Marrying into a Close Family
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Sarah’s and Keriann’s Clans met Captains Reyonte and Laonize as they approached the dining area at Tara Ardchlár. After greeting each other Captain Reyonte said, “How is the fort progressing?”
“Not quite as fast as we would like,” responded Claudette of Sarah’s Clan. “We do, however, have the impression that you are now making good progress with your base.”
“We are, and it is moving along a lot faster than is typical for projects like this.”
Captain Laonize added, “Although it hasn’t been acknowledged several people attribute that fact to getting rid of ... well let’s just call them the slackers or parasites. Another reason is access to the recreational area here as it really helps with overall morale.”
Keriann said, “If you don’t have other plans, why don’t you join us for dinner.”
“We don’t, so we will gladly accept,” assured a smiling Captain Reyonte with Laonize nodding. “We enjoy visiting with you all.”
After they were seated Chester of Keriann’s Clan said to the Captains, “Earlier you asked how our fort was progressing, at the moment progress is sort of stalled. The basic structure is nearly finished, but we are trying to sort out weapons placements that will yield acceptable fields of fire.”
“From what we’ve seen it appears that it is being built as a single structure,” noted Reyonte.
“Yes. Modeling indicated that it would be more efficient that way.”
“In some respects, it would be. Did you consider setting it up using the formation your 6 large ships are in?” inquired Laonize.
“We aren’t sure what you mean,” responded Kelly with a frown. “We are outfitting it in a manner similar to our large ships. The biggest difference is that it doesn’t include a significant propulsion unit and there is less storage.”
“Ah, but the weakness is that it will be a single failure point. What we like about your formation is the fact that you have six separate entities that can engage an enemy, plus a floater. While we are not certain, we suspect that your formation’s fields of fire have considerable overlap.”
“So are you suggesting that we should configure the fort as 6 weapon’s platforms in an octahedron arrangement with central support?”
“Except for the central support we’ve been evaluating that configuration. Based on our modeling we think the separation needs to be considerably larger than you have between your ships.”
“Wouldn’t that open up our backs?” wondered Sally.
“It could, if it was open space. However, if debris fields were placed between the weapon’s platforms and the central unit then you would have protection. You would need some paths through the debris in order to reach the central unit, but obviously they should not be direct paths.”
“We couldn’t then rotate a platform to fire through the formation.”
“True. However you should be able to rotate enough to provide support for an adjacent position.”
Reyonte added, “We looked at doubling the number of vertices. The primary advantage is that the area covered by one weapon unit could be smaller. A better alternative is to keep the field of fire the same, which greatly increases the field of fire overlap, thus an attacker has more to deal with.”
“If I remember my geometry correctly that configuration is called an icosahedron,” interjected Janet.
“Good memory,” smiled Laonize. “I had to look it up.”
“An interesting idea,” stated Rusty, “your suggestion of an octahedron arrangement addresses many, if not all, the issues we saw with our current plan. Since you are modeling a fort, does that mean you are considering one here?”
“We’ve been asked to develop a plan for one as it would reduce the need to have a task group permanently located in this system. If they decide to move forward with this there are several other factors that favor doing it in the near future. One of these is that we currently have an excellent construction crew here so they could easily be shifted to building a fort when they are no longer needed for the base. Deciding to do that then raises the issue of the increasing scope of this location’s activity.” He looked around then continued, “While it is true that we are developing a plan, whether it goes forward or not is speculation on our part. Although there were provisions for this in our agreement someone from Fleet Headquarters would discuss it with you before we begin any expansion.”
Sally said, “It would be beneficial to know how your World sees activity in this sector evolving.”
“When are you planning on visiting there?” queried Laonize.
“Tentatively, the last half of next year,” responded Sarah. “The Atewa agents we hired thought we should take our choir with us. Their idea was for the choir to give several performances during our visit.”
“I think the choir’s music would be well received,” responded Reyonte with Laonize nodding in agreement. “When our Off World Ambassador visits again you all should ask him about future activity in this sector. The fact that there is activity in this system will prompt others to look around for opportunities.”
Chester laughed, “I guess the dark side is already active.”
“Most of that is still pretty far away, although with our presence here commercial shipping may shift their routes to be closer. Actually, doing that would shorten some trips. They haven’t done this yet due to lack of facilities at convenient jump points.”
“Would any of that cause the “closed system” label to be withdrawn before we are ready?”
