The Red Fang Ch 2 Pt 2
- 4 years ago
- 32
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Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Anna! Wake up!"
"Okay Ma. I'm up."
She was also beside me on the floor. I hadn't woken during the night as I would customarily have done.
"I'll just get Roger moving. Breakfast in ten."
I gave Anna a kiss and headed naked out the window and across the roof, hoping none of the neighbours were watching.
"Ma?" I heard Anna behind me as I ducked under the intervening windows.
"Do you know if my blue bra is in the laundry?"
Good girl! Anna was on the ball.
I dove into my room and pulled my shorts on. Before Ma was halfway down the corridor I was approaching her and entering my bathroom.
"Morning Ma."
"Good morning Roger."
I could see her appraising my body; I was only clad in my boxer PJs. I was fit and, even with the age difference, must have looked good to Ma. I didn't realise that the marks on my back were as prominent though.
As I showered I considered my feelings. Since I hadn't heard anything I had to have achieved my mission. If anything I was glad Adam Pringle no longer walked the Earth. That wasn't strictly true since I didn't really get any joy out of that fact, rather I had a sense of satisfaction over both his demise and my part in it.
But then there was the collateral damage. I could have shot him from a distance -- he'd have been just as dead -- but the last thing we wanted was for his associates to think he'd been murdered, at least for the next few months. We had people inside the organisation making sure more than Pringle went down and it was important that they could function without the extra scrutiny. It was also important that people were slow to consider that there was a connection between the rash of deaths in their organisation.
How did I feel about the innocents? There were others in the house and their chances of being alive were nearly non-existent.
Beverley had married Adam knowing in general terms what he did, if not the specifics. She'd been prepared to live comfortably off the misfortune and suffering of others. Nope, no trauma there.
Michelle! Well if she hadn't proven to be as nasty as her father in her own right I might have felt something there.
Kyra? Kyra would have quite happily been Daddy's girl regardless of what Daddy did for a living had Michelle not taken over that role. Michelle's own attitude had developed in response to Kyra's and I'm not really sure if Kyra would have let me go without Daddy punishing me if she had desired that I stay. On her plus side, she really did care for Mark and I don't mean in an incestuous way. I would remember her with some fondness but once again, I compare her loss to the people who might be saved in her father's absence and cannot think of any real redeeming quality that meant I should feel guilty.
Mark is a different matter. Mark suffered from his father's attitude but didn't have the guts to try and make it by himself. Actually, considering his age, he did have the guts to stick out an almost intolerable existence until he had the ability to make it by himself. Running away from home wasn't really a practical alternative when he wasn't in any actual danger from sticking around a couple of more years. If I could have gotten Mark away without jeopardising the plan I would have quite happily done so. As it was I just considered the stats again and sighed while I hoped he forgave me.
Julia too was a separate issue. If she had been the visitor Mark must have done something spectacular to convince her to sleep over. I couldn't see that happening. I didn't feel too concerned for her but it did leave the sixth person as a mystery.
I scrubbed, but it wasn't a matter of cleansing myself of my sins. I was comfortable with myself and my world this morning.
At breakfast Ma was attentive to both of us but when we continued on about Hailey and Rosalee at the bowling alley we must have confused her more.
I had openly spoked to Ma about feeling something for Anna but I had also said I felt something for Rosalee and Hailey as well. Since we tended to be all together when we went out it must have difficult for Ma to imagine, not so much how I got the marks, but who gave them to me. I doubt she got anywhere near the truth.
I filled two water bottles and threw them into a small backpack with some snack bars. We didn't really have anywhere special to go; it was more a chance to spend some quality non-sexual time together.
We walked towards the river and the bridges I had crossed a few times in my nocturnal excursions. Once out the front door we held hands, no longer concerned if Ma was watching out the windows.
It was still cool and Anna snuggled up beside me after a couple of blocks and wondered if she dared suggest sleepovers with the others.
She was quite conscious that I would not be welcome at the other houses on such a basis and even sneaking into Hailey's again would be near impossible.
I pointed out that Ma would probably consider it more favourably if there were a special holiday involved and Anna started counting through they year.
"If you are getting together that often you are going to get caught eventually. What are you going to say?"
Anna didn't pick up any implication that I would be absent from my question.
"Yeah, well you and I are kind of natural; thrown together by circumstance, immediate predictable dislike turning to love..."
"I've never disliked you Anna."
"Yeah well I guess I was only miffed when I thought you were a peeping tom -- and I wasn't good enough to hang around for."
"I did look in; you were reading."
"I'm glad you did."
"I'm glad you caught me. We might have lost so much time if I'd had to get up the nerve to say anything to you."
"Or Rosalee or Hailey would have stolen your heart. I hate the idea of you falling for both of them and not for me, now that I know what I would have missed."
"I know I would have been worse off."
Anna unerringly jumped back to the point of our conversation where I had interrupted her.
"I don't know how I could explain Rosalee and Hailey. I'd love Ma and Dad accepting them but even one girl lover would be pushing it. Two plus you!? I don't think so."
"And I don't see us convincing three separate sets of parents that I'm only interested in their daughter. Not before we are old enough to go our own way."
"That seems years away."
