Eleanor Ch 13
- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
Ardt stood to the side of the doorway in a slight cubby formed by the door’s wall and a metal shelf. The shelf was heavy with ore and scrap metal waiting to be melted and used but it wasn’t the contents of the shelves that held Ardt’s eye. He watched in wonder as his young apprentice worked the metal, smoothing it with gloved fingers dripping with a mix of oil and flux. The boy had created the mixture himself, pulping olives to extract their oil and mixing it with finely crushed potash salts, crushed charcoal and limestone shavings in a complex formula only the boy understood. He worked it into a paste, lined his gloves with it and spread it across the metal gently – almost lovingly.
The young man had forged a batch of gaussteel – what was commonly referred to as ghost-steel – and was turning it into a sword. He’d finished the hilt yesterday, crafting it out of gilded steel; gaussteel was too expensive to warrant using it for the hilt. He’d worked long into the night, heating and carving designs into it with a tool he called a ‘stylus’ and then bathing the hilt in acid to cool it. Ardt had been speculative of the process – he, as his father and grandfather – used varying, hand-crafted molds to sculpt metal into whatever they wished, then brushed and filed them until they were perfect. Yren did use molds for shape but then added to them with his stylus and acid wash. The results were phenomenal and intricate.
Ardt never begrudged Yren his lessons with Sir Givens. Not even when, three seasons earlier, Sir Givens asked to expand Yren’s hours at the domen – the sword and shield training grounds – to Seventhday evenings and several hours during the day on Firstday. At first, Ardt had been against the idea but the nearly two seasons Yren had already spent at the domen by that point had helped him produce some fantastic blades and beautifully functional hammers – blades and hammers which, if Ardt were to be truthful with himself, were better than anything he’d ever made. The boy was an artist, of this Ardt could not doubt. The blades he made, short or long, sword or knife, were fantastic and intricate while still made quickly and completely functional. The hammers he made, long or short, metal handle or wood, contained delicate features while still able to perform their purpose.
Besides, he didn’t seem to find any loss of productivity from the boy. Yren still seemed to take his time, to forge every blade and pot and tub and awl and horseshoe with an almost unnatural focus and determination, but never fell behind on work – sometimes working later into the night to ensure he accomplished what was asked of him. He never complained, never tried to get out of work, never dawdled; he was as dedicated to his craft as Ardt could hope and still found time to spend with Sir Givens.
The sword Yren was working on now was special. He was using a new technique, one he’d been practicing with for months. He started with a mold for a blade that was so thin as to be unusable. Next, Yren added to the sword, folding it with more thin layers of steel that were just past molten, shaping it as it cooled. Over and over, he worked the sword until it was as thick as a normal blade. Ardt had laughed when the boy had first tried it; firing metal that many times would make it brittle and unusable.
Ardt stopped laughing when one of the boy’s practice blades, when complete and sharpened, sliced straight through a steel blade made by Ardt himself. For some reason, the process of folding the steel over and over actually made it stronger.
Now, the boy was following the same process with gaussteel. Gaussteel was a combination of kern – a metal ore found and mined only in the Mystral Mountains – charcoal and iron. Kern itself forged into a brittle metal that was near useless for any real purpose. When forged with charcoal and iron, it became a near silver, mirror-like metal that was many times stronger than steel and almost impossible to melt; gaussteel swords had survived dragon attacks and even molten lava.
Kern was very expensive and heavily regulated by the crown. It was actually an act of high treason to ship the ore outside of Wenland just as it was to trade in gaussteel outside the kingdom; the superior metal had saved the kingdom often throughout the past few hundred seasons since it was discovered. Such an advantage was worth keeping. Ardt had heard tales of lives being lost during wars just to retrieve the precious blades and armors.
Yren was aware Ardt was watching him. He was always aware. He couldn’t explain exactly how but he always seemed to know when someone was watching him. At first, it had bothered him but now he was able to shrug it off.
Ardt hadn’t been happy when Yren had started using the new process – and the boy couldn’t tell the older man the metal itself had spoken to him and explained the technique. He couldn’t tell his adopted father the metal often spoke to him, though it didn’t always make sense. It talked of things which had been and things which would be – but he only understood the words it spoke about things which were now.
He also couldn’t explain to Ardt the way he could feel the metal with his fingers, the way he could tell where there was the slightest imperfection or problem. He couldn’t explain how he could literally feel his way through the metal, knowing when it was done – knowing what it wanted of him.
He certainly couldn’t tell Ardt the metal had told him he’d need to start soon on two new blades made of gaussteel but turned a certain way, ordered a certain way, empowered a certain way. He couldn’t tell Ardt the metal had instructed him on how to ‘word’ the blades, to carve them with symbols only the metal knew. He couldn’t tell Ardt he would have to make armor after the blades, armor imbued a certain way, given power by the touch of his fingers and the engraving of the symbols.
He couldn’t tell Ardt any of this – not only because Ardt wouldn’t believe him and might even take him away from his beloved forge, but also because the metal had cautioned him against it. The metal was his friend, had always seemed to be his friend. He had to listen to it.
Ardt watched the young man as he tapped imperfections from the blade. Yren handled each fold exactly the same - fold the molten metal, tap it into shape, then wipe it carefully with the oil flux by fingertip. Turn the blade over and start again.
Ardt couldn’t help but reflect on the changes in the young man since he and Elva had brought the boy from the orphanage. He was taller now, of course, a bit taller than Ardt himself and his shoulders were sloping arches, his arms thick with muscled sinew. His black hair was still cut short – a curse of the forge – but his jaw had firmed, his cheekbones grown more prominent and his bright blue eyes had grown more piercing.
