Vacation?Chapter 22 free porn video

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Day Twenty-two - Monday

I woke at six snuggled to Sue's back with my left hand clutching a breast. I squeezed the breast and kissed her neck thinking that we might get something started. She moaned and turned over for some wakeup kisses. We kissed for only a few seconds when her eyes opened wide and her hand shot down to her crotch.

She brought it up and looked at it and said, "Shit," getting out of bed quickly and going to the bathroom. She came out and grabbed her panties, put them on then stuffed some toilet paper in them.

"I've started my period. I think it's early as I still have a couple of pills left. I have to go home and get some supplies. Don't mess with the sheets, I'll wash them later. I've got to go, I'll be right back."

She left in a rush. I looked at the bed and there was not a spot anywhere. I put on the coffee then took a quick shower, put on jeans, one of my new shirts, and my new boots. Grabbing a cup of coffee I went out to the patio and turned on the light.

This was a neat signal. Glenda came walking across the yard with Hanna while Tiny and Ruth came from the other direction. A minute later, Shawna walked up. The girls were all wearing conservative terrycloth or thick robes this morning. Not showing anything.

Shawna bitched, "I got my damned period this morning, now the world has to pay for me being female for a couple of days. Warning, I am not a nice person when I get this."

Hanna laughed, "Must be in the water out here, mine came too, I don't think I'm early but then I'm not the best at keeping track."

Tiny looked at Ruth and rolled his eyes. Ruth spoke up, "Don't feel like the lone stranger, I popped my gasket this morning too, right in the middle of some damn good loving. Sure glad the giant isn't put off by that stuff. It was too good to stop. But I had to put the sheets and mattress pad in to soak."

Sue had come up during Hanna's exclamation looked at Shawna with a questioning look who nodded then said, "Damn, all of us at once? Well at least we must be in sync with each other."

Glenda laughed, "I guess I have all the men to myself for a couple of days. Okay guys, take a number, I'll be with you as soon as I can."

"You wish," Martin said as he came onto the patio, "You wouldn't know how handle all these guys. They would be way to much for any one woman."

Charlie came up on the patio and said, "Where do I get my number, Glenda's a prize. I get firsts."

"First at what Charlie?" asked Jim said as he arrived. "You're always trying to do something with someone."

Shawna, the least bashful of the bunch proclaimed, "For you two sleepy head's information, all four of us have begun our periods this morning which means the bitchiness begins, as of right now."

Charlie and Jim looked at each other and groaned at the same time, "Oh shit."

I brought out more coffee and made some more.

Ruth asked Sue if she was going to the gym or get some sun saying, "If you don't get back out in the sun, you're going to lose that dynamite tan."

"I guess I'm going to have to work out a schedule for myself too. The gyms important but I don't have to tan. I can always use the tanning booth they have," Sue said thinking about the problem.

Ruth said, "I don't have to stay out in the sun long just about ten to fifteen minutes on the front and the back about same. You can afford a half-hour right. Besides you could swim a half-hour and tan a half-hour getting your exercise and tan all at once.

"We might do that," Sue said looking at me. "Steve has a bunch of things he wants to do today though."

I asked Jim, "I'm going to bring my bike in so if you have the used parts, put them on, otherwise order them in and do whatever service is scheduled on that thing. I really want to get back on the road.

"That'll work, I'll let the service guys know your family. They'll take care of you," Jim said. "Time for me to get, I have to punch the clock."

Charlie said he had a bunch of work to get caught up on and said he would see us later. Shawna smiled and followed him.

Tiny said to Ruth, "Stay out in the sun a little longer today and get your vitamin C. It will make you nicer to be around. I have to get going early, I have a big day."

Hanna looked at Ruth, "I'm off today, can I come with you? I need some sun."

"Sure honey, we'll go over and tease some guys. They don't know that we're out of commission," Ruth laughed.

"I ain't out of commission," Hanna smiled. "That's what plastic sheets are far. Are you kidding, I'm not giving up dick just because I'm bleeding. I have to be a little careful but Jim is as gentle as can be. Not to worry Ruth, if Tiny needs some help, I'm ready and just as horny as ever."

Shawna advised us, "Charlie won't let me go to work when I have my period because I am a bitch when I'm on the rag. I'll send him over to you Glenda or you Hanna cause I don't want anything to do with men for a couple of days," Shawna said then continued. "I want to sunbathe with you guys though, it might make me feel better."

