My sister s sexy home visit
- 1 year ago
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Hope drained the last of her bottle with a sigh, and gathered it up with the others to put in the recycling bin on the way out.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Elspeth asked, getting a patient smile from Hope.
"I've had three, that's all," Hope said. "And, for the umpteenth time, I'm fine. It was just a long day."
"I can't believe he honestly thinks Marcus will just up and leave for the states," Brianna said, holding Elspeth's coat for her while she shrugged into it, and then they traded places.
"He's not going to. That's pretty obvious. Even Shawna wasn't worried about that, and she was paranoid about everything he did. I think she expected him to whip out a car aerial and beat Marcus with it until he said he'd go."
"Does he really still have scars?"
"I didn't ask to see them," Hope said, "but Shawna says they're like a foot long, right across his back. Seven of them."
"That's awful. And Marcus is talking to him?" Elspeth shook her head in wonder.
"He's his dad. It's... I'd give anything to be able to talk to my Mum again."
"Yeah, but your Mum was nice," Elspeth said, hugging her gently. "I'd pay good money to talk to your Mum. She was always nice to people. But someone that'd beat you with a car aerial?"
"I don't understand it, really," Brianna said as they left the bar. "But, on the other hand, there's lots of things about Marcus that I don't understand. He has a different way of thinking. If he says that it's so I just accept it."
"He doesn't think that differently to us, you know, not about most things," Hope interrupted. "He wants just the same things we do. He just... he doesn't always recognise it when he sees it in other people."
"What?" Elspeth and Briana were both obviously lost.
"It's... you want people to think that you're smart and funny and kind and all that, right? So does he, but when people do think he's funny, he doesn't always realise it. He doesn't recognise people appreciating him — or not appreciating him — he's living in this little bubble most of the time where he's only got the words people use to go by. It's like he's living in MSN Messenger all the time, and someone's disabled the little smiley faces. There're words, but you can't always tell what the feeling behind them is."
"Right." Elspeth shook her head, slightly, and shared a meaningful look with Briana. "And, in this little MSN Messenger world that Marcus lives in, he's got Shawna on his 'special friends' list... Does he realise anyone else wants to be on it?"
"We're all on his special friends list," Hope laughed, but Elspeth pulled her back a little, turning her around.
"We're all on his friends list, but Shawna's on his special friends list. Does he know that you want to be there, too?"
"That's ridiculous." Hope tried to shrug it off, pulling free of Elspeth's hand, but Briana was behind her as she turned.
"It's not, Hope," she said, sympathetically. "We've seen it for a while now. You've not... you've not gone out with anyone, and there's got to be people asking. This is the first time you've come with us without Shawna or Marcus being here, and all you've talked about all night is Shawna and Marcus."
"Not really," Hope said, and then shrugged. "Alright, yes. I like him, but he's with Shawna. I know that. I know nothing's going to happen."
"You aren't going to do anything to make them split up, then?" Elspeth asked.
Hope spun round on her.
"What? NO! I can't believe... you'd... you just wanted to get me to admit I liked him, really, didn't you?"
"Well, yes," she admitted. "We figured once you admitted it, you could start to move past it."
"I don't want to move past it. I'm happy. I don't miss dating. I'm having fun where I am. I get to spend time in Marcus' and Shawna's company. I get plenty of time to get my work done. I don't spend as much on boozy nights out as you guys do."
"That's because you only drink about half a pint's worth in an evening," Briana pointed out. "Look, we're sorry. It's just... we wanted to make sure you weren't going to go all Marcus on us, and pine away for years until you threaten to throw yourself off a cliff."
"That's not funny!" Hope snapped back.
"No, no it isn't," Elspeth agreed. "That's why we checked."
"I'm fine, really."
"Alright." Briana smiled. "Well, we're heading home. Do you want us to walk you back?"
"It's completely the other direction," Hope pointed out. "We meet here because it's conveniently in the middle. You guys go ahead. I'll get the Union Minibus. It's due in a half-hour or so."
"Are you sure?" Elspeth looked doubtful. "I mean, have you got any idea the kind of people that are likely to be on that bus?"
"Young, attractive women without a car or a date to escort them home, I'm guessing," Hope suggested. "I figure you guys were trying to hint I should find someone..."
"We weren't suggesting you start trawling the bus shelters, though," Briana said, nudging her with a hip. "Be careful, yeah. If you need someone to walk you, call us."
"I will."
