Ok?Chapter 10 free porn video

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Carol drove fifty yards along the road after that abortive meeting, and stopped the car. Then she allowed herself to cry. She had held it all back as he coldly destroyed her hopes and dreams. She had misunderstood him when he asked for proof of her story.

She thought he meant that if she could prove that she was taken in by Liam and her brothers, he would take her in his arms and everything would be fine again, but he merely wanted her to be clear what really happened, and to prove conclusively his innocence to her.

She had never felt so rejected, and by the man she knew she loved as no other. She felt the full weight of her guilt at the way she had treated him. How could she win him back? Did she deserve to try? She despaired, feeling powerless to get back to him.

Then she realised this was how he must have felt as he desperately tried to reach her to find out what he had done, and he had suffered for three long years. How stupid she’d been to deny him any chance to explain himself!

She thought back to to the four years they had had together. All she could remember was his utter devotion to her. How single minded he had been in doing everything he could for her; all those little things she tended to take for granted. Why hadn’t she seen all that when she so easily dismissed and divorced him?

She wiped her eyes and re-started the car, driving to Susan’s house.

There she completed her tale of woe, and Susan listened with attention and a certain amount of sympathy.

“I know I’ve been a fool, and I know I’ve ruined both our lives,” Carol continued, “but I want him back Sue. I just can’t think how. He said I’ve got to change the way he feels. How can I do that?”

“You can’t, Carol,” Sue replied. “He’s being unreasonable; it’s his anger and resentment talking. You can’t change how he feels, only he can do that.”

“So that’s us finished then,” Carol’s statement was full of defeat and sadness.

“No!” Susan countered. “Don’t be so defeatist. You don’t need to change his feelings of resentment. You just need to follow your own agenda to get him back.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Don’t you remember?” Sue said, her eyes sparkling. “Think back to when we were sixteen! You’re sixteen, you fancy a lad at school. What do you do?”

“I don’t–”

“Think! What did you do when you fancied Connor Fanshaw?”

Carol thought, then remembered. “Oh, I see what you mean!” She grinned at her friend for the first time.

“Good,” said Susan. “Do it again. We have to contrive for you to keep meeting him, keep you in his mind. So how?”

They cast about for answers.

“Pubs!” said Susan. “We need to know which pubs he goes to. We could ‘happen’ to be there.”

“Parties!” said Carol. “He could be invited to parties that we are at.”

“Wait a minute!” exclaimed Susan. “You’e got something there. Why is he unlikely to be invited to any of our parties?”

There was a long silence as Susan looked expectantly at a puzzled Carol. Then realisation dawned.

“See?” Susan said triumphantly.

Carol saw. She did not like the prospect, but it had to be done, and anyway he deserved it, and she deserved the humiliation. So they began planning.

On Monday, work took on a new intensity for John. London wanted all the new developments handled. He couldn’t grumble, they were his own suggestions for improvement!

It was quite time-consuming in addition to reorganising and coordinating the work of various departments, liaising with customers and holding regular meetings with departmental managers. Then there were the regular visits to London HQ to discuss progress, and all while he was still trying to find his feet and getting to know the staff.

His days were long and even at weekends he was catching up on work. After three weeks of this, late on a Saturday evening while he was consulting trade figures, he received a phone call.

“Tom here, John. Ann thinks you’re working too hard. Come for Sunday dinner. Have a break.”

John rubbed his eyes and sat back in his office chair.

“Very kind of you both,” he said. “Ann, as usual, is absolutely right. I’d love to come.”

As he put the phone down, he realised that as MD he was in a lonely position. He doubted whether any of his staff would attempt to socialise with him, for fear of seeming to try to get more influence with him. Tom was a friend from way back and did not care.

John was grateful for Ann and Tom’s intervention; he knew he had been burning the candle at both ends, and that such behaviour could not go on. He realised that Julie had been hinting as much, her most telling comment being ‘life is for living you know; even your exciting job isn’t life!’ followed by a wry laugh.

