Houseboy for Hire
- 2 years ago
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The door buzzer sounded as they finally settled down. The girls jumped up to hide. "Stop. Stay where you are." Pete commanded. They sat instantly. They were not less nervous.
He opened the door "Rani Gupta! What a surprise." He took several large bags from her, putting them on the floor beside the door. "What is so wrong, Rani? You look like the world is coming to an end."
Pete backed into the room as a tiny red bundle latched onto him, crying her heart out. "Mr. O'Neal, please help me. Those men are going to sell me. I don't know what to do." She wailed in anguish, begging for Pete to make them stop.
Pete picked her up like a baby and turned to face a roomful of huge eyes and dropped jaws. "When you can manage to move, unpack the bags and put the food on the table, girls. We have a crisis here."
He sat down and held Rani on his lap. If she noticed the nine naked girls, she gave no sign. Pete eventually coaxed the story out. Rani had come from Old Delhi about a year ago. Her parents had sold her to a man who said he was taking her to the US so she could find a husband. The poor parents, having more daughters than resources for dowries, took the money. They used some of the money to bribe a local official to grant a real passport with false information and sent her away. The passport would never be questioned.
Her purchaser, really a slave trafficker, brought her to New York where he loaned her to small businesses as cheap labor while he waited for a chance to make a profit. He manipulated enough information to have her declared independent and a court granted her legal emancipation and full citizenship. She had no idea how. Her troubles did not end.
The new legal status meant the slaver avoided Child Services and INS/ICE, allowing him to get her a work permit and use her as he wished with impunity. He threatened to hurt her or her family back in India if she resisted.
The one thing he did not do was molesting her sexually. He wanted to have a virgin to sell to the highest bidder when the opportunity arose.
"I overheard him bragging to the owner of the take-out place that he had a buyer ready. If I can't get away tonight, I'll just disappear like the other girls did. I have no place to go and he will find me if I run away. You are the only man I can trust. If he finds out I'm not a virgin, he'll kill me."
Pete was beyond angry. He knew this little girl. "Rani. I will end this now. Tell me everything you know." The slaver's name was Sameer Kapoor, a Pakistani national who kept a ground floor apartment on Amsterdam near 59th Street. She gave Pete descriptions and addresses. There were six more girls imprisoned there. Rani knew of two more thugs, used as hired muscle to keep the girls in line, who lived there. Several Indian eateries were involved, using Rani and the others as cheap labor. Kapoor got all the money and provided the girls just enough to stay alive. Other girls had been sold or had reached the end of their usefulness and simply disappeared.
He gently placed Rani in a chair between Allison and Lisa. "Take care of her. She lives here as of now. I have work to do." He went upstairs and was gone for less than five minutes. The girls in the conference room whispered among themselves. Lisa told Rani that she recognized her from the neighborhood because they both delivered for restaurants on the Upper West Side. Rani, warming to the group, didn't comment on the lack of clothing, but helped them deal with the Indian food, pointing out the more spicy items. No one knew that her introduction to Pete O'Neal mirrored Lisa's almost exactly.
Pete returned wearing black sweat pants, black sneakers, and a dark hoodie covering his head. His eyes were black pools. The girls knew he had become the Grim Reaper and they were staring into the face of death. In a voice colder than ice, he said, "Not a word of this ever leaves the house. I was here the entire evening. Do not answer the phone. Answer the door only for Kris Demopolis. No one else. Understand this. Dress for company after you eat. I'll be back when it's over." He went out the door.
Pete called Kris on a burner phone as he pedaled Rani's clunky delivery bike back to the take out joint. "Kris, just listen. Call every desk sergeant and patrol chief you can in law enforcement. Have your family call in a hundred anonymous tips to Immigration, NYPD, FBI, fucking NASA and the Marines if you have to. There is a slaving murderer operating in our area, exploiting and selling helpless young girls. I know of at least six in captivity and a seventh I've pulled out."
Pete stopped at Columbus and 60th to give Kris the details and locations. "Make the police act now while we know where the girls are. I'm sure a beat cop heard a scream giving him probable cause. If this Kapoor gets a hint, he will kill the girls and disappear. I never made this call, Kris. This ends tonight one way or the other. I'm going to make certain he does not escape." Pete opened the phone, broke the SIM card and crushed the device under his heel. The pieces went into four different storm drains.