The boy turned young man was definitely clever. One of the greatest perils Ardt faced as a blacksmith was the loss of his eyesight; it had happened to his father and his grandfather and Ardt had always known it would happen to him. The hours of staring at molten metals, the sparks from hammering on metal, the heat searing from flame – each would take their toll until Ardt would end up blind or nearly blind in his dotage. It was inevitable.
Yren didn’t believe in inevitability. One day, while walking through the village on some errand or another, he’d caught sight of some fine, dark, smoky-hued glass vases in the glass-blowers shop. Two days later, he visited the shop with some of the money he’d collected over time – Ardt was generous enough to give him a small part of every item he crafted that sold; an allowance of sorts to buy little things and to save for when he’d want his own smithy. The result was a thick, smoky glass circlet that surrounded his head and sat on his nose.
Yren’s first attempt lasted three days before breaking while he was hammering some metal; evidently the constant movement managed to crack the glass. Yren ended up with a nasty – but temporary - scratch from his scalp to his neck. He didn’t give up.
The next version was a metal contraption which resembled a figure eight and held two new pieces of thick, smoky glass within the circles of the eight. Loops were attached to the top and bottom of the eight so that, when the figure eight sat on its sides over his eyes and on his nose, the loops were on either side of his face. He attached string to the loops and tied them behind his head.
This was much better but still imperfect. The knots on the back of his head had a tendency to loosen and the contraption kept slipping down his face. It was a distraction that a blacksmith couldn’t afford.
The next version improved on the figure eight model by attaching arms instead of loops. The arms stretched back and sat on Yren’s ears, curling slightly behind them. The contraption was better than before but a blacksmith’s face is constantly bathed in sweat; this made the thing slippery and it slipped off his nose and broke.
The final version was the figure eight with the long arms but the arms had a loop and used buckles to hold themselves tight behind the boy’s ears. Yren added a thin leather layer around the figure eight which pressed against his face, cutting out most outside light. The things looked silly and still had a tendency to slip slightly but not enough to cause problems and they protected his eyes from the searing glare of the forge and from sparks that might strike his eyes. Yren had produced a second pair as a gift to Ardt and, while it took a bit of getting used to, he had to admit that his eyes felt better at the end of the day than they’d ever felt before.
Yren held up the sword he was working on, pulling Ardt out of his memories. Ardt couldn’t help but gasp. Gaussteel was bright silver and could be shined to a high gleam. The sword Yren held, however, was a dark, rich blue, the color of the sky in early evening, and it didn’t gleam so much as it actually glowed, seemingly with its own source of light.
Ardt had tried to duplicate the way Yren managed to color metals in blues and reds and yellows and greens but he’d never been successful. He’d always thought the colors were imperfections, things Yren added to his flux that turned the metal different colors. Ardt had tried using Yren’s flux, however, and he’d never managed a single color beyond the silver or gray. How Yren managed to color the metal was as great a mystery as the way Yren seemed to focus on the metal, or the way he seemed to stroke it lovingly.
Ardt watched as Yren took the hilt with tongs and stuck it into the forge, firing it red-hot then setting it gently on the anvil. Then, the young man did the same with the blade, joining it to the hilt. Finally, he doused it with water to quickly cool it.
Ardt didn’t imagine the flash; he couldn’t have. He’d seen lights from the forge before and he swore that the light came from the anvil and not the forge. It wasn’t reflected, either; reflected light was easily recognizable – more a glow than a true flash. Besides, reflected light would be yellow – not the flash of blue Ardt had seen.
He stepped out of the house almost involuntarily; like all blacksmiths, his forge was open air though covered for the most part in a long roof for shade. The movement caught Yren’s eye and the boy looked up. Seeing Ardt, his face opened into a wide smile.
“I’ve finished it!” He called out, reaching down and raising the sword. Ardt noticed that it was still blue but there was no glow to it anymore. “I think Sir Givens will find this to be a fine blade. I only hope it serves him well.”
“I’m sure it will, Yren,” Ardt smiled but it did not quite erase the confusion in his eyes. “I’m sure Sir Givens will like it.” He paused, looking from the blade to the young man. “It’s almost time for supper, however. Wrap the sword in woolskin and then put it in the cellar with the rest of the finished works. You can sharpen it and talk to Julo about a leather scabbard or sheath tomorrow.”
“Yes, sir,” Yren smiled, rushing over to the workbench where he’d already laid out a skin of wool. The boy carefully wrapped the blade in it and then moved to the trap door in the middle of the smithy. He pulled the iron rung to open the door and then quickly moved down the steps to the large, dug out basement. The very back was made of a large rocky outcropping; Ardt had told him it had been a cave at first but his grandfather had turned it into a cellar back when the smithy was first built.
Ardt turned and almost made it back through the door before he turned back. “Oh, I almost forgot,” Ardt called loudly; the flooring over the basement was thick and strong and he wanted to be sure the boy heard him. “Be sure to bathe – Elva’s already prepared your bath – and put on clean clothes; Elva should have left some in the bath chamber. We’ll have a guest tonight.”
Yren frowned as he put his clothes on. Someone pretty important must be coming for dinner; Elva had laid out his worship clothes. Hasp wasn’t a large enough village to warrant a real temple of any denomination. Instead, the village meeting hall was set aside for a few hours on Seventhday and a few on Firstday; only four of the twelve gods were worshipped within Hasp. He joined the family at Deia’s prayers on Seventhday at 13 hours and he knew Burr’s prayers were after Deia’s. Tyln had the largest gathering at 12 hours on Firstday and Galal was worshipped after.
Just as the village wasn’t large enough to warrant a real temple to any one god or goddess, neither did it warrant an actual priest or priestess. Instead, a Deacon or Deaconess – a follower of the religion who took spiritual classes on the average of once a quarter – led the prayers under the auspices of the Priest or Priestess with whom they studied.
At least, that was how Deia’s worship was done and Yren assumed the others followed similar steps. Well, a Tyln Priestess did come out once a season just after the winter solstice and there had been a Deian Priest who had come out twice in the past nine seasons but those were exceptions rather than rules.
