SophomoreChapter 19: Negotiating free porn video

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"Dad, I'm going stay in Atlanta another day. I'd like to walk the land and count those peach trees."

Mr. Oldham turned and I recognized a connection between us that I had never seen before. It was like mental telepathy. His nod was all the instruction I needed. I knew how important it was that we obtain Mrs. Collier's acre at the right price and accepted the responsibility to make it happen.

It was later that night before I was able to sort out the flurry of activity that occurred over the next five minutes. The architects were embroiled in an argument that curled my toes, Marsha offered to secure a hotel room for me and show me around the city. Patricia offered, over the objection of her husband, to walk the land with me and at some point Holly Collier managed to hand me her business card. In the second our fingers touched her eyes dipped, making me lower my eyes to see the number written on the back of the card. The number didn't register as I tucked the card in my shirt pocket. I was too busy verifying the accuracy of my earlier estimate; she was five-eight in heels, making her five feet, five inches in stocking feet.

Feeling badly that Marsha didn't have the opportunity to increase our offer to Holly Collier, I let her drive me around the city and show me the other Oldham buildings under her management. As soon as she delivered me to my hotel I called home to make sure Mr. Oldham had arrived safely and then spoke to Shirley.

"When are you coming home?"

"Probably tomorrow, after I walk the land," I said, knowing that I wasn't being very convincing. She deserved better from me, but until I actually carried out my plan I hadn't crossed the line, had I?

"Remember, we're going to Alice and Carter's house Saturday night," she said as if she knew I wouldn't be back on Thursday or Friday.

"I'll be home well before Saturday."

"I shouldn't have come here with you. I knew I was going to be a widow while you're out slaying dragons."

Why couldn't she see the importance of my mission? "I'm sorry."

"Call me."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

I paced the room, filled with self-doubt, already regretting what I was about to do. Needing to have my ego stroked, I phoned Marcie.

"I heard you were in Atlanta. How come you're not out on the town?"

"I needed to talk to someone who understands me."

"You have a girlfriend who loves you. Shirley understands you."

"I guess I needed to talk to someone I can level with."

"Oh, honey, I don't think I like the sound of this. But tell me anyway; I'll listen."

I told her about everything that had happened that day, the meeting, the connection I had made with Mr. Oldham and the connection I had made with Holly Collier. "There are millions of dollars at stake. I've got to make the deal work."

"Do you want my advice, sweetie?"

"I know what you're going to say."

"No, you don't. You think I'm going to tell you to go home and forget about your plan, but we both know that wouldn't stop you. Before you do this thing, tell Shirley."

"Is that your advice?"


"I don't know."

"Think about it."

"Thanks for listening. I love you."

"I love you too," she said in a weak voice as the line went dead.

I went to bed thinking that Marcie had been no help, but when I woke up I decided she was right. Before I did 'this thing' I would tell Shirley my plan.

Patricia Coffee, or Patti as she preferred to be called, picked me up on Thursday morning and took me to the proposed building site. We walked the land and counted the peach trees.

She didn't mention her husband, but I could tell by her mood that there had been more to the argument than I had witnessed. I wanted to tell her how clever I thought she was to pick up on Mr. Oldham's ploy and try to tell him what he wanted to hear even though it was far from the truth. They might have pulled it off too, if her dimwitted husband had been able to see what Patti was trying to do. His ambition to prove his male superiority had blinded him, probably not for the first time.

We had lunch and talked about my plans to take some architectural courses as electives. Patti was enthusiastic about my interest in her field and for a time she lost the gloomy disposition that I somehow connected to her husband.

Based on what she told me about her experience, three years, Patti was twenty-five or twenty-six. She reminded me of Cassie, cute with a boy's body, sun-bleached hair and very small breasts. When we parted she gave me her business card. "My home number is on the back. Call me if you want to talk," she said.

I waited until seven-thirty to call Shirley and tried to justify the actions I was about to take.

"Ask yourself, Sammy. 'Does the end justify the means?'"

"Yes, I think it does."

"Then that's all I need to know. Good luck."

How could she be so callous? "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Why shouldn't I be? I know you just sealing a deal."

"You're too good for me."

"Call me when you're about to take off. I want to take your picture when you step off the plane, looking victorious. Pay attention because I want to hear every detail."

