Samuel Pt 2
- 3 years ago
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A little later, Scott was having a dream of his own and enjoying it very much. It had been a long time since he had had such a realistic fantasy, but he seemed to be having one now. In his dream, Scott felt his engorged cock warmed by the heat of a very wet and inviting pussy. He was enjoying the tightness surrounding him and felt his hips involuntarily pump in the canal. Still half asleep, Scott heard what sounded like an aroused moan. The voice was familiar, but wasn't his own; it sounded like TK. Reluctantly pulling himself out of his dream state, Scott slowly opened his eyes. For a split second, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
During the night, the couple ended up spooning. Scott's arousal had peeked out of his boxers and was embedded in TK's pussy. He realized his hand had also slipped under her nightshirt to play with her nipples. When he tried to pull away, TK's body followed his. He knew he should try harder to pull out and wake TK, but his body was moving of its own accord. He continued to pump into TK while she matched his thrusts. For all he knew, he reasoned, she could be awake and wanting this as much as he. He surrendered to the enjoyment and began to quicken his pace while moving his hand down to stimulate her clit. As he felt her juices drench his cock, he allowed his own climax to be released, dousing the inside of TK's womb. Exhausted, Scott let sleep take him once again.
The next time the couple awoke, Scott was lying on his back with TK snuggled against his side, just as they had begun the night. Scott was the first to stir, but TK awakened soon afterwards.
"Here, let me give you some breathing room." TK started to move her body a little away from Scott's.
"I'm breathing quite nicely already," he replied, loosening his hold on TK's shoulders, but not letting her break the connection their bodies had.
"It looks like the storm stopped," TK noted, looking out the slightly opened blinds.
"I like the mornings after a storm," Scott observed. "It's kind of like making a fresh start." As Scott stretched next to TK, he felt her stiffen slightly.
"Why don't you take a shower and I'll see about making some breakfast?" Scott offered. TK suddenly seemed like a timid, trapped rabbit looking for a quick exit. She nodded her head as she rolled away from Scott to get out of bed.
While TK was in the bathroom, Scott busied himself in the kitchen making French toast and coffee. He tried to replay the events in his mind while cooking. She had opened up to him about her late husband and son. She had been frightened by a nightmare. He offered her comfort. During the night, they had made love. Did he take advantage of her? She appeared vulnerable at the reception until Tiffany had challenged her. And, then, she was vulnerable again talking about her family. But, she seemed fine by the time she went to bed. Just then, TK walked into the kitchen breaking Scott out of his thoughts.
"Here, TK, have something to eat." He offered her the plate piled high with the breakfast food. Scott watched as she took a couple pieces and then sat at the table; she still looked like a timid rabbit, not able to look Scott in the eyes. "We need to talk, don't we?"
TK nodded her head in agreement as tears began to form in her eyes. Quickly, Scott was kneeling by her side and taking her in his arms.
"You have nothing to be sad about," he consoled. "You are a beautiful and desirable woman."
Through her sobs she tried to explain. "I can't get over feeling like I cheated on Jason. He was supposed to be my soul-mate; I'm not supposed to want another man after him." As the dam blocking her tears broke, she clung to Scott and cried. As soon as her tears began to slow, Scott straightened TK so he could look into her eyes.
"I'm not going to tell you I'm sorry for last night. I didn't plan it, but I'm not sorry for it. To be honest, I didn't even realize at first that it was happening; I thought it was a dream I was having about you. I've wanted to get closer to you for a while, but I wanted to wait until the book was done so we could stay focused. When I realized it was really happening, I couldn't stop. You felt so good. You feel so right in my arms; we fit together."
Scott gently placed a kiss on TK's lips. He felt her respond slightly and then pull back. He broke the kiss and then got up off the floor. The two ate their breakfast in silence; each in their own thoughts about the previous night. After breakfast, Scott took a quick shower while TK busied herself in the kitchen cleaning up.
"Can we do something today?" Scott asked, entering the kitchen after getting dressed. "Go somewhere to just be together? It can be mundane errands, I don't care."
