The Phantom: Part 1 free porn video

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The Phantom By Waldo Authors note: What's it about? The Phantom is a Sunday newspaper cartoon character that was meant to remind readers of Batman but to be different enough to avoid copyright laws and direct comparison. He is supposed to be a 400 year old legend that lives in the jungle, with his secrets protected by the pygmies that live next to his skull cave. He wears a purple skin-tight uniform, a purple cowl with a black mask, and a double set of pistols strapped to his side. With his white horse (Hero) and wolf (Devil), he keeps the jungle safe. He is known and feared as The Ghost Who walks. But if you're familiar with the Phantom, you know all this. You know about the love of his life - Diana. If you aren't familiar with The Phantom, I suggest that you buy a couple of his comic books or go see the movie released in 1997. As usual in my stories, I try to build a story with a gender transformation as a key element of the story. Because I'm trying to build a story, it gets a little long. If I was paid to do this, the story would be shorter, more concise, and a little more entertaining. But because this is a parody that I did for free as entertainment primarily for myself, you get to share this with me. To some of you, this may be familiar because I've shared it with you. However, I've never turned it loose for the general Internet Population. All rights reserved by the Author. This parody of The Phantom and supporting characters (Diana, Hero, etc.) isn't intended to claim ownership of The Phantom character. All comic characters in these stories are the property of their respective publishers. No profit is made from their usage in this story by the author and this story can't be distributed by any site or individual for their profit. This is an adult story. If you're not an adult, don't read any Further. This is a transgender story where I concentrate more on the story than on the body switch aspects. **************************** Chapter 1 - Life in Skull Cave The unmistakable sound of an ax biting into solid wood kept vibrating loudly through the jungle, echoing off the centuries old trees that populated this deep, dark remote area of the African jungle. As the almost completely nude, elderly male pigmy slowly walked down the trail, the repeating "chunk" sounds kept getting louder as he approached the clearing. Pushing a large, hanging-down leaf away with his ancient, hand-carved walking staff, the native stepped into the clearing, finding the reason for his late afternoon search. In the center of the African jungle clearing, stood an American. It was obvious not only from the clothes, but also from the general stance. While the native men dressed in a simple loincloth and the native women wore a simple cloth wrapped around the waist, those weird Americans preferred to wear long trousers and long-sleeved khaki shirts, regardless of their gender. This American's shirtsleeves were rolled up and a bandanna wrapped around the forehead to catch the dripping sweat from the aggressive wood chopping. The shirt back was dark with a big, wet sweat stain. The pigmy grinned a toothless smile to himself; as the ax-bearer lined up a new two-foot-long clump of wood on the cutting block. Then with one practiced swing, raised the ax high in the air, expertly bringing the ax firmly dead center into the upended chunk of wood. The whack of the ax biting into the wood sounded loud within the echo of the surrounding jungle, almost drowning out the grunting sound of the ax-swinger. The ax-swinger grunted once as the ax was pulled up, lifting the chunk of wood with the ax still partially buried in it. The chunk of wood with the embedded ax kept rising until it was almost directly over the woodchopper's head, then with a second loud grunt, the wood came rushing back at the chopping block. A loud thud sounded as the weight of the wood helped bury the ax-head deeper into the wood. A third loud grunt filled the air as the wood was quickly hoisted high again. This time as the wood smashed against the chopping block, the thud sound was supplemented with a creaking sound as the hammering ax cleaved the wood block into two halves; completely drowning out the fourth loud grunt. "I wish that my oldest son could use an ax the way that you do. I would never worry about my campfire going out," cried the old man in his creaking, ancient voice. The woodchopper's head turned quickly at the first unexpected syllable, knowing too well that the jungle can be a dangerous place. Seeing only the familiar old man leaning on his ancient walking stick, the woodchopper ran a slender hand through the thick lock of dark hair hanging down over her forehead before replying in her pleasant soprano voice revealing a distinctly American accent. "Chopping wood is the only thing that I've found out here in this desolate jungle, to keep my tennis muscles from turning flabby. I wish that I could convince Kit to put in a tennis court close to the cave. I've got to do something to stay in shape or I'll be bigger than your third wife soon." Old man Mozz, the storyteller, smiled at the attractive woman holding the ax. She was the former Diane Palmer, who was now Diana Walker, the wife of The Phantom. From the pigmy's four foot, three inches tall perspective, she was a giantess at five foot two inches tall. She was dark-haired, favoring the current American hairstyle parted in the middle, which curled about the shoulders. She normally tied her long hair back into a ponytail or wore it in a tight bun when she was exercising, but today, she had let it hang free. Her hair, a rich auburn, flowed thick and rich down the nape of her neck. She was an extremely beautiful, fair-skinned aristocratic young, woman with piercing brown eyes, long dark hair, flashing eyes, and a small, upturned nose over a sensual, voluptuous mouth that looked to be perfect - for either blowing a gentle kiss to her love or wrapping around her man's cock. Her large brown eyes could cause a man to get lost in the dark pools of limpid mystery. Even covered with all the current American fashionable clothes, it was obvious that she had a gorgeous body. The tiny waist, full rounded ass, and big beautiful, firm breasts, that shook and bounced with every little move she made, was very evident; even with the jungle clothes covering most of her perfectly proportioned, lithe body. Her American upbringing was the only reason that she declined to dress native which would reveal her naked body. Although she had a fabulously feminine body, she was also very strong and firmly muscled under her smooth flesh. A few lucky men had seen her `charms' while she bathed in the waterfall. The men talked among themselves about her full breasts with the large nipples. Her frequent walks through the village wearing shorts, revealed her beautiful legs to many a grinning pigmy man. Turning back around to the chopping block, she gave one hard tug on the ax, pulling the ax free, causing her bra-less breasts to jiggle from side to side under the soaked khaki shirt that had molded to her body. She picked up an oily rag and began cleaning the ax as she walked toward the old man whom she knew had come after her to bring her back home. Looking up at the sky, she realized that it would be almost dark when they got back to the village. As she approached him, he turned so he could lead the way down the path letting her follow him, knowing that it would dishonor him if she walked by his side. Even though she was an American and the wife of The Phantom, she was still just a woman. As a woman, she wasn't considered the equal of any of the village men. She knew that the old man didn't consider her to be inferior, but if she showed him disrespect in any tribal custom, then he would have to "teach her the proper respect" with his walking stick. It was only when she was with her husband that she could walk side by side with a man. Although it was 1930 and American women had become liberated, here in the African jungle, a woman had no rights. When she first arrived here, she expected too much. Her liberal attitude caused too many problems among the village people with her very modernistic attitudes. Kit had talked to her and helped some, but it was Doctor Axel who had spoken the words that finally sunk in - "The Phantom's wife must live not only with him, but with his people" which was one of those old jungle sayings that everyone kept telling her. So she accepted the role that the village people expected of her, allowing herself to reveal her true feelings only to her love - Kit or The Phantom as the jungle people called him. The Phantom was a mysterious crusader for justice, an avowed enemy of cruelty and piracy in all forms, who had defended the helpless and innocent against criminals and evildoers for over 400 years. Four hundred years ago, the sole survivor of a pirate raid was washed up on a remote Bengalla beach and was nursed to health by friendly pygmies. On the skull of his father's killer he swore an oath to fight piracy, cruelty, injustice and greed with his sons to follow in his footsteps. Time and again, his enemies killed him, only to see him return and vanquish them; not knowing that it was the next Phantom generation taking his rightful place, replacing the dead Phantom. Thus, The Phantom became known throughout the jungle as the Ghost who walks. Only the pygmies knew the real secret behind The Phantom's mysterious reappearance. They helped keep the secret that the dying Phantom's son would replace the Phantom and maintain the peace. Over the years, twenty different generations of Phantoms had fought and died, succeeded by their next in line heir. Kit was the twenty-first person to swear the oath and to take his father's place. While the pygmies knew the secret, they didn't reveal the secret so other tribe's natives believed him to be the same man -- "The Ghost Who Walks." The legend grew in the deadly jungle. A name whispered -- loved and feared. His home was in the Skull Cave, hidden behind a waterfall, deep in the jungle of the Deep Woods of Bengalla. The Cave contained several big rooms, with one crypt-like room dedicated to the bodies of the deceased Phantoms. Another room was filled with jewels, captured from pirates and wrongdoers. Another room was filled with old chronicles of the earlier Phantom's adventures. Often Diana and Kit would sit in this room as they read of his ancestor's deeds, feeling proud of the men who had preceded the current occupant of the Skull Throne. But Diana's favorite room was the bedroom. The room where Kit