He parked the bike in the alley with two others making it appear as if Rani had returned from her last delivery. He watched the shop until he spotted Kapoor leaving, shaking hands with the guy in charge for the night. He made his move. The complicit manager was intimately re-introduced to the cutlery collection on his counter. That corpse was the first thing seen when Kris entered the store, searching for Pete.
He found Pete a few minutes later, in the alley, pounding a lifeless body into the sidewalk. "It's over my special friend. He is being judged for his sins now. The girls are safe. Let it go. We have to get you out if here before the police arrive. Come now." Kris pulled Pete to his feet, put him in a car and drove toward the Hudson. Sirens wailed in the distance.
Soon, Pete's bloody clothes and shoes were floating toward the Atlantic and he was on the way home in Kris' car. Pete slumped in the seat, crashing from the berserker frenzy. He was drained. Kris misunderstood, believing the exhaustion to be an emotional remorse reaction.
In any event, he helped Pete to the door and pressed the buzzer. He waited a moment and buzzed again. Finally, he heard a girl's voice ask, "Who is there?"
Kris said, "It's Kris Demopolis. I have Pete and you need to let us in."
Athena whispered to Allison. "That is my brother's voice. He sounds worried."
Allison made a shushing motion and said louder, "Let Pete tell me himself. We can't let anybody in this late, unless he is here."
Pete spoke up, "It's really me, pixies. Are you ready for company?" Kris raised an eyebrow. "Our code. If I said a different phrase, they would know we were under duress and the door would never open."
Allison opened the door, pulled them in and slammed it shut. Kris again helped Pete, this time to a chair in the conference room and looked at ten sharply dressed girls. He picked out his sisters and nodded in recognition.
"Ladies, a good man did terrible things tonight in the name of justice. Mr. Kapoor was judged and found lacking. The verdict was final. It cannot be overturned. The victims are avenged and his prisoners will be freed. His days are over. Your protector did what was necessary but may carry the scars on his soul for a long time." He didn't see Pete winking at the girls behind his back. Pete thought Kris was over-the-top somber, but let him have his say. Kris' heart was in the right place. As opposed to the take-out owner, whose heart was in his lap.
Kris stared at each girl before he continued, "Take care of your avenging angel. He took care of you and many others tonight. And not a word of this leaves this building, ever. You do not know anything, no matter who asks." As he opened the door to leave, he grinned sadly and said, "I have to rush home now since I never left."
Selena followed him, touching his arm, saying, "I talked to mama. Daddy is going to be fine, thanks to Mr. O'Neal. You make sure you're going to be OK, too. You don't look so great." She paused for dramatic effect, "But that's old news. Athena and I live here now. We are happy and you damn well know we'll be safe." Her face beamed the biggest smile Kris had ever seen on her angelic face.
That broke the tension. He laughed, "Little sister, you better watch your language!" Then he shut the door.
The ten girls crowded around Pete trying to kiss and hug him to pieces. "Was Kris right? Are you really suffering about what you might be rumored to have done?" Lisa asked carefully. "Not that you ever left this room to not do those things about which we know nothing about."
"Another official public service message from the Department of Redundancy Department, Schrödinger's Cat Bureau." Allison giggled.
"What I'm upset about is that innocent girls were lost and that others suffered due to that man's greed. I am really upset that Rani went through her ordeal alone. She has been one of my girls longer than you have, Lisa. I have known and liked her a long time. I had no idea she was in that situation. I'm sorry he was allowed to continue for so long." Pete answered. He looked at Rani, "I didn't know, sweet heart. Believe me, it would have ended sooner if I had so much as a clue. You did nothing to deserve that and have shown incredible strength just to survive."
"But, as for that monster, I have more sympathy for the dog crap I scrape off my shoes. People like him are a disease. We are better off without them. Contrary to what Kris thinks, I'm quite OK, but hate the necessity." He grinned, "But enough of that. Being a crazed maniac berserker on a vengeful rampage takes a lot out of a guy. Even though I was here all night. I'm starved and it would be a shame not to enjoy the last meal ever delivered by that takeout joint. I will be very disappointed if you didn't leave me some and a disappointed Evil Overlord is not a pretty sight."
