AssassinChapter 14 free porn video

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I cleaned myself up; the water seemed cooler after we'd been in the shade. Anna was passing things out from our lunch pack to the others but stood when I finished drying myself.

She crossed to me, keeping her eyes fixed on mine as she approached. Her arms swung around my neck and her mouth found mine for a very sensuous kiss.

"Thank you for making this day possible. I'm sure the others are equally appreciative of how you've taught us to enjoy ourselves and each other. Now, what would you like to eat -- and I don't mean who!"

She turned back to the food but Rosalee hurried up to take her place before I could answer.

"Just, thank you!" She kissed me more sedately than she had before; perhaps Hailey's example was good for her and I let Rosalee know I liked it.

"Mmm, I could survive on those for a while."

"We don't want you just surviving; you need to keep your strength up. Come on!"

Rosalee took my hand and led me to lunch.

It was good that Ma had a hand in our outing or we might have dined on nuts, crisps and corn chips. Instead there was salad, conveniently cut as finger food, and sandwich meat curled into toothpick fastened tubes with coloured cocktail onions or pimento stuffed olives. She had also seen we had cold bite-sized home-made sausage rolls and sandwich stacks with finger thick slices -- three high and again secured by toothpicks. Nourishing, tasty, and likely to be eaten by teenagers!

Lunch was a time for us to find out more about each other in a non-sexual way. Of course, they were interested in my past life and I told them a mixture of anecdotes from both my real life and from Roger Torrent's.

I also asked more about each of them, including Anna. Though I could have asked about her at home that would have been most impolite and not given the others a chance to hear her answers.

They had all met four years earlier when they had all joined the soccer competition which had been resurrected for girls after widespread flagging interest had been restored with some well-publicised wins at the highest level.

Rosalee and Hailey already knew each other from school but had separate groups of friends so hadn't socialised much. In contrast to much male team bonding it seemed girls had far more networks that often overlapped in unusual ways and so they didn't spend all their time with others on their soccer team.

Instead it was a practical friendship -- helping each other get to and from games, passing on messages from the coach if a player missed practise, that sort of thing. They certainly didn't arrive at parties en masse and look down on those not interested in their sport. Okay, so I sound bitter!

I'm not really; how many of the jocks can truthfully say they are one of the best in their fields while not yet twenty? Admittedly it is hard to judge how many are at the top in some fields -- especially when the best make sure that no-one is aware they have added a few more points to their batting average.

I know I've got twelve for twelve with very little collateral (damage). Only one had a less than spotless coroner's report and she was already preparing to leave the country.

When Hailey found I was tutoring Anna she hinted she could use some if I was interested. Her parents wouldn't be able to pay me much for my time, but there might be compensations. When I avoided any commitment to help, she then suggested she could join Anna and we could all study together.

It became obvious that she thought that was when we did our fooling around. Actually Ma usually had an ear out then more to see what problems Anna was having and whether I was actually of any help rather than to stop any mischief.

I was surprised that Rosalee didn't suggest she needed help too but, when I asked her if she was interested, she shook her head.

"I'd never get my parents to agree; they wouldn't see the need."

"Why?" Did they have a problem with girls and education? Unfortunately I didn't find that hard to believe even nowadays.

"Because she's dux of the school."

"Unofficial," protested Rosalee, "Only a senior can be Dux."

"What's that?" asked Anna. It was an acknowledgement not awarded by our school nor would it have been particularly sought after except by a few devoted bookworms.

"The person scoring the highest consolidated grades in their senior year but Rosy -- definitely Rosy cheeks with that blush -- is ahead of all of them and they know it."

"Congratulations. And you've kept quiet about your achievements all this time!"

"It's only school."

"Yeah well continue the same over the next year and a bit and you'll likely get a nice university scholarship -- if not multiple grants." I considered it a worthwhile objective, just not for me.

I was thinking of spending maybe eight more years working, and then fifty or so in pleasantly financed retirement. I could collect my century in that time and that meant $25 million tax free at least, neatly accounted for by legitimate business transactions with a share to the revenuers to stop them thinking I was stashing drug money or worse away.