would hang up his gunbelt, remove his purple skin-tight uniform, his mid-calf black boots, the purple skullcap and the black facemask. He would remove everything but his two rings. He constantly wore two rings. The Good Mark ring on his left hand had a symbol consisting of four overlapping P-shaped swords forming a cross in a circle. The Skull Mark ring on his right hand bore the symbol of a death's head skull. Both rings left indelible marks on whomever he touched or punched. The Good Mark designated the bearer as being a friend under the protection of The Phantom. Conversely, the Skull Mark indicated a sign that the victim had battled The Phantom. Bad guys got the skull the hard way. His powerful right fist knocked out many a bad guy while leaving the feared, permanent skull mark on their exposed face. Good guys would be lightly touched, leaving a mark that would never fade or be washed off. The first time that he met Diana, he lightly touched the nape of her neck just below her hairline with his ring, leaving his good mark on her. The first time that they made love, she joyously laughed as she examined her body afterwards, fearful that she would find a couple of hundred different permanent ring marks from the way that they had groped each other's body. He had explained before the sex that it was some type of jungle magic that worked the rings and that the rings wouldn't mark her again. The bedroom was their special place that no one else could enter. Not even Devil, the wolf-dog that followed him everywhere. Or Guran, the current leader of the Bandar Pygmies. Or Mozz, the wise elder of the tribe that forecast the future as often as he told of the past. Except for the death of the current Phantom or the birth of a future Phantom was the only time that anyone else could enter their bedroom. In the bedroom, they could release their passion or feel the tenderness of each other's delicate and loving touch. The place where they eased each other's hunger or shared each other's intermost secret. The place that belonged to them, even though they were just the current occupants - the bedroom of The Phantom and his wife. The room where all of the Phantoms over the last four hundred years had been born. ****** Diana followed Mozz into the village, pausing a moment to tug mischievously on Taizza's skirt, who was minding her family's cooking pot. Taizza slapped at her, but Diana easily dodged the friendly blow. They had been the best of friends since Diana first met her several years ago, after Taizza finished puberty. Although there was four years difference in age, Taizza was just as mature as Diana because jungle life forced children to grow up fast. Taizza was a beautiful example of pygmy womanhood and would have to make a mate selection at the next village festival. Taizza had been a beautiful child who had grown up into a beautiful woman. Her long, dark, curly hair was woven into dozens of thick strands. Those strands were threaded through brightly colored beads, which hung to the middle of her shoulder blades. Her ears were pierced numerous times, as were all pigmy women, with several small golden hoops dangling down from her ears. One nostril had been pierced, but she only wore jewelry in her nose during special ceremonies. Her naked upper torso, which had never been hidden behind a blouse, had the subtle curves of a young girl, with young breasts that were conical buds perched high on her chest. The short, mid-thigh skirt emphasized the way that her hips and ass had swollen outward over the last several years. While most native women's legs were very hairy, Taizza had copied Diana's habit of shaving her legs. She was small compared to normal American women, but here in this village of pygmies, she was tall at four foot six inches tall. Diana quickly caught up with Mozz and followed him into the Skull Cave. Within the cave, the rules changed because it was her home. So now that Mozz was her guest, he let Diana walk in front, taking the position of honor. She led him to the circular pit in front of the Skull Throne in the large chamber and sat down cross-legged on the floor. With a little assistance from his walking stick, Mozz eased his elderly body down on the stone. "Your pronunciation is improving. You sound as if you were born in this village now." crackled the old man's voice. "Thank you. But it's all because you insist that I spend an hour doing different types of training every day. I don't mind the pistol shooting nor the boxing, because I've been a tomboy all my life. I enjoy listening to the jungle stories to learn tribal history, but I really don't like the constant language drills. Why do I have to be an expert in every language?" Pointing his cane at her to emphasize his words, he proclaimed in his creaky, ancient voice "You're The Phantom's wife. You're the key to the training of the next Phantom. But don't complain. You're young - I'm old but I also participate every day." "Old man, why don't you rest and let your eldest son do some of your work. You've worked hard all your life. You need to enjoy your grandchildren before it's too late." He grinned that familiar toothless grin as he replied, acknowledging her boasting "Just as there has always been The Phantom, there has always been the old storyteller. Just as my father before me was known as Mozz to our village, I'll live my destiny. When I die, it's soon enough for my son to assume my name." "How many Phantoms have you served?" Although he easily knew the answer, he bowed his head before he looked at the empty Skull Throne as if to find remembrance of someone that he might have forgotten. His voice dropped a couple of octaves before he replied "I've seen four Phantoms in my long lifetime. I've served two Phantoms where I've been knows as Mozz. The magic of the jungle tells me that I'll serve one more Phantom before I die." "No way. You're over a hundred now. The only way that you can see another Phantom is for me to get pregnant, for the kid to grow up and for Kit to die. You'll never last that long, old man." Nodding toward the throne with a sad look on his ancient wrinkled face, Mozz softly replied "I wish that I would be wrong for once." Something in Mozz's tone scared Diana. Although it was a daily ritual for her to spend an hour with Mozz daily to learn the tribal folklore and language, she didn't feel like having a lesson anymore today. Quickly changing the subject, she listened to the old man recall one of the legends that he liked to talk about. After a few minutes of listening to Mozz's stories, Diana pretended that she was tired, suggesting to him that she was going to turn in early. After Mozz left, Diana went into her bedroom where she selected a change of clothes. All that chopping wood had left her smelling like one of those college football players that she used to date. She carried her clothes and towel out of the cave, then headed toward the nearby lake formed by the waterfall. Although it was dark, she didn't fear anything. After all, she was protected by The Phantom and there was an old jungle saying - "a beautiful woman clad in the finest jewels may walk in the jungle safely at midnight, knowing she'll be safe because of The Phantom's protection." Approaching the waterfall, she paused for a second, hearing some faint sound almost hidden by the sound of the waterfall. Stepping quietly, she approached the long, flat rock at the base of the waterfall that was a favorite showering place. As her eyes searched the deep shadows beside the waterfall, she saw someone underneath the waterfall. A few steps closer and she observed that it was a naked Taizza. A splashing sound stopped Diana from speaking to her friend. Turning her head slightly, she saw someone swimming across the lake. Stepping back into the darkness, she watched as the swimmer continued toward the flat rock where Taizza was apparently waiting for the approaching swimmer. Staying in the shadows and using the boulders to hide behind, Diana slipped closer to the rock so that she could eavesdrop on her friend. The swimmer climbed up on the rock, revealing his diminutive, but well-developed young pigmy body. Diana recognized him as one of the men from a neighboring pigmy village, who was only a couple of years older than Taizza. The water glistened in the dim moonlight, revealing his muscular, naked ebony body as he stood in front of Taizza. Diana was close enough so that she could see goose bumps on his body, which she knew were caused by excitement, not by cold. Looking at Taizza, Diana noticed that Taizza's nipples were sticking out hard on her pouty conical, half apple size breasts. Dim moonlight glistened off her nubile body. Except where the patch of dark pubic hair between her legs absorbed the moonlight. Standing beside Taizza, he stroked her chin with his fingers. She jumped slightly, then opened her mouth but said nothing. Her hand covered his hand as she gently guided his hand down to the side of her naked butt. He slowly moved his hand lower, but she still held on gently, pulling it back up to where she wanted it to rest. She stared straight into his eyes as they stood there. "Hello Taizza." "Men don't swim here at night. It belongs to Diana." "She is with the storyteller. If she comes out here, it won't be until later. Did you know that I've got my own cow now?" "No, Mauba. Why should I care about your cow?" she asked as she stepped away from him, letting his hand drop back to his side. "Because it means that I can soon seek a wife. I plan to ask your father what your dowry is!" She turned to face him again, her white teeth gleaming in the dark as she smiled "Dowry? Surely you jest. Why do you think that I would let my father even talk to you?" "Because I'll be a great warrior someday. A warrior that deserves many wives, but only wants one - You. When we were children, Mozz declared that we would make a fine family." "He's an old man who has no right to give me away. I'm free to choose whomever I wish. Why should I choose you?" she declared with a pixie smile on her dark face. "Because your heart tells you that I'm the man that you can love. Because your brain tells you that I'm a good man that'll take care of you and treat you with the respect that my wife deserves. Because your body tells you that you want me as much as I want you." Taizza's voice changed pitch as she responded "I'll let you talk to my father. Now go away before you're seen here with me." "No. I can't go back to my hut and sleep, knowing that you're so close, yet so far away. I want you." "I've promised my father that I'll remain a virgin until my wedding. Go before you make me break my