Invisible EmpireChapter 3 (2000 - 2001) free porn video

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You can see us, but you do not know where we are.

You can hear us, but you do not know what we are.

You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are.

We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world.


Stanley recollects what the older telepath Tseng reveals about the invisible empire. Tseng later introduces Stanley to "the agency" (the United States' National Security Agency, or NSA). Thus begins Stanley's involvement in agency operations, illegal "odd jobs" to bolster his mettle, and his working relationships with Tseng and the teleporter, David.

After graduating college, Stanley goes to Hong Kong for a family vacation. While there, he meets and seduces his first cousin Aurora Kwong. They have a brief, incestuous affair. Once they return home, they keep in touch only through electronic correspondence.

On more personal level, Stanley and Rachelle have a lovers' quarrel and break-up over Janet's involvement. He meets her a few years later at Faraz's engagement party, only to find that she had found someone else. Sensing Stanley's depression, Viktoriya instigates a menage-a-trois with Shawn to cheer up her lover.

Stanley makes plans to create a place where he and his darlings may live together in harmony. Eschewing Mormon and Islamic beliefs, he falls back on his own family's history of polygamy as well as literary sources for inspiration.

As the year 2000 begins, Stanley has secured a promising job and received pledges from four girls: Janet Kam-Ling Wu, Shawn Ellen Horten, Melanie Yu-Ching Chen, and Viktoriya Lychenko to be his wives.


When I was younger, I thought that building a house was easy as 1-2-3. Had I known that the actual business was such a monumental task, I would've gone into a different profession, or killed myself. Fuck architecture.

Architects -- the ones portrayed glamorously in the media, or tragically in Ayn Rand's Fountainhead -- are the one in a million. More often than not, they're mostly unhappy, under great pressure, and at the end of the day, they say, "Fuck it," pull out the latest copy of Graphics Standard and cobble together the best design they can come up with.

I was a shade above that, but I suspected it would not take much to drag me down. I had asked the girls to vote on their favorite site. I was fairly sure I could persuade either of the owners to sell their property, and I could get all the tenants to move before I started building (although Viktoriya was egging me to kick the tenants out with a little 'persuasion').

Janet favored the site on 6th Avenue, since it cut her commute time down considerably; however, it was a little too close to the Golden Gate Park for Shawn's comfort. Having lived apart from her parents in San Jose, my pudgy pumpkin wanted to be as far away from them as possible. She favored the other place.

Viktoriya didn't put in her preference. She had graduated from her institute in 1999 (hers being a four plus two program -- four years of undergraduate study, two more in graduate school) and had partnered with an older man that same year. She had flown to England for a week to compete in competition, and along those lines, she maintained she wanted to stay in New York for a little longer. They had some overseas competitions they wished to enter.

'It will be fun, kisa.' Viktoriya blew a kiss into the mirror so I could see her. 'I will meet many skilled dancers!'

I cracked my knuckles in frustration while I thought-spoke on my bus ride to work. I hadn't experienced jealousy of this intensity before. The idea of Viktoriya twirling nearly nude in another man's arms thousands of miles away rankled me. It reminded me of how I had lost Rachelle. I couldn't hide my envy fast enough.

'Don't think like that Stanislav.' Viktoriya scolded. 'It is the last thing on my mind when I am on the floor.'

'It better be.' I buried my envy and let my humor mask my emotions. 'And I guess I can't complain about the opportunity. Just let me into the ladies' dressing room and I'll call it even.'

Viktoriya grinned roguishly, extended her middle finger, and gestured with it in the most perverse way possible by fingering her cunt before licking it. I was grinning stupidly at antics occurring on the other side of the continent and hardly noticed people were staring at me on the bus. They probably thought I was retarded.

Melanie, sensitive to both Janet's and Shawn's feelings, also didn't put in her vote. Privately, she told me she didn't want to move. Wouldn't it be better, she suggested, to buy a second house, move my parents and Andrew out, and have things the way they were? As much nostalgia as my old room held, I knew I needed a place of my own. I wanted to expand my horizons and didn't need to live under my family's roof any more. By now, my life was a little more rough and tumble, and I wasn't sure if they'd agree.

From my weapon seizures, I had picked up some interest in gunsmithing. Having gotten my masters in architecture, I found myself spending my newly acquired spare weekends at a gun shop in San Bruno (just south of South San Francisco). The owner and the namesake of the place was an old coot by the name of Barnes. We traded ammunition from the weapons I took from dead Mexican banditos and gang-banging thugs.

The few pieces I had that could pass for legal I'd bring in and learn a few tricks about maintenance and gunsmithing. Heck, I picked up Barnes' entire experience after a few weeks; gunsmithing is nothing fancy once you figure out how all the parts interacted with one another.

Although I didn't have a private license or agency authorization to carry a gun, I knew enough about them through my tinkering to disable them quickly. I didn't sell the guns (since many were illegally obtained anyway) -- just stockpiled ammunition and spare parts (springs, firing pins, and barrels mostly) for the ones I kept -- but I found the (legal looking) handguns handy. After buying state-approved magazines (California limited civilians like myself to magazines holding ten rounds or less at the time) I occasionally went shooting with some of my new co-workers.

I haven't gotten to that part yet have I? I finally found a day job that didn't involve drugs, crime cartels, or cold-blooded murder in the middle of a sun-parched desert. Let me walk you through the process though.

After I returned from New York, I took the architecture practitioner's license exam. At the time, California was engaged in heated debate whether or not to standardize their licensing with more than a score of other states. I had to admit that California was slightly unique: the state had a shit-ton of people living on the fault line. After the 1989 Loma Prieta Quake, seismic awareness (if not engineering) was a requisite for all design students.