I wasn't in a "till death us do part" working relationship, nor one that begrudged handing over our standard fee or my salary retainer. The only criteria was that, when we retired, we retired. No freelancing, though we might be offered some special piece work or, more likely given problems with dictators, warlords and military juntas, a little peace work. Armies, subjected to political and now all-seeing media oversight, could not perform certain surgical tasks with the precision needed.

The government also lacked the will to deal appropriately harshly with some of our allies, while being at the same time overly critical of those who might oppose us for quite legitimate reasons. I might not be able to blend in as easily in Central Asia perhaps but on the shores of the Mediterranean a teenager visiting friends or relatives need not be suspicious. Of course I couldn't pass for Jewish with my pants down but the Holy Land was that for non-Jews as well and there were plenty of other countries to visit. A visit to Mecca would be considerably harder and I don't fancy emulating the earlier Richard Burton just to sneak in.

A politician who was charismatic enough to gather supporters into a strong coalition wasn't a bad thing in itself but, when the result was further division, fighting and chaos in the region, there were no winners.

A little mayhem with the traffic signals brought about a minor accident. A shattered windscreen meant some flying glass cut the politician's face -- or so it seemed.

It was only a pellet gun really, though with a special double barrel so, when I fired, one shot was released a fraction of a second beforehand to shatter the glass before my "bullet" found its target.

The Bulgarians had used an umbrella and ricin. I had a dissolving matrix embedded with a mixture of antibiotic-resisting nasties that had been carefully collected so there was no link back to US lab stock. Even the first shot was made of hardened glass so it would be harder to distinguish from the windscreen debris.

Reports of an unknown illness felling the politician spread quickly when he collapsed. There was disbelief when it was revealed publicly that he had a rare pneumonia and also leaked quite truthfully that he had both syphilis and gonorrhoea. His wife of thirty years had herself tested and somehow the results that she was clear were also leaked.

Though he did eventually recover, he couldn't recover the loss of support among the more religious parties. It was enough to edge the balance of power towards a more conciliatory alliance.

I didn't reveal any of that sort of history though -- not that I would have been believed without a demonstration.

Rosalee's maturity level was now a little easier to understand, though such a glib explanation as her intelligence isolating her from others might have been far too simplistic.

We ate our fill and covered the rest so it would be fresh and insect-free if we wanted something -- else -- to nibble on later.

With everything packed away there was a general air of anticipation in our little camp yet matters were such that we were all quite prepared to let the others go first while we recovered more completely. Watching was more likely to raise our libidos quickly!

So when I settled into place I became a veritable chick magnet -- something which doesn't normally happen despite my current situation suggesting otherwise.

Anna snuggled in to one side and Hailey the other this time; Rosalee lay on her stomach with her breasts pressed against the inside of my thighs while she rested her arms across the tops of them. She viewed my limp organ with interest. I understood her curiosity and, when she turned a quizzical face towards me, I just smiled and nodded.

We all watched as Rosalee took hold of my prick; as she pulled the foreskin back to expose the smooth head and its collar.

She leaned forwards and extended her tongue, just licking around the area normally covered. I expected the sweet sensations would soon have me stiffening and Rosalee must have had a similar thought as she covered me with her mouth and pressed her face deep into my curls. I reacted, or rather my body did, and I could feel myself being trapped in the confines of her mouth.

Rosalee was challenging herself. She couldn't take me whole when I was hard, how long could she manage to keep her nose hidden by my pubic hair while I grew?

I could feel her gagging but she held on even so; I was pressed against her throat solely by her own actions and though she resisted the impulse to empty her stomach, she had no choice but to back away.

Rosalee resumed her previous examination, this time of an organ over double the size.

"Now I can imagine what those men down the hill might be like. Wow!"

"They might end up all around the same size regardless of what they look like, Rosy Love. I liked how that felt, especially your nose rubbing me at the same time."

Rosalee rubbed her nose back through the short curls -- without me in her mouth this time -- and then decided to explore my balls with her fingers.

"Careful," I warned hurriedly, "you can't be too rough."

"Do you mean I'd better not be too rough or that there is nothing I could do that would be rougher than you can stand?"

"Which do you think 'careful' might imply?"

"Okay. I'll be very careful."

I wasn't entirely sure Rosalee was joking. I had trouble understanding why, if she was so good at her school work, she was rather ignorant about sex. I had to satisfy my curiosity.