"Not today, Scott," TK apologized. "I'm kind of tired and need some time to think things through, if you don't mind." She looked at him with sad eyes.
"Okay," he agreed, reluctantly. "I'll call you in a couple of days, okay?" He couldn't resist taking her in his arms once more and kissing her on the mouth. He felt her arms move to hold him closer and then quickly release their grip. "Call me if you want to talk," he said, as he gathered his bag and left.
Scott had a difficult time in the days that followed. He tried to busy himself with work, but his mind kept wandering back to TK and the night they spent together. He called her, but only got her voicemail. He left messages the first couple of times, but when they went unanswered, he stopped leaving messages. He would drive by her apartment, but found no lights on, even though her car remained in its spot.
"Scott, come in, my boy!" Jack Harmon sat behind his big desk. After two weeks of watching Scott worry, he had decided to intervene. "Your mind doesn't seem to be on your work these days."
"Sorry, Mr. Harmon; just a bit distracted, I guess."
"Scott," the father figure began gently, "she asked me to ask you to stop calling her for a while. I don't know what happened between the two of you, and it's not my place to pry. She just told me to tell you she was going to visit family for a while and didn't want you to worry, but she didn't want to feel guilty by having you call all the time, either."
"Did she say how long she'd be gone?" Scott pleaded.
"Sorry, son, she didn't," Harmon answered, seeing quite clearly how this was tearing Scott apart. "The next time she checks in, I'll see if I can get her to drop you a line. Until then, why don't you call it a week and get some rest. Come back on Monday ready to start a new project, okay?"
Scott left the office feeling like a dejected school boy. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so lost. Instead of drowning his sorrows in a bottle, like he knew many men did, he read over the manuscript and constant e-mails that he and TK had sent back and forth regarding her book. Knowing now about her past, he understood more clearly what she had written and why she had fought to keep some of the text as is.
Days quickly turned into weeks; which turned into months. Scott continued on, keeping busy with his projects, but always keeping TK's book close by. Occasionally, Jack Harmon would give Scott a tidbit of information regarding TK, but never enough for Scott to be able to find her. He stopped by her apartment a month after the reception. There were lights on but her car was gone. When he knocked on her apartment door, a stranger answered. TK had moved out.
Scott had just finished editing Tiffany's latest book when Mr. Harmon called him into his office.
"I've got another book project for you," he began. "I've talked with the author and I've looked the manuscript over. I think you'd be perfect for the job." With that, he pushed some papers across his desk toward Scott. When Scott read the title, he was in shock.
"'Letters to Alexander'? By TK Lawrence? Does she know you're giving me this?" Scott asked incredulously. After all these months, it was good to know that TK was still writing. But Scott wasn't convinced that this was the right project for him.
"No," Mr. Harmon broke Scott out of his thoughts. "As a matter of fact, she asked, specifically, that this not go to you. But, I can't think of a more qualified editor for this project. And, it's high time you two iron out your differences. If there is a problem with you two working together, let me know and I'll re-assign the book."
"But, where is she now? She moved out of her apartment six months ago." Without saying a word, Mr. Harmon produced a piece of paper with an address and directions on it and slid it across his desk toward Scott.
"I told her that I would be sending her an editor by this afternoon at 2pm. You have just enough time to get there, if you leave now." Scott didn't need to be told twice. He grabbed up the papers and was practically running out the door. Jack Harmon was a little worried that TK would be angry with him, but his fatherly instincts told him this was the right thing to do.
TK was nervous about working with a new editor. She and Scott had worked together so well for her first book, but she still wasn't sure she could be in the same room with him; too much had happened to turn back now. She decided that this was the best way to handle the situation and continued to busy herself around her house, preparing for the arrival of her new editor. When the doorbell rang, she felt nervous. She timidly opened the door, and peered out to see who Jack Harmon had sent.
"TK," Scott smiled broadly. She looked more beautiful then he remembered; she was glowing. He missed her more than he realized, if that were possible. He wanted to push open the door and take her in his arms, but he controlled himself when he saw how timid she appeared.
"Scott," she began quietly, looking down toward the floor. "I wasn't expecting you."