Regardless of who led worship, however, Elva had insisted they have a special, finely made set of clothing to wear during the weekly prayers. She laid them out in the morning of every Seventhday just before preparing an early lunch. The five of them would eat around 11 hours, wash and dress and then walk the short distance to the meeting hall for prayers. There were never more than a handful of families – the village was rather small, maybe a few hundred permanent people in total – and Yren couldn’t help but notice that the clothes he was wearing were far better than the other families. After prayer the clothes were carefully taken off, folded neatly and returned back to the special wicker basket in which they were kept; once a month, the basket would disappear for a day or two while the clothes were cleaned. The clothes changed as he grew out of them but the routine didn’t.
He felt out of place as he walked the short distance to the main room; he shared a room with Teran, Issa and Bena in the back of the house on the right side. In the back of the house, on the left side, were Elva and Ardt’s room and, in the middle of both, was a smaller room where the bathing tub was kept. He took the few steps from the bathing room door to the house proper shrugging his shoulders; the shirt Elva had made him was getting a little tight again. He would have to tell her to see if she could let it out a little or get him a new one.
Yren stopped as he entered the main room. The table was set like it was everyday but this time there was an extra place. Ardt, Elva and their daughters were seated – but so, too, was Vana Durthwight.
Vana was a young woman; she’d seen perhaps twenty seasons or so – perhaps a bit more. Her hair was the darkest brown Yren had ever seen and it fell in waves around skin that seemed as pale as a blooming white orchid. Within that pale expanse were gray eyes that seemed to light with their own inner fire, set above a nose that sloped gently down to lips that were the color of roses. She was one of the most beautiful women in the entire village, standing five-feet, eight inches tall with a generous bosom and a soft expanse across her rear. She was thin for all that, making her top and bottom seem all the more incredible.
She’d been married to Bayan Durthwight for a few seasons before the poor man had had a deadfall crush him. Goodman Durthwight – as Yren knew him – was a lumberman; falling trees were a miniscule but real occupational hazard. The man had been out on a Firstday, marking trees for cutting – a good lumberman knew not to take too much from the forest lest there be no trees in the future – when a deadfall he’d marked decided to give way before he could cut it. Another lumberman, Goodwoman Masick, had found him the following day.
Yren had no idea why Goodwoman Durthwight was here. When he’d been forced to wear his prayer outfit, he’d assumed the Baron or Baroness were coming to dinner, possibly to discuss a new commission; it had happened before but normally Elva and Ardt had fed him and the girls early and ordered them to remain in their room for the night while they hosted their landlords. He’d even considered perhaps it was the Viscount or Viscountess or even the Earl or Countess. To be dressed up like this for a Goodwoman had never entered his mind.
Strangely, they were all wearing their prayer clothes. Even Goodwoman Durthwight was dressed in her finery. He couldn’t understand why and his face showed his confusion.
“Joyous birthday, Yren,” Elva smiled as she stood.
Yren was shocked. He’d never paid much attention to months and seasons. He knew the months, of course; to know the gods was to know the months – Tylnae for Tyln, Kyrat for Kyr, Galalae for Galal, Oberat for Ober, Vystrat for Vystra, Yanae for Yan, Mephaef for Meph, Xat for X, Ta’at for Ta, Burrae for Burr, Deiat for Deia and Dagahae for Dagah – but he’d never paid much attention to them passing. In his world, he was concerned only with today and things were ordered as such; he’d started on Sir Givens’ sword five days earlier and he needed to start on shoes for one of Goodman Rivens’ horses in two days. He knew that seasons passed but he just didn’t pay attention to them.
“It’s my birthday?’
Elva laughed. “Yes. Of course it is. The tenth day of Xat.”
“Oh.” He hadn’t realized it was the month of Xat – much less, knew the actual day of the month. His lips started curling up at the edges but then curled down suddenly. His face grew even more confused. “How old am I?”
Ardt stood and walked over to Yren, clapping his hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Yren, I know we don’t celebrate birthdays – Deia’s teachings say not to glory in the passing of a season – but this is a big one for you. You’re fourteen seasons, now; you’ve reached your majority.”
Yren’s face looked stricken and his confusion deepened as his head tilted towards the floor. “I-I-I knew it was – it was ... coming. I just – I didn’t – I didn’t think it was this soon.”
He looked up, looking from Ardt to Elva. “Does this – I mean must I – am I going to have to leave now? I-I-I like it here.”
Ardt smiled and pulled the young man into a hug, unusual for Ardt since he was not big on displaying his affection. “Of course not, Yren! You’ll have to strike out on your own eventually – but that day has not yet come. You’ll know when you are ready. For now, nothing much has changed, really. You’ve become an adult so you can marry and start your own smithy should you choose – but you are welcome to stay here, with us, for as long as you’d like.”
“Oh.” Yren’s word was a sigh of relief. He’d been fairly frugal with his money, knowing that some day he would need to strike out on his own, so he certainly had enough to leave if he needed but he just wasn’t ready to leave quite yet. It was like working a blade; he’d know when his time here was finished. It just wasn’t finished yet; there was still something missing to it.
Elva hooked her arm into the young man’s and drew him to his seat at the table, Ardt’s arm around his shoulder. “Come. Let’s sit and celebrate your transition from boy to man.”
The table was generously rectangular; there’d been ample room for the six of them so fitting one more was no problem. Ardt and Elva sat on the table ends as normal but where Yren normally sat to Ardt’s right, Elva directed him to the seat on her left – directly across from Goodwoman Durthwight and next to Teran instead of directly across from her. Instead, Issa was seated on Ardt’s right and Bena was between Issa and Goodwoman Durthwight.