I paced the hotel room thinking about her last sentence. It said so much; not only was she going to meet my flight, she wished me success.

At eight-thirty I phoned Holly Collier. We 'negotiated' Thursday night and in the wee hours of Friday morning I woke Mr. Oldham to say that Mrs. Collier was agreeable to a number that was satisfactory to us. He woke one of the company lawyers, who spoke to Holly. By five A.M. we had a purchase and sale contract in place. Although the contract was signed, Holly and I continued 'hammering' out the deal until it was time for my flight on Saturday morning.

The reason I didn't fly home until Saturday is really Holly's story and I'll let her tell you about our day and two nights together in her own words.


My name is Holly Collier. I married Albert Collier five years ago when I was twenty-eight and he was fifty-four. We had both been married before, but neither of us had children so, when Albert died one year ago, I was his only heir; I got everything he owned.

While it is widely known that I've been liquidating Albert's real estate holdings there are certain personal things I've been able to keep to myself. For instance, aside from my accountant, no one knows I've made two recent trips to Fort Lauderdale to pursue my next husband. Edmond Broderick is fifty-nine, widowed with no children. Edmond doesn't know it yet, but we can be happy together. He's in good health and by the way, Edmond is filthy rich.

Albert knew he was dying and made every effort to prepare me for the day when I would be making business decisions. I think he knew I would want to take the cash and leave Atlanta. We drove around the city and he assigned a selling price to each property. The one thing he stressed was to be patient.

After six months of waiting for my husband to die and one year of waiting for buyers to meet my price, I was losing my patience.

For the past three months I've been negotiating with a leasing agent from the Oldham Companies for a pie-shaped acre of land. Albert had said the land would be worth one million dollars to the right buyer. I decided the Oldham Company was the right buyer and priced the acre at two million. Marsha Rice offered two hundred and fifty thousand and gradually moved up to five hundred thousand.

I liked Marsha and when she said Mr. John Oldham was coming to town I agreed to meet with him, stressing that my price was firm.

Mr. Oldham was exactly like I had pictured; refined and debonair. His pin-stripped suit was tailored to fit his body perfectly as was his neatly trimmed mustache. He shook my hand and graciously thanked me for agreeing to meet him during the holiday season.

What I was not prepared for was his son. Marsha hadn't mentioned that Sammy Oldham would be there. He was the exact opposite of his father, taller, more muscular, wearing a rumpled blue blazer. Sammy's hair was too long, un-kept, and there was a scar in his cheek that made me think he had been in a knife fight. Unlike his father, who had come to my side of the table, Sammy reached awkwardly across the table to shake my hand.

The two men held no resemblance whatsoever, except their eyes; both had beautiful blue eyes, searching, like they could read the depths of my being. Could they tell I had only been laid once in the past eighteen months?

Also in attendance were Marsha's boss, Ross Reardon of the Atlanta staff, and Michael and Patricia Coffee, a husband and wife team of consulting architects.

Rob Reardon opened the meeting and for the first five minutes I had to endure a barrage of insults and innuendos. He practically called me a gold-digging slut for demanding the outrageous price for my lonely acre.

If it hadn't been for the young man sitting directly across the table from me I would have gotten up and walked out of the room. We were paying more attention to one another than the boorish office manager. I'm sure our sly glances and telling smiles didn't go unnoticed by Mr. Oldham or the architects.

But when Mr. Reardon referred to me as 'Missy' he got my full attention and I could see that Sammy was visibly upset too.

Mister Oldham must have seen my reaction to the "Missy" moniker. He cleared his throat, halting Ross Reardon in mid sentence.

I half listened to Mr. Oldham as he told me he had met my husband once. He praised Albert for being a respected businessman, even using the term 'reasonable' as if he expected me to emulate my dead husband and be 'reasonable' too.

He tried once more to persuade me to reduce my price. I refused, saying the peach trees on the property were worth one hundred thousand each. This ridiculous statement angered Mr. Reardon and clearly frustrated Mr. Oldham, but Sammy looked amused.

"How many peach trees are on the property, Mrs. Collier?" Sammy asked, smiling at me like he detected my nipples were hard and my pussy was dripping. Does he know I'm pressing my thighs together?

