America’s Playboy Ch. 06 free porn video

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‘What? Seriously? What’s his secret with the ladies? That’s what this is all about? That’s the information you want me to get?’ Anthony looked at Boss Russo.

‘Yeah, that’s it. That’s all you have to do, Tony,’ said Julio.

‘But, how am I supposed to find that out? That’s really personal information to find out from a stranger, especially when I’m there on the pretense of repairing his house,’ he said gesturing with his hands in the fashion of a typical Italian. ‘How the Hell am I going to do that?’

‘Listen, let me tell you somethin’ about guys. No matta how old they are, all guys like to talk about broads. Guys talk about broads more than they talk about sports and cars. When it comes to kissin’ and tellin’, guys are worse then women in that regard. Guys love to brag about the women they wanna bang, the women they banged, and how they banged the women they banged. Guys even keep little black books of all the names of all the women they ever banged. Maybe, HH keeps a black book, too. Maybe everythin’ you need to know is in HH’s little black book,’ said Julio giving Anthony a yellowed tooth smile.

‘Boss,’ said Mario. ‘Today with the computer, he probably keeps it all on his hard drive. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has files of naked broads on his computer.’ He elbowed Mario, ‘I’d love to see some of the photos he must have on his computer. I betcha he has every celebrity naked.’

‘We’re talkin’ business here, Angelo, and all you think of are naked broads,’ said Mario.

‘Yeah, well this whole discussion is how the boss can get some beautiful broads naked to make them want to have sex with him by hypnotizing them and controlling their minds.’

‘You have a point there,’ chimed in Vito.

‘How am I supposed to find his black book? How am I supposed to get in his computer? How am I going to get him to tell me about how he gets so many women?’

Suddenly, Anthony looked a bit pale and more than a bit panicked.

‘Yeah, yeah, you’re probably right. Maybe when Anthony leaves, we should have him steal his computer.’

‘Wait, hold on, I can’t steal his computer,’ said Anthony taking a step back, in case a slap was coming his way. ‘I’m not a thief and I can’t steal his computer. How am I supposed to get through security to get that on the plane?’

‘Anthony’s right, Boss, he just can’t walk out of the guys house carrying his computer. HH probably has security that would stop him at the door,’ said Vito.

‘He’s got a point,’ said Angelo. ‘Besides, he don’t have to steal the whole computer, Boss. He can just copy the information that’s on the computer. That way nobody will know nothin’ and they won’t suspect him for being there to steal his secret scoring with the broads.’ Angelo looked to Mario. ‘They have those little keys that you just stick in the computer to download files.’

‘He’s no stupido. He probably has security and passwords,’ said Vito. ‘You’d have to find a way around those.’

‘There are computer geeks who can crack any password,’ said Mario. ‘We’ll get Salvy’s brother. He’s a genius when it comes to computers. Did you ever see his room? Mamma Mia, he has at least six computers line up in his room all going at the same time. His room looks like what they have in the Pentagon and he’s always bragging about breaking into companies’ computer and downloading credit card information.’ He laughed. ‘He even hacked Harvard and plug a record of him graduating with a degree in business. He’s a smart fuck, that guy.’

‘Whoa! Wait, hold no,’ said Anthony. ‘How am I supposed to find his black book? How am I supposed to get in his computer? How am I going to get him to tell me about how he gets so many women?’

‘Maybe you have a couple of drinks with this guy and maybe he starts talkin’ or maybe you talk with some of the broads that he’s banged. He’s got broads hangin’ around all over the place over there. Maybe you even tell him that you’re havin’ problems gettin’ a broad and ask for his help. Guys like that are always willin’ to help a guy out by givin’ him some suggestions. Maybe, he’ll give you a couple of pointers and then the conversation continues from there.’

‘People are funny about having strangers use their computers. I can’t see how he let me just walk in his house and—’

‘Listen to me, Tony. Maybe you tell him that the airline lost your laptop or you forgot it home. Whatever? Then you ask him to use his computer to write up some notes about makin’ the repairs on his house or ordering the supplies he needs online or about the suggestions he gives you to score with the broads. Whatever?’

‘Yeah, okay, that might work. He’d probably allow me access to his computer, but a guy like him probably has half dozen computers all over his house. He probably has a network and he can probably tell what I’m doing on his computer.’

Mario put up a hand and like a mini stop sign the three associates who shadowed him stood back a few feet. They knew whenever the boss did that, he wanted to have some privacy. Boss Russo threw a fat arm around Anthony’s shoulders again and they continued walking.