“How long this system keeps that label is your choice. If, in a few years, it is still active you will likely be pressured to remove it. Based on what I’ve seen, I think you all will be well entrenched in 5 years or less, and I think I am being pessimistic.”
“To change direction a bit,” said Laonize, “how are the Coschenz you rescued doing?”
“Since some are no longer around, they appear to be adjusting just fine. Their new leaders have a very different style to the old ones, so it is not only adjusting to being with a different culture; they are also adjusting to new leaders who involve others in decision making. While they are waiting to hear from Oreschre World we believe that quite a few of them are leaning toward staying here. We do expect that some will choose to return to Oreschre, if it is possible.”
“I hope it works out so all are pleased with the choices they have.”
Judy said, “I think those considering staying are not expecting to recreate what they had. On our way here we rescued a group from several different worlds. About a fourth of them were from the Oreschre World, and that number included Coschenz breed. All of them have fit in just fine. It seems like everyone who has joined us has brought their character, values, and some customs with them, but no other aspects of their former home and life style. I hope that makes sense.”
“It does. In the Atewa World there have been difficulties when large groups of immigrants arrived due to being forced to flee their homes. Because of the way they are temporarily housed their inclusion into our world and culture is delayed. This has resulted in small enclaves forming with customs like those in their old home, so they end up in an artificial environment. Those artificial environments tend to grow as new arrivals join them. This is in part because it is familiar but also because it is easier for government officials. This adds to the barrier preventing them from integrating into a new world. Added to this are economic issues. Well I could go on, but I think you see the difficulties it causes them and those around them.”
“So far we seem to have avoided those issues. Perhaps this is because there are so few of us. However, we’ve seen it in the World we came from. We hope to avoid that problem, but only time will tell.”
“Going back to the fort discussion for a moment, would you all be interested in commenting on our revised plan?” inquired Keriann with a smile.
“We would,” laughed Reyonte, “however ... let’s keep it at a general concepts level and do it informally. That way we won’t officially know any details. Now, if Fleet decides to add a fort to our location here, then we can be considerably more open about our participation.”
“Ah ... is there something we need to be concerned about?”
Sensing their concerns he responded, “No, definitely not, however if we are officially involved, and outside our own project, then it could expose details of your defenses to some of the people in Fleet Headquarters. While security is very good, there are leaks.”
“Well they will likely learn about them regardless, but we don’t want it to be easy for someone who doesn’t like us.”
Laonize said, “If Fleet decides to go forward with the project I think we would end up with a better layout if we collaborated with you. While the basic design is done at headquarters, we will be able to make adjustments as it is built.”
“We understand your situation and offer,” said Sarah. “Why don’t we get together for a brain storming session on what we think an ideal fort would look like in a week or so? This would avoid associating any ideas with a particular location.”
Laonize looked at Reyonte then said, “That is an excellent idea. We are in.”
“Good. Now, on another topic, in 6 clock cycles we will have our first New Year celebration here. Why don’t you join us?”
“Thank you,” said Reyonte. “We will tentatively accept. What is planned?”
“Not sure,” responded Joyce. “In the past our New Year’s celebration begins around dinner time the last day of the year, and continues through the first day of the new year. We’ve always adjusted work schedules so that everyone has a chance to participate.”
Laonize said, “I seem to recall that plans are already in the works for us to participate.”
“I don’t recall that,” responded Reyonte, “but I think participating is a good idea.”
“I believe it was at the security briefing last week. Staff indicated that they were planning on increasing their presence here for those 2 days, and possibly a day before and after. In thinking about it a bit more, the schedules for the staffing next week now make more sense.”
“I wonder how I missed that,” complained Reyonte.
“It is unusual for you to do so, but you had a few touchy issues to deal with last week.”
“True. Hopefully they won’t arise again.”
“With respect to the celebration,” said Joyce, “if you let us know when you will be at Tara we should be able to join you.”
Laonize looked at Reyonte then smiling said, “We will.
“Now I have an abstract question for you all. At a recent staff meeting an officer asked what the ramifications were for a personal union between Ananu and Atewa citizens. No one knew so I indicated that I would check.”
“In what respect?” queried Keriann.
“From the way the question was phrased, it seemed to be with regard to citizenship. That is, would the union result in an Atewa person becoming an Ananu citizen. Can an Ananu citizen also be a citizen of another World? Since this likely involves Fleet personnel, does it impact either person’s occupation?”
