Making It WorkDay 100 free porn video

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I woke disoriented, laying on the couch. John stood at the front window looking through the blinds out into the night. The only light was the computer screen on the coffee table. He must have picked up my books and papers for me at some point. I could still see the red letters in my mind.


He came over and knelt down next to me. His eyes were bloodshot and underlined with shadows. "Hey there. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. A little woozy. Did you get a hold of Deborah?"

"Yeah, she eventually called me back. It's been a busy day apparently."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have many details, but the police found something looking into the GPS trackers that were on our cars. It tied our little case into a larger investigation that was already underway against Jules' father."

"Jules' father? Wait, I'm confused."

"Me too, but he's been up to something bad enough for the police to investigate him and his company. Someone leaked details of the investigation to the press and reporters started going though public records looking for any mention of Harris Adkins. Deborah said that reporter probably found the case to commit Jules and her address on the court docket."

"My name wouldn't be on any of that. He knew my name, John! He knew about us!"

"He didn't know my name. Maybe Deborah was right when she said he was just fishing to see if he could shake out another angle on the story." John rubbed my side for a moment. "Where did that note come from?"

"It was stuck in my papers from school. I didn't know it was there."

"Why did you scream like that?"

"I don't know. I feel silly about it now, but it was like waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a rocking chair moving by itself. It just freaked me out."

"You nearly stopped my heart."

I felt a wave of sadness overwhelm me and started crying again quietly. "I want Jules."

"Me too, Sweetheart. Me too."

He slipped his arms around me and I hung onto his neck for comfort. He buried his face into my hair and breathed deeply. I turned my face to kiss his cheek but he turned to give me his lips. The pill he had given me made me feel like I was floating. It made a surreal oasis of peace in the midst of my fear. Our kisses warmed us both.

Before I knew it, he had pulled me into his lap on the ground. My skin tingled as he kissed along my jaw and pulled an earlobe between his lips. The light-headed feeling left me feeling passive enough to just let him do what he wanted. His touch relaxed me, calmed me, even as I responded to his kisses and caresses. I ran my hands along his back and through his hair in return.

He worked slowly, pulling down my shorts, taking a moment to lift my shirt over my head. Soon we were naked there on the carpet next to the couch. My body responded even as my mind wandered under the influence of the small blue pill. My skin seemed to be covered in felt, but when his tongue found my mons it still made me gasp.

I found I could focus on the feeling of his mouth and fingers without the pressing need for release. He seemed as content to explore as I was to let him. In time my body made its needs known and I began to whimper and push myself against his mouth. My moment came after a long, slow build up, and was all the sweeter for it.

He kissed his way back up to my mouth and I licked around his lips, tasting my familiar flavor on his face. I could have slept again then, but I felt his need pressed against me. I pulled at him to enter me and held him close. He barely moved, kissing me softly again, whispering he loved me. I hugged him tightly and kissed him back, letting him see my desire for him in my face and voice. It was enough, and soon he was pulsing into me, satisfying the part of me that loved being full of him.

We kissed for a long time without moving. I loved when he stayed inside after. He started getting goose bumps on his arms and back and I released him with a sigh. "You're getting cold keeping me warm. Let's go shower and get cleaned up."

After showering and getting dressed, I realized the drug's serene feeling was fading with the dawn. I sat on the bed while he finished getting dressed and put on the little bit of makeup I wore daily. He pulled his jeans up and I smiled at the nice curve his butt made as he tugged them tight. The smile faded again as I recalled the ugly red words on the note.

I told myself I didn't care what other people thought, but the words had wounded me deeply. I was a cousin fucker. I was a sodomite. And someone felt so strongly about it they wrote out that tirade and slipped it into my books without me noticing.

I put away my cosmetics and mirror and went to my love. He was dressed and waiting for me with a sad smile.

"What are you going to do today?"

"Eat breakfast. Go to school. Come home. Go to work at the bar." I said it with more conviction than I felt.

"I'm worried about you, especially after that note. Are you sure you wouldn't want to take the day off to see what happens?"

"No. If someone wanted to confront me directly they would have. That note was a cowards way. Besides, if I change who I am because I am afraid, then they win. I love you both and I'm going to make a life with you and Jules no matter what anyone else says or does. I'll fucking make it work." Saying the words felt like a magic spell that pushed away my doubts.