‘You gotta think Tony and grab the opportunities when presented to you, just like I’m presentin’ this opportunity to you now about goin’ to this guy’s house and gettin’ me the information that I need to erase the money you owe me. Capice? The rest is up to you, Tony. Do you understand your position with me?’

‘Gees, I don’t know, Mr. Russo. I was nervous before about flying out to California, now, I’m really nervous after finding out what I have to do when I get there.’

‘Tony, Tony, Tony, don’t be nervous. Listen to me. There are always broads roamin’ around his house. Maybe you can start a dialogue with some of them. He lives with three of them. Maybe you can have some drinks with them and get them to talk about HH. All you have to do is to watch and listen. See how HH interacts with his broads. That’s a good way to discover his secret with women without him even knowin’ that is why you are there.’

‘Yeah, sure, okay, I can do that.’

‘Whatever method you use to get me my information is your problem. I don’t care how you approach this guy to find out the information that I need, but I’m countin’ on you to get it. You know what I mean,’ said Julio lookin’ down at the gun that protruded from his open jacket. ‘I don’t like hearing bad news and I don’t like being disappointed. Disappointment makes me very sad…and angry.’

‘Yeah, sure, Mr. Russo, I got it. You want me to find out how this guy has been so lucky with the ladies but, Mr. Russo—’

‘No buts Tony. Just be at Logan Airport tomorrow mornin’. Rocco will pick you up at your house at 5:30 in the morning to make sure you get to the airport on time. Capice?’

‘Yeah, sure, okay, Mr. Russo. Don’t worry. I get you what you need.”

‘They’ll be a limo to pick you up when you land in LA.’ Boss Russo signaled for his three associates to approach. ‘Call for Fabrizio or Leonardo to bring up the car and pick us up. Suddenly, I’m tired after all this walkin’.’

Angelo called back to the club and instantly a shiny, black, Cadillac Escalade pulled up and stopped in the middle of the street blocking traffic behind him. Fabrizio opened the two driver’s side doors and came around the back of the SUV. He shot the driver impatiently waiting behind his double parked truck a dirty look before opening the passenger side rear door for his boss.

‘But, Mr. Russo, how old is this guy?’

‘How old?’ Boss Russo turned to Anthony with a smile. ‘He just turned 82.’

‘Eighty-two? That’s ancient. I don’t understand. If this guy is as old as you say, then I don’t get it. How can someone that old be that lucky with the ladies, unless they are old ladies from the nursing home?’

‘Nursing home?’ Julio turned to look at his boys and they all burst out laughing. ‘You’re a funny fuck, Tony. Listen, this guy has three beautiful broads liv
ing with him. One is twenty-something, one is thirty-something and one is forty-something. Weren’t you listenin’ to our little conversation while we were enjoyin’ our nice stroll?’

‘Yes, Mr. Russo. I was listening to every—’

‘Then, why do you think I suspect this guy uses hypnosis or mind control of somethin’ like that to get these broads? What beautiful broad in her right mind, unless he’s controlling their minds, would want to spend time with an old fuck like that? Why do you think I’m sending you to LA, givin’ you five grand spendin’ money, and forgivin’ your loan to get me the information on how he does it?’ He turned to his boys. ‘Did any of you take today’s paper with you?’

The impatient driver of the car behind the SUV parked in the middle of the street with its 4 doors wide open beeped his horn. Fabrizio turned, walked to his car and put a big hand on his driver’s door rear view mirror.

‘Una momento, my friend. I’ll only be a minute more,’ he said with a smile. ‘I’m picking up my Godfather,’ he said moving back his jacket to pocket his hand while purposely revealing the butt of his gun. He leaned down to the driver. ‘This is a nice car, except for the recalls.’

‘Recalls, what recalls,’ said the driver.

‘I read about stuff is always falling off this car,’ said Fabrizio. In one quick move, he pulled off the driver’s side mirror and handed it to the man. ‘See what I mean? You should have this fixed. It was loose. It’s a good thing I caught it before it hit the ground and broke the mirror.’ He smiled. ‘You should thank me.’

‘Thank you,’ said the man accepting the mirror and putting up his window.

‘Yeah, I have it right here, Boss. I figured you might need it,’ said Angelo.

‘You figured the Boss might need it? You were gonna take it to the bathroom and jerk off over the photo of those three broads, weren’t you, you fuckin’ pervert,’ said Mario.