"Rosy, you were a bit uncertain about getting pregnant before; I would have thought you'd have studied it somewhere."

"Well of course I have. I know you have sex and if you're in heat you get pregnant and nine months later you have a baby."

"So your studies were more about animals?"

"Yes but I know it's the same with people. That's why I was sure I couldn't get pregnant; I haven't ever gone into heat, though maybe today I did ... I felt rather horny in the car."

"You might have been hot love but you weren't in heat like animals. They'll only have sex when they are in heat; women might get more or less interested through the month but they are willing and able for the whole time if they want."

Rosalee thought of the implications and muttered, "yuck".

"So your mother hasn't explained things then?"

"Roger, you've got to realise, if Rosalee's mom is like mine, she thinks keeping us ignorant and simply increasing the dangers of sex is the best way of stopping us fucking."

"True," added Rosalee, "Mum would be like that."

"What about the internet? Haven't you been curious?"

"Sure but those sites are barred. I can do a quick search at school to try and get through because they don't know who is trying," explained Rosalee. "It's only if they see you getting a 'blocked' message that you can't explain that you get your privileges revoked. At home they would see I'd been looking around by the log entries and I'd be in more trouble."

"Well we'll just have to make sure you're up to speed on all aspects -- with plenty of show and tell," Anna assured her.

"That sounds like fun."

"And I'll show you some of the sites and sights I found when we get home. You thought the guys down there might get big! You won't believe your eyes!"

"Photoshop," I said for my own protection knowing it wasn't the case in every picture.

"Do you think I can get fucked now?"

"If I was to push you down the rocks you'd be fucked, what we should do is make love."

"I offered to get you in the mood first," Anna reminded Rosalee. "Would you like me to?"

Rosalee didn't answer at once. I didn't know if she was too eager for me or if she didn't want to appear too eager for another girl's touch despite what they had already shared.

"Can I make a suggestion?" I might satisfy Anna's obvious yearnings and provide something different for Rosalee as well.

"Of course."

"If you lie on your back and Anna covers you, you can each eat other and I can make love to you as well."

"Oh yes please. Please Rosalee, it will be even better!"

Rosalee had been convinced. If she got properly fucked (Forget falling over the cliff!) and could get eaten and eat at the same time, well, of course she would agree!

"Here?" She looked at the ground.

I looked too. I would have to kneel; was there anywhere that was raised? There is never a coffee table around in a national park when you need one!

One boulder was the right height but not big enough for them to lie across. Another was nearby and I was able to roll it over next to after scooping out a hollow and using a broken branch as a lever.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you a bed."

"It doesn't look too comfortable."

"Give me a minute. Can one of you roll up a towel please and I need one doubled lengthwise then doubled over."

The tube went into the dip where the rocks met; the pad over the top of that to fill the now shallower but wider gaps. I lay the other two towels right over the whole area. Maybe not the softest bed but surely comfortable.

"Here you go then." I helped Rosalee into position and then watched Anna crawl up over her. I whispered in Hailey's ear, gave her a kiss while I rubbed her sandy rump then went to Rosalee's head. Hailey knelt by Anna's.

"I think we should check you both first."

I rubbed my thumb around Anna's pussy and then pushed it into the dampest spot. At the other end Hailey was using her fingers on Rosalee, getting two to snugly fit inside her.

Priming their pumps, we nodded to each other and simultaneously removed out digits and popped them into our own mouths in front of the person who should have been dining on those juices. Hailey added a variation of her own and offered Anna two fingers that had been buried in Hailey's cunt while she had been busy. They were returned scrupulously cleaned.

"Would you like to know what is going to happen to you?" I asked Rosalee. I guess she thought I would explain step by step but instead I reached between Anna's pussy and Rosalee's face and spread Anna's inner lips to expose the inner details of her pussy and the entrance to her cunt.

"I am going to spread you like this so we will all be able to see your most intimate places and then I'm going to rub my prick over you like this and finally I'm going to push myself up inside you like this..."

I buried myself easily in the cunt that had grown accustomed to my prick when Anna wasn't using her buzzy toy to remind her what it was like to have me there. I pumped back and forth twice, quickly, and then pulled out and let my prick rest against Rosalee's lips. Anna's scent must have been overpowering; I could smell it clearly just standing there.

