Conversations 12 free porn video

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Sometimes conversations just appear out of nowhere.

“We need to talk!”

The universal phrase that means someone is in deep shit came out of my mouth like the knell of doom.

Sue stopped and looked at me for a moment, and then continued on towards the stairs, dragging that stupid little suitcase behind her. One wheel jittered from side to side as it always did, annoying me even more.

“We can talk after I’ve rested,” she said over her shoulder.

“We talk now, or you can just turn around and head on back out the door again – permanently! You’re already packed, so it won’t take ten seconds.”

She stopped, paused for a long moment and then turned around, looking at me properly for the first time since she got home. I kept my face absolutely expressionless – she would get no clues from me as to what this was about.

Her eyes narrowed slightly – those big, innocent, lying blue eyes that drew men to her like flies to a corpse. I could almost see her thoughts turning over, trying to work out how bad it was going to be.

“What’s bugging you?” she said with a slight sneer in her voice.

“That sneer you think I never notice, for one,” I said levelly.

She sat down on the front edge of the opposite sofa and crossed her arms in the traditional shit-is-about-to-go-down pose that is universal amongst women around the world. I think the pose is to defend vital internal organs against damage, because they know violence is likely to happen – either to or by them. It’s like the cat’s stare on seeing another cat – equally a warding and a threat.

“So what crawled up your butt?” she asked. She was baiting me to try and make me lose my concentration.

“How was your weekend?” I asked, ignoring her words.

“Pretty good,” she said offhandedly.

“Good food?”

“Yes,” she said, nodding. “They have a great chef and-”

“Good wine?” I cut her off.

“Their selection is-”

“Good company?” Again, I cut it short.

“You know the girls, they-”

“Good orgasms?”

There was a longer pause this time. Once again, I could almost see her thoughts whirling as she tried to work out what – if anything – I knew. It was almost as if her face was a screen on which those thoughts were projected.

She shrugged and raised her hands to the side. “I may have had a strum in the shower, the way I like to. I was missing you and...”

I refused to let my face change at her lies.

“A weekend with the girls, huh? Just a weekend with the girls, right? Just a time to take in a show and catch up on all the gossip. Maybe get a massage, drink a lot of wine, and have a good laugh.”

“Yes, the same as all the other girls’ weekends we’ve been on.”

“So this one was the same as all the previous ones, was it?” I asked.

I must have let something through in my voice, as she paused once again, staring at me, trying to work out if I knew.

“Pretty much ... Why?”

“So nothing different happened this time?”


“Okay,” I said and picked up my newspaper. I now had the information I needed, and wanted time to think about it. I wasn’t sure how to react. Something was going to happen, but I needed to plan it through.

But I’d let the genie out of the bottle, and she wasn’t going to let it go at that. Now it was her turn to need information.

“Why are you asking?”

“I was just wondering.”

“Why were you wondering?”

I was tired. My eyes felt gritty and my face and hands felt grimy. I decided to take a shower, but she wasn’t going to let it go.

“Rob, why were you wondering about something I do regularly? Honey, please tell me if something happened. It sounds like you don’t believe me for some reason, and I need to know why.”

“It was just something Jenny said before you left,” I admitted. It wasn’t just that remark, but it was what had started me thinking.

“What did she say?”

“She and Helen came by to talk to you, but you were out. I asked her if they’d finished packing. She said, and I quote, “Not just finished packing, we are packing.” When she said that, she had that sneer that I thought you had patented for yourself. And then they both giggled. Women about to hit their thirties, giggling like schoolgirls. That’s not something you hear everyday – especially about something like putting clothes in a suitcase.”

Her eyes widened slightly. “It sounds like a silly thing to say.”

“That’s what I thought initially, but it struck a chord somewhere in my mind. I write all day, and in my mind words drift around, all jumbled up. And sometimes they morph into something altogether different, and strike a spark which can flare up into a bushfire.”

“It sounds painful,” she said with a laugh which sounded horribly false.

“Oh sometimes it can be very painful. Like now.”