promise." "I'll honor your promise. I promise that I'll cut my cock off before I let you break your vow." Her mouth formed a perfect smile in the dim moonlight as she responded "Good. I'll hold you to your promise. Before you go, will you wash my back?" Diana shifted position slightly so that she was sitting on a rock behind the boulder. When she looked up again, Mauba's hand was holding a bar of soap. He was also brushing the top of her chest as Taizza pulled her shoulders back, thrusting her chest out to meet his hand. Diana watched as the soap bubbles formed on Taizza's chest before the bubbles gently flowed down her breasts. Mauba's hands cupped Taizza's perky breasts as he coated them with the slick soap. Mauba smiled as he pretended to be only washing her breasts. Even from Diana's slightly distance position, she could see that Taizza's nipples were stiff like little erasers. As Mauba pulled at the perky nipples, Taizza squirmed and wriggled, as she found herself enjoying what he was doing to her. She took the soap bar from him, then she dropped the soap on the ground. "Pick it up, please!" she commanded in a husky voice. As he bent down to pick up the soap, she took one step forward so that her crotch was almost touching his forehead. Diana smiled, knowing that he would get a good smell of her friend's musky vagina that close. Being a smart young man, he stayed down, but raised his head to stare at her pussy for several seconds before she stepped back, holding out her hand for the soap. He straightened up, handing her the soap as she commanded "Turn around. Let me show you how to wash someone's back." He turned around so that she could begin lathering his back. After getting his back all slick and coated with a soapy lather, she stepped forward and rubbed her breasts against his back in small circles. She didn't press hard against his back, only letting her eraser nipples rub his lower shoulders, causing him to arch his back to the touch. Unable to take any more of the enjoyable sensation, he turned around so that they faced each other. He stared deeply into her eyes as he licked his lips, giving her the look that only lovers can give each other. She stepped forward pressing her lips against his lips as his arms wrapped around her. They shared a long, passionate kiss, before Taizza pushed herself away with a slight moan. With a gentle pressure from her hand, she guided his mouth to her nipple. He cupped the other breast as she softly stroked his hair. Diana's position behind the boulders was close enough so that she could hear the little slurping sounds that Mauba was making, even over the noise of the waterfall. He rolled her other nipple between his fingers causing Taizza to sigh in pleasure. He rubbed her clit from the bottom of its base to the tip with a finger, causing her to jump and pull away. He groaned "I promise that I won't touch you with my cock." "We shouldn't be doing this.", she whispered to him. He ignored her and guided her so that she laid down on the flat rock, knowing that she couldn't struggle if she wanted to. She began making a sound like a purr, as he rubbed her clit with one hand as his other hand repeatedly stroked her nipple. She jerked as he gently rubbed his finger against her cunt. Every time he moved his finger up or down, she jumped a little. For several long seconds, he stroked his finger directly against her pussy. Then he removed his finger and put his face beside her pussy. Gently breathing and blowing on her clit, he got it fully extended. Then he sucked on her clit so hard it made her jump again as she shivered with pleasure. Taizza released a soft squeal and pushed her hips forward to meet his mouth. He placed his tongue in her slit, resulting in a loud moan. As his head bobbed up and down, it was obvious to Diana that he was using his stiff tongue as a cock. "More, no stop, ugh, yes, yes, I want you, ohhhh!" she groaned out loud as he brought her to the edge of an orgasm. Her hips thrust forward meeting his tongue, driving his tongue deeper as her hips pounded faster against his face. Then her body stiffened. She wrapped her legs tightly around his head. Her hips spasm uncontrollably as the orgasm rushed through her body. Just as quickly as it began, her body relaxed and her legs unwound from his head. As he pulled his head back, her juices gleamed on his face. She curled up in a ball with a huge smile on her face as Mauba dived into the water, swimming back to the other shore. After several minutes of lying still, Taizza slowly sat up. She picked up the bar of soap and lathered her body before diving into the lake. When she surfaced, she swam in a different direction that Mauba. After Diana was satisfied that both of them were gone, she stretched her legs which had fallen asleep from the position that she had been sitting in. She hadn't intended to spy on her friend, but she also didn't want to interrupt a lover's meeting. Now that she had the rock to herself, she undressed and stepped under the waterfall, letting the water refresh her body. As she stood under the waterfall, she thought about the two lovers and felt her own nipples become hard. She gently tweaked her nipples, wondering about where Kit was, wishing that he were there with her, instead of chasing bandits across the jungle. Remembering an old jungle saying which goes `Call The Phantom anywhere and he'll hear'. She called out softly "Phantom, I'm here. I'm very lonely. I need you. Come home." Chapter 2 - The Looking Glass The white horse trotted down the wide jungle path that was dimly lit by the low moonlight, followed closely by the wolf. Blending in with the horse's rhythm, the large rider rode effortlessly as the powerful horse carried them home. The horse slowed as it entered the familiar village. One of the pygmy's guarding the village came forward to greet his village's longtime friend. The Phantom dismounted before he handed the reins to the guard, who would lead the horse to the pasture where the saddle would be removed, allowing the horse to graze freely. The dim moonlight deepened the depth of his tanned features, making his chiseled face look darker than his actual normal color. Striding across the field toward the cave, it was obvious that he was tall and athletically proportioned, with the bulging muscles of his body gently rippling beneath the material of his skintight purple suit. The Phantom entered the Skull Cave. He knew that his wife was asleep in their bedroom, but he had something that had to be done, before he could rest. He entered the Chamber where the chronicles of all The Phantoms were kept. Opening the current chronicle, he recorded: Today I fought a small pirate gang that had been terrorizing the river. Four of them died from my bullets and three were taken away by the Jungle Patrol. Looking at their ledgers, I discovered that a ship will be docking in about three weeks. The ship will have several American gangsters that plan to take over the jungle. I plan to meet their ship. I will convince them to return to America. Or do whatever it takes to keep the jungle safe from these modern day pirates. Satisfied with the entry, he entered the Throne Room. Removing his pistolbelt, he hung his pistolbelt with the deadly guns on the Throne. He proceeded down the hallway, stepping over the wolf that had already lain down on the rug outside the bedroom door. He whispered "Good night, Devil." In the semi-dark bedroom illuminated only by a single candle at the far edge of the room, he could hear the sound of his wife's deep and regular breathing as she slept on the bed in the middle of the room. Using the skills that had resulted in the old jungle saying "Phantom moves silently like the fog", he undressed then slipped into bed beside Diana without waking her. Now that he was undressed and in bed with his wife, he allowed himself to relax into his very private persona of Kit Walker. She was naked, lying on her back without any bedcovers pulled over her. Kit smiled because he knew that she always wore a nightgown when she was alone or didn't expect him. Seeing her naked like that, refreshed his tired body as the piece of meat between his legs shifted from being a flaccid waterspout to an erect cock. He gently bent over her chest, forming a circle with his lips as he tried to keep from waking her up before he had his fun with her sleeping body. His lips slowly wrapped around one soft nipple, capturing the soft flesh in his mouth as he listened for changes in her breathing. Satisfied that she still slept, he let his lips warm the nipple, feeling the nipple grow harder within his lips. Spreading his lips slightly, his tongue gently licked at the nipple, spreading his warm salvia around the turgid nipple. Hearing a slight change in her breathing, he paused as she lightly groaned in her sleep and spread her legs. Releasing her nipple, he shifted his weight slightly then moved so that his knees were between her spread legs. He moved silently until he was resting on his knees and elbows on both sides of her body. He gently rubbed his erect cock against her pubic hair, resulting in her legs spreading a little more as she continued to sleep. But now there was just the trace of a smile on her lips. His lips wrapped around her other nipple as he gently pressed his cock against her pussy lips. She groaned a little as she opened her eyes, then gasped when she saw Kit lying over her body with his cock rubbing against her crotch. A smile formed on her beautiful face as she whispered "I had the most wonderful dream about having sex with a masked man - then I realized it wasn't a dream when I woke up. I was hoping that it was you because I need you tonight. Fuck me." Kit reached down between Diana's legs. He began to massage Diana's clitoris, but she whispered "No foreplay tonight. I need you badly." Changing his position slightly, Kit inserted his cockhead into Diana's tight and unlubricated pussy as she shut her eyes and moved her hips forward to accept him. Two to three inches of his cock slid into Diana's slightly dry, warm pussy, resulting in a slight gasp from Diana followed by a low moan. Kit moved his hips forward, burrowing another two to three inches into her pussy, causing her to moan again, only louder. He pressed forward, sliding the final inches into her waiting pussy. Kit leaned forward so that his massive, muscular chest was rubbing against Diana's breasts. She opened her eyes and stared into her husband's eyes, seeing a warm, caring man; making her happy that he was home safely. In less than a minute, his thrusting hard cock brought her to the edge of an orgasm. Diana was enjoying