouldn't be able to see Amanda again until the weekend. School was a priority for both of us, and it was our midterm exams week. In my head I had already planned out my study schedule, and I didn't have much free time in that schedule.

But when I called her that Monday night to wish her good night, Amanda demanded that I come over to her room. She had already spent most of the day without me fucking her and she wasn't about to let me get away from her for a full 24-hour period. So a few hours after midnight, and several orgasms from both of us later, we finally collapsed onto the bed, this beautiful girl in my arms with my hands on her tits as we drifted off into oblivion.

This became something of a routine. We would wake up groggy and thick-headed and try to just survive through our midterms. We'd retreat back and study for most of the evening before I walked down to her place for a night of fucking and sucking before we passed out. We finally got around to trying anal sex. It was the hottest, tightest thing I had ever felt. But while Amanda enjoyed it well enough, it wasn't something she wanted to do every time.

Neither of us wanted to have sex at my place, because we would feel way too weird screaming and banging against the walls at my apartment with Marcus in the next room. However, screaming and banging against the walls was the norm at her Sorority House, so we felt no such compunctions to restrain ourselves.

And we had tried studying together, but we never got any actual work done. Only by getting a good couple of blocks between us were we able to keep our hands off each other. Amanda was an insatiable nymphomaniac. Years of being the object of lust for every man she met had driven her into a sexual frenzy that she had never felt comfortable unleashing until we got together. And despite my difficulties passing my exams, that week was absolute heaven.

This is why it was such a shock to me when Saturday morning rolled around and Amanda told me she was busy that day. It was the first free day we had without exams or other studious requirements to keep us apart from each other. I had been building up in my head a day-long orgy like we'd had the previous week, and when she said she had other plans I was crushed. No morning blowjob. No between the sheets (and everywhere else in the room) romp to start off our day.

As I trudged my way back to the apartment I shared with Marcus my head flew through every possible reason. She had given me no explanation save that she "had plans." Did she just want to go out with the girls? Did they have some planned Sorority event? Or to my abject horror, was she tired of me?

Once unleashed had she become a sexual predator, no longer satisfied by a low- level nerd-boy like me? Did she want to go out and find the star University quarterback? Or some other "popular" guy?

That morning when I got back Marcus immediately took note of my depressed state. Like a good best buddy, he skipped the petulant inquiries as to how I was feeling, and instead just pulled out his PlayStation 2 and plugged it in. It was the perfect way for me to blow off steam, and we spent the next four hours trying to beat our digital opponents' heads in.

But when Marcus left to go to some meeting for an Engineering project, which left me alone to sulk once again. I became convinced that as a recent virgin, I lacked the experience and the knowledge to properly satisfy my woman. My relationship with Amanda was more or less purely sexual. There was nothing more to it than our previous "Miss Popular and 'Safe' Guy-Friend" relationship plus wild sex. I had made some initial forays into being romantic and building this into a real boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but Amanda seemed to be comfortable with being fuck-buddies for the time being. And that was all I had to offer her right now. She didn't want me for anything else. And now, if she was tiring of me as a convenient dick, then I was in trouble.

Then I realized that I'd always had two best friends, Marcus AND Kendra. So I headed back to the Sorority house, this time to find Kendra. I wandered the halls, half-expecting to bump into Amanda with some six-five football jock, but I made it to Kendra's door without incident.

She was home, much to my relief, and we sat down on her bed together to exchange the usual small talk and catch up on each others lives. Inevitably, Kendra asked how my relationship with Amanda was going.

I told her that things were well, but explained how Amanda had ditched me that morning, saying she had other plans for the day. Disappointingly, Kendra told me there was no Sorority event that day, but offered that maybe Amanda just wanted to hang out with her friends and Sorority sisters. The past week had been a rough one and with me monopolizing all of her free time, she hadn't seen her friends in a while.

I told her that I hoped so, but then decided to tell her everything. That's what best friends do, and I had always been completely honest with Kendra throughout our relationship.

"The night of the party, Amanda dragged me back to her room and we kinda had sex."

Kendra gave me a withering "duh" look. "I knew that. Hell I passed by her room and I could hear you guys. And the whole house has heard you guys every night for the last week. Congratulations, Jase. You finally lost your virginity!"

"Hey, don't say that so loud."

"What? VIRGINITY!!!"

It was my turn to shoot daggers from my eyes. "But, that's all our relationship has been so far. We're not actually dating or anything. We're just fucking."

"You're a guy. Sounds like a PERFECT relationship."

"Well, maybe. But what if I'm not very good?"

"Believe me, we can hear her. You're not bad."

"But now I'm convinced that she's tired of me. I'm kind of worried that I'll lose her if I don't get better."