This time the pause became incredibly tense.

“They’d probably been hitting the wine,” she finally said dismissively, trying to get me to drop it.

“I hope not – what with Helen driving the four of you to the hotel. You could have been killed in an accident. I guess one of us was lucky that didn’t happen.”

She took a moment to think about what I’d said. It could be taken a number of ways – one of which was not pleasant.

She drew her legs up and folded them underneath her, all aggression now absent in her body language and displaying only defence.

“So what do you girls talk about on these weekends?” I asked, knowing that the abrupt change in direction would throw her off balance for a moment.

“Oh, well ... anything and everything, I guess. Nothing in particular.”

“Really? So nothing any of you feels particularly strongly about? No incredible news or wonderful events happening in their lives? No new marriages or divorces, anything like that?”

I was starting to push now – mentioning divorce would really put her on the back foot.

“No, they’re all married, so why would there be a new marriage?”

“Well, let’s face it – almost fifty per cent of marriages end in divorce, so the odds say that at least two out of the four of you will end up divorced. We’ve been married five years, hitched as soon as we left university, and the others have been married longer. So the odds must be starting to stack up even higher by now.”

She blanched.

“I mean, Helen and Lola were both married before they got their degrees,” I continued. “And it must have been really tough for them, having to share student digs with you and Jenny for four years while being married. When you only get to see your spouse on weekends it has to really put a strain on any relationship, never mind a marriage. I’m surprised neither of them has been divorced. I know how tough it was for Dave and Tony.

“I did tell them that it was really dumb to get married at that stage, but I think they were worried that their girls might move on to other guys if they weren’t tied down in some way. What do you think? You think Lola and Helen might have wandered off to get some strange?”

She had the deer-in-the-headlights look on her face. I poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her.

“No,” I said finally. “I don’t really think they would have done that. Why would they?”

She took a big swallow from her glass.

“They wouldn’t-” she started.

Again I cut her off. “When I really thought about it, I realised what a really strange thing she’d said about packing. I thought about it a lot.”

Sue pursed her lips for a moment, her eyes never leaving my face. “Perhaps she was talking about how much women tend to pack for a simple weekend, which we know drives guys crazy. But from a woman’s point of view, every moment we spend out of doors is a moment we’re judged, not just by men but by other women too. Jenny was probably talking about that. She probably meant they have to be prepared for any occasion. I know Jenny thinks-”

“Fuck Jenny!” I said.

Those bald words hung in the air. There was a lot of aggression in that statement, and she knew that it wasn’t aimed at Jenny. My wife wasn’t stupid. She thought I was stupid, I guess. But that wasn’t true either. She knew that I knew something, but wasn’t sure how much.

Three times she opened her mouth to say something and then gave up. Finally she got her courage together.

Very quietly she said, “I have fucked Jenny.”

Her hands moved nervously in her lap, each plucking at fingers on the other, picking at her manicured, polished and painted nails. This was the moment she’d tried to avoid. The denouement; the moment of truth; the penultimate act in any marriage.

“I know.” My voice was level.

“It was just silly curiosity that sort of peaked this weekend and-”

“I’ve always known.” My constant interruptions were throwing her off-balance almost as much as my words.

She gasped. How could I possibly know that she’d been sleeping with her three roommates since they were students?

She shook her head in denial, her lovely shoulder-length blond hair lashing in gentle waves across her face.

“What do you mean, ‘always’” she whispered.

“I mean always. Right from the start of it. From the very beginning. I don’t know how else to say it. You’ve been sleeping ... no, you’ve been fucking each other for seven years. Cheating all the time.”

The image of the four of them naked, locked tightly into two pairs, haunted my dreams. Not in a bad way, I suppose. I mean they were moderately attractive as a group, so seeing them naked and bonded together in mutual oral sex was quite a turn-on and that mental picture had remained with me forever.