"I know. Mr. Harmon told me you asked him to not send me. But, he feels I'm the best for the job. Can I come in?" Reluctantly, TK stepped back, opening the door wider and allowing Scott to enter. He thought it was odd that she kept herself hidden behind the door; he never knew her to be that timid. He quickly scanned the entry and living room.
"Nice place, TK. When did you move?" As he turned around to face her, his eyes quickly dropped. TK closed the door and revealed her expanded middle. She became nervous when she saw where Scott's eyes stopped, so she tried to quickly move past him and into the living room proper.
"I've got my laptop set up with the manuscript, if you want to take a look at it. I also have some sandwiches made if you're hungry. Would you like something to drink; water or juice, perhaps? Sorry, that's all I've got these days." She was trying so hard to pretend that there was nothing going on, but Scott was making it difficult. He was just standing there and staring.
"Ah, water would be fine, thanks," he stammered out, realizing he was staring a bit too long at her belly. "I guess congratulations are in order. You must have found that special someone after all." Scott tried to sound happy for her, but his bitterness crept through.
TK quickly left to get some water for the both of them, and the tray with the sandwiches on it. If nothing else, she hoped eating would distract her enough so she could keep her mind on her work and not Scott. Thankfully, Scott was quickly engrossed in the manuscript for TK's new book when she re-entered the living room.
"The book is good!" he stated when he looked up from the laptop, accepting the water she handed him.
"Don't sound so surprised," she remarked as she sat down, allowing a smile to creep onto her face. "You didn't think I was a flash in the pan, did you; a one-book wonder?" Scott couldn't help but chuckle. He had missed her dry sense of humor.
"Ow!" TK felt a pain run through her belly and bent over to try to alleviate it.
"What's wrong?" Scott quickly became concerned with the way TK was almost doubled over.
"Damn it! It's happening again!" she hissed, worry blanketing her statement. "It's too soon. Oh, God!"
"What's happening? When — when are you due?"
"Not for another seven weeks. I can't to through this again!" pleaded TK, as she punched the sofa cushion beside her.
"Is there someone to call? Your mother; the baby's father?"
"No. My mother died about two months ago. Can you take me to the hospital? I'll call the doctor on the way."
With her pain temporarily subsiding, Scott helped TK up and she directed him to the bag she had packed and placed in the front hallway closet. He guided her quickly and carefully down the front steps and into his car. Scott didn't know how to help her; he had never been around a woman in labor before.
"Okay," TK said, a bit calmer after getting off the phone. "My doctor will meet us at the hospital. Could you stay with me until then?" TK didn't want to beg him to stay with her, but she was afraid to be alone.
"Ah, sure. I don't know what I can do, but I won't leave your side." It never dawned on Scott to inquire again about the father.
They got to the hospital in record time and Scott stayed right with TK during the delivery, allowing her to squeeze one hand until the blood was cut off, while he wiped the sweat off her brow with his other hand.
Finally, the doctor announced the delivery of her baby boy. When Scott was offered the honor of cutting the cord, he took a step back and shook his head. He knew that this honor should go to the father, not him.
"Go ahead; it's okay," TK encouraged. Reluctantly, he took the scissors from the nurse and cut the cord. As Scott looked at the small baby, an indescribable feeling washed over him. He had never seen a baby so beautiful; he was perfect. As the baby was taken away, a look of panic shown on Scott's face.
"They take the baby," TK explained, "and clean him up and then weigh and measure him and check him out to make sure everything's okay." Scott calmed down as he heard the peace in TK's voice. Soon enough, another doctor came over to TK.
"He's small, but that's because he's early. However, everything else checks out; it's nothing short of a miracle. We want to keep him under observation for the next day or so, but we see no reason why you wouldn't be able to take him home soon after that." With a smile on his face, the doctor excused himself to tend to his new patient.
Scott turned to TK with relief on his face. As he looked into her eyes, he couldn't help himself. He excitedly bent down and kissed her. When his lips finally released her, they were both panting.