"So what, you're asking me for sex advice?" Kendra gave me a funny look.

"No, not necessarily. You've got to be less experienced than me."

"And how do you figure that?"

"Well, you've never had sex before, have you?"


"Whoa, a boyfriend you've never told us about?"

"No. I-"

"One night stand?"


"Well?" I just looked at her expectantly. "I'm here spilling my guts to my 'supposed' best friend and she's been hiding something from me?"

"Well, it's just that I know what a woman wants, how she wants to be touched, that sort of thing. And yes, I'm still a virgin, technically."

"Define 'technically'."

"Oh. Boys are so crude!"


"I broke my hymen already, but I haven't had a real penis in me. Does that spell it out for you enough?"

"Sure. Now how exactly did you break your hymen?"

Kendra was blushing furiously now, and I had a wicked grin on my face. "Well I had a dildo in there, okay?"

The thoughts flooding through my head were all in a jumble and quite confusing. It wasn't proper to interrogate a woman about her sexual activities like this. On the other hand, Kendra was my best friend for years and we'd always shared stupid things, including sexual secrets. And on top of that, the thought of Kendra shoving a dildo into her pussy was getting me a little horny. I'd cum more times in the last week than in the previous nineteen years, but I could still get it up at the thought of a pretty girl's pussy. Then another thought hit me. "Hey, when did you get a dildo?"

"I don't have one."

"Then where did it come from?"

"Uh, well. I, uh, borrowed it from one of the girls."

"You're lying. I can always tell when you're lying." Six years of watching Kendra try to bluff her way past her parents had clued me in.

"Okay damn it. This is a Sorority house. Some of the girls are... into other girls... and experimentation is a very common thing. So one night I got drunk and just, kind of... went for it."

"You had sex with another girl? With dildoes?"

"Well, three other girls. But yes."

Okay, now I was really getting horny. "Who?"

"Hey, do I pry really deeply into yours and Amanda's sex lives?"

"No, no. I'm sorry. I take it back." There was only so far best friendship would go. At some point, you have to respect at least a certain level of privacy. "But you were saying, you know how a girl likes to be touched."

"Well, yeah. I AM a girl after all. And the other girls were very helpful in teaching me. And its not like it was only the one night."

"So are you a lesbian now?"

The pillow caught me just behind my ear. Kendra still had a little of her tomboy strength left after all. "Okay, okay. I take it back!"

"No I'm not! Well, maybe I'm a little bisexual. But I really like guys!"

"Fine, I'm dropping the subject now. But can you tell me? Can you teach me what a girl wants?"

And so she did. She started to explain a woman's body in a clinical sex-ed kind of way before taking things a step further. Kendra wanted to know what ways I'd had sex with Amanda because she'd heard a lot of things from her friends and "experimentation-girlfriends" and what they liked. The more we kept talking the more I realized how horny we were both getting. She was picturing Amanda and me fucking like rabbits and I was picturing Kendra in a four-way lesbian tryst. Kendra finally blurted out "Oh god I'm going to have to masturbate this off once you leave."

She was in the middle of trying to explain the idea of a woman's G-spot and I was having a hard time getting through her description of what it felt like. Kendra finally just threw her hands back and exclaimed, "Oh, fuck it. You're my best friend anyways."

She reached down and unsnapped her shorts, pulling both them and her panties away and leaving her half-naked before me. We had both gone through the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" thing in High School, but this was something completely different. She grabbed my hand by the wrist and brought it to her steaming cunt. I noticed that she was shaved completely bare, and a questioning look rose into my eyes. She wasn't shaved the last time I'd seen this.

Guessing my question, she informed me, "The other girls kind of like it that way." Then taking a deep breath, she pulled my hand to her and pressed a finger inside of her pussy.

She was so wet, and we were both so turned on. She ordered me to turn and move my finger with her directions, until she finally found that spot she was looking for. It felt like a soft pad, almost indistinguishable from the rest of her soft, velvety cunt. She was slightly out of breath, a pant seeping into her words. "Now try to remember that spot."

I felt around, trying to get my bearings inside of her. Then she pulled my wrist back and then told me to go in and find it again. So with my fingers still coated with her thick honey, I probed my way inside of my friend's folds until I found her G-spot, pressing against it and causing her to whimper with pleasurable excitement.

She pulled me out of her, and then anxiously declared she would show me how to tease a woman's clit. Not too hard, but firm enough to be just right. So with her hand guiding me I was playing with her very hard, very erect little nub. Kendra closed her eyes and leaned her head against my shoulder as I continued to strum the little ball. She would whimper out further instructions, but I learned to read how I was doing in her body language until she clamped a hand over her mouth, her eyes shut tightly and she tried to muffle her moan as she came, dumping a load of Kendra-nectar into my hand.