“It is nice to see you again, Goodwoman Durthwight,” Yren said politely. He was always mindful of his manners but most especially around Elva. The woman frowned deeply upon any slight or rudeness to guests. She even made him be polite to Teran – usually.
“Please, Yren,” the Goodwoman smiled, “you can call me Vana.” She caught his glance at Elva and chuckled. “It’s okay, now. You’re a man and, as a man, sometimes it’s appropriate to call familiar people by their first name. This is especially true when you’re talking to friends.”
Yren’s eyes grew wide and he looked to Elva surreptitiously. He had friends, of course, though not many; he worked long hours at the smithy and most of his free time was taken by Sir Givens. He counted Sir Givens’ daughter, Bremer, as his friend but not her older brother, Arclad, who had left this past season to follow in Sir Givens’ footsteps and become a knight. He even had a kind of friendship with Andwynn, Bremer’s younger sister – though the way she was constantly looking for attention set his teeth on edge.
He realized that Issa behaved similarly; maybe it was a young female thing. He certainly didn’t understand it. Then again, he didn’t understand much of anything that had to do with females.
Of course, he considered Issa a friend. He even considered Bena a friend, now that she’d mostly grown out of her babyish, manipulative ways. He was closer to them than he was to any others, though their time together had been cut very short thanks to their collective apprenticeships. They were different, though; they were his sisters.
Issa had been apprenticed to a seamstress – and she was very good. She had an eye for color and design that had created quite fascinating dresses that had sold for a good deal of coin not only around the village but even to the Baroness t’Hasp. She’d even sold a few to the Viscountess t’Allur and one to the Duchess of Wyst herself!
Bena was a different matter. She’d been taking lesson’s from Goodman Nordrey, a Deacon of Tyln. She wasn’t happy with what she was learning but the Baron bent his knee to Tyln so the Church of Tyln was very strong in the Lyx Barony. Yren knew that Ardt paid tithe to the Baron every month; it was the rent for Ardt’s shop and home. As such, he couldn’t refuse the Church; the Baron set the tithe and could increase it at his leisure. If he increased it to the point that Ardt couldn’t pay it, they’d all become debtors and the Baron could assign them whatever duties he wanted until they erased their debt. Bena would become a priestess anyway.
In Wenland, the crown ultimately owned all of the land; the leasing of that land – what most commoners considered a tax – allowed the crown to operate. The crown leased land to the six Grand Dukes and the Grand Dukes, in turn, leased parcels of their allotted land to the Dukes beneath them. And so it went, from Dukes to Marquesses to Counts (or, the more stylish, Earls) to Viscounts to Barons and finally to the common landholders.
In the coming season, Bena would be taken to a local Abbey of Tyln – likely the Abbey at Illster – where she would be isolated in study of Tyln and his mysteries for four seasons or more. When she was finally released from the Abbey, she would be a full Priestess of Tyln.
Elva looked over at Yren. She could see the young man was deep in contemplation though she didn’t know the subject. She assumed he was trying to come to grips with the fact he was now considered a man and he was trying to reconcile the changes. Trying desperately to control the smile that was threatening to escape, she tried to ease his mind. “It’s fine, Yren. You’re a man now and, while the manners I’ve taught you will hold in good stead, there are ... certain things ... that must change.”
Issa snorted at this, her face sullen. Elva raised an eyebrow at her middle daughter. She had pulled the younger girl aside and tried to explain what was going to happen this evening but her daughter had not taken the news well. Elva had thought the girl would hold her tongue and at least be civil through the meal but she’d obviously been mistaken. She probably should have taken the young girl to task but she had problems doing so; she understood her daughter’s misgivings and she couldn’t say for sure that they were unfounded.
As usual, the meal was delicious. Elva had prepared thick steaks, carrots and peas – one of Yren’s favorite meals though, to be fair, Yren’s favorite meal seemed to be the one in front of him at any given time. He had always been effusive with his praise no matter what Elva set before him. Steak was a rare treat since beef was so expensive. Hasp had farms filled with pigs, goats, chickens and lambs by the score but the closest cattle farm was just about a day’s journey to the north and cut meat went bad fairly quickly unless cured or smoked. The only time they were able to have steak was when the Baron bought a cow or two and had them butchered, selling the excess meat in the market.
“This is quite delicious,” Teran remarked as she finished another bite of the tender meat. They had eaten mostly in silence since the beginning of the meal, something rather unusual for the family. There had been some small talk around the table but it had mostly been pleasantries and compliments about the meal. It was one of the most uncomfortable dinners Yren could ever remember. “It tastes of such a rare seasoning, Mother. Wherever did you get it?”
Yren knew that something was amiss. Teran was trying to make a point; the tone of her voice and the use of ‘Mother’ rather than her normal ‘Mom’ were dead giveaways. She was either trying to make a point or needle someone and who was there to needle? Elva? She had complimented the woman.
“Thank you, Teran,” Elva replied but there was an undertone of steel in her voice that Yren couldn’t quite place. “Vana was nice enough to provide some herbs and seasonings.”
Yren noted that Issa’s face darkened at the news but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. It was as if there were a whole other conversation going on right around him, hidden in the plain words. He was baffled.
“What do you think, Yren?” Elva asked. “Do the seasonings make the meat taste any better?”
Yren caught Issa grimacing out of the corner of his eye. He was bemused with this second conversation and wanted to join in though he couldn’t figure out how. Instead, he just spoke simply. “They do add something to the meal,” Yren admitted, turning to Vana. “Thank you so much for bringing them, Goodwoman Durthwight.”
“May I be excused?” Issa said, suddenly rising and pushing her chair back with her legs. “I fear something I ate has upset my stomach.”
Yren frowned and sat back in his chair. Obviously, he’d said the wrong thing – but he wasn’t even aware of the topic of the second conversation, much less what his words were interpreted as.