“I would think that 2 or more people joining together to form a family unit would not affect citizenship,” responded Emma of Keriann’s Clan. “But this is a topic that I don’t think we’ve formally addressed. The other aspect is that we haven’t quantified what constitutes Ananu citizenship.”
“While we haven’t quantified it,” noted Maeve, “I think that we consider anyone claiming Ananu as their home, or who is a crew member on our ships, as Ananu citizens. As to people formally joining together to create a family, I think we should treat that as a contractual arrangement in the forming of a new entity. When our citizens join together to form a clan we see it as a contractual agreement between them.”
Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan added, “When a group formally declares that they are a clan, they are treated as a family unit. For an Órarduine it is the same as forming an indivisible bond with another, whether that is true for those who join us, only time will tell. I can see the need for it becoming more formal in the future.”
“Does the Atewa World recognize dual citizenship?” inquired Sarah.
“Yes it does. However, I don’t know the obligations a person incurs in holding a dual citizenship. I would think that there are some, especially if it involves money owed to the government.”
“Well we don’t have a currency yet,” said Janet.
“You don’t,” marveled Reyonte. “So how are people compensated?”
“Everyone has shares in what we have and shares are added as more is created. This begins when they begin assisting in our projects or filling a supporting role. Shares are time based and vary in size by skill, knowledge, responsibility, and risk.
“For those who are only with us for a short time, they receive monetary compensation that is consistent with their activity here, and where they are from or going to. When we were in Sol system we hired quite a few people to assist us. In those cases we paid them in whatever Earth currency they requested. We will do the same for visitors who work while they are here.”
“In addition to shares, everyone is provided food, shelter, and other necessities just by being part of our family and living with us. Thus far there has been little need for physical currency; however we do see that changing before too long. The issue is how to introduce it and be fair to everyone. A more difficult aspect is establishing initial values for the shares we are currently receiving.”
“I don’t envy those setting that up. When do you think you will take that step?”
“Probably not for at least a year. There are many more pressing issues that need our attention so it will be quite a while before we begin reviewing and discussing proposals. We have a group who are assessing ways to do it, as they have the time.”
“Laonize, we need to be leaving as it almost time for our flight,” said Reyonte.
“Ah, so it is.” Looking around she said, “I’ve really enjoyed our chat this evening. It would be nice to have you all visit us but we think our accommodations would be difficult for you.”
“We could solve the accommodations issue by coming in one of our larger shuttles,” responded Oriel of Keriann’s Clan. “They can be easily fitted for short term living.”
“Well that solves part of the problem, but before we make a commitment we need to check on whether the ceilings are high enough in the common areas we would be using. We would like to give you a tour of our base and there the ceiling height won’t be an issue.”
“We’ve enjoyed this evening,” said Keriann. “Let us know next time you are here so we can have dinner, and perhaps visit the entertainment area.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” responded Reyonte.
“We need to be going as well as we’ve lingered much longer than we anticipated.”
After Keriann’s Clan, Captains Reyonte and Laonize had departed Rusty said, “That was an interesting discussion.”
Sally said, “We should look at their suggestion for the fort as it is something we didn’t really consider, and now I wonder why.”
“I am surprised that they are considering that approach as I didn’t think it fit their command and control profile,” responded Rusty.
“Well if they treated each weapons placement as a separate ship, then communication issues wouldn’t be much different than those between multiple ships. Communication between fort locations wouldn’t be as detectable as between ships.”
“True. You are correct that in some ways it is like having multiple ships in a formation. I agree that we should look at it closely. If it looks viable then do we have enough rocks to build it?”
“We really only need to build one or two vertices at a time. If the need arose before it was finished we could place Badb-2 cruisers at the other vertices, perhaps in pairs.”
“A good idea, but we should run combat simulations to see how good an idea it really is.”
Joyce said, “Let’s check out the entertainment area before going up to Dóchas.”
“Another good idea.”
“So you want to dance this evening?” inquired Jill.
“We could. It just felt like we ought to put in an appearance.”
“Good. ‘Cause I’m tired, but not too tired to wander around a bit.”
On New Year’s eve Sarah’s Clan was just finishing dinner on Dóchas when Briana said, “Captains Reyonte and Laonize sent us a message that they would meet you at 29:00 this evening at your favorite place. They thought that Captains Tuska and Marika would be there as well. We said we would pass it on.”
