Dea Clarissa
- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
No one said a word until we were back downstairs on the sofa. Everyone had been untied and the ropes lay in a pile on the coffee table with Bubba's shiv and the nipple clamps. Brute sat at my feet, my faithful protector. Sara brought us all sodas. I knew there were questions that would be asked. I hoped I could count on Bud and Jim to help deflect some of them. They knew enough to understand how some of the trick was done. Neeka had lots of practice at keeping her mouth shut, so it was going to be Lori and Sara who would be doing the asking.
"Sam?" Sara said, to start. I tried to imagine what question she would ask.
"Thank you," she said. "You saved my life. Hell, you probably saved all our lives."
Lori said, "That was the greatest thing I have ever seen. You beat the crap out of them. I thought they would kill you, but you beat them." She got up and went over to the chrome-plated dumbbell I had hit Leon with. She looked at it and then tried to pick it up. She could barely move it. Jim went over and picked it up with two hands and put it back in the rack with the others.
"It says it weighs 40 pounds," Lori said in an awed tone. "And you threw it at him. You hit him hard enough to break his ribs. I heard them snap."
"You kicked Bubba's balls into the next county. He went down like a big sack of oranges falling off the produce truck," she went on. "But the most impressive thing, the thing that I still can't believe, even though I watched you do it, was hanging upside down from your nipples and getting yourself off that hook. Aren't you hurt? They don't even look bruised, just a little red."
Neeka reached over and touched my nipples. I had not bothered to dress again and neither had Neeka. I was sure that she would when I did. She was just being her usual silent, supportive self. Neeka stroked my breasts and asked, "Are you sure you're all right? Is there anything I can do for you?"
I smiled, "Kiss them and make them better?" She did, without hesitation. She kissed both my nipples very gently and very tenderly. I felt a warm feeling starting in my pussy. Neeka and I had some unfinished business.
"Hysterical strength," Jim suggested "Under great stress, people can do amazing things. Perform great feats of strength, endure great amounts of pain." I wanted to kiss him, but it would have given away the show. He had come up with a plausible explanation and I decided to get behind it.
"That must be it," I said. "I was just so damn mad that I lost control. I didn't know what I was doing."
"Bullshit," Lori said. "I was sitting right beside Jim when you primed him to open the door when you were ready. You knew what you were going to do. You planned it. You got them away from us long enough for this... this... beautiful monster to come in and scare them off. Why did you let them go? That's what doesn't make sense to me."
I sighed. Lori wasn't going to be put off with stories about mothers picking up cars to save their babies, but I could answer the question as she asked it. I said, "If we had called the cops and had them arrested here, the cops would have called our parents. What would your mother have thought? What would Mrs. Morgan think? What would mine... what would Mrs. Reynolds have thought? Put yourself in their places. Being called by the cops and told their children had been attacked by a couple of escaped convicts? Especially Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Morgan being only a couple of houses away while their children were being raped and sodomized. I could not put them through that. No mother should have to live with that."
"I didn't get raped," Neeka said. "You got free too quick. I missed being sodomized, too... damn it." Everyone burst out laughing at that. It was the first time I had heard Neeka make a joke. I hugged her really hard. She had been the brave one. She had put her faith in me to save her.
Lori wasn't going to let it go. "But he cut you. I saw him cut your throat. How did you..." Her sister whacked her with an elbow and gave her the dirtiest look I have ever seen anyone use on a relative.
"Right," Lori said, "it doesn't matter. If you don't want to talk about it, that's cool. But there is one thing that I have to say. It's just that Sara is right. Stop smirking, Sara. It had to happen eventually. She said you saved us, and she's right. We owe you our lives. If you don't want us to talk about it, I can get behind that. If my mother knew what happened, she would never let us out of her sight again. We'd be prisoners, just like those two assholes. So you saved us twice. You kept your head and you saved us. You're my Hero. Or is it Heroine?"
"Hey, I'm not a Hero," I said. "I just could not let anything happen to my friends."
Lori got up and came over to sit next to me. She put her arm around me and leaned over and kissed me. "In that case," she said, "I am very glad to be your friend. Because God help your enemies!"