There was a small park by the side of the path; a little area really only big enough for walkers to take a rest in pleasant surroundings. We stopped and sat.
"Anna you had first call on my affections and, though you don't have all my heart now, you have a pretty big chunk of it. I don't know where life if going to take us but whenever I am able to stand on my own feet you can count on me checking to see how things stand between us before I approach anyone else. I loved you first, I hope to love you always."
It was a promise I hoped I would be able to keep as well. If I left and worked for another five years then I could well come back and speak to Anna, then to Rosalee and finally to Hailey. I would be able to see just what time had wrought.
If they had no new love and still felt for me I would be there unless I had changed myself. Then I could at least offer honest closure. If they felt for each other I should be able to support us all.
If any or all of them had changed their feelings for each other but not for me then I would need to make some awkward decisions. Perhaps by then I would have the necessary additional maturity not to make them too painful. Surely no future decision could be as bad as having to leave them now.
I know it sounds stupid that we felt that way after only a couple of weeks but at sixteen you fall heavily when you fall in love -- there is nothing to compare it with. I guess at nineteen I was no different from the girls, not having had much affection before.
Even Ma had shown me as much affection as my own mother had given me during my early years and much more than the later ones. I didn't get hugs and kisses but at least they sincerely looked out for my best interests. Was it any wonder that I did fall for those who did shower me with hugs and kisses as well?
So what about Kyra and Mark? They had been equally attentive, indeed affectionate. Was I so attuned to the job that I could compartmentalise my life?
I felt I had. I had approached friendship and sex with the Pringle twins as a necessity; the same with Anna, Rosalee and Hailey was by contrast sheer pleasure.
On the seat in the park Anna sat on my lap with her arm around me. We kissed as boyfriend and girlfriend rather than as lovers and it was fun. We had jumped right past the level of uncertain beginnings to lusty explorations. We had still had our uncertainties but none had been the "does she/he want me to kiss him/her" dilemmas of teen dating.
We didn't retreat quite that far but rather explored the stage where we knew we both wanted to kiss but weren't about to push the boundaries further. Yet.
The big advantage we had then was that neither of us felt awkward about kissing; neither of us was worried we had to touch one another or if we didn't touch in other than a friendly way.
The disadvantage as I saw things was that most young couples setting out had a future. Even if I returned in five years I wasn't optimistic.
I wasn't going to spend my last days with Anna, hours perhaps, regretting that they were the last. That would only waste the time we had. I held her against me and let my lips explain exactly how much I loved her.
"I wish we had somewhere we could go. I don't mean right now, though that would be nice. I mean where we could be together and Rosalie and Hailey could either visit or stay with us."
I thought of the Pringle's Hacienda. I really would have to find out whether it was going to be available. If my exit strategy allowed me to return then I liked that property as a base. It would be one way that my time with the three girls need not end.
But I couldn't say anything to Anna, not yet, perhaps not for years, maybe never. That didn't mean we couldn't make plans together that would describe "what if?"
"Well then, suppose I had a nice house, maybe with a stable and enough land to ride on. Do you like horses?"
"I haven't had much to do with them but I think they are beautiful animals."
"You can muck out the stables then."
"Well we'll have the house plenty big enough for guests; it would have a lovely big spa and be located far enough from anyone that you don't have to worry about neighbours noticing if you are naked when you sunbathe or soak in the spa or even ride the horses."
"That sounds perfect; perhaps a little expensive though."
"In that life we can afford it. With room enough for Rosalee and Hailey, could you live with them?"
"Is that a condition?" Anna was serious now.
"No, I was just wondering how you felt."
"I like being able to go to sleep with you; I really like being able to wake up with you. I know if the others were there they would have good reason to expect to share those moments as well. The chance to spend the night with each of them would be pretty neat as well though so maybe I wouldn't miss you quite as much."
"I don't think they would like missing out on the times you and they spend together. I think that while the four of us certainly have fun all together we need to have some 'just us' time too."
"I know I value it, but you are talking like we can make it happen."
"If we don't try, it won't. I'm willing to try. How about you?"
"You know I will."
"All we have to do is convince six parents that it is a good idea."
"Yeah, that's all!"
We'd spent about half an hour walking and another thirty minutes sitting while an occasional person, couple or group went by. Most just nodded and one older couple scowled at us being so forward in public!
I suggested we move on and Anna stood. She made her own suggestion that I'd got her to shift because my legs needed some relief from her weight. I offered to let her sit there again until we had to return home instead.
"No. I like walking with you too."
We followed the river for a couple of kilometres and took the track away from the water when the path branched. It led to a small shopping centre and a burger outlet. We entered and I gave Anna a couple of dollars and suggested she get a drink for us to share while I used the men's room.
It was empty. I checked the cubicles as soon as I entered and while I was using the urinal another customer came in.
"5 for 5 plus a cook."
I showed no sign I'd heard him as he headed into the stall. Oh well, a cook who stayed overnight rather than Julia. It was one less matter to concern me.
There was nothing about the circumstances; no suggestion the family had been caught unawares as they slept or had been struggling to escape. I would hear that soon enough.
I rejoined Anna.