“What do you mean by ‘favorite place’?”
“Well you all always seem to spend time at Earls.”
“Well they do have good music that isn’t so loud you can’t talk, besides, the dancing is good. So what are your plans?”
“We haven’t decided when to go down. We could go as soon as you come back, although it is more likely that we will wait till after breakfast tomorrow. There are a couple of choirs performances tomorrow that we want to attend. So, take your time this evening, we don’t see any reason for you to hurry back.”
“We’ll keep your offer in mind.”
Later that evening Jill said, “Its approaching 29:00, so we should think about returning to Earls.”
“Good,” replied Sarah, “as I am about danced out ... well for a while.”
“I am glad you added that last part,” chided Sally, “‘cause otherwise it didn’t sound like you at all.”
“Yesh, so now I can’t pause to catch my breath and quench my thirst.”
“So that is your excuse. I thought being ‘danced out’ meant you were tired.”
“‘Could mean a lot of things,” taunted Sarah.
Sarah’s Clan was part way to Earls when they saw Reyonte waving. With him were Laonize, Tuska, Marika and several others.
When they were near Laonize said, “It looks like you’ve already started celebrating.”
Laughing Alison said, “Certainly. We were at Earls earlier. We just came from Saoirse’s.”
“I don’t think I’ve been there,” responded Marika. “What is their speciality?”
“The music is more like the traditional Irish that many of us grew up with and includes pipes and whistles. It is excellent for traditional dancing styles and a lot of us like to dance in soft shoes. There is another place further down that is almost all hard shoe dancing and that gets kind of loud at times.”
“So what would you like to do?” inquired Joyce.
“Well we heard that the choirs were performing tonight,” answered Laonize.
“Several different choirs are performing and are scheduled into late tomorrow.”
“What is the difference between them?”
“Style and type of music. Since we now have the amphitheater the larger choirs are performing there. I suspect you’ve heard some of them, as they often perform as small groups at the various entertainment venues.”
“We’ve enjoyed listening to the groups that performed at Earls,” added Reyonte.
“Well in that case, let’s go there first and get some refreshments,” said Sarah. “While we are doing that we can check the performance schedules and plan our evening.”
“I am not sure we have time as the performance of the choir we enjoy listening to begins at 29:30 hours.”
“How long is the choir’s performance?” queried Reyonte.
“Usually about 45 minutes to an hour.”
Erin said, “Well there should be refreshments either at the amphitheater or on the way. So let’s head that way and come back to Earls after the concert.”
“That works,” replied Aoife as the group began walking toward the amphitheater.
Marika, Tuska, Reyonte, Laonize, and Sarah’s Clan had just sat down when the choir began assembling on stage. Once they were in their places Sorcha said, “Welcome to our last concert of the year, and it will also be the first of next year. A sincere welcome to those joining us for our first New Year’s celebration on Ananu. Just before midnight we will begin singing a song titled ‘Auld Lang Syne’. As it will be new to many of you the words will be shown on both sides of the stage. Feel free to sing along with us.
“Also, there will be a light display overhead at midnight, so do not be alarmed.”
With that the choir began their first song of the evening. The song was an upbeat tune which told of the beauty of sunrise. After each song the singer, and any musician who had a solo piece during it, was introduced.
Several minutes before midnight Chelsey, Sam, and Mairia stepped to the front of the stage and together said, “Our next song is ‘Auld Lang Syne’. When you see the words we think you will see how appropriate they are for the time of year. It will be sung at least twice so that all of you have a chance to participate.”
She nodded to the musicians to begin and after a few bars the choir joined in with, “Should auld acquaintance be forgot...” When the choir began singing the words appeared beside them as if floating in air.
They were on the second verse when the light show began. Even though they had been warned it still surprised many in the audience including, surprisingly, Reyonte and Laonize.
When the song ended Chelsey said, “Even with the light show you all sounded very good for a first time, so now let’s do it again.” On the second time through the audience did very well in harmonizing with the choir. Those in the seats near the top could hear the song being sung at other venues. As soon as the song ended everyone said, “Happy New Year!” and many hugged those around them.
After a few moments of celebration Sorcha began urging the choir and musicians back to their places. Once they were in place she nodded and they began their next song. Nearly all of their remaining songs were new. Some were ballads describing adventures they had heard about, others offered praise and thanksgiving for finding Ananu and its deities.