John gave me a smile and offered his hand. We walked down the stairs together and made a light breakfast of cereal and coffee. Afterwards, John walked down to the apartment office and picked up a newspaper from the machine outside there. By the time he got back I had everything cleaned up from breakfast.

"Front page," he said as he walked through the door. He went to the table and spread the page out for us both to see.

"Holy shit." There was Jules' dad above the fold with his hands cuffed in front and being led to a police car. I skimmed through the article to try and pick out what he had done. "It looks like he was intimidating some witnesses in a lawsuit over something he built. Damn. Look here." I pointed to a paragraph that described the witness.

He started reading, "'Baker said that he was followed repeatedly when he drove, received threatening notes, and was harassed by phone and email.' That certainly sounds familiar."

"I'd rather think that note came from one of Harris' goons than some stranger on campus. Is that weird?"

"No, not to me."

Near the end of the article, after it jumped to the last page of the paper, I found Jules' name. "'In an unrelated action, Harris Adkins has petitioned the court this week to commit his daughter Julie Marie Adkins to the Constant Care Rehabilitation Center for an undisclosed reason. The case is set to go on trial on Friday, but will be sealed due to protect the privacy of his daughter.' Why the fuck did they even bother putting that in there? What purpose does it serve? Is that fucking news?"

John shook his head as he continued reading. I stormed over to the laptop on the coffee table and woke it with a touch. A few keystrokes and I was on the Sentinel's website. The story was the same, but there were more pictures of the arrest. I saw that Jules' name was a link in the web story and clicked it.

They had plundered her Facebook profile and linked pictures of her into their page. It wasn't so much a story as a mini-biography. They mentioned her name, her birth date, and I was amused to see her marital status was listed as single. John came to sit behind me and read over my shoulder.

"They made a web page for her?" He sniffed in disbelief. "Did they make one for her mother, too?"

"Let me see." I clicked back to the main article and found Shannon's name with a link underlining it. I clicked the link to see a page similar to Jules'. "Yeah, looks like they got one for her, too."

"Wait, where is that?" He pointed to one of the pictures.

The picture of Shannon looked like a surveillance photo shot with a telephoto lens. She was walking away from our apartment complex talking on her phone. "That was taken here. She was wearing that same outfit on Friday."

"I thought so. I wonder if that picture was taken by the police? Or maybe they were being watched by the journalist who wrote the article."

"Beats me. We should probably point it out to Deborah just in case."

We continued to talk while I got myself mentally prepared to face the world. I was scared, but determined to overcome my emotional reaction. I had never enjoyed gossip, especially when I was the subject of it. One of the advantages in not dating much was avoiding the standard round of web-based rumor mills where people seemed fascinated by who was seeing whom. The downside was that same lack of experience made every whisper seem like a shout to me.

I kept putting off leaving for school until John finally said something. "I thought you were going to class." He gave me a smile to let me know he was only teasing.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Well, sometimes a guy needs a little alone time."

I laughed and he smiled. "I'll call if anything happens. Text me if you hear anything. Or get lonely."

The bus ride was uneventful. I walked to campus feeling like I had a target painted on my back. I could feel eyes following me, but didn't dare look up to see if it was true. I walked straight to my first class and sat in the back of the room. It was hard to concentrate, but I made it through.

After class, I went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I hung my book bag on the hook behind the door, pulled down my sweats, and sat on the toilet seat to relieve myself. My plan was to wait until right before class to avoid running into anyone who might know of my relationship with Jules. I covered my face and took deep breaths.

" ... hear about Jules Adkins' father? He was arrested and she's in the nut hatch apparently." It was an unfamiliar voice. I was paralyzed.

"No way! I just heard she was lez for someone who went here. What has her name?" I didn't know her voice either.

"Was it Kendra Dahl?"

"No, not her. It was someone I would have never suspected. Monica was saying something about Jules not being able to make her mind up between this girl and the girl's cousin."

I gasped as if I was suffocating, I had to get out. I pulled up my pants and got my books from the hook. When I stepped out of the stall I forced myself not to look at them. Just as I passed through the doorway I heard one girl whisper, "That was her!"

I walked to my next class without meeting anyone's eyes. In the back of the class I found a seat away from where people usually sat. My breathing was so shallow and fast I started feeling dizzy. People were starting to come in so I put my head down on my desk to discourage anyone from approaching me.