The pair made sure she meant it, then disappeared into the late evening darkness, leaving Hope to turn back to the warmth of the union. It wasn't a cold night, but too cool to stand around without a jacket. Turning her back on the bar, she instead turned to the restaurant, which this late at night had been closed down and turned into a sort of social club. Light music was playing out over the Tannoy system, and the coffee and tea machines were still working, supplying the small clusters of people sat around tables and in the comfortable seats.
A few of them were gathered around open textbooks, presumably studying, while some were just sat talking. A larger group in the far corner had pushed a few tables together and were pushing little soldiers around on it, while a group next to them were playing a role-playing game, acting out some exaggerated sword-fight. Hope moved quietly around to the coffee-machine. Opening her purse, she found that she didn't have the right change, and sighed in frustration.
"You need change?" She spun around, surprised at the familiar voice, and found herself face to cleavage with Yvonne. Stepping back a little, she looked up and Yvonne took a step back, too.
"Long time no see," she said, looking awkward.
"Is that a surprise?" Hope asked, snapping her purse shut.
"No, not really," Yvonne admitted, relaxing a little when it became obvious that Hope wasn't going to make too much of a scene.
"How about 'my treat' then, rather than change." She pressed a fifty pence piece into the slot. "What did you want?"
"Hot chocolate, please," Hope finally answered.
"I have to say, you're the last person I'd have expected to see here in the Wasteland."
"The Wasteland?"
"That's what we call it," she waved around at the room. "People come here that don't really fit anywhere else, you know. Don't feel like going home, don't feel like heading to the bar."
"I'd have thought you'd be out clubbing."
"I'm trying to give it up," Yvonne admitted with a rueful grin.
"Too hard on your studying?"
"Too expensive." She pointed towards a nearby table. Moving through the room Hope saw into the darkened fringes and realised that most of the booths were occupied.
"They're the ones that live with their parents — no dorm rooms to go back too, probably no cars to fumble around on the back seats of."
"I never thought of that, really."
"You didn't?" Yvonne sat down opposite her, wrapping her long fingers around her own plastic cup. "I figured you'd know all about that, with your background."
"My background?" Hope's eyebrow rose dangerously, and Yvonne hastily gulped a mouthful of coffee, and then swore under her breath when it burnt her tongue.
"Look, it's just... I got the feeling you were from a fairly quiet family, alright? I'm guessing your parents weren't the sort to let you have guys in your room — or to even entertain the idea of having girls in your room."
"My mum's dead," Hope pointed out, then immediately felt bad for using her mother to score cheap points.
"It's alright, I'm still getting used to it. I didn't mean anything. You're right, though. My dad would never let me have a guy in my room. I'm not sure he'd even grasp the concept of me being with a girl."
"Speaking of which..." Yvonne's voice was quiet, and she took another sip of her drink as she thought of what to say. "I just... I never said sorry for what I did."
"Why did you do it?"
"What?" It obviously wasn't the response Yvonne had been expecting.
"Why did you do it? I mean, you've got the looks, the figure, a certain sort of charm. Why did you feel the need to drug me?"
"Because... I don't know, really. Because I don't think you'd have relaxed enough to do it if I hadn't."
"But that's what I don't get. Why me? There are loads of people out there if all you wanted was a good time, and I can't believe you thought it would be anything more than that if you had to drug me to get it."
"I've had people like that, they're... they're selfish. They don't give. They don't share. You have to almost fight to get any fun out of them. It's lifeless, soulless, pointless sex, and its... I don't want that, you know. I want someone to actually feel something, to want something... someone to want me."
"Want, or wanted?"
"Both, I guess... Jesus, I can't believe I'm talking to you about this."
"This is the sort of conversation you should be having with your mum," Hope said with a wistful smile.
"Not much chance of that, she spends all her time talking to Jack and Gordon."
"Jack and Gordon?"
"Jack Daniels and Gordon's Gin."
"Oh. Dad?"
"Dad... well, last I heard he was in South Africa, but he might have moved on since then. It's been about a year."
"I'm sorry."
"You didn't know."
"Is that why you're living in halls? Your accent says your local."
"My mother thinks I'm at Edinburgh. I need her to pay for the room, but I don't want her to know I'm local or she'll stop paying and expect me to live at home."
"That sounds... I don't know. I can't really imagine what that's like, not being able to go home."
"Really? You can't go home and say, 'Dad, this is my girlfriend Shawna'."
"Shawna is not my girlfriend!" Hope squeaked, and immediately shrank into her seat a little as faces turned towards her.