She was overjoyed to be sitting with me in public, able to cuddle and even to share the restrictive sort of kiss that wouldn't have us asked to leave. I had been aware of the presence of some of her friends and classmates (and some of mine) before we had opened the door. Now I noticed her subtle glances around the room checking that those we knew were aware of the physical signs of affection that were passing between us.
I didn't have the heart to even suggest it no longer mattered if her parents knew all. Anna knew I'd spoken of her mother knowing we were romantically involved but Ma hadn't sat down with her yet. Until she did, Anna wouldn't consider things had changed.
We left after nodding or chatting to a couple of people and headed along the highway that would take us home.
If we wanted to we could go past Rosalee's or Hailey's home or even both of them but they would likely be at Mass or getting ready for Sunday dinner. As I had already said this was going to be Anna's time I didn't even mention the possibility.
As often happens, the way home seemed to require less time than the way out, probably due to the stopovers in the park and at the burger barn.
We had been due back at noon and came in soon after eleven. As a matter of course, we disengaged arms when we came into view of the house. We didn't want to push our relationship too far into Ma's face and possibly end up with unwanted additional strictures.
"How was your walk?"
"The river path is beautiful. You should come with us next week; it would do you good."
Ma considered us. If we were an item, would we ask her to join us? Were we still trying to work out if it was friendship or love? And yet there was the matter of my back.
"Well you can have an early lunch then. Anna, I've got a uniform for you. I'll bring it up to check it fits properly."
I emptied out the water remaining in our bottles, rinsed them and refilled them to sit in the refrigerator until needed again. While I was busy Ma took Anna upstairs.
In Anna's room Ma handed Anna a coffee shop blouse. "See if you need a bigger size."
Anna didn't hesitate and Ma was relieved by an absence of any hickeys or suspicious scratches on her body. She wasn't entirely reassured; an absence of proof is not proof of absence.
"Anna I think we need to talk. Things have changed in this house since Roger has arrived. I guess the main one was you convincing me that you should go on the pill. I accepted you were interested in a boy at school and I believed that, by raising the issue of contraception before you needed it, you were taking the matter seriously enough to trust you to think carefully before you took that step."
Anna sat on her bed next to her mother and waited to hear what was about to come. As she did she looked down at the floor where she had asked me to fuck her hard and fast only hours before. How she managed to control her expression was amazing.
"Since then you've been out with Roger on two occasions when he has been with Rosalee and Hailey -- both lovely girls, I am sure. You haven't however mentioned any other boy. Am I right in thinking that the boy at school was Roger all along?"
Anna knew there was no point in lying about that matter. I had said I liked her and Ma wasn't stupid. If Anna had to lie then it was better to keep the karmic imbalance for something more important.
"Now Roger has said he likes you as well as the other girls. Is that how you see things?"
"Yes, and we all think he's special."
"The fact that you aren't scratching each other's eyes out suggests he's certainly that. He's not playing you off against each other is he? Having you compete for his favours?"
"No. Nothing like that. We each like him and we know he likes the three of us. I guess we're waiting to see whether one of us wins or not."
"And does sex feature in this competition? You're not offering yourselves in an attempt to win?"
"I'm not really comfortable talking about this. Did you talk to your mother about when you were thinking of having sex with your boyfriend?"
"No, but I was older, I'd known the boy for a couple of years and had been dating him for a few months and, just for the record, it wasn't your father. You're still sixteen, have known Roger for three weeks and have two competitors for his affection. I think I need to be a bit more reassurance that you aren't finding yourself pressured into situations you aren't able to give adequate thought to in the time you are being allowed.
"People in a hurry make poor decisions that they regret when they have time to think things through. I only want to give you a chance to slow things down so you can do your thinking first. You are still going to have to make your own decisions but I want you to be happy to live with them."
"Thank you Ma. We've all kissed Roger. I know I'd like to do more but Rosalee and Hailey are around as well. Today was the first time we've been out together except when he took me to the Mall and to the movies, and neither of those were close to being a date. Today we walked and talked and held hands; and yes we kissed. It was beautiful and I think I love him so much it hurts. Is love supposed to be like that?"
"Well I know I missed your father so much when he went home after taking me out it felt like I had a stomach-ache sometimes. I guess it can be pretty awful."
"So that tells you it's the real thing?"
"I don't know honey. I doubt anyone has a good or at least universal definition of true love. I figure it is where you want to spend the rest of your life, and not necessarily the entire time, with someone and where you would do almost anything to see they were happy. That doesn't mean you accept them trying to cheapen what you offer by failing to respect you as a person. If someone can't respect you, it isn't really possible to love them. They can respect you without necessarily loving you though, harsh as that might seem."
"I know Roger respects me and I think he loves me."
"There seemed to be a 'but' at the end of that sentence."
"Well I'm pretty sure he loves Rosalee and Hailey as well. He says he never really had much love in his life before he came here but it's hard to understand how someone can love more than one person."
"Well it is unusual in that sense I guess. I love you and your father and Brent so I can love more than one person but that is a bit different. I know I loved the boy I was talking about before and though we broke up I still loved him though I no longer wanted to be with him. When I met your father that didn't change though I realise that the boy I loved has grown into a man who is a stranger to me. I may not love that man, though if he called asking for help I might be willing to assist purely on the basis of love shared so long ago.