It was approaching 01:00 hours when Marika, Tuska, Reyonte, Laonize, and Sarah’s Clan made their way back to Earls. They found several tables near the back and sat down. After ordering drinks Joyce said, “So what did you think of the show?”
“I don’t believe I’ve heard a group with such a refreshing sound,” responded Tuska.
“I agree,” added Laonize. “They sounded a bit different to the other choirs, but I think there were more singers.”
“There were,” agreed Aoife.
“I would love to have recordings of the music we heard this evening.”
Smiling, Alison said, “Well recordings of much of the music will soon be available in the Atewa and Monque Worlds.”
“Our Atewa and Monque agents, whom I think you met, took a selection of our music home with them with the intention of distributing it.”
“Did it include tonight’s songs?”
“No, the choirs don’t feel those are quite ready yet.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope. They still have a few tweaks to add. While some of us join them at times we often have difficulty detecting some of the changes they feel need to be made.”
“So they like perfection?”
“Yes,” responded Jill. “Since they all fill technical roles, we like it that they are perfectionists.”
“However, they understand the limits of current knowledge so being perfectionists doesn’t keep them from completing their projects,” added Janet.
Later Tuska said, “While I’ve had a grand time visiting with you all and dancing, I need to be getting back so others can come down.”
Laonize said, “Wow, time has really flown by. I need to return for the same reason.”
“I suspect we all do,” added Rusty. “We’ve really enjoyed visiting with you.”
“I feel the same way,” responded Reyonte. Tuska, Marika, and Laonize nodded indicating their agreement.
Laonize said, “This is the most fun and relaxation I’ve had in a while. Thanks for coaching my dancing.”
“You picked it up very quickly,” assured Maeve.
“Well hopefully I won’t be sore later.”
“Since we are all headed back to our ships, shall we walk to the spaceport together?”
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When I was in high school I was always very camp, which was probably why almost all of my friends were girls. This was definitely why I first ended up crossdressing. I was sixteen and round one of my ‘girlfriends’ house for a few drinks on Halloween before we went to a house party nearby. I never much cared for Halloween, so just came as myself. When I came in they all sighed since I wasn’t in a costume, but dropped it fairly quickly. We sat having a few glasses of wine and waiting for the last...
Her heart rose in her mouth but she said nothing as he shut the backseat passenger door lacing his hands around her waist pulling her in for the kiss that she had waited all week for. She didn’t even care that he hadn’t noticed the new black lace under his fingers. All she wanted was the damn kiss, as if he read her mind he caressed her toned bottom and pulled her forward as she wrapped her hands around his neck. Like a paintbrush sweeping a canvas his lips enveloped hers and she tasted the...
A Year in the Life Part II By Mister Double-U Joe carried my suitcases up the stairs on that bright Spring morning. I had finally, after weeks of indecision, decided to move in with him. He had been continually coming to the club and I had been spending more nights there than with Michelle at the apartment. The hardest thing was telling her I was moving out. "You're what?" she yelled that evening. I had made her a wonderful dinner and even rubbed her feet before telling...
12 /14 feet er ekta ghor. Raat baje pray 1 ta. Ghorer bati shob off kora. Nikosh kalo ondhokar. Alor moto ghore kono shobdo o nei. Shudhu khater kach….kach…kach…shobdo ar majhe majhe pochat …pochat…pochat…awaz chara ar kono shobdo nei. Samla begom cheleke aro shokto kore joriye dhorlen. Tar ekhon maal ber hobe. Raju o bujhte parlo maa take shokto kore joriye dhoreche tar mane unar ekhon maal ber hobe. Erpor raju onubhob korlo j maa er shorir ta kemon jeno jhakuni diye uthlo ar shathe shathe maa...
Hello, everyone, this is my sex story. Aaj mai aap loga ke sath ek incident share karne ja raha hu jisse sunkar aap ka lund khada ho jayga aur chut gili ho jaygi. Aut agar chut gili ho jaye to mujhe email karna mat bhule. E-mail: Bat us samay ki hai jab mai 10th board paper de chuka tha. Ab board exams dene ke baad to full masti hoti hai, to mai bhi nikal pada trip pe. Mai apni mami ke yaha Delhi gaya apni mummy ke sath. Mummy ko bhi mama mami se milne ka man ho raha tha issiliye mai aur mummy...
