The CatalystChapter 24: Invisible Men To The Rescue! free porn video

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[“Charlie, get your ass to Dupage Airport as fast as you can! I’ll meet you there ... your dad and his buddy have been kidnapped!”]

I flashed Greg and told him what happened. Then I flashed Bob. “Dad’s been kidnapped in Pittsburgh! Where are you right now?”

“What the fuck? ... HOW!?? ... I’m in West Chicago, I just finished a job.”

“I DON’T KNOW, but, he needs our help, get to Dupage County Airport as fast as you can. I’ll meet you there!”

Capt Gregory (Jim) and Agent Callas (Fred) were already there and waving me inside. Greg flashed that he was two minutes out and closing fast. Bob was about the same. I told Jim and he started smiling, “So ‘all hands on deck’?”

“YES! Please don’t say they can’t come?”

“That’s up to YOU ... You know this could get ugly?”

“You KNOW I might kill those bastards! I’ve never been this pissed-off or scared in my life.”

Agent Callas said, “Wait, Charlie has a BROTHER?”

Jim got an evil grin, “Yes! And I’ve seen what they can do together. A whole squad of Ninja’s wouldn’t stand a chance against them. And THAT time, they WEREN’T pissed off ... Well, not as pissed as he is now.”

“And WE don’t have a whole bunch of rules to follow!” I snarked.

Fred was looking at Jim with a concerned frown. Jim shrugged his shoulders, “They’re going to be trying to save their dad’s life. And We are going to let them do WHATEVER it takes!”

We were on the jet seconds after Bob and Greg got there, quickly heading towards Pittsburgh.

Agent Callas began telling us what he knew.

“Your dad and Agent Terence Johnson, ‘TJ”, were on their way to the warehouse, after learning that Frank had already cleaned out his office. The task force was maybe 10 minutes behind them. Since Frank had been tipped off by his brother, he must have figured they were going to go to the warehouse. Somehow, Frank and an unknown number of accomplices got the drop on them and subdued them.

“Our office got a call at 3:30 this afternoon, local time, and were given an ultimatum. Either we turn over all of the evidence against Frank’s brother and 1 million dollars, or they were going to be executed. They are still ‘negotiating’, but Frank knows that it would take some time to do what he wants

“He, of course, wants Jack released from jail before he releases Lenny and TJ. An agent is supposed to deliver the evidence, Jack and the money tonight at 9:00 PM local time.”

“Well, WHERE’S JACK? Or aren’t you planning on turning him over?”

Jim put his hand on my shoulder and grinned, “RIGHT HERE!” This morning, I noticed that YOU are built much like Jack. My plan is to exchange YOU instead of Jack! We’ll put a black bag over your head to conceal your identity. I didn’t know about Bob, so now, I’m thinking of having him lying on the floor in the backseat till they realize they’ve been deceived ... Can he do his thing looking through the window?”

“Yes”, Bob said, “Charlie can ‘tell’ me when to move, then I can get out and help Charlie do whatever we have to. I’ll be able to tell what’s going on, even if we can’t see each other.”

Fred looked puzzled until he saw Jim grin.

“What can I do?” Greg asked.

Jim said, “You’ll be with the backup team in the van, relaying information from Bob and Charlie. Just like you did in Rockford. That way, we won’t have to use radios that could be intercepted.”

Fred looked baffled, “How’s he going to do THAT? I know, from what I saw this morning, Charlie’s some kind of martial artist, are you saying he’s ‘TELEPATHIC’ too?”

Jim started laughing, “Fred, EVERYTHING you see tonight is ‘Top Secret’. Charlie doesn’t actually know shit about karate ... HE DOESN’T NEED TO. Trust me!”


I smirked, “I’m not BULLETPROOF though.”

“No, but you and Bob WILL be wearing bullet proof vests.” Jim said.

“Dad, it’s Charlie! Where are you?” I flashed, hoping he could ‘hear’ me, now that we were halfway there.

“TJ and I are in a warehouse. We’re about five minutes away from the Acme warehouse, I think. WHERE ARE YOU!?”

“Heading towards you! Bob, Greg and I are with Jim and Agent Callas. We should be landing in 30 minutes or so.”