"Pixies, we no longer have company nor any danger of company in the near future. Wear your new necklaces only, if you have them." The new girls hesitated nervously. He said, "Girls, that was not a request." He stopped smiling, "What part of Evil Overlord did you not understand?"
The original five and Rani stripped to their beautiful birthday suits. The Malone twins and the Demopolis sisters soon followed suit and finally presented themselves to Pete. "You are very pretty when you blush. Now we can finish our dinner. Allison, will you and Jenny please fire up the microwave and reheat the food. Penny and Selena are in charge of tea service. There is an electric teapot over the sink in the kitchen just past the restroom. Mary, Lisa and Athena, you get the table organized again. Do this thing!"
Eating dinner a mere 21/2 hours after the delivery, Pete was able to watch the girls interact. He liked what he saw. Rani appeared to be bouncing back from her ordeal quickly enough. She was a survivor.
Penny and Jenny Malone would probably fall in between Allison and their cousins, behavior-wise. Not actually submissive, but very malleable; shyly obedient but very subject to embarrassment and arousal, and confusion at experiencing both emotions at once, for the same reason.
Selena and Athena Demopolis promised to be a bundle of fun. They had their dad's humor and smarts combined with a teenager's drive to experience life fully. He figured they would always have an old-world modesty, but once past that, they would dive into life, head first. Embarrassment was no impediment to curiosity.
Pete surveyed the culinary carnage on the table. "That was good. And hard earned. "Girls, you need to clear the wreckage and get this room ready for business tomorrow. Selena, Mary and Athena, get the dirty dishes into the dishwasher upstairs. Lisa, Penny and Allison, start stuffing trash bags. Cam, Kim and Jenny, start cleaning this table and the little kitchen down here. I want this place ship-shape in fifteen minutes. Hop to it." He ordered.
He pulled a very cute and naked Rani into his lap, legs straddling his waist. She took the lead and pulled his shirt over his head. "I missed this so much." She said, obviously not caring who overheard. She pressed her naked titties into his chest, her nipples trying to drill little holes.
Pete lifted her up enough to remove his shorts, freeing his stiffening cock. "So did I. You were the first to join the household, even if neither of us knew it at the time. Are you as tight and hot as you were the first time I took possession of you? Are you wet now? Are you still mine?"
"Yes to it all." She moaned, "I would have died before another man took the part I gave you that night. I became yours and yours alone." Rani decided she wanted to be his again. She lifted up, held his dick in position and slowly impaled herself. "Wonderful. Just like I remember. I want this so bad, so good." The other girls watched, some just smiled and kept working. The four new girls froze in place, enraptured by the sight of the couple fucking right in the conference room. They stared in envy with a touch of nervous trepidation.
Rani was in overdrive, moving faster and faster, reaching the place she remembered so well. Pete gripped her tits and held on for the ride. He knew she needed this, as much for her pleasure as a reaffirmation of the joy of life. It was her cleansing, her spiritual restart. He felt her start to peak. She screamed out her passion and trembled all over, finally collapsing against his chest. He held her gently and let her come back to reality.
Rani began to giggle. "Your pussy does wonderful things to me when you do that." He whispered in her perfect little ear. "I take it that you have banished some demons, my lotus. I think we both have made a new memory to replace the bad ones."
"You feel good in me when I laugh, too. Just like before, only better. You made me safe again, Mr. O'Neal."
"Rani. You're sitting here with my hard cock deep inside your pussy with a roomful if girls watching and drooling. Don't you think we are familiar enough for you to call me 'Pete'?" He asked, pulsing his dick in her to emphasize their situation.
"But it seems so much naughtier to get fucked by 'Mr. O'Neal', to be taken whenever 'Mr. O'Neal" wants me. Allison calls you 'Sir' for the same reason." Rani said. "I am developing quite an appetite for naughty. You'll just have to get used to it."