He knew he shouldn’t have been there. Her bedroom was quiet. The cotton sheets felt warm on his bare back. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, following the ever changing orange-red sea of light given off by the ten or so tea candles that dimly lit the room. As he lay there he imagined the shifting lights as a sea of warmth, and as he closed his eyes, he could imagine himself in that sea—the warmth of the candle light carrying and buoying him. He felt the soft lick of waves on his chest, warm,...
Quickie SexThe reunion was just as passion driven and all consuming as Colby had suspected it would be, after six weeks apart and within ten minutes of stepping into her apartment, Justin had her new dress cast onto the floor in a pink heap while she was stretched out in a recliner, her long legs dangled over each arm as Justin buried his face in her cunt. He went to work in an instant, licking…kissing…sucking…he ate at her with such intense vigor he soon had her lost in a sensual haze that felt heaven...
Alexa and Joel reencounter after many years without seeing each other and start to catch up. They are both going through a rough financial patch and Joel seems to have a crazy idea that could otherwise be quite successful: they are gonna try to finance their debt through a crowdfunding campaign. Which is the project they want to fund? you may ask. Well, nothing but a homemade porno of them two. All the time that has passed hasn’t really destroyed the chemistry they once shared, so...
xmoviesforyouIt happened quite early on. We had only been married for around a year when we moved from Montana to Oregon. We had only been living there for about six months when a male acquaintance of Laurie's got moved to the same city in Oregon by the company they both worked for. He needed a place to stay for a few nights until he could find an apartment of his own, so we invited him to stay with us. Laurie and I have always talked to each other about our own personal fantasies. One of mine that I had...
Wife LoversChapter two: Harem. Michael awoke to momentary confusion before the events of the previous day came back to him and he remembered where he was. The magic ring currently on the dresser beside the bed — always cold to the touch — that allowed him to manipulate others’ minds, the girl — Jessica — whose house (and bed) this was, her sister — Kat — still asleep in his arms. And on his other side, Jessica herself, just waking up. Michael grabbed the ring and slipped it on. It wouldn’t do for his...
This is a true story of how my sex life began and progressed throughout the years. Just a warning my spelling and grammer skills are not perfect so please dont leave comments like that. Either you like it or you dont. Also this involves some young teen sex so if you dont like that then please leave now. Our story begins when i was 12 years old. As is commen of that age i was being overrun with hormones and had really enjoyed playing with myself and exploring the nooks and crannys of my young...
***Reading "...Just a Stranger on a Bus..." and "...In My House..." will get you up to speed, but isn't necessary.***I awoke to a mess of hair in my face. That wasn't unusual; what was unusual, however, was the color of the hair. Instead of red, a mess of honey blonde hair was in my face.The night came back to me in a blur, the memory giving me an instant boner. I had to pee, anyway, so I decided to go to the restroom, hoping the evacuation of my bladder would alleviate the morning wood I had...
But that Friday, I began to worry. We had madly fallen deep into love, and that is something very hard to hide from other people. I was still afraid of Rebecca, and still remembered the threats she made the very first day I met Vicki. Vicki, on the other hand, would hear nothing of it. It was none of her mother's business, as far as Vicki was concerned. She was officially an adult, and she had stopped fearing her mother's wrath long before she had even met me. Rebecca...
Curvy coed ? Vivian Taylor makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, which also means we just had to pair her up with the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? for this week’s update, because that’s how we are ? After the “Patent Pending” Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ??? Brickzilla makes his way into the scene and proceeds to get Vivian all lubed up ? especially that 42-inch backside ? which she of course twerks for all of us ? Brickzilla then assists in getting Vivian’s pussy...
xmoviesforyouSafePornSites! I know you guys are already used to using my website to find all the best porn platforms there’s out there. However, I think it’s good to change things up from time to time. Then again, when you have a porn list site as advanced as mine, you’ll probably be coming back after not that long. But still, it’s nice to have a change of pace at some points in your porn-watching career, and that’s why sites like exist. Well, I understand why it could seem redundant for...
Free Porn Tube SitesStella Maris submits to sexual serving meI wake up with a heavy hard-on and see Stella Maris looking at me with a sweet shy smile."Hi Stella sweetie, my sexy servant for today. Are you already wet and waiting for me?""I waited for you. I know it's your day now. I don't know if I'm wet". I touch her there."Wet enough to take you when I want to, but get down on me first!" Sweet Stella submits.Gobbling up and down the shaft of my big brown banana isn't Stella's preferred position.She tries her...