“Just be careful son. These skinhead mother fuckers are deadly serious. They beat TJ up pretty bad ... I’m not doing really good either. I think they plan on killing us.”

“I’m taking Jacks place in the exchange at 9:00, you have to let me know if they are really bringing you or not. I need to know where you are ... BEFORE I KILL everyone!”

“Son, killing ISN’T the answer to anything! Fight TERROR with TERROR. Keep your wits about you and your head on a swivel. Frank is much more ‘connected’ than anyone thought! TJ is sure there are SEVERAL people at Dunphy in on this too. We saw the warehouse where they’re hiding the steel, IT’S HUGE!”

“OK Dad, can you tell me anything about where you are?”

“We must be somewhere directly on the flightpath to a small airport. There have been quite a few small planes and jets passing directly overhead.”

“Hang on, I gotta ask the pilot a question.”

Greg was already headed to the cockpit. “Have your dad tell us when we’re overhead! The pilot says there’s only one airport on this side of Pittsburgh, and IT IS near a bunch of warehouses.”

Dad flashed, “Thanks Greg! I’ll do that. And thanks for coming.”

“Don’t mention it. We’re FAMILY Pops!”

We were ALL peering out the windows as we felt the landing gear drop.

“Now!” Dad flashed. “NOW” I told everyone.

Jim said, “We’re just past I-76. That should help us get close.”

Bob had been telling Jim and Fred what Dad and I had been talking about. Fred was dumbfounded by it all. “You’re telling me they were ALL communicating with Lenny?”

Jim was nodding, “Lenny’s got some pretty amazing kids, doesn’t he!”

“Shit, I feel like I’m in ‘The Twilight Zone’!” Agent Callas shouted.

Jim grinned, “Welcome to the club Fred. You ain’t seen nothin’, YET!”

We were met by three FBI agents, who were obviously friends of TJ. Fred introduced everyone as we headed to a command van, not far from the exchange site. The agents were, ‘Big Ed’ Phillips, who looked like a Linebacker, at 6’4” and 240 Lbs., Moe Blake, a black guy, 6’ and 225Lbs and Janet Franks, 5’8” and athletically built. At the Command Van (that looked like a nice RV), the FBI Section Chief, Blake Bryant, filled us in on the current situation.

“We discovered the warehouse and stolen steel. There was far more than we were expecting. More than enough to build 3 buildings! We think, based on that, this goes much deeper than just one heist. That part of the investigation is still ongoing, but has been hampered by the fact we didn’t recover any evidence from Frank’s office. The CEO is being detained, and his bank records show a check from Frank for $10,000. We’re expecting to hear from the kidnappers at 8:30, but, we still don’t have any idea where the hostages are being held.”

Fred interrupted, “We think they’re being held in a warehouse about a ¼ mile SW of I-76 in-line with the Pittsburgh-Monroeville Airport!”

Janet looked serious, “And HOW would you know that?!”

Blake looked at me, “You’re Lenny’s son?”

“Yes sir, and Dad TOLD ME when we passed overhead! ... Ooops, does everyone here know about my dad?”

They all said (Except Blake) “No, what do you mean, ‘He TOLD you?”

Blake looked nervous, “Look, what you’re about to hear is Classified Top Secret! Not a word about this is EVER to leave this room. Lenny has been working for us since the late 60’s. He’s a verified clairvoyant. These are his sons, Charlie and Bob. They have telepathic capabilities, far beyond even Lenny’s. These two ALSO have other abilities that I’ve never witnessed, but have reason to believe border on supernatural! BELIEVE what they tell you! They’re here to assist us in rescuing TJ and Lenny. ANYTHING any of you might witness is Classified Top Secret- For Your Eyes Only! We are honor bound to cover up ANY reference to Bob or Charlie. It’s also, the least we can do for the service Lenny has given us for the last 15 years.”

The other Agents all looked at us with astounded stares.

“Charlie and Bob are going with Big Ed to make the exchange. Charlie is masquerading as Frank’s brother, to get their guard down. Bob will be on the floor, waiting for a signal from Charlie. We have a box with the evidence against Frank’s brother and a duffel bag with $1 million. We don’t plan on them ever getting anything, but we have it just in case. We want to get our hostages back at all cost! Greg, Charlie’s friend will ride with the back-up team, relaying information. We WILL NOT use radios at all until the threat has been resolved.”

