Kate Mike and Dave
- 4 years ago
- 50
- 0
After we beat Potomac handily and had cleaned up and dressed, I was grumbling to Alex on the way out of the locker room about the fact that I hadn't brought anything decent to wear on this road trip, and the only sports coat I had with me, after our nine days busing around North Carolina, was almost too grungy to wear on the team bus -- much less in a Horse Country private club.
"You look fine," Alex said, with all the sincerity of Martha Stewart interviewing a crack addict. "Don't worry!"
Well, I did the best I could. I sprayed deodorant into the interior armpits of the sad-looking jacket, found and put on my wrinkled necktie, and skeptically surveyed the results.
Alex, I noticed, had on a fresh suit with pants that matched. His tie cost about the same as my whole outfit, and had been purchased more recently.
Well. Except for his being taller, darker, handsomer and richer than I was, we were a matched set.
We met the young ladies under the grandstand at Potomac's neat little cinder-block ballpark. Jessica Wainwright was bragging about how she'd already used her trusty laptop to wire in her story (and three digital photographs) to the Post for Monday morning's edition. Perhaps the world will little note nor long remember, but, thanks to Jessica, suburban Washington and the Nation's Capital would know, in a matter of hours, that the Frederick Keys had beaten the Potomac Nationals, 5-1 in a ho-hum Sunday afternoon ball game, in the deep depths of Prince William County, Virginia.
Maybe they'd even post the result on the Post's web site, that very afternoon. People were waiting. Two, three people, maybe.
"This is Emily Anne," Jessica told me. "Emily Anne Shreve."
Then she looked at Alex, and I looked at Jessica looking at Alex, her look reminding him that she didn't have any idea what my name was, or what my story was, and if Alex could remember, for just one minute, what she had just said her friend's name was, then perhaps he -- Alex -- could tell them both what my name was! (... And maybe where I'd gotten that sports coat, which was lightweight tweed and looked like something a man might wear in the South in -- say -- October, instead of June.)
Alex, the Smoothie, seamlessly took over the second half of the introductions. "This is Davey Hooks, our first-string catcher," he said. "Davey, meet Emily Anne Shreve. And of course, you know Jessica."
Well, of course, I didn't know Jessica, but I nodded familiarly to her, as if the two of us were forever linked by our mutual membership in the Alex Harrell Admiration Society. Mostly, though, I just looked at Emily Anne Shreve, and was amazed that Alex had, indeed, been telling the truth. She really did make Jessica Wainwright look like a boy.
Well. Maybe not like a boy. Jessica was not lacking in any of the attributes that come immediately to mind when one thinks about the concept of "Woman." Jessica was just fine.
But Emily Anne Shreve. Does "Holy Shit!" do anything for you, descriptively? She was almost as tall as my 5'11", she had unstylish long raven hair that reminded me of those television advertisements for God Knows Which women's hair product, and her angelic facial features were kept from being overwhelmingly perfect by a light sprinkling of freckles that added an endearing innocence to her expression.
She was, in a word, perfect. She wore a long skirt, no doubt in part to cover her lame leg, but her loveliness transcended lame legs.
My mouth was dry and I was having trouble with the amenities. I think I listened to Alex' intro and said something more or less appropriate, but I can't be certain. I remember being grateful that I'd heard about her leg and her reported limp, because if that had been perfect, too, I'd have been so completely intimidated that I'd have simply turned and run away, then and there.
But Emily Anne Shreve was cool with my lack of cool. She was probably somewhat accustomed to getting that kind of reaction.
Walking to Alex' car, Emily Anne's limp looked as if it made walking somewhat painful. At least, the break in her gait was quite noticeable. She said nothing about it and didn't seem surprised that I, quite obviously, had been forewarned about The Limp.
I was flooded with new concern about my barely acceptable outfit. I was worried that I might be giving off some sort of unintended body fragrance from my seedy tweed coat, and concerned that Jessica (if not Emily Anne herself) might suddenly turn to Alex, pronounce me unacceptable, and send us both on our way.