Harvey Nash, a tobacco farmer in eastern Tennessee, had 4 slaves, but none of them were field hands. He harvested his own tobacco, damn it, and was proud of the fact. No, these chattel were women, his women, and he loved every one like any man loves his ladies. That was the way Nash was made- he was the kind of man capable of loving more than one woman, and loving them with the most authoritative, protective benevolence. Naturally, his girls were either black or biracial, but to Nash they were...
InterracialTHE PLAYBOY AND THE BBW (part one) by Throne Milton Norton went to the reading of his Uncle Farnsworth's will smugly confident but left it devastatingly shaken. He had expected to inherit the entire considerable estate. The only other likely recipient was his sister Deborah, but she had been in several lesbian relationships, of which Milton assumed their uncle disapproved. The lawyer handling the matter, however, revealed that she was to be in temporary control of all that wealth...
A couple, Anna Claire Clouds and John Legendary, return home from a double date with another couple, Derrick Pierce and Brooklyn Gray. Both couples agree that the movie they just watched together was good, but now it’s time for the REAL fun to begin, because these couples have open relationships! They talk about how hard it is to find other couples who are into all of the same things they are, so it’s great that they found each other. Anna and Brooklyn get partially undressed, and...
xmoviesforyouIsabelle lifted her t-shirt and watched her bright red bottom contrast with her white panties in the full size mirror. A slight itch touched her crotch as she remembered the sensations of the spanking and imagined his hand touching her tight curves. She slipped one hand down her panties and confirmed the wetness she had started to feel while he had nursed her behind. Getting aroused from his gentle hands massaging her delicate skin she could understand, but she knew it hadn’t started with...
This is the first story about Nathalie, a beautiful sissy who gets herself into all sorts of sc****s.Nathalie is shopping for clothes. In the changing room she tries on a very sexy mini dress and she shows off her fantastic tits as she tries it on. The tits cost a small fortune but were worth every penny. She looks at herself in the mirror. Her boyfriend will love this dress. She changed back into her skirt and blouse and took the dress to the till. "It fits perfectly" she said and the pretty...
It's not necessary to read the previous part but i would recommend you to read it first and get a feel about the characters. Rachael was very ecstatic about the homecoming because the captain of her school football team,Michael has asked her on the dance.Being the slut she was, Rachael never had any steady relationship with someone but ever since she had given him a blowjob in his car,she wanted it inside her pussy.Rachael had brought a sexy dress for the homecoming.It was a red and...
Two months had past since our last fishing trip as a threesome with Gary. Since that time things had gone along back to normal. Once back on land everybody resumed their normal roles, Kathy being the great little housewife, Gary the best friend and me just enjoying each others company. Gary and I continued to fish nearly every weekend and though he and Kathy may have joked and seemed more relaxed around each other, there was no indication that they were fooling around when I...
Friday night came out of work late around 6:00pm so decided to take a walk on the wild side. So i went to a gas station went into the bathroom and change into my gal out. Have not done that in a while..few month.. so i decded to go to this CD bar in NYC. It was fun. Talk to a couple of guys which wanted to take me home.Dance with both..rub up against the two of them and felt a massive lump on one. He said look i would love to show you what i have. as we are heading to the door here come my boss...
Unlucky at love lucky at poker or something like that. Anyway I won the pot last Friday night at our once a month get together poker game. My wife didn't know I had won so Saturday morning while she was going over to visit one of her friends I went to the mall to spend my winnings. My first stop was Victoria's Secret where I bought her a black lacy garter belt , matching half cup bra and a sheer pair of black lace top stockings. The style with a four inch wide band of lace at the top. Very...
Indeed, Thorne heard her. The depth of her whispered passion found him and he fought the urge to return to her balcony, to beg her to open the glass and let him in. But he hadn’t let her open the glass because he wanted something more. He didn’t want her to be another victim. She stirred feelings so deep inside him that he had streaked home, heading straight for his room and hiding under the covers. Still, her words had found him and the connection left him breathless. ‘You can hear me, can’t...
The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...