Pretty soon the call came, as expected. A voice said, “One agent will come ALONE with my brother, the cash and the evidence. He will be met by my associates who will make the exchange. Your people will be released after I get my brother.”

“No deal! You can have the cash and evidence, but we’re keeping your brother until we get our agents!”

“OK, we’ll do a mutual exchange, but your man had BETTER be unarmed. We’ll search him. Any funny business and he and the hostages will be executed!”

“Where’s the meeting going to be?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know? Your agent is to stop at the Dairy Queen on Northern Pike Road, just west of Mosside Boulevard. There’s a pay phone, he needs to be there at 8:55 and answer it when it rings. He’ll be given information on the meet from there. We’ll be watching to see if he’s followed, your agents will be executed immediately if you play any games!”

The line went dead.

Blake got out a very detailed map of the area.

After looking at it for a few minutes he said, “That Dairy Queen is almost 6 miles from the warehouse area you think your dad is being held. I’m guessing the meet will be somewhere in between. I’m sure he’s not stupid enough to guide you all the way back to that warehouse. We have three radio jammers, but we need to be within 300 feet to be effective. Charlie and Big Ed will have one and make sure you turn it on as soon as you’re at the meet. Team One will take the ‘roach coach’ van (it looks like a mobile lunch truck) and head to the warehouse area now, since THEY don’t know that WE KNOW where they’re at. See if you can figure out exactly where they are, but if you can’t, sit somewhere centrally located and turn on your jammer when we tell you to. Greg, you’ll be with Team One.

“Charlie, I know you and your brother want to work as a team, but we might have to separate you so that all three of us can communicate. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

“No, that might even be a better idea. Since we have no idea what’s really going down, there’s no point having us BOTH in the wrong place.”

Blake smiled, “That’s kinda what I was thinking, Frank’s not stupid and he might be sending you on a wild goose chase. If things go sideways, maybe one of you will at least be in a position to help. With that said, then, Bob should go with Team One instead of Greg and Greg can stay with me and Team Two.”

Bob, Moe and Janet left to head to the warehouse area, as Big Ed and I headed to the Dairy Queen.

Blake and the 4 others, including Greg, were headed to a commercial area not far from the Dairy Queen.

Ed and I got there 10 minutes ahead of schedule.

Bob flashed that they were at the warehouse area, and felt they knew which one Dad was in. It wasn’t the one where the stolen steel was located. They reported that a Ford Crown Victoria had just left with four people inside. There were also two armed guards patrolling the area by the front door, smoking cigarettes.

“Dad, are you in the Crown Vic?”

“NO! They left us here. It’s a setup. They plan on KILLING us as soon as Frank gets his brother back. I think Frank is in the car. He has slicked back hair and a ‘Hitler’ moustache. He looks like Jack, but more chiseled. They’re going to radio the four guards he left here when he’s sure Jack’s safe.”

Everyone was listening and got the scoop.

“Dad”, Bob flashed, “we’ve got a team just outside the warehouse we think you’re at. We just saw two guys with rifles walking around smoking cigarettes. You said there were four, are two still inside with you?”

“Yes Bob, these two both have pistols and very itchy trigger fingers!”

“Dad, are there any skylights on the roof of that building you’re in?”

“Yes there are, and we’re directly underneath one.”

“We’ve got a radio jammer, so no one is going to call those idiots. I’ve got a plan; I hope Moe’s ready...”

I was looking through Bob’s eyes, as one guard’s head snapped 360° in a fraction of a second! His lifeless body fell to the ground. His buddy turned towards him when he heard the snap, but that was the last thing he heard, as his head did the same thing. I heard Janet whisper in Bob’s ear, “HOLY FUCK! Did you just DO THAT?”

Bob just nodded his head and whispered, “Moe, make sure you have a good hold on your rifle and DON’T scream. I’m gonna set you on the roof, nice and easy, to see if you can take out the two guys that are left guarding Dad and TJ.”

Moe’s eyes got big and just as he nodded, I watched Bob lift him up and put him on the roof, setting him down gently. Moe’s eyes were now as big as pie plates as he looked back at Bob, slowly shaking his head, but he was grinning.