Pete noticed the nine naked girls in the room listening to the conversation. Allison was smiling sweetly. Lisa and Mary had smarty-pants smirks. Cam and Kim, grinning, looked ready to join in. Jenny, Athena, Penny and Selena were google-eyed, astonished at the scene in front of them. They seemed unaware they were playing with their clits.
"Have you finished the cleanup?" He asked abruptly, "Good. You girls with necklaces, your nipple clips are in that drawer." He pointed. "Put them on. Make sure your nips are hard enough to keep them on."
"Boss, if mine get any harder, they will break the fastener." Lisa said.
"Good. I like that attitude in my pixies. Show the new girls how it's done." Pete returned. The Demopolis sisters and the Malone twins paid very careful attention, envious of the pretty jewelry. Rani watched from Pete's lap, securely impaled on his prick. He reluctantly pulled her up and off. "Get in line with the other four girls without jewelry." He swatted her butt to get her moving.
The new girls lined up. "Penny, Jenny, Athena, Selena and Rani, I have presents for you." He retrieved the jewelry box and approached Athena. Her nipples needed no preparation, but he inspected them anyway, just because it made her squirm so nicely. She was extremely bothered by his touch but in the best way she could imagine. She wondered if mama knew this would happen when she sent her and Selena here.
Pete had chosen the June bug for her. It looked great. After gently slipping it on her aching nipple, her put her necklace around her neck. Pete kissed her damp lips and moved to Selena. She got the Luna Moth set and the same caresses and kiss her sister got. Repeating the ritual, he gave Penny the Yellow Jackets, Jenny, the Bumblebees and Rani, the Crickets. "You all are beautiful." He assured them. "I look forward to the time we can be together."
"Pixies, these symbolize your acceptance and inclusion into our home. One or the other must be worn at all times." He was in full command mode now. "If you chose or are instructed to wear the nipple clip, it must always be visible. This is an absolute rule. The necklace is the only jewelry you may wear outside these walls. It will constantly remind you where your real home is and to whom you belong. I want and will keep you forever. No harm will come to you if I can possibly prevent it." Pete grinned as innocently as he could. "No body fucks with my girls but me. I do not play well with those who try." No one misunderstood any part of his meaning. "By the way, I'm the scorpion, poison stinger and all." He donned his own necklace.
"Take seats at the table." They hurried to comply. "It is a school night and we have to prepare for what will be a strange day tomorrow. Allison will need to be at your school to deflect the counselors who missed their shot at you yesterday. I have to go for the girls who were given to me. Jenny and Penny are already registered, but I want to be sure the transition is smooth. Athena and Selena have to register a change of address and new emergency contacts. I have to declare guardianship for all four in addition."
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Diane leaned out of her window as her vehicle sat perched in the nursery's sandy parking area. Jasmine stood facing her friend, with her navy blue leather handbag dangling from a strap that wrapped an elbow on one of her folded arms. Jasmine's swarthy legs were braced apart in a taunting, yet argumentative posture and she unconsciously flexed her gluts to accent her points of the discussion at hand. "Are you sure it's all right?" Diane asked with a whine and a squint. When the two...
Are you dissatisfied or frustrated by your current living situation? Do you wish that you were the one making the rules in your house? Do you make the rules of the house but wish your housemates would follow those rules without question? Well now you can! You have been randomly chosen to receive the HouseMate app absolutely free! There’s no need to give your credit card number or your personal info, we have all that stuff already! How do you think we found your phone? ;) How does the app work,...
IncestIt was getting late and we had all had quite a bit to drink. Everyone had gone except for Jen (my wife), me, and Jason (wife's best friend's husband). We were still out in the boathouse throwing darts. Jen and Jason were flirting a bit and it was making me horny. So when Jason went out to take a piss, I decided I was ready for a piss as well and followed him. While out there I asked him if he would like to join us in a 3-some tonight and he said SURE! I told him I'd work on getting Jen naked...
BisexualThe story I’m about to tell to place nearly forty years ago. At the time, I was living in a shared house with three other people. One of my housemates was a good friend, a tall Welshman called Ned with red hair. We all shared in the house running and often eat together, cooking communal meals. As close friends, sharing seemed natural though I didn’t at that time see how far that might go!My girlfriend of the time was at college outside of London and so we didn’t see each other as often as we...