I suppressed an urge to scream. "Twenty."

He thanked me, made a note in his file and turned to his father, who was directing a question to the architects.

"What changes would be required to make the building fit on the two adjoining pieces of land we already have under contract?"

Mr. Oldham's tactic backfired. Both Michael and Patricia spoke at once with differing opinions. Patricia spread a blueprint on the table and showed Sammy how the building would fit, but her husband was more vocal, shouting his wife down.

The argument between the two architects clearly infuriated Sammy. Mr. Oldham thanked me again for coming to the meeting and told Sammy they had a flight to catch. As he rose to his feet I was ready to crumble and lower my price, but just before I spoke, Sammy interceded.

"I think I'll stay in Atlanta, Dad. I want to walk the land and count the peach trees," Sammy said, smiling at me.

The father and son exchanged a look of agreement and that's when I knew I had to have this young man, even if it meant lowering my price. I wrote my home phone number on the back of my business card and as I handed it to Sammy, our fingers touched, briefly. Could he feel my need? Did he know I was becoming impatient?

When he didn't call I agonized that night and the next day. Did he miss seeing my home number on the back of my business card? Was he not interested? My mind was telling me to remain firm, but my pussy was telling me to drop my price.

It was eight-thirty when the telephone rang.


"One of your peach trees is dead."

"One million, nine hundred thousand."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm in the bathtub."

"Nine of the trees are on the land we have under contract."

"Okay, okay, one million."

"Five hundred thousand and I'll wash your back."

"I'll consider your offer," I said, knowing I could negotiate with a clear head after he fucked me.

"Downtown Marriott, room fourteen-fourteen," he said and I heard the dial tone.

His brash, indifferent tone didn't deter me from pulling the plug out of the tub. I dried hurriedly, refraining from touching myself in any of my sensitive places. What should I wear? How much makeup should I put on?

My hands were shaking so much I couldn't pull the stockings up my legs so I discarded them, leaving the garter belt on. When I went out the door ten minutes later I was wearing my long heavy coat over a short red skirt and red silk blouse, having left the bra and panties on the bed with my stockings. I was half way to the hotel before I realized I had forgotten my shoes. Where was my purse?

As I drove two numbers kept going through my mind; fourteen-fourteen, one million bucks, not a penny less, room fourteen-fourteen, not a penny less.

The door to room fourteen-fourteen was ajar. My hand was shaking as I tapped lightly.


He was on his hands and knees, wearing shorts and except for a grin on his face, nothing else.

"Come here," he ordered and I didn't hesitate, dropping my coat to the floor and taking the five steps until I was standing two inches from his face. He stuck his nose into my crotch and took an exaggerated whiff of my pussy before grinning up at me.

I couldn't help shaking as he lifted my skirt and buried his tongue in my cunt. All I could do was stand on one foot and hike the other one over his shoulder. He cupped my ass in both hands to steady me; otherwise I would have collapsed because my hands were too weak to get a firm grip on his head.

Sammy gave me an enormous orgasm before he even touched my clit. I became unsteady and begged him to stop. "Give me a second to recover, honey."

His face was covered with my sticky pussy-juice as he looked up at me, grinning.

"Five hundred thousand?"

I couldn't think. "Fourteen-fourteen and not a penny less."

He laughed, picked me up and tossed me in the center of the bed before walking to the door and closing it. I tried to unbutton my blouse, but I couldn't get my hands to work.

I watched him remove his shorts, making his cock bounce in front of him as he walked to the bed. He got between my legs and looked down to see me fumbling with the buttons on my blouse.

With a quick flick of his wrists buttons went flying, exposing my breasts. He bent down and took one of my nipples between his lips, sucking and rolling it around, but not biting like I wanted. I would have given a hundred grand for him to bite me, but unfortunately I couldn't form the words and he didn't understand the grunting pleas I was making.

Suddenly, he stopped sucking. "Five hundred thousand."

I held up one finger to show that the price remained firm at one million dollars. This is no time to negotiate; why doesn't he stick it in me?