I closed my eyes for a moment and put my hand over the hollow of my left shoulder. When I opened them I turned to Lori and said, "Do you like my tattoo?" I took my hand away from my shoulder and Lori looked at the small pink heart. Inside the heart, in script, it said "Lori". She smiled and looked me in the eyes.
"Thank you," she said in a whisper. "I know that wasn't there before." Her eyes went wide, but she kept her voice low. "So that's how..." She stopped. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
"Is there any of that pizza left?" I asked. "I'm suddenly very hungry."
"I'm on it," Jim said and ran up to the kitchen to warm me up a couple of pieces.
"Also, my breasts are sore again. Could someone please kiss them some more?"
Neeka and Lori bent to the task with a will. I leaned back and luxuriated in the sensation. It looked like the Heroine business had some nice benefits.
Later, after everyone had taken a turn soothing my poor nipples, and those not so occupied had amused themselves however they chose, we turned on the TV in time to catch the news. The lead story was about two prison work farm escapees who had been recaptured after the truck they had stolen had broken down in a residential part of town. Both men had been severely injured and were being treated in the prison hospital. One had four broken ribs and a collapsed lung and the other had unspecified groin injuries. Both were expected to recover after a long convalescence.
The men told authorities that they had been attacked by a gang of 20 outlaw bikers who beat them senseless and left them for dead. Law enforcement agencies are on the lookout for the gang and bulletins have been issued, but since no such biker gang had been seen in the area, the authorities were not confident of a quick resolution of this unusual case. A large quantity of blood on the clothes of one of the men had been determined through laboratory tests to belong to a Caucasian female between the ages of 13 and 19. It was believed that the escapees had murdered a girl, but no body had yet been found.
"Uh, oh." I said. "Better get dressed. We're going to have company if Mrs. Reynolds or Mrs. Morgan heard that. And get rid of that junk on the table."
Bud grabbed the ropes, clamps and knife and threw them into the drawer with the rest of the clothesline.
We had no sooner got our clothes back on than the phone rang. I picked up the extension on the desk. It was Mrs. Henderson, calling to check on Lori and Sara. I handed her the phone and listened to Lori's side of the conversation.
"We're fine, mom. No, we haven't seen any bikers. No, we're all quite safe here, really. The Reynolds' have a huge watchdog that is quite capable of scaring off anyone who might try to break in. He's right here in the room with us. Yes, all the doors are locked. Mom? Believe me, we are safer here than we would be at home. Thank you for worrying. Yes, we'll call you tomorrow when we're on the way home. I love you, too. Bye."
"How is she taking it?" I asked Lori.
"She's concerned. She's not freaked. I don't think she's buying the biker gang angle. It's the 'murdered girl' thing that has her rattled. We should have stripped them before we threw them out. The blood could be traced."
"Not unless they get something to match it to. I don't think they will go through the neighborhood collecting blood samples. 'Murdered girl' means a body somewhere. When one doesn't turn up and no one is reported missing, I think the whole thing will blow over in a day or two. As for stripping them, we would be stuck with two prison uniforms and no good explanation as to how we got them. It wasn't worth the risk."
Mrs. Reynolds and an attractive red-haired woman I took to be Mrs. Morgan practically ran down the stairs into the family room. Lori retreated back to the couch where she and her sister sat snuggled between Jim and Bud. Something did not look right for a second. I looked again. It wasn't Lori and Sara between Jim and Bud, it was Lori and Sara between Bud and Jim. I wondered when the swap had come about.
Mrs. Morgan ran straight to Neeka and almost knocked her off her feet in a big hug.
"Oh darling, thank goodness you're safe! I was so worried when we saw the news."
Neeka managed to get enough space to breathe. "Mom! I'm fine. We're all fine. Those bikers never came near here. We never even heard a motorcycle. Did you?"
"No. We didn't hear a thing. When we heard that those men were captured only a block from here, we got... we came right over to check on you all."
After hearing her misspeak, I looked Mrs. Morgan over carefully. Her skirt was bunched in the back over her hastily-tucked-in blouse and she had missed a button on the side. I wanted to smile, but I didn't dare.
"Mom, I want to introduce you to Samantha. Sam, this is my mother." Mrs. Morgan was a few inches shorter than her daughter and only a little taller than me. She looked at me with keen interest. If I was right about her open relationship with her daughter, she had already heard enough to make her curious about her daughter's new friend. Now I could let out the smile I had been suppressing. Mrs. Morgan reached out a hand, but I ignored it and walked right into a hug. I held her tight for a while and kissed her cheek.