"Your son will be okay!" he repeated excitedly. He continued to stay by TK's side as the staff cleaned her up and brought her to her room. Soon after she got settled in, a nurse came in with her baby. As the nurse instructed TK, Scott watched in silence as she bared her breast and started to feed her son. Tears quickly formed in TK's eyes as she looked down at her suckling babe.
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Wow, I haven't put up a story on here in forever. I have gone through some sexcapades in the meantime just every time i got on here, I ended up watching porn instead of putting up one of my stories. Well here is one of my newest ones. It involves me and this country girl that I met through a site. Enjoy!Well i met this one girl through a website. It wasn't a sex site but a legit dating site. Any dating site can be a sex site really. I spoke to this girl for about a month before going to meet...
Naughty Japanese teen Marica Hase is so excited when her new tutor, Damon arrives that she can’t wait to get studying. While Damon is reading from her favourite book, Marica gets easily distracted and reveals her tight teen body. She starts masturbating on the couch and puts on quite a show. It doesn’t take long before Damon takes out his hard cock and Marica happily takes it in her mouth, sucking his shaft! This horny minx gets every hole stuffed with her tutor’s cock and...
xmoviesforyouWhen I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly. She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why? I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you...
A college age girl goes to visit her boyfriend at college and stay the weekend. She is about 5'2 with brown hair, big full natural breast's, and though she is petite she has thick thighs and an ass that is thick and always gets the attention of the boys.She hasn't met his roommates yet but when she gets there she is greeted by her boyfriend and he introduces her to 4 black guys 3 of which are his roommates and one that is just visiting his 'boys'. She didn't know his new roommates were all...
You go to visit Lauren at work, and when you get there you notice her flirting with a male coworker. As you walk up, she sees you and quickly changes her tone with him. The silly smile drops from her face and she asks him if he can check back with her after lunch. You two leave and go to a nearby diner. While you are eating you ask her "So who was that guy you were talking to?" She replies, "Oh that's John. He is one of the top sales guys in the region, maybe the entire company." "You two...
G-wave - Raped by Shrike It was hard to believe, but Ken had missed all the warnings and reports on the strange phenomenon that people called the Gender wave. There was a good reason for it though. You see Ken had just run away from another foster home and was looking out for a chance to steal some cash. Ken was headed straight for a life of crime. His mother had left him on the street as a baby with only a note attached saying that his name was Kenneth. So he was admitted to an...
I went on vacation to this this lake resort, by myself. I just needed some peace and quiet, being able to do what ever I want to do. I like this resort I went to, because I'm able to lay on the dock without a bathing suit if I want.Which, the first day I was there, I went to the local store, stocked up on some groceries, a few bottles of wine and a new blow up raft. I went back to my cabin, made some lunch, changed into my cover up and headed to the dock. I brought my radio and the raft. ...
It is that time in my life. So many questions. So many new alien feelings burning inside of me. Troubled dreams seem to haunt me, even in the daylight. My mother went away so long ago I have virtually no memory of her. I don't ask my dad about her anymore because it always makes him sad when I ask about her. All I really know about her is that she is gone, and it's unlikely she will be back. She never calls. My older sister is now away to college. She calls at least once a week and talks to...
I stop off at your house to drop off a book I borrowed from you and knock on the door. You open the door in cut off jeans and a t-shirt that shows off your tight,flat stomach and the telltale signs of erect nipples. “Oh thanks!” You say as I give you the book.”Very entertaining reading!” I say as you welcome me in. I walk into the living room with you and sit on the couch.”So what have you been up to lately?” You ask as you sit cross legged next to me but leave your legs open enough so I can...
The harvest moon shines down on me as I duck through a hole in a fence that was once at least partially mine. I look around to make sure no one is out here to see me. Except for the occasional sounds of the farm animals and the insects, the night is silent so I move on. I cross into the cornfield and notice that the corn is already thick and very high. I try very hard not to make any noise as I stealthily move through the stalks of ripenening corn. In the center of the field there's a small...
Hello Readers, This is Abhishek this side, on the hunt for girls, women and housewives who have an appetite for hard core no strings attached sex from Delhi. I would take your time to narrate a true adventure of my life in the form of story, so that you readers can feel the heat and do thanks me for making you cum. I stay in a society in Delhi, and as we all know that Delhi is a place full of hot beauties. While Driving Car t in our Society area several time I have noticed a gorgeous teen girl...