I’d stumbled across them by accident, of course. They didn’t advertise that they were all banging each other, what with two of them being married and the other two in confirmed ‘exclusive’ relationships. The university had fucked up on one of the exams and delivered the wrong papers to the exam room. So while I was supposed to be locked up in mortal combat with the examiners, I had actually been free to go back to my room, or head for the library for more last-minute cramming, or take the choice I made; to head for my girlfriend’s place to grab a snack from the fridge or from her body.

Except someone else was already snacking on her – in this case, Helen.

For an insane moment, I had actually considered shedding my clothes and throwing myself naked onto the large double bed in Lola’s room, rolling over and under and inside them with the intent to fuck every one of them and make them part of a harem - which would in all likelihood have lead to my prosecution for rape.

Sanity and self-preservation had finally prevailed over hormones and lust, and I simply watched. Unlike in an heterosexual orgy, the four of them didn’t seem to move very much; only a momentary raising of a head from between thighs to allow fingers to rub a clitoris for a few brief seconds; an arm moving a little, to quickly squeeze a breast and lovingly rub a nipple; a quick flip of a head to throw intrusive locks back over shoulders. And it was remarkably quiet – hushed squeaks and moans, a long sigh, a sudden lilting cry of pleasure – those were the only sounds.

I thought about her as part of the orgy and wondered why I wasn’t filled with rage and contempt. She was cheating on me! I should be kicking someone’s arse around the campus by this stage.

But it was strangely beautiful, and in some weird way, both wildly sexy and not particularly erotic. I had seen lesbian porn before, and would watch it again after. This however was subtly different. Nothing was airbrushed, nothing was concealed by make-up. It was four ordinary girls having very gentle sex with each other. And even the fact that one of them was supposedly sworn to be faithful only to me didn’t seem to make it wildly important.

I’d thought about that response often in the years that followed. Had a man been involved, I would have been throwing punches at him, and throwing her out of the door. Except it was their place, so I guess I’d have been throwing myself out. Either way it would have been the end. As far as I could tell, however, there was little emotion involved – just pleasure. That threw me off-balance.

I’d watched her behaviour very carefully from that moment on, and to my silent astonishment, nothing changed. She was as loving as ever, always excited for us to get together, and as surprisingly sexual as she’d always been. I realised then that they had been doing this from before the time we met, so was she cheating on me? Of course she was. Was she taking anything from me? Not really. She wasn’t fucking other guys, only girls. So what was missing? Not love. She did love me completely, I knew that. Trust perhaps ... She hadn’t lied directly, but it would have been a lot better for her to tell me herself, than have me discover it like that.

I’d watched her very carefully, and after a couple of months of seeing nothing else, had come to the conclusion that she was only fucking those three, and only on odd occasions. It wasn’t a nightly thing as far as I could determine. And when we both graduated, it wasn’t a thing at all. It just stopped.

Sue looked horrified, and then her expression changed to puzzlement.

“You never said anything.”

“I guess it was weird of me, but I felt almost as if any cheating you were doing was with me, rather than them. You were having sex with them first, and then you were doing me as well. So who was cheating on whom?”

“I never felt as if I was cheating on you. I loved you and gave you all of me. What the four of us did was more like bonding than sex. When we left university it was easy to just love you.”

Tears were leaking down her cheeks. She was upset. Then again, so was I.

“Hmm.” I couldn’t help standing up, feeling restless and unable to sit still. “It guess it was just as easy to start up again, when you all reunited two years ago and started your quarterly girls’ weekends.”

She shook her head. “No, it wasn’t like that. Not at first. That wasn’t the aim at all. It felt as if we’d somehow reunited as a family. I don’t think any of us got together for ... for comfort until the fourth time we spent a weekend away.”

“Really? Is that true? I thought you were fucking each other again from day one.”

She frowned at my language, and then looked abashed at the look on my face.

“Sorry,” I continued. “I meant ‘comforting’ each other. Bonding. Not fucking, or shagging, or daisy-chaining at the Y, or finger-banging old Mary-Jane Rottencrotch.”