Janet whispered, “You gotta give me a turn sometime Bob, that was COOL!”

Two shots rang out and Moe screamed, “GO, GO, GO, I only WINGED one of them!

Bob made the door fly in, as he and Janet rushed in. Both thugs were down, one had a bullet hole in his forehead and the other one was just reaching for his gun, as one more shot rang out and the back of his head exploded.

Dad and TJ were both smiling, as Janet cut the ropes holding them to their chairs. They both looked like they had just gone 10 rounds with Mohammed Ali.

I flashed, “Four down, four to go! I can’t wait to get my hands on Frank!”

Dad flashed, “Charlie, as much as you might want to kill him, we gotta take Frank alive. The bastard has managed to not let me touch him and this whole thing is much more involved than any of us thought. We need a whole bunch of answers!”

“Okay Dad, I hear you. I was just hoping to have a little FUN with him.”

I felt Dad laughing. “I didn’t say you couldn’t have any FUN WITH HIM, Charlie, just make sure he can still TALK when you’re done.”

“Got it Dad. Stick with Bob and I’ll keep you guys posted.”

I just finished telling Ed, “four down, four to go”, when the phone rang. Ed was still looking at me flabbergasted when he picked up the phone and said, “Hello, this is Agent Phillips who am I speaking with?”

“Do you have everything you’re supposed to have?”

“Yes I do, the money, the evidence and your brother.”

“Let me talk to my brother!”

“You can talk to him as soon as I can talk to Agent Johnson.”

“Fine, we’ll wait, there’s a big church on old Penn highway, just west of the interstate. Go to the north parking lot. When you see me flash my lights you stop and turn your lights off. Then get out and let my brother get out.”

The line went dead and Ed looked at me, “You know they’re going to shoot me as soon as you’re clear.”

“I know, you’re supposed to put a black bag over my head, but somehow I need to be able to see or there’s not much I can do to help you.”

Same as The Catalyst
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Menaka Akka To Sarasam Naku Swargam Choopinchindi

Hi Friends, This is Neel () again from Hyderabad. My height is 5.5″ and the size of the dick is 7 and thickness is 2 1/2 centimeters. This story happened when I am doing my +2 and at that time I used to stay in my relative house. In the same compound on the back side of our house there was a single bedroom where a couple used to live. They are very young and the guy used to work as medical rep and the heroine(Menaka) of the story is a house wife.You know in those days mobile phones were not...

2 years ago
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Raman Nair opened his daughter in law's bedroom door and stopped still. The CD player was in full blast and his daughter in law, Menaka was dancing to the tune. He had actually come there to tell her to reduce the volume, but seeing her in her mini skirt and loose T shirt dancing with her breasts bouncing stopped him. He leaned against the door and watched as she wriggled her hips and stepped about her mini skirt half lifting showing her fleshy thighs and the red laced panties. Because of the...

4 years ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 2

Outwardly she was still the Invisible Girl, for which she was thankful, because this allowed her to give her attention almost entirely to the stranger she had suddenly become. Who was this girl who had done all those things, things that played themselves over and over in her mind, things she had never even heard of but knew were bad, things that would shock anyone who knew her? Things she had only done because she’d been forced to, she told herself, but still things she was certain no other...

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Karmen Karma 100 844000

When the first thing that loads up when you're on Karmen Karma's Twitter page is a gangbang, you know it's about to be a super fap-worthy account! I'm used to seeing sluts on Twitter, but I am not used to seeing that much action soon in my review process. You usually have to scroll through a bunch of boring-ass OnlyFans promotions, and some bitches don't even show their fucking tits. Even some pornstars have betrayed their whore roots for gaming or some other irrelevant shit to porn. The only...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 2 Back to the Police Station

In the Custody suite of the police station Susan was arguing with the arresting officer. "How the blazes can this Jack Adams be the one responsible for the murder? He reported it. And what is he supposed to assault?" she demanded. "We did a ballistic check on the gun he gave Brice, they match up with the bullet in that Professor Blythe bloke. His gun, his bullet, he's guilty." The officer replied. "Okay then, what about the assault? Who did he assault?" She pressed the second...