I passed my exam by the flimsiest of margins. It consisted of a two day design studio then a day of presentation. If you missed anything at any time, you were screwed. I couldn't use my gift of gab for the presentation since it was reviewed without you; if the reviewers understood your presentation, you passed. If they did not, then that was it.

The worst of it was yet to come. The last part was a personal interview conducted by three licensed architects. Miss a question and you failed, regardless how well you did earlier (or how tired you were from it).

The project was something only a sick mind could concoct: some fool wanted to create a facility to serve under-privileged and disadvantaged youth (read: potential gang-bangers) by day as well as house disadvantaged seniors day and night. Simply pushing it through just to accommodate both parties wasn't enough, I had to "hybridize" the project -- we're talking an ideal fusion of opposing objectives that only an academic, or a day-dreamer, could love. I met the bare physical requirements (which demanded a physical scale model) by drafting only the facade of the facility.

I exceeded in presentation. My use of CAD allowed me to draft in roughly half the time (having the money to splurge on a hefty desktop didn't hurt either). This left me with the ability to draw on my own skills at visual presentation. I drew on youth-involved community programs and my own culture's stereotypical filial piety. People are suckers for Asians, especially if they think you're "traditional."

When it came time for my interview, my gift let me pass it with greater ease than normal. A few quick scans and I knew what those fools were looking for. By the time Lunar New Year came around, I was a licensed architect in the state of California.

Despite my success, I didn't let it all go to my head. I interviewed and got a job as a computer assisted drafter (not an architect) with Ferguson Design & Graphics in a cushy office downtown. Since I could bring projects home, I would meet Janet (her office was on Sacramento Street). This renewed contact cemented a decade long relationship. Janet and I rediscovered why we hung out so much (despite our occasional differences).

Janet's firm (Friedman, Hoch, Brenner, & Glasser) was one that specialized in defending businesses from class action suits. Since her graduation, she was working on mounds of briefs, paperwork, and meetings for well over a year. The only vacation she got was for New Years. With Viktoriya in New York, Shawn busy at Berkeley, and Melanie splitting her time between high school and the culinary program at City, Janet and I found time again to re-connect.

I invited her to stay over for a few days and she agreed, packing a few overnight items. It would also be a chance for her to take a look at the offers the owners were making for their buildings, as well as some of the drawings Shawn had done to "eco-friendly" the building.

"Stanley?" Janet came in with her set of keys, "Stanley, where are you?"

I heard her hollering a bit and cracked open the door to my studio in the outer room with a little telekinesis.

"The usual, honey."

I was putting the final touches on some construction drawings and I had to be careful. Unlike those glitzy plans you'd see at town hall meetings or in the movies, construction drawings were the actual "blueprints". Various contractors would use them to actually build the damn thing, so if I missed an important detail -- say, forgetting to note that there should be five screws at all the T-joints instead of three -- my company would get their ass handed to them on a plate in the civil suit, then I'd get fired for incompetence. Janet came in and put her arms around me.

"Kiss me you big handsome guy you. It's Friday."

"They asked me to have these ready Sunday morning," I reached up absently and pinched her arm. "Just so they can avoid paying me overtime."

"Animals," Janet sniffed. "That's illegal."

I shrugged. "I don't mind. Keeps me in practice."

"Well," my lovely lawyer stood up in a huff, "I'm going to take a shower. What're we having for dinner?"

"Considering we just let our parents know what we've been doing," I turned towards her, "I was thinking cheun-gaa-hui-xicfan." [Cantonese: Let's have a nice family dinner.]

Janet hid her smile but I heard the giggle. I didn't know if it was from the incident from a few days ago, or if it just struck her as funny. This was how it started: ever since Rachelle, my parents hadn't seen me hang out with anyone (officially) save Melanie and -- on rare occasions -- Shawn and Viktoriya. Janet was one of my most well kept secrets (save the empire). We started seeing each other so furtively that it became second nature to us.

When I finally introduced Janet to my parents, I had to deal with a sudden barrage of questions that came up. Even Andrew, my normally supportive little brother, was curious as to what was going on. Luckily, my mother remembered Janet, although only dimly. It didn't take her long to suspect something. She wondered how serendipitous it was for me to meet her again after all these years.

Mother finally took me aside and asked her most pressing question: "Kgam yeung Yu-Ching hai lei-ge bien-ge?" [Cantonese: Then who is Yu-Ching to you?]

When I put on my straightest face and answered, she fainted. Thankfully, I had been practicing my telekinesis so I could gently let her hit the ground without serious injury. When my mother got back up and told my dad, that was when things really got interesting (insert sarcasm here). My father was furious at my temerity, but I stuck to my guns. I suppose I could've done more, like brain-zapping his ass, but I didn't.

Discipline and control were what I had to go on. Besides, I had a better weapon. An ally more potent than what I had for this problem: my devoted Lady Wu. Janet told them that she knew already. Part of it was her choice as well, and she didn't mind.

"I made this decision Chen-sang," [Cantonese: Mr. Chen / authoritative] Janet used a gentle version of her court voice, "And I agreed to it because I love Stanley and I know he loves me."

And that was it. Oh, we heard them arguing from my room below and their voices sometimes kicked up a storm. So much so in fact, that Andrew actually came down and asked to stay with us for a while until things quieted down. Once things did, he headed back upstairs. Janet didn't mind his company though, and made an effort to know him better.

"Sorry Janet," Andrew shrugged apologetically, "You should've seen our dad's face when ah-guo [Cantonese: Big Brother (casual)] brought home Rachelle."

"Oh, I'm sure it was something." Janet smiled thinly. Andrew saw me scowl past her.

"Uh sorry," my little brother laughed nervously, "I didn't mean it that way."

