Revolutionary Magic 101 Magical Lessonings
- 3 years ago
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Gary sighed. Just once, he thought, couldn't he be attacked in nice, sunny weather?
Sword drawn, he stood up with his back to the wagon, rain feeling like hail on his bare head. He could barely see the three "potential" thieves spread out before him. Out of habit, Gary refused to consider them such until they actually attacked. Before then, there was always the possibility they'd run away, and a thief who didn't bother him was no thief in his book.
"I have three over here, Dad."
Samantha's voice was strong, confident, carrying well through the rain and over the wagon. For once, Gary was glad she looked a bit younger than her years. With her hair and figure, holding her weapon as one with at least some skill, they'd probably confuse her in this weather for a son, or hired help. Anything to keep these idiots back for a few extra seconds. Anything to give them time.
Time for what, he wished he knew.
Gary heard nothing from inside the wagon. Good. Polly was laying low. In her condition, although the baby was not really showing, he did not want her involved. He could picture her staying low, below wooden sides lest her shadow appear on the cloth stretched over the wagon's frame. She probably had his bow, sliding it out of its protective sheath, holding it for comfort as much as for protection. If there were any arrows, Gary would be thinking of ways she might get it to him. Alas, making more had been on the agenda for that evening's campfire. For not the first time, his confidence had been his undoing.
"There's easier money to be had," he half shouted, shifting his stance in the mud. "I suggest you look elsewhere and let us be." The three before him were silent. Not good. There were no threats, no demands they give up their gold or food. These men were not afraid of a fight, nor did they want witnesses. They were probably also desperate, to be out in this weather when travelers would be few. The storm had come up early enough most sane people would have returned to town or their camp, if they had even broken it yet. He would have as well, preferring to hunker down in that hollow one more night, but Polly had begun to feel queazy. She needed something, even if just the mildest of herbs to ease her worry. Tonight had to be spent in the next village.
Sam's voice had the first hint of worry from the girl. Some unspoken sign had passed through the bandits. The three before him, most likely mirroring those on the other side, began to slowly step closer. Their drenched faces were set in expressions he had seen far too often in this life. There would be no quarter given. He adjusted his stance again. He'd have to wound them, then jump to his daughter's aid...
A blurry white shape came out of the forest beyond the thieves. Gary tried not to react, not sure whether this was friend or foe, but hoping friend. Another shape, dark, seemed to be hanging back at the tree line. Hoping to keep them distracted, he yelled.
"Hold them, Sam. I'll be over once I've dispatched these three."
"No hurry..."
His love for her in that moment knew no bounds. She would calmly face death, to protect her older sister. No more could he have asked even of a son.
Out of the rain came a naked, blond, white skinned boy, eyes wide with rage. He held a thick, three foot long stick in his hands, raised over his head. With a silent yell, he smashed it into the head of the middle bandit, catching the left most one on the rebound. Gary leapt forward, sword slashing at the surprised remaining man. It cut through his sword arm, the cry of pain echoing in the rain. Whirling, hoping to God the boy could hold his own, he leapt up onto the wagon seat. Sam was backed up against the wagon, sword held out before her. As he took a step down the bench she lunged out at the nearest foe, a well timed strike that had the man stumbling back. Her left side was open, though. With a yell, Gary jumped down on the thief about to strike her down.
None of Jack's childhood tumbles had been to the death, but he knew what to do with a dagger as much as the next human. As the raggedly dressed ruffian staggered before him, Jack snaked his hand out and pulled the weapon from the man's belt. Stepping forward, he grabbed his shoulder with his left, reached around, and slit his throat. Letting go, he leapt on the back of the first man he had attacked, who now was on all fours and clearly out of it. Various bits of sharp metal on the man's body dug into his flesh, but Jack ignored them as he drew his short blade across a second unshaven throat. As the body fell to the mud, he jumped back, head swinging around.
The last remaining man was on his knees, holding a bleeding arm. His long sword lay in the mud, half buried. The two men's eyes met. Jack ... did not want to kill this one. It was one thing to protect strangers, even if there was no clear indication the strangers deserved rescue, still another to kill a man out of the fight. Or so he told himself. Jack planned on sleeping well that night, morally questionable actions be damned.