"To love three people at the same time though, especially when they all know each other sounds more like he is a little greedy or perhaps is simply unsure of what he does want."
"I don't think he is greedy; he certainly isn't selfish. Roger is aware that we can't really continue like we are and that something is likely to snap. We spoke about it today. I would prefer it was just him and me sometimes but I don't want to lose my friends over it. I certainly wouldn't want to spoil their happiness if Roger decided on one of them but I know I would feel dead inside."
Ma was concerned that Anna might have suicidal thoughts if I was to choose Rosalee or Hailey.
"Just because you feel there can only be one person for you, it is surprising that sometimes another is waiting around the corner for you to simply be free to notice him. If you find yourself not 'selected' please come and talk to me."
"Okay. I don't think it will happen soon. Roger says we need to be older and I think he would rather we break up with him if we feel we aren't going anywhere. That way he doesn't have to disappoint someone he still loves but can't be with."
"Disappointment is something we all learn to live with. It is necessary we accept the times when we have to disappoint people as well."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Just don't commit yourself to sex if that is the only way to get Roger because, if that is all that matters to him, maybe he isn't really worth it -- no matter if it feels otherwise at the time. I think better of him than that but you'll have to find out. If he wants you for yourself, he'll wait. I don't say that you have to be married first, I'm not a hypocrite, but I do think you should be older. Have I embarrassed you enough?"
"Not quite Ma. I love you."
"Well get through the shower so you're fresh for the afternoon and come down for lunch in your uniform so your father can see you."
Ma left Anna thinking as she changed, and walked past the bathroom where I was having a quick shower myself. Dressed for work myself, I met up with Ma in the kitchen.
"Can you give me a hand here please Roger?"
When I was what I was helping with I was sure Ma had an ulterior motive."
"I've just spoken with Anna. It sounds as though the two of you are more than friends."
"Would that worry you?"
"In some respects. I'd certainly be happier if you showed your feelings than tried to hide them. I know what it's like to be your age, believe it or not, and I'm not opposed to you and Anna being involved as such though it makes it hard if you do get serious and then break up. Living together, seeing each other every day, watching the other person meet someone new. All complications that don't normally happen."
"I have thought about that sort of thing but I guess I can't change my feelings."
"And Hailey and Rosalee?"
"More complications? I like them all as I said before. I can't really say I have a favourite. So far it has been good that they are all friends and we can go out together like that. Sometimes we need some private time though. Today was nice; I guess less complicated."
"Anna said you thought you needed to be older." Ma was directing the conversation without actually asking questions.
"Hmm? I guess I was saying things might sort themselves out. I haven't tried to hide the fact I like them all more than I expected.
"You've gotten yourself into an awkward situation. I hope you can resolve it without too much chaos."
"Me too."
I set the table and when Anna came down I surprised her by giving her a kiss while her mother watched. It wasn't anything other than a "Hi there!" but it was on the lips rather than the cheek.
"You look good in the uniform."
"Doug will be home in about five so we'll wait."
I looked at the time.
"Mind if I put the TV on until then?"
We didn't have television as a background during meals but Ma had no objection though she couldn't understand what we would see in five to ten minutes that was worthwhile. I however was aware that the midday news report would be coming on and local news was covered first.
Anna sat beside me as the headlines were read out. Number two was the "Horror Fire Tragedy" where six people died when they were trapped in a suburban house overnight; number four was the damaged caused to appliances in hundreds of homes by a still unexplained power surge.
Anna didn't recognise the home and no names were mentioned until the newsreader expanded on the story.
"The family of shady local identity Adam Pringle all died when they were trapped in the blazing Greenview home last night. Investigators are still at the scene which took the lives of Mr Pringle, his wife Beverley, twelve year old daughter Michelle and seventeen year old twins Mark and Kyra. The name of an employee who also perished is being withheld until relatives can be notified. And in Bel Vista thirty-four houses had to be evacuated after a police raid on a makeshift Methamphetamine lab in a rental property revealed unstable stores of dangerous chemicals..."
"Roger, that was Kyra and Mark!"
"Yeah. How could such a thing happen?"
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
"Well it's a shock and Mark was a friend."
"But Kyra -- you and she..."
"I told you. That was more like a job; it didn't mean anything. I'm sorry that anyone had to die like that though. It seems a shame when she was, they both were, so young."
"I don't know if you're brave or heartless."
"If it were your family you'd realise I wasn't heartless. Kyra and Mark were okay but their father was everything the stories said about him and more. I heard from Mark that he'd had someone killed who had gotten close to Mark."
"He killed Mark's girlfriend!?"
"Not quite. Don't spread it around though it can't hurt Mark now but he didn't really like girls."
"Mark was gay!? But how did you know?"
"Mark needed a friend. He wasn't sure about me and I asked him openly. We talked."
"It didn't worry you? Nor that others would think you were gay if he was found out?"
"I don't object to anyone being honest about what their feelings are. If Mark fancied me, and could then accept me as just a friend, I was willing to be his friend."
"I don't think there are too many guys around here who would be like that."
"I think that was why Mark was so lonely. In a round about way that is how I got to be with Kyra; his father was going to be suspicious of any male friends Mark got close to. One thing led to another and you got cross with me."
"I'm sorry for that now."