"That's all right," Janet said, "It's in the past right?"

"It looks that way," I lied.

Actually, I didn't know. My last meeting with Rachelle was brief and it was one of the most confusing and painful moments I had. She had gotten engaged without even telling me. But now and then, I would see her emails and I would answer them as I did before, only with a little more attention. I learned a valuable lesson in communication. I left my responses open to more dialogue. Rachelle would write back and we'd exchange messages once a week or so.

I shook off Rachelle's memory and focused on the task at hand. I finished checking through the project drawings a third (and by most standards, final) time while Janet was still in the shower. I saved the project, backed a copy to a Jazz disk then stood up for some exercise.

While Janet was still occupied, I juggled several paperweights, my chair, wastebasket, and pillow to stay in practice. When I heard the shower's hiss go silent, I quietly set all the items back down and headed to the kitchenette. Janet came out, her body hidden only by a towel before her; her back was bared for all to see.

"Water dear?" I looked up with a smile.

"No thanks," she was hardly surprised to see me but she kept her towel, "Um, could you turn around?"

"Why you beautiful girl you," I stepped close and slid my arm around her waist, "Give your fiance a kiss. It's Friday."

A slow grin came to Janet's face as I pulled her towel and draped it over the back of the chair.

"Why Stanley," she murmured, "Aren't we going to dinner?"

"In a little bit," I picked her up easily despite the fact she had gained a few pounds. "I just want to give you a few swimmers first."

"That's not appetizing," Janet wrinkled her nose at me. "At least have the decency to shower first, you big stinky lug."

"Who said anything about appetizers?" I kissed her. "I'm making this the main course."

Janet's eyes widened like saucers. "You're serious?"

"Course I am," I nodded.

"I don't know sweetie," Janet squirmed a little. "I mean I just did start at the firm last year."

"Probation's over," I lay her down gently on the sofa. "I thought you wanted this?"

Janet said nothing but I sensed her nervousness.

"The house hasn't been built yet you know," she lectured me while in the most ridiculous pose: her legs and feet pointed high into the air.

"So by the time he or she pops out, it'll be done." I sounded more sure of myself than I really was.

"C'mon," Janet stroked my arms and face, "Let's talk about this afterwards, okay?"

"Fine," I sighed and got up. My hard-on made it a little difficult.

As I stepped towards my studio to get dressed, I looked back at Janet, who still lay there with her legs splayed apart.

"You coming?" I asked.

"Oh, I will be, Stanley," Janet rubbed her pussy deliciously. "Have you forgotten what saran wrap is for?"

I grinned and headed back to the kitchenette. I pulled out a thin piece and whipped out my stiffening cock. I dripped a little vegetable cooking oil and knelt between Janet's legs.

"Stick me baby," Janet cooed. "Fuck me like old times."

She was nearly twice her age from when we first fucked. Janet had grown older, her body a little softer and a little less firm. I wasn't yet 25 (not until September of 2000) and Janet wouldn't be 29 until June. Janet's sedentary lifestyle made her a little flabby, though not much so that she was unattractive. If I was inclined to be so shallow, I wouldn't have paid girls like Shawn much attention.

No, Janet, like my other darlings, had beauty that was more than skin deep. Oh, I'm sure I'd bone a pretty hot chick if the chance arose. I did exactly that with my cousin Aurora, but I didn't grow more fond of her. We remained pen pals over email and we didn't exactly click.

Janet groaned as I slid into her. The saran wrap stretched but didn't break as I began to pump her slowly. I looked deep into her eyes and smiled. She grinned back and scraped my stomach lightly with her nails. I shivered as she did so, eliciting a saucy grin from her lips. Janet took my arms and stroked them lazily. The rhythm she wanted me to fuck her with, she reproduced by stroking my palm.

"Easy Stanley," Janet guided me, "Easy there. That's it. That's right. Ooohh..."

She was my tutor and my first love. She taught me manners and showed me a world a little bit past what I could see as a stupid kid. All these memories I had came back and nearly overwhelmed me, but I kept them in check; I knew I was able to hurt her easily with a stray thought.

I had grown, and so had she. I didn't want to do anything to hurt Janet. I would do anything to protect her. I loved her and she loved me. I leaned forward and kissed her. She held me tightly as I came with a jerk. The two of us were bright, happy and gay as we went out to dinner with her parents and mine.


That night, Janet and I talked a little about our future, about everyone's future, while we lay nude under the bed covers. We had flashlights underneath and it felt like an old-style slumber party; a naked slumber party.

"It'll be just a bit longer," Janet tapped her finger on a small calendar.

"You sure?" I asked her, "You're how old now?"

"28 and-a-half. I think I can wait a little longer."

"I guess so." I didn't feel as old as she did. But time did seem to fly by. I did some quick math. We'd known one another nearly twelve years. I knew Melanie and Shawn for about eleven, and Rachelle -- had she remained intimate -- for about the same. Only Viktoriya was lacking in the length of time; I met her later, giving us only six years. However, she more than made up for it in effort and telepathy. Janet, in the meantime, had been talking a little more, but I only listened with half an ear.

" ... Stanley," she growled, "Are you even listening? If you can't keep track of our birthdays, there's going to be hell to pay."

"Tell me about it darling," I pushed Janet's calendar off the bed and rolled her onto her back.

"What do you think you're doing mister?" she sounded annoyed, but I saw a trace of mischief in her eyes.

"We're going to play house," I chuckled, "And the scenario is 'daddy's home and he's horny'."

"Li-xieng-xshie," the bob-haired beauty slapped me playfully and laughed. [Cantonese: literally, Do you want to die? colloquial slang meaning 'Yeah right!' or 'You wouldn't dare!']