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My wifes gangbang

I've had a few gang bangs in my life, I guess it depends what you call a gang bang - is it more than 2 people having sex, is it just 1 female and a bunch of guys, is it 2 females and 2 guys, whatever - I've had all of these situations. This is about one that my husband, Shawn, setup.Shawn knew this guy who, I think is fairly well off, although it doesn't matter. He was 61 years old. Anyways, we went over to his house one night and actually spent the night drinking. During the evening, I had...

1 year ago
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The Home Chapter 9

Afterward his son invited everyone to brunch at a nice restaurant where I sat with Mary. She was still upset by what happened so I just patted her hand and said that time heals all wounds. After lunch I managed to spend some time with Melanie. She was doing ok but didn’t give me any indication that she wanted to resume our relationship. Things went on like this for the next week until one night there was a knock on my door just as I had settled in to bed. I answered it to find Sherry...

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MylfXMandyFlores Mandy Flores Yes I Fuck My StepBrother

Im making you this video because frankly I’ve grown to despise you and I know this will really hurt you. Why? You are a control freak and always accusing me of cheating. When you thought my stepbrother and I were doing stuff that was way out of line. Who would think that? Yes I have been manipulating you from the start and I have a confession. I do fuck my him! He is better than you in every way too. It’s not cheating because we are family and if you want to stay my boyfriend you...

3 years ago
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Head Teacher Part Two My ADrive Needs Attention

“Okay, Mr Clark, you can go in now.”Sandy was Karen Robertson’s secretary. The head teacher’s sentry, who protected her from a world of urgent, concerned parents, pushy salesmen and so on. You got nowhere without Sandy’s permission, but I was lucky: she seemed to like me. When I turned up just as she was leaving – in this case, it was lunchtime – she didn’t give me a grilling, as I had seen her do to other people.I could only assume that was because Mrs Robertson had said nice things about me....

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Latina Teen Nympho at the Riding Stable Part Two

In Part One, I describe how my name is Luci, and I was a sixteen-year-old Latina virgin, from a poor family, living in Frederick, Maryland. I got a job at a riding stable to earn money for college. I am five feet and six inches tall and weighed about one hundred and fifteen pounds at that time.I’m pretty with fine facial features and my hair is raven-black, silky-smooth, and long enough to reach the middle of my back. The dark hair contrasts well with my light olive skin with a golden undertone...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 24

Sophie had a wide grin on her face as she stood among her colleagues, all of whom were wearing the same blue uniform as her. The uniform, especially the corset, was just as uncomfortable as it had been the first time Sophie had worn it 15 months earlier, but she had long since stopped caring about that. She had long since stopped feeling like an outsider in the uniform, as though she, as a genetic male, didn't belong in the group of beautiful professional women. And she had long since...

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Rachel and Roxanne Ch3

Dear Diary, Well, today I learned about a practice I thought had died along with the middle ages, and a lot more about my own desires... I was sitting at the bar in that cosy little place up on the top deck. A couple of guys had tried approaching me, but they didn't do anything for me, so I politely turned them away, saying I was waiting for someone. A woman sat down next to me, and gave me a brief nod. As she looked down the bar to see where the bartender was, I took a quick look at her. She...

4 years ago
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Jingbang Ka Jingthiah

+ ka lamp bad nga khlem khang hook ruh ia ka jingkhang, namar ba ngim ju ia mlien ban ia bo na shapoh. Tharai kumba shikynta ei ei ba nga la iohthiah nga kyndit ramia kumno re bad nga phohsiew ia uwei u briew uba leh samla ia nga, ha kata ka jingphohsniew nga shong bus ryngkat bad uta u briew ban ia leit sha shnong. Hadien ba la purkhana ia kane katai; nga thiah noh ha ka seat bad sa shiphang nga iohsngew ba uta u briew u tynruh ia ka shadem jong nga da ka tymbuit kadiang jong u. U Shong ha jan...

2 years ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 6

I heard someone at my door, trying to remember if any of us had locked the door. There was a knock, but before I could answer, my mother walked in, to find Betty grinding on me, and Shirley was on my stomach playing with her own pussy and feeding me from her own pussy. She was quite shocked, it appeared, but made no sounds, pulled her daughter off her son, seemingly less worried at the vision on my glistening condom. “I thought you two were up to something, but I didn’t think it was sex,”...