"You'll never see Allison again." Jack felt the anger rise inside him again. That was Ted's last statement before they parted company. Jack scoffed at the idea of leaving his wife and her sister behind, but his father-in-law was insistent. He never raised his voice, but the venom was evident. "I'm not an unreasonable man," he had said. Jack laughed out loud now as he drove his car back to his house and hopefully to his waiting wife. Ted agreed to redirect the rumors until Jack's...
I contemplated trying to set up a hidden camera in the bedroom myself, but I thought it involved far too much risk. I also figured that the greatest asset I had was Dylan; there was no way that a young, good looking guy like him could possibly actually have feelings for my Mom. I had $5,000 in the bank saved specifically for a trip for Amanda and I to take together ... now that we were broken up, that four grand could be used elsewhere. I figured Dylan would be able to tell me exactly how...
Chapter 18 Stan sat in the booth and Anne took a seat next to him, opposite Elaine. The cute receptionist looked up and Stan could see she was close to tears. Gently, he asked her, ‘Elaine, whatever’s the matter? Is there anything I can do?’ Elaine barely managed ‘Su-Su-Sus-Susan!’ and came to a halt, sobbing. Stan looked at Anne, for permission before he went around the table and sat next to Elaine with his arm around her. ‘Ssshhh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m sure we can sort it out,’ he...
You all may remember, some months back, a married couple were arrested whilst aboard a transatlantic flight and charged with indecent behaviour. The newspapers said that they were involved in a romantic interlude'. Well it just so happens that I was also aboard that flight, and let me tell you, what you read in the tabloids was not even close to the whole story! To use a quote: "The truth? They couldn't handle the truth!" It all started in the early spring of this year. After a two week...
Hi ISS readers.Ye meri 1st Story hai ummid karta hu aap logo ko jrur psand aayege.mera naam kanik hai mai 22 years ka hu or delhi ke patel nagar me rhta hu.jis aunty,girl,widow ko mere 8″ lambe or 2.5″mote ka mja lena ho wo mujhe mail kar skti hai ye bilkul secreat rakha jayega () Ab mai story par aata hu ye ghatna 6 month purani hai,mai jahan rhta hu usi floor par 35 saal ki aunty rhti naam unka naam simran hai,wo punjabi hai.unka figure 36 30 34 hai dekhe me itni khubsurat hai ki kisi ka v...
Except for a few brief times, I had only really looked at Amy with my lustfulled cravings before. When I would look at Emily I thought about how much their bodies looked alike. Now I was almost forgetting all about Amy. Emily was my desire... My goal. I wanted to shove my tongue deep inside of her tight, cute little ass. She was wearing tight leggings and a t-shirt. No bra and hopefully no panties either. Well little sister... You saw me naked and tasted my cock and cum, among other...
As the morning light shimmered through the bedroom window, lying on my back, I gazed my eyes upon the two lovely beauties at my sides. My gorgeous sexy sister Amy on my left and my sweet young teenage daughter Lauren on my right were sleeping soundly. We spent almost all night making love in every possible way one could imagine. My cock began to harden as my mind chased sexy images from the night before through my head. It was an unbelievable incestuous adventure and almost like a...
IncestLunch was in a fancy Washington restaurant in a private room, a working lunch discussing events of the morning. Discussions that were going to be heated when we got home, I was sure. While the presentation was informational this morning, a zillion questions needed to be answered that were going to affect all JBG divisions. It was going to take a vision to even see how the pieces would fit. Could we grow that much at one time and survive? The underlying question was - why was the Federal...
My flight back to Kansas from Greece was delayed on its last leg by thunderstorms and tornado warnings. I was relieved. I dreaded having to face up to my husband. He had to suspect that the extra days I had stayed in Greece had not been devoted to a study of ancient Greek monuments. Nor did I get my tanned-all-over body while admiring icons in Greek churches. He was waiting for me at the airport. He kissed me on the cheek and led me to our car – a nice two-year old automobile that my...