Rosalee did the expected and opened her mouth so she could clean me up. She did a good job and I noticed her shuddering a little. I looked down the other end and found Anna had reacted to being fucked by eating Rosalee while she had a hand wedged between Hailey's thighs. Hailey met my eye with unbridled lust; I suspected I might be called on again somehow.

Rosalee released me. "You aren't wearing a condom. I thought you needed to, to stop us getting pregnant!"

I didn't really want to stop to explain about the rhythm method. I shouldn't have needed to, not to a Catholic girl but in Rosalee's traditional religious house that was apparently a topic for discussion after marriage instead of for schoolgirls. To her parents the only contraceptive was abstinence, a method with an even higher failure rate when combined with ignorance.

"Special circumstances, we can discuss them later but I'd like to see you eating Anna while I put a condom on."

Rosalee was nothing if not eager and I noticed she used the same excess of enthusiasm she had previously applied to kissing. I had to speak up for Anna's sake and knelt down.

"Feel what Anna is doing to you. What feels the best? Can you copy her? Where does her tongue go? How hard does she press or suck? Does she make her tongue into a hard spear or into a flat shovel? Here is her clit but it can be too sensitive."

"Anna," I called, "can you dig your tongue into Rosy's clit please and then suck on it a little hard."

Rosalee's eyes lit up then screwed up.

"Okay now to the left and then the right lightly; leave the middle alone."

I could see Rosalee's smile buried beneath Anna's pussy.

"Now just a little light flick in the middle."

Yes! That was the spot.

"Good. Bury your tongue inside her now please. Make Rosalee think I'm already down that end. Right and rub her cunt."

Did swearing make a difference to convent-schooled sensibilities? I wouldn't have expected nowadays but Rosalee seemed to get a kick out of hearing words I guess she dared not use at home or school.


Rosalee nodded with her tongue in contact with Anna; that was a technique I hadn't mentioned.

"Back in a minute."

I took another condom out of my pack and dropped just the wrapper in its place. I walked back via Hailey who had a hand on the back of Anna's head almost pushing her down into Rosalee's pussy while writhing on Anna's hand. I stood behind her, my bare erection obvious against her butt crack.

"I could lean you across Anna's back and screw you like we did before. Your tits would be squashed against her back and Anna would feel them rubbing all around as I pushed deeper into you."

"She should feel it -- hers were wonderful against my back."

"The only thing is she'd have to move her hand."

"Then you'd better come back later -- I'm busy!"

I gave her neck a light nibble and returned to Rosalee's head. I stood where she could watch my penis being given a strawberry coating.

Rosalee started to giggle.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Little Red Riding Hood. I'm the big bad wolf..."

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This takes place during the summer where my wife of 10 year had her first BBC. In july, our freind who lived across the street invited to a pool party. I was happy to go cause it have me time away from work and the chance to relax with wife. I was wearing board shorts a s a t-shirt and flip flops and my wife, well she is 35 with a nice set tits that are 34 c and being she works out everyday she has a tight body. So she isn't going to pass up a chance to wear a bikini that is easy on the...

3 years ago
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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over; her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins; Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top; Dopey is in counselling for his...

Oral Sex
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Sex With My Son8217s Friend

First of all, my name is Beena and I’m 42 years old. I’m married and I have two sons. One of my son’s friend, his name is Vipul. Vipul told me about this website and so he wanted me to post a sex story here. But I didn’t want to share what we did. Because my private life should be in private. But then he convinced me and forced me to do it. He doesn’t know that I’m typing all this. He will come to know all about what I typed later. He might be pissed. But anyway, so let me share it with whoever...

2 years ago
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First Encounters of a Three Legged Man and Tequila

I walk into the bar, and I know people see me. Tallest woman here, I know I’m seen. Seeing my friends waving, I waltz on over. Greetings are exchanged, flaky as usual. I drop my coat and purse and head towards the bar. Ordering five tequilas and knocking them back flat, order a tumbler of bourbon, kiss the bartender in thanks, pay and head back to the girls. The music is playing. I start to relax as I feel the tequila works its magic. Taking a look around the bar, I see who is going be my...