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 3 A Traitor Found

It was half an hour later, Lloyd and Susan had arrived at the house and were with Jack in the basement; Professor Blythe was working away at the machine, checking it over. Lloyd stared at Jack. "Well? What happened?" He demanded Jack looked back at the machine that had just destroyed itself, "He took her through the window. She's trapped there." He said softly. "Not really Jack my boy, this happened to me several times with my machine, but it's simple enough to get the parts, the...

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 4 The Chinese Threat

Jack watched as Lloyd calmly put the gun back into his jacket pocket, "There was no need for that!" He exclaimed angrily Lloyd looked at Jack with untroubled eyes, "I had my orders, to stop him from passing any information on." He said "But we needed to know who he was talking to? I mean what does Operation Golden Blossom mean? Obviously he knew about that but we don't. Now how do we find this out?" Jack said heatedly. "We'd just check what the last number dialled was, that will...

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The RescueChapter 2 Open Ocean Rescue

As the captain suspected, the owners and crew may well have retired for the evening, but they most definitely had not gone to sleep. Malcolm and Caroline had gone to their cabin in the bow, while Phoebe had enticed Robby to spend the night in her cabin. Robby had already gotten off with Phoebe once when the horn blast startled him. Disdaining any foreplay, the pair had promptly stripped naked. Phoebe had knelt on her bunk while looking over her shoulder as her lover for the night stepped up...

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Misadventures of the Invisible Pervert

After months of trial and error, Ryan has finally done it. He achieved the secrets of invisibility into an elixir that he created. He decides to experiment it on himself right away. At first, there was no reaction after drinking it. He thought there was something wrong. He looked into the mirror, then his hands, legs, body and face slowly started fading away. There was a delay effect, it took about 10 seconds for him to turn completely Invisible. All he could see now is a empty clothing...

3 years ago
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Shadowy Rescue

Shadowy Rescue By: Lyrissa "Who goes there?" Gruna shouted, hefting her vicious-looking axe towards the direction of the noise. Her voice betrayed no fear, only steely determination and a threat to anyone or anything hiding in the shadows to step out and face her. The orc grunt stepped closer to the guard tower and her eyes roamed across the coarse stonework which made up its base before she raised her head to stare up into the evening sky. The last rays of daylight were still...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 53 Flying to the Rescue

Erin struggled. She fought with and yelled at Mike. She knew it was him but she hadn't seen his face. She spat curses and screamed for help as he carried her to his car and put her in. However, for some reason no one came, no one noticed her. Mike pushed her in and across, not allowing her alone in the car for too long. She watched the scenery go by, buildings, cars, people. She yelled and called, screamed and slammed herself into the door, but nothing stopped what was happening. She was...

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Menaka Gangbanged By Strangers

Hello everyone. This is Varun and back with an amazing story with Menaka that happened 6 months ago. Thank you for all the feedback on my previous story, ““. This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka. For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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The Invisible Line Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Here is the Part two of Invisible line I hope you like the first Part. After my Amma left, I watched as Lathika slowly washed the inside of the big sliding glass windows. She must have done a crappy job, because her eyes never left my ass. The whole thing had given me a hard-on, and I decided to give her a good show. While she watched, I pretended to move around a little bit in my sleep, then turned over to lie on my back, with my head angled enough so...

3 years ago
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The Invisible Girl

Jessica found it laying in the field behind her house. She was sun bathing nude when, in the corner of her eye, she saw something glittering in the sunlight. It was a golden pendant. When she wore it, she saw her body disappear. Jessica wasn't hurt in any way, but she was just invisible. She took it off. She went back inside, put on some clothes, and put the pendant back on. Jessica's body disappeared again but her clothed stayed visible. She would have to be naked to be invisible.

2 years ago
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Menaka Gangbanged By Strangers

This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka.For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a response from her and I told her that I was bored and wanted to do something. She said we could meet as she was also not sleepy and bored. She got in her car and...

2 years ago
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Invisible Man

Alexander found whenever he became angry he would start to disappear. After several months he learned how to control his moods to the likeness of Hannibal Lector. Alexander kept his secret from all except his older sister. It wasn't long before Alexander used his talent to sleep with women. It was easy finding out what they liked by following them and listening in to conversations. He eventually found a girl he considered perfect. She was 5'7, blonde, with emerald eyes, and natural...