"I'm very happy to meet you." I said. "Neeka and I have become best friends in record time. I feel that I already know you through her." I lowered my voice so only the three of us could hear and said, "I'm sorry you had to get out of bed to come over this time of night."
"Oh that's all right. We were..." She trailed off and looked at me with a half-smile on her lips. The look on her face, said 'busted'.
I smiled devilishly at her and went to kiss her cheek again, but instead I stuck my nose behind her jaw and kissed her neck. I was rewarded by feeling her shiver in my arms. I let go of her and a second later she let go of me, too. I had the feeling that she really wanted to kiss me, but there were too many people around. I could see where Neeka got her shyness as well as her uninhibited sexual appetites. It was an odd combination.
"We're all fine, really." I assured her. "You have nothing to worry about. I won't let anything happen to Neeka."
While Mrs. Morgan was wondering how I could guarantee her daughter's safety, I noticed that Mrs. Reynolds had finished making sure that her boys were undamaged and was looking around the room. I saw her smile when she saw that the stacks of towels she had left us had been used. I made a mental not to thank her for that bit of thoughtfulness. I saw her bend over and pick something up from under the table at the far end of the couch. I hoped it wasn't a stray slice of pizza or empty drink cup. We had tried to be neat about taking food into the plushly carpeted room. My heart jumped into my throat when I saw that it was the garden shears with a piece of the cotton clothesline still stuck in the jaws.
Mrs. Reynolds looked at the shears for a second. Then she opened them and pulled the bit of rope out. She carried them over to the drawer where they had been for the last couple of weeks since she had brought them into the room. She pulled out the drawer and saw Bud's hurried concealment of the cut rope, the clamps, and the little homemade knife. She dropped the shears into the drawer and pushed it shut. When she turned around her face was a mask of wonder and terror. She looked again at Bud and Jim, who were sitting on the couch with the Henderson's, then she turned toward me and walked stiffly over to stand next to me and the Morgan's. Mrs. Morgan was telling Neeka how glad she was that she was OK for the third time.
Mrs. Reynolds fixed me with a steely look and said, "Sam, can I speak with you a moment?" Without waiting for an answer, she took my arm and led me down to the other end of the room, next to the drawer where she found the evidence.
"Is there something you would like to share with me?" she asked in a low controlled voice.
"Are you sure you want to know? This might be one of those times when you would really rather not."
"Oh my God." She leaned on the cabinet for support. "Give me the short version. Then I'll let you know if I want to hear the rest."
"OK. Two bad men forced their way in and I beat the crap out of them."
She laughed. She put her hand over her mouth and she started to have a bad case of the giggles. The rest of the people in the room looked over at the sound. I smiled back like I had just told her a joke to relieve the tension.
When she had control again, she wiped her eyes and said, "The news report said twenty bikers."
"A slight exaggeration. I haven't been on a bike since I was 10. That one had playing cards in the spokes."
"And the murdered girl's blood?"
"Will match my DNA perfectly if they ever get a sample for comparison."
"Oh no! I really didn't want to hear that."
"Told ya."
"This is going to sound dumb, but are you all right?"
"I'm fine. Take me out for a steak dinner tomorrow and I'll be perfect."
"No one was hurt? No one else, I mean."
"Not even bruised. Neeka came the closest, but she thinks of it as a missed opportunity to do something kinky. That girl's character runs very deep. Is her mother the same way?"
"No, I think that's from her father. She gets her looks and her shyness and her thirst for adventure from her mother. He father is the business-oriented realist who can deal with crises with a steady hand." She took a deep breath. She was starting to relax.
"The two men," she said. "One had his ribs crushed and the other sounds like he's not going to be swimming in the gene pool anymore."
"Why are they still alive?"
I looked dead straight into her eyes and spoke in as low a voice as I could manage, "If they had hurt any of my family or my friends, they would never have walked out the door. You would have had to replace the carpet to get rid of them. As it was, I just wanted them out of here."
"You let them leave?"
"I tossed their sorry asses out the front door and threatened to send Brute after them if they didn't turn themselves in to the law."