the sensual feel of the cock moving in and out as she wrapped her legs around Kit's back. Kit continued to slowly fuck her as she moved her hips back, meeting his thrusts with as strong a passion as she could. Kit kissed Diana on her lips as her lips parted slightly so that her tongue probed between his lips. Diana's tongue matched the rhythm of the cock ramming her, as she gyrated her hips against him. Kit began to speed up the stroking, feeling her approaching orgasm. Then he stopped the stroking, pulling his hips back until only his cockhead was inside her, lifting her ass from the bed because of her legs wrapped around his waist. He whispered "Anticipation is the best part of sex." She groaned "Not if you want to keep your balls." "Does that mean that you don't want me to stop?" She raised her head and sucked on his lower lip, pulling it between her teeth, then whispered through her clinched teeth "You need your balls for what I want, but you don't need your lower lip. I'm only going to say it once. I want your cock. Don't make me say I want your cock again. Fuck me." Six hard, slamming, humps later, Diana screamed as the orgasm ripped through her body. She was sweaty and in that dream state of nirvana but Kit continued to fuck her for a few more seconds, pulling her back into being an active participant. Almost immediately Diana felt a second, rapid orgasm wracked her body. She became limp as her eyes glazed over and her legs unwrapped around his waist. Kit gently kissed Diana's eyes, nose, forehead and lips, then slid down a little to lovingly kiss her beautiful breasts. He stroked the side of Diana's face then lovingly ran his hand through her hair. She looked up at him while she weakly smiled. Her voice was slightly cracked as she groaned "On your back, big boy. It's my turn to have some fun." Keeping his cock still inside her, he rolled over pulling her with him so that she was straddle him with his still erect cock buried shaft deep inside her. She wrapped her arms around his sturdy shoulders and rolled her belly against his belly. Clinging to his shoulders, she moved her body up and down, like an athlete stretching to warm up for a competition. She leaned over him so that her breasts were resting against his face. She admitted, "I love the feel of your cock in me. It feels like a red-hot branding iron against my very sensitive flesh. What do I feel like?" "Like a warm, wet, velvet glove gripping my cock." "Oh, really. Well, when did you ever feel a velvet glove on your cock, so you've something to compare me to? Before you reveal any more of your childhood masturbatory secrets, kiss my nipples." She commanded as she turned her chest, knocking each nipple against the bridge of his nose. "I've heard of people being pussy whipped - but tit whipped. How uncivilized - and absolutely wonderful!!!", he proclaimed while she kept swinging her nipples against his nose. "You've led a sheltered life." she swore, pausing to dig her sharp fingernails into his chest. Kit opened his mouth wide enough to take the entire nipple into his mouth while one of his hands fondled her other breast. He gently squeezed Diana's breast, caressing the nipple with his palm, causing Diana to moan softly. He sucked her nipple as if he was a baby in search of nourishment. She inquired "I really want to know. What does it feel like?" Letting go of her nipple with his lips, he responded "What?" "Fucking a woman. Putting your cock deep inside me. Sucking my boobs. Pumping your red-hot cum deep into me. I want to know what it feels like to you when you fuck me." "I can get one of the women from the village to come party with us. If you can on her tits, that'll show you what part of it's like." "Won't be the same. Oh, if only we could trade places for a day. You become me and ...." Her voice paused then changed to a lower, deeper pitch when she continued, "I become you. I'd rape you the first time. I'd use my much superior strength to pull you to the ground, rip your clothes off of you and then use your body's heavier weight to hold my small body down while I rammed repeatedly into you. You would resist - but only at first, then you would become my willing honeypot while I fucked you." "Is that what you want me to do to you?" he asked as he cupped and fondled her hanging breasts. "No, but it's what I would like to do to you. Tell me about your orgasm. Do you see stars - hear bells? Do you feel disappointed that I explode five or six times to your one time?" "It's hard to explain a man's orgasm. I feel this strong urge to hump you at the same time that my cock becomes rock hard. When I'm inside you, I fight back the urge to do a one-two- three-wham and try to take my time so that I please you. I'm not disappointed by only one to three orgasms when we make love, but it would be nice to have the repeated explosions that I see you experience." She bowed her head and nibbled on his lip but pulled away before he could respond. Then she whispered "When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a boy. Boy's got to do the fun stuff while girls had to sit home and learn how to cook. I used to pick on boys just because I knew that I could whip them - that is until some boy in the seventh grade knocked me out. Later on, I went away to college and learned about how to be a modern woman. I was the first woman in my family to tweeze my eyebrows and to pierce my ears. I cut my hair short, raised my skirt hem higher, smoked my first cigarette, and became a cock tease. Instead of slapping the boy's silly, I was teasing them silly. But it wasn't enough to satisfy me. I thought about having an affair with a lesbian because I wanted to see what it was like to make love to a woman. Yes, there was one woman that turned me on and caused me to secretly drool about being her lover. We would sit in our room with the other girls and describe our lurid tales of sexual adventure. Like the other girls, I bragged about my sexual prowess, but the few affairs that I had, were rather placid affairs where adolescent and inexperience, ruined the memory. I usually felt frustrated and confused at the end of the evening. I would listen to Jenny's stories and imagine that I was her lover, again resorting to my childhood fantasy of being a man making love to a woman." "Did you ever do it with her?" "At our Halloween party, she came dressed as a man, with a big glued on mustache. I was dressed as a cigarette girl - you know with the little tray of cigarettes that I pretended to sell. She asked me to dance and as we danced, I felt the sock that she had rolled up in her trousers. As the dance finished, she gave me a light kiss on the lips before she went off to flirt with another friend. Somehow, seeing her as a man turned me off so that she never appealed to me again. Then I was being forced into an arranged marriage. I ran away, joining that explorer's safari. That's where I met you. Big, strong, silent, powerful, virile - just looking at you, I could see the power and feel your sensuality. You were so beautifully sculptured with such solid muscle that I couldn't keep my hands off you. For the first time in my life, I was glad to be a woman. I used all of my female skills to get you in bed." Dropping her voice to a softer, husky tone, she continued "When I'm with you, I'm so much woman that I don't recognize myself. When I'm not with you, I switch back into my old self. I want to run, to feel the wind in my hair, to feel the sun beat down on my naked chest, to be able to walk into a bar and whip the biggest badass in the bar. I still have that old desire to have a big muscular chest, wide shoulders, and a ten inch cock between my legs, except when I'm making love to you." "Part of your dream came true. You do have a ten inch cock between your legs." She shifted her hips, feeling his still erect cock move inside her. A roguish smile lit up her face, as she responded "Don't start boasting without having something to back up the facts It feels closer to being a nine incher than a ten." "That's the soft size. Wait till you do something to turn me on then watch it grow." A mischievous, almost evil smile formed on her face as she lifted her lips, letting his cock slide slightly out of her, before she pushed her pussy down onto his cock. His cockhead made a slurping sound as it sank into her. As she went down, she jerked her curvy hips around, grinding her pussy around his rock-hard cock buried deeply inside her. Cunt juice dripped down his cock-shaft and flowed over his balls. Kit humped his hips, bouncing her as he thrust to meet her. She wiggled slowly down, taking more and more cock into her hungry cunt. Then, with a loud groan, Diana plunged down and took his cock completely into her. She didn't move as she used her internal muscles to squeeze and tug on his buried cock. The inner cunt-muscles contracted, molding her snug, vaginal sheath around his cock. Holding her cunt jammed down to the hilt on his cock, Diana undulated her hips, squirming and grinding around, wriggling like a fish on a hook. Then she began to fuck up and down. She pulled her pussy up until only the head of his cock was inside her, poised there, then dropped back down and took the full length of it again. Her lips swooped down and nibbled on his earlobe as she whispered "Make me happy." He groaned "yyyyyyeeessss." ****** Diana lay sleeping. She was exhausted from their multi-session lovemaking. She usually demanded a lot of sex the first couple of nights that he returned from trips. Her outstretched arm lay across Kit's chest. Lying in bed bedside her, he thought about the wild wonderful woman next to him. When he first met her, he thought that she was an adventuress seeking a quick and easy way to get a fortune by somehow ripping off jungle treasures. Then he decided that she was a lost soul who was adventuresome and prone to do things on impulse because she was bored with her civilized life and normal men. She was definitely used to getting her own way, even with him. While she might have been dominant in a relationship with another man, she was merely assertive and aggressive in their relationship. He gently lifted her arm and rolled off the bed without waking her. She was sprawled on the bed and Kit could see the dried cum matting her pussy hair to her legs. He dressed in his Phantom suit, walking out of the bedroom as his alter ego. The only one that he would ever expose his face willingly to, was his wife. He walked into the room where the chronicles were kept and pulled out a couple of the older books. After two hours of reading, he found what he was looking for. He read the story of his