He put all his work away, and resolved not to touch it until Monday morning. He left his study and went to the living room, poured himself a generous whisky and selected some loud Beethoven. Immersed in the surround sound and inhaling the scent of the single malt, he relaxed and felt good.

Carol loved Beethoven; the thought crept in unannounced.

Carol. He felt guilty. He had not thought about her since she left the house two weeks before. It was no excuse that he was buried in work every minute of every day, and was thinking of new strategies as he fell asleep each night. He felt guilty, true, but something else as well, a pang of regret and loss. Only now it came to him as he relaxed for the first time in so long.

He still resented her behaviour and the suffering it had caused him, and he knew he had punished her by setting her an impossible task. Had he made a fundamental mistake? He really knew the answer to that, but was reluctant to face it.

She had not contacted him at all in the past two weeks, and he wondered if he had finally put her off. He wondered further if that was what he had wanted all along, but now he felt empty. He sighed, and realised he did not know what he wanted.

His life at the moment was full of work, and there was a good deal of satisfaction in the success he was having in his new appointment, but he had seen no one socially and that was something he was not used to. Even in London when he was bereft of Carol, he had Tracy and her housemates, not just for sexual relief from her, but for company and friendship. There had been pub visits and the odd party.

He felt gratitude for Tom, or was it Ann, who had provoked this appraisal of his state. He realised he did not want to continue on that path and would reduce his hours and get some recreation.

He would join a gym and get some exercise; it was also a good way to meet like-minded people. Now he was top of the pile he could hardly ask any of the female staff at work for a date!

“It’s tough at the top!” he said out loud and laughed. “Time for bed, you poor lonely bugger!”

Next morning after cooking bacon and egg, the poor lonely bugger chose two bottles of his best wine: one white, one red, and added a bottle of Lochinvar Malt. So armed he set off for Tom and Ann’s house.

There were the usual comments of ‘You shouldn’t have!’ in response to his gifts, to which he made his own response.

“The whisky is for Tom to say thank you for helping me with the Carol business, and the wine, well, it’s to thank you for prizing me out of my study. I really needed that.”

“I should think so,” said Ann brightly. “We can’t have you turning into a hermit.”

So the meal and the afternoon and evening went very well, and John realised afresh how tense he had become, and how relaxed the day had made him.

The day was also notable for the lack of any mention of Carol, apart from his own comment when he arrived, to which there was no response. John was silently grateful for that: he was too confused on the topic to discuss it.

However Ann did have an agenda.

“John,” she said determinedly, “you need taking in hand, or you’ll work yourself into an early grave. You must visit us more often, and I’m prescribing a trip to the Griffin once a week with Tom, but strictly no business talk. How does that strike you?”

Tom vigorously nodded his assent.

“Good idea,” said John, laughing. “I also had it in mind to join a Gym: I really need to get in shape.”

“Nothing wrong with your shape,” flirted Ann shamelessly, looking him up and down, “but it will keep you fit and stop you getting a paunch from all those business lunches.”

So they agreed to meet at the pub on Friday evenings, since it was within walking distance for both men.

It felt good after a week’s hard work to be sitting in the Griffin again. John had insisted on buying the first round, and so Tom went to sit in the ‘quiet’ room. It was ‘quiet’ because there was no television screen showing endless football matches and no piped music. Though a ‘room’, it opened onto the bar area through a wide arch, and beyond the bar the front door was visible.

It was also the room where Carol had thrown the rings at John in her temper, and the room where John had shown her how wrong she had been and how badly she had ruined her marriage. Tom wondered if John would remember those events as connected with this particular room and this particular table within it.

If he did, John gave no indication of it, but sat down with a contented smile and took a first draught of his beer, smacking his lips at the bitter taste and relishing the malty after-taste.

“Mm! I needed that!” he groaned with pleasure, “Joe Holt knows how to brew beer!”