"Laopo-lum-hei-di-xie-mun-jai," I whispered into her ear, "Think of the children." [Cantonese: Wife (said in this fashion, it may be construed as 'little wifey') think of the children.]

Janet let out a muffled groan as I pressed against her. She played with my ears and mimed Reverend Lovejoy's wife's (Helen) whiny screech, "Won't someone PLEASE think of the children?!"

We both laughed. Janet had enjoyed a few of The Simpsons with me. Might as well, since Rachelle was no longer around. I bit her lips gently and then nuzzled her neck. Janet sucked in her breath as she held me.

"You're crushing me Stanley," she murmured, "Can I get on top?"

"Sure thing dear," I rolled her atop me and she sat up, throwing off the covers.

It was strange. Almost like that night so long ago when we had our first bare-backed night of love. Janet's hips swayed as she straddled me. My already hardened prick was working slowly into her depths as she gyrated. I let her work slowly. We hadn't done much foreplay so she would be a little drier.

"Ung--gawd," Janet shuddered as I entered her.

She leaned forwards so she could be with me. Her soft tits pressed against me as I savored the taste of her lips and skin. Janet's warm breath was tinged with a touch of mint from our toothpaste and felt wonderful as she kissed my face and neck. I stroked her back gently as she began to move ever faster.

Janet let out a pleasurable gasp as I reached out slowly with my mind and stroked her mentally. Her pussy was getting wetter as her hips moved in a strong rhythm. In the dim light of my room, I could see her most prominent features contort as she approached orgasm.

I heard her thoughts clearly as she held my head and locked eyes with me: 'God I want this.' 'I need this.' 'This is it.' 'I'm taking the plunge.' 'I'm going to be a mommy.'

I seized her hips tightly as I shot my load deep into my first love. Janet's mouth hung open as she felt the warm spread of my baby butter inside her. All she could make were incoherent sounds as I ground myself against her body. She collapsed in a heap atop me panting, her pussy quivering, her body shivering.

I used the darkness to cover my telekinesis. I drew the covers over her as she stretched herself over me, my cock still inside her. After a few moments of silence, I heard her rustling and I moved a little so she could sleep by my side.

"Stanley?" she whispered. "Are you asleep?"

"Not yet," I touched her. "What's up?"

I was earnestly too tired to read her thoughts by then; still, some of it floated through: faceless children, an uncertain future, and the other girls would occasionally pop up. I get it: she was wondering when the others would go preggers.

"What should we name him or her?" Janet draped an arm and leg over me.

"Anything you want," I murmured. "I'm sure our parents will give you pointers."

"I know," she said drowsily. "Imagine that Stanley. We'll be like them in a few years."

Her words jolted me unlike anything I had felt. Of the things I've experienced. The lethal take-downs during my "odd jobs", the fall-out with Rachelle, David's matter displacement, Tseng's destructive potential, all of that seemed moot.

All that paled in comparison to our mortality in the face of ever-marching time. Eventually, we'd all be relegated to dust. Suddenly, it seemed like I'd never have enough time. Not with myself, not with my girls, not with all that I worked for.

I listened to Janet's steady breathing and realized how unfair it all was. To have worked so diligently, only to enjoy it for a few years. It was unfair, I thought as my eyelids drooped. Suddenly, things didn't seem all that fun anymore. I just had more things to worry about and less time to do so with.


Lunar New Year (a fifteen day celebration here -- it lasts a month in China) was generally a good time for me. Being Chinese and part of an extended family of Chens in the United States, one gets a load of lucky money (of course, one's parents' bleeds out a similar amount, so the exchange is usually even). A few days after the city's Miss Chinatown parade, the most frugal of us would generally deposit the cash right to the bank.

Of course, having done several "odd jobs" with Tseng in Mexico, I had nearly two million dollars in drug money stashed in my house. Then things got even more interesting. I took four-day weekend to do another "odd job" with Tseng -- this time an accidental loss of shipment -- a few miles past Ojinga and became nine million dollars richer after the even split.

Technically, Tseng and I weren't supposed to do any more "odd jobs" but then again, the agency wasn't exactly knocking on our door with assignments. I could barely deposit one-percent of the stuff since I wouldn't have receipts for it if I was audited. While I would've gladly paid the taxes on it, Tseng wised me up that I could practically write off a large chunk of my house payments (a mortgage on real-estate). If I played my cards right, he informed me, I could be taxed in a way that would let me keep most of the money I earned, have a place for my girls, and live comfortably for the rest of our days.

'Either that, or buy into industrial commodities like gold, bauxite, silica, or lithium.' Tseng advised.

I wasn't a financial whiz and stocks smelled fishy to me. It wasn't something I felt was tangible, like a house or real-estate. In any case, the place I wanted to build for me and my lovelies was still in (my then) future. And until I had a method of financing a purchase on paper, I couldn't start the project.

So, being the frugal little Chinese bastard I was, I lived like a hermit and sought a way to launder the money I had in a different way. With the Lunar New Year envelopes, I figured I could sneak in at least a thousand dollars into one of my accounts. The IRS wouldn't find it odd if I did that on an annual basis (they would if it was a monthly occurrence).

Still, a thousand dollars was nothing in relation to the project I wanted to do. I was standing in line wondering how to launder more money without being caught, when the robbers came in.

In my defence, I was preoccupied. I mean, really preoccupied. I was busy mulling over: money-laundering schemes. Tseng and I had collected so much, it was nearly impossible to launder it without professional help (or undergoing a RICO investigation).