None of that happened, of course, and soon Emily Anne and I were seated together in the back seat of the Audi, letting Alex drive and Jessica carry the conversation.
I searched around for something intelligent to say. It wasn't my first date. Back at UAB, I had been a reasonably cool guy. I had dated girls who'd been in Medical School, f'Chrissakes! Future doctors! I even dated a girl who was the daughter of the Mayor of Mountain Brook, Alabama, one of Birmingham's hoity-toity over-the-mountain suburbs.
The Mayor of fucking Mountain Brook, I'm talking. His daughter. Is that impressive, or what? OK, so I didn't get to second base, with Mayor's Daughter -- whatever her name was. Not the point. She had accepted an actual date, with me, knowing it was me, the whole time. And she had been pretty fine, too. And there had been no police involvement, at any point.
This girl, though. Emily Anne Shreve.
Holy shit!
Well, Emily Anne was the sort of cultured person who would have been saying things to me like "Alex tells me you went to college in Alabama." You know -- trying to get the conversational ball rolling. Only Emily Anne didn't have much advance notice of who Jessica's boyfriend, Alex, was going to be bringing to meet her after the game. Maybe Jessica had pointed at my back, when I was hunched down behind the plate during the game, and said to Emily Anne, "... That one." But if she had, it was pretty much the extent of the information provided.
Like me, Emily Anne had probably been dragged into this, as some sort of condition attached to being caught away from home with Good Old Jessica.
Emily Anne probably at least knew I went to college somewhere, because from what Alex had told me, Jessica no doubt had made college graduation -- or at least, attendance -- a prerequisite to bringing around another Jock to meet her friend, Emily Anne.
It was up to me. We could only listen politely to Jessica's incessant patter for so long before saying something to each other. I realized that I knew more about Emily Anne than she did about me. I knew where she was a student! It was up to me to say something first.
"Alex mentioned that you were a senior at Georgetown," I said.
"Yes. I am."
"Great school." Thank you, U. S. News Magazine survey of America's Best Colleges and Universities.
"And where did you... go?" Emily asked.
"UAB," I said. "University of Alabama -- Birmingham."
"You don't have a southern accent," Emily Anne said. She did. It was faint. It was Northern Virginia-southern, not Louisiana cornpone, but it was there. Actually, her light accent was kind of endearing, but, then, I was rapidly finding everything about Emily Anne Shreve to be endearing.
"That's because I'm from Ohio," I said. "I went to UAB on a baseball scholarship."
"Oh. Did you like it there? The school? Birmingham?"
Well, Birmingham, Alabama is not exactly the San Francisco of the South, but, yes, I liked it there just fine. The Southside, where the University is located, is a kind of neat, Bohemian neighborhood with lots of picturesque old houses hanging off the side of Red Mountain, and with its share of really good restaurants and nightspots. Being a small-town boy from Ohio, I hadn't found anything in Birmingham at which to turn up my nose. (Note that I didn't end that sentence with a preposition.)
UAB was new, as colleges go, and pretty much an unknown place, among big Universities, but its medical school was top-drawer, and very often nationally recognized as such. UAB was not chopped liver. It wasn't Harvard, either. Or Georgetown, even.
Back to earth, there, Davey.
Davey. That's what Alex had called me. Nobody called me fucking "Davey." He was trying to make me sound as endearing as my blind date, Emily Anne there, was.
Wait until I get that asshole alone. I'll show him Davey!
My mind was racing through all these thoughts, but they didn't keep me from mumbling more or less appropriate responses to Emily Anne's questions about Birmingham and UAB and Life in the South, and, pretty soon, we were having a more-or-less normal, adult conversation. I remembered, after a little while, to ask a few questions back.
I found out that she was, indeed, a senior at Georgetown, majoring in International Relations or some such. She was minoring in Romance Languages, and although Emily Anne made little of that fact, Jessica overheard our back-seat exchange and let me know that Emily Anne was "fluent in Spanish, French and Italian."
"I can barely get by in Italian," Emily Anne protested modestly.