1 year ago
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She was only the Landlords Daughter

As we get older, birthdays seem less important and, in fact, are something to try and ignore. And presents are often embarrassing, particularly when it comes to saying thank-you.Not always.Last summer, my wife Trish and I set off for a week’s holiday to a little village on the coast of Cornwall. It had been booked months before and although we had planned it to coincide with my birthday, we both forgot and just looked forward to some downtime, relaxation, and I for one was hoping to up our time...

4 years ago
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sexy fun with mother in law

today I was at home alone, and rang mother in law up to see what she was up to. She said she was getting ready to pop into town and could go with her if I wanted to. I went round to karen's and let myself in and shouted her to see where she was.'im just getting changed' karen shouted from upstairs.I went upstairs to karen's bedroom and was greeted with the sight of karen stood infront of her bedroom mirror, wearing just a pair of nice white lacey knickers.I went up behind karen and kissed her...

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Art Of Making Love 8211 A Fantasy

Hi Friends, It is a pleasure to meet you again and it makes me happy that I have yet again got the opportunity to pen down my fantasies. Yes, you read it right so this is a story written by myself while being a virgin. I have never enjoyed being a virgin but have fantasized enough. To the people who are not acquainted with me, I am Pankaj 26, from Mumbai a software professional working in a MultiNational Company. comments are welcome whether good or bad – it always helps a write to improve and...

3 years ago
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Cherry Hill Ch 04

John Edwards sighed, he tossed the letter in the trash and went back to viewing the snapshots Lance had sent him. The female swim team looked as delicious as warm pie ala mode. He’d paid out a wad of cash to arrange for the eight members of the team to pose nude for him. Lance had done the job for free, once the girls agreed to appear in his live web cam shows. He had all ready enjoyed cumming over the group shot. His semen had erupted out of his cock and exploded all over the glossy print. Mr....

4 years ago
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Enjoy... By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! What can be more demeaning than a ring gag coupled with a posture collar? Your mouth is kept forcibly wide-open, and your head is fixed in a convenient, chin-up, no-turning-away position. With your hands and feet bound, you are unable to offer any resistance or show any protest to whatever they want to...

2 years ago
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Body shots my first encounter

Shortly after getting divorced I decided to go on a little soul searching trip. The destination was familiar to me and I knew a few people in the area which made money matters a bit easier since I was offered a place to stay and gladly accepted. Let me start off with giving a bit more detail about myself. I am a tall redhead with curves in the right places, an amazing body I have been told. 36C cup size and a tight ass, with milky white skin and red hair. I am now 30 years old but was 27 at the...

1 year ago
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Getting Even

It’s Thursday night and I thought I would go down to my favorite bar for some dinner and a drink. I had on casual clothes not expecting to meet anyone new. Ricky’s is a quaint place that plays smooth jazz with a quiet atmosphere and a peaceful setting. There is never any trouble just music some food and relaxation after a long day. I sat down at the bar and ordered the house specialty a Gin Rickey, I wanted a table for some dinner but as usual the place was packed even for a Thursday night and...

1 year ago
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The Demotion Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Misogynist sales executive loses competition for CEO job to his rival and is systematically reduced to an air-headed administrative intern at the beck and call of those office workers he used to abuse. As we begin this chapter, one tormentor has been fired and another appears to offer to help him - all while the CEO takes steps to permanently entrap the poor sissy into a life of feminine slavery. Previous chapters should be read first. Category descriptions are for entire...