By now the sun was getting Florida bright. I looked around, "Alright girls anyone that wants to go for a swim and get some sun, get your suit on, grab your lotion, a towel, and let's get. Times a wastin'."

The five women went in mostly five directions. Martin said, "You sure know how to get them moving. Man, five women, four on the rag, you're nuts. I'm stayin' right here. Leave the door open and I'll have some more coffee and clean up. I'd either stay here or watch the place."

"Okay Martin, it's a deal," I said going in to put on my swimsuit and grab a towel. As I passed the counter I added tanning lotion to my 'things to buy' list.

Hanna, Shawna and Ruth stretched out in hot morning Florida sun while Sue and I got in the pool and swam. We pounded the water fast and hard for close to a half-hour before we gave up. We spent long enough oiling each other down that the other three were chiding, "Get a room."

Sue watched the time and had us flip at fifteen minutes. When the next fifteen minutes was over she said, "Let's wind ourselves again in the pool then go get some stuff done. We did a good job tiring our bodies out, as my arms are almost numb."

Sue went to her place to shower and dress while I showered and dressed in my trailer. I redressed in the same clothes as I had on when I started the day and met Sue outside. I had her drive the pickup while I rode the bike to the Harley store on Dale Mabry. Jim was at the service desk when I walked in and said, "You're in luck. You have a choice of new or used."

The bike was used so it didn't make any difference if the dash, fairing and windshield were used. I saved over one hundred fifty by buying used. Jim said I could pick it up this afternoon if I paid the people up front now. He told me that paid for work always goes to the front of the line. I reminded him of the service work and he said he knew the bike and it wasn't due for much. He would make sure it was done.

Sue and I left for an opportunity to pick up some used Onan mobile generators to rebuild and resell. The place was actually a junk dealer. He had almost new stuff to some old machinery that was made before he was born and he was old.

He had seven big generators and four compressors. At least half looked like they could be put back into service. The others were questionable. He had it in his head the eleven pieces were a package deal. I think he just wanted to clear some space. We were not anywhere near an agreement when I spotted something. He had what looked like a brand new group of equipment setting together, just what I was looking for. A commercial compressor, a big parts washer and a bead blaster. The gloves in the bead blaster didn't look like they had ever been used. The other pieces of equipment were a sand blasting unit and a commercial pressure washer.

The guy saw me looking at the equipment and he said that if I would pay him a grand a piece for the eleven units he would throw the stuff I was looking at in for five hundred.

That probably wasn't a bad deal but I really didn't want five of the units and that represented five grand. I tried to explain that to him. He threw his hands up and said, "okay, okay, give me seven fifty each and I'll give you the stuff you want."

I grimaced to make it look good then shook my head. Take a check or do you want a credit card. And how much to get it delivered. He soaked me another five hundred to get them all over to the storage place but said they would be delivered around three. I called the shop and asked Abe if he could be there at three to take delivery of a bunch of stuff and he said he could be. I told him that he would be busy for a while. He laughed and said, "Bring it on." I mentioned that he needed to arrange a couple of parking spaces together so we could store the units before they were rebuilt.

That took care of a bunch of items on my list. I took Sue to lunch at a little café in an industrial park I had seen. We found out it was run by a Greek guy whose family had run the restaurant there for fifty years. This kid knew everyone in business in the area. Hopefully he enjoyed Sue's cleavage within her industrial strength bra as he stared at it the entire time we spoke. He kept coming over to our table to get another look. I know Sue's chest is the eighth wonder of the world but jeez, the guy was really obvious. Sue thought it was funny.

From there I went to see Gene real quick to get an estimated timing on when they would need the next frame. He said I could do another with materials he had any time. The sooner the better but it wasn't critical like the last one. He also said that a couple of team owners had looked at my work and wanted me to call them. Gene went to his office and came back out with names and phone numbers. He gave a little advice. Some owners are good pay some are really slow. You might want to make sure you have an agreement in writing when you will be paid, you know, like when the work is accepted. He also suggested that I should sell the tubing and make a profit, as most of the owners didn't shop the price very well.

I told Gene that when he buys tube steel next to let me prime the place where I got my materials and perhaps we could do better. He said he wanted to try a frame with my idea of 18 percent stainless and see how the car drives.

From there we went to the car builder to make sure he had his tubing and the copies of the blue prints. He did and I said I would set up and start tomorrow. I wrote out a simple agreement that said he would pay me upon acceptance.

It was still early enough so I drove to the DMV and stood in line to get my picture and permanent carry permit. With that done, we went to the shop.