"Say it a little louder." Yvonne smiled, and they both giggled, suddenly. "Look, it was just someone you seemed to have something with."
"We'd broken up by the time I met you. I thought I'd told you that."
"You did, but you two seemed to go well together. I figured you'd be back together by now."
"She's still with Marcus."
"Ah, the guy with the..." she waved a hand near her head, "the thing. You did tell me. Like your brother."
"Yeah, that." They fell silent for a while, sipping at their drinks and beginning to feel awkward.
"So... why are you here, then?" Yvonne finally succumbed to feeling, having finished her drink first.
"Waiting for the union minibus."
"It doesn't run on Tuesdays."
"Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They cut it back at Christmas."
"You need someone to walk you home?"
"I... I should probably call Marcus and Shawna."
"You need to borrow a phone?"
"No..." Hope finished her coffee, thinking of how Shawna might feel if she phoned to interrupt their evening. They'd come, but even if Shawna didn't think it was deliberate, she'd still see Marcus coming at Hope's beck and call.
"It's alright, I'll walk." She decided.
"On your own? I'll walk you."
"And then you'll have to walk twice as far on your own."
"That's OK."
"No it's not," Hope said. "How were you supposed to be getting home?"
"I was going to walk. I do it a lot."
"You aren't worried?"
"A little, but... you can't let that stop you."
"Come on, I'll walk you.
"Alright, thanks."
"You don't seem in any great hurry," Yvonne said, and Hope realised she was still sitting.
"I was just... I was thinking of something... never mind."
"Have you actually got somewhere to go?" Yvonne looked worried, and Hope couldn't help but laugh.
"Yes, it's not that. I'm just... I don't want to interrupt Marcus and Shawna's evening together."
"She's got her own room, right? You're not going to walk in on anything."
"No, but..."
"But you'll know they're there."
"They're pretty thin walls," Hope admitted, and blushed slightly.
"Well, look... technically, if you wanted to come back, I'm still in our room. I couldn't stop you if I wanted, but... think of it as an offer of somewhere to crash for the night."
Hope eyed her warily for a moment, and then looked back to her cup. Briana and Elspeth probably hadn't meant Yvonne when they had told her that other people were asking, but here she was. And she was quite attractive, even after the chocolate had taken the edge off the three Bacardi breezers she'd had that night.
"Thanks," Hope said, rising to her feet. "It's not my room. I told the Admin I was moving out. They've not been charging me."
"I know, but your name's still down on the board, and I've not been assigned a roommate. I can lend you a night-shirt, but you'll have to walk home in your own stuff."
"I'll live."
"I can't believe you were that stupid." Lorraine pulled on Tony's shirtsleeve and he groaned as it shifted his bruised shoulder.
"It was a good tackle. I couldn't help who landed on me after I made it," he said, relaxing as his arms slipped free and settled back to his side.
"This game isn't good for you, you know." She pushed him back into the seat and knelt down to grab start undoing his shoes.
"Bloody typical." He let his head flop back onto the top of the headboard.
"I finally get a slave willing to undress me, and I'm too badly injured to do anything about it."
"I'll give you bloody 'slave.'" She slapped his leg, laughing. "Anyway... who said you had to do anything."
Slipping his shoes off she tugged on the legs of his jeans, which he'd already slipped off his hips before he sat down, and then shuffled forward on her knees between his legs.
"Oh!" He smiled, broadly, and closed his eyes as she fished into his underwear. "Oh, well. Carry on then..."
"I have teeth," she pointed out, and he came up quickly, but she didn't follow through on her threat. He settled back to the bed with a satisfied groan as she opened her mouth and gently teased the head of his cock with her lips.
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It was another boring day hanging out at my Grandmothers. I had offered to construct her small pool her. Thought I would do the honourable thing. The only bright side was my cousin Emma decided to help. Emma was blonde, had a decent curvy body, her breasts perky and a nice round butt. Her family was very open about their sexuality and she had always flaunted her assets. Secretly I had always lusted after Emma, I knew it was wrong but it didn’t stop me and spent a lot of my teenage years...
IncestMy greatest buddy Alica is one of the greatest people I know. And she is a looker. Nevertheless, as we are imminent her refusal, she sustained to remain one. Couldn’t believe these eight years after she could have a legal dating personals sex, she was a Virgin. I found the answer in its soppy romance novels. She was holding for “The One”.My girlfriends and I decided to go on a trip to the Sun, sea and scoop to sex on Ibiza. We decided to have a no-holds-barred party starts on Christmas Eve and...