ancestor, the 3rd Phantom who was educated as a boy in England and played Juliet in the original Shakespeare production at Globe Theater, about 1604, and married Shakespeare's niece Rosamunda. Within his chronicles, he found a few lines that described something called "the looking glass". The glass contained magical properties that couldn't be explained. It was really just a rock with many facet sides that his ancestor had found in the loot confiscated from a pirate ship. Reading through the chronicle, he discovered that his ancestor had hidden the rock so that no one could ever use it for evil. Another hour of reading revealed no further information and he shut the old book. He walked into the Throne Room and sat on the Throne as he thought about what he had learned. Devil sat beside his throne, waiting for his master. The Phantom was interrupted from his thinking as Diana came into the room. "Hi, honey. I woke up and saw that you were reading. So I went to the lake to wash my filthy body. While there, I found out that Gua's wife was delivering. So after my bath, I went over there and helped the mid-wife. It's a boy. Thank god, because I would hate to be a woman in this man's village. What are you doing?" He smiled at her and softly replied "Just thinking about us. Are you sincere in your wish to see what it's like to be a man?" Her face blushed as she quickly replied "Oh...... that was just bedroom talk. Don't pay any attention to me when I'm daydreaming. I'm only a silly woman who doesn't know when to shut up. Are you hungry?" The Phantom recognized the blush and the quick way that she changed the subject. He complied with her silent wish as he responded "Very hungry. By the way, how do you know what a ten inch cock feels like?" Putting her hands on her hips and assuming a mock position of aggravation, she replied "You travel so much that I've got time to look around and explore my jungle home. Most of those pygmy men are small, but some of them have cocks that almost reach to the ground. Any more questions?" "No, dear." ****** "..and Mozz might be able to tell you more about the glass." Finished The Phantom. Guran nodded as The Phantom's trusted assistant left the cave, to go seek the item that The Phantom requested. If anyone could find it, Guran would find it. Chapter 3 - A "little head" decision It was a beautiful four days of rest, relaxation and sex between the two. She wanted him to go to the Isle of Eden, but he didn't have time because he had to get ready for the shipload of American gangsters that were due to land shortly. Then Guran and Mozz came in to the Throne room, carrying a small leather covered object. Guran confirmed the contents "Mozz knew exactly where it was buried. Per his instructions, we dug it up in the middle of the night. My men had sacks over their head so they couldn't see what it was. I quickly wrapped it in this bag." Mozz didn't say a word. Knowing that the old man wouldn't reveal deep secrets even to his brethren, The Phantom thanked Guran and dismissed him. When they were alone, Mozz stated "It's powerful. It's dangerous. My father warned me about it, just as I'll warn my son about it." "Why is it dangerous? I read nothing about its power in the chronicles." The old man leaned against his constant walking stick before he wearily replied "Your ancestor, who found the Looking Glass, accepted his rightful position upon the death of his father. But he was sad a lot of the time. Some say that his marriage to Shakespeare's niece was an unfulfilled marriage - that he only did it to continue the family line. That he preferred the company of men to his wife's company. That he was sometimes seen late at night, wearing the old female costume that he wore when he played Juliet as a youth on the London stage." The Phantom leaned back against his throne, rubbing his jaw with his fingertips as he acknowledged the old man's hidden meaning "I see. But that doesn't explain the power of the rock." "After the rock was found, he changed. Some hinted that he wasn't the same man. The wife changed also. She became more active in village affairs. Almost over night, she developed a fluency in our languages while The Phantom lost his fluency. She used to translate for him until he re-learned our language. The Phantom was still The Phantom but we saw that he wasn't the Phantom anymore. Our people saw them every day and noticed the small ways that both of them changed. We were pleased when he buried the rock because the rock somehow affected them." "What happened after the rock was buried?" "Nothing that I'm aware of. She became pregnant and bore his son, who eventually assumed his rightful position upon the death of his father. She stayed with her son until he took a wife. Then she returned to England, where she eventually died. When she left here, she was an attractive middle-aged woman. I understand that she re-married back in England." "How do you invoke its powers?" "My ancestor wasn't involved so I don't know for sure. I think that they placed it between them and let the moonlight activate it. I only know that her last words to my ancestor were that it should've been her that died, not The Phantom. My ancestor didn't understand the meaning of her cryptic remarks." "Thank you, Mozz." He directed, dismissing the old man so he could think. The old man turned slowly then added softly "A month ago, I knew that today would come. I knew that you would want the rock. That you seek the rock's powers to pleasure your mate. The rock won't harm either of you, but you'll never be the same again. The pleasures and mysteries of the human body are too complex for this old mind to understand. But I know that you'll do what you think that you've got to do. It reminds me of that old jungle saying - a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." As the old man left the chambers, The Phantom's smile faded. Mozz was right. The rock was dangerous. Its power should never be unleashed. Walking out of the cave, he went searching for Diana. He found her in the village center. The warriors were having a contest where they picked up a large stone and saw who could toss it the furthest. Diana entered the contest and was just about ready to toss it. The Phantom suggested quietly in English "Remember that you might dishonor someone if you beat him. These little guys have a lot of pride." She groaned and threw the rock. It landed a respectful distance from her, but didn't threaten the current leader. Diana approached him sinuously, licking her lips like a hungry tigress as she smiled at her husband before she replied in a husky teasing tone "Just trying to get my rocks off." He laughed, but heard the hidden meaning in her equivoque statement. That afternoon as they were riding their horses, she challenged him to a race, knowing that there was no way that any horse, not even her horse, could beat Hero. He gave her a good headstart and was about to pass her when he remembered her fantasy a few nights before. He rode Hero close beside her horse and picked her off her horse. As soon as Hero stopped, he dropped her on the ground so that she sprawled in the grass. Jumping off his horse, he dropped his gunbelt as he fell on top of her. She recognized his intent and started beating against his chest, but he quickly pushed her back to the ground then ripped the clothes from her body. While he took off his clothes, she pushed him off balance. Jumping to her feet, she took off running naked through the grass. He quickly undressed and chased her, his long naked legs able to cover the distance faster than she could with her shorter legs. When he caught her, every surface, curve and crevice of her body was lightly coated with sweat and her glistening body erotically reflected the light. She was breathing heavily when he grabbed her, and her solid, turgid nipples stood out on her heaving breasts. "Get down on your knees." Her eyes flashed mock anger but she obeyed, dropping to her hands and knees as she stared at his rock-hard cock. "I'm going to make your dream come true and fuck your ass, bitch," he groaned. Quickly he dropped to his knees behind her and slid his hands over the glistening skin of her round ass, up over her curved back, then back to her ass and down her shapely, muscular thighs. When he slid his hand up between her legs, he found an extremely wet, hot cunt. She groaned and pushed back against him as he pushed two fingers into her wetness. When he moved his hands back to her ass, Diana groaned a low throaty moan as she positioned her ass so that he could take her. He slid his thumbs into the shadowy crease of her ass and spread her cheeks open, revealing the hidden, dark brown aperture. Placing his cockhead against her rosette, he released his hold on her cheeks allowing the cheeks to close around his cockhead, holding it in place. She turned her head so that she could stare at him. Her eyes were glazed over with lust as she moaned "Yes, take me. Fuck me like you've never fucked me." She balanced herself on one arm before she started playing with herself. He grabbed her hips, pulling her back as he rammed his cock in, past her spincter and into her ass. Ignoring her cries, he pushed relentlessly forward and pulled her hips back until she was completely penetrated. He reached one hand around her waist, letting it trail between her legs, before he plunged several fingers into her wet cunt. Her head dropped lower onto her folded arms and she began whimpering as he rubbed her clit in small circles against the hard bone beneath it. Keeping his cock buried but stationary in her narrower portal, he brought her to the edge of an orgasm before withdrawing his fingers. "That feels so good - don't stop!" she requested, forgetting for a second that she was supposed to be a victim. Getting a good grip on her hips, he pulled his cock slowly out of her ass. She groaned as he pulled out, then groaned louder as he drove back into her tight ass. She reached one hand back toward her pussy as she finger fucked her engorged clit. He continued to repeatedly ram her ass, which was getting easier as her natural fluids lubricated his cock. As he increased his tempo, her cries became louder indicating that she was getting very close to a fantastic orgasm. Then she jerked and spasmed as her body exploded. She screamed and screamed as he continued to ram her, feeling her anal muscle's spasm around his cock. Finally, she collapsed on the ground, pulling his cock out of her ass. She curled up, a big smile on her face. Kit straddled her, then rolled her over so that her legs were up his chest on either side of his head and positioned her so her