"But Brute wouldn't hurt a fly! He's just a big teddy bear."
I raised an eyebrow. "That dog is a slavering demon straight from the fiery pit of Hades if he thinks a member of this household is in danger. You underestimate him. I put them down, he convinced them to leave."
"Hmmm. I'm under no illusions as to which member of the household he thought he was protecting. You have yourself a dog."
"And he has me. We made a pretty good team. Jim showed some grace under fire too. In fact, everybody behaved reasonably well. Except Sara Henderson. But she won't be opening any more doors to strangers anytime soon."
"Ah! I wondered about that. OK, that's all I need to know. We can save the grisly parts for some other time. And I'll buy you that steak dinner. Hell, I'll buy you a steak dinner every day of your life. You saved everyone I love. You..." She stopped short and looked at me with that 'don't know you' look that I was seeing so much of lately. "Do you remember when I said you weren't a superhero, that you were an angel?"
"Uh hunh."
"I was wrong. Angels don't kick butt. You must be a superhero."
"Superheroine, thank you. We've already had that debate."
"Uh oh. Sounds like somebody's secret identity is blown."
"It was unavoidable. Jim tried to explain it away, but the Henderson's saw too much."
"What about Monique?"
"Neeka trusted me with her life after spending two hours in my company. I think my secret is safe with her. Lori and Sara might talk, but I doubt it."
"Well, we were just lucky that you were here, SuperSam."
"All in day's work, ma'am."
She hugged me hard and I felt tears on the back of my neck.
"I may have to quit Cheerleading." I said.
"Whatever for? You love Cheerleading."
"I need to start taking martial arts lessons. Kung Fu or Karate or something. OK?"
Bambi looked like she wanted to tell me not to be silly, that I did not need to know any fighting techniques, but she swallowed whatever comment she was about to make and nodded. Neither of us could say if I would need it in the future, but it was clear to both of us that Cheerleader Fu might come up short in the crunch.
"Do Lori and Sara need a ride home?" She asked, changing the subject.
"Tomorrow. I got Mrs. Henderson to let them stay here tonight. That's OK, isn't it?"
"You got the mother of two girls you barely know to give them to you to play with all night?"
"Well, gee, that's kind of the crass way of putting it; but yes, I suppose that's what I did."
"Where will they sleep?"
"Do you really want to know?"
"Only if I need to get a spare bedroom ready."
"I don't think that will be necessary. Thanks. But I think Jim and Bud have dibs on my new toys for tonight, and Neeka and I have sort of a thing going."
"A thing?"
"It's a very special relationship, OK? She's just wonderful. She can almost read my mind. She... Oh no."
"What's wrong, Sam?"
"Wait. Look over my shoulder. What's Neeka doing?"
"Right now she's standing next to her mother, probably wondering what we're talking about for so long. Why?"
"Watch this."
"Uh oh. I know that sound. It's you trying out another superpower."
I closed my eyes and relaxed. I let my mind clear and thought, "Neeks, please bring me a drink." I opened my eyes.
Bambi said, "Here comes Monique with a glass. Was that what you wanted?"
I nodded. That was why it seemed that Neeka could read my mind. That was why she was willing to put her life on the line. She could hear my thoughts. Neeka came up and handed me the glass. I took a drink and looked at her and thought in words ten feet tall, "I love you." She put her arms around me and kissed me. She kissed real good. I was feeling faint again by the time she let me come up for air.
I don't know if Mrs. Morgan thought she might have to pry us apart or if she just got tired of watching the show from a distance, but she was there when I opened my eyes again.
"Gee!" I said, "You kiss like you have nothing else to do for the rest of your life. You're wonderful."
Bambi asked, "I wonder if it works the other way?"
Mrs. Morgan said, "What? Kissing? Or asking for a drink?"
The silence was deafening. Neither Bambi nor I wanted to consider the implications of that innocent comment, but there it was. I was about to ask Mrs. Morgan something when the question became moot.
"You know, you are the only one to call her Neeks. When she was a baby, just learning to talk, she couldn't say Monique. She called herself Neeka, so that's what Carl and I started calling her." I guess the staring go to be too much. She said, "What? You look like you've seen a ghost."
I asked Bambi, "I don't really see that we have a choice now; do you? She's going to pick something up. And it's going to be a giveaway."