2 years ago
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First HotWife Experience with a BBC

I'll tell you all a bit about me. I'm a 24 year old girl and in a long term relationship with a great guy. We got engaged recently and plan on getting married next September. We've been into 'swinging' for about 3 years now. In that time we've met couples, and single guys for mfm threesomes. Last year we discussed the possibility of me meeting guys by myself, and after a few near misses, I finally got the chance.My first experience as a Hotwife occurred during a work night out- this is all...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 12 Friday Night Lights

Max did not have a lot on his plate today, but he did want to check on the package he had ordered for Niki. It was supposed to come in tomorrow. He wanted to make sure there were no delays. Back at home, after spending a few hours killing hordes of zombies, he finally got around to checking on the delivery time of his package, nodding as everything appeared on schedule. As he was about to return to his game, he got a text. Seems like Mr Proussad was ready to collect on his promise ... He was...

3 years ago
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Vivid memory 4

Returning Home I must have been called upon to lick and lap my mother’s every orifice, and tend to the Werewolf’s cock more than a dozen times until morning finally broke. Like the Great Ram, the werewolf just disappeared in that red flash, forever dispelling the myth that a werewolf was a man bitten by a werewolf.... like the Ram, and, I am certain, the Nuns great Goat, returned to whence they came at the sun’s rising. I believe that is the reason the Goat chose the old nunnery as His home. No...

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No Means NoChapter 5

Michelle Black, Friday, September 10, 2010 I mounted the steps of the Capitol building, being careful to give an impression of confidence and strength. I flashed a smile at one of the photographers climbing up the stairs backwards in front of me. I suppose they get used to doing that. We met two of the Representatives that were sponsoring the bill, Laurie Wright and Bobby Witt, to go over my testimony one last time. We walked across the street to some sort of office building and into a...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 32

I went home and was waved to by the guard. I stopped. “Have you been contacted by the management company about allowing media onto the premises?” “Yes, Ma’am. None will get by me.” “Thank you.” I arrived at my home and parked in my garage. I went in the house and sat for a few moments waiting for Jam. He drove up and I got in his SUV. “Hello, Dear. Your letter started some concern with the management company today.” I chuckled. He smiled. “That was the idea.” We need to head to Pastor...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 110 Early

It was mid-August, and Warren and Sophia were at the Oceanview ice rink with Liz Cushman. Andrea and Brett had already been out, and Warren and Sophia had choreographed them a short program to "Opus One" that they were thrilled with. Warren and Sophia had originally tried to find a big band piece that they had never skated with, but, as Sophia said, "There's so few of them!" "Opus One" really suited Andrea and Brett's skating, plus Sophia and Warren had skated to it years ago, when...

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Ladies That Do Lunch and Young Men

“Oh come on Steph, act your age!” Lynsey looked put out, “You can’t say that about Josh Simpson.” Steph recoiled a little and wagged a finger at her. “Oh come on Lyns, you seen him with his shirt off, don’t tell me you wouldn’t.” Lynsey didn’t blush and her faux outrage melted before all their eyes, “Yeah, if I was ten years younger.” All of them descended into raucous laughter. “Twenty!” they said in unison. Steph watched and sipped her drink trying not to look smug. Amidst them all, she knew...

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Under Suggestion

“But mum, everyone else is going.”The justification every teenage boy gives. His mother, Geraldine, bit her tongue, determined not to ask him if everyone else was jumping off the bridge, would he jump too? Instead, she let him sweat. Alex Haze was a stage hypnotist who had rolled into town as part of a country-wide tour. They were performing at the local theatre for three nights and sixteen-year-old Michael was desperate to go.Her ex-husband had derisively snorted that it was probably all...

Mind Control
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Ek Adhuri Prem Kahani 8211 Part II

Hello dosto, mein phir se ek adhuri prem kahani story leke aazir hu, mera name rahul hai, koi bhi aurat bhabhi jo unsatisfy hai, muje contact kar sakthe ho me aap ko satisfy karunga, thane mumbai or kolkatt etc., ke area ke aurat bhi mujse contact karke chudwa sakthi ho. me isliye story liktha hu takhi aap log mere se contact kare or me aap ko satisfy ka saku. jaise ki aap log mera pechla story padh ke aacha response diya uske liye me aap logo ko danyawaad kartha hu, mera pechal story hai 1)...

3 years ago
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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

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