Please Give Me Something To Remember You By (greatest GenerationChapter 11 free porn video

It wasn’t the first time Jerry had been on the EL, but it was the first time he was going to Josh and Beth’s house. For years they lived in an upscale, two-bedroom apartment.
Because of the war, everything transportation-wise was crowded. The Chicago high-elevation EL was no different. Jerry and Beth found seats, but they were facing one another. Having ogled Beth’s gorgeous body as she walked toward him at Chicago Union Station in her customary, sexually erotic gait he was already uncomfortably excited.
By the time they were near enough to hug each other her dress, in his mind, was already off. He decided to stop right there for a moment because he wanted to fantasize about her just in her panties, a lacy bra, and garters holding up her hose. Silk hose he thought, I can’t even afford silk hose on my salary (Silk was being used for parachutes, and nylon was strictly for military use as well).
Always loving the way her brother-in-law undressed her with his eyes Beth had fantasies of her own. His pent-up lust will result in something worthwhile this time. Remembering one of the conversations she had with her husband about his Pastor brother’s secret lust for her she had thought, I wish Josh were here to see with his own eyes what a closet lecher the good reverend is.
Adventurously sexual she had baited him by wiggling her hips while staring deeply into his eyes and purposely flaring her nostrils. Now she didn’t know what state of undress she was in but knew he was standing in such a way to hide the bulge that was showing in his trousers. I wish he weren’t such a hypocrite about it.
In an impishly wicked way, she looked forward to him finding out the extent to which his daughter was entertaining troops that were heading overseas. She wouldn’t wait for Josh to drop it on him later. I can’t wait for his reaction.
She had hoped that they could sit next to each other on EL, but it was too crowded. As it was, they faced each other, and their knees almost touched. Beth was a toucher. She couldn’t even have a conversation without putting her hands on the person she was talking with. Leaning forward on the EL, she touched him with her fingers as she talked. For Jerry, each touch was an electric impulse that migrated to his groin where his engorged penis was pulsing.
From the beginning of his trip there seemed to be an ominous “something” that loomed over him, and he was troubled by it. There had already been a sea change in his life. His relationship with Mary Jane Rusnak was shaking the foundations of his religiosity. But he didn’t care. Sneaking to the cabin to enjoy sexual adventures with a girl who was barely a woman was seamy and certainly immoral. But it was SENSATIONAL. Though his congregation had no idea what was going on between the two of them they did notice that his sermons had changed. Where before he preached heavily about morality he was now preaching about exploration and fulfillment. The “new” Reverend Cross was having a positive influence on some of the younger and more open-minded members of his flock. But for the stodgy veterans, there was resistance to the strange change in his ministry. With his wife Eve though his new vitality seemed to make her want to snuggle with him more, something that hadn’t been happening for years.
Eve was enjoying an uplift. While she was still in pain, she was dealing with it more effectively since her husband’s frolics with Mary Jane had begun. She was jealous of the young girl but was satisfied that her husband was getting the kind of sexual gratification he ought to have. Where they had slept in separate beds for years, they now went to bed together and cuddled. Before going to sleep they would spoon. Jerry would often come while humping his erection against her back. For a woman who had always been so sexually vibrant and was now denied vaginal sex it made her feel desired which resulted in numerous fellatios. In her mind the semen she was taking in her mouth and swallowing made her feel like the sexual repository she always loved being.
Midway through the train ride to Chicago Jerry had felt the feeling of impending trouble which became heavier as he got closer to the city. On the EL he could feel a certain reserve in Beth as if she were holding on to a secret that she would like to share with him but couldn’t; it was competing with her efforts to flirt with him.
She had always done that when they got together. But the way she was coming on to him at the time made him think there might be trouble at home with Josh. Or, knowing Josh, he felt that his brother might have made a pact with Beth to get his stodgy brother in bed. Her previous actions had always made him feel he could be successful in that regard—he had no idea how often Josh and Beth joked about it. As a member of the clergy, he would never have been prepared to deal with an attempt had she made it. But he had never been involved in an affair with another woman than his wife the way he was now, notably one the age of their daughter.