When she finally came down from her high, she looked at me with slightly fearful eyes, as if only now realizing what we had just done. "Omigawd."

Trying to defuse the tension, I muttered. "Well, I think I'm getting the hang of this." All of my prior sex with Amanda had been mostly fucking or sucking or fingering to orgasm. But Amanda had never stopped to tell me what she wanted or how she wanted it, I pretty much went on instinct. In a way I thought I had learned quite a bit with Kendra spelling it out for me, telling me just where to press and how to press and when to back off. And I knew I could go back to Amanda and please her better now.

Later that night, I got the phone call I had been simultaneously hoping for and dreading. Amanda wanted me to come over. Marcus just waved goodbye, and grabbing my jacket I headed out.

When I knocked on the door I heard Amanda's sweet voice call out. "Who is it?"

"It's Jason," I called back.

Giggling came through before Amanda called out again, "Come on in, baby."

I stepped through the door, slipping through and closing it behind me quickly. My eyes adjusted to the dim light before my heart stopped at the sight before me. Amanda was on the bed dressed in the laciest, sexiest lingerie I could imagine. A sky blue teddy was pressing her tits together to form a deep, thin crevasse between them. Matching panties barely concealed the treasures within. And to top off the ensemble was a sky blue set of garter belt and stockings. She was an angel.

And reclining on the bed behind her was Karina, the blonde senior sister I had met before, similarly undressed in an identical red set of lingerie. I gawked at the two girls as Karina sat up, her D-cup tits straining at the fabric of her teddy and threatening to bust loose. Her long, limber frame stretched out over Amanda and my heart leaped up and out of my throat when she leaned down to nibble on Amanda's ear.

Amanda just looked at me through heavy-lidded eyes. "We went out shopping today to find these. I hope you like them."

I just nodded my head 'yes' and started towards the bed. Karina got off of Amanda, flipping her mane of sun-bleached blonde hair off her shoulder and around to her back. She stopped my forward movement just short of the bed, her hands going to my shirt to lift it over my body.

With Amanda watching our every move, Karina squeezed onto my pecs and then leaned forwards, tasting my lips experimentally. My eyes were wide when Karina kissed me, but Amanda just grinned watching my discomfort. She slid herself to the edge of the bed, and then started to undo the ties going down the back of Karina's teddy, leaning in to nibble at Karina's neck at the same time. I stared in amazement at these two women. Karina with her tanned, fit body, light blonde hair, and long, long legs. Petite Amanda with her creamy white skin, sky blue eyes, and dark hair. They were so different but both beautiful.

My heart had finally returned to me, but was thumping faster and faster and faster as things progressed. Once Amanda got her friend's teddy unlaced, Karina's tits spilled out, big, soft, heavy knockers that sagged slightly downwards but were full and ripe melons that promised to taste so very sweet. She knelt down to tug my pants and boxers off before directing me into a soft chair next to the bed.

I sat down, naked, unconsciously holding my piece in my hand to watch the girls snap each other's garters off the stockings, then lower both the belts and panties down and off each other's legs.

So now with Karina's tall frame completely naked except for a pair of red stockings, Amanda leaned in to briefly kiss her Sorority sister on the lips, before trailing little pecks down to suck a turgid nipple into her mouth. Amanda motioned me over, pointing me towards the other breast as we pressed Karina down onto her back across the bed. I dropped my fingers down to Karina's box, finding that she was already quite wet, and set to practicing the things Kendra had told and shown me about how to please a woman.

Karina squirmed and strained against our dual onslaught as Amanda returned to kissing her, small moans escaping from that end of her body. My fingers teased and titillated her, plunging inside to find her G-spot and rub against it furiously. A thin-layer of sweat was covering her entire body and then she went rigid, the tension rippling across her body outwards from her crotch as she climaxed, filling her hole with a new layer of lubrication.

Amanda parted away long enough to kiss me and tell me to go on and fuck her. My eyes questioned her for a moment, communicating without saying that I didn't really want anyone other than her. She shushed me with a finger to my lips. She grinned, and then tapped the tip of her finger on my nose. "You're cute."

Then she moved to settle her naked crotch over Karina's gaping mouth, lowering herself down to receive some expert girl loving while facing back to watch me. I moved around to the side of the bed, wrapping Karina's red stockinged legs around me before leaning in and sinking my dick into only the second pussy I'd ever had.

She was great, and I couldn't help but compare the two. Amanda's cunt had been so tight and so wet. Karina's was stretched out more, but was much warmer and she definitely had a mastery over her cunt muscles. Even as I began to pump into her I felt those muscles reaching out to me in a rhythmic tensing and flexing that sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. I lifted her legs up and clamped them together, hooking them both over a shoulder as I got a firm grip and really began to drive myself into Karina's cunt.