It was hard to concentrate, but I still managed to take notes. The sick feeling in my stomach made me feel like I was going to throw up. By the end of class I was wrung out, but had decided I couldn't hide. If we were going to be a family, I was going to have to get used to this kind of public scrutiny.

When I left class, I walked out with my head held high. The commons was crowded as I walked towards the coffee shop where I'd eaten on Monday. My flush felt like fire on my skin in the bright sunlight, but I clenched my jaw and forced myself not to run, not to look away from people glancing at me.

Suddenly I felt fingers slip between mine. When I looked over I saw Kendra walking beside me with a smile. "How're you holding up?"

I couldn't trust my tongue to respond, so I squeezed her hand and nodded.

"I know you said her parents were trying to split you up, but I had no idea things were that bad. That stuff the article said they did to those witnesses, they did the same to you?"

I nodded.

"Damn. Let me buy you lunch today. I promise to distract you with funny stories."

I whispered, "That would be nice."

We made our way through the coffee shop carrying our books, drinks, and sandwiches. I got a sweet tea and a grilled cheese sandwich. Kendra got a soda and a roast beef on rye. We finally found a small table near the back of the shop, and I sat down with a sigh.

"You're a life saver."

"Just helping out a friend." She gave me the cute sideways smile I noticed on Monday. "Don't feel obligated to say anything if you don't want to. I really just wanted to see how you were after the article this morning. I remembered your comment about her parents. I'm beginning to see why Jules had to get professional help."

I nodded, not wanting to speak of Jules' personal issues. "It's been hard, but we're still hopeful things will work out." Part of me wanted to share my fears, the horrible reporter coming over, the girls talking about me in the bathroom. I couldn't make my mouth say anything, so I put my sandwich in it.

Kendra took a bite, too, and spoke as soon as she swallowed. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

I mumbled around my bite. "Working. At the Hickory Hammer."

"I didn't know you worked there, too."

"I really don't, but Jules' refused to go into the hospital unless I covered her shifts while she was in."

"I stopped going when Jules ended things, but I always missed the crowd. Does Anton still work there?"

"Yes." I took a drink of my tea. "He was such a big help that first night. I didn't understand why the manager, Hank, would bring me in to do the close when anyone on staff would know more about their process than me."

"Why did he?"

"Anton's dyslexic. He can free pour down to the milliliter and make change without an issue, but he can't keep a row of numbers straight. Hank was afraid the wait staff would short the tip out and cause a fight with the bar and bus staff. All his other bartenders were out after covering for Jules over vacation and weren't answering their phones. Since he was so sick it was me or nothing, but I'd have completely screwed it up without Anton."

"Anton's a great guy. Did you know he plays bass in a band?"

"He mentioned something about it. Were they called Itchy Stones or something?"

"Yeah, that's the name. They played at a house party I went to last summer. Mostly covers, but they had some catchy originals."

I smiled, thinking of Anton's long, straight hair bouncing along with the music at work. I'd never wanted to date a musician, but I could imagine how attractive the idea might be to someone else.

Kendra looked down and said, "Maybe I'll come by and see you at work."

I looked at her face. She was blushing a little. I watched her playing with the straw in her drink. I felt a real friendship towards her, but realized she might have had other ideas. "I'll ask John to come so you can meet him, too."

Her response was a beat too slow to hide her disappointment. "I would love to meet the man who could win your heart." She smiled again, but her light seemed dimmer somehow. "And Jules' heart of course."

"She loves him so much." The memory of them kissing under the tree in Orlando came to mind.

Kendra shook her head. "I can't even imagine it. She never showed me anything but her party girl side, I guess."

We ate for a while in silence. When I was done, I said, "Thank you for spending lunch with me again. And for buying me lunch. You can drink on me tonight if you come."

"Well, then I'll definitely come see you at work tonight!"

I felt recharged, but when Kendra left me in the commons my fear pushed back in. I made it through my remaining classes without incident. On the way home I searched my book bag for hidden notes, then listened to music on my phone with my eyes closed. I went to sleep and almost missed my stop, but the bus driver had seen me often enough on the route to stop anyway and let me out.

When I stumbled into the apartment I found John sitting at the kitchen table with a big grin. "Letter from Jules!"

I dashed around to his side and gave him a quick hug and kiss. "Gimme!"