Abe was showing a guy with a big flatbed where he wanted the units. The delivery people had a forklift that was able to pick up the units and put them right in place. Abe had looked at them and told the driver to put one at his workshop along with the flat full of the extras I had gotten thrown in.

We wrestled the compressor we were going to use into place where the electrician could wire it. I told Abe to have a plumber put pipe around his shop and around my future shop with air connectors. We also needed a good dryer for the air compressor so any tools we used would stay in good condition.

We put the washer and bead blaster in place, the sand blaster in my space, and the pressure washer in the storage area.

I wrote in my 'to buy' note book, fluid for the parts washer, beads, shop towels, air chocks and some air hose.

Abe was already messing with the generator he picked out. He said he needed some diesel fuel so I told him to take it out of the big truck if he wanted then we would order fifty-five gallon drums of fuel with a hand pump like the stuff used on construction jobs. Abe suggested we buy gas as well because some of the units are gas burners and some are diesel.

I went up to the office to ask about hazardous storage. The owner said he appreciated that I came to ask him. He said to store it with a lock and key in one of my parking spaces. He gave me the name and phone number of some fuel delivery people. I used my cell phone to call them. The guy asked if this was for construction or off road use. When I said generators and compressors, the guy gave me a price that was sixteen cents a gallon under what you pay at the pump. I ordered the two products with hand pumps and locking nozzle. The person who I talked to said a driver should be by before we closed today. After I gave him my credit card number, he said a driver would check and refill the barrels every two weeks on his regular route.

Back at the shop, Abe asked me when my steel tubing was coming. I thought that since it was coming by truck, delivered from either Akron, Ohio or Dunedin, New York, the tubing and flat steel would be here probably by the end of the week.

The electrician came by to finish the lights in the big unit so I had him wire the compressor. The bead blaster and parts washer operated off 110 and we had an outlet where they were needed already.

Telling Abe I would be back in less than an hour, I went to ACME industrial supply. I bought two types of parts washing fluid in five gallon bottles. Next was a hundred pound bag of beads. They had a huge case of shop towels with a fifty- percent rebate if you used their cleaning service for the towels. I knew they had a bunch of air equipment so I bought the dryer, a kit with all the different types of air tools except impact wrenches, a thirty foot pull down air hose and two twenty-five foot hoses with fittings already on them.

On the way back we stopped at a gas station and repair shop that had a Snap-On driver making his regular route visit. I asked him if he covered the storage place and he did. When I said that we were a new shop and needed a complete set of impact tools, he asked if he could stop by after this call. I smiled happily saying, "Come on down."

Back at the shop, I unloaded everything, filled the bead blaster, put the jugs next to the parts washer and worked on installing the dryer for the compressor. As a temporary fix I used a twenty-five foot hose to connect the reel pull down unit that I mounted on the door side of the big work bench.

There was a motor starting, coughing and spitting then catching and finally smoothing out. It ran for a minute then shut off. A couple seconds later, it cranked up again, this time smoothing out instantly.

Outside Abe was busily making adjustments of the big generator he had put down by the shop. He shut it down saying the motor was in great shape as was the generator. The best he figured it had probably been used only once or twice before being set out to be left unused, rusting. He said the oil was old but still clean, that's how unused the generator was.

Abe made a list of, tires, paint and oil saying this and two others we had bought were the largest top of the line industrial generators available. He bragged that Onan had made such a good product about ten years ago, they had not changed one thing on them since.

When he told me that this generator sold new for over thirty thousand right now, I asked him where we were going to find a buyer for something so expensive used. With a big grin, Abe told me that if the local guy didn't buy it, he knew of several big construction companies that would willingly pay fifteen or better for a good used product. The idea of doubling my money on the first item sold made me giddy. I choked while drinking from a water bottle.

Sue was standing in the shop with her hands on her hips, laughing at me, "You were so afraid to take all of those units, you made the man take far less than they were worth. Aren't you ashamed."

Abe answered her, "Never be ashamed of negotiating a good deal. If the guy was going to lose money, he wouldn't have sold Steve everything he brought here. I don't know what he paid for all this, and I don't care, what I know is that I have six or seven months of work out there plus anything else that Steve or I can bring in. This is the happiest I've been since I retired. I work when I want to and I get to work on what I want to. This," he waved at the shop, "is becoming a first class shop."