Next, there were the project's two possible sites: one of the owners got cold feet and wasn't sure if she wanted to sell, while in the other the tenants were willing to relocate if I could allow them to live in the new building (not an option for me) or get them a similar rent in another building (also impossible). Then there were my latest set of drawings at my company (Ferguson Design and Graphics), which were pretty run-of-the-mill stuff. Tedious, but manageable.

Also on my mind were several things that hit closer to home: Viktoriya's parents had moved. They had bought a house in Eckhart, Indiana (of all places) after they became empty-nesters; both she and I had pitched in to help them move. This meant that Viktoriya would be staying in New York City unless I could give her a reason (and a home) to come back here.

There was Melanie's graduation in June (and I had promised to bring her to a something or other concert -- N-Sync I think it was -- for her graduation present), along with my brother Andrew (they were the same age). Additionally, my parents were pestering me to get my own place so my old room could be rented out. That meant Melanie would have to stop her frequent visits until I got the new place. We were in the midst of working something out (so I could go to her place) although I was sure her parents weren't terribly thrilled at the prospect.

Shawn meanwhile, suddenly found herself going to Japan to study at the technical institute in Tokyo. The timing of it was curious. I thought she had been accepted into the Berkeley program. It was then when I knew Shawn possessed a craftiness that belied her roly-poly appearance. Instead of continuing with landscape architecture, she changed her major to environmental engineering. This gave her an academic advantage during her undergraduate years; her high GPA and relative ease of landscape architecture courses allowed her to brush up on the skill set she'd need for her graduate studies.

My plump pumpkin was a smart woman indeed! Still she was not smart enough to outwit her protective parents. I suspected they packed her off to another country to keep me away from her (although sending her off to a country full of horny Japanese guys wouldn't have been my ideal solution). I wondered how Shawn would get by without being able to read or speak Japanese, but I found out that she had taken back-to-back introductory and intermediate Japanese in college.

Same as Invisible Empire
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Summer of 2000 Page 3

Right on time a limousine pull up at my house. In a few minutes we were at the small county airport. While walking to a small Gulf stream airplane that was waiting. She said “this is my company plane, do you like it”. I nodded by head. Once we were off the ground Al relaxed from business. She turn off the cell phone, took off her business suit, shoes, and asked me “have you ever had sex at 30,000 feet before”? Then I said “have you” then we both smiled.Al was wearing a black leather skirt. Also...

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Summer 2000 true story

My name is Helga, and my husbands, is Ricky. I am 5’5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed, blonde from German,y with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks and he took me home, because the girl I came with, was busy with some guy and I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well, and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27, and I was 26. We have been married now for 10...

Group Sex
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Rs2000 Me Lund Becha

Hello dosto kese ho aap sab me jayesh Gujarat si mere saath ak aur ghatna ghati jo me aap sab ko batana chahta hu. Pi6le ku6 mahino se muje peso ki kami ho rahi thi mera business bhi band ho gaya tha. Meri samaj me nahi aa raha tha kya karu tabhi muje ak company ka interview aaya me interview dene k liye bharuch se ahmedabad jane k liye nikla subah ki train thi Gujarat queen kafi bhid thi us din Me darvaje k paas khada tha tabhi agle station se ak aurat chadhi aur mere paas aake khadi ho gai....

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Love In The Year 2000

Hi, I'm Bill Condrief and I'm the Chief Computer Systems Administrator for FirstBanc of Texas. Well, I used to think that computers were my life, but the Y 2 K computer problem changed all that for good. It was kind of interesting how it happened, so let me tell you all about it. Every one of the Computer System Administrators and Technical Programmers working at FirstBanc Headquarters was told to come in on the night of December 31 just in case anything went wrong when the year changed...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 11

This New Year, we had planned to go to a local youth party. Well, we hadn't really another choice, because all the disco's around the city had an 18+ policy. However, in a smaller disco in the city, they made an exception for their New Year's Party. They always rented it out to a local youth movement and this way they could lower the age limit to 16. We were glad they did this, because we didn't want to miss out on the big 1999 — 2000 New Years' event. We would be going with 10 people...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 54

And so, this part of my life comes to an end. I started out as a rather normal girl, that sometimes went naked at home, and slowly became that girl that just can't seem to keep her clothes on. Even when it was only a period of just over a year, I learned many new things, and it opened the doors for me, to discover a whole new world. At the end of the year 2000, I sure didn't feel any shame anymore about running around in the buff, and I loved it when friends or even strangers could see me...

3 years ago
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Invisible EmpireChapter 1 1985 1994

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. Government is a pleasant facade -- one most of our kind can live with. We often just leave such niceties to the mundane. It's not like we don't care about our day to day needs; we can still die of starvation. We die of thirst, and of cold. Like all living...

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Invisible EmpireAppendix Character List

At the request of an astute editor, I am including a brief summary (or 'cheat sheet') of the characters who are in the story, "Invisible Empire." This is intended to help clarify who is who. While I have excised most of the plot spoilers, please note that there are still some reveals in the dossiers for each character. This file would be best read AFTER you've completed the entire story, or if you are truly lost. Characters are listed alphabetically by their first name, and each entry...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 3

They were off to his Saturday night A.A. meeting. Jane’s mother had originally started going along “to be supportive”, as she’d explained to Jane at the time. Also to make sure he got there, Jane thought. But her mother had come to, if not enjoy the meetings exactly, look forward to them somewhat; to sitting and talking with the other wives and husbands in the same situation. This of course meant that, between A.A., the counseling sessions and her parents’ other commitments, many nights...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 7

As Peter walked her home Jane told him the whole story of the Invisible Girl, and how she’d felt seen for the first time when he’d spotted her in the coatroom that night.  How, even though she’d been terrified when he’d come into the girls’ bathroom and made her his slave, she’d also been thrilled by it because he really seemed to see her.  How she’d been becoming more and more visible to other people.  How she’d been doing better when reading in front of a class.  “Though of course now I’m...