matted pussy was rubbing against his cock. Lifting her slightly, it was easy to work his cock into her now lubricated ass. As he fucked her, he sucked and chewed on her swollen nipples. She arched her back so that he could suck on her bouncing boobs. He sucked on her erect nipples, switching back and forth as he sucked each swollen pink bud in turn. As he fucked her faster, she slid an arm down between them so she could rub her pussy. Before he could explode in an orgasm, she experienced two more tremendous female climaxes. When he felt his own orgasm coming, she sensed it coming and shared another orgasm with his orgasm. They lay there exhausted, him on top of her, his cock still buried deep in her ass. As their breathing became more normal, she whispered "I liked that. A good fast horseback ride and then an aggressive romp in the grass. Why haven't we done that before?" "I didn't know you wanted me to rape you." She bit his earlobe in a teasing quick bite, her voice still husky as she whispered "No, I want to rape you, but I don't have the physical equipment. Don't you remember?" "What if you did? What would you do if you were in my body?" Her face lit up as she stared at an invisible point in the sky. She softly replied "First I'd want to grow a beard - at least a mustache. A mustache would look nice with your mask; additionally it'll make you look more sexy and inviting. It takes time to grow one, but meanwhile I'd want you to give me a blowjob. Not just any old blow job, but a mind-blowing ring-all- bells type of blowjob. Then I would put on your costume and ride into the jungle. I would go to the river town and find the biggest badass in town. After I kicked his butt, I would ride back and fuck you as you've never been fucked. I know how to ring the bells in my body, so I could really turn you on. You've seen me have multiple orgasms, well if I was fucking you, you'd set some new records. I'd get Taizza in here and let her help me with you. We'd make a good threesome. What would you do if you were me?" "I don't know. I've never given it much thought." "I have." She claimed, as his now flaccid cock popped out of her ass. He rolled off of her onto his back while she rolled into a sitting position on his lap. A mischievous gleam lit up her eyes as she traced doodles on his sweaty chest "I wouldn't keep you out here in the middle of this big, lonesome jungle. I'd pack your bags and we'd go back home. Not to my hometown, but to New York City. I'd take you to the best dress shops where I would buy you the prettiest new clothes. Then I'd take you to the most fashionable beauty shop where we get your hair styled and curled in the latest style, as they manicured your nails - those nails that have been ruined by this rugged jungle life. Then I'd take you to the best restaurants where you would show off your wonderful cleavage and luscious body in your new evening dresses. I'd wear a suit - no, it would be a tux, so I looked normal. After a wonderful dinner, we would go dancing. You'd be so beautiful that every man would want you, but they'd take one look at my dangerous new body and back off. If anyone were foolish enough to step between us, I'd trash him. We'd go to party after party where we would become the couple of the year as everyone tried to get us to come to their party. After each party, I'd pick you up and carry you back to our hotel, to our bed, where I would make love to you. I'd do my best to get you pregnant - my best to make you happy - my best to keep you satisfied." "Are you lonesome here?" "At times. When I'm with you, time goes so fast that I don't have time to think about the social life I gave up. But when you're out there roaming around the jungle, I feel so lost and out of place sometimes. It's hard to explain." She laid her head on his chest. When she didn't say anything more, he asked, "There are many mysterious things in the jungle that can't be explained. If I could make your dream come true, even for a little while, would you risk it - knowing that it could be dangerous? After all, you would have to become The Phantom." Her head jerked as she stared into his eyes, looking to see if he was just teasing her or had some hidden secret. "I don't understand." "In my ancestor's chronicles, I discovered a secret. It might contain the power to enable us to swap bodies for a while - or it might be a permanent swap. I don't know if there's any danger because there's not enough documentation. If we do it, we're both at risk. You because you've got to wear my inherited mantle as you become The Phantom. As for me - well, me because I would have to continue to fight crime, even in your body." Her face lit up with a big smile. She hugged him as she whispered "Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes. Let's do it." "Whoa, let's not jump into the fire too quickly. You don't know how close I came to not telling you about this, because I'm afraid of what it might do to us. We've played games in the privacy of our bedroom before, but this potential body exchange will take us out of the bedroom and put us out in the real world. Can you be The Phantom and convince everyone that you're me? Or even more complex, can I convince everyone that I'm you? You may find it easy to be butch and throw your muscles around for awhile, but I've never had any desire to be feminine and swish my ass around. If we can't change back, then we're both stuck for life!!! We need to think about this and make the decision based upon common sense and not driven by some deep sexual daydreams." A roguish smile formed on her face as she responded "What's the matter, big boy? I bet I know, but you won't admit it. You're afraid of having a large, drooling cock rubbing against your lips, even if it's your own cock." "You're just trying to tease me and taunt me into doing it. I know better than to fall for any of your tricks. We'll think about this body exchange for a month or so and decide after we've had a chance to evaluate the potential problem areas." "Sure, honey." She replied with a pixie smile on her face as her warm hand wrapped around his still swollen cock. ****** They had to wait until dark to ride back in because her clothes were too ripped to look normal. They spent the time skinny- dipping into a nearby stream, then making slow love on the sandy riverbank. By the time they arrived home, he had committed to trying it. How she convinced him is open to conjecture, but history is full of events that were decided by women and a cock that needed relief. In the cave, he let her read the few references in his ancestor's chronicles, then they both undressed. They sat naked below the Throne, waiting for the reflected moonlight to shine on them from the openings of Skull Cave that looked like eyes from outside. Between them was the small rock, covered with the leather bag that it was stored in. When their bodies were slightly illuminated by the moonlight, he asked "Are you sure that this is what you want - understanding that you could be trapped forever in my body, to live out my destiny?" "Yes, my husband." He removed the covering from the rock. The moonlight immediately reflected off the many surfaces of the rock. He slowly rotated the rock until two of the bigger reflections were aimed at their respective naked bodies. Nothing happened. They rotated the rock again. They held it up as they tried different angles, but nothing happened. After an hour, Kit apologized "So much for old jungle legends. Sorry." She stood up as she offered him her hand "Well, it was a nice thought. Let me give you class 407 in what it's like to eat a woman's pussy." "Didn't we do class 407 last week?" "No, that was class 304. 407 is where you hum the Star Spangled Banner as you suck on me and I pretend that I'm blowing the bagpipes to the tune of Amazing Grace." He picked her up and happily carried her back to their bedroom. Chapter 4 - The new social order Kit woke up as he stared at the ceiling, looking at the small ceiling opening that allowed daylight to illuminate the cave; recognizing that it was still dark outside. A single candle on a far cave wall very dimly lit the large cave, similar to a night- light. In the bed beside him, he could hear Diana's soft breathing as she still slept soundly after their night of vigorous and rambunctious lovemaking. Even after a couple of years of married life, their sex life was still fantastic, mainly because of Diana's inventive and delightful bedroom games. The bouquet of her creaming cunt clung in the cave, as he smelled where they had made love again before falling asleep. Feeling a strong urge to pee, he sat up softly so that he wouldn't wake her. As he sat up, a long lock of dark hair fell across his forehead, brushing across his nose and resting against his chin. An extremely long lock of hair which was too long for his short military-type haircut. Startled by the hair, he leaped to his feet, feeling another unusual feeling - his chest jiggled and bounced as he moved. Rising too fast to get his balance, he fell to the floor of the cave, releasing a grunt as he sprawled on the hard floor. His mind was being overwhelmed with various unfamiliar sensations as he fell, but he had a strong suspicion why everything seemed so different. A second later, the bed squeaked slightly as Diana woke up. When she stated "Kit?" in a very masculine voice, his suspicions were confirmed. It was his normal baritone voice that he heard coming from her lips. Before he could respond, she stuck her head over the bed and looked down at him, as they observed each other's dim image for the first time. Because he had ten seconds head start on figuring out what had happened, he wasn't as surprised as she was. It was Kit's face and body leaning over the bed, but it was a still somewhat asleep Diana looking through his eyes at her former body lying on the floor. A look of confusion was replaced by a facial expression of shock as she recognized that the body on the floor was her body - that Kit had changed into her. She cried out in an almost scream "KIT??? What the fuck?????" Hearing the difference in her voice and recognizing that she had also changed, she rolled over onto her back, grabbing her chest with her new large hands and fingers. She found a wide muscular, masculine slightly hairy chest complete with impressive pectorals and a washboard stomach chest instead of her normal large female breasts. She sat up slightly on the bed, looking at the small, flaccid, shrunken cock between her legs before she started laughing a loud maniacal masculine laugh. Kit looked down at his own chest, seeing the female breasts that h