"No need to be. It was a reasonable way to react."
Doug had arrived home and had caught just the last part of my sentence. "What's a reasonable way to react?"
"Two kids Roger knows were killed in a fire last night."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay Roger?"
"Yeah. It's a bit disturbing to know someone and hear they're dead but I'm okay."
"You sure? If you don't feel like working I can call someone else in."
"No. I think I'm better working than just sitting thinking of them."
Doug left us and a minute later Ma came in to check I was okay. She focussed more on the immediate situation; was I feeling like lunch? I was and Anna and I followed her into the kitchen.
Brent was home and was prevailed upon to join us. He too expressed his sympathies to me; rather a surprise but appreciated regardless of my actual state. I had to pick a little bit. I couldn't appear entirely unmoved but I still managed to put away everything on my plate.
Doug gave us a couple of minutes after lunch before bundling us out into the car. We would be early but he figured if we were ready we were just as well off waiting in the store as home.
I clocked on when I got there and reported to the shift supervisor. He greeted me and asked me to start clearing tables. It was a job I had grown to know and, if not love, to understand. It was the duty given to the lowest of the low, which merely meant the newest staff rather than any true employee hierarchy. I wouldn't only be cleaning up but, with restocking and an occasional spell taking orders, that was how I would spend maybe three fourths of my time -- the other fourth being devoted to operating the coffee machine under the watchful eye of an experienced barista.
This time there was a difference. The Supervisor introduced me to our new trainee, a girl called Anna. He asked me to explain to her what I did as I cleared the tables then he would see how well she managed and give further instruction as needed. It was as much a test of our ability to work together as of our skills.
Though it was a Sunday there were more than enough people around to keep us busy and little time for Anna or I to do more than smile at each other even if we had been inclined to mess around while working. Of course, that was exactly what I had been doing for the last three weeks -- messing around while I was supposed to be working.
Around three we were both surprised to see two bright young ladies sitting at one of the tables.
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So there I was kneeling in a closet listening to the occasional murmur of voices and sounds of movement outside the door. My wife had had me wash thoroughly and shave all my body hair before we had left home. Once we arrived at Linda’s house my wrists were bound in front of me by the two women and I was taken to the closet. There was a large very ordinary looking family room (at least from what I saw when I went through it on my way through) just the other side of the door. At one point,...
Ben stood looking himself in the mirror, reminiscing over the past several months. How he loved talking to Shila, his favorite ther****t during his weekly visits. How wonderful her hands felt gently working his weak hand as he looked at her - her long, flowing, dark hair cascading around her pretty face. She had no way of knowing the fantasies playing in his head, as she would talk to him – or did she? He’d look her in the eyes of course, but his mind would wonder to another place. The...
Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is Gutam from Jaipur , India. I am 23 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 7.5 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Lets just start the story. I’m going to...
Milton is a coworker of mine. His appearance could be best described as that of a young Les Nessman, a character from the TV show “WKRP In Cincinnati”. Like Les, Milton wears little bowties, glasses, and is generally nerdy. He is in his mid-thirties and quiet but very intelligent…sort of a milquetoast. Over the past year he and I have become friends. However, I had no idea how highly Milton regarded me until very recently. One day at work, Milton was getting ready to go to lunch. In walked one...
VoyeurHope you enjoy my true story of my first time, this is the only place I can share this, not something I can chat about with friends down the pub.A bit about me, I have an athletic build, short hair and a nice trimmed 6.5 inch uncut cock and had come out of a long term relationship 8 years ago. At that time I had always considered myself straight and had no attraction to men, the difference now is that while I don't have an attraction to men, I am attracted to a nice cock and open minded enough...
Katherine's first few days restricted to the downstairs of Stephen's beautiful home went frustratingly slowly for her as she was unable to do more than hobble from bed to bathroom to the lounge. Chloe had to help her bathe and dress and during the day she relied on Stephen to look after her, which he seemed only too happy to do. He had put a plastic stool in the shower so that she could sit as she washed. Her daughter would put a plastic cover over her bandaged ankle to prevent it getting...
A couple of day later we arranged a date during Edmond day off from work to satisfy Maia’s dream to get his huge cock in her tiny ass, so the meeting was Edmond’s home (I suppose) where we shared some drinks and we spoke about our trip to Jamaica and so on…..until….Without any warning, he gently pulled her in to him and embraced her. It took a moment, but her lips relaxed and she kissed him back. They stood like this kissing as his hands wandered over her back enjoying the coolness of her...
Fresh from the shower, Angel Gostosa wraps a towel around herself and primps in the mirror. Her brother’s friend Jay Romero happens to be there, which gives Angel an opportunity to act on her big crush. Dressing in tight yoga pants and a sports bra, Angel joins Jay in the living room where she begins a workout routine designed to show off her teen body. Jay peeks, but ever the gentleman he doesn’t stare. When her workout routine alone doesn’t get Jay to pounce, Angel puts the...
xmoviesforyouTrue Story, Cheating Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Sat 4th of August 2012 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by Geo.Venereal...