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My Cuckold Genesis 2

Friend of mine got a girlfriend. She cheated him with the other friend. They were like Pigglet and Pooh (I mean the size). So... My girlfriend met the Pooh. We were drinking beer with friends at the bar. Joking, talking, drinking more. I wasnt like we want to do something, or get drunk and travel in space and time, but we just wanted to be there with something to wet our mouths. The Pooh and my friend were looking at my attractive girlfriend with the scanning eyes, checking her from head to the...

1 year ago
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Dharma and Greg and the Triumph of SO THERE

Dharma and Greg, and the triumphant of SO THERE! By Eric A desperately serious story! Thanks to Caleb Jones for the idea, and some suggestions. Also thanks to Steve Z for editing. As our newlyweds were having a quiet dinner, Greg forced himself to dismiss the oddly predatory gleam in Dharma's eyes. He figured, as usual, that she just wanted to get laid. When Dharma led him upstairs to the bedroom - he thought smugly - right again. The incredibly sexy, tall blond was all over...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 52 Priorities in line

Sasami had been standing in line for over twenty-five minutes now. Not that she minded particularly. She'd once seen a show, about a big sci-fi convention. Remembering the program only now, because at the time she had thought all those people were idiots! Standing around, waiting to hear some over the hill actor, reminisce and blow about how he was glad to be there! "This was different!" She thought defensively. Mildly angry at herself for the inference. "This isn't Captain Kirk! Its...

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Gay Bottom Sucks Straight Guy8217s Cock

Hi. This is not a story but a record of real events. I just feel like sharing and so here it is. I am Tarun and I am a bottom staying in Secunderabad. The basic information about me can be found in my profile. Let me get to the incident. There is this cruising spot in Secunderabad. One evening, I went there to check out the place. Having found no one, I was wandering for some time. Just when I was about to leave, I saw that a bike passes from my side. Two young guys were sitting on the bike. I...

Gay Male
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Prelude to a Cruise Chapter 1

Michelle called me a little after noon and said she was on her way home. I asked her how the dance was, and she said she’d tell me about it when she got home.I’d been anxious ever since she left the day before. Today was the first day of our forced abstinence and if she had a seriously sexy story to tell me, I knew that I was in grave trouble already. It’d been five days since we made love and I was already seriously horny. I had no clue in hell how I was going to survive the next thirty days...

Wife Lovers
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Divine Intoxication

Note : This story is completely fictional! One of the girls at the publishing company where I work asked me if I would like to go to church with her. Tonya had been attending what she referred to as Sacred Name Chapel for several months and raved about the ‘spiritual awakening’ she received at each service. I don’t like to walk in a church cold, not knowing anything about the doctrine or statement of faith. So I did a little research. I didn’t find out much about the church but I did come...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 28 You Could Always Say No

December 3, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Hi!” Melissa exclaimed when I arrived at her house on Sunday afternoon. “How are you?” “Good! I’ve missed our relaxation therapy sessions!” “Things have been busy. Next weekend is busy as well. You’ll have to come by one evening this week.” “I’d ask you join me in the Jacuzzi, but you’re here for Michelle. Are you staying the night?” “I don’t know,” I said. “It depends on Michelle, and if she hasn’t told you, then nobody knows except her.” “If you...

1 year ago
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Side Effects

After I graduated from high school, I decided not to go to college or university. I wanted to earn money and see the world, because I thought I am good at English. But before looking for a job, I wanted to spend some time in Tokyo. I grew up in Osaka and the Kansai area is pretty familiar to me. But Tokyo was something different, more modern, and more international. My 18 months older brother went to university in Tokyo and he allowed me to stay in his small flat. It had two small tatami...

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The Wild West prt 1

"Well hello again, Granny" He spat in my face. "That was just uncalled for, wasn't it, Granny?" His real name was Grant, and he was called that because he liked older women. "Fuck you, Rock" "Hey, hey, we're all friends here...Right?" As I said this I steadily increased exertion on his chest, cutting of his air. "Gagk...Fuu...Stra" "Hmmmm, what was that, Granny?" I slowly decreased the pressure so he could talk. "I...Said...Screw Satan, asswipe" "No, No, that is...

3 years ago
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My ass is addicted to Black cocks

Due to some family issues i was told to go live with a family friend in Jamaica. I was told he would take care of me. I took a flight and went there. I was welcome by a Tall 6ft 6inch hunky man. He was black and had a deep voice. His name was Dom. He lived alone, he had no family. He was an old friend of my dads. Now we took a cab and reached his place. He lived in a sharing house. It was a big house divided into three sections. Each section was rented. Now Doms section was small, it had a...