"Dear John and Kate," He read aloud.

"Seeing you last night was exactly what I needed. I feel ready to take on the world. And considering what my parents are planning, we may be doing just that. Doctor Valverde tries to limit my involvement with the drama going on outside, but the commitment hearing has to involve me to some degree. He keeps a certain distance in our sessions, but I can still tell how pissed he is at the way my parents are trying to manipulate the situation.

"On a positive note, Doctor Valverde says that if the hearing goes my way on Friday he'd like to get me out of here on Saturday morning. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I can't help being excited about coming home. I'll get you a message on Friday as soon as I find out what happens at court. They have a whole release process with meetings and paperwork that will take hours, but I should be able to leave here a little before noon.

"All I know is that I want a hot shower in my own bathroom, followed by a long afternoon with you both, and then I'm taking us all out on the town. Think of it as our own personal coming out party. I'm sick of endlessly discussing my life. I'm fucking ready to live it!

"This has been the hardest thing I've been through, on so many levels. I'm blessed to have you in my life. I can't thank you enough for sticking by me through all this crap. I hope that in the years to come, you'll let me find some way to show you how grateful I truly am.

"All my love, Jules"

We sat in silence while I read it over again to myself. John asked, "Is there anything hidden in it that I'm not seeing?"

"Not this time. Not that I see anyway. You know what 'years to come' means?" I looked up into his face with tears in my eyes.

"I'd hoped." He said with a smile, touching my face. "We're almost home, too."

I grabbed him and hugged him hard. "She's right, we're all blessed."

"Yes, but she sent this before her father's arrest, before the news story. If we're truly going to come out together, I need to tell my parents before they find out some other way. And we need to speak to your mom and Chris to let them know what's happening as well."

That was like a cold glass of water down the my back. "Yes. You're right. I have to work tonight, but I still have a couple of hours. Let me see if Mom is home."

After calling to check and then inviting ourselves over, we arrived at Mom's house at the same time as Chris.

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 100

Andy sat in the passenger seat of Regan's car as she deftly slipped to the center of the three lanes in front of the Renaissance Hotel. Andy turned his head to peer at the spectacle in front of the building. "What is going on there?" he wondered, turning his head to look through the rearview window at the television crews setting up on the sidewalk outside of the hotel. "They're waiting for you," Regan informed him sadly. Andy's head jerked back in her direction and she took her...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 100

Time to gird my loins and get this over with, Jeff thought as he strode out of his office and turned toward their suite. A moment later, he opened the outer door of the suite, then held the door for a troop of women to come out, even the new girls. Most of the women avoided his eyes, but Nicki grinned at him. He didn't know whether that was good or bad. This is the first time I've had any problems with my women at all — well, after we got the Jack problem solved. I guess I did fuck up by...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 100

Adam awoke when Allie rolled off of him to get her day started. He could tell by her smiling face that she was excited about what was going to happen. Sarah even awoke in a decent mood. She kissed Adam's cheek softly before rolling out of bed. Shelly was up and raring to go, too, even though she wasn't going anywhere but to class later that afternoon. Adam lazed around for a while longer before he decided he should greet the day with the rest of them and make sure the girls got a decent...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 100

After breakfast Rita pulled me aside. "I have a message for you." "Message from who?" I asked. "Sylvia, " Rita said. "Now that is creepy," I said. "This coming from the woman who talks to a dead man," Rita commented. "I know that I'm not really talking to a dead man. I'm just answering the voices in my head," I said. "And you find that less creepy than a message from the grave?" Rita asked. "Well if you put it that way," I replied. "So what's the...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 100

Laura ran into Rhonda in the hallway at work. "Long time no see," Rhonda smiled. "Why don't we have a drink after work?" Even though they had once hated each other, and now only tolerated each other's predations, their eyes exchanged a crackling current that both recognized easily. "I'm exhausted," Laura said. "Didn't you just take three or four days off? Rest and relaxation? You must've been rutting, dear girl." She bent close and whispered. "Who was it? That delicious...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 100

"Retract triple shield, release the "Rivers"; throttles space idle" Clare ordered as Venus masked the USN wall. The acknowledgements came through. "Mr Windsor, turn us stern to the wall. Guns, as soon as we clear the planet, missile attack on target one centre line and flagships." "Turn to engage, aye Ma'am. Helm, pivot the stern seventy three and up nine." Jane Foster acknowledged as she used the stick to adjust the thrusters. "Centre line and flagships, aye Ma'am. Transit...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 100

With hunting season over with, Mike thought that it was safe to move the dogs outside again. They hadn't much liked being locked in the barn, and seemed gloomy, not seeing the sun, or being able to go out for their accustomed run. Mark's prediction hadn't quite worked out; there hadn't been much snow during hunting season, but the day after it was over with, several inches had fallen, and Mike and Mark had both taken off work early to get the dogs out and take them for a run up the...