~A Sweet Fantasy, all characters in this story are over the age 18. Viewers Discretion is advise.~This happened when I was still living at home, a few years ago just before my 21st birthday. I was home for the summer from uni and working long days in a crappy summer job for a friend of my dad. I had an on/off boyfriend, but we were very much off at this point- in fact I had decided that I was well and truly done with him and his bullshit behaviour. I wasn't missing him at all, and in fact I was...
‘What the fuck happened?’ Connor demanded angrily, meeting Eamonn at the entrance to the surgical wing. ‘I don’t know, man,’ Eamonn tried to placate Connor. ‘She was fine and then she was almost fainting.’ ‘Just like that? She has one of the strongest stomachs of anyone I’ve ever met. Surgery has never made her lose her lunch.’ Connor ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. ‘I mean, she’s been tired lately, but fainting?’ ‘Look, she’s in the break room. I gave her a mug of tea and...
More than a walk in the park I was 48 living alone and it was summer,all the women in there light summer attire and I loved to watch them as I was now.I came to the park often as I liked people watching and had a few nice places in it I could watch them,I liked it when there were young courting couples about as they had very few inabitions and I sometimes had some sexy glimpses from them banner1 I was near the lake today as it had less people about, the gardens had too many oldies in it. I had...
Jasmine Jae looks stunning in a fishnet outfit complete with a down coat, designer shades, and some sexy manicured nails. She rubs herself from top to bottom, taking pleasure in running her hands over her sensuous curves. She gets on the bed to be filmed topless by our lucky stud, but soon pushes away his camera to get a little closer. She takes his huge cock in her mouth, deepthroating his shaft with an intensity that only a horny MILF can provide. Our stud rips her fishnet pantyhose open and...
xmoviesforyouThis is a chapter in a fifteen-chapter novella, and each chapter is dependent on the one that precedes it. It is best to read them in order. ***** “Annie?” Tom spoke up after a brief but awkward silence. “Can I eat you out. Honestly, I would really like to do that for you.” I have never heard the words “eat you out” said with such sweetness and sincerity, and while it seems funny to me now, I was genuinely moved at the time. I sat there glowing for a moment, and I thought about Tom licking...
Sunday became Monday. Monday passed into Tuesday, then Wednesday and so on. Things started to settle into a routine. Pedro was an early riser. So, Patricia would be up and dressed well before the other girls were about. As they came blinking into the morning, Patricia would greet each by name, and converse as much as his English skills allowed. At first, this was something of a necessity coupled with Pedro's innate good manners. Over time it served to cement him as a person to talk to. Later...
‘Mum, Mum…MOTHER!’ Kainene screamed the last word. ‘Gah! What is it, Child?’ Her mother snapped in irritation. She was trying to stuff her daughter’s novels into her suitcase and it refused to shut. Her face was red, she was sweaty and her daughter was screeching in her ear. She was not best pleased. ‘Don’t yell at me mum, I’m trying to tell you not to bother squeezing them novels in. I’ve got space in this other bag.’ Kainene rolled her eyes. Gosh, she was the one who had to move to Bristol...
Fairlight glen, a lush green country park with a difficult descent to the beach. Well worth it though if you like naked men’s bodies. I didn’t realize that I did until I ventured onto the naturist beach. Felt obliged to strip off and found running on the beach naked liberating refreshing and downright horny, especially when I saw other eyes on me. Due to its relative inaccessibility, the beach can sometimes be relatively deserted apart from the very keen. After my run found that my cock had...
The Succubus Awakening By Morpheus I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead I woke up with a case of blue balls. "Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast. "Not again..." I got up and went to the bathroom and jacked off for a few...
I had been thinking about it for some time. I was in upper management at my company. My salary was six figures and I was enjoying the fruits of many years of hard work and dedication to my job. My only problem was my wife, Judy. We would be celebrating 25 years of marriage soon. She was a beautiful girl when we met. Her figure was absolutely incredible! She was smart, energetic, supportive, loving and faithful. In short, Judy was the perfect wife. That was then and this is now. After two...
I remember seeing my teachers white lacy thong when she bent over to grab some trash as i stood close behind her. She was young, pretty thicc and a redhead with pale skin and my first crush. Time froze as her thong rode high above her jeans and disappeared between the top of her slightly exposed cheeks. I spent all class hopping shed bend over and I could see her panties. A few times I got lucky seeing her see through black bikini style panties or thong and I’d jerkoff thinking about her....