4 years ago
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Ghost of the Series

You were walking home one day from college since you had a long day of nonstop classes. As you were walking home, you were listening to some jazz music to calm your nerves. After a couple of hours, you got home, opened the door before closing it as you yelled to your sister that you were home but you heard no answer. You soon thought that she was at her boyfriend's place leaving you home alone for the night. You went to your room and threw your bag onto your bed as you walked into your bathroom...

4 years ago
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His Fantasy Becomes My Reality

His fantasy becomes my reality Several years ago when I first met the man who is now my ?plaything?, he was quite dominant, and it took me a few years to really capture him mentally. Back then he told me about something that had happened in a prior relationship he had for a brief time. He had seduced the woman into BDSM play and fantasies, and she really loved it (and him), and was very submissive to him. They really pushed their play to the edge, and their fantasies even further. But the...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends Films

Oh yeah! Premium lesbian smut at GirlfriendsFilms! Is there anything more classic in the world of adult entertainment than lesbian porn? Probably not. Since the infancy of smut cinema, back in the days of porn staches and big, hairy ‘70’s bushes, lesbian porn has been a staple to the industry, garnering a huge following and creating a whole new space in the arena of male sexual desire. When lesbian porn first took off, it was still kind of a taboo thing, and guys didn’t lust over lesbians to...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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big A2 Are You OK

This is an early story in a series I am half way through writing, descendants of some of the early characters will be in the later stories. They will be in periods and can be read in any order within a period. A is centred around 1980-2010 B is centred around 2000-2030 C is centred around 2020-2050 This is a Sci-fi type story but no space ships (yet), or aliens so Romance is best. This was influenced by a conversation, all characters fictional, all events fictional. There are real...

2 years ago
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Summer Lust

There was also some family involvement with me. When I was young then when I was older both. The earliest bi involvement was with an uncle; he was a nice guy and I think my willingness scared him away after a while. I did realize, even then at the age of 13 or 14 that he was very afraid of me saying anything to anyone about us. I did enjoy it a lot though.The first time anything happened was during the summer; he’d come to the farm for a visit and suggested we go swimming at a local spot. My...

2 years ago
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Polaroid Club Book IIChapter 7

Cindy Jamison performed her prosaic household chores like a mechanized robot on Friday, just as she had on each of the other two days since that drunken, hazy party on Tuesday night. Her mind seemed to be in a perpetual state of half-torpor, as if she were filled with some kind of deadening drug to ease the pain of the knowledge she carried within her. She finished the cleaning and sweeping and laundry shortly past four, and made herself a pot of coffee in the kitchen. Then she sat with it...

4 years ago
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Rebecca the Maid

Rebecca is a maid who works for Gary and Stella Hamershmit. One day, Rebecca was cleaning Mr. Hammershmit’s office while his wife was out shopping somewhere. While Gary was heading home from work, Rebecca notices a hidden stash of porn in a secret compartment in the drawer. As she was looking through them, she got herself to be horny and began to play with her pussy. Gary comes home and starts going upstairs towards his office. He comes in and sees Rebecca having fun with herself, noticing her...

2 years ago
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Remote Control Part 1

Samantha was laying on her sofa after a particularly long day, browsing the web on her phone and looking at the type of websites she probably shouldn’t have been! Her head was filled with ideas and fantasies of submission, bondage and far far more! It was one thing to day dream of these ideas but a very different matter when it came to really taking that big step and committing to do something; Samantha wasn’t as brave in real life as perhaps she presented in her online persona. She started...

4 years ago
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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 3

Introduction: Alex and Terri get there cum-uppence in more ways thabn one. Uh…? Groaning…? Where was it coming from…? Where am I…? Geez… My head is pounding… I… Uuuuugh…. Wait… that was me groaning… I had a wrecking ball swinging inside my head.. Just what happened anyway? Hey, look whos waking up… Well… wouldnt you know it…? Its about time. I was tired of waiting on this one to wake up. Who… was that…? Damn it, why cant I focus? Wait… Let me open my eyes… I was greeted with the sight...

4 years ago
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Cassies Dream Date 2

This is the second chapter of Cassie's Dream Date. In the first chapter, Cassandra (Cassie) meets Roger Wilson, author of "Love, Lies, and Lust", a story of transgender love. She's 30, and he's 40-something. She's a supermodel. He's average, dresses well, and has a nice car. They make a date to have dinner and go dancing later. Cassie gets his phone number written on her hand. After he leaves, she has a wild fantasy date, which turns out to be pure fantasy, as she had been daydreaming...