I watched as Karina's huge tits bounced around with our lovemaking, and especially watched intently as she extended a long tongue to drill up into Amanda's petite body. Amanda's eyes were on fire, the flames of lust burning brightly in her eyes as the ecstasy shot through her body while she watched me fucking her friend. She leaned forwards over Karina's heaving body, completing the 69 by dropping her lips to the juncture where my shaft impaled her friend again and again. The sensations of Karina's velvety cunt and Amanda licking my dick were quickly becoming unbearable. For her part, Karina's tongue was very good, as Amanda lit off into two orgasms within only a few minutes.

Amanda was palming and rubbing Karina's erect nipples and reaching for a third orgasm when Karina's body started to quake again and she screamed out her orgasm, the sound muffled by Amanda's pussy in her mouth. But her hips were shaking like a 10.0 earthquake, the little quakes of her cunt muscles spasming against me more than enough to coax my juice out of my balls. And then I was erupting like a volcano into Karina's inferno of a vagina, my hot seed splashing against her inner walls and mixing things up like a sex-juice cocktail.

I pulled out and let Karina's legs drop down to hang off the end of the bed, my dick still spurting into Amanda's face before she got her lips around it to let the last few jets of cum arc into her mouth. Once finished, I staggered backwards, worn out from the force of my orgasm to flop into the chair once again. Amanda merely leaned forwards with her cunt still on Karina's face, and shoved her tongue down Karina's steaming box to lick our mixed juices out.

A minute later Amanda got that third orgasm and flopped down onto her side to catch a breath. Karina took that time to relieve Amanda of her teddy, leaving the both of them completely naked except for those stockings, a kinky reminder of what they'd been wearing when I first came in. Then Karina sat back against the headboard of Amanda's bed, her pussy still oozing out a little fluid.

"Amanda-honey. Time to return the favor."

So Amanda managed to twist her body around, getting to her knees on the bed and leaning all the way forwards to again start slurping at Karina's cunt. It wasn't long before my dick had revived itself, aided in no small part to the sight before me. I joined the girls on the bed and settled in behind Amanda, gently lifting her hips upwards before slipping my meat into her from behind. I reached one hand around to continue practicing my techniques, manually stimulating Amanda's cunt and clit while my other hand reached forwards to grasp at her tits, swinging in motion with our fucking.

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Milf vs Nerd Guy

I had started to work at a local computer store helping in customer service. I had taken a few college courses in computer design and graphics. I was pretty handy when it came to fixing computers and when a new department at the store started I transferred to the Nerd Squad. Most of the jobs for the first week were for help setting up new computers at home. Helping with customers questions and problems. I had hooked up a few computers at a college and a computer at the town hall. It was just...

3 years ago
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MILF vs Nerd Squad

I had started to work at a local computer store helping in customer service. I had taken a few college courses in computer design and graphics. I was pretty handy when it came to fixing computers and when a new department at the store started I transferred to the Nerd Squad. Most of the jobs for the first week were for help setting up new computers at home. Helping with customers questions and problems. I had hooked up a few computers at a college and a computer at the town hall. It was just...

4 years ago
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A Nerd learns how to alter his popularity

Mitchell was a nerd. No matter what he tried he was always the biggest nerd in school. Mitchell didn’t like to think he was a nerd but through his poor social skills, love for dr.who and hardly having any real friends, Mitchell knew he was a nerd. He couldn’t even seem to connect with a single other nerdy kid in the school. He was didn’t want to admit it but all the kids around him made fun of his poor attempts at being cool or popular. Mitchell, although being a nerd, was suffering from bad...

3 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 5 Fucked My Mom

Greetings dear readers! Welcome to the 5th part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ To all of your delight, I will come with some extras of my previous ‘Revenge on Bullies’ in the next month. However, let us come back to this story for now. So here comes part 5! Enjoy and masturbate! “Hmmmmmm I see, that means you can literally control anyone any way you like?” Lakshmi asked her son Avinash or ‘Avi’ after he explained her effects of his hallucinogen drug. “Uuuuhhh yes…. kind of.” Avi...

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Project NERD Chapter 3

The next day in school Kimberly was talking with Melissa and Heather while she got her books out of her locker for her next class."I went over to Theodore's house last night. I told him it was to work on the project, but I didn't tell him WHICH project! He just assumed it was the biology project for Grody Brody's class!"The girls all giggled knowing what she meant. "Yeah, I got all dolled up and I wore my slinky red minidress and my black CFM's.""You didn't!" Heather gasped. They...