The two men lapsed into gentle conversation about all sorts of topics, inevitably football, but also the latest national and international news, and even a discussion about how the English language developed over centuries, and whether it was improving or deteriorating. According to the rules set out by Ann, they avoided any talk of work, but in truth they felt no inclination to approach that topic.

They were engrossed in a discussion about bribery and corruption in sport when John, who was facing the opening to the bar, stopped in mid sentence.

Tom raised an eyebrow in interrogatory fashion. Then turned to see what had interested John.

Three men had entered and were getting their drinks, they were Dan, Flynn and Leo. They had been there with John, Tom and Bill on that day when Carol had destroyed John’s life and happiness.

What was more, they had, with the exception of Bill and Tom, all turned their backs on John when the ‘evidence’ was circulated by Carol and her girlfriends.

John stared aggressively at them and they saw him, and looked at one another. John expected them to find another part of the pub as they used to do before he went to London, but they exchanged glances and then came over to John’s table. John bristled.

They arrived at the table and stopped, standing awkwardly, holding their pints. Neither Tom nor John said a word of greeting, but stared at the group.

“Er, John,” said Flynn, who seemed to be the designated spokesman. “Have you got a minute? We need to put something right.”

“Go on,” said John gruffly. “Make it brief. I was having a good time with one of my few remaining friends until you lot turned up.”

“That’s just it, we need to apologise,” said Flynn.

“Yeah,” added Dan. “We were taken in by the photo’s. We never gave you a chance. We know different now.”

“So we’re asking you to accept our apology,” returned Flynn, “and we’d like to join you. Drinks are on us all night. What d’you say?”

“I don’t get it,” John said. “Why the change of heart?”

“Well–” began Flynn.

“It was Carol,” interrupted Leo. “She came to each of us and told us what really happened. She said it was all her fault and wanted to put things right between you and us. That’s one very unhappy broad.”

John remembered the fourth man that was there when Carol threw the rings. He didn’t know Dermott well; Dermott was a mate of Leo’s but was not there to apologise, but then he didn’t really know John.

John waved a hand at the empty chairs and the three sat down.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t spread it around that I sacked Liam for what he did to me,” John told the group. “That was definitely not the reason, but I’m not at liberty to tell you more. Data protection.”

“Yes,” said Tom. “It was an internal disciplinary matter and nothing to do with what Liam did to John’s marriage.”

“You getting back with her?” asked Flynn. “She seemed sort of lost.”

“Don’t know,” John replied. “Doesn’t seem like it at the moment.”

There was a lull, before Tom moved them on to other things and the conversation flowed once more. Dan was the comedian of the group and soon there was ribald laughter as he told one crude joke after another.

John and Tom left early, since if everyone bought a round it would have meant six pints each, and Tom was not a heavy drinker. The others begged them to join the trio the next Friday, and they agreed provisionally.

“Good of Carol to put things right,” suggested Tom off-handedly as they came to the point where their paths diverged.

“Yes, it was,” said John thoughtfully.

They had not seen Carol and Susan, who were also in the pub, watching from another room.

“I notice Dermott wasn’t there,” said Carol.

“Dermott?” queried Susan, “Do I know him?”

“Tall, skinny, coal black hair, Irish. Friend of Leo’s. I met him when I was with Liam. He’s a bit on the edge of our group. Leo’s in both camps and sometimes Dermott comes with him. He was there when I threw the rings at John.”

“I remember him now. He tried to get off with me at some party. Smooth talker with a really cool Irish accent. Very fit, and attractive.” She grinned and licked her lips lasciviously. “He was fun.”

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My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story Part II

This is a continuation of ‘My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story’. It is recommended that you read that chapter before reading this chapter. After my appointment with Dr. Samantha Johns, I wrestled with my emotional ups and down. I felt I had become jaded by my past sexual activities and could no longer have a sexual relationship unless it was taboo or kinky. Actually, I had no control over my sexual desires. My wife controlled me. It did not seem normal but I was addicted to it. I showed up at Dr....