"No," Bambi said, "We have to tell them both. There is no other choice. You won't be able to keep it from Monique anyway. And it wouldn't be fair to ask her to keep it from Fiona. Sorry, Fiona. I know we're talking about you as if you weren't here, but this is serious. We'd rather not ask you to share this with us. I expect it will be something of a burden. There is no reason for Carl to know, though. We'd rather you didn't tell him unless it becomes necessary."
"Tell me what? Tell Carl what? What are we talking about?" Fiona asked.
"Mrs. Morgan," I said. "I want you to tell me what you heard a minute ago when I asked Neeka for a drink. Can you remember exactly?"
"Well, you said, 'Neeks, please bring me a drink.' At least I think that was it."
I nodded to Bambi, "That was it. Word for word."
Bambi said, "We need to investigate this. There are a lot of things that we need to know about this. But first, we have to let Fiona and Neeka know what... well, who... Oh, this is tougher than I thought. Do you want to try?"
Neeka had her arm around me, holding me. I tried to experience the moment to the fullest, in case it was our last. In case she changed her mind about me in the next few minutes. I mustered all the courage that I could and I looked and Neeka and her mother and said, "This is going to sound like I am a raving lunatic, but I want you to bear in mind I can demonstrate everything I am about to tell you, so get a real tight grip on reality, because it's about to change. As best as we can tell from what we know right now, I am an untrained, still developing, 18 year old, 5' 1", 105 pound, blonde, busty superhero, er, superheroine."
I winced, expecting laughter, derision, anything. What I got was a big hug from Neeka, who said, "Yes, I know."
Nothing could have floored me faster than that. I became inarticulate. "Hunh?" I said.
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Something happened to me about 11 months after my wedding day. No, I didn't get pregnant. Let's see, where should I begin? Oh, I know. Look, I don't want to bore you with the details of my wedding and honeymoon. Mainly because I look back and I do not see where it was all that great. Now, maybe, if I did share a little you will understand why I say that now. My husband and I were both virgins. I had just turned 19 and Peter was 20. Oh, we messed around but we never went all the way, and...
Once finished with my personal morning details, I returned to the campfire. Alistair was about to stand up, no doubt to offer me his seat, but I shook my head, pushing down on his shoulder, and then just parked myself in his lap. I'd never have been brave enough to do that before, but I'd never been so utterly confident about how someone felt about me before. Besides, he had literally carried me in his arms for hours – I was pretty sure he could take my weight. Leliana shot me a grin as...
“Tell me, Vasha the Red, did you think on the subject of loyalty?” I asked my One-eyed assassin while playing with the engraved stone ring on my index finger. Propelled by bubbles of air, the ring had journeyed all night. I’d caught it myself when the sun rose this morning. It’d been floating on the water’s surface though it was stone, kept there by the soul I’d fed it. An air spirit, invisible, relatively weak compared to the other magical constructs I’d used. A simpleton would consider it...
After Paula leaves the cabin, Adam turns out the lights and lies on his bed thinking about what has happened in only just the last couple of days. When he signed up with the Hudsons, he did not expect to meet anyone like their daughter. He hadn’t even dreamed of meeting anyone that could possibly be his future wife so soon. If anything, he figured he would have to buy his farm and work it for a few years before even thinking about the next step. Adam wasn’t even sure that sex would be an...
Wrapped in a towel, Alina Lopez is hot. When she lets the towel drop so that she can step in the shower and wash off her full breasts and firm ass, she’s stunning! She can’t keep her hands from the lushness of her tits or the softness of her bald twat as she soaps down. It’s not long before she has settled in for a full on masturbation session that is only interrupted when Damon Dice walks in on her. Greeting Damon with a come hither smile, Alina leans in for a kiss and then...
xmoviesforyouThe space between stars is dark and cold. Often thought of as empty, objects as large as gas giants or burned-out star cores can be encountered. Lightning Bolt emerged from jump space 15,000 miles from a comet – those "dirty snowballs" that can be 100 miles in diameter. That comet was only 30 miles in diameter and featured pools of liquid hydrogen, fuel for Lightning Bolt. This comet's core was shaped much like an ice cream cone. Comets have a small constellation of smaller rocks and ice...