Same as Sophomore
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David and I were sitting in our lounge one Saturday evening having a glass or two of wine whilst chatting and watching TV. Just then the doorbell rang and we both stopped mid sentence and looked at each other. Who the hell is that at this time of night I asked. It wasn’t that late being just gone ten but late enough to not be expecting callers. I’ll get it David said jumping up rather enthusiastically which was out of the ordinary for him. I could just make out the sound of men’s voices and...

2 years ago
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Rising in Space Falling in Love

Rising in Space, Falling in Love by: veilThe cold, metal snick of the wrist cuff being locked into place reverberate through my body, sending a quick shiver along my spine. Mistress steps back, admiring Her handiwork. Before bringing me to this room, Mistress had first 'dressed' Her little pet properly. This meant my feet were fitted into mid calf length latex boots, black of course, with a forced toe point and insanely long stiletto spike heels. The only way it was possible to walk in these...

3 years ago
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Caught in a New Life Pt2

(Hello everyone, this is a story that has been on my Patreon a while now. It's written for a very special patron of mine and currently on part 3 on Patreon. Part 4 will be posted there shortly. If you like this story and my other stories I would certainly suggest checking out my Patreon. It has a ton more content than what is freely available. Some tiers even offer having me write a story like this for you. ) Chapter 3 While Monroe was having...

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Gut Busters When a Sissyrsquos in HeathellipWho Ya Gonna C

Gut Busters -When a Sissy’s in Heat…Who Ya Gonna Call by Cy. BlackRandy Sorenson considered himself a bit of a beach-bum. Born and raised on the beaches of Southern California by his very well-off parents, he lacked for very little throughout his c***dhood. His mother a very successful art curator, and his father a massively successful movie director, afforded the young, below shoulder-length, curly, blonde haired, blue-eyed youth to simply lay back on a beach and soak up the sunshine with his...

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Card Game

I'm a late forties married milf with an overactive sex drive. I have a job that takes me out of town some with overnight travel. That's my playtime. I had been playing some online card games for a few years on a site where you can chat with other players during the games. I'd been flirting with a man named Jerry for a couple of years. We'd always talked about what it would be like if I traveled to his town and the things we would do; flirtatious sexy talk. So when I found out I would be going...

3 years ago
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My Rookie Evening

Not too long ago, I met an old college buddy of mine. I hadn’t seen her in at least eight or ten years and she certainly had changed. She looked like a million bucks with fashionable clothes and beautiful matching jewelry. The mystery was that back in college she never had very much money for the nice things in life. She came from a fairly poor family. I asked her if she had collared a rich millionaire for herself and she replied that she had not but had landed a fantastic job. Then she said...

4 years ago
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Helping Mom To Satisfy Her Needs 8211 Part 2

I closed the main door first and went to the bedroom with my mom. She sat on the bed and I sat near to her. We were staring each other in awkward silence like if a newlywed couple on their wedding night. To break the silence, I asked my mom, “What turns you on, mom?” She replied, “I don’t know, it just happens when I do with your father.” I replied, “It’s okay, I am here to teach you. I am going to show you some sensitive areas on your body which will turn you on and will help in masturbation....

3 years ago
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Finding LisaChapter 3

Let's stay together "BLOODY-HELL!" she exclaimed and threw her arms round me. "You look... Blimey... What's... ? Come in... holy shit!" "Mandy! Mind your language!" said a voice from another room. "Sorry dad!" Giggling, we piled up to her room. I felt elation that I had not felt in a long time, finding that Mandy was not responsible for putting me in that God-awful position with Greg Bridger at the Cordoba; it was just a complete misunderstanding. I guess it was just a lack of...

2 years ago
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A Devotee From Coimbatore To Worship Woman With Sex

Dear sex lovers, I am Raj (Only names are changed for complete privacy of me and my sex mates) from Coimbatore. This is a real incident happened two years ago with one of the colleagues in my office. Short brief about me: I am 27 years old, fair, good looking as others say. I work as a software engineer in one of the companies in Coimbatore. I believe woman is a beautiful creation of god, who has to be worshiped by fulfilling her desires and happiness with sex. Woman of any age and any physical...

2 years ago
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My Wifes First Chat

Those were the words spoken by my adorable wife Cat, as she came through the sliders from the pool. It was 9:00 pm, early for too much mischief, and Fred lives across the Atlantic from us, where it was now 2:00 am. Recently my demure wife has been exploring the naughty side of herself, and engaging in short, flirty chats with my best friend in England. I've known Fred for over 10 years. We became online chat friends after meeting on a picture sharing site, where we found the greatest...