1 year ago
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Virginity To Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hello, friends, it’s Anmol here. A bit intro. I am 5’7” well built as I go regularly to gym and an average size dick. We used to live in a locality of a small town where mostly were row houses. I have been living there since my childhood and to my luck, in my near neighborhood, there were no girls of my age group. My immediate neighbor just shifted to Mumbai and the house was for rent and then came my princess who stole my virginity. They were happily married couple husband was 32 years and...

3 years ago
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I was very horny

I woke up feeling pretty horny and wanted to suck cock and get fucked last week. I remember a friend told me of Parrot’s Bay Conservation area where a lot of guys cruised, so I thought I check it out. So I showered and put on some of my sexiest panties and a nice pair of stockings. I love to dress and become a little cum slut. I just love sucking cock and swallowing cum and I love having my willing ass fucked. I drove to the park and went to the area my friend said where all the fun is. There...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 5

The following characters will appear throughout the rest of the story: Phil Del Vecchio Major, OIC of Team, Bill was on his Team in Luang Phrabang, 5'-7"tall, 175 pounds, 39 years old, black hair, hazel eyes, very muscular Fleming, Jack Captain, Advisor to the Thai Rangers, 5'-11" tall, 170 pounds, 32 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Stills, Ken SFC, Advisor to the Thai Rangers, 5'-9" tall, 155 pounds, 36 years old, Brown hair, gray eyes Wesley 1LT, Team XO, 6'-0" tall, 165...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 17

Cockatoo Part 17 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke early the next day, my mind already full of what I needed to do. Alex had spooned up to my back during the night and she was snoring gently, her hand laid across my waist. I gently interlaced her fingers with mine and she stirred but did not wake. I lay there for a while planning what I was going to say to Kritsada later that day. Once I had sorted out what to do, I slowly got out of bed and stood looking down...

3 years ago
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Fuck Me

FMGFA :) Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. Get me onto my knees and make me beg for your cock…make me thankful for the feel of your dick as it slides deep into my warm wet mouth. Take it out. Wipe it over my lips. Kiss me hard and deep and spit in my mouth before ramming my throat once more. Let me feel your hands grasp my neck as my saliva drips slowly from my chin….your balls slamming against my face. Your throbbing cock teasing my mouth, my lips swollen and red. Make me take it again and again...

2 years ago
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Behan ki pyaas bujhai

Hi friend mera name raaj hy.mujhe yeh site bhut achhi lagti hy.mai daily is site ko visit krta hu.aur daily muth maarta hu.ha to dosto yeh mera first real story hy,jise mai aap sab k saamne rakh rha hu.kaise meri badi behan ne mere se chudwaya,woh aap is story mei padhenge.pahle mai apni intro deta hu.mai ek healthy attractive boy hu.mere lund ka size 6inch hy,jise mai dely maarish krta hu,bodylotion se.mera lund bhut shundar hy.meri age 18 hy.aur meri behan ka age 24 hy.woh v bhut shundar...

3 years ago
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my hot wife and her boytoy lee

Once we had known Lee for a while, it became a regular habit of his to drop by after work. He worked nearby and would get off around midnight and drop in on his way home. He knew I was sleeping already and would be working in the morning. He wanted uninterrupted sex with Peggy. This was fine with both of us and when he would leave, she would wake me with a brief 69 where I would eat her to a cum while she brought me off orally while telling me all about his visit.One night while he was...

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I have my own cleaning business, mostly houses. I am referred to, by one of my clients, to one of her very mature, and rich friends.I show up to complete my duties and was met at the door by a very sexy and sassy older woman of the caucasian persuasion. She has on a low-cut and very short sun dress. From the low-cut I can see her natural juicy tits. Her nipples are very erect and busting through the thin material.I started getting wet and I have to remind myself of where I am.Anyway, she greets...