“If I should die, think only this of me, That there’s some corner of a foreign field. That is forever England.” Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) 29th August 1944.Michelle paused cautiously at the edge of the copse and listened. She could hear hasty, muffled...
Hi! Friends myself Sidhant main ISS ka bahut purana fan hun 18 years ke age se hi main Iss ke storiya padhte aa reha hun, abhi mere age 20 years hai and main Graduation 2nd year ka student hun, mere height 5.5” hai aur main ek Judo-Karate ka player hun so body just average hai. Ab siddha aata hun story main story start hoti hai 4 years phele se jab main 12th class main tha mere ek classmate the jiska naam. Anjali tha, waise to wo bahut innocent aur intelligent the, but uska affair ek aise ladke...
For the next three months, all we did was work. After the first month, we were so busy that Nicole was going out on jobs as well. Poor Tammy had to stay home, but we did send her out when we had the designs finished to have her load the programs on the client's servers. I did have to add two more servers to handle all the small clients we had picked up. Our contract for no sex for two months came and went with no change in our arrangements; we were either too busy or too tired when we got...
I’ve been an escort since I was eighteen. My job is very interesting. I meet so many different kinds of people. Sometimes I’ve even traveled to meet some of my clients. I get paid very well and even get tips most of the time. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I’ve dated men that were younger than me, or men that are twice my age. It’s been a very interesting three years. I’ve also been given the most amazing gifts. Some men have bought me Jimmy Choo shoes, Christian Louboutin...
Mamacitaz has one of those adults-only warning screens you see on a lot of premium sites. “Welcome,” it reads, “to the World’s Most Exclusive HD Porn Site!” It’s honestly not the brag I expected first thing from a Latina site. Frankly, I’d be hyping up the hotties right from the beginning. Exclusivity is a kind of vague claim. I’ve reviewed porn forums that were way harder to get signed up for; this one’s got your typical, easy paysite registration. Maybe they mean exclusivity in that you can’t...
Premium Latina Porn SitesThe continuing saga of Ethan and Pam's sexual exploits, part 5Ethan sighed. He turned a corner and walked past another rack of clothes, women's sweaters on the left, dress jackets on the right. He sighed again and rolled his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere else but the women's department, like in sporting goods or in hardware. He needed new tools to work on his car. Couldn't he at least look for them?He turned another corner and stopped. The racks changed. On the right were small kitchen...
As I mentioned in a previous entry, my youngest daughter became sexually active at a young age. She has always been extraordinarily attractive. She is bright, very successful as a staff member of a large publishing house, and is about 5' and 100#. Her also short, but while our daughter has breasts that are very small..."barely budding" you could say.... my wife is very busty.A few years back our daughter, Janine, was on a long trip and she asked me to check on her...
I am a manly handsome married person. I have maintained my body like an athlete. I like sex too much. I like sex too much. But my wife is a cold woman. Generally I am a happy man, lekin sex ke mamale mein mera life unhappy hai. So even after my marriage I go after other women who look beautiful, attractive and sexy. And I know that such beautiful, attractive and sexy looking women bhi khoob fun and sex karna chahati hain. I am very much sure about it. Maine kuch real sexy hot married housewives...
I was woken up to a lot of weight on my leg; it hurt like hell. “Wake up Barnim.” “My fucking leg! Get the fuck off of me!” I heard feet hit the floor and someone run off amid a torrent of crying and sobbing. I rolled over and popped some aspirin from a bottle on the nightstand. Sitting up, Grandmother came stomping heavily into the room. “What the hell did you do to that little girl?” “She jumped on my leg and I responded appropriately by cussing a lot.” “You go right in there and...
I woke up back in a new room, my body was stiff and sore; all of my wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. What was going to happen to me now? I noticed the sunlight streaming in the window and felt I was safe. It was weird, after all the pain that had just been inflicted on me, I felt safer now than ever before. The door opened and in walked a middle aged man; he was carrying a tray of medicines and fresh bandages. “Morning Rose, sorry you got mixed up with that group on your first day out.”...
Shooting pains seared down my arms right from the shoulders, down to where the cheap polyester tie still bound my wrists together behind my back. One side of my face was pressed to the cold floor and I could feel his cum drying and flaking on the exposed side of my face.He was sat in his chair; head tilted back, leaning on the wall behind him with a look of utter bliss on his face. I pulled my legs closer to my chest, too exhausted and humiliated to bother trying to get up. The creaking of his...