‘Fuck you. I brought it for the Boss. Here you are, Boss. Here’s your paper.’

‘That’s the guy,’ said Boss Russo pointing to HH.

‘You’re kidding. That’s the guy? You can’t be serious. Don’t you know who this is? How can I possibly—’

‘Yeah, I know who he is. Everyone knows who he is. He’s a lady’s man legend. He’s famous and he’s had more broads than anyone on the planet. I need to know how he does it. I need to know his secret and if you get me his secret, you’ll not only be good with me but also I’ll give you a little somethin’ to make it worth your while, say fifty grand.’

‘Fifty grand? Wow! Okay, sure, I’ll do it. No problem Mr. Russo. You can count on me. Don’t worry about nothing. I’ll get the information that you want. I’ll find out how he’s been so lucky with the ladies, even if I have to steal his computer or download files or whatever. I won’t let you down,’ he said shaking his hand and pumping it. ‘Wow! Fifty thousand dollars.’

‘Look at this guy. When I told him that I’d pay him fifty grand, I must have said the magic word like Groucho Marks,’ said Julio laughing out loud again with his boys.

‘Don’t worry Tony. You’ll understand once you meet this HH guy,’ said Julio turning again to his associates and laughing. ‘We think he may somehow hypnotize the women or give them some kind of drug that controls their minds. Yeah, it’s gotta be some kind of mind control that he uses on these broads. That’s gotta be it. Why else would someone who looks like this be with someone who looks like him?’ He looked at the photo of HH. ‘He always wears that smokin’ jacket, too. Only, now because he’s so friggin’ old, it looks more like a bathrobe.’

‘He looks older than my grandfather,’ said Anthony. ‘And my granddad is proud of that fact that he hasn’t had sex in thirty years. After my grandmother died, he said he’s done with sex and with woman. For someone who is 82-years-old and still active with women is amazing,’ said Anthony handing the newspaper back to Boss Russo.

‘Yeah, see, now you’re starin’ to understand what I’m talkin’ about. Mind control or hypnosis is the only way why three beautiful broads would want to have sex with an old geezer like him. Either this guy has a cock as big as an elephant and as hard as steel pipe or he controls their minds somehow into believing that he’s a young stud.’

‘Well, he is very rich and still wields some power in the industry, even at his age,’ said Anthony. ‘Women like hanging around old, rich men like that…what was her name?’

‘Anna Nicole Smith?’

‘Yeah,’ said Anthony. ‘Remember? She married that 90-year-old billionaire, Howard Marshall, who croaked not long after they married.’

‘Well, we all know that this guy is rich, Anthony. I’m rich, too, and I don’t get no broads who look like that. There has to be something else going on here and word on the street is that he controls their minds somehow, as would a…’ Julio turned to his associates. ‘What’s the name of the guy from Oz?’

‘The cowardly lion,’ said Angelo.

‘No, the other one.’

‘The scarecrow,’ said Vito.

‘Nah, not that one.’

‘Tin man, boss,’ said Mario?

‘No, the other one. The big cheese. The boss of the operation.’

‘You mean the wizard,’ said Anthony, ‘the Wizard of Oz?’

‘Yeah, that’s him. Word on the street is that he controls their minds like a wizard or a hypnotist or a witch or somethin’ like that.’

‘Sorry, Boss for correcting you, but—’

‘But what Mario? This is not a good time to interrupt me. Can’t you see I’m having a private conversation here with my friend Tony?’

‘Sorry, Boss, but a witch is a broad. A warlock is a guy. Maybe this HH guy is a warlock. Maybe that’s how he controls the minds of all these beautiful women by casting a spell on them and making them do whatever he wants.’

‘Well, whatever it is, if it’s hypnotism, mind control, wizards, witches or warlocks, my friend Tony here is goin’ to find out for me. Right Tony?’

‘Right Mr. Russo,’ said Anthony with nervous hesitation.

As was everyone in the neighborhood, it was obvious that Anthony was afraid of Mr. Russo. Only, Anthony was way ahead of Boss Russo. He knew that if he returned with the information, Mr. Russo would never pay him fifty thousand. He’d kill him first before he ever gave him that kind of money. He knew that he was fucked either way.

In the next chapter Anthony flies to LA and meets HH.

Thank you for reading my story. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Please take a moment to vote, make a public comment, and/or give me feedback. Your support is why I write. Your feedback will motivate me to write a better story the next time.

If you haven’t already, please take moment to add me and/or this story or any other of my stories to your list of favorites. Thanks, Freddie, Bostonfictionwriter.