3 years ago
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Invisible EmpireFinal Chapter 2009 to 2010

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley's affair with Rosalind escalates until he includes his brother, Andrew, in the debauchery. This leads to domestic disharmony when Andrew's infidelity sullies an existing friendship Janet had with Andrew's ex-girlfriend's sister. This...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 2

Outwardly she was still the Invisible Girl, for which she was thankful, because this allowed her to give her attention almost entirely to the stranger she had suddenly become. Who was this girl who had done all those things, things that played themselves over and over in her mind, things she had never even heard of but knew were bad, things that would shock anyone who knew her? Things she had only done because she’d been forced to, she told herself, but still things she was certain no other...

2 years ago
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Invisible Man

Alexander found whenever he became angry he would start to disappear. After several months he learned how to control his moods to the likeness of Hannibal Lector. Alexander kept his secret from all except his older sister. It wasn't long before Alexander used his talent to sleep with women. It was easy finding out what they liked by following them and listening in to conversations. He eventually found a girl he considered perfect. She was 5'7, blonde, with emerald eyes, and natural...

4 years ago
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After nearly an hour of staring at my lack of a reflection in the mirror, I thought about being visible, and there I was again. It was amazing. I still can't explain how I came about this ability, there was no meteor or radioactive spider, tonight I could just...make myself invisible. I sat there, naked on my bed for the longest time, and the implications began to set it. That meant I could do pretty much whatever I wanted. I mean, how many guys haven't imagined strolling through the girls...

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Invisible Man

“Dr. Doe, I’m going to go now, will you be able to finish without me?” your hot assistant asks you. “Yes, don’t worry about it Kira. You go, I’m almost done and I’ll be going in a little bit.” You reply to her as you put a light blue liquid into a vial. “Oh if you’re almost done I’ll wait.” She says as she takes off her lab coat to reveal her hot tanned body is only being covered a small black mini skirt and top. “I don’ have anything planned tonight.” “No, no that’s OK.” You answer back not...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 8

“I’m home...anybody here?” The voice from downstairs startled her awake.  She didn’t remember drifting off, but she must have.  And Peter must have as well, because his eyes were wide with dismay when hers snapped open in the twilit room.  “Oh god, it’s my Dad,” she whispered.   She jumped out of bed and ran to the bedroom door. She opened it, leaned her head out, and called,  “Hi Dad!  I’ll be right down!” She closed the door and hurried back to where Peter still lay on the bed, still...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 14

“So—how did the dinner run go last night?” asked Suzy.   She and Jane were unpacking and hanging a shipment of baby clothes at the back of the store while Mrs. Jorgenson minded the register.  It was a rainy day, and there were no customers in the store. “Oh, fine,” replied Jane.  “I just brought him some sandwiches and stuff.  He works at The Word Works—you know, the bookstore?” “Oh sure.”  Suzy concentrated for a moment on a tiny dress that wouldn’t stay on its hanger.  Then she asked,...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 4 2001 2008

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley develops his gifts further, and cements his relationships with his lovers. He also participates in a major agency operation that ends with mixed results. A talent named Phillipa is recruited but at a cost Stanley regards as...

2 years ago
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As we’re faced with a new year, I can’t help but reflect on the past twelve months. If I sit back and think of who I was and what I was doing at the beginning of this year and compare it to now, I notice a change… a major change. Human beings are blessed with a complex brain. To some, this may be a curse and not a blessing. The confusion of our society makes way for apathy. It’s much easier to look the other way instead of trying to figure it all out. I’d like to think that we are much...

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My first story 2001

I met Brenda about 5 years ago on-line. We were both in a chat room discussing our favorite music. After a few weeks we went private and our conversations became steamier.Brenda described herself as a buxom woman in her late 20’s. She was married and her husband was a successful businessman in Seattle. Consequently they had little time together, so she ended up online a lot.I am 6’4” about 270, Basically a defensive tackle in a suit. I’m married also and I work for a large restaurant chain as a...

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my visit to the Exotic Erotic Ball 2001

As soon as my Domme and i entered the Cow Palace, we were directed to the security office for inspection of our toy bag. The office contained numerous policemen and female security personnel. Under my clothes, She had previously encircled my entire torso with an elaborate white rope harness. my Domme directed me to remove my shirt, pants, and socks. She would permit me to wear only my shoes and a black leather jock strap. This last item left my buttocks completely exposed. Its tiny pouch barely...

2 years ago
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48 Hours as a Hooker 2001

48 Hours as a Hooker By: Jo Jo ([email protected])Needs must. Suddenly I was landed with a solicitors bill for more than£1000, regarding the sale of me and my ex's house, to pay up in three days or pay more later. I had no money and no means to pay a loan back. After a few drinks and a sleepless night, I rang Nicole, and explainedmy predicament. Nicole "I can front you the money if you want, but it's my half of the rent, so I need it back by Tuesday, it really has to be back with...

1 year ago
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Meeting A Deaf Submissive August 2001

For what must have been the twentieth time he looked at his watch and glanced up at the arrival board... still about 15 minutes to go. Once again he pulled the American Sign Language Handbook from his hip pocket and practiced some of the signs he had learned in order to surprise her. Foot traffic was heavy in the Nashville terminal and the boarding area was crowded with people waiting to board or waiting for arrivals. He thought back to two years ago when he had first met her online. She had...

3 years ago
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Going DownSaturday May 5 2001

The wonderful thing about Saturday, Alex Ghirardelli thought, is that you don't have to get out of bed until you're damn good and ready. The sad thing was, after twenty-eight years of getting up at 04:00 to start breakfast for hungry sailors, Lex was damn good and ready. He'd already slept in two hours later than usual. Lex slipped from the covers, knowing that no matter how careful he was, the motion would wake DeeDee. She was a light sleeper—always had been. He watched her cat-like...