4 years ago
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After nearly an hour of staring at my lack of a reflection in the mirror, I thought about being visible, and there I was again. It was amazing. I still can't explain how I came about this ability, there was no meteor or radioactive spider, tonight I could just...make myself invisible. I sat there, naked on my bed for the longest time, and the implications began to set it. That meant I could do pretty much whatever I wanted. I mean, how many guys haven't imagined strolling through the girls...

3 years ago
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Invisible Man

“Dr. Doe, I’m going to go now, will you be able to finish without me?” your hot assistant asks you. “Yes, don’t worry about it Kira. You go, I’m almost done and I’ll be going in a little bit.” You reply to her as you put a light blue liquid into a vial. “Oh if you’re almost done I’ll wait.” She says as she takes off her lab coat to reveal her hot tanned body is only being covered a small black mini skirt and top. “I don’ have anything planned tonight.” “No, no that’s OK.” You answer back not...

4 years ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 8

“I’m home...anybody here?” The voice from downstairs startled her awake.  She didn’t remember drifting off, but she must have.  And Peter must have as well, because his eyes were wide with dismay when hers snapped open in the twilit room.  “Oh god, it’s my Dad,” she whispered.   She jumped out of bed and ran to the bedroom door. She opened it, leaned her head out, and called,  “Hi Dad!  I’ll be right down!” She closed the door and hurried back to where Peter still lay on the bed, still...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 14

“So—how did the dinner run go last night?” asked Suzy.   She and Jane were unpacking and hanging a shipment of baby clothes at the back of the store while Mrs. Jorgenson minded the register.  It was a rainy day, and there were no customers in the store. “Oh, fine,” replied Jane.  “I just brought him some sandwiches and stuff.  He works at The Word Works—you know, the bookstore?” “Oh sure.”  Suzy concentrated for a moment on a tiny dress that wouldn’t stay on its hanger.  Then she asked,...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 3 2000 2001

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley recollects what the older telepath Tseng reveals about the invisible empire. Tseng later introduces Stanley to "the agency" (the United States' National Security Agency, or NSA). Thus begins Stanley's involvement in agency operations,...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 4 2001 2008

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley develops his gifts further, and cements his relationships with his lovers. He also participates in a major agency operation that ends with mixed results. A talent named Phillipa is recruited but at a cost Stanley regards as...

2 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 26 Art to the Rescue

At nine the next morning, Detective Springer came to Camelot to talk with me about a case he had been assigned. It turned out that there were an inordinate number of missing girls and young women in the area. In each and every instance the girls disappeared without a single trace. Advertisements had produced a flurry of leads but Detective Springer's team had checked out every one and came up totally empty. There were no leads which did not end up in a dead end. They tried everything they...

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Hot sex with Menaka in UK

Hi to ISS readers. This is my first true story. I am Shiva 6 foot and very handsome I live in UK for last 10 years. Hope you will like my real story. Ok Let us go the story. I am 30 now. I had enough sex experience since I was 17. This incident happened just 3 months back. She is Menaka (name changed ) . First I will describe her. She is fair and thin . Age approx 23. She is around 5’6 height and approx. 55 kgs. Even though she is lean she had a huge boobs and nice ass. I am working in a...

3 years ago
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Menaka Yet Another Saga

Raman Nair sat in his easy chair reading a novel. A slight sound made him look up and he looked right into the eyes of his daughter in law, Menaka. She stood at the doorway, hands on her hips smiling at him. She wore a tight blue jeans and a tight pink tops that hugged her body and being soft material outlined her black lace bra. The low neck of the tops showed the bulge of her breasts forming and the breasts themselves were thrusting forward invitingly. Nair gasped at her, mouth open wide. She...

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Physiotherapy Treatment

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy living in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. Secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Catherines Punishment

Cathy Dixon looked into her full length bedroom mirror, pulling down on the soft cashmere jumper that seemed to cling to her v  ??????????????????????????????? Catherine?s Punishment? ??????????? A? Forty something mum is forced to submit to her schoolboy son?s friends????????????????????????   ?Ouch, please Sean?..for Christ?s sake, it hurts too much, please, you?re going to kill me, please stop! Groaned the young schoolboy through tears of pain and shame.  The Gymnasium changing...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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