3 years ago
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A Bride chapter six

I did put them on her, but while I did it, I licked from her clitoris to her anus, she moaned, then giggled and pushed me away."Stop it you bloody sex maniac," she laughed, "Or we'll never get to the pub."Then she moaned in protest when I did stop.A typical Saturday night, the pub was full, almost to bursting so after fighting our way through the throng to get to the bar, we stayed there squashed against each other.There was a gleam in her eyes as she looked round the pub, I think every single...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 677

The Retreat ... A few moments later, they walked into the Retreat through the garage door and eventually found everyone in the living room. Adrienné immediately went to hug both Arlene and Ann. Due to the cooking classes and the other things Diana had initiated with the alien women, Adrienné felt at home with everyone there. In moments, she was sitting in the middle of a group of females engaged in animated conversation. Jeff went over to where Aiko sat on a couch talking to her daughter....

2 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 46

The year dragged to a close and information from across the river started to dry up as the tribes either crossed the river or moved further north. The lack of information was brought up at one of the meetings held with senior officers. It was Sultar who suggested letting some of the Gurkhas cross the river in disguise. “Due to their size and colouring they may be able to avoid detection,” he argued. Rham, along with three of the original Gurkhas who had come with David to the Crater, were...

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It was the end of summer and I was going to be a senior, me, Bill, had made it. This was a big deal as I had already heard about how impressive my sister was from all of her teachers, I have to tell you, that really sucks. I was seventeen and in exceptional shape, 5'9" tall and a solid 175lbs. I ran track, played tennis and swam in school and still had time to surf with my buddy's. I have a 15 year old cousin whose name is Marge. What is of great importance is how she had changed in a year....

2 years ago
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Vickis Furry FriendChapter 2

Slowly, as she reached for her release, an unwelcomed sound penetrated the lustfully stimulated young wife's brain: a knocking at the back door... persistent... but... not demanding... yet! For a long moment, the rapturously captivated Vicki did not move, couldn't move in the throes of her forbidden enchantment. But the knocking continued... Oh God, just a minute more and I would have come! she thought wildly. Damn! she cursed under her breath, then quickly grasped her robe as she shivered...

4 years ago
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My Mirror 3 Stephanie Sannes Sex

MY MIGHTY MIRROR´S MEMORY HAS A SECRET -- A SWITCHABLE SEE-THROUGH SPECIALITYMY MIRROR a new series with probably several sub-series of horny heroines of sexy scenarios it's seenMY MIRROR starts with its first sub-series of my yummy younger sister: sweet sexy ´sexteen´ StephanieMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN ´WOMEN´S WOMB´S SEXY SECRETS: STRICTLY FOR FEMALES ONLY!MY MIRROR IS WRITTEN WITH ALL MY MIGHT WHICH I WILL USE TO ANNIHILATE ANY...

2 years ago
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Natasha Caught In The Act 8211 Part II

It was a long time after Natasha and I had our first experience together. The fact that she enjoyed it was evident in the way she behaved with me. She gave me a shy smile, sometimes blushing, whenever our eyes locked during the class or when we met at the corridors. We both were having trouble controlling our feelings. Natasha’s class was having lab hours and they were busy with their experiments. She was at the back of the lab, concentrating on her work. I went and stood at her back. She did...

3 years ago
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Ok you are a naked male or female. You are either seen naked in the bathroom showering, lost a bet, lost a strip game whatever the case my be. You could be naked and some one is bound to see you and your privates rather it be a male or female. There can be only cfnf,cfnm,cmnf and cmnm allowed in the story. So have fun with adding your story. No lesbian or gay sex allowed in the stories please.

1 year ago
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BrattySis Eliza Ibarra Step Sisters Fuck Bunny

Eliza Ibarra has a thing for older guys, which she confesses to her stepbrother, Kyle Mason, after learning that Kyle’s buddy has a crush on her. Kyle learns that Eliza may not be into his friend, but she’s definitely into his dad. That info really shakes Kyle, who tells Eliza that his dad is a total dork who might even dress up as a bunny for Easter. The two part ways, but Eliza realizes that now that she’s said it she really does want to fuck her stepdaddy. She decides to...