© 1994 - 1999 LaffWithMe Press Rita poured herself a glass of wine, put a CD on repeat play, lit the fire in the fireplace, threw some pillows on the floor and stretched out to relax. She didn't lay there long before Tiger walked in and gave her a wet kiss on the cheek. Tiger was her dog. A two year old Labrador/Shepherd that she had raised from a puppy. She put her arm around him and scratched his ears. "Tiger you silly dog. You're always here when I need you, aren't...
Marian was waiting, and not all that patiently. She deserved the same degree of devotion and attention that I gave to the first two. Ruth studied me with a new expression and just a bit of hope in her eyes as I knelt before Marian and gently pried her knees apart. Ruth had undressed her, and she waited naked until we finished our conversation about adding Ruth to our marriage. None of my wives uttered a word while I talked to Ruth about joining us. That was something special, as how many...
Julia was doing some spring cleaning in the house. She had scrubbed everything, cleaned the oven, scrubbed the floors and was in the process of cleaning out the closets. Stuffed in the back of a closet was a bin. She didn’t know what was in it. The sight that greeted her caused a jumble of emotions in her. The bin was full of women’s clothing. It was all silky and sexy, Nightgowns, little panties and thongs, silk scarves and some thigh highs. But none of it was in her size. It was all too large...
We talked for the rest of the day about my resigning and again the next morning. Suspensions whether justified or not acted as a black mark on your record. You were viewed as possibly corrupt, a tag that no copper could rise above. I made some phone calls to a few security firms and the positive response was sufficient to put my mind at rest about getting employment. However the salary was not as good as the H.M. Constabulary paid. Diane resolved the problem. "I shall be selling the house,...
Sloan Harper is sun bathing by the pool. She’s relaxed and fells up on herself as she puts oil on her body. She starts masturbating and gets a bright idea when she sees a water hoes near by. She uses the hoes to help her cum before her step brother interrupts by throwing water balloons at her. Sloan chases him and gets stopped by her stepmom Rachael Cavalli. The stepmom is tired of these two making a mess all over so she decides to teach them a lesson. She makes them kiss each other and to make...
xmoviesforyouLolly Dames arrived home tired from the work week. All she wanted to do was take a hot shower and relax. However, her stepson Berry, had other things in mind. As she showered, he snuck into the bathroom and began spying on her. He watched her as she soaped up her huge tits and phat ass. Eventually, as she was drying herself, she caught him in the act. After she confronted him, she decided that if he wanted to see tits, he would get just that. After dragging him to the living room by his ear,...
xmoviesforyouIt was Thursday. When the bell rang to signal the beginning of lunch, I walked out from my algebra class and, instead of walking to my locker to deposit my books, I went straight to the canteen so I could be early in line to get some food. When I arrived at the canteen in the school hall I was shocked because the queue was about twenty meters long! It snaked around the hall for a while and then went outside the hall. I couldn't believe it. As I walked to the back of the line I heard someone...
When I was in the lower grades in school I used to hate going to school. Sure I had friends that I only saw there but the drudgery of attending classes five days a week when I could be out having a good time were not my idea of fun things to do. I kept my grades up to a respectable level but didn't excel in any subject except gym class. Then I discovered that girls were not just soft boys and Things had started to change. The first girl I noticed was my sister Sarah. She seduced me with her...
Coming to this sex story, I am 19 years old, living in Pune with my family, my best friend’s name is Vinod, he also lives in Pune with his widowed mom(his father died 2 years back), since my college was very far from my house, I used to stay in his home and went to my house at weekends. Coming to his mom, her name is Oriya, 39 year old with milky white skin tone and stats 38-28-40, which I came to know afterwards, I never had such intentions on her until one day, when I forgot an important...
The alarm rang sharply in my ear. I was thankful it rang when it did, for it brought me out of a very disturbing dream. The dream started as most of mine do, but took a turn to the strange.In my dream I started out slowly running my hard cock in and out of one of the female assistants that I work with at the computer repair store. My balls were beginning to tighten, a sure sign I was going to cum. One moment I'm looking into the face of the new chubby gal who works the counter and the next I'm...
This past weekend was one of those weekends that just deserves a story. So here it is, now relax and enjoy, because I sure did. It started with a typical day of classes for me, then working in the afternoon. I'm taking classes for chemistry and science. It's been a busy year and I haven't had much time for getting out, having fun, or having a girlfriend. So when my buddy Mike suggested we go hiking in the nearby mountains, I accepted the offer. We both had class, so we agreed...