To be continued…

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On New Year's Eve 1999 (millennium eve) my mate had a party as his parents house in high Wycombe. They had a big place with a marquee in the garden and about 150 guests. I was 28 at the time and my mates and their friends were all a bit younger, as I was a mature student at the time.We had a really good night, which in fact carried on until about 5 in the morning for me and even later for others.Anyway, I fucked a couple of different girls that night.The first was a friend of a friend, let's...

2 years ago
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OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPED Hi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I help put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush to...

4 years ago
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Aged to Perfection

I guess we all walk around with a lot of preconceived notions about things and, I suppose, for most of them, we carry them with us throughout our life. But there are a few that, in living our lives, we run dead up against an exception to these firmly-implanted ideas and they have to change. That happened to me last year when Olivia and I were looking for a house to buy. Olivia is my girlfriend, we'd been together nearly five years and felt really good with each other and had decided to do what...

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Photographic MemoryChapter 5

It was after noon by the time the girls and I made it into the water, and I guess we should have stopped to eat, but we didn't. Making do with the bottles of water, we spent the entire afternoon more or less innocently, drifting between the surf and sand. I was called on numerous times to renew the sunblock on all three girls, but we were never alone, and everyone behaved, mostly. At one stage in the afternoon, all three girls lined up in the water, facing me, and mimed lifting up their...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 483

An hour after breakfast, Jeff rapped on the General’s office door and went on in. Stopping in front of Whitworth’s big desk, the Colonel snapped to attention. “Colonel Matthews reporting as ordered, Sir!” “Make us a fresh pot of coffee and sit your smart ass down. I’m not in the mood,” Whitworth grumbled, but Jeff saw the quirk of a smile at the corner of the General’s mouth. Jeff chuckled and set about making the coffee. While he worked, the General took a cigar from his desk drawer and...

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Slumber Party Wrestling

Its the summer you turn 18 and you're still living with your parents, who are away for the weekend. Its Friday night and your twin sister Megan is having a sleepover with two of her friends, Heather and Carol. Megan is your younger twin sister, shes your height and kind of looks like you but with a very slender, feminine physique. Her legs are long and lean from running and she is flexible from her yoga routine she does in the backyard. Her brown hair is tied up in a messy bun and shes wearing...

4 years ago
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21 July 2007Chapter 1

Dan and Wendy kissed and hugged Diane, Brenda, Brad, and Abby, then exited the hospital. The hot, humid air was still heavy this late at night as they walked to the Shelby. Opening the passenger door for her, Wendy put her arms around his neck, giving him a long and passionate kiss. He held her close to him, caressing her left tit. “Thank you so much for being here for me for being my lover and partner. We make a pretty good team together,” he said. “No thanks is needed, Dan. I love you we...

1 year ago
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XXXPawn Lexxi Deep Ceremonial Sex in The XXX Pawn Shop

I do love my chocolate. This sexy black hottie came in the XXX pawn shop trying to sell an African ceremonial mask. The woman looked great, but the mask looked creepy. My man Jamal said the thing was really valuable, but my shop isn’t really the place to sell such a thing. So I passed on the mask and went for the pussy. Just like most everyone that comes in, she was desperate for some cash. She said her lights were about to be shut off for being three months behind on her bill. Well that right...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 36

I had less than two hours to kill before Danielle’s divorce meeting. Going back to campus and trying to find out more about the model was probably the best idea, but without Dalton to guide me, I didn’t know what I was really looking for. Going back to my apartment right now would be fruitless, unless I wanted to find the people who might be watching my apartment, and I had no way of knowing what would come of that. I decided to make my way toward the courthouse and find someplace to eat on...

1 year ago
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Between Lifetimes

As I looked out the window, I saw the town pass by me as I sat on the bus heading toward my High School. My name is Tammuz, named after the god of fertility and sheep in Mesopotamian myth. I live in the city of Cheyenne in the state of Colorado in the United States of America. As I look upon my reflection from the window of the bus I see my red hair and striking red eyes. That is the most eye-catching part of my body however outside of it I am about average in my looks. As I return to the...

2 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT5

Jerome continued to come over whenever he wanted, after I told him I was knocked up. Whenever he came over it was the same intense fucking, I enjoyed so much.Jerome taught me how to give head, after awhile I was able to deepthroat all twelve inches. I enjoyed it when he came in my mouth, running that salty semen all over my tounge before swollowing.After giving birth to Jerome's daughter, Jacquilin, Jerome again disappeared. for the next two mothes with three k**s running around, my body became...