Plus, his wrists were hurting.
"Run or die."
Wendy's voice came from behind him. The thief's eyes widened, but Jack didn't give himself the luxury of looking away. The man shakily stood, turned, and staggered back the way the wagon had come. Jack watched him go, thankful. Turning, he saw Wendy had picked up a sword. She pointed it at him.
"That was a very stupid thing to do, Jack."
"Yes, and we thank you."
The two turned towards the front of the wagon. Two figures, swords in hand, walked around the pair of horses who had calmly waited throughout the crisis. They were dressed, not in finery, but in the well kept clothing of those who saw some money come their way. The man was tall, easily six foot, with a build that seemed mostly lean muscle. His short hair was black, framing a face that was at once serious yet not unfamiliar to a smile. Beside him, a youth with similar hair regarded Jack with awe. The teen looked younger than him, although probably not by much. His first guess was it was the man's son, but something about the face made him wonder if in fact it was a girl. If so, the comparison between her and Wendy was striking. This one was slim, with the same walk as the man. There was no mistaking the family resemblance.
Jack stood his ground as the two approached, dagger held loosely in his hand. Wendy came beside him, her drenched naked body, like his, covered with goosebumps. She put the sword point first into the mud, leaning forward on the handle.
"Don't thank me. My friend here is much too nice to strangers." The pair stopped three sword lengths away. The man sheathed his weapon, the teen pausing a moment before doing the same. The man took a moment to wipe the rain from his face, a futile gesture.
"I'll thank both of you, if you don't mind. My name's Gary. This is my youngest, Sam." Jack nodded at the two, his suspicion that it was a girl confirmed. There was no reason not to call her 'son' otherwise. "They approached us as our wheels got stuck in the mud. Pure stupidity on our part."
"Stupidity makes the world go round." Wendy paused, flicking her eyes over to Jack, who nodded. She sighed. "I'm Wendy, this is Jack. He's mute, or he could have given me better warning of what he was planning. We..." she gestured down at her nudity " ... have had a bad day, all around. I don't even know where we are."
The man's eyes narrowed.
She nodded.
Jack frowned. This was taking too long. Handing the knife to a surprised Wendy, he stepped forward a few feet, raised his hands, and slowly turned. Coming back around, his eyes met Gary's. The man nodded.
"No mark, I see. How about you, girl?" He looked past Jack towards Wendy. Jack had no idea if she had a witches mark or not. It mattered not to him, and he wanted to get everything in the open with these people. The two of them needed their help, and honesty was the best place to start. Jack's attention was drawn to the younger daughter. Her eyes seemed to be drinking him in, although they kept coming back to between his legs. Amusement coming to the fore, he flexed his cold-shrunken cock. The movement shocked her out of her trance, head dropping in embarrassment.
"I have one mark," Wendy's voice came to him, "but my training is nowhere near getting a second. We are escaped from my Mistress, whisked away ... goddess knows how far, to here."
Gary regarded the well built girl. She was telling the truth, so far as that went. If she was going to lie, no mark would be mentioned, and truth be told he had no idea what a real magical mark might look like. His dealings with magic users had been at a distance, his arrow finding its target in men and women who died just as easily as anyone else. That fact was a comfort to him, making his choice here somewhat less risky. But only somewhat.
"You're in central Valnia, a few days travel from the city state of Val." He saw the girl absorb the information, then shake her head.
"Never heard of it, which is a good sign. Not that I was taught much regarding what cities were where." There was a flash of light, the rain gaining in strength. She looked up as thunder punctuated the moment. "Umm..."
"Sam, get those two cloaks out of the back." Gary put a hand on his daughter's back, giving her a slight push. She burst into a run, almost tripping in her haste, but a quick hand shooting out to grab part of the brown mare's harness kept her up without losing a step. He smiled, an expression he kept a moment longer when he noticed the teen Jack also smiling at the girl. "Now, I can't offer you much, not even shoes, but if you don't mind walking barefoot for another couple hours you can accompany us to the next town, were we can get rooms and some food. We can then talk about settling the debt."