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A Life As A Phantom Thief

John= Your real first name Doe= Your thief name You look out at the city before you, from the top of the Atlantis Hotel, you can see everything, including the patrol cars. As the helicopters circle the museum, you can't help but swallow hard and half expect a baby alien to erupt from your stomach. You can't believe you're about to do this, but you know in your heart you should. "It may be breaking the law, but the rich keep taking the cash that should go to everyone, yourself included, John...

1 year ago
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Phantom Phallus The Completed Saga

Trina laughed as she threw another handful of the overly-buttered mess at him. “That’s what you fucking get!” “But it’s true!” “Fairies are not stupid!” “Yes they are!” “They’re gonna kick your ass if you keep talking shit!” A frustrated banging on the adjacent wall, from the room where Trina’s mom slept, brought their playful argument down to low giggles. “You witches are fucking crazy,” Justin said softly, smiling as he shook his head. “That was a stupid truth question,” Trina hissed...

3 years ago
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The Phantom Transgenderer Of Old London Town

The Phantom Transgender of Old London Town (Part 1) By Paul1954 and Darkside East End of London July 20th 1888 ?Surely Dr Soames, I just don?t know what you means!? the young girl said, feigning surprise as the tall dark man gently kneaded her breast with his right hand, whilst his other fumbled with the ties that held her corset tight. ?Don?t play your little games with me Polly, you know damn well what you do to...

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The Phantom Stallion

“For every shadow and lie hides a blade, that blade be death. Revenge it seeks on all whose lust could enchant such a blade. Ride it shall and seek to find all the lost souls. For once it fabled lost the love of life, for life was not so kind. Lover still an affair it seemed, far from touch, too far to be seen. Yet saw it did, the Rider there! Oh watch, young child. BEWARE! -R” I was walking one night. It was late, the ground slightly damp and cool. I, carrying a torchlight and a...

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The Phantom

You wake up at the bottom of the stairs with a pounding headache. You slowly get up, everything is dark around you and you start to walk towards the living room where you notice a light is and can hear voices coming from there. "Hey, what's going on?" you ask rubbing your head as you walk into the living room. You see your fiancee sitting on the couch with tears still glistening on her face as she is talking to what seems to be two cops. "Okay ma'am, can you please run through what happened one...

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danny phantom series 2 by jay rich

As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...

3 years ago
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Phantom Lover

There comes a time in each sensual experience when you never know if it is real or imagined. When the physical part of your body has you in such an intense grip that the dimensions around you start to meld. She could not have said at that exact moment if she was awake or dreaming, living reality or fantasy, only that the feelings flooding her senses had total control over her. She felt as if she was wandering through a maze of mist in her mind. Lights and shimmers of color blaze across her...

2 years ago
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danny phantom sissy story pt 1

Introduction: this is a story based on one of my favorate characters. the themes are based on the whole series Hi guys, Im Danny fentom but my friends call me Danny phantom. Normally I would have some fantastic heroic story for you but this time I got something more strange. More strange than a half boy/half ghost? Yes. It began with my best friend tucker. He is a negro boy and a real tech geek. He is also my best friend. He is tall and always wearing a cap. One day I was watching TV together...

2 years ago
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Phantom of the Cinema

The Phantom of the Cinema By Simon It was Saturday night, and George was in the ?Dog and Duck? bar with his two best friends from his University days, Paul and John. It was a number of years since they had left education, and they were all now fairly successful in their jobs. It meant that they were unable to get together as often as they would have liked, but once every couple of months they cleared their diaries, had a few drinks and went out clubbing. Up to this point,...

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My Phantom Lover

Sitting at my desk, the computer monitor flickers and lights the room. The soft blue-white glow makes my skin seem even paler. It is late and the house is quiet, with my glass of Pinot Noir and my vibrator near by I anxiously log-on to the computer. It has been a long day and I am hoping that I have received a "special delivery." I take several sips of my wine and I rub my neck; my hands run down to my ample chest. Slowly I circle my tits with a lone finger from each hand, tickling and tracing...

3 years ago
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A Winter Phantom

  She stands near the window, watching the snowstorm come in.   Clouds darken the sky, and snow lightning, a rare phenomenon, splinters the inky blackness.   Sleep has eluded her once again, and she is restless.   Snow covers the ground and frost creeps into the corners of the window pane.   She stirs the embers in the fireplace and lays an armful of logs on the grate.   In her sheer, white nightdress she looks like a ghost in the light of the flames, but in reality, she is no ghost. She still...

Straight Sex
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"You look great!" "Thanks, honey. I'm not too soft looking, am I?" Mary stood in front of the full length mirror in the hall, continuously turning from side to side. After each turn, she would poke her waist or push in her stomach. "You're kidding, right, Mom? No, you're not 'too soft!' I don't think I've ever seen you this nervous!" "I haven't seen him in twenty-five years! I was a lot younger, and smaller, back then! I don't want him to be too disappointed." "I'm sure...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 24 The Phantom of the Opera

Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Phantom of Lakefield Manor

It was nearly 5 PM when James Seaworth finally decided to put his book down."It's no use," he said, under his breath, "I just can't stay focused."After a couple of hours traveling by train from London, he was now in a hired car headed directly to his Aunt Rachel's home. They hadn't seen each other since her husband's death, over a year prior. He lived in London, studying and working part time at a well renowned law firm.Aunt Rachel being his last living relative (although not blood related, as...

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The Phantom of the Subway

Copyright© 2004 The woman had huge, haunted eyes. Only two stops to go. Once again he had blown it. He still hadn't connected with the mysterious lady in the trenchcoat. But then, you just didn't talk to strangers on the New York subway. If you knew what was good for you, you didn't even look them in the eye. But he might never see her again. Ron considered himself something of a superstud. His looks were nothing to write home about, but that had never stopped him from making it with...

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danny phantom ghost boy series 2 jayrich

Danny & Tucker start struggling, trying to get free. But it’s to no use. A fiendish grin graces Desiree’s face, as she tosses the boys aside as if they were nothing. They land in a nearby tree, looking roughed up. Danny looks over at Tucker. “Tucker, you alright?” Tucker peeks his head out through the branches and answers Danny. “Yeah…yeah, I’m alright.” “Good. Remind me to Kill you later!” Their argument is interrupted by a bright light. They look over to see Desiree glowing, ready to fire a...

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danny phantom ghost boy series by jayrich

“Hello. My name is Tucker Foley, and welcome to my Blog.” Tucker types in those words onto his computer, proud of himself for starting off his own Blog. Then his face changes to concern, as he wonders exactly what he’s gonna write about. “Aw, man. My mind’s a blank now. Good going Foley. Start a Blog about yourself to get the girls interested, then don’t have anything to write about.” He drops his head on the Keyboard, looking like he just failed. But a moment later, he raises it with a smile...