ThreesomesIt was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...
Every time I travel to a city where there is a bathhouse I always try to spend at least a few hours there. This time was no different. Upon checking into my hotel, I ran a few errands and ate dinner.I'm bisexual but my indulgences in that world are rare. For that very reason, every time I do get to enjoy that, I try to make it as memorable as possible. I'm versatile and I enjoy giving just as much as receiving. The bath was only a short distance away from the hotel, so I decided to walk. The...
Gay MaleIt was the beginning of Summer Vacation from our first year of middle school and my best friend, and neighbour, Clark, and I were hanging out in the clubhouse we had just finished framing up in the woods behind his house, when his father, John, payed us a visit. We hadn't heard him coming up the trail, so it was a mad dash to put our shorts back on when we heard a knock at the door. Thankfully we had thrown the door's latch and had the window shutters closed, or we would have been caught right...
This story is a work of fiction. The characters are based on real people in my life, as well as real locations and events. Names have been changed to protect not only my identity but those of my friends and partners. This story will have multiple chapters, focusing on a couple different people, with each relationship being a separate "book". I hope you enjoy! It was a quiet night at the firehouse, though I wouldn't dare say it, because everyone knows the minute you say the...
This summer has brought me many things. I have gotten to experience things that I had never gotten to before. As you all know, shortly after I graduated high school, I ended up losing my virginity to my brother. Some of you may be okay with that and some of you may have some problems with the event that took place. I can not take this event back, because well, it changed my life. Had it not been for my brother, well I would not be the person that I am today. So what happened after the night in...
IncestHi, all ISS readers .I am Rohan from a small town from south Maharashtra .I am 26 yrs old, a well build, 5.9 ft tall & little bit heavy Person. There are three members in my family, my self; my father & my mother bina, now hear let me describe her she is 42 yrs old, a short heighten, fair in complexion, not so bulky body, but having perfect bulks where needed, & actually she looked very younger then her age. So I come back to main story One day I got a call of the person who mention our farms,...
IncestHOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 3 CHAPTER 5 Linda's last day was quite sentimental. Even my wife delayed her departure for work and stayed an extra half hour to talk to her. I made some extra coffee and we all sat around the kitchen table reminiscing about the years she was with us. We gave her a very nice present followed by a slightly tearful farewell with Pam. After Pam's departure I said to Linda not...
HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 5 CHAPTER 13 I was kicked out of the master bedroom! That was the end result of what Pam called this morning ?a slight rearrangement of our living conditions'. I was working for five hours and still I had a lot to do. The instructions were to remove all my clothes and other personal belongings from the master bedroom and install myself to the guest room that had a small adjoining shower/WC facility....
Housemaid for a Week A personal encounter By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Last Christmas I had a unique experience working as a housemaid for a week in a Victorian mansion in Melbourne which belongs to family friends that know and eagerly accept my 'domestic situation'. A few words as a prologue, to explain my 'domestic situation'. For a long time now I work as part time maid/housewife in my own house! It is a mutual agreement with my wife/employer and we both benefit from it. Every...
Student room for rent. Southampton, UK. £270 pcm Please ring Naomi Peterson, Holly North or Lottie McGregor But before you call us, please read the following so you know what to expect. We’ve each written a little bit about the house. Naomi says: Heya, we’re looking for a new housemate, but there are a few conditions. First, you will have to love the sound of me fucking. Sorry if that sounds a bit forward, but it has to be said. I’ll be in the room next door, and I’m told that I’m very...
Housemate Sisyphus I live in a cabin in the woods that my wife and I built several years ago. She moved out last year and we got a divorce after twenty-five years. We’re still friends but just drifted apart. Life goes on. I’m a writer and have a couple of books published and a collection of poetry. I have a little following but nothing major by any means. I teach writing at a local college and a few on-line courses. I’m sixty-one and in pretty good shape considering I love to eat and hate to...
I could hear the shuffle of the rest of the group scrambling about the houseboat in the distance as I pulled a small black t-shirt over my head. I shook my shoulders to straighten the shirt so that it would hang properly across over my curves, the bottom of the shirt hung just below my waist line; it only covered the waist of my bikini bottoms. I slid my feet into my flip-flops and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the light as I entered. Looking in the mirror there was still dried streaks of...