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I had never thought I was gay. I've always been crazy about girls, always attracted to them, obsessed with porn involving women. The only time men turned me on was in the pictures with the women, but it was always the female bodies that made me hard. Nobody who knows me would ever think I was anything but very heterosexual.Since I was a k** I always had a thing about being naked or nearly naked in public places. Even as a p*****n I found ways to be completely naked in public, masturbating until...

1 year ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 13 Raiders

I walked out of the shuttle to pipes again and sighed. This time the admiral and his staff were at attention waiting. I crossed the hanger deck and returned his salute. He grinned, “Welcome aboard Captain English.” I smiled sourly as I glanced around, “It is a pleasure.” He laughed and turned towards his staff, “I am afraid its your own fault. Awardees of the Alliance Sunburst are very, very rare. In fact you are the only human to every receive it. In fact you are the only one to be awarded...

2 years ago
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Attraction Towards The Lesbo World Part 3

Hey guys, thanks for all your feedback. It really means a lot and motivates me write further. For new readers, this is the third part, and you can read the first two parts in this above link You can mail me at So continuing the story from where I left earlier… We both had our orgasms on each others face at the exact same time, but nadia got too excited and she almost shouted in pleasure, fuuckk aaahhn nandduu …. Immediately she realized her mistake and before we could react, there was a bang...

4 years ago
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Harlot SeedChapter 15

She ate ravenously at lunch, putting away a platter of fries and a steak so thick, devouring a salad and three bottles of beer. Regina still felt a shade hungry when she stopped, but she also felt a little guilty, and smiled over at Dale across the table. "All that sex makes me starved," she said. "I have to build up my strength if we're going to keep it up." Her son reached for her hand. "That we are, Mom. Just like Carey and his mother, I'll bet. There hasn't been a peep out of...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Sara Jay Motivation Techniques Work Very Well

Sara Jay (or Ms. Jay as her students call her) has been teaching for some time now and its very fulfilling work for her. Helping shape young men’s lives is work that she enjoys. But even though she enjoys it, the work can be pretty challenging. Bureaucracy, parents and of course the students. There are plenty of students who are engaged in class and plenty that just don’t care about school. One of the student’s that Ms. Jay has this year is Branden. Sara had initially taken a...

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Reading the Defense

Samantha Morrison was running late. Which explained the loose strands that had fallen out of the clip at the base of her neck. All morning she had been trying to organize her classroom and get through training the teacher aid that would be helping her out through the upcoming school year. Unfortunately the assistant seemed much more interested on text messaging and snapping her gum than educating third graders, causing Samantha to dart around the classroom stapling and taping posters to the...

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Standing Ovation

Standing behind her he kissed her neck; slowly tenderly making each kiss matter. He used his tongue at the end on a few to slowly lick the spot he just kissed. Little by little she melted. So entranced was she in his seduction that she did not notice his fingers unbuttoning her blouse; before she knew it she felt a breeze on her breasts, and one lone rivulet of sweat trickled down her cleavage. Tilting her head back she released a soft moan; she felt his hands pull her blouse off her shoulders...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 40

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we have on our show one of the most notorious women in Chicago. Called the "Princess of Death" by Grace Miller, and identified by the Illinois prosecutors office as "the most misguided member of the Findley Cult", I would like to welcome Candy Mitchell. And with her this evening is Robert Mitchell of the Illinois Justice Project. Now Candy and Robert, for our viewers, you are not related?" Chelsea Winters said in her opening of the evening...

3 years ago
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Love of lusty lesbian with boss

Hi Dear this is Urmil again with my lesbian relation. Hopes you love it and would mail back for steamy reaction.this is the first sexperience of my life.I had never been with another woman before, but every time I looked at Preeti, my feelings grew. Just a few weeks before had I accepted the fact that I wanted to sleep with her and stare into those dark eyes forever. She was my boss, and being as short as she was, it was a long way down to her ass, so I dared not look in fear of her catching...

4 years ago
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BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Spreads Her Legs

A few months back, one day, I was feeling horny, with vague desire to have fun with an old woman, a really mature woman. I was wondering where to look for one, as I was away from my native place. I searched my memories of all the mature women I know of. First I thought of a close friend’s mother, whom I had fucked, when I was regular visitor to her house, years back. I came to know that she is not in Kerala and is with her daughter in Bhopal. So that was not an option. Then my search stopped at...