“Of course, dear,” Elva replied, surprising Yren even more. Normally, Issa would have been reprimanded severely for such rudeness. Elva, though, was smiling at her daughter, a touch of sympathy in her eyes. Yren couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Issa was really sick – maybe that was what the hidden conversation was about. He only had to see the smug look on Teran’s face to realize he was wrong again. He’d missed something and he couldn’t help but feel that it was important.
He watched Issa leave and he could swear she had sobbed as she left the room. Was she really ill? “Should I look in on her, Elva? Maybe take her some grass water to help with her upset stomach?”
“No, Yren,” Elva smiled as she patted his hand. “I’m afraid her problem is more – female – in nature.”
Yren couldn’t help but look confused. He had no clue what that second conversation was about anymore. Worse, as he turned back to their guest, she looked distressed as well. Yren looked down at the meat. Had it gone bad?
“Perhaps I should call it a night as well, Elva. Ardt,” Vana said, pushing her meal forward. She favored Yren with a small, sad smile. “A most happy majority day, Yren.”
“Thank you, Goodwoman,” Yren replied with a tentative smile. He had no idea what was going on but it didn’t seem to be good.
“Yren, why don’t you walk Vana home?” Elva asked.
“Elva, I wouldn’t want to impose on him,” Vana replied, her eyebrows raised. Yren wondered if it were more of the hidden conversation.
“Nonsense,” Elva smiled. “He’s happy to do it, aren’t you Yren?”
Yren was startled. Elva had never asked him to walk someone home before. He wasn’t sure quite what to say. In the end, he decided to use his manners; they’d always been a good default position. “Of course. Please, Goodwoman Durthwight, it would be my pleasure.”
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The week following my initiation, Ann continued my accelerated education. We spend every moment of free time in bed, well, the bed, the kitchen table, the couch, the balcony. Essentially, every possible surface you can sex on. I was eager to learn and Ann was thrilled to teach me. In our spare time, Ann let me into her world. She told me many of her adventures, but the thing that amazed and appealed to me the most was her dedication. It wasn’t just that she liked sex, it was her complete...
I was in one of those dreadful meetings that come about every month at the office, but this time it was the best meeting ever. I had gone without sex for about two months and had just come off being sick, so I was ready to go, but I did not know I was this ready! We have a glass table in our conference room and the beautiful new woman Heather sat across from me. She had beautiful light red hair with and an absolutely perfect body. Her shirt was semi-low-cut and she had tits you could stare at...
The mage was asleep in the bathtub when Anders and I found her. I woke her gently, and the two of us helped her out of the tub and into some clean robes we’d brought from her room. Anders was obviously reluctant to touch her, but Solona showed no signs of nervousness around him, not even worrying about covering herself as she stepped naked out of the tub. I resolved to have a discussion with Anders about allowing her to determine how much contact she wanted – not to assume. She’d already...
The sickly sweet smell of burning flesh hung in the air and drifted down the road to the west. For two days, the enemy had marched into the wind smelling what they knew to be burning bodies. They didn't know who had died or how many. The result of the assault on their noses, a constant reminder that they were marching into a deadly situation, was disheartening. When the forces arrived at the citadel, their moral plummeted upon seeing Sid's army. Five thousand men of Sid's army were...
This scene features Sydney Cole in a fun sex tape with really good chemistry. We make out as I push her up against a wall, grabbing her butt and pulling her shorts down before bending her over and licking her pussy and ass. She gets on her knees and sucks my cock for a few minutes before I push her up against the wall and fuck her in a couple positions before moving to the bed. We have sex in a bunch of positions with a lot of kissing and oral sex. POV shots during blowjob and while she rides...
xmoviesforyouDr. Tercer heard his office door open. The two women he had been expecting where here. They would be pivotal for his experiments. He got up from his desk and approached the two ladies.There was a tall red head, she had a very cute face and a button nose. She was kind of boney, lanky and she was at least six feet tall. He knew she was quite intelligent and interested in his experiments and had been following his work for a while. He decided to address her first. "Hello, Catherine. We've...
Zach and Carol got dressed and left the dressing room before there was any further incident. Carol was both aroused by being caught fucking in the dressing room and dismayed by the fact her son knew Lindsay, one of her clients. They quickly headed for the car. Once they were on the road, Carol asked her son how he had come to know Lindsay. "I met her at a coffee shop one day when it was crowded and we shared a small table and struck up a conversation. We met a couple more times and I asked her...
Xena strode quickly through the town, a wonderful advantage to having such long legs- let alone the looks she received from both male and female eyes. She chuckled to herself at that. She had seen her 22nd Summer start weeks ago, and was off to celebrate as well as she could with the 13 dinars she had. Only one tavern could satisfy her right now- The White Phoenix. She hadn't been there in awhile... Their mead was some of the best she had ever found. She paused as she heard a scuffling coming...
I am a breeder, not your average breeder of dogs; or horses; or pigs; or anything like that; no, I breed humans. Usually it is by request, a man whose wife or girlfriend has suddenly decided her cunt is too good for his cock, or who he has discovered to be opening her legs to someone else. Perhaps he simply sees a girl he wants to have impregnated. In any case, he contacts me. I stalk the subject until I know her every move and at the right time I strike. She wakes up to find herself in my...
100% true story:I had always wanted to try with a guy, always posting ads on Craigslist but if I am totally honest I would always bottle it, have a wank fantasising about it but then never meet. The idea of being naughty just made me so horny. I had even come really close in some toilets with a guy in a cubicle!! One day I just decided enough was enough and I wanted to actually go through with it!!I posted an ad on craig list asking that I knew some quiet toilets on the a40 and if anyone wanted...
Paradise - 3751 C.E. The space station may have been christened Paradise, although it hadn't always been known by that name, but even Isaac knew that the real paradise to which he expected to ascend would never be like this. This eight hundred year old space colony in the war-torn Meteorite Belt could never deserve such a name. But for Isaac and the several thousand other would-be martyrs from all corners of the Solar System it would be home for the year or so it would take them to prepare...