College SexI walked all the way home from school. I had stopped at the gas station and washed my sticky cock and balls clean. I still smelled like cunt though and went to a phone booth and called Trudy.She was surprised and happy to hear from me. I asked if she could come pick me up in her car. She said 'yes' right away so I waited in front of the gas station for her. When she pulled up I hopped into the car and said, "I fucked my teacher about forty minutes ago. I have the smell of her cunt all...
1.PreludeAfter almost 20 years of legal profession, I was now an accomplished lawyer: I had my own firm, several younger lawyers working for me, big and important clients, a sports car, and a house on the hills overlooking the city.But my personal life was a mess: I had no friends, only coworkers and clients, and most importantly, my wife left me. We met during college, and had a very torrid relationship at the beginning. We were virgins when we met, so we discovered everything together. And we...
The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...
this is a short story by a published UK author. i wont say her name incase this gets deleted - pull those panties to one side or get your cock out because your gonna love this!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a fantasy rather more than a story, and one which is special to me. It was my first really involved submission fantasy, and it kept me in orgasms for years, in innumerable subtle variations. Occasionally it still does. Like many of my...
It was nice to be back home, I considered the camp to be my home as did most of the permanent residents. Alice Parsons, the relieving cook welcomed me back as I walked into the cook house. "Welcome back Tony, how did your time in the army go?" "Great Alice, I finished up in the kitchen, I'll tell you what, the kitchens there make this place look pretty shabby but I'm still happy to be back home. How did you enjoy cooking for the boys, did any of them give you a hard time?" "No, they...
Jess and Cheryl looked through a raft of colour charts and finally decided on a paint scheme for The Sundowner Roadhouse, I like the way that rolls off my tongue, much better than just 'roadhouse'. They bought all the paint and brushes and Ernie picked up a few other items for the job at hand. Jess took a half day off from school and she and Cheryl drove Ernie over to Bairnsdale. I chivvied Jess about losing school time but she said she was taking her books with her. Because Ernie had to...
Dom asked me what was getting up Hebb's nose, I told him about our run in and he was really pissed off. "What the hell does he think he's doing Tony, if he upsets everyone they'll only make it harder for him, Jesus what a drongo." "Well I know what I'm going to do Dom, I had intended to give him the chance to find a replacement cook before I handed in my notice. Now I'm going to write it out and take it over to Morwell and give it to the manager myself; I think the manager needs to...
Brian Harris, the Minister arrived shortly after lunch. We all settled around the kitchen table and discussed how we (read the women folk) wanted the wedding to go. "It will take three weeks for the licences and reading the banns to take place, after that we can decide on a date and time. I take it from what Jean has told me, you would like to hold the ceremony here at the Sundowner; I'm quite happy with that idea, the church at Goon Nure is a bit too small to accommodate the numbers you...
Unfortunately Dom's father didn't improve enough to run the pizza parlour. We had a quick meeting to discuss what Dom and Cheryl were going to do. "I hate to say this Tony, the only thing we can do is give up our interest in the Sundowner. If Papa sells the parlour they won't have enough money to finish bringing up the kids. How do you feel about buying us out? We don't need the money straight away as we have the income from the parlour." "First of all Dom, I'm really sorry about...
Madhouse Chapter 3 I came to with my ass being violated. Jason was screwing something down there that was stretching me. There was nothing in me, but I was being opened and stretched and it hurt, but not as much as my breasts. They were on fire. I looked down and saw two hooks and wires coming out of my chest, one for each breast. I turned my head. Mistress Janice, my wife and Mistress Julie, my sister, looked sated, dreamy even. I wondered for a moment if they were on drugs. Each...
(Author's note: I apologize in advance for offending everyone. But, so often, I read reviews that say this story or that story is the same old pap. I've read this theme many times before. I personally don't feel that way: That's like saying, "Yeah, I've had a couple orgasms, been there, done that. I want the next big thing." And so on. It's all the same theme, and it's all enjoyable to my mind, if it's written well. I am rusty. So please forgive me at the awkwardness of the narrative....