1 year ago
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MagicianChapter 100

The destruction and surrender of Oonagh’s main army as well as the capture and then execution of her leading general sent shockwaves through Tír na nÓg. Areas that were thought to be firmly under Oonagh’s control, suddenly weren’t and the liberated areas swung firmly under the control of the reformed Seelie court. Despite Mage Sofya’s attempts to censure Morgana for the losses in the siege, the majority of the Council simply didn’t believe that Morgana was culpable and the crystal memory...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 100

I knew they wouldn’t close the door completely, and I stepped over to see if their mom was actually going to let them shave her pussy. Already, they have me wanting to get this hot-mom in a bed, or even on the floor like Helen and Carol. I’ve never even thought about teenagers in other parts of the country, being just as eager to fuck - or - see someone else fucking - as I am. Seems like everywhere I go, I meet people just like me, and that makes me feel sort of normal. I gave them time to...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 100

The following are from a reader who enjoys contributing. A woman goes to a doctor, worried about her husband’s temper. The Doctor asks: “What’s the problem?” The woman says: “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every day my husband seems to lose his temper for no reason. It scares me.” The Doctor says: “I have a cure for that. When it seems that your husband is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don’t swallow it until he...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 100

All the way to the jail facility, which was twenty minutes from downtown, Officer Tucker kept apologizing for having to take me in. Normally I would have told him not to worry about it but I wasn't saying anything. Getting booked was not a new thing for me as I had a run in with the law when I was a teenager; however things had changed a little since then. After I was fingerprinted and they took my mug shots, I was led to a holding cell where I had to sit and wait for further processing....

4 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 100

The college girls went right to work. After a short meeting with the professor and his teaching assistant, of course. While they learned how to handle any findings they made my team scouted the area. Four of them stayed at the dig while Gator and I did a walk about. With the aid of a satellite picture of the area we were able to tell a few things. For one thing we learned that the bandits would most likely come over the same hill that the conquistadors used to suppress the native Indians. If...

1 year ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 100

The coal and the logs all brought in, Dad then lit the fire so that it would be going along nicely when we got back. With a couple of Woolworth’s firelighters and a wigwam frame of some kindling sticks under a pyramid of small pieces of coal, it wasn’t long before the coal had caught. Once the sticks had burned through and the pile had collapsed, Dad placed some larger pieces of coal on top, moved the draught control back to closed, and placed the spark guard in front of the fireplace. The...

4 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 100

“I can’t help what I have any more than you can help what you don’t.” —Neal Shusterman, UnSouled “WELCOME TO MY little strip of Hoosierland paradise,” Donna said when we’d kicked off our shoes on the porch and entered through French doors to a dining nook off the kitchen. Donna set about getting a pitcher of iced tea from her refrigerator and pointed Rachel to the glasses. When we all had a drink, we settled into a sun room with a view out the back windows. It was beautiful. “Do you...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 100

Flashback – Masha and Tatiana – Secret location I informed my team of the Major's secret Morse code message hidden in his blinks. We quickly translated it but then began the hard work of deciphering it. Our immediate concern was because the message did not appear to make sense... Tatiana swore in frustration, "What the hell does all this mean! It is always the letter C, followed by a number then an R or an L. She correctly identified the pattern: It started C 60 R, C 45 L ... and...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 100

Abilene, Texas Saturday, July 20, 1889 After a fourteen-hour train ride from Tulsa, the Blasingame girls and the four Young Bucks from Oklahoma Territory arrived at the train station on the outskirts of Abilene just as darkness set in. The Blasingames were there to meet them, having been notified by telegraph message earlier in the day when their train was scheduled to arrive. The Blasingames had made their own rules for the visit of the four Young Bucks. The boys were to stay with the...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 100