Kate, Part 2 By Ricky Having made the decision to live as Kate over the summer, I spent even more time on the net, reading and learning. What did men with a need to crossdress do before the Internet? It must have been incredibly lonely. The evening we agreed to make Kate a real person, I ordered a voice training CD and subsequently spent a lot of time talking to a tape recorder. For that matter I spent a lot of time looking for a tape recorder; they're going the way of the...
It had been called the Futile Gesture. Now my old Cosmic Intruder star ship had been renamed the Long Stalk by my Vix family. That star ship was bait for a trap—a HoChaRa operative that had orchestrated at least three attacks on the Paxlyn Domain. I had been one of those attacks—a plague carrier. I had blunted the second attack at the planetary zoo. Three days had passed since the trap had been baited. I had the same nightmare eight times during those three days. I dreamed that the HoChaRa...
By: Arundev Dayal Sheetal was feeling very uncomfortable with the advent of monsoon. This happens every year around this season ever since she lost her husband 15 years ago. She was an affluent lady looking after her dad’s business and bringing up her only child Dharmesh. Dharmesh was a young man of 18 now. Tall and handsomely built, with a figure of 38 24 34, he has a workout for 90 minutes each day. He has just completed class 10 but strangely he is not attached to his mom. She leaves for...
IncestThis is a true story. Names have been changed to protect the key players. My wife, Sue was short but very well built. Everywhere that we went other men could be seen to eye her off and it was obvious to me that she enjoyed all the attention. She loved sex. I was a bit of a stud in my day when it came to endurance so we would often have several sex sessions in a night. At the time of this story, we had 2 c***dren, a boy and a girl and we had decided that we would have no more c***dren. We...
I started my wicked plan from the day he moved in. I hated my mom she was a witch. She had cheated on my real dad numerous times.When dad was away on work trips I would often lay in bed at night listening to some guy she had picked up in a bar fuck her brains out. The grunts & moans were at first all to much for me & I was disgusted, but over the years as I grew into a woman I would lay there naked on top of the sheets squeezing my tiny titties & rubbing the thin wisks of pubic hair...
My breath was coming in deep sighs and I shifted my hips. The warm, moist pumping motion was steady and constant, but the sensations varied between short, quick and hard and slow, long and deep. Throbbing, pumping, pulsating around my rock-hard erection. Eyes closed, it felt like I had been taking this feeling for forever, and I knew I couldn’t last for much longer.“M-m!” mom disagreed when a powerful spurt of thick goo suddenly shot into her mouth. “M-m-mm-m!” complained my mother, who was on...
IncestThe Power of advertising I've been cleaning out my mother's house. Furniture, objects, books, even clothes have presented few problems. My sister has taken some, a local women's refuge has accepted with pleasure much of the furniture and clothes that neither Rhona or I want, but the boxes of papers, letters and photographs have been and are a problem. Yes, I could just dump the lot, there is nothing of legal necessity to keep, but there is so much family history. Some papers are...
So, yeah. Jennifer was pissed at me for fooling around with her little sister. I assume she was pissed at her sister too since obviously I didn't undress her. The two of them left in a huff with Jennie ignoring me and Mary looking directly at me as her sister pulled her into the car.Later, I was unloading my bedroom laundry hamper and, what's this? A pair of white panties! White cotton panties! Yes, they were my girlfriend's little sister's panties and, yes, I seriously checked them out. I...
Meri age is time 20 hai aur kad kuch zayda lambe nien hai 5 feet ho ga mien bot smart hun aur meri chest 36 hai. Aur mien jb b bazar jati hun to logon ki chubti hoi nazrien apni chest par feel krti hun, meri sirf aik sis hai jo muj sy bari thi aur jis k shadi ho chuki hai dad job at bank and mom is house wife. Meri yeh story jb mien 17 ki thi colege f.a mien , mein 14 sy hi jwan samji jany lagi bt hamary ghar ka mahol bot sakht hony ki wja sy kuch khas waqia nien howa siwa logo ki nzron k Mien...
Just in case you haven't read part one, let me describe Jessica briefly for you. She's about 5'7" and weighs around 140 lb. She has beautiful black hair and a juicy set of tits which were usually showing off some cleavage through her tight, low cut blouses. Her legs were probably my favorite feature. They were long, tan, and silky smooth to touch. I could spend hours in between them just kissing and caressing them. The best part is Jessica loved having sex and she let me do just...
Hey my name is Azeem I have been reading the sex stories for a while and finally wanted to share one of my experience with everybody. I’m from Pakistan and this is my story I read a lot of sexy stories on because it gets my horny I really like the ones with aunties and cousin sisters because I could relate to them. About myself I’m 22 now but this happened when I was 20 and my cousin sister Emmna who was 18. Emmna is a dark skinned girl with small tits and a huge ass the size of Bangladesh....
IncestThe laughing boy raced happily down the narrow sandy beach plunging headlong into the cool, clear water. His arms flailed wildly, splashing like a hooked salmon for a moment, then he stood up, knuckling the water from his eyes with his forefingers. "Auntie Ann, Auntie Ann," he yelled at the tan blonde girl lying on the blanket not too far away. "Come on in, come on in and race me to the raft!" "Okay, Jimmy," she yelled back slipping a white bathing cap over her long blonde hair. "Be...
It was a miserable wet evening and I had decided to scratch my planned walk on the seafront and work late. Now I was 8:30 p.m. and, too tired to bother cooking, I decided to drive to a local Indian restaurant on my way home. It was a place I had previously frequented every week, but a change of jobs had taken me to a different locality. For some reason on this night I thought to revisit after more than a year, even though it meant a circuitous route home that added a couple of miles to the...