"Same here," said I.
Witty. That's me.
"Emily Anne is from one of the First Families of Virginia," Jessica further volunteered. "Her grandfather was in President Nixon's Cabinet."
"I'm sure that, despite that, you've managed to lead a happy, normal life," said I.
My humor is from the Seinfeld School. And I studied at the feet of George Carlin.
Emily laughed politely at my minor-league bon mot.
But Jessica wasn't finished with the resume. "Emily's father is Undersecretary of State," she said.
That's nothing, thought I. Back in Coshocton, my father was manager of the electronics department at Sears. We had a new TV, practically every year. It was always -- always still under manufacturer's warranty.
I'd exhausted my initial supply of small talk, but it was OK, as we had arrived at the Club. As we were being led to our table for what would be a very early dinner, I kept trying. "Will you be following in your father's footsteps? Into Government? Maybe the Diplomatic Corps?"
"That would be his fondest wish," Emily said. "But, at this moment, at least, I don't think so."
"What, then?" said I. ("Whither?" I thought. But I didn't actually say, "Whither?" Don't worry! I was being careful.)
"Maybe journalism," Emily replied. "I've worked some for the school's radio station, and for a small local TV channel in Washington."
"She'd be great at it!" Jessica enthused. "She's a better writer than I am, and I'm no slouch, my own self!"
Jessica Wainwright couldn't be more than 24 years old, tops. If she had gotten on at the Washington Post on talent alone -- and if her Daddy (unlike Emily's) was not a Major-Influence-Peddling-Wheel -- then I had to agree that Jessica must, indeed, be no slouch as a writer.
"Television news?... Is that your area of interest?" I asked.
Somebody told me somewhere that the way to be a good conversationalist is to focus on the "other" person. The person to whom you are conversing. I was perfectly content to focus on Emily Anne Shreve.
I was in love.
So, OK, I wasn't in love, maybe. After all, I had met this girl -- let's see... ninety minutes ago, give or take. But she was falling-down fine, and she seemed to be a Decent Human Being (despite her grandfather's having worked for Nixon -- probably personally arranging the Watergate Burglary). She seemed charming and not the least bit condescending to little old David Hooks, Boy Catcher. Well, "Boy Catcher" doesn't sound right. "Boy Ballplayer." Hmmm. Still sounds a little... ambiguous, doesn't it? Little David Hooks, Boy Wonder. There. That's got it. Not original, maybe. Not even particularly accurate. But, hey, it's only a flag to fly under. Nothing serious.
I was nervous at dinner because there were white tablecloths on all the tables, and more forks than I had seen in one place-setting before, anywhere. We had a country club back in Coshocton, too, but, let me tell you: There are country clubs, and there are Country Clubs.
This one was a little fancier than I was accustomed to; not that we were members, back home, of that small-c club, either.
Anyway, I watched Emily, and whatever fork she used, I used that one, too. Well. Not literally, but you know what I'm saying, here. I got by OK. The place was cool and the air conditioning was working copasetic, and after awhile, my lightweight tweed jacket didn't feel so out-of-season anymore. So what if one day, last week, had been the first day of Summer?
Introduction: What are friends for? Earlier Story Late one evening, I was in the living room listening to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon and drinking Jack, when I heard a knock at the backdoor. I knew from the lateness of the hour it could only be my best friend Dave. He often dropped by late to see if I wanted to offer him a drink or jam a little on the guitar. My wife of twenty years had retired to her bathroom to have a hot soak and get ready for bed. She heard the knock at the door and...
Miss Watersmith had recently moved to the area to get away from her parents, who she until recently still lived with. She had been studying to be a teacher for a good few years and was only a few weeks away from completing her course. She’d never known why but she had always loved teaching teenagers. They always seemed to give her attention she didn’t get very often anywhere else. She wasn’t stupid though she knew why she got the attention. It was all down to her amazing looks. She wasn’t...