1 year ago
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Melody Came AlongChapter 4

The night out in front of Helen's and Tom's had been one of the best things that had ever happened to me. We hadn't done anything other than kiss in the car and then outside her door, but I could have cared less. She loved me! Over the following weeks, we were both relaxed and found new delight in each other. Without removing our clothes, we kissed, petted, and teased each other to utter distraction. Her favorite thing to do was to straddle me and grind against my cock; until I yelled...

2 years ago
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BBW Freak

For the last couple of weeks I had endlessly been looking for a job. By any means necessary I was going to find me a decent paying job before the week was over with. That Monday morning I got up at the brake of dawn, and began doing online applications for jobs in the area. Around 9’o clock I received a call asking me to come to an interview, it was for one of the positions that I had applied for. I got dressed and made my way to the company that had called me. When I walked into the building I...

3 years ago
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Remote Control

Remote control Remote control Sharon had made her way in life as a model. She was only 21 but was already beginning to make a name for herself as a porn star. She had a fantastic body, blonde hair, blue eyes everything seemed perfect. Her breasts, her hips, her firm ass and long legs were all evidence of this perfection. She had a meeting with someone who wanted to promote her to a wider audience. Her manager had checked her out and had said that she wasn?t dangerous or likely to want...

4 years ago
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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 25 Hooke meets Felicia

Paulus Hooke, Bobby's mercenary, traveled westward in the daily police convoy. He drummed his fingers on the steering console, impatient with the 30 mph progress that the long string of vehicles made. Looking at the young sergeant sitting in the passenger seat next to him, Hooke attempted a joke. "Here's some serious progress, eh? This drive used to take three and a half hours. Now it takes two days." His mirrored sunglasses masked the sergeant's face. "At least you get there alive,"...

2 years ago
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Old Mans Tales Part 4

Summer ended, and fall came turning into winter, and then spring. Part of my job was to train and qualify seasonal boat operators. We had a fleet of small boats, maybe ten of them, that they would use as part of their daily jobs around the lake. Checking water quality, fish studies etc. My class would consist of mostly college-age women, and some of them were very hot. In this class, two of the girls started to hit on me very quickly. Arlene was about five feet tall with a large chest and an...

4 years ago
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Futas are from Mars

You wore bon on Eath exxept it is difent. You see Men nether exsisted. Inted You have Woman and Futa. Woman make up 80 % wile Futa are 20%. even thoe they are the magooraty it is a sosahl boleth and scintific fact that woman are the leser sex and that Futa are the doment one. Woman ate trated as pets, propaty and slaves by there futa mastes and so naturly siaty has developed to teach woman that htis is there propa place. Of corse its not all soshal. an avrige futa is biger stronger and normaly...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behan Ne Chudwaya

Main mannu chinia 30yr shadi suda hu or mertaroad ka rehnewala hu.Meri hight 5’5″ h. Lund ka size nhi bataunga. Agar koi lena chahegi to mujhe mail krna. Ab main sidhe kahani par aata hun.Kiran ki pariwar me 6 log h. Mammy papa 2 bde bhai or ek bhabhi. Baat 2005 ki h. Wese uske ghar mera bachpan se aana jana tha.Main uske bhaiyo ke saath padhai bhi krta tha to be-rok tok aata tha.Wese uske chhote bhai ki ek baar gand bhi mari thi or usko lund bhi chuswaya tha. Ye fir kbhi batunga.Ek din main...

4 years ago
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punishment 2

a week later jane is in trouble again this time she was found smoking 'what the hells wrong with you ? you know thats bad for you and we don't allow it in our house ' kevin says'i'm sorry please it won't happen again don't punish me please ' jane says'no you know the rules you should have behaved' sally says 'strip everything off right now'jane strips in front of sarah scot and her parents 'go stand outside in the back garden for 10 minutes legs spread hands on your head' kevin says'no please...