“Are you ready for this?” Amanda’s question shook my thinking. I looked at her and Jeanette with a smile. “I guess.” Jeanette spoke. “I have been looking forward to this for a while now. How about you?” Amanda nodded her head. “Are you kidding me? I have been so excited about this for the past couple of weeks. I’ve had to resort to use padding in my panties to soak up all my juices so they won’t soak through to my jeans the past couple of days.” Jeanette laughed. “I know how you feel.” And...
NovelsI met Dontay and Andy when My father sent me to live with my mother after I he had caught me making out with our the family dog,I was so horny he walked in as I lay on my back on the bed jerking off with my legs in the air and Milly the Schnauzer licking my asshole. How embarrassing, he still looks at me as some kind of freak. My mom lived with a black man named Tony and his two sons who were both older. It was the first time that I had ever had any real encounters with black people and I was...
My story starts at the beginning of last summer, when my husband Simon and I moved to a new town in Southern England, along with our two young sons, and into a newly built house on a brand-new housing development.We are both the same age, approaching the end of our twenties, with the big ‘THREE-ZERO’ looming ever closer. We have been happily married since we were both aged twenty, and our two boys are now aged five and six. We are a couple very much in love with each other, and have a contented...
Lesbianmy mother in lawive told you all about fucking my mother in law before, today is no different.i have been buying my wifes christmas presents off the internet and getting them posted to her mums house.well yesturday i got a txt from her mum telling me that there was aload of parcels at her house. so i drove over to get them, when i went into the living room were the parcels were i could see one off the bags was opened. my mother in law was up the stairs so i went up to see her when i noticed...
Chapter 10 Chris Hudson's world had changed in ways he could have never imagined. A few weeks ago he was a typical teenager, trying to get into his girlfriend's pants, partying with his friends, and playing lacrosse for his high school team. Suddenly he was a more mature, if still young man that was more than a little infatuated with his thirty eight-year-old mother. He no longer cared that he didn't have a girlfriend. In addition, lacrosse, always his first love, didn't mean that much to him...
A Whole New Wardrobe ? by: TheNewGerri Slowly Linda pulled down her panties and smiled at me. I lay on the bed on watched this amazing woman do her erotic strip tease and I felt myself respond. "Like what you see?" she purred at me as she reached behind to unclasp her bra. She held the cups against her chest as the straps dangled aimlessly. I whistled my appreciation and patted the bed beside me. She smiled and asked if I had given any thought to her request. "Such a small...
It was in the middle of summer and I was alone in the town I was living for a week or so. I had booked some time off work and my flatmate at the time was away on holiday. I had decided I was going to make the most of my time by myself and spend some time exploring the cottages around the local area.I was already horned up by the time I left the house. I had prepped myself with a thorough enema, and had relaxed my hole using the largest butt plug I owned. I made sure I had lubed myself and had a...
You see, I have a kink for being their first, it really turns me on, and they definitely enjoy it, so it’s more a mutual satisfaction arrangement. The money is just a nice gift, and helps me look a little less strange. I find people prefer to think your doing it just for the money, rather than you just enjoy taking their ‘innocence’. I don’t advertise of course, but word gets around, and so does my number, and rarely a month goes by without me taking a virgin’s cherry. Male virgin of...
My first time with a man wasn't really planned. I was alone in park jerking off in my car one night. Then suddenly another car pulls into the parking lot. Lights blaring. At first I thought it might have been a cop car. So I didn't want to arouse suspicion. I was able to ease my t-shirt down to a slightly normal position.However, my pants were a different matter all together. I could not get them up in time. So I just sat there still and tried to appear calm as possible.Next thing I knew the...
Hello readers This is Rohit.I am a regular reader of ISS after reading all these stories I finally decided to submit mine.These stories helped me to end up in bed with my aunt.Girls and aunties in vizag can contact me at This is an absolutely real story.Coming to the story I live in vizag with mom and dad.My dad works as a manager and mom as a teacher in a school.It all started during my summer holidays after my 12th exams .I was feeling really bored at my vacation and finally decided to visit...
“Yes Mistress I promise.” John said obediently. This was driving him wild. He was dying to know what was going to happen. His cock was now so hard and pushing so strongly against his underwear that it was actually a bit painful. “I think I will have Jen begin the night.” Said the haunting voice coming from nowhere it seemed. “Jen would you begin by kindly removing your shoes? And place your bare feet just under John’s nose but do not allow them to touch him at all.” Jen took off her shoes. It...
Hello mai rahul from valsad (Gujarat) M I ID (guru4you.929) mai apni ye tisri stori lekar aplogo ke samne ayahu ageki maine apni stori mai sonal bhabhi ko khub choda tha or mai jab uske ghar par gaya tha tab maine uski badi bahe jo baroda se aye thi uska nam Aruna tha vo kafi sexy aurat thi uski umar karib 36 thi or uska figure kariban 33-30-36 tha us ka rang gora tha uske do bachhe the magar lagta nahi tha ki uske do bache honge usska sariri bhara tha bhara hua badan or bade boobs ki mallika...
Magic Panties Ch. 03bynolfon1©This story is a work of fiction, all characters are fictional and obviously the events are fake. You may reprint this as needed, just give credit to the author. If any differences occur between continuity, accept the one you like better as truth, and enjoy!*For those just joining us, let me recap, my name is Rachel...er, Roy, yeah let's go with Rachel, and a few days ago a pair of panties got delivered to my house, I tried them on, and since then I've been...
I wish I could think clearer than I do. I wish I could see things better than I do. Sometimes, when you can see everything, you miss the things that matter most.My job? Seeing. And I see a lot. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say I see everything. Everything important, anyway. I stare down the screens packed into a small room, and make sure nothing bad happens. Security. Of course, nothing bad ever does happen, but maybe it’s because people know there are cameras, people know...