4 years ago
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Joel E Knows

JoelMy slave left me a couple years ago.  He was seeking more than I could give him at the time due to me having a child.  However, things have changed, my child is going on 18 and is going to have his own place soon, which gives me the freedom to use my slave at home any time I like.  He contacts me once again during the last couple years he has been gone and asks if he may return to be my slave boy.  I have been waiting for the right timing, which is now and tell him he can return.  Of course...

5 years ago
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Fucking Keerthi In My Flat

Hey Guys this is “Safeinn – name changed” I am Good looking Guy with 6 ½ inch Cock … this is my first story over here in ISS .. Been a fan for ISS from long time..Girls & Aunts if interested .. mail me – This story is about my team mate Keerthi & she is one of the amazing babe in my company.. those soft 34d breasts.. smooth 28 waist.. and 38 butt… woowiee… just irresistible… but the worst part is.. She’s too homely.. if anyone see for the first time they will surely have a good opinion on...

4 years ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 13 Intruders

Olivia and Markus both woke refreshed. They headed down to the café and ordered breakfast. Patina happily reported, “Lord Paul and his people had a dreadful night. Six of his men had deserted in the night, and he only has sixteen now. Lord Paul had a particularly bad night. He is a grumpy boy this morning.” Olivia and Markus had to snigger at his misfortune. “Your people are also fine,” Patina told them. Olivia asked, “So how do we convince the rest of the intruders to bugger off?” “Well,...

4 years ago
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Best night ever

Introduction: Two couples push thier boundries Angie stood up from the table to get herself and Sarah another drink, and as she did I noticed both Dave and Sarah watch her ass as she walked. I could tell that the evening was starting to turn into one that held promise. Angie mixed herself and Sarah another cocktail and brought them back to the table. We had put the kids to bed much earlier and had ourselves and adults only dinner. We were all fairly sated but had yet to start our deserts. Soon...

3 years ago
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Off The Leash

I was watching Tracy dress --- marbled skin across the curve of her butt; her breast hanging between her ribs and upper arm, not as full as it once was. My mind drifted to the way her tit filled my mouth. It's funny, I thought, the way the beauty one lives with, over time, becomes the measure of attractiveness.'What?' She doesn't like to be on show. 'Just thinking that you're more beautiful every day.''Perhaps I shouldn't tell you, then.''Tell me what?' I wanted to hear keep hearing her voice...

4 years ago
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Wild Call of the Moose Part 4

Kari made shrimp marinara that night for dinner. It was wonderful! She was a great cook and never complained about doing work around the house. She was very loving and honest and sincere and everything else I was looking for. I had no plans of ever hooking up with a girl, even though I was turned on by them and had previous experience with them. We were just finishing dinner and a glass of wine, when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. The only people we knew in Grayson were...

4 years ago
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Part 6 June School Holidays

Tuesday soon went by and our parents were back home and in a good mood. I told them that tomorrow night I would be going out with a few friends to a club and would be home before 2 which they said rather to make it by 1 which I didn't argue with. Cassi and I messaged each other a bit as I was dying to here that she started her period but by the time I said good night to her there wasn't any such luck yet. I had also been messaging Jessica who I initially was looking forward to see but with what...

3 years ago
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The Feminization of Leslie Part Two

The Feminization of Leslie - Part Two Chapter Two - Leslie At Alison's suggestion, Catherine began dressing Leslie in boy's clothes well before he started attending nursery school. He seemed not to have acquired any significantly feminine mannerisms from his sojourn in skirts as a toddler, but he was nevertheless blonde-haired, delicate featured (one might even say pretty) and slim, almost willowy. For the most part, he favored trucks and soldiers as playthings at school, but he...

2 years ago
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The Business

I never paid much heed to my Mam when she told me, in April, that herself and her boyfriend would go away on holiday together for two weeks in July. I just turned 16 and she said I'd have no problem looking after myself. Her and my Dad separated years ago and he lives in the US. I had other stuff on my mind at the time so I forgot about it u til a week before they left. To be honest the thoughts of staying in our big house alone worried me but I didn't want her to miss her holiday. Off tney...