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Scoreland Natasha Nice BigTit Energy

Prepare for drooling cock sucking, big tit fucking and pussy pounding the Natasha Nice way. She’s a total dime piece, a tigress in bed and a star at dirty fuck talk and moaning. Natasha did say she would be back at SCORELAND for a dick-down and asked if we are ready to see her big tits bouncing fast and furiously. She summons Rico over to the bed and gets on top of him, smashing him in the face with her tits and grinding on his junk. Rico squeezes and rubs Natasha’s breasts as she...

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MrLuckyRaw Alexis Tae Fucking Alexis Tae Until She Cums

Alexis Tae chills on a cloth swing wearing nothing but her undies. The naughty girl is scrolling through her phone when her man comes to her. The horny lad grabs her phone away and lets Alexis play with his dick instead. Giving her man a blowjob and handjob makes Alexis hot and horny. Wanting to do more with her man, Alexis leads him to the bed. The skinny cutie with natural tits bends over on the bed. Her moans echo throughout the room as she enjoys being fucked in doggystyle and missionary....

2 years ago
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Tarzan Jane Kissogram

I got a phone call from my agency asking me if i wanted a kissogram job this coming Friday night, it was to be a double job with a guy and we were supposed to be Tarzan & Jane. I rang my boyfriend who told be to go for it so I rang them back to say I would do it. I was working till 9 on Friday and we were booked at a local working men's club for 9.30 so they arranged for the guy that was to be Tarzan to pick me up from work and bring my costume.Friday came and I left work and was collected...

3 years ago
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Hot and exciting bussiness trip

Hi to readers… This is true story… N its all secret.. Names r at changed.. Just mail me at take my no. Too n talk to me n have fun… Enjoy..When I first had to interview Kim for a job in my office I found it difficult not to just hire her based on her looks. She had a stunningly beautiful face with bright green eyes and short brown hair. What really did it for me was her smile which was both friendly and sexy at the same time, like she thinking something dirty but was keeping it a secret. On...

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School of Sex

When Mr. Thomas started the school in that hill station he had two objectives. One to establish an school for the rich and pampered boys and two to groom girls into high class call girls without any inhibitions. It was a small school with two classes of 9th and 10th grade students of the age group of about 14 to 17. Though he charged very high fee, the facilities were very shabby. He ran the school with couple of teachers. The dorms were small cubicles of single bed and bath built inside a...

4 years ago
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Second Chance

What puzzled her was that even though her parent’s finances were shaky, they always seemed to have the money to send her to prestigious private schools. She had earned a bachelor’s degree, an MBA and now just completed her law degree, all from Ivy League universities, along with experience in prestigious management consulting companies in between her degrees. She asked her mother a few times over the years how they could afford her schooling, when they often had trouble paying their other...

1 year ago
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Nikki part 8

"Stop being so nervous!" Dad admonishes me as I nearly hyperventilate on the back seat of his car. "This is something you want to do, it's something you know you'll be good at, so the sooner you relax and start enjoying it, the better." "I know, I know," I breathe, fanning myself with my hands. "It's just- it's just all so new!" "Well get used to it, because that's life for you," dad states bluntly. "I know," I moan again as the car pulls up outside the large building. Outside,...

2 years ago
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Late night at the office

Late night in the office. Project is over running and the workload is huge at the moment……….it is late and I should get back home to the wife, however need to get some stuff cleared and work back on track. Walking through the quiet offices it is eerie…..I am walking between the desks and the blank computer screens to a colleagues office to grab some notes which I know will be in a pad I left on his desk this morning in a meeting. As I approach Steve’s office I see that his light is still on...

2 years ago
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Wild Wild Beach

I kept on walking and walking alone down the shore line in the middle of nowhere. After all, I think it was ideal place for me to be at the moment. I just couldn’t handle being around people after what happened in recent days. Being betrayed by the only friend and girlfriend who you thought was the ONE is tough by itself but when such people are trying to set you up and kill you.. hell, that’s devastating. You fly to the foreign country to save the most precious people in your life just to find...

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