Somehow, Jill and I ended up following everyone else as we went upstairs. "Mom, I need to unlock the door." "It's not locked, Jackie." She opened the door, pushed Sara through, followed her in and pulled the door closed. Jill and I looked at each other. "I guess maybe I'm supposed to carry you over the threshold or something." Her face broke into a big grin. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. I put my right arm around her back and lifted her legs with my...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 100

Flashback – Masha – The evening I rolled out a mat in the garage (to protect us from the inevitable falls) and we had a very successful Krav Maga first lesson. As with many martial arts, how to fall correctly without getting hurt was the basis of much of the class. After the lesson both Gwen and Louise complained about their backs hurting. I first had Gwen lie on the mat, checked her back and asked, “Does your back bother you often?” Gwen replied, “Yes it does. How did you know?” I...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 100

Liz was all smiles on Saturday morning. She went to check on our guests while I got dressed for my morning workout. I appreciated that she offered me the independence to do what I could without assistance. I also appreciated that she returned in time to tie my sneakers for me. “Your workout partners are waiting for you,” she informed me. “Ah, hell no,” I said. There was no way I was going to try to keep up with Chris or Matt. Chris still held firm to the Navy training regimen. Matt’s job...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 100

We dressed very conservatively – non-descript high end pantsuits, flat black shoes with minor heels, no makeup and hair pulled back into pony tails. Also, we each carried a scarf. I knew the rules for this part of the world - there was no need to make waves. The five OPEC ministers we were to meet were in a group meeting at 0800 dealing with OPEC business. Our meeting with them was at 1100. After arriving we were shown to a large elegant elaborately decorated room to wait. Majestic curved...

4 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 2

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man,...

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Matchmaking TrapChapter 3

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too...

3 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. No male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 2 Turnabouts Fair Play

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man, if...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Chapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. NO male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say that...

She Males
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Matchmaking Trap

Note : This story is completely fictional! Roberta was a 43 year old bartender, working weekends to make enough to keep her house, after her husband's death. She was also incredibly gorgeous, with soft, sensual skin, that cried out for a massage. She kept her hair cut fairly short, but it was still a beautiful jet-black, and she managed to seem quite feminine, despite her tomboyish exterior. She had loved being married, because, unlike many wives, she wanted sex every day, and made sure that...

1 year ago
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Makings of a Pet Chapter 1

There I was serving another detention. This was the third time this month I was serving detention for something I didn’t do. It was her, that preppy little witch. I suppose I should explain myself. Through out my life I have never been much of an aggressor, because of this women haven’t found me very manly. I have been called cute, even charming, but rarely manly. It was senior year of high school. I had been to a different school every year since I started high school. Due to my parents...

2 years ago
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Makings of a Pet Chapter 1

There I was serving another detention. This was the third time this month I was serving detention for something I didn't do. It was her, that preppy little witch. I suppose I should explain myself. Through out my life I have never been much of an aggressor, because of this women haven't found me very manly. I have been called cute, even charming, but rarely manly. It was senior year of high school. I had been to a different school every year since I started high school. Due to my parents...

1 year ago
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Lovemaking With A USA Milf

Hello All. I am thankful to all of you for your feedback on my previous stories. I am Arnav, a 23-year-old handsome guy from Pune. So let’s begin with the story. A few days ago, I had posted a story of mine massaging a lady and giving her some erotic pleasure. As usual many gay and desperate people started looking a way to contact the lady. Many of them I had to block in order to stop the nuisance. In such messages, there was a message from a lady Neha. It had a dp of a good looking lady. At...

4 years ago
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Lovemaking With A Village Beauty

Friends, this is Pranav, back again after a long time with another story. Hope you have enjoyed my last stories. I got a few emails with feedback thanks a lot for the same. Coming to story, this time I am going to share a typical village story which stands different from the usual stories posted here. The story covers how I had sex with a typical village beauty in an empty riverbank on a hot sunny day. It is during my visit to my village during last January. It was a hot sunny day. I woke up...

3 years ago
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Lovemaking With Simran 8211 Wow

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I have worked across many countries and work for an MNC and live in Bangalore. Married with kids, 50 years and 5’10”. Life is good, but love and intimacy have not been there for years! I was on the lookout for some fun, intimacy, and sex but has to be extremely discreet. I was a senior member in one of the forums and there was a very nice looking woman by the name of Simran who was leading the coordination of the group. Let me...

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