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That Night

That night as she was walking through the streets of Idaho falls she heard a faint moan coming from an alley so she walked into the alley there she found a young man to be in his early 20's she knelt next to him and asked if he was okay, the man responded to her in a faint voice that he was weak from walking and asked if she had any thing to drink the lady looked at the man and told him to follow her to her hotel room were she would take care of him until he was strong enough to tell her what...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Amber Jayne When Dreams Cum True

Amber Jayne’s impressive 32DD / 70F tits are absolutely mind-blowing! When she invites Sam Bourne into her house, he can’t stop looking at those enormous knockers which she notices. He’s lost his dog in her neighborhood, but instead of looking for his dog, that insatiable blonde British Milf is looking for a good fuck! Her hubby has been away for quite some time and she hasn’t been sexually satisfied in a while. The busty Brit with blue eyes and a gigantic cleavage...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 4 Devirginated Daughter

"I'm sorry Barbie," I lied. "I lost control of myself. Are you mad at me?" "You promised ... you said you wouldn't," and her eyes filled with tears. "I'm really sorry little sweetie but you're so sexy ... so good ... I couldn't control myself. Can you forgive me?" I caressed her cheeks as I spoke. "Yah ... I guess so Mr. Hamilton. Did my Mom let you? I mean, cum in her mouth?" Her pretty face was still only inches from my still rigid cock and a dribble of creamy gism hung...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...

4 years ago
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Retribution Part 3

  The phone rang. Zoe answered it and I could tell it was Susie. I stayed facing the wall, my trousers and underpants already off, about 5 minutes away from going across my daughters lap for another exceptionally hard spanking.   Susie has been away on her holiday for three weeks with Madge from next door. Zoe was given full spanking and discipline rights over me, even though she is my 21-year-old daughter and I am 45. Here I was again, waiting for her to take me to the spanking chair,...

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GreeniesChapter 4B

Laura gave a scathing statement to the MarsGroup channels less than an hour later. She called for an immediate independent investigation into the events on Triad and the arrest and trial of the FLEB agents that had fired on the protestors. "Those people are common murderers," she said, her words being transmitted all over the planet. "They fired without provocation on an unarmed, peaceful protest against their fascist tactics. They belong in prison for what they did and if there is any...

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PornWorld Eden Ivy Seductive Babe Eden Ivy Gets DP8217d During A Top Secret Exchange

Undercover vixen Eden Ivy is meeting with top gang boss, Yanick to exchange some confidential documents in the sting of the decade. After she sends away her bodyguard, Eden uses her feminine charms to get exactly what she wants. She starts to strip revealing her tattooed and toned body. This seductive babe fingers her pussy in front of Yanick and soon moans with pleasure as he licks out her pussy. Eden takes out his cock and treats him to a footjob before she sucks on his thick cock and finally...

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Submitting to the White Beast

Jerry scared me from the first moment I met him. When he came to run our school summer camp, none of us had ever seen or heard anything like him before. Our school was in rural Thailand and back then, it was a Thai girl’s only school into which this white man, called Jerry, with the loudest voice I had ever heard walked in. It was like throwing a big rock in a quiet pond. It was clear he had never seen anything like us before because if he did he would know that Thai girls don’t like getting...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 29

Supper was still half an hour or so away when we reached camp. I decided to look around on the travois just to make sure my director's chair type campstool hadn't come along for the ride somehow. Damn my lazy ass for not doing it sooner. There the orange thing was. Obviously no one had a clue what it was since it had been set aside by others who'd been looking for something else. I grabbed it and went to my rock's location, unfolding the stool when I got there and parking my big...

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ShopliftingThe mall is deserted, for it is closing time, yet I watch the glass case spin as its contents sparkle. I still have some "shopping" to do. The sales lady catches me staring and smiles a beckoning smile, exposing teeth so white they make me sick. She reminds me of the Barbie dolls my mom used to force me to play with as a kid. Fried, bleached hair; tangerine-colored skin; emaciated physique; botox-plumped lips – she was a cocktease and she knew it too. Her rosy nipples stick out...

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A queen outside a whore inside

You hear the sound you’ve been waiting for all day. Keys being inserted, the door unlocked, opened and then closed again. You jump up and walk towards the entry hall. You felt a tingle all afternoon, couldn’t focus at work, completely restless and constantly jumpy. It all started at lunchtime, when the delivery guy brought you a bouquet of red roses, a box of chocolate and a card. You had a big smile on your face when you opened the card. You read the few words on it and your feelings...