1 year ago
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Phantom Sex Therapist

Danny and Patty Swanson, newlyweds of six months, were both sexually frustrated, and in an attempt to fix the problem, had secured a weekend reservation at a secluded beach getaway house. They were to be met there by Doctor Andrea Andrews, a respected sex therapist and author.Unbeknown to them, the house was occupied by an interloper named Amy Lindsay. When they arrived, they realized the house was occupied, and they assumed it was Dr. Andrews. What they did not know, there was a message on the...

Group Sex
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My Phantom Lover

Sitting at my desk, the computer monitor flickers and lights the room. The soft blue-white glow makes my skin seem even paler. It is late and the house is quiet, with my glass of Pinot Noir and my vibrator near by I anxiously log-on to the computer. It has been a long day and I am hoping that I have received a ‘special delivery.’ I take several sips of my wine and I rub my neck, my hands run down to my ample chest. Slowly I circle my tits with a lone finger from each hand, tickling and tracing...

3 years ago
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Night Visit to my Phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you. I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asl**p on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume. I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It’s been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6’3′ you are quite taller than my...

2 years ago
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A night visit to my phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you. I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asl**p on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume. I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It’s been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6’3′ you are quite taller than my...

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A Winter Phantom

  She stands near the window, watching the snowstorm come in.   Clouds darken the sky, and snow lightning, a rare phenomenon, splinters the inky blackness.   Sleep has eluded her once again, and she is restless.   Snow covers the ground and frost creeps into the corners of the window pane.   She stirs the embers in the fireplace and lays an armful of logs on the grate.   In her sheer, white nightdress she looks like a ghost in the light of the flames, but in reality, she is no ghost. She still...

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Danny Phantom

The basement lab was filled with the sound of the ghost portal humming. Occasional ghost screams could be heard from the constantly rotating green plasma field. The spacious room was lit up by the bright green light, lighting up even the most furthest corners. Three figures were standing in a circle in front of the giant device, communicating in a loud manner. "You're not even going to apologize?" the young girl said in an upset tone. "You've been going out on your missions to search for who...

2 years ago
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Phantom in the Multiverse

How he looks like a Baby is the Cover Image Note: AN/ Step-Mother, Step-Siblings is Still Incest to who didn't know that Many natural Ghost portals that open and close without warning and lead to various locations in space and time, such as the Bermuda Triangle, the Dimma-Dodecahedron, and the Salem witch trials. Portal Powers: Extremely high Charisma it is like a kind of spell (curse) in itself. Danny radiating with self-confidence will surely boost the morale of his comrades/or Army to an...

1 year ago
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A Phantom Of The Dead

Escape It is raining outside and a reporter is talking to the head doctor of mental hospital after talking the doctor calls nurse Elanora and tell her to bring patient No. 23101 the reporter asks the doctor I have heard a lot of stories and rumours about him are they true ??the reporter asked the doctor. Doctor: I don't know whether they are true or not but I can tell you he may have committed those crimes. Reporter: how do you know that he has done it? Has he confessed to you about the crimes...

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Danny Phantom

To most people, 'saving the world' probably wouldn't be the first thing they thought of when thinking of what they would do with ghost powers - powers that allowed you to control bodies, turn invisible, and walk through walls. However, Danny Fenton was not like most people, and consequently, 'saving the world,' did become the first thing he thought of when gaining his ghost powers. However, he still was a hormonal teenager, and as each day passed, Danny fought tooth and nail to resist the urge...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Phantom Mothers

Danny did the impossible, defeating Pariah Dark the Ghost King with the Ecto skeleton. He saw Vlad Plasmius, who was standing with the Fright Knight and all the other ghosts and in Vlad's hands was the fire crown. "It's chess, Daniel. Of course you don't understand, but-but then you never really did.." mocked Vlad. Suddenly everyone heard a pipe noise from the ecto skeleton. Danny saw that the battery was falling at an alarming rate while the suit was about to self-destruct. "Help me," Danny...

4 years ago
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Danny Phantom The Sex Craze

EDIT: 1. I just found out that I have been wrongly thinking that Danny's mom is called "Matty" when in fact her name is Madeline Fenton, therefore her nickname isn't "Matty" but "Maddie". 2. Since I have been accused of having stolen this idea from some comic, I wanted to apologize if any of it sounds familiar to you, but if so I never realized it. I assure you that I came up with this idea myself. Thx. P.S: Feel free to add your own pages, as long as it stays in the spirit of this...

1 year ago
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Night Visit to my Phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you.I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asleep on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume.I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It's been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6'3" you are quite taller than my...

2 years ago
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A night visit to my phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you.I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asleep on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume.I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It's been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6'3" you are quite taller than my...

2 years ago
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Phantom Poker Night

Memories tend to fade, but as I recall back then, summer was winding down and soon CJ and I would be headed back to college. When that time came, it would be impossible for us to hook up again. After that night in my tent during race weekend, we said we'd stay in touch with each other. We did, but 2 months had passed and we hadn't found any opportunity to hook up. CJ lived quite a distance from where I was living. This made our attempts to hook up really difficult. We finally decided that with...

2 years ago
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Phantom Lover

© Copyright I felt his presence as near to me as he could get. He touched me with his gentle fingers, and he touched me with his hard organ. He sighed in my ear, and let his tongue lightly caress the parted lips of my mouth. He stole my breath, then handed it back to me. His gentle fingers played over my skin, making it sing. He had me arching against him as he let his fingers splay outward from my breasts or from my belly. Then, letting his tongue dance along the path his fingers had...

3 years ago
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Phantom Lover

It had been two years since Maya had passed away. Maya had been my soul mate and my whole life's purpose seemed to have died with her. My family had watched helplessly as my happiness turned to depression. In fact, I wouldn't have been on this cruise ship if not for my sister. Kara, my sister, gave me this cruise as a gift. This was a singles cruise and I was supposed to be having the time of my life meeting women and enjoying the ocean. I never would have told my sister, but I felt nothing...

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First I had to reach the target unseen. That was actually easy since he ran a very large and noisy club on the floor below his penthouse and offices. I had three ways in, a disused air vent shaft that had been sealed. A private set of stairs from a floor three levels down. And last was to climb up one hundred and sixty plus floors and enter through a window or balcony. I chose the last and the climb took a long time and I was more than ready to finish the job. The second thing was I had to...

3 years ago
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EmergenceChapter 4 Phantom

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and eager to start classifying the different symbol groups I was getting a feel for and arrived at the old admin building around eight o’clock. As I walked down the hall towards the stairs, a door just ahead of me to my right opened. I must have been just a few seconds later than the last time I showed up that early. This time, I saw the cup of coffee momentarily float in mid-air before it plopped to the floor as the familiar “SHLING” sound filled...

1 year ago
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Halloween party with the phantom

Jamie's pussy was still tingly, and a little sore as she dressed for the Halloween party. God, she loved the way Steve fucked her in the shower, and she would have loved to drag him into the bedroom for 3 or 4 more hours of fucking. But Steve was on the board of a local charity, and scheduled to be emcee at tonight's party. She had to admit that it was very sexy that he took the obligation seriously, and truly enjoyed his work raising money for the charity. He was the best lover any woman could...

Adult Humor
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 164 Phantoms Reality

(At the mansion in Yokohama) Gein: Ten days? Enishi: Yes. I gave him my declaration of war this morning. (Gein is working at a bench covered in grisly instruments: scalpels, pliers, mallets and other such tools.) Gein: Was that wise? The others won't like it. Enishi: It'll be fine. I'll persuade them. More importantly, will you be ready in ten days? Will it? Gein: Leave that to me. I'll give this my all. When the time comes, I'll show you a work of art. Enishi: I look forward to...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 223 Dreams Reality Phantoms

(Men surround Tsubame at the entrance to Rakuninmura.) Men: I told you to go home! You deaf, little girl? This is no place for outsiders. Tsubame (thinking): I'm so scared. (aloud, barely managing to get the words out) Ken... shin... Men: Ken... You mean the new guy? You wasted a trip. There's nothing left of him. He's hollow-- Tsubame (finding her tongue): That's not true! The Kenshin I know is a kind, strong person! (running forward) Kenshin! Man: Hey, watch it! (He puts out a...

1 year ago
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites

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