The two strangers exchanged a look. Gary had not settled on which one was the leader yet, and suspected they hadn't either. Jack turned back to him and nodded. Wendy turned and walked over to the fallen thieves.
"Fine. Let's at least loot these morons first."
Just because Wendy understood why the stranger wasn't letting them ride in his wagon didn't mean she was happy. The rain had slackened mostly, it was true, and her body under the hooded cloak was on the verge of being non-cold, but she had been walking all day without food. Well ... OK, they had found some fruit and nuts, which she had mostly given to Jack. She had started the day with a good breakfast, after all, something he had lacked. She wasn't all that tired yet, either. They had been taking their time in their walk, especially after the rain started. There had been no destination in mind, no idea which direction was best, and no shelter in sight. And this pace, with the mud trying to grab the wheels with every inch traveled, was not much faster. She had nothing to really complain about.
Wendy still mentally bitched.
Conversation had died down after the first mile, neither side really willing to impart too much information. Jack's silence hadn't helped all that much in that regard, which she felt was a good thing. The boy was much too ... trusting, helpful. No sense of restraint that she could see. And, naturally, after knowing him for all of most of a day she had his full measure. Wendy had a gift for that, knowing the real person. Not everyone did. She was going to have to watch out for him, at least for a while. No way he was ready for the real world out here.
That caused her to stop, Jack and the wagon continuing on up the road. What did she know of him? How long had he been held captive? What, exactly, had been Witch Quinnia's plan for him? A source of male magic, for sure, but ... what else? If anything else. It would be easy to over think this, something else Wendy was good at. She would get distracted by a train of thought, not notice that in the world around her...
... the wagon was now thirty feet ahead.
Letting out a groan that she now had to RUN in the mud, Wendy set out after the wagon. It was a small one, maybe ten feet long, up on four spoked wheels and pulled by two horses. Behind the driver's bench, curved poles held up a canvas tent over the cargo area. A flap covered the back, tied down to keep the rain out.
As she came closer, something ... tugged at her attention. Wendy could sense something. Something that had been at the fringes of her mind, but she had ignored. Something ... pink? But, pink was...
The wagon's rear flap parted, a face barely visible. The sense of pink became stronger. It was the pink of female magic. Not of a witch, for witches, and their male counterparts wizards, had little to no inherent magic themselves. No ... this was...
There was a pregnant woman in the wagon.
The flap opened more. The girl inside was not much older than Wendy, definitely not yet twenty. Her hair was black, curly, falling to her shoulders, her skin the same light tan as the man and girl up front. Her eyes were brown, almost innocent. She regarded Wendy as a child would, although there was intelligence there to be seen. One delicate hand popped out, motioning Wendy closer. Unsettled, yet curious, Wendy walked a bit faster.
"You are ... Wendy? The witch?"
The woman's voice was soft, musical. Not even seeing her body, Wendy could see why she was already pregnant. Her very essence seemed to exude life, sexuality, yet she had the innocence to not understand where that would lead her. This was a woman that would need someone to watch over her ... and, her father seemed to have failed. Unless ... no, that would be sick.
"I'm not a witch," she told her, a feeling of regret coming to the fore, "and probably, now, never will be."
"But you DO know things? Herbs? Medicine?" The voice was anxious. Wendy nodded.
"I know some things. What works, and what doesn't."
"Good." The flap opened more, revealing the young woman completely. "I'm Polly. We need to talk."
"Sorry about that, but ... well, you know. Can't be too careful."
Jack nodded in acceptance of Gary's rueful apology. He could half hear Wendy talking to the now revealed second daughter. He tried not to listen in, especially after hearing the word "witch". If they were going to talk about things in that direction, he wanted nothing to do with it. Hell, now that they had made contact with the outside world, he wasn't sure how long he'd want to stick around with Wendy. She wasn't a friend, after all. Not even a companion, and while he did owe her thanks for freeing him ... she hadn't been going to before being caught herself. His release had been ... accidental, and it wouldn't be good to forget that.