I suppose that I left her for about two hours. She was, as I expected, rather agitated on my return. "Where have you been?" she demanded. "Surely you can't expect me to stay in here all this time? It's unreasonable!" It was a predictable, if disappointing response to her circumstance, I thought. I held a finger up to my lip and waved for her to turn around so that she had her back to me. She gave me a quizzical look but then finally did as I indicated. I reached through the bars of...
Bah! Humbug! My name is Ebeneezer Scrooge. Yes, that Scrooge. But that sack of shit, Charles Dickens, that wrote that story about me lied about the entire thing. It never happened that way. Let me set the story straight about the characters first and then I''ll tell you the real story, not the fictionalized version that asshole came up with. First—there's me, Ebeneezer Scrooge. I wasn't the old miser that asshole portrayed me to be. I was a fit man in his late forties who took good care...
Hello, Im Susan, I think I had better start by saying Im 41 years old, married to James for over 20 years, and have one boy who is now in university, and haven't been with another man while James and have been together. when I was at college I messed around a bit and had sex with two of the boys there, not really a big event, I was drunk most of the time, After college I met James and I fell in love with him very quickly, I soon became pregnant, and we got married, So for twenty years I had...
SwingerThey were a beautiful group, Betty thought, self-consciously crossing her legs and wishing that she had something with which to cover her breasts as she sat at the bar and watched Linda herd the others into the room for a council. It must have been quite a session upstairs, she thought. Glenn was sheepish and his cock was shrunken as he came to the bar for a drink. Her son's penis was partly erect, but well used and reddened. And Little Nikki-- the girl was trying to be very casual, but the...
The strapon was long and thick and it was all of the way down Alex’s throat. Her eyes were watering from the pressure inside of her neck and she was crying so much that her make-up had ran down her cheeks. She was naked. The pretty little skirt she had been wearing was inside of the toilet and her top was used as her blindfold. The only thing she still had on was her heels and they were useless in this situation. Nevertheless, she had longed for the moment Nicole would want to fuck her. She...
My name is Nikky&hellip,I was molested from the age of 7 to high school. There were various situations and people at different times. I think these instances continued due to priors that made it seem to be OK for the next one to take place, but all the while knowing it was wrong. I am an African-American female & black people dont talk about being molested&hellip,hell, we dont talk about sex! Everything is on the hush or swept under the rug. This caused me emotional issues in my adolescent &...
All day I kept asking myself, why I would let something like that happen . Hell, I didn't even enjoy it. I felt ashamed, and mad at myself, and wondered how I would face him that evening.. I came home that night, very little was said between us.. I could hardly bring myself to look at him. I was totally embarrassed at the thoughts of what I had done with him. Friday night I arrived home, and went on into the kitchen, put away the groceries I'd picked up on the way home.. Eddie came...
By: Beast Of The Fall The following story is the continuation of my new life in Pune. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Rashmi. I hail from a small town in Kerala. I now live in Pune and work there in XYZ Informatics. If you haven’t read my previous experiences yet, I would suggest you do so. All the characters appearing in this story have made their appearances in my previous stories and it would definitely help you get into the flow of the story. The first one is titled “My First Job...
"David mac Scott mac Fergus. I like it, he already sounds like a man with something about him." Said Fiona. They had both agreed on the name David for the boy. Scott thought he could remember his biblical studies suggested the name meant 'beloved' and had been the name of the second King of Israel - a noted warrior and poet. The baby appeared lively and healthy, certainly had nothing wrong with his lungs if the squalling was anything to go by, and he was feeding greedily from his...
Little Sally Simpson liked to wear boy's clothes mainly for two reasons. It hid her feminine curves and allowed her to run faster if the cops were chasing her for any reason. She often ran from the cops because she (A) didn't like them and (B) was never certain if they had finally caught up to her for something she had actually done. Her parents had finally accepted the fact they were saddled with a "tomboy" instead of a daughter and in a way her father was relieved because he hated...
I woke up early one morning and went downstairs to my kitchen. I wanted to fix breakfast for me and Louis, who had spent the night and had hot, passionate sex in my spacious bedroom. I had a new box of Special K cereal, which I bought from the grocery store last week, on top of the refrigerator. Being the short girl that I was, I had to get a chair from the dining room table and reached up to get the cereal. Once I got the cereal from the top of the fridge, I then moved the chair to the...
“I call you on the telephone, my voice too rough with cigarettes. I sometimes feel I should just go home, but I’m dealing with a memory that never forgets. I love to hear you say my name, especially when you say ‘yes.’ I got your body right now on my mind, but I’ve drunk myself blind to the sound of old T-Rex.” -The Who, “You Better, You Bet“ “Hey, Girl.” Troy Equals said into the phone. “Hey, Boy.” Julie Equals replied. “Everything going ok?” “Yeah, it’s...” Other voices and the sounds...
“Oh god that was so good. You’re just the best. I couldn’t imagine anyone making love as well as you do.” Ian smiled at the compliment. “What not even Lee with his huge prick.” “Well it would be different but I can’t imagine it would be half as good besides it would probably hurt.” For the first time when he had mentioned Lee and sex she hadn’t given him an outright refusal. “I know it wouldn’t hurt.” Ian replied half hoping it would. “But wouldn’t you be really jealous?” Ian...