2 years ago
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Jasmine and Rebecca

arriving at the party, jasmine realised she was slighly early as there were only 4 people there. thinking she might get drunk early and say something about wanting to fuck rebecca, she told her that shed popped in early to drop the drinks off but had to nip back home to get rebeccas present. driving home she couldnt believe how sexy rebecca looked. the image of rebecca wearing the white dress that clung to her curves and showed her full suckable tits off madejasmine moist. pulling up outside...

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No Game Overs

My name is Hawk Skyler. Typical geek that plays video games. The guy that is young enough to be carded, but still only thinks of vidoe games and the girls he can't get. I was a normal guy, untill that day.... It started normal, work at an eye glass lab, then home to relax with some gamming. The differance was my system din't work. Then I felt a surge of energy through the controller, and I passed out. The place I awoke to was unmistakable....

3 years ago
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"She's here." Jose shouted. I thought he had recognised her from the photographs, we had a careful checklist system for our operation front and side photographs, colouring, hair colour, and of course the appointment time, it worked, flawlessly."You must be Fiona?" I asked with my best fake creep gay shop assistant leer as she approached the long counter running most of the length of our shop."Yes," she said sealing her fate."If you would like to come through." I opened the door and invited her...

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Lactating MILF Impregnated by Her Coworkers

For as long as I can remember I have been unconventional. My name is Jackie, and even as a little girl I always dressed and sometimes behaved the way boys do. I liked the more-masculine things like sports, computers and cars. I usually wore jeans and baseball caps, and my two older brothers always included me in their activities, at least when we were younger.Growing up, people always said that I was a very cute girl, with my dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. But it wasn’t until I turned sixteen...

1 year ago
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My Cousin Riya Fixes My Foreskin Problem 8211 Part 1

My cousin, Riya is two years elder to me. She was my guru in all things about sex. Our houses were close by and would be in each other’s houses often. When we were younger, one incident that happened bonded us this way. It was the time when my cousin had started learning about sex. We were watching a movie and a sex scene came up. A few deep kisses on the lips and licking were the main highlights in the sex scene. The action was very minimal. I didn’t understand it but felt something good in my...

4 years ago
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The DanceChapter 4

They looked gorgeous again in almost identical calf length, black, wrap around skirts and burgundy coloured tops and I was the king of the world as I walked down to the pub with an arm around each of them. Karen had taken a leaf from mum's book and gone bra-less, she kept smiling on the way down and confessed just before we arrived that the silk of the blouse caressing her nipples was turning her on again, I suggested turning round for home and bed, but mum's fist thumping into my arm...

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A True Story

A True Story All names have been changed to protect the Innocent. Laurel was my bride of 14 years at the time of this story. The year was 1998. One night about six months after we had bought our first computer, primarily because Laurel had returned to college to earn her bachelor’s degree in education. Computers had windows 98 then and it was before lap-tops were in vogue and widely in use. We started to talk about all of the cool things we had discovered on the world wide web.  One of the...

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Random Titbits

An unending universe. An unending possibility of stories. We live in a world where there are so many stories to tell, with as many emotions, feelings, yurning, fantasies and pleasures. So many people, so many tastes. Nowadays we can tell these stories to a much greater amount of people. One of these places you can visit for this kind of stories is the tavern of Chyoa. Some come here to listen, some come here to tell. What do you come here for? Are you after fantasy stories about knights saving...

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Mere College Ki Randiyan 8211 Part I

Hi Friends, I’m Viren tandel again here to share my views. Ha to friends ap sb mujhe to jante hi hai i m 25 years height 5’8′ dick 9” rang gora. Han to dosto apna waqt jayar na krte hue main apne stori pe ata hun. Ye incident mere college ke 5 ladkio ki hai. Jinka name hai Medha age 20 (34 32 36), komal age 25 (36 34 40). Komal hamse senior thi yani ki wo 7th sem me thi aur ham 5th sem me., Neelam age 20 (32 28 34),. Shreya age 23 (36 32 38),. Akhhari aur sb se bawal item hai Ruchi age 24 (38...

3 years ago
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Yeah I love to be a cuckold

The room was in darkness and silent when I suddenly woke up…The silence was broken by noises coming from the master bedroom. These noises sounded like passionate, whimpering cries with yearning groans. There was the marital bed headboard slamming into the wall, startling the bed in the guest room upon which I was spending this long night.These passionate noises kept me from slipping back on the bed to pass out again.In the background, I could hear clearly my sensual wife’s frantic moans...

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