"Polly's a pain anyway. I try to ignore her myself."
Grinning, Jack cocked his eye up at Sam. The girl was sitting up next to her father, currently holding the reigns as the wagon bumped merrily along. Walking next to her like this, her female traits were easier to see. There were breasts, although very slight, hidden under the male work shirt. Her trousers could not quite hide the slight curve of her hips, and the sandaled feet were definitely not male for all they were now covered with mud. Her hands, though, while delicate, were those of a worker. There was nothing pampered about the girl.
He liked that.
Jack felt a dryness in his throat. It amused him, at least for a moment. The air was full of water, yet what he was breathing in wasn't enough to keep him from coughing. Life was a mystery. Reaching up, he lightly tapped Sam's leg. The girl looked down at him, startled and ... was there something else there? Jack pantomimed drinking.
"Oh! Of course! Dad, hand me the flask!"
Gary's look at his daughter sent a twinge of loss down Jack's spine. How long had his father been gone? Five years? More? What would Dad think of him now?
"I think, my girl, our friend would prefer water to my personal supply. Not that I begrudge our savior a drink, I'll be buying a few rounds for him tonight, but water is best when you're tired and thirsty."
"Um ... right."
Jack thought he heard a blush in that reply. He wouldn't have said no to a real drink, but water probably was the medicine needed just then. There was a moment's fiddling around up there, the confusion of those who had their area set up perfectly for expected activities and now had to do something different. Soon Sam's hand had a wooden cup in it, which she held down towards him. Jack took it, fingers touching hers. He was right about the roughness, the callouses, but the tops of her fingers were soft, and seemingly red hot. She almost jerked her hand away from the contact, eyes shooting back to the horses and the road.
Shaking his head, Jack took a log swig.
The rain had picked up again in the late afternoon. Twice the wagon hit a muddy rut it couldn't get out of, twice Jack and Wendy helped Gary push it up and onward. They were tired, dirty ... yet, really, Jack found himself happy. Everything was so new, fresh. He had never minded hard work, and the ache in his legs was a feeling so familiar it was almost like being home. One glance at an unhappy Wendy, though, told all too well how she felt about all this.
The wagon came up a slight rise in the road, followed it around a bend, then suddenly found itself at the tree line. Gary reigned in the horses.
"No idea what the name of this place is. I'm assuming neither of you have reason NOT to enter a town?"
Jack shook his head, smiling. Wendy just laughed, exhausted relief clear in her voice.
"If I'm wanted someplace, it's not here."
"Nothing wrong with being wanted, in most cases." Wendy's eyes shot up to the man as he clicked the reigns again. Jack started forward as the wagon lurched into motion, the girl pausing a moment before quickly catching up. She read too much into things. Was too ... well, something. It was too soon to make too many judgments about her. He hadn't even known her a day, after all.
The forest mud trail gave way to a proper road, raising them up onto a dirt embankment a few feet above the surrounding farmland. The rain, which had slackened a tad as they neared the end of the woodlands, seemed to now be a light drizzle. Jack was almost willing to believe the trees had in fact caused the rain that had tormented them all day. Before them, a long earthen wall stretched across the road. As a small rise gave them a good view of the village, Jack saw the earthwork made a circle around the settlement. Wooden stakes projected outward, and there seemed to be a stake filled moat around the entire place. A wooden gate, now open, gave entrance. Gary looked down at the two walkers.
"We'll get two rooms at an inn, if we're able. Normally, we'd camp outside towns when we're able, but tonight we'll splurge."
"I've slept outside before," Wendy protested, although her voice clearly was in favor of the inn. "I-we can't take charity."
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Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The FappeningCopyright Oggbashan August 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* ‘Only those with a pure heart can pass safely through the ordeal…’ ‘You’re joking! Who has one of them?’ ‘That’s what I’m supposed to say to...
Cabinessence has opend this universe for other authors to write in if you desire. ---------- Opening Of New Magic Depot Store - Video Transcription By Cabinessence The following is a transcription of a newscast that was broadcast about two weeks ago about the opening of the Magic Depot Superstore on Route 9 near Fishkill, New York. "Hello this is Steve Schantz for Poughkeepsie, Channel 8 news. Well everyone in town is abuzz about the opening of the new Magic Depot...
Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Introduction: The Room for Rent Being from a small backwater town, I am excited to be finally out on my own! I've had enough of my provincial parents and their 1950's throwback, hard-line religious Christian attitudes. It's the 70's, for Christ's sake! Time to get with the times and all of the exiting happenings in the world. And as for my chosen field of study: physics. I want to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Quantum Chromodynamics is the...
Brownie Magic By Maggie O'Malley Maggie rolled her bike up onto the porch and smiled as she reached for her door key. It was a good day! Any time she got a half-day off from being the evil meter maid was definitely a good day. Just knowing that she would have one afternoon without suffering through the bad weather, her bad knee, and very bad motorists, made this afternoon special. What she had waiting for her inside the house made it pure magic. Maggie walked into the quiet house,...
Maybe It's Magic - Chapters 2 by RH Music Chapter 2: The Bra Over the next couple of weeks my life returns to something resembling ordinary. I get caught up on my homework, I am able to concentrate on physics, at least most of the time. Professor Manichev has noticed my rededication to his field and recommended me for the graduate lecture topics class which is a thrilling taste of all the latest and greatest research in the world of physics, and how close they are to unlocking...
The Magic Show by Jordan Holder The conference I'd been attending at the convention center was over, giving me a free evening in Vegas before my plane left the next morning. I'd already decided when planning the trip that there was no point in flying back on the red-eye, which would ruin the day anyway. So I was looking for something to do. Losing money at the casino tables or in the slot machines held no particular attraction for me, but there were plenty of shows...
Chiff's Magic Emporium By Morpheus Dean frowned slightly as he walked along the city sidewalk, thankful that his workday was over but less than pleased by how his day had gone. At 28 years old, and having worked as clerk at the company for five years, he had expected to get the promotion, which had instead gone to the director's second cousin. "Work sucks," Dean frowned, shaking his head. It wasn't fair that his boss could hire some relative, and bring him into the company ahead...
The following new character appears in last few chapters: Makhpia – Luta (Red Cloud) Two Wolves Called Jason, Lakota, Robert's older Brother t, 6'-0'', 200 pounds, 28 years old, jet black hair, gray eyes, a very rugged looking individual and the guardian of the Thunderbird spirit By late on the afternoon of my third day in the wild, I had reached a decision and reviewed it to ensure that all of the necessary points were covered. I was now ready to return to the house and those...
Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...
‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Characters returning from Grace and Owen: Grace O’Malley, Heroine, former prostitute, 5’-2’’ tall, 110 pounds, 34D-22-34, 21 years old, alabaster skin, long flaming red hair, bright green eyes, some freckles, very cute, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of Magic Owen O’Connell, Blacksmith, Grace’s lover and soon-to-be Husband, 5’-9’’ tall, 150 pounds, 25 years old, light auburn hair, gray eyes, quite handsome, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of...
The following new characters make an appearance: Mary Margaret O’Connell (Margie) Katie’s twin Sister, Margie and Robert’s Daughter, Born on the 18 of September 1907, 7 pounds, green eyes, flaming red hair, Siberian Tiger cub Mary Kathleen O’Connell (Katie) Margie’s twin Sister, Margie and Robert’s Daughter, Born on the 18 of September 1907, 7 pounds, green eyes, flaming red hair, baby Dragon Patrick Owen O’Malley O’Connell Grace and Owen’s Son, Born on the 15 of October 1907, 7pounds 8...
Prologue We stood before the tribunal pleading for mercy. We knew it would fall on deaf ears but it was worth a shot. My father and I were facing certain death, we each took huge risks in supporting my wife and mother in their training but it was worth it. My name is Izod Hammel. I am a grand wizard and president of the Wizard's Council. My father is Ozmodias Hammel, a retired wizard who himself was once president of the Wizard's Council. We have spent the better part of four...