In bed with his lovely wife, Steve Benson enjoyed the thrill of having Jill frantically sliding her slick and horny cunt down over his stiff throbbing cock. Closing his eyes, Steve's mind brought back the erotic images of the other week as he pictured his beautiful young wife being fucked out of her mind by his buddy Mike Jones. He had set it all up himself, giving his buddy Mike the okay to put the make on Jill, hoping that Mike would be successful in seducing Jill and that he would get to...
My wife Amber has often claimed that she doesn’t particularly like sex often, but uses it just to play. When you see her, you understand why it is so easy for her. Amber is about 5’7’’, has big brown eyes and long gorgeous legs. Her large breasts are tipped with unusually large nipples that get very long when they are hard. She knows the effect of those breasts and always hard nipples, especially combined with her size 4 waist and perky butt and always wears clothes that exhibits her attributes...
I had just finished another argument with my mother over me not finding a wife and providing her with grandchildren. We've been having these arguments once a week now. Before, it wasn't so bad. She'd get on me about not having a wife and children every couple of months. I was becoming sick and tired listening to the same bullshit. She just wouldn't get off my back. I think all this arguing stems from the time when I was a boy. Back then, my mother always wanted more kids around, but...
As an army brat, moving from state to state was a common occurrence with me and my parents. My dad was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army and my mom did a lot of work around the house that he wasn't able to tend to. I was an only child, so the days got boring and lonely. At 18 years old, I'd been the new kid at school a total of seven times which was equal to the amount of states I'd called home. Our most recent stop on the tour was in Indiana. My first day of school had come, and I...
I awaken at the first rays of light streaming through the curtains. I slip out of bed, freshen up in the bathroom, and make my way to the kitchen. I start the coffee pot, and soon the rich aroma fills the cottage. I hear you in the bathroom, and soon you make an entrance into the kitchen. "Good morning, Sunshine," I quip, " How did you sleep?""Solid as a rock," you say as you rub your eyes."Coffee?" I ask."Absolutely!" you say with gusto."What would you like in it?" I ask."Cream, and lots of...
CrossdressingIt's Nick again. I recently found out I'm Bisexual. I discovered it by having two guys, Butch and Steve, catching me watch them have sex in the gym shower after hours one night. Since then I've been their little fuck toy every Wednesday night after our work out.I'm 5'11", tan, and in good shape. Steve is 6'6", blonde, slender and athletic and Butch is also 6'6" with red hair and the body of a professional body-builder (which he was).One night after our Wednesday work out, we all headed to the...
Hi, ISS readers, how are you? By the way, I am Nani, my age is 27, my height is 5’8, with a good physique. I live near to Visakhapatnam. I was excited by reading stories on our favorite site. I also want to share my experiences with you. Coming to my story I am going to explain how I fucked my friend’s sister. Here the story turns around three persons Me (Nani) My friend (Raju) name changed. His sister (Rani) name changed. Every time I visit my friend’s house, I talk with everyone in his...
Introduction to the Joys of Meeting GranniesAbout four years ago I got divorced at 49. I dated a bunch of women in their late forties and all I heard about was there ex’s or their screwed up k**s. Then one day I was in an upscale bar in Tucson and noticed a group of about twenty-five well dressed and obviously wealthy older men and women talking and having a great time. I went over and discovered they all belonged to a singles-over-sixties group and I was shocked!!! These women looked great and...
The rest of the day went by quickly. When the carillon struck four, I was halfway between Mudd and the library, and not in any particular hurry. Let her wait a little, I thought. And yes, I can be that petty. Not often, but enough. Amy was sitting at one of the tables in the back. The place was fairly busy, but she had picked a table away from most of the crowd. She looked up as I approached, an uncertain smile on her face. "Sorry I'm late," I said as I slid into the seat opposite hers....
[This story stands alone, though it fits into the bigger 'Out of the Closet' story. It was planned as Chapter 5, but my muse has been badgering me for months to release it sooner. I learned my lesson and will obey. She's stopped me from writing before when I didn't listen. It fits in the time line about 16 weeks after Out of the Closet, ch 1.] In his mother, Lou had a built in baby sitter for the night. He and Bev felt they had to get away for a break, so before leaving, Bev pumped some...
This a story based of my own experiences. Exaggerated a bit of course, but, why not ;D Hope you enjoy!Last night was a night I’ll never forget. Last night was the night I let my wife take over in bed. Just last week she discovered my stash of toys I had hidden from her for some time now. I had really taken a liking to ass play so I bought all sorts of different toys; from just plain old dongs and beads to huge plugs, I definitely had made a good collection. The thought of her husband being into...
Monday morning when I left for KCC, the 11 vehicles were in the parking lot at the gym. Mark, Bob and two of his engineers were already boarding the King Air for Altoona, Pa. The vehicles were going to the up fitters for the light and decal package. They promised to have all of them ready in the ten days we had left. A week from Saturday, they needed to drive through the gate at Rochester. Marcy's Thursday and Friday meeting with the Utility Coop had been postponed and was happening today...
If the audience thought they were turned on with the appearance of a naked goddess in the form of Nina Vaginsky then they probably didn’t know that they were going to get even more turned on with her brief interview with Chris Maple. In that interview she told the audience that she wanted to be a fully licensed sex worker when she left school. She wanted to teach men and women alike how to have great sex and to be able to give great sex as well. She wanted all married men who felt frustrated...
The Innocent Audience. My girlfriend Alena and I have a ground floor flat in a three storied house in a quiet Prague Suburb. The windows of our kitchen overlook the back garden which is also joined to the back garden of the house opposite. There is a gate in the fence that separates the two gardens. She is very attractive with long red hair, a pretty face with high cheekbones, and a neat straight nose over a beautiful full mouth with well defined lips. Her figure is statuesque and...