HardcoreForeword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...
True Love by Vickie Tern Don't read this if you aren't legally entitled to read this. It contains explicit sex. Mostly right at the outset, and mostly gentle, but still, you aren't supposed to know about such things. There are characters who use obscene language too, nothing you haven't heard before, chances are, but nothing you're allowed to read here. Your parents and your legislators want their thoughts about you to remain pure. If the events in this story seems to...
The decrepit old house stood alone high on the hill outside of town. Known as the Connelly mansion, it had become the stuff of many rumors, scary tales, and legends.Some said the place was the scene of a gruesome family murder. Some said it was cursed. And many in town wouldn't set foot on the property if you paid them...At one time it had been a real showplace; a shining example of wealth and extravagance. A palatial home for the rich and famous. But now it was run down, forgotten, and...
HorrorI was standing in the doorway to the nurse’s office. It was warm in her room, and the lights were a little dimmer. “Come in”, said the nurse. And I moved into the room to her desk. It was quiet in there, cold and flu season was over and nobody got hurt in gym class that morning...nobody was playing sports haha. “You’ve had a full morning” she said. “It’s been awhile since we’ve had one of these fun days, I’m glad you gave us the opportunity!”I smiled big, “Oh no, thank you all. This has been an...
I am a 20 years old Indian boy. My name is Ananta Basu. My home town in India is Calcutta. My father, Nanigopal Basu is a suucessful lawer at Calcutta. My mom, Aruna Basu is a singer and ateacher. I have one sister too. Rubina, my pretty sister is 25 years old. She lives with her husband at Delhi. My father (‘Baba’ in bengali) is 50 and my mom (‘ma’ in bengali) is 44. Rubina and I are the most precious things to my parents. They love us more than themselves. Naturally, they were very sad when...
IncestHi doston kasy ho ap sb aj ma phir hazir hva hon apni ak or real story ka sath doston mery pas apni real life ko ly kr bhot sari stories hain jin ma sy 3 incident ma ap ko suna chukka hon or ap logon ka bhot pyar mila or kuch logon ny no bi mangy hain or chuddai ka offer bi karva paisy ka offer bi karvaya or kuch log to ab ma kya khaon unhy ghar ka address tk mangny par agay ka ghar akar chofna chahty hain lakin ma apny un sabi lovers ko thanks khta hon apny pyar ka liya or sath hi ya ka mery...
Soon, Derreck said, “Let’s get into the shower again. You must be tired, and George looks like he is ready to take you home. Right, George?”“Whatever Meg wants, but I am ready to get dinner.”I told Derreck to go get the shower hot and I would be there shortly. I wanted to talk to George privately first.“So, Sweetheart, how do you feel about today? Did you enjoy it the way you expected to?” I said, walking over to him.He stood up, held me, and said, “Well, watching you experience what you did...
AnalOur surprises weren't over yet. As we pulled into the yard, I saw a truck parked in front that looked somewhat familiar. "Looks like you're finally goin' to meet my sister," Rance grumbled. "Oh ... good. Caroline, isn't it?" "That's right. I hope that idiot husband isn't with her." We parked the truck in its usual spot and walked into the house. I saw Marion and Rance's sister sitting on the sofa, and neither of them looked very happy. I recognized Caroline as the blonde I...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Zanyia My tail swished as Master lined up his dick at my aching asshole. I caressed his muscular chest with my dancing tail. My pussy clenched down on Ealaín’s clit-dick. The busty demigoddess squirmed beneath me, her yellow eyes glowing so much. “Fuck her, husband,” she moaned. “Let’s share our naughty sex slave.” “Yes, yes, share me!” I yowled as Master pressed his dick against my asshole, wet with his sister’s juices. The incestuous cream...
A few months ago I went to Fort Armstead outside of Baltimore. I heard it was a cruise spot. I went to check it out but to add excitement I wore lingerie under a hoodie and sweat pants. I got there about dusk and walked around the ruins. There were several guys walking around but didn't see any action. I walked into and out of the bunkers. I walked into one and saw a old couch in the corner. Then I heard some noise and turned to see a guy hanging against the wall in a darken corner...
