The Phantom Transgenderer Of Old London Town free porn video

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The Phantom Transgender of Old London Town (Part 1) By Paul1954 and Darkside East End of London July 20th 1888 ?Surely Dr Soames, I just don?t know what you means!? the young girl said, feigning surprise as the tall dark man gently kneaded her breast with his right hand, whilst his other fumbled with the ties that held her corset tight. ?Don?t play your little games with me Polly, you know damn well what you do to me, and how much it means. My wife, she just doesn?t seem to want what - well, you know. I..if it wasn?t for you, then..?. ?Ssshhhh Dr Soames, now don?t you go getting yourself all in a lather, not now. There are better ways of spending our time together, other than you getting yourself all hot and bothered - at least that way. Now why don?t you let Polly see's if she can make you forget all about your troubles and woes? she said, reaching for the fastening on his trousers as her breasts spilled out, free of the constriction of the now loosened corset. Samuel Soames eyes took in the sight of her bounteous beauty and wiped his hand across his mouth, feeling himself salivate at the thoughts of where this would lead. He felt the sudden chill of the air touch his suddenly freed manhood, the room feeling cool from the unseasonable chilly air, and then found himself enveloped in the petticoat and underpinnings that the object of his lust was wearing. ?Oh Dr Soames, I don?t think I?ve known you so pleased to see me before? Polly murmured as she lay back and spread herself for him. He merely grunted a reply, his ardour now completely ruling his head as he virtually threw himself upon her. Their bodies locked together as the room filled to their sounds of animalistic coupling until finally, all became silent apart from the sound of heavy breathing, slowing down until it became normal again. A few minutes later Dr Soames lifted himself from the warm body of his beau and started dressing, suddenly shy now that the deed had been completed. Once dressed he fumbled inside his jacket pocket and took out a small purse from which he extracted a single coin that he threw to the supine girl. ?Here, please - buy yourself something, a little gift, or whatever?! Polly smiled as she reached out for the coin and saw that it was a florin. A handsome reward, indeed. More than six times the amount she usually received from those of her own station. She smiled again, to herself this time, amused that the men of breeding that she serviced occasionally felt the need to describe her fee in such a way. It was as if they preferred to view their liaisons as a form of relationship rather than the business transaction that it really was. She should worry though. Ever since escaping from her husband Will, she had started to establish a regular clientele amongst what she termed the ruling classes. It was far better than walking the streets, which she still sometimes had to do, but less often nowadays. Now, if only she could manage to save some of this booty then she would be able to get out of the room in the doss house that she shared with three other women like herself, and spend more time in establishments such as this room in the inn that she rented, just for clients like the Doctor. She watched Dr Soames fasten his black cloak around his shoulders and pick up his cane before walking to the door. Just before turning the handle he looked back at her and smiled. ?Same time the day after next?? he asked her. She nodded and returned his smile. ?I?ll look forward to it Doctor?. As soon as he had left the room she lifted herself from the bed and went to the small washbasin standing in the corner and proceeded to remove as much evidence of the good Doctor?s passion as she could manage. There was only forty minutes left until her next visitor arrived. She screwed up her face as she thought of what she knew would be expected of her. She really didn?t enjoy his taste in passion, she was often sore for days after, and him a Lord of the realm as well! Still, business was business. * * * * * * * Baker Street, London July 20th 1888 The young woman rubbed her eyes and sighed to herself, suddenly weary from the hours she had spent studying the manuscripts that had been sent by her friend Dr Livingston. She couldn?t stop herself smiling as she thought of him, brave and intrepid as he explored uncharted territories across the dark mysterious continent of Africa, such a contrast from her husband, Samuel. She unpinned her deep chestnut coloured hair from where she had swept it back and let it fall around her shoulders. She then leant back, annoyed with herself for letting the thoughts of him intrude upon her work as it so often did. Oh, how different it might have been if only she had followed her inclinations and married Dr Livingston when he had asked her, ignoring her families wishes. Such was the lot of women in this modern society though, maybe someday it will change if others thought such as her. It had taken her years of study to reach where she had gotten today, her position being that of assistant to her own husband, whilst her own knowledge was so much greater than his. It was certainly an injustice, the way that he had used his connections to obtain the title of Doctor, whilst her lowly position was the only reward for her own labours. She jumped with a start as she heard the door handle to their study turning, and opened her eyes to see her husband standing in the doorway, his face bearing his familiar guilty and hangdog expression. ?Really Margery, you are spending far too long in here. It?s rare to see you anywhere else nowadays?! As if caught in the act of doing something wrong, she swept her hair back behind her head and retrieving her pins, proceeded to fasten it in the same manner she had worn it previously, before her husband had walked in. ?Well someone has to do the work Samuel. Maybe if you spent more time in here yourself then I would be able to devote more of my time to other matters?. Samuel closed the door behind him and turned up the gaslight before striding across to her desk and picking up one of the papers she had been perusing. ?Hah? he exclaimed, ?you call this work! This is no work that I recognise, rather it is the mindless ramblings of that fool Livingston, the ?great? explorer, as he likes to call himself. I thought I had forbidden you to correspond with him. He is nothing but a charlatan and a fraud?. ?I doubt Samuel, my dear husband, that there is any kind of work that you would recognise, not even if it leapt up and...?. ?Enough woman - hold your tongue. Stop before you go too far. I do not know what has gotten into you recently. If you spent more time performing your wifely duties other than down here in this .. this dark place then we would probably both be happier. Now burn this nonsense and come to bed. It is late and I have a busy day tomorrow?. She managed to bury her anger as he stormed out the door after tossing Dr Livingston?s manuscripts on the floor, but as soon as he had left she thumped the table in attempt to release the emotion that had been building deep within her. He was such a hypocrite. Wifely duties in deed! Why, it was only her efforts that kept this practice viable, and she was surely entitled to spend some time on her own studies! Moreover, she was sure that Samuel had found someone else to perform the ?wifely duties? that he seemed to crave for her. He had that aroma of cheap perfume lingering about him and this was not the first time she had smelt it. She felt her eyes start to water and allowed herself to indulge in the luxury of tears for a minute or two as she re-arranged the papers she had retrieved. It was such a damnable situation for her, she was effectively trapped. Her family would disown her if she left Samuel and heaven knows how she could survive without her husbands patronage. There was only her friend, Dr Livingston, to whom she could turn to, and he was too far away to be of any help for some time to come. She extinguished the light and walked upstairs, hoping that Samuel had fallen asleep by now. She had no intention of gracing him with her favours, but knew that if he demanded them then she would have no choice but to comply. With him being so much stronger than her, he could demand it of her if he so wanted. It would not be the first time. * * * * * * * Baker Street, London July 22nd 1888 Whether it was due to her barbs from the previous night, or whether it was purely co-incidence, Margery was not sure, but whatever the reason Samuel had put in a full day at the practise, leaving her behind the scenes preparing the ointments and potions that he prescribed. Despite his close proximity she had not seen much of him all day and when he went out to his 'Gentlemen's' club later that afternoon, she breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that she now had a few hours to devote to finish reading through Doctor Livingston's notes and then maybe even trying one or two of the experiments so long as she had the ingredients to hand. Two hours later she had finished and had put the manuscript back in a leaf beneath the desk where she had hidden it last night. She was amazed. The Doctor's writings had described his latest journey into the Congo region of central Africa, and some of the staggering sights that he had beheld. This hadn't been the part