3 years ago
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Revenge Of The Nerd Original version

The age is getting lower and lower these days when boys are worshipped as athletes and given special treatment. It's down to seventh grade in basketball. Middle schools are trying to recruit the top players away from their neighborhoods, even supplying bogus addresses so they can play for them. These guys don't have much academic pressure either. They get all the help they need, including alteration of grades to keep them eligible. What do they learn from all this? That they are special;...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Nerd

Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on the last shift. After work she had to go home and phone her parents to let them know she was safely home. Then she could log onto the dialup internet connection, not that she could get to any interesting sites; her strict parents had installed a powerful program that controlled the sites she could visit. Her parents went away every...

3 years ago
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Indian Nerd

Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends all had parties! It was so unfair!Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on...

4 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 1 8211 Brother Screws Sister

Greeting everyone. Thank you so much for your wonderful replies and messages for my ““. It was overwhelming and I thank all of you. I will add some extra off shot incidents from it very soon. Here I come with another type of revenge saga albeit a little different with a sinister, devilish, raunchier edge to it. So here it goes. Sit back and get as horny as possible. “Hell No! I am screwed now”. Avinash Sinha’s research paper was rejected and hence he failed to get his dream job as a research...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 23

I pulled up to the house to let them out. It had been quite a day. ‘Ashley, come in and join us for dinner.’ I was prepared to decline though Sunny told me it was the least she could do. It was, after all, a gift and I was happy to do it. But then she said, ‘You’re part of the family and we like to have you with us.’ How do you say no to that? ‘Okay.’ ‘Goodie,’ said Sandy. ‘You can visit in my room while Mom makes dinner.’ ‘That’s a lovely idea,’ said Sunny. Jeff’s room had not been at...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 82

I don’t think I had ever adequately expressed to Jeff how lucky I was to have found him. After I had failed to trust him, I promised myself to let him know how much I valued him. There are traditional songs played while the bride walks down the aisle. At Jewish weddings the most common is Dodi Li, my beloved is mine. It continues and I am his. I would be saying that shortly. I was pretty traditional and my family was traditional as well. To show Jeff how I felt about him, I decided to break...

2 years ago
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I Fcked a Girl Sorta Kim and Mary Pt 1

Mary and Kim had been friends all through grade school. They’d be graduating and Mary was excited about finishing school. She was saddened by the fact her best friend would be moving away for college. “You look like your dog died. Cheer up!” Kim tossed a small pillow at Mary and Mary grinned. Kim asked to spend the night and Mary’s parents were out of town. She was old enough to have sleepovers without supervision. “I’m bored.” Mary looked over at Kim. She wore an over-sized t-shirt, no bra....

Quickie Sex
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 22

We strolled into Indulgences like a mom and her two daughters, Sunny with her arm around my waist and over Sandy’s shoulder. We were escorted to our own private group room. We undressed and changed into spa robes. I didn’t know how Sandy felt about her body, but she recognized it as part of the culture and did a credible job of looking casual. ‘You know, when we come in here with a bridesmaid’s party, we talk about our guy, and guys in general,’ I said. Sandy giggled. ‘We’re not doing that...

3 years ago
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College nerd gets lucky

Story intentionally exaggerated for maximum effect. 11pm. Doing homework, stupid tiny dorm room. Only a few posters of hot babes on the wall, other than that, totally depressing. Everything is depressing when I’m studying or doing homework. Laptop right there on the desk next to my book, all I need to do is just move the mouse and the world is at my hands, I can go kill a few people, watch some porn or something funny, but no, I can’t, I have to finish this tonight. At least my...

4 years ago
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The NerdPart 1

I graduated college with a B.S. in computer science, specializing in software design. My doctoral thesis at Tech—oh, yeah, only the students at MIT call it that—dealt with new algorithms for online transactional security. Translated into English-when you go to a bank or store online you want to know that the transaction is secure. My software encrypted all the account information in such a way that it was impossible to decipher it. Each code was only used once and there were literally...

4 years ago
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Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up Ch 05

As Jane purred on the floor of Harry’s shower, many blocks uptown from Harry’s apartment Jim was sitting on Jane’s bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane’s roommate wouldn’t make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established for Jane...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 11

I had always looked forward to my parents’ parties in the past. I would be provided with additional opportunities, like a salesman getting live leads. This year it didn’t satisfy. I was starting to look at the guys as people, rather than opportunities, and I didn’t much care for them as people. Was I becoming enlightened? If so, life was much easier when I was ignorant. I felt exhausted when it was over. It had been an effort and I hadn’t enjoyed it. Well, tonight I would get to see my...

2 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 8 The Grand Finale

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the final part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ I know we don’t like ending but as it is rightly said – “All good things come to an end.” So gear yourself up for a roller coaster ride and enjoy the finale of the series! Avi called his eldest sister to their home after a very long time. She reached after a while and Avi welcomed her with a spank on the ass, “Welcome home! my hottie big sister!” Radhika was wearing a maroon kurti and leggings and heels, so she...