Accidental Inheritanceby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, M/f, Chastity, MC, BondageLittle did I know what I was in for. I do not regret it, but it was a bit of a surprise.It all started one Friday night, I had been out with a couple of girls from work. At this one bar there stood a man in his thirties waiting for a drink. He was not exactly the best looking man in the room, but he was definitely not the worst either. About 5'10" to 6' in height, a little overweight,...
Salam ISS readers,mein rizi from attock ,age 25y,511ht,33w,tall handsome,sexi gay boy,aap logon ne meri stories read ki aur mujh se contact kia is k liay sab ka shukaria,yeh meri real gay story hai jaisa k mein apko bta chukka hun k mein gay top hun,lakin bottom bhi bun jata hun agar koi cute twink mil jaye below 20 years,story parhain aur agar gaysex ka mood ho to mujh se contact karain Yeh 2008 ki baat hai,mein apni job pe normal kaam ker raha tha,un dino mujhy sex kiay almost 3 month ho...
Not mine but great storyMy husband and I have been married for 16 years and have two k**s, ages 9 and 4. So it is a very rare treat that we get to go out on a date. But we try to make time and one weekend we got a babysitter and decided to go out to a comedy club. A little about myself, I am 5 ft 6inches tall, 118 lbs, and 34B size breasts. #6 years old and damn good looking if I say so myself. Hubby is 5 ft 10 195 lbs. Very handsome. So anyways, I decided to wear a nice short dress, mid thigh...
In his book Sperm Wars, biologist Robin Baker speculated that the excitement and stimulation of the cuckolding fetish emerges from the biology of sexuality and the effects of sexual arousal on the brain. According to his theory, when a man believes that his female mate may have been sexual with another man, the man mate is prompted by biological urges to copulate with the female, in an effort to "compete" with the other man's sperm. The effects of sperm competition are well documented.[6]...
> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...
You all know the legal bull crap required at the beginning but here it is anyway, The following story is a complete work of fiction, It is for Adults Only, Do not read if under 21 years old, Do not read if it is illegal to do so where you live, ya-da&hellip,ya-da&hellip,ya-da. Also, this is story about adults having sex with minors, if this offends you, DONT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trade Chapter 5 For months I was a shame of what I had done and what I had became. I had no interest in...
Summer on the Farm Wife!!! It was the summer that I turned 15 and my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to go and life on a farm for the summer and learns what hard work is all about. I was not to gear to go off and live in the sticks with a family I had never met before but I had no choice. School had finished and my dad had set up the whole deal with a friend of a friend of a friend, I was packing up on the Friday night when my friends came over to say good bye. Sue was my...
I woke up the next morning with a wonderful warm sensation on my cock. I opened my eyes to see Tamara had her mouth all over my breakfast sausage. I moaned and she looked up into my eyes. I smiled and she continued sucking with a little more vigor. I reached my hand down and caressed the top of her head. This was one beautiful woman, and not just because she was quickly working me towards an orgasm. She completed her task and now hundreds of tiny particles were working their way to her sweet...
Heather took to being naked most of the time, and the two of us did too. It was weird, yet became normal. Cocks swinging around the place, furry groins on display, Heather’s firm little tits bouncing as she walked, the damp tropical sea air. Heather sucked Mike off daily, but not always in one event. She’d give him a little fondle, a hug and a kiss, maybe go down on him for a minute, then move away. He’d just grin, stroke himself a few times, and then let his hardon slowly deflate. She...
I never really thought about Bill being 'the boss', he was really much more of a friend of the family than an employer. My husband Carl and I had known Bill for more than twenty years, hell he had been the godfather to our son and he and his wife Alma were frequent overnight guests at our house ... that is until about five years ago when Alma was diagnosed with breast cancer and from that day on Bill pretty much dedicated himself to taking care of Alma when he wasn't at work. Alma died on a...
I am posting this true encounter from just last weekend. I met this wonderful man on A4A. It was recommended to me by another of my friends here.Bill and I emailed for a few days prior to him coming to town for business. I was not sure of this kind of meeting so I wanted to meet in a public spot, and if things were wrong between us then no harm....just out a cup of coffee.I walked into the coffee shop and there he was...a good looking man, with a short trimmed beard, and a great smile...I was...