Beth jolted him out of his reverie when she said, “This is where we get off Jerry.” Rising from their seats they worked their way through the crowded aisle to the exit door as the iron wheels of the train were screeching to a halt. Getting off she led the way to the street, to the corner then down the block to her home.
As they stopped Jerry looked up and said, “Nice house Beth,” comparing the small digs where he lived in Cedar Grove.
“It’s a nice size inside Jerry but cozy as well and has room to expand. Laura fits in so well and has become quite comfortable with us here.”
When they climbed the front steps to the front porch and then went through the door, he was greeted with the comforting smell of pine-scented candles. Looking around he saw how elegantly the living room was appointed.
“Welcome to our home brother-in-law,” she said then planted a kiss on his cheek. It was the way she had always greeted him when he came into their home. Today was different though. She hugged him and pressed her breasts into his chest then pulled back and said, “Let me show you to your room.”
Still feeling the softness of Beth’s breasts against his chest he followed her diligently up the staircase. “Oh,” she said as she stopped and opened a door in the hallway, “This is Laura’s room. Would you like to peek in?”
Standing in the doorway beside Beth he looked inside the room. The walls had been painted pink, Laurie’s favorite color. On the wall of the opposite side of the bed was a white satin banner with red lettering that said U S O. Above and below the letters was a dark blue bar with three evenly spaced white stars. There was a crazy quilt on the bed. Six teddy bears were arrayed on and in front of the pillows. A dressing table covered with white lace was positioned against the wall at the end of the bed with a white wicker chair in front of it. The table was covered with bottles, make-up, cologne, brushes, and a hand mirror. On the wall beside the table was a white wooden dresser. He could see that room was typically Laurie, a feminine bedroom. “It feels like Laurie,” he said.
Smiling at him compassionately she said, “You miss her very much don’t you Jerry.”
He knew that Beth and Josh considered that Laurie could have been Josh’s daughter rather than his. How many times did he think that himself? “I thought my heart would break when she left Beth, but I had to let her go.” With a shrug, he continued, “You know me well enough sister-in-law to understand how fearful I was to let her come to Chicago.” With a rueful smirk, he said, “You and Josh were never the role models a country preacher would select.”
She reached for his hand, squeezed it, and gave him an understanding smile. She knew perfectly well what he was saying. She and her husband were both having sex with Jerry’s daughter whom he had no idea about. Her whole life had been so steeped in sex that she felt it was her natural right to satisfy herself with as much as was practical, so she felt no guilt in it. She would never purposely hurt anybody with her proclivities, but she was perfectly willing to lead anyone astray who didn’t have the strength to resist. Reasoning that her religious brother-in-law’s isolation in the farm country of Iowa had protected him from these erotic flights of fancy. But he was in Chicago now having been lured into her web. “Your room is just down the hall Jerry,” she said pointing to the door. “The bathrooms on the other end,” identifying the door at the other end of the hall. “Why don’t you freshen up? Then we can chat and have some tea.”
After dropping his train case on the dresser top and taking off his coat and tie he hung them on the hanger on the back of the door then went to the bathroom to freshen up. When he came back and opened his bedroom door his knees went weak, and his body became prickled with goose flesh. Beth had not gone to make tea. She had undressed and positioned herself on the bed with her back against the headboard. She sat completely naked with her legs curled beneath her and her hands folded demurely in her lap. Her hair which had been pinned into a French twist was now draped over her shoulders and hung down her back.
“I’m sorry if I’ve shocked you, Jerry,” she said chuckling devilishly, “but of the many times you’ve stared at me and have undressed me with your eyes I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show you what you might have imagined.”
He had to steady himself by pushing his hands on either doorjamb as he said, “B-But Beth...”
With an impish grin, she interrupted by saying, “I’ll take that as a yes my dear.” Reaching out and touching his arm she went on, “Josh has told me so many times that with Eve and the other girls in school with whom both had sex that you were never opposed to sharing them.” Cocking her head in a sophisticated manner she went on, “Frankly Jerry I’ve always been jealous of those girls and wished that he would have shared me with you as well.”
His face turned deep red as he said, “But Beth ... I’m a...”
“Preacher? I know that. To tell you the truth Jerry the prospect of going to bed with the family clergyman has always excited me. I’ve fantasized about it forever.”