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Going DownSunday May 6 2001

Tommy Cornelson loved May. Actually, he loved all the months from May through October, but May was special. May marked the end of the Winter season and the beginning of the summer season, so business on his fishing pier picked up considerably, as it did on the entire oceanfront, but it was still early for most of the tourists, so the May business was mainly locals. He almost regretted doubling his prices. Almost. But they'd double again in mid-June when the Canadians and damnyankees invaded...

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Going DownMonday May 7 2001

My eyes popped open and I listened to determine what had awakened me from a sound sleep. On the other side of Nat, Caroline was sliding out from underneath the covers. "Momma!" I lifted covers and rolled right. I had my feet on the floor first. I hoped we didn't wake Nat up, too, but our baby needed her mommies. Priorities. Rounding the foot of the bed, Caroline held out my robe. We dressed on the way to Tiffany's room, turning on the hallway's fifteen-watt bulb. Even its dim glow,...

4 years ago
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Invisible Woman in the Negative Zone

Susan Storm-Richards floated in the Negative Zone, her communicator was totally busted. "Why did I not listen to Reed, I shouldn't have come here alone." She had responded to a signal from Rosetta Stone, a high ranking political figure in Shadow City, one of the many places in the Negative Zone that the Fantastic Four had visited. Now here she was floating aimlessly, as her comm system was busted on a floating asteroid when she came through the distortion area. There would be no signalling home...

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Invisible Woman in the Savage Land Adult Story

Sue was disoriented. She had been separated from the rest of the team. She had fought a piece of the strange alien robot Reed warned them about. To her utter horror, a dinosaur like creature had lifted her off the ground in mid-battle. When she finally reacted with her force powers, she was dropped miles away from the team. Unfortunately, the fall broke her communicator and locater. It would be hard for Reed and the team to find her. To her own dismay, she decided to trudge out into the forest...

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I awoke to a pounding headache, and aching eyes. The ground was damp and soft underneath my back as I held my head and tried to make sense of the world. Rolling onto my knees, I dragged myself up and the swimming world started to come into focus. I was in a forest, though I could hear the distant sound of traffic carrying in the still air. It looked about midday, and a sunny and pleasant one. Even as my senses cleared, my mind remained blank. I couldn't remember who I was or how I got here....

3 years ago
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You awaken to the pitter patter of rain drops falling on your roof. Rolling over in an attempt to fall back asleep you accidentally fall off your bed landing with a thud on the floor. Groaning in pain you push yourself up walk to the bathroom. Turning on the sink you splash cold water onto your face. Slightly more awake now you look out the window and notice that it is still dark. A quick glance at the clock tells you that it is five A.M. You sigh and the sigh quickly turns into a long deep...

2 years ago
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Invisible Hijinks

Eureka!!! After years of relentless research, you finally pulled it off. Your heart is beating a hundred times a second as you walk over to the test area. This makes up for all the time you spent buried in books, your almost total lack of utter human interaction, and the last 10 years of being so busy working you hadn't even had a single date. You lowered your head to eye level with the cage that looks to contain only a pet exercise wheel, food/water combo dish, and a motionless plane of cider...

2 years ago
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Terry Mann was bored. What he thought would be an interesting well paid job in a laboratory not far from home admittedly paid well, but the job was routine testing for faults in various types of house paints and rather mundane though the company he worked for thought it rather important. It seemed the company Couldn,t get young people to believe it was so important as they seemed to have staff flow problems and though there should have been three technicians assisting Terry he coniually worked...

1 year ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 4

Though as it turned out her mother just stuck her head in to say good night before heading upstairs to bed. For the next two weeks the two of them played a kind of tag in school. Every so often she would look up—in study hall, or the lunchroom—to find him looking at her. Tag. And then his eyes would quickly look away. Walking out of a class he would spot her, just passing by in the hall, giving him a quick sideways glance. Tag. Once, at a school event, she had chosen an empty seat in...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 9

As they continued along towards her house she suddenly remembered all her news.   “Oh Peter, guess what?” she said.  “My parents are going away for the whole weekend!  You can come over!”  She stopped, struck by a new thought.  “Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night?” Peter smiled at her.  “You can cook, too?”  He looked thoughtful for a moment, and said, “God, that sounds great.  We could actually together.  Yeah!”  And he even gave a little jump as he said...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 17

Jane was lying on the beach when she heard her mother calling,  “Jane, we’re going into town now.  Do you want to try to call Peter again?” She certainly did.  She felt as if they’d been apart for weeks.  She jumped to her feet.   “I’ll be right there!” She grabbed her blanket and towel and took off for the cottage.  The path meandered around the dunes but she was in such a hurry that she ran right up the dune in front of her.   As she neared the crest there was a sudden excruciating pain...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 5 2008 2009

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley relives the years between 2001 and 2007. Now a young father, he lives with his wives in San Francisco, and further masters his gifts until they approach the level of his mentor Tseng. Despite this improvement, he still achieves many of his...

3 years ago
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The Ostler and the Lady Chapter Eight 2000 Guineas and More

The Two Thousand Guineas. At last! Jack Wetherley’s heart pounded, as the eleven horses trotted out onto the course. The bright silks of the jockeys added to the extra colour provided by the glamorous gowns worn by the lady spectators and the maroon, purple and vivid blues of the men’s jackets. The excited buzz of the massed crowds all around them, and the sunlight gifted for this early May festival heightened Jack’s already burgeoning anticipation.The waiting was almost over. All the care, all...