SECTION 1 - THE NIGHT BEFORE Glen threw the door back into its frame behind him and it shut with a slam. The panes of glass in the window of the door rattled in their casings as the vibrations faded away. He threw his school bag down and it hit the wall on the way down. Glen huffed to himself, what a day. He had got in to trouble in nearly all of his lessons, and had actually ended up with a detention after school and had only just got back from it. He had had an argument with his two...
The second week of your servitude began with that infernal bugle blaring across the campus. Up, showered, dressed for the day, and off to chow. Class today was going to be about different positions for intercourse.Unfortunately, condoms were once again the rule of the day. The instructor took the stirrups off the exam table, and a couple of extra pillows were present.The Video cams were once again deployed for better viewing of the subject matter by the cadets. It had crossed your mind more...
Straight SexThe telephone woke me out of deep sleep. “I can’t come over. It’s snowing,” she said. I raised my head to look out the window. Large white flakes drifted into the glass and dissolved into droplets that ran in crooked streaks down the pane. “He’ll see my foot prints.” “I understand,” I said, imagining the trail of her feet in the snow between the houses that would betray us. “I’ll come to you soon,” she whispered and hung up. I didn’t covet my neighbor’s wife until the day I saw her...
Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...
Chapter 24 Chapel of Love Friday morning, I awoke feeling refreshed. Sam was going to marry me! Holy Cow! How did that happen? Sometime in February our babies would be born. Hm? On Valentine's Day? Was I living some kind of fairy tale? Shandy and I jumped all over each other for the longest time. I'm sure she had no idea why I was so happy. Likewise, I had no clue as to her own state of bliss either. I let her out into the back yard. She was out the...
Hi I am Renjith () working in defense. I am a regular reader of this site. Today I am describing a gay experience of my life any gays who like the story and interested for same type of sex with me please contact me now I am serving in Gujarat basically I am from Kerala and I like old men in gay sex. Today I am going to tell a story happened after I joined defense. I joined defense at the age of 18 and that time in my view I was not much attractive to anybody in any angle. I was some 6 ft tall,...
Gay MaleThe Great Shift - Summer's End By Limbo's Mistress "Dad, I'm home," a voice from the front of the house called right before I heard the slam of the front door. I looked up from the papers spread out on the kitchen counter to see my daughter, Carrie, walk into the room. She stopped at the table and slipped the backpack off her shoulders, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs. Then she walked over to the opposite side of the counter and leaned against it, grabbing an apple from...
Chapter 7 While sleep hadn't come easy for Monroe he slept deeply once he managed to fall asleep. So deep that he didn't even notice when Lena got up in the morning only about an hour after she had gotten up did he finally wake up as well. It was with a loud groan, his morning wood was straining hard against the way too restrictive cage. It painfully reminded him of his lacklustre performance yesterday. Monroe sighed as he got out of bed and headed to the shower. During his whole...
As Jessica and Harriet gradually recovered their senses after the brutal knockout Gwendoline had recently inflicted on them, they became more and more concerned about their greatly beloved, if unpredictable friend. "We'll have to go outside and look for her, Harriet. Something happened to her while we were out cold. I feel scared. I'd really like to get back at her for what she did to us, but she's my friend and yours" "She beat us fair and square, Jessica. I sure was trying to do the...
I didn’t know he was married the first time I fucked him. I was waitressing in a bar and he was out with friends, drinking. It wasn’t that late, early evening, in fact. He was so handsome. Tall and chiselled, broad shoulders, smouldering eyes. He struck up conversation while I was serving them drinks. He was the whole package… charming too. He told me his name was Paul and that if he had his way he would have my number before he left that night. Some men just have a way to fluster a girl. He...
ANDY'S HOPES Andy Taylor was 13 and a freshman in high school. He was also new to this town, as he and his divorced mother had only recently moved to this area in order for her to begin a new career. He was a very petite boy at 5'1" and 110 pounds. He had striking blue eyes and rather long and unkempt blonde hair. Being tiny and new Andy had made few friends but he had always been a bit of a loner. The other teens left him alone and he preferred that anyway. Generally, Andy did not...
CrossroadsI had a lonely couple of years with no job and without much contact with other people and I really was beginning to find life a bit lonely after my divorce and eventual move into a small flat. What I really would have liked is a partner, someone to share things with and most importantly someone to come home to. Having seen an advert for help wanted in a charity shop in my town I thought I might try that as a way of meeting people. I was taken on and over a short period of time I was...
Much happened in the next twelve months following that first session with my ex and her new partner: Ann began divorce proceedings which I didn’t contest, I financed myself into another home, and Ann, David and I met for two more sessions of torrid sex. These sessions were pretty much replays of the first, I would first screw Ann thoroughly through at least two climaxes, and then she would watch avidly as I serviced her partner David, playing with herself and having a further orgasm as she...
I reached beneath the hem of my wife's skirt and touched her smooth hairless pussy. She had a fresh Brazilian wax and my fingers quickly found her swollen labia. I broke the seal of her pussy and a flood of liquid goodness quickly covered my hand."Can you feel it baby?" Kara moaned as I sank two fingers deep inside her soaking wet cunt. "Can you feel his cum inside me?""Yes," I hissed as I pumped my fingers into her cum filled pussy. I was naked and my achingly hard cock bounced violently as I...