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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 6 Sluty Aunt

Greeting again everybody and welcome back to the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ For all the dear readers, do give your comments and suggestions. Anyway, let us continue with the part 6 of the saga. So here we go! It was Saturday and Avi had gone out for a morning jog in the park. He was happy that he can improve his endurance and stamina. He believed in a very disciplined and healthy lifestyle as it enables him to enhance his intelligence and cognitive ability. He came back home tired and sweaty...

4 years ago
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The College Nerd

Japhta was the college nerd. He was lanky and slightly skanky. Although Japhta did not pong too severely, it was clear that deodorant and showering did not form part of daily routine, and most girls were put off by him. This fact never concerned him because Japhta had always preferred boys. His clothing always looked well used, presumably between infrequent washing, and the odd tear, smear, or stain, did not seem to worry him at all. Japhta was exceptionally bright and one of the brightest...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Nerd Ch 01

"Fuck off mother!" Sherri silently screamed inside her head.“Come on, Sherri, you haven’t as much as spoken to him for almost a year.” Christine Wilson implored. She was on the telephone with her daughter Sherri, a junior at Ohio State University.“I’m a grown woman mom, with grown-woman friends. I don’t have time to babysit a boring nerd like Aaron. I thought he was going to MIT or something anyway,” Sherri harrumphed.“You know very well he’ll have his pick of colleges come spring, Sherri. I...

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The Nerd Scores BigChapter 4 Kaylee Smith

For the last week Louise Cridland and I have been busy "studying" together each afternoon after school. I've had to make less and less sugegstions to Louise because she has become a willing sex partner. A couple of nights during the week I have been visited by Karen Williams with her helping me with my sexual education, and with me continuing to make suggestions about me fucking her daughter Joanne. That was coming along very nicely. I was sitting alone enjoying my lunch break on Monday...

4 years ago
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Plain Jane And the Nerd Superman Grow UpChapter 5

As Jane purred on the floor of Harry's shower, many blocks uptown from Harry's apartment Jim was sitting on Jane's bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane's roommate wouldn't make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established...

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SS NerdChapter 10

These women were a riot in the morning. All of them woke up full of mischief. I was actually able to line them up, leaning over the bed propped up on their hands, and give all of them a decent come as they laughed and joked, while harassing me to fuck them harder. When I asked who wanted the load, all five knelt at my feet looking up at me. Suki stuck her tongue out, Janet had her mouth wide open like the porno movies, and Janet gave the head a couple of sucks. When she felt the good stuff...

2 years ago
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MAU Dont Mess with a Nerd

Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd A few school toughs are enjoying making life rough for a group of nerdish guys. When the nerds stumble onto an MAU, they hatch a little plan of revenge. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd Cecil ducked around the corner and instantly pressed himself flat against the brick wall. His lungs felt like they were going to burst, and he gasped for...

1 year ago
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Morphic Adaptation Unit Dont Mess with a Nerd 2

Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd 2 A couple of nerds have a tough social life. Victims of humiliating pranks, they find a means for revenge with an MAU. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd 2 Roger felt his cheeks burning as he walked down the hallway. Around him, students stopped, staring, pointing, and laughing at him. He wanted to vanish, to crawl through the floorboards,...

2 years ago
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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

3 years ago
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Pillow Fight Leads To Hot Sex With Nerd Girl

Hello horny readers, welcome to my stories. Thanks for the 6000+ likes for and I hope you will love reading this story too. Now let’s start the story. My name is Veeru. This incident happened to me recently. I live in a family of 2 brothers with our mom and dad living in U.P. My brother is a film animator and I was in class 12 that time. I was a science student and according to Indian tradition, I was in Kota, Rajasthan. There I was taking coaching and I returned on 10th of February when it...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 01

This is the start of the edited version of the original Revenge of the Nerd. It is broken up into 11 chapters. I thought it would look stupid to have the original, in effect chapter 1, followed by chapter 12. I regularly receive feedback on Revenge and reread it. I liked it. I liked it enough to post more of what is already written, though not completed. I haven’t decided whether to change the pacing to make it a book, or to post the whole thing online, so don’t have any expectations except...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 40 Another Beautiful Nerd

Lissa had gotten through her first day of school just fine, and eagerly awaited her second. She had a light schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which meant she would be finished with classes by 2:00 in the afternoon. Tuesday morning, she walked from her apartment to the campus, which was only three blocks away. Her first class was World History, in the humanities building. Though it didn't sound particularly thrilling, she figured since she had to take it to fulfill her General Ed...