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2000 and Jen

I want to start this story just by saying that this entire story is 100% true. In fact, there is actually more to it but I was fairly drunk when the main part of the story happened so there are probably even more juicy details that I have left out. But what is true is that this night was the most exciting of my life. It was a night that was the stuff of fantasies. In fact, it fulfilled a fantasy of mine that I had held for a while. And before you judge me or the girl involved with this, try...

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Strip Poker 2000 Part 3

No Idea why I put the ? its going to be continued, but please dont hassel me about it, if you want it to come out, and you have a suggestion for the story, feel free to leave it in a comment :) Ok, so I'll let you get on with the reading, This ones a little different since it involves toys, But same characters, one new one and the grand finale..... MY NAMES REVEALED -gasps- (If your wondering why all the dramatics, Im posting this at nearly midnight and my brains fried) ENJOY! I woke to a...

2 years ago
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Strip Poker 2000 Part 2

It’d been 5 weeks since the last Poker night. I was still dating Annabelle, and we were seeing Dylan on the side. He’d been keeping me clean shaven all over still, and I’d been avoiding josh since he decided to play dress-up with me, but it didn’t seem that hard since he never seemed to be around. Anyway, the last Friday of term 1, I came home, to an empty house. I walked into the kitchen and found a note, “Gone to your aunts, Won’t be back till Saturday Evening, see you later - love...

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Strip Poker 2000

away. He told me to come over and watch a couple of vids and get pissed. We started watching a vid and pretty soon got pissed on his parents Vodka. As we got a more drunk, we started to get a little rowdy and soon got on to the subject of girls at school and being 15, we were both getting horny as hell. Dylan brought up how he used to play strip poker with other kids when he was younger, and how much fun he always had. The rules were easy: We both start with the same amount of clothes,...

4 years ago
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Summer 2000 true story

My name is Helga, and my husbands, is Ricky. I am 5’5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed, blonde from German,y with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks and he took me home, because the girl I came with, was busy with some guy and I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well, and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27, and I was 26. We have been married now for 10...

2 years ago
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Summer 2000 revisited true story

My name is Helga and my husband’s is Ricky. I am 5’5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed blonde from Germany with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks, he took me home because the girl I came with was busy with some guy, I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27 and I was 26. We have been married now for 10 years.

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Summer 2000

My mobile phone rang and vibrated on the desk in my site office. I picked it up and glanced at the screen to see if it was a recognized number, perhaps even the caller’s name. The screen told me it was the office calling. “Hello?” I said a second after hitting the green answer button. “Hello, Brad, its Lucy here. I have Mr. Ash on the line for you. Just putting you through.” The line went quiet for a moment. Mr. Ash was the Managing Director of Ash Construction who had employed me as a Site...

3 years ago
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Summer 2000

My mobile phone rang and vibrated on the desk in my site office. I picked it up and glanced at the screen to see if it was a recognised number, perhaps even the caller’s name. The screen told me it was the office calling. “Hello?” I said a second after hitting the green answer button. “Hello Brad, Lucy here, I have Mr. Ash on the line for you. Just putting you through.” The line went quiet for a moment. Mr. Ash was the Managing Director of Ash Construction who had employed me as a Site Agent. I...

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Blog 3 1979 2000 Dont judge a book by its

After meeting Reinna when I was 19 yrs old and later some of her girlfriends. I had the opportunity to spend time with them, would go to The Motherlode during the daytime and spend hours with them. San Francisco is multicultural, girls either moved there or would visit. San Francisco was very optimistic and a safe haven for TSs, Transvestites and Crossdressers whom experienced discrimination or came from homophobic and transphobic locations.In the Tenderlion District they were embraced and...

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Summer of 2000 Page 2

A few days later. I received a call from you. I was still in bed. You wanted me to come meet someone from your job. So I put on my short and a tee shirt and came over. When I came up your driveway there was a strange car parked in front. There was a Gold BMW that shine in the sunlight. When I came to the door , I heard you say "come into the den". Once I did walking to the den I heard you laughing with a stranger. When I walked closer everything became quiet."I would like you to me my boss from...

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Summer of 2000

It starts out with a phone call. It is from my neighbor. Her husband has just died about 6 months ago. She asked me if I would be willing to show you how to use a computer. I have notice her many times. The only time I talked to her was when she needed a "jump" because the battery in her car died. Since then I "lusted" after her. My neighbor’s name was Laura. She was in her early 20's about 5' 2" but with a full figure 39-25-36, 36G breast. I just turn 26.When I looked on the called ID to see...

4 years ago
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Summer 2000 revisited true story

My name is Helga and my husband’s is Ricky. I am 5’5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed blonde from Germany with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks, he took me home because the girl I came with was busy with some guy, I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27 and I was 26. We have been married now for 10 years. The...

Group Sex
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Summer 2000

My mobile phone rang and vibrated on the desk in my site office. I picked it up and glance at the screen to see if it was a recognised number, perhaps even the caller's name. The screen told me it was the office calling. "Hello?" I said a second after hitting the green answer button. "Hello Brad, its Lucy here, I have Mr. Ash on the line for you. Just putting you through." The line went quiet for a moment. Mr. Ash was the Managing Director of Ash Construction who had employed me as a...

2 years ago
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Love of PoliticsChapter 8 2000 Campaigning Against Bush and Gore

The campaign to return Mark to the State Senate for a second four-year term had reached its end. The polls were about to close. There was no one else to convince, no thrill of selling one more voter on Mark's talent and ability. There was no more racing around for appointments, no setting up new events to showcase his good looks and good ideas. There was only waiting for the results and then, we hoped, the party to celebrate winning. I felt the exhilaration draining from my body. The...

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