If you have read my stories and posts here, or have seen my photos, you will know that a man named Dave has been my lover since July, 2012. And, after my divorce from Frank in October 2015, I see Dave a lot more often. I no longer have to sneak out every time I develop a hunger to hook-up with him. In the past, I've hinted here at how we met. But I don’t think I've actually told anyone here the full story. Until now... It was a warm, lovely summer Saturday evening. My husband Frank was visiting...
MatureJANEY & DAVE 1. On a perfect spring morning at the very beginning of May, a boy named Dave Henson was sauntering down Memorial Drive, a lanky red-haired boy trailing a bright red yo-yo from his right hand. School had been out for just over a week and the sidewalks were wavering with soft white heat. It was a fine day to be twelve years old with the entire summer spread out before you. Ridgewick was a sleepy little burg famed for its clement seasons, the kind of place you...
It had been around a month since Dave came to the house and took photos of my wife, he had gotten then photos back from the place that developed them and wanted to bring them over I called my wife and asked her when would be a good time for Dave to bring the photos over? She said any time would be fine with her why not this weekend this way you don't have to be up for work the next day, I said great idea I let Dave know what she said and he was all for it.Dave got there around the same time as...
“Love a ya baby!” shouted Sasha as she reversed out of the driveway. She was saying her goodbyes to her new found love Dave. Dave and Sasha had been married for a little more than six months. She had said so long to her old life and was starting a new one with Dave. As she traveled on her way to work, she thought how lucky she was to have such a sexy, caring man in her life. Dave was A sweet man. He was a construction foreman and had built up a nice little nesrt egg to share with the woman of...
Sarah and I have been maried for close to 30 years our sex life is somewhat in the same pattern and the times between love sessions has become longer and longer. We regularly fantasize in bed talk about introducing another partner into our love making. For many years we have fantasized about another man joining us. Recently while chatting on line I met a guy who lives in another town but very close by. He and I speak on a regular basis and have actually met once or twice. Invariably our...
"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit itin my tiny little pussy."Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He alwaystook me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, andeven when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping,especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gearand would sit there patiently while I tried on everything insight and never once complained about how long it took. He eventook me lingerie shopping, even though he always had...
A week after that first pool party at my brother’s, I called my sister-in-law’s brother, Dave. He had mentioned doing some fishing and a business proposition for me. We agreed to meet at the Sun Bay Marina, where he kept his boat, a week from that Friday at 9:00 in the morning. I took a mental health day from work and got to the marina a little early. I was waiting by the boat when Dave pulled into the parking lot. He didn’t arrive alone. He had his two nieces with him. I had heard that Paula...
We hadn’t known Dave and Carolyn for very long. When we moved to Raleigh in June, I had started a new job and Carolyn worked in the cubical next to mine. She invited me to a couple of happy hours and we became decent enough friends that when she invited Chris and me to spend a night at their beach house it seemed like a great idea. Chris had a few friends already, but I thought this would be a good way to get closer with Carolyn, since I had virtually no friends here in Raleigh. “That sounds...
Wife LoversChris and Dave Long lost loveChris stood in the gardens waiting for David, the contractor who was going to re-construct the home that had been left to her by her Grandparents. She intended to oversee the whole project from start to finish. David had been recommended by a good friend and she liked his ideas and quotes. There had been a lot of correspondence between the two parties over the last few months but she had yet to meet him personally.A truck turned into the driveway and pulled up a few...
IncestAs Dave arrived home, Kim met him at the door, opening it wide as she stood nude in the doorway. Dave opened the screen door as Kim embraced him, pressing her large breasts against his chest, and pulling his hips against hers, grinding against him. Dave went on in as Kim turned and paused briefly in the doorway, looking out, almost defiantly as if to say to any neighbors who saw her, "Get a good look, yes, I'm nude and this is the way I choose to live my life." She then shut the door and...
A few years back I got a call out of the blue from a bloke that I used to work with from some twenty years ago. Dave was a electrician, I was an apprentice at the time he was the first man I had crush on. Dave was what I would consider a 100% straight bloke that always bragged about his conquests with women, but he had the uncanny knack of being in his underwear when I called. Dave was your average man, six foot tall with broad shoulders and torso, he was quit hairy and had a type of Mexican...