1 year ago
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Nerd scores

My name is Humberto Garcia, I'am 16 years old and a junior in High School. I'm around 5'6 athletic and I like to skate. I don't really consider myself that much of a nerd, but I don't have a lot of friends and I don't go out very often so I guess you could list me as a nerd. Ever since I was a small child I was very shy and was not good at making friends. I was always sort of a loaner, I started making a descent amount of friends in 6th grade. Then from there I started being...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 06

‘Jeff, this is Ashley. I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for how I acted.’ He didn’t say anything. I assumed he thought there should be more. So I gave it to him. ‘I’ve been with some pretty inexperienced, clumsy guys. They kind of handled my, breasts, like they were stress balls. It was painful and uncomfortable and I sort of flashed back to those experiences without trying to understand what you were doing or what I was actually feeling. I overreacted. I’m really sorry.’ I radiated sincerity...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 20

I knew enough about Sandy to figure out what to get her and I knew Sunny pretty well, though I didn’t have anything in mind yet. I didn’t know Louis at all. ‘Tell me about your Dad.’ ‘What do you want to know?’ ‘Well, I’ve met everyone else and gotten to know them a bit, but other than seeing him when we left, I have no clue about your Dad.’ ‘He’s a really sweet guy, and very smart. He has all kinds of interests. He knows things about almost everything. Of course, he does wander off into...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 50

I had been feeling a little strange all day and after dinner I was out of energy and out of sorts. At 8:30 I told Jeff I was going to bed because I didn’t feel well. He put his lips to my forehead and said, ‘You’re hot. Get into bed and I’ll get you something cold to drink.’ ‘I just want to get some sleep.’ ‘That’s a sure sign you’re sick.’ I was asleep before I could answer. Later that night I woke up drenched. I noticed the light on in the corner over the easy chair with books piled on...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 41

We talked about my Father on the drive back to my house. Jeff seemed optimistic we could find a way to get to him based on Dad’s concern with his image. I was not convinced. I parked in my driveway and we headed up to my room. I closed the door and took Jeff to the closet, which was open. ‘This is what you’ll wear,’ I told him. ‘Khakis?’ he asked, surprised. ‘They probably work better than jeans for my purposes, and they’ll give you another look.’ ‘Ashley knows best.’ ‘And wear those...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 04

‘Hi, Jeff. I don’t know if you remember me.’ ‘Now, Ashley. You’re being disingenuous.’ All right, I read. I know what disingenuous means. But who the fuck uses it in actual conversation? It is a word meant only to be used on the printed page. ‘Well.’ That could have meant anything. I didn’t know. Let him figure it out. ‘I had a nice time studying with you the other night,’ he said. Yes! I was getting a second chance. ‘Me too. I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight.’ ‘Well, I...

1 year ago
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Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up

Two years passed since Jim and Jane had last spoken. He ended their final long distance telephone conversation, tears sliding out of both their eyes, with a shaky ‘Goodbye.’ They had resolved that distance was making their relationship expensive. Two hour conversations over thousands of miles. And it impeded their freedom. They were young and needed to be bold and go out into the world and take some chances. It wasn’t real for them to be together anymore. They weren’t together anymore. Their...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 09

I was lying in my bed. I couldn’t move. I tried to lift up my head but I didn’t seem to have the energy. ‘What happened?’ ‘You passed out.’ ‘I can’t move.’ He laughed. ‘That won’t last long. You expended so much energy your body just doesn’t want to move at the moment.’ ‘What did you do? I felt like I was exploding. I, I can’t even really describe it. Whew. If that’s what sex is supposed to be like, you just took my virginity.’ He laughed again. ‘It may have sapped your strength, but it...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 39

Jeff showed up at my door at 6:30. He wasn’t smiling. ‘Come in.’ He didn’t say anything. He just followed me to my room. ‘Jeff, why did you come last night when I asked you not to?’ I kept any trace of attitude from my voice. It was just a question and I wanted an answer. He took a deep breath. He took several more not quite so deep. I looked him in the eye. He nodded. ‘I knew there was a good possibility you would be very angry,’ he said. He fidgeted. He raised his eyebrows. He...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 84

Jeff was right. So much of that stuff seemed stupid and almost pointless. Was it possible that in all those countless weddings before ours nobody had questioned them? We heard the band leader introduce us. ‘Do I wave like a political candidate or a beauty pageant contestant?’ ‘Don’t you dare. Just smile and walk to our table.’ I don’t think he would have done his wave. I suspected he was joking. We walked to our table for two. Jeff got a funny look as he saw the table. ‘We’ve been living...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 35

Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T’s on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn’t old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it. ‘You really know how to impress a girl,’ I said. ‘This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young,’ he searched the right word, then shrugged, ‘nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear each...