In my previous life, I was Darren Peter Hornsby. I was a forty-two year old American History professor at a small, private college near Annapolis, Maryland. I was married with three kids. I drove a seven-year-old Hyundai that was too small to fit my six-foot tall, nearly three hundred pound frame but my wife bought it for me as a gift so I was required to drive it until the wheels fell off. It was a gift all right, a gift to her. The damn thing got me to work and back for two weeks without...
Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...
My time with Jo was very important, she guided and comforted me. We had sex together again which was wonderful but she was firm that we were not "lovers" in the sense of being partners. She encouraged me to make friends in and out of school and to have some social life as she herself did. At the suggestion of her cop friend, we hired a private investigator to monitor James' and Mum's movements. My relationship with Mum deteriorated. Her mood swings from paranoia to shame became more...
You could try tying me up to a tree on my knees with my calves around either side of the base, then around my waist and chest. I'd already have a butt plug in so my tight hole wont get lonely.You could rub the tip across my face to tease me some before you lift it out of the way so I could mouth and lick your testicles. My hot tongue reaching down under them gives you an idea and you turn around so I can lick and suck your buttocks and tight hole. As my tongue gets inside a bit, you start...
Hi I m 24 now , studying @ IIM kolkata and despite my busy schedule manage to bang a bong hottie once a week or 2! Coming to my story! Its a inspired and hopefully nicely edited version of a true incident that happened between me and my young virgin maid of 18 , back when i was in class 12th, only 18. So describing myself @ 18 5’10” 8.5″ long n 3.5″ thick dick! Her : Name : Nausheen skin colour : Soft smooth and extremely fair! Quite Persian looking. She was a bihari but had a Persian and...
Now that she was all dressed, it was time to head to the theater. We got in the car and began the half hour trip to the theater. As soon as we got in the car, I started playing with her clit to get her pussy nice and wet for all the guys. I continued to rub her clit the entire way there. She was soaking wet by the time we got there. She was ready for some strange cock. We got out of the car and walked in. The cashier asked us how we were doing and let us in. He recognizes us now and no...
How to Become a dog bitch. Chapter one. Introduction.I only know since I am with my owners that I am submissive by nature. Or as they say: "A born fuck slut." before I met them I've never been so aware of it, but perhaps they're right. Belonging to some people as their fuck slut is extremely exciting. At the same time a daily routine of the same actions and activities. This story is as much based on my own experiences and on my fantasies. What is real and what is fantasy? Does it...
I glanced at my boyfriend nervously. He’d been very quiet for the past half hour, just sitting and staring out the window, like he was waiting for something. It was making me really jumpy. Usually when he was really quiet that meant he was either upset or thinking very seriously about something—both very, very bad things, in my opinion. Cautiously, I sat down by his knees and nudged him gently with my head. “Hey.”He looked down, startled, and the look on his face told me he wasn’t upset. “You...
Vicki couldn't believe it. She stared at the invitation, unsure if she should be irritated or be frothing rabid at the slight. Her hubris knew no bounds, sending Vicki an invitation to her wedding to the man that she'd stolen from her.She took a shot from the glass that she unawarely plucked from the shelf, and refilled it with the bottle of vodka that had sneaked its way into her grasp. Then, she did that again. Then, she made the RSVP.She showed up to the reception hall early. In fact, she...
I was hiking in the woods one day all alone and it was hot, so I thought I would take off my pants and walk in my underwear. Hell, there was no one around, so I "thought". I then took my Cock out of the slit in my underwear. The breeze felt good on my Cock. I got down by the lake and found this place that was surrounded by three sides by rocks. I was perfect no one around so I laid out my sleeping bag and took off my underwear, to get some sun on my Cock and Balls. I was playing around with...
The parking lot is empty and the doors are locked by the time Rebecca gets back to the supermarket. Thankfully Fred gave her a key to let herself in when she arrived. She casts a glance around her before unlocking the door and stepping through. Just as quickly, she shuts it and locks it back up. She doesn’t have a reason to fear anyone following or watching—no one knows of her affair, not even her husband. But worry she does. She turns around to face the totally empty store. There are a few...
When everything goes just the way you want you have to think that there is something odd to the events that unfold. Just how do they unfold? What causes someone to reach the pinnacle of success and get everything they could ever want in life? Is it fame or fortune? Is it hard work, perseverance, and skill? It seems in most cases that it is purely a bout of good luck. But what happens when that wheel of fortune takes a nasty spin. Jack was about to find out what happens to those that reach...