How many times had his dick been inside his wife while his mind was fucking Beth? How many times had he mentally undressed her? How many times had he masturbated in the bathtub fantasizing about her? The shock of seeing his naked sister-in-law posed on his bed like an artist’s nude along with her saucy comments morphed into desire.
He knew he wouldn’t return to the wildness of his teenage years but his affair with Mary Jane Rusnak had set him on a new erotic path. With Eve’s approval and encouragement, his affair with MJ was carried on with complete freedom and peace of mind. “I wonder if this new Reverend Jericho Cross can exist in my church,” he asked himself every day for the past month. As his brother’s twin, he’d loved sharing sex with Josh and his girls. Now as he tried to erase thoughts of self-deprecation from his mind, he reveled in the recognition that he was on the verge of sharing Beth, his brother’s woman.
With a firm but sultry voice, she said, “Well Jerry, since we’ve both been thinking about this for years isn’t it time that we got on with it?”
Standing in his sleeveless undershirt, his trousers, and stocking feet he turned, put one foot on the chair next to the door, and thoughtfully removed one sock and then the other. Feeling so lightheaded that he almost fell forward he undid his belt, unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants then dropped them to the floor. Stepping out of the pool fabric he peeled his boxers over his hips and let them drop onto the pile then peeled off his armless undershirt, dropped it then turned, and faced the bed.
With an appreciative smile, she said, “You’ve kept yourself in remarkable shape, Jerry. And my, my, my look at what’s growing between your legs.” Comparing his penis to her husband’s as it bounced higher with each heartbeat, she could see that as it was at least an inch to an inch and a half shorter than Josh’s. But at 7 ½ inches, Jerry’s was still more than substantial for her preference.
Though acting confidently his stomach fluttered as he tentatively put his right knee on the mattress and hoisted his full weight onto the bed. With an eager smile, Beth opened her arms which showed off her cherry-colored nipples and areolas. At the same time while comparing her mature body to the nubile Mary Jane Rusnak he marveled that he was going to finally act on one of his long-held fantasies. And as the image of MJ and some of those women he had counseled in his office skipped through his mind he thought, I like them all.
As he crawled on the bed on all fours to his naked sister-in-law, she sandwiched his face with her hands and planted a kiss on his lips. Her skillfully soft lips made his heart catch and his erect penis waggle like a metronome gone wild. Leaning into the kiss he opened his mouth and accepted her searching tongue.
Pleased that he’d accepted her brazen overture Beth grasped his rigid penis and wrapped her fingers fully around it. It wasn’t Josh’s bulk but was still pulsing and purposeful. The size was an enhancement for her. While his while smaller than Josh’s it was still “world-class” by most women’s standards, certainly large enough to excite her. As he winced at the sensation of her hand around his cock, she felt an electric jolt shoot to the tip of her clitoris. She jerked at the feeling. “Oh GOD Jerry,” she rasped, “I have been thinking about this for SO long.”
So have I he thought and said, “I have too.”
His response stiffened her resolve she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, squeezing his rod harder and stroking him vigorously. “Fuck me, Jerry,” she gasped with urgency. “I want to feel you inside me.”
Spreading her legs wide she leaned back and lifted them for easy access. On his knees, he clutched her buttocks and opened them. Pulling his cock forward she mopped his glans through the wet trough, lubricating it and then pulling it to her entrance. Giving gravity its way, he sank easily inside the slick pudding of her core she grunted, “GAWD Jerry I love, I love it, LOVE IT. Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME.
After a solid thirty-two seconds of being slam-fucked the insides of her vagina were alive but the lips of her pussy and her entire saddle were becoming numb. Struggling through her pounded panting she said, “God Jerry stop for a second, you’re driving me crazy!”
He slumped on her body and said, “Geeze Beth you’ve turned me into some kind of fucking animal.”
Coming from their gasping panting they were like gladiators who had rushed together and collided, trying to bring about a final solution. But needing a break Beth said, “Jesus Jerry, you’re so incredibly like Josh.” She paused. “And he hasn’t fucked me like this for such a long time.”
For both, the thirty-second orgasm had more to do with a history of pent-up desire than sexual efficacy. This wild coupling was a necessary relief valve, a reset. He kissed her compliant lips less passionately.

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