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My Nimmi

Me,my brother and Nimmi we are in home and my parents went to work.Nimmi is aunt. She’s my father’s sister.This happened when I was 13 and now I am 20. Now coming back to the story,She went to take bath and after along time I went to peep in her bathroom and she followed me and I was caught by her and she told me how long were doing this?I told a lie by saying “when I saw u fingering”.She went in shy and she gave mybrother food and she had and myself had mine.She made my brotherto sleep and she...

3 years ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 6

I pulled out and headed for a quick bite of lunch. While I was eating, I looked up cars to see what might be available. I knew that there were Mustang and Camaro convertibles but was curious about other brands. After some hunt and peck, it looked like a Mercedes E-class, an Audi, or a Jaguar were the most likely. BMW had some but I didn’t want to move that sporty. Audi was a problem for the same reason. In searching, I found a Mercedes dealer less than half an hour away. Finishing eating, I...

2 years ago
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MylfDom Havana Bleu MILF Bangs The Bully

Super sexy Latina MILF Havana Bleu does not fuck around when it comes to her boys self esteem, so when she sees that some cyber bully is flinging insults his way, she tracks the jerks address and shows up at his front door. To get the bully to leave her son alone, Havana offers to choke on his meaty boner and give up her delectable vag. The aggressive guy wraps his hands around her throat and pushes her up against the wall, and Havana loves every second as he thrusts intensely in her MILF cunt....

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Peter Is 21 Pat and Kim

Chapter 1: Spring I was the first to admit that I don't handle breakups well, but after Yvette, I was a mess. I spent a lot of time brooding. I didn't ignore Alex or my family but I wasn't really connected either. I did what was expected of me and nothing more. Mom showed up one Sunday afternoon with luggage. "What's up?" I asked her after I kissed her cheek and got her some ice tea. "Just came to visit my baby. A mother can do that." And if I didn't know what a brilliant liar my...

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Andrea is a proper male Italian name

Andrea is a proper male Italian name Andrea was a slim boy with delicate feature. His name and physical appearance caused him a lot of troubles during school. His parents moved to Germany just after he was born. While his name is common in Italy for boys it is an exclusively female name in Germany. Whenever he met new children or also adults there certainly was a remark to the mismatch between name and gender or, if not, people assumed that he was a tomboy. This didn't really help him...

4 years ago
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My First Encounter In Bangalore

Hello hornies, let me introduce me first. I am 30, 5.10, 78 kg with man boobs decent looking guy from Bangalore. This is my real story which happened a month ago in Bangalore. Through planet Romeo app (my ID: hemacd1990,) I met a traveler who was from Mumbai and he was visiting Bangalore for a business trip. He was around 45, 6 feet, 85kg+ and plumpy. We got connected in PR and it was an instant connection. We both are versatile and that clicked. We chatted for a day and then we decided to meet...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Behind The Potted Plant

Philip Johnson Chapter One Jim leaned over the table and in a near whisper said, ‘Hey Bro, Alexis Reinhart just came into the restaurant,’ and that’s all it took for him to put on his bright business smile, and his wife Brook looked toward the front of the restaurant. ‘Neal,’ Jim said, ‘We have to make a point to stop and say hello before we leave.’ Then Alexis looked past the maitre de and smiled at us. ‘I don’t think we need to worry about that at all,’ and she moved toward us. No, she...

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The Hotel

The HotelGeorge and I were talking about life in general, just after we had had some fun. I said that I was off on a 2-day conference at a posh hotel, the hotel had a swimming pool and all amenities.George said “when you get there go for a swim in the morning around 7am before breakfast. If you do you may well meet someone who likes a bit of fun. Don’t go to the gym as they are full of fitness freaks. There is a thing that in the traveling rep community that is what they do to arrange meets...

2 years ago
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Hot virgin

Hi friends this my first experience let me first introduce myself my age 23 I am studying for professional course and a graduate my height is 5”10 I am good looking good physics and I am very eager to sex all time lets come to story I have a girlfriend named Resha (name changed) she is average looking 5”1 colors fair we were having good relation ship between us but we were only friends but one day when we are talking general the topic suddenly turned towards sex we have discussed about pass son...

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