2 years ago
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My Conservative wife

To Dear Readers,I have been reading this section for a long time .Its wonderful how people share their experiences. Today I am going to share one of my experiences ,rather I should say my wife,s experience.We are happily married for last 4 years and enjoy our sexual life but for many months now it was rather getting boring,So I thought we need to spice up our life.To let you know about us. I am Ram and aged 31 years and my wife shivani is 29 .I am moderately built .My wife ,I wont call her slim...

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Fools ErrandChapter 5

Lyndsey drove over to Mason’s place, 25 Sycamore Gardens, using the Sat Nav in her Smart Car. She was expecting a block of apartments, not a short cul-de-sac of well-spaced out semi-detached family houses. She soon worked out where No 25 was. It had a neat lawn in front and a currently leafless deciduous tree in the middle of the lawn. To the right was a long drive leading up to an attached garage, which presumably contained his car. There were lights outside displaying occupancy inside. So...

3 years ago
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Sorry for delays in the story but real life does take precedence. And that pesky thing called life did intrude with a vengence. I had been a few weeks between visits with Kat and Amy due to military duty and things in their lives. But none the less we had communicated and planned on getting together over the weekend. Kat said in one of our phone calls she and Amy had an idea they wanted to talk about with me. I asked for hints and all they said was it will be fun and kinky.Ok what do those two...

4 years ago
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Dinner with Tammie

I'm sorry to bother you, James, but I couldn't help but notice the lace on your panties when you bent over to pick up that report. I hope I'm not embarrassing you but your shirt tail was out and I just didn't want you to expose anything more. How humiliating, that one of my coworkers had seen my panty waistband. I've only been wearing panties now for like 'my whole life' and nobody ever caught me before. What to do? God, I can't think right now. "Thank you, Tammie, for letting me...

2 years ago
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Curious Hubby

I watched my wife’s mouth as she effortlessly slid my cock in and out of it. It seemed as everything was in slow motion. Her lips were wrapped tight around me as I watched it slide slowly out to its tip and then back in. I loved how her lips glistened with her saliva. My cock looked large against her small mouth. I wondered how she took all of me inside her. Her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in the moment. I wasn’t sure if I was enjoying what she was doing as much as I was enjoying...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Rendezvous on Cape May

A woman is alone. She is in the sun room of her home, but there is no sun. It is late in the evening and the sun room has been converted to an exercise salon. She lies on her back on a mat on the hardwood floor. Her breath is rapid and labored. Perspiration trickles from her brow, running down her temples despite the chill of the air conditioning that shields the summer heat. The moisture stains through her exercise outfit, a tight second skin that covers her from ankle to shoulder. It has...

2 years ago
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We walked briskly to the car and didn’t even acknowledge the “cat-calls” we received from the guys as we passed. It was several minutes into the ride home before I broke the silence. “Well we have baited the beast, and I just hope our cage can hold him when he comes to feast,” I said trying to be funny, but in truth, I was worried. Tisha didn’t respond to my summation. She just kept her eyes straight forward on the road ahead, as if wondering what was around the next turn. When we finally...

1 year ago
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RookiesChapter 10

We took both games from the Devil Rays. That was unusual. In the past, no matter how miserable the Tampa Bay club was, they had always managed to compete with us, nose-to-nose. The Orioles' tendency in recent years had been to play up or down to the level of our competition. We'd stand tall against New York and Boston, but often would allow Tampa Bay and other cellar-dwellers to steal wins. It was frustrating -- for the players and the fans. So beating Tampa Bay two straight felt like...

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Life From Virginity to the Highest High and Lowest Low

My name is Elisabeth. I have been called Lizzy, Liz, Tomboy Liz and Beth. Probably other names behind my back. I am 5'8", weigh 130 pounds, am 24 years old and wear an A cup bra, when I wear one at all. People say I am slender, thin, lanky, slim, athletic and flat chested. My eyes are green with flecks of gold and my hair is light brown, hanging just below my shoulders.I am one of four children; two older brothers and one younger brother. You can imagine what life was like around them and why I...

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