3 years ago
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The Nerd Part 1

The Nerd – Part 1 Geek. Nerd. Dweeb. Take your pick, any one of them would describe Pete just fine. At sixteen, he’d never kissed a girl, never even held hands, and was more at home with his books than with people. Yes, books. Although he was perfectly good with a computer, the kind who’d teach himself how to program it, he’d rather read an actual book than surf the Internet. He wasn’t interested in Facebook, or Twitter, or any of those things. Didn’t even really like to watch TV or movies....

3 years ago
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College nerd gets lucky

Staying up late to study 11pm. > Doing homework, stupid tiny dorm room. Only a few posters of hot babes on the wall, other than that, totally depressing. Everything is depressing when I’m studying or doing homework. > > Laptop right there on the desk next to my book, all I need to do is just move the mouse and the world is at my hands, I can go kill a few people, watch some porn or something funny, but no, I can’t, I have to finish this tonight. > At least my roommate is not here...

2 years ago
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Older brother seduces and takes cute nerd sistera

I wasn't necessarily eavesdropping, as they were drunk and not really talking quietly...I could hear them clearly from the vents that went from my room to hers.That said, what I heard shocked me."I can't go through my whole senior year a virgin," Lisa, my sister, whined."It's only November," her best friend, Andrea, pointed out."It's almost December," Lisa countered, before singing playfully, "All I want for Christmas is to get laid.""Does oral sex count?" Andrea questioned with a giggle....

4 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 4 Punishing A Bully

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the 4th part of the series ‘The Nerd hits Back!’ To remind you again, kindly read the first three parts to catch up with this one. I had forgotten to mention my email in my previous stories. It is the same- . So, let us begin with the 4th part. Enjoy! Avi had spent the night at his married eldest sister’s bungalow after enjoying a nice raunchy sex with her. He had got her drugged and even she came under his control. Avi woke up, got dressed and ready to get back...

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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 7 Dad The Cocksucker

Greeting everyone once again! Welcome to the 7th part of the story. How it did you find the previous six parts? Kindly give me your valuable feedback. So let us begin with the events that unfold in this part. So here we go! “Dammmmnnnnn mummy! Your sister, Jyoti aunty is irresistibly hot!” Avi commented after fucking her ass, who was there only, lying on floor licking cum coated fingers. “Achcha ? Matlab ye randi mujhse bhi jada achi lagti hai? Huh?” Lakshmi asked in an envious manner to her...

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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 3 8211 Slutty Eldest Sister Fucked

Greeting everyone! Welcome back once again to the saga “The Nerd Hits back!” I hope you guys enjoyed the first two parts. If you haven’t read them then kindly read them because only then you will be able to follow up with the storyline. This is the third part of the installation. So here it goes. Enjoy and have a horny read! Avi was enjoying his cornflakes in the morning and his sister was down below giving him a sexy blowjob. He was having the time of his life. His sister, Natasha, who had...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 4

"Hi, Jeff. I don't know if you remember me." "Now, Ashley. You're being disingenuous." All right, I read. I know what disingenuous means. But who the fuck uses it in actual conversation? It is a word meant only to be used on the printed page. "Well." That could have meant anything. I didn't know. Let him figure it out. "I had a nice time studying with you the other night," he said. Yes! I was getting a second chance. "Me too. I was wondering if you were doing anything...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 6

"Jeff, this is Ashley. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for how I acted." He didn't say anything. I assumed he thought there should be more. So I gave it to him. "I've been with some pretty inexperienced, clumsy guys. They kind of handled my, breasts, like they were stress balls. It was painful and uncomfortable and I sort of flashed back to those experiences without trying to understand what you were doing or what I was actually feeling. I overreacted. I'm really sorry." I radiated...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 20

I knew enough about Sandy to figure out what to get her and I knew Sunny pretty well, though I didn't have anything in mind yet. I didn't know Louis at all. "Tell me about your Dad." "What do you want to know?" "Well, I've met everyone else and gotten to know them a bit, but other than seeing him when we left, I have no clue about your Dad." "He's a really sweet guy, and very smart. He has all kinds of interests. He knows things about almost everything. Of course, he does...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 35

Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T's on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn't old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it. "You really know how to impress a girl," I said. "This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young," he searched the right word, then shrugged, "nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 39

Jeff showed up at my door at 6:30. He wasn't smiling. "Come in." He didn't say anything. He just followed me to my room. "Jeff, why did you come last night when I asked you not to?" I kept any trace of attitude from my voice. It was just a question and I wanted an answer. He took a deep breath. He took several more not quite so deep. I looked him in the eye. He nodded. "I knew there was a good possibility you would be very angry," he said. He fidgeted. He raised his eyebrows....

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