We had just finished taking our seats and Lady Caoilinn had signaled for the first dish to be served when everything was interrupted by a long, loud, high pitched, agonizing scream that was suddenly cut off. I immediately sent out my Magical senses to determine what had happened. I didn't like what I found. "What on Earth was that?" Lady Caoilinn demanded in the sudden silence that followed the scream being cut off. Captain Sean Og was already on his feet and calling for the guardsmen,...
Hello and salutations. Or whatever it is you people say to one-another. I’ve always found you an odd bunch, always coming up with new words to describe your mundane existence with. I say mundane because of course you don’t have access to magic. Well, most of you, but we’ll get to that. I was about to say that by “you” I was referring to humans, but I suppose technically I’m human too. In the loosest possible sense. You see, I’m a wizard. A natural-born wizard, that is. You see, the ability...
Dennis the Menace I Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 Margaret?s Magic Words In the part of a once small town that was now a part of suburbia, a small boy in a purple shirt (with a blue O) and black shorts, baggy socks and sneakers ran to play with his friend. "What have you got, Dennis?"Joey MacDonald asked the blonde with the cowlick in the blue-and-black striped shirt, red overalls, and running-and-jumping shoes coming out of his walkway to the...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesChapter 1: The Longest Chapter - continuedKadren swung her mace threateningly at one of the creatures. It backed away a little, but did not retreat. The other five paused, but then resumed their slow advance forward. They looked like small, ugly (uglier than usual) goblins, and more feral than any goblin she had ever encountered. These were the same sort of creature that Coj had already handily dispatched. They made shrill noises as they closed in, and gave off, what sounded like, cackles....
SupernaturalWhy I Hate Magic Chapter 1 Daniel could think of several reasons why he didn't want to go to Dr. Suspendo's Midnight Magic Show. His apartment needed cleaning. Semester finals were coming up and he really should be hitting the books. There was an all-night marathon of Godzilla films playing on television. While any of these excuses would have worked, the real reason Daniel had no interest in watching a magic show had almost entirely to do with the fact that he hated magic. Hate,...
The following new character appears in the remainder of the story: Mankato (Blue Earth) Two Wolves Called Robert, Lakota, Crendenor the Dragon, 6'-0'' tall, 185 pounds, 26 years old, black hair with streaks of auburn, gray eyes, quite handsome On transferring into the end of the corridor with the steel plate, I discovered that I was no longer alone. "There she is, kill her before she recovers," someone shouted, and this was instantly followed by a chorus of shots and their bullets...
This is my story… No. This is my confession. I’m not sure if what I did was a crime but it was certainly against nature. My last year in college and in fact the last few weeks until I was going to be ceremoniously shoved into the working world. I stood in the bathroom that accompanied my bedroom exploring my own body in the mirror. The thick lenses of my glasses made my eyes large under the wavy mess of black hair. My skin was pale from spending days in libraries or behind computers. The...
by BD Long -------------------------------------- It was a dark and stormy night…. But that’s skipping ahead. The day had actually been quite pleasant. The Wilder family’s station wagon was parked on the side of the road, and Howard took a knee by the passenger-side wheel. “Yep,” he said. “Definitely a flat.” “Howard, we’re in the middle of nowhere,” his wife Donna said, leaning her head out the window. “Forget that,” said Jane, their younger daughter, who leaned against the hood...
Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...
HistoricalThe day has come. The day which every demon looks forward to. The day of maturity, being the most important day for a demon of any race, but especially for a demon of the devil race, and even more so for a demon of the caliber of Asmodeus. Devils were known to wield all different kinds of demonic magic, and it was really luck of the draw when it came to what kind. As the son of a high ranking demon, Asmodeus's magic was nearly guaranteed to be far stronger than lower ranking demons' magic, even...
Mind Control"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...
The sun was well up when I awoke the next morning. I was indeed loved. Gretchen was still in my arms, and Clare and Shannon had moved up against me. Clare was pressed against my back, and Shannon was pressed up against her little blond friend. I lay there for a time thinking about what had happened last night. It had indeed been an exceptional night, but I was worried. I had three women in love with me. Somewhere along the line, I had already decided to marry two of them. This, of course,...
Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...