13:05 PDT Monday, October 14th, 1991 NROTC, Room 152 Hearst Gymnasium University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 "Sir, I think I have to ask a favor," Lenore began. The XO sat in his chair, and regarded her over steepled fingers. "Is whatever Commander Fales has you doing down south interfering with your studies?" How do I answer that? Yes, it's interfering with my classes, that's why I'm here, but no, I'm not asking for relief, my grades are pretty darned good. "Yes and no,...
That the nights that followed were long and lonely, as there was little he could do to avoid being alone, and while it had proved to be a tough challenge when he had drunk himself silly and had the luxury of the prostitutes beside him—that same challenge that he thought he could work his way around without forces higher than himself getting involved in what he originally thought to be very common and innocuous crimes, this challenge of loneliness now seemed less threatening, since he was no...
-----We meet -----We meet in a mutual place away from everyone unknown to all, like a warehouse on a rainy twilight evening . You know what you want , you know what you come for . These people with their hoopla of "Shades of Grey" you know we've been doing this so much before they wrote the book. You go to the back door of an old brick wall , the door is black like this darker side we like to visit. Upon entering there's a lonely work bench in the middle of the floor , you go up to it placing...
*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Seven: What is a Fuckpig?Before we start let me just apologise for the long absence, I moved house, and started a stressful new job so I haven't had much time to myself to write.It’s a bit of a struggle to get back into writing Club Gomorrah when you’ve 70% forgotten everything you wanted to make happen so sorry again if this one is a bit slow but I needed to get back into the swing of things.“Belle, Belle, Belle… After everything I gave...
Another FantasyAfter our holiday experience in Maspalomas I was interested in finding out if wife had really meant it when she had agreed to maybe having sexual experiences during overseas holidays. After dinner one night at home I suggested we look online for a venue for our next holiday. I asked if she was up for some new experiences and she said yes. I told my wife that we could go to Florida as I had been reading about a lifestyle friendly hotel just north of Miami. We could do some...
Phillip went into the kitchen, looking for a snack and a drink before he had to meet Ann Marie in the Danger Room for a training session. He had just finished a different kind of training session with the Professor. The Professor had scanned Phillip mentally again and when they were done the Professor said that he put some blockers in Phillip's mind so that he wouldn't feel so much pain upon manifestation of his powers. He told Phillip that he expected him to do the hard work required to...
Have you ever been cruising down an interstate, in the fast lane and pass a big line of vehicles in the slow lane. You have that smug half-grin as you grab the gear shift and up-shift to get more speed. Except, instead of hitting fifth, you accidentally hit third and all that smug self-assuredness just evaporates? That's the effect her quiet statement had on me. I deflated, but instant, total astonishment was replaced in nanoseconds with a lustful interest. "Uhhh, what did you just...
Hi All, After long time I am writing my experience.. This is one of my earlier experiences… since it has been a long time that I had fucked someone and also received a couple of requests to share my experience I am submitting this experience wit my Ex gf Nimitha.. This happened when we were in college.. We bunked classes and went to a movie k3g.. In the theatre itself v were playing with each other with soft caresses and kisses. I was pressing her boobs and kept my hands over her pussy teasing...
July 1980, Göteborg/Hovås, Sweden When I arrived home, the house was empty because everyone was at the station meeting Peter’s train. I went to my room and wrote in my journal. I was still very conflicted about what I’d done with Sofia and wasn’t sure that I’d made the right decision for me. I had certainly done the right thing for her, and maybe that was the proper way to judge my actions. About an hour later, I heard the front door open and went upstairs to meet Peter Jonsson for the...
Roommates Doug and Emily were in bed together in her loft apartment. It was a rare night together. They had sex about once a week, and it was usually quick and almost violent.Doug liked to take her suddenly, unexpectedly, in the hot tub, in the kitchen, once on the front steps of their townhouse late at night. It was all over in a couple of minutes. She enjoyed it -- but she also missed the slow, casual, loving, chat-between-trysts that she had enjoyed with Jason before he reunited with his...
Group SexI was nearly 21 yrs of age. And was really handsome . I had many girlfriends with whom I always had fun. I never thought any thing about guys it was a shit until i came in the situation that I was on that day. Diwali season was near so, we friends decided to to Mumbai for shopping of cloths. So, decided earlier my friends Amol, Parikshit and Bharat gathered to my house, then we went to Nasik road railway station. and took a train to Mumbai. We shopped , we went to see Gate Way of India, it was...
GayIt was early evening when Jaden came in to my room with some clothes for me, and said, “My friends will be here soon. All girls you will be pleased to hear. Get in to these and you can help serve them with food and drinks, oh and be good because I won’t hesitate to spank you in front of them if I need to.” Jaden put the clothes on the bed. I thought at least it would be company even if they were a load of 16 year olds. I picked up the clothes. Just like the sheer see through dress these were...
My name is Kathy Clausen; I’m 33 years old as I write this. Life is a strange experience, at least mine has been. This story is basically about my life, or at least part of it. The incident that I am about to re- count happened during the summer of my 22nd year, and I admit that I brought it on myself. This story could be of a cautionary nature, if I weren’t still living the same life style today. So I guess there’s nothing to learn from it, so just sit back and read...