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Wishful Thinking

Wishful thinking By now Mary `s mouth had fallen open, but she managed to say “all those years of silence, and we both have been frustrated, we`ve wasted ourselves just because of convention and us being too shy to broach the subject, My god what a waste of our time and life! Oh, you, poor, poor thing, come here,”  they melted into one another`s arms, they kissed, misty eyed, and it was not any sisterly kiss, both shedding a tear, as they wrapped their arms round one another, knowing now that...

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Snow on the RoofChapter 7

Tom was glad to come back home to his own condo. While the weather wasn’t that warm yet, he felt comfortable to be back in familiar surroundings. Even with the need to do some cleaning, laundry and shopping, it gave him a good feeling to be back north. He received a phone call from Linda who welcomed him back and asked him how the drive back had been and about his time on the east coast. Tom just told her that it was a little boring but he did see some interesting sights. He was thinking of...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Ella Knox G159

Today is the day that Ella makes her return to the station! Ella is back on the bench. The guys are around her, and they’re all ready to go.. after a little smack talking.. they make short work of her shoes and dress. Then the guys get those magical space panties from the interview off. They much on that pussy for just a minute, and Indiana goes down for a sweet mustache. They take turns giving her the cock in the missionary making those titties bounce all over the place. They move her...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Was A B Pt 4 The Last Time Alone

The next Fall, I started college and these events started to be fewer and farther between. Seeing her naked or, nearly, in person-was not happening as often as before. They still went camping and on short vacations and I would come home and house-sit for them.Now, dad had just got a satellite dish, one of those eight-foot-diameter, big, beastly eyesores, but it got Playboy Channel and many other adult broadcasts on the “big end”, some of you will know what that means. I would gladly go over and...

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Oh Daddy

I suppose my life was fairly good, at eighteen I had a good job, which at that time was a miracle, enough money to keep me in fashion clothes wise, parents who loved me, and boys fawning over me. Having boys and men humming around me like bees was something I liked, not that I always gave them what they wanted, I wasn't that easy you know, but it was flattering to be in such demand. It was cheap too as I never went Dutch, if a man wanted to go out with me he paid for it, sometimes he got a...

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Chatting with AnneMal

Chat Night Guest: Anne-Mal On Thursday September 16, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Julie Anne-Mal can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Julie) The log is now open. (Bashful) Is hubby going to be here Anne? Editor's note-See the ending to MAER. - Anne just left. (Anne-Mal) Anne? This is deja vu! + Anne-Phorcy has arrived. (Anne-Phorcy) (One too many Anne's!) ;) (Anne-Mal) There are never enough Anne's! (Bashful) Yes there are, some times one is too many! I loved...

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Saimin Jutsu

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters in this story. All characters in this story are considered to be 18 years of age, regardless of cannonical age. Description: After Naruto battles Pain and finds out the truth about his heritage, he is given his parent's mansion and all of their parents other belongings. While searching the mansion Naruto stumbles upon a room filled with scrolls that contain the secrets to his father's jutsu that made him famous along with his other...

Mind Control
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Mother Watches me Masturbate and Begs for Cock

My mom was short but had a great pair of tits. The moment I hit puberty I started getting these massive erections any time I came across the image of a naked woman. Painful, very obvious erections that I tried my best to hide. By then she had already been married several towns and I knew how much she liked a good fuck. One late night I had already been jerking off when her and my stepfather came home from a night of hard drinking. Frightened that I would get caught and still semi-hard, I heard...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 13

Tabitha cuts off the shower, steps out and dries off. She figures that tonight is getting just a little out of control, and there is too much risk to stay. So she plans to just gather up her clothes and slip out the door. With any luck, Gordon and his brother are double teaming Nola and none of them are out in the living room. But luck isn’t on her side. The door to the bathroom opens and Gordon, with all his naked glory, steps in. She stands there for a moment stunned, and is about to tell...

2 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 31

My father held up the leather collar, and the stainless steel butt plug meant for my ass when Charity returned from the bedroom. “I haven’t heard much from you, Matt. The look on your face tells me you don’t have any interest in learning about submission. He was clearly offering me a lifeline to let me out of this. “Speak up, Matt? Or should I call you Toad?” Lindsay said with her arms crossed. Lucy giggled when she heard the name Toad again. She looked up at me with stars in her eyes like...

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