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Dave, my ex, and our friend, the Rugby team captain, Jack, were off to watch one of the club's rivals playing in a big game, and I decided to go along with them. As there was a certain amount of alcohol expected during the course of the day, and even more after the game, it had been decided we would travel by coach, a journey of around two hours each way.It was one of those balmy, early October days when the sky was more like August, and the air was comfortably warm. I was wearing just a short...
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InterracialTiffany looked out the window as the plane approached for landing. Florida looked so different from her home in Ohio. Of course she looked forward to the warmer weather.She was still surprised that her mother had allowed her to go and visit Uncle Dave. He was kind of the black sheep of the family passing on working on the family farm in favor of something to do with the internet.Most if the family had nothing to do with him except for Tiffany's mom. Over the years her mom had quietly slipped...
I met Carol at a senior citizen event. We became friends easily. Over the next two months we were talking on the phone and together at senior meetings. She is 75 years old but the only thing that looks 75 is her hair and the way she dresses. Her hair is pure white. Her body from what I could see looked to be in pretty good shape.Her tits were pretty big and she has a nice tight ass. She is about 5'-8".There was a senior bus trip that me and a woman friend of mine were going on. My friend is not...
A month passed since my first gangbang with John's friends, he had enlisted in the navy and was now going to do his basic training. We had arranged for a nice goodbye get together, but things didn't turn out the way we planned.My parents were divorced and my mom lived in a town, a few hours away. It was the weekend where I had to see her. We weren't close at all, years before I had found out she had cheated on my Dad with her now boyfriend, Dave. You see, I lived in a small town, one of those...
true story :) It was a perfect summer night, the stars were out and the moon was nearly full. The k**s were staying overnight at the parents, and we had a dinner party at Ritchie and Natasha’s. Dave, a longtime friend of Ritchie, Kerri and I was in town, and Ritchie had made elaborate plans with me over the phone to get the girls fed, loaded and naked in style. Dave and Ritchie had spent most of the day drinking and watching the chef (nanny by day-Ritchie and Tasha’s son was with their parents...
In my story, SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCES-Final, you were introduced to Dave. Let me tell you about Dave:Monday morning I called the number on Dave's business card. It turns out he's the construction manager for United Grain Growers. A woman answers and I ask for Dave. When he gets on the phone he asks me to come to their office for an interview.I take a bus to the office and arrive about 9:30. The receptionist says Dave is on the phone. It's about 10 minutes before I get into his office. He does...
A man of about 25 answered, who I knew to be Dave. He asked me to come in, so I took a deep breath and walked inside. I tried to keep my composure, but it wasn't working, as I was breathing irregularly. I had no idea what to expect from my first gay encounter. "First time?' He asked, obviously noticing my nervousness. I replied with a small nod, and sat down on the couch nearest to me. "Is there anything special you wanted to do while you have the chance?" Dave asked, and all i...
I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...
Introduction: Uncle Dave invites me to go on a date with him and his hot girlfriend. My young horizons have begun to expand. Wow! Uncle Dave just asked me to go out with him and his new girlfriend! The idea had me fairly dancing around my room. I mean, I just turned 13 and most guys didnt even look at me twice. I was skinny and except for puffy nipples, I was flat as a pancake still. So, I guess I was maybe fantasizing about going on a real date. Uncle Dave was kinda good looking, you know, for...
Hi guys My names Jessica and I have just turned 16 today!! :-D I live in London, England with my Mum, Dave (her fiancé) and my very annoying little brother Simon. Mum has been with Dave since I was 4yrs old, so I guess you can say he's been like a Dad to and of course he's the father of my stupid little brother. Dave works for an IT company, so mostly he works from home. Mum works as Nurse which means she does night shift a lot and I don't get to see her that often as she picks me up from...
IncestNicole@Dave by gimme_your_loadNicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her...
While I have told about her first time with Shakey, (Linda' First Black Cock) I have never told about her first time with my other good friend, Dave.I had been going down to visit Linda as much as I could manage on my time off, I had never had a friend go with me.This particular time, it had been a rough night, and, try as I might, I couldn't relax enough to get to sleep, so, finally I decided to go ahead and go to Linda's house. I knew that if she still had a guest, I could visit with on of...
0052 Threesome for DaveDave was experiencing the most intense sexual feelings of his life with a threesome of lovelies.Right now, one beautiful green-eyed girl was straddling his head with her warm pussy feeding him her sweet juices. Her brother was riding Dave’s cock with his snug asshole… bouncing wildly and screaming with pleasure. The other sister was between his open legs, alternately licking his balls and her brother’s soft peter. Her fingers were inside of Dave’s asshole playing sweet...
Nicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her husband's party would be...
I could hear Uncle Dave down the hallway in the living room talking to my mom. I came out of the bathroom wearing a light sundress and flip flops. I did not put on that hateful training bra that mom always wanted me to wear. I did put on my tiniest bikini panties. "Look at you, gorgeous," Uncle Dave said as I bounced into the room. "Hi," I gave him a quick squeeze around the neck. Then turned to Mom, and gave her a squeeze also, "Bye mom, love you." Uncle Dave just shrugged...
My Uncle Dave is my mother's "baby" brother and has been an influence than my own father. When he saw that I had aspirations as an artist he took me on trips up into Manhatten and toured a few of the museums in the city. This would have bored my father whom I suspected was disappointed that his only son was not more of jock like himself. I guess I started having sexula fantasies about him around the age of fifteen although the whole idea of sex between two men was totally unknown to me. My...
When I got back to Frederick, it was a little after midnight, and I was relieved to find Eddie in his bed, asleep. It was too late to check in next door with Ms. Washington, or to call Ollie Parker for the story of how he'd gotten Eddie home, what time, whether there had been a connection between the two adults responsible (in my absence) for Eddie's welfare, etc. But at least he was fast asleep, apparently unharmed. My date with Emily Anne Shreve had been a much more momentous event than...
A few years ago, a cute Irish girl started working in our office. She was slim with short, dark hair and pale-skinned and pretty in an understated way. I was instantly attracted to her.We got along well immediately and soon began to take lunch together in the canteen. Because of the way lunchtimes were arranged, we were the only people in there at that particular time. I enjoyed having the place to ourselves, and loved the way I could make Sarah laugh with stories about some of our colleagues,...
Julie and I got married in February after she turned up pregnant. We were already engaged so it went right along with our plans, just a little sooner than we had expected. When we found out her condition we sort of broke things off with Dave; actually it was because I didn't have my own place anymore, we had moved in with Julie's parents and had never gotten around to letting Dave know what happened.One day I got home from work late and Julie wasn't home yet; it was early spring. Usually she...
Wife LoversI had just turned 18 and finished school. I was at a crossroads in my life not knowing whether to go to University or try for a job.I wasn't sexually unaware – I'd had some fun times with boys.My parents hadn't been to University so they couldn't help me.Dad suggested I ask his brother, Uncle Dave, for advice.Dave had been to University, travelled the world, made a fortune or two it was rumoured.He'd also been married twice. My Dad reckoned he was a bit of a ladies man although he was now 50. ...
I'd finally pulled up at my house at three o'clock on the Saturday morning. The traffic had been atrocious on my drive back from Aberdeen to London. It always is on Fridays and there had been a multi-vehicle pile up on the motorway that had delayed me for several hours. I figured Vicky (Victoria), my wife, would have been in bed hours ago, but I was surprised she hadn't left a light on for me. Extracting my bags and briefcase from my car's boot I just about managed to carry them all at...
We had Wilmington in Monday through Wednesday for night games, an off night on Thursday, and then the Friday night game with Lynchburg, followed by day games both weekend days. After that, we'd hit the road again, to Wilmington, Delaware for three in the Blue Rocks' park. I kind of wished I'd had the presence of mind to suggest that Emily come up Thursday, but she had said she'd consulted the team's schedule, so she must have noticed on her own that we had the off day. Probably, it just...
This is my first story. It happened back in high school when I was seventeen years old. I was working after school at a gas station in town. Most days after 9 p.m., things would slow down and some friends would drop by the station. Somedays we would drink a few beers at work and do a little partying between customers. One of my work buddy's friends was Dave. He was out of school and a few years older than me. I met him at work and once in a while he would stop by and visit while I was...
Gay MaleI was standing by the sink looking out the window watching my folks next to the pool, I was wearing jeans short shorts and a bikini top as it was a hot summers day, I felt a presence behind me as my big hunky b*o walks up to and puts his big right arm around my little neck pulling me into him. I rose my hand up and held it as he kissed me and pulled me closer asking what I was doing, without realising it I was rubbing my pussy through my shorts as the heat always made me horny. Dave then...
Uncle Dave’s Returns By Christy Dee It had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his sister and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green
On Sunday I had another big day at the plate, going three-for-four in the close-out game against the Hillcats. They were all singles, but these weren't the "excuse me" dribblers through the infield that had been keeping my average above the Mendoza Line in recent weeks. All three hits were screaming line drives that allowed base runners (two) to take off at the crack of the bat. One of my teammates scored from second standing up -- the result of one of my singles. That one felt good. Emmy...
I was absolutely certain I had done the right thing. Our enormous future dependence on Emmy still bothered me, but the "pre-nup" helped. It helped a lot. Perhaps Emmy was merely indulging me. Perhaps she thought that nobody would ever actually enforce the agreement -- that my ever-growing debt to her would never be repaid. After all, unless she sued for performance, nobody would or could ever force me to make good on this running tab, this long-term debt. But I felt the obligation, and...
[ A married couple long into the cuckolding lifestyle themselves, now helps other couples find a way of experiencing that for themselves. It's always nice to pay it forward so that others can benefit from your good fortune. Right? ]Mike and I had been married for a few years when we got started in what would be called now days a 'cuckold' lifestyle. Mike was was nearly forty, and I was only twenty, when we met. I liked him. But at first I didn't want to necessarily marry him. I wanted to 'play...
Driving with DaveIt’s our first real date, unless you count phone sex as dates. We meet for dinner and both of us realize our hunger is not for food, so we take a drive. You take off in your 67 Chevy truck and I scoot over the bench seat and sit beside you, glad that old trucks have the one seat so I can be close to you. We just want to be together and talk freely without prying ears or eyes. Your hand takes mine and places it on your leg. You move it farther up your leg until I am cupping you...
Alex Harrell is our first baseman. The guys call him Moneybags, because he was a second-round draft choice last year -- the same draft in which I was drafted in the fifth round. When you're a second-round pick by a club that finished as low in the standings as the Orioles did that year, it means you were picked pretty high, because the low-finishers get to pick earliest. So Alex had gotten drafted somewhere in the range of 30th to 40th overall. That is pretty high, and it means if you've...
That long weekend with Emmy was the happiest four-day period of my life to date. There just wasn't any doubt about it! I had offered her a chance to just relax, back at the apartment, and skip one or more of our ballgames, but she wouldn't hear of it. She and Eddie were right there at the same old stand, for all three games, Friday through Sunday. And Eddie quietly disappeared again, right after the Sunday afternoon game, so that Emmy and I could have a little time together before she had...
Our bus ride from Myrtle Beach straight back to Frederick was a hot-and-dusty 500-mile trial-by-hemorroid, and it was accomplished in the middle of the night, starting less than an hour after we'd played our final (night) game of the season in the Land of the Grand Strand. The Pelicans were in last place in the Southern Division, so we wouldn't be back. That was the good news. The bad news was, we'd likely be back in Kinston, North Carolina -- itself a butt-busting 400 miles from home --...
Shit. I can’t believe you’re even asking. Yeah. No. She didn’t go. It was right before all of us went to Greece. The normal crew, most of the usuals. We went to Costa Rica a couple years ago, rented that house that slept like sixteen or some ridiculous number. I figured all the women we’d meet would have been from Costa Rica but it turned out all of them - almost all of them - were American women. Fly all the way to Costa Rica to meet women from Texas and from Georgia and Florida. Women I...
My job takes me to many places, always encountering new people and places. My opportunities for a sex fling are few and far between. I am a 37 year old guy with some strong sexual desires. I usually cum at least once a day, whether it be self-pleasure or sex with my wife. I am always looking at women around the workplaces that I go to, fantasizing about some, dismissing most as untouchable or undesirable. Last week blew my mind, and realized a major fantasy. Working in Minnesota in the...
EroticIt had been a very long time since I had been over to see Dave. Apart from the odd wave in the street, we never really spoke or saw each other.I decided to go and see why he was being so off with me, particularly as we had so much fun when I helped him previously.I knocked on his door, and watched him approach through the glass. He was wearing a t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, and when he opened the door, saw from his still wet hair that he must have just got out of the shower.'Hi John. Come on...
Davey by Caroline J Bradley © 2007 Updated 2020 Chapter 1 Day 1 - first steps "Davey, come on, get up." Davey's eyes opened slowly, who the hell...Caroline..oh yes.. His slow waking was the normal habit borne of long late nights, no real job and no real drive. Hang on, his brain, kicked in again... Caroline, what... He remembered last night and the unusual call from his twin sister, Barbara; he'd agreed to meet her in exchange for a meal and a beer or two. They were...
Davey was just a skinny, sullen fourteen year old kid when I married his dad. Paul and Davey's mother had split up two years earlier. Paul's side of the story had been that he'd nearly caught his ex cheating on him, but not quite. Still he'd wanted to be out of the relationship for several years by then. He'd stayed because of Davey until the 'cheating' thing happened. The argument had been virulent enough to poison what was left of their relationship and Paul had moved out the next...
LITTLE DAVEY by Throne Dave Wilmer looked at the items his wife had spread out in front of her on the diningroom table. "You know, Tabby," he told her, "all this hocus pocus stuff is a lot of nonsense." Her hands went protectively to the fortune telling cards, six-sided dice, ancient coins, and flickering candle. "It's not," she said with conviction. "All of it works -- if you beleve in its power." "Oh yeah?" he sneered at her. She was a gorgeous young woman, with a figure...
Retreat, hell! My friggin' wife wanted me to go to a retreat. That's what she just asked me to do before I left for work this morning. She's got to be damned crazy if she thinks I'm going to spend my vacation listening to some jerkoff expound on how to connect with my feelings. She claims I'm angry all the time. Why wouldn't I be? I bust my ass and she never contributes a damned penny to the household anymore. Where in hell is all her money going anyway? I thought about all of this while...
I will never forget the time.it was a week before my 15th birthday.me and a mate were out scrumping on a warm summers evening.The house we chose belonged to and old man who new both our parents but that didnt put us off.we got there ,i climbed the fence while todd watched out.as i picked a few plums from the tree i felt a hand on my shoulder and a stern voice.WHAT YOU DOING YOU LITTLE SOD,he said.i shit myself and as i turned i saw todd running off dow the road.There was nothing i could say i...
Emily had been a sweetheart, all evening long. She and Ms. Washington really hit it off, after a few early awkward moments, when Ms. W seemed to be waiting for Emily to treat her like hired help, or something. I wasn't worried about anything like that, but I was nevertheless pleasantly surprised at how at ease Emily was, around all us common people. I guess they raise them right, down in Horse Country. I guess Ms. Washington and I were both a lot more class-conscious than Emily was. Anyway,...
Miss Davenshaw sits at the head of the board room table. From the 73rd floor window you can see the whole of the city of London but the eight men only have eyes for their CEO. Her blonde hair is suspended in a sharp bun and her keen blue eyes assess the male subordinate who has been foolish enough to try to undermine her. ‘And what would you do differently, Luis?’ Luis witters on. He’s an easy target. Miss Davenshaw gives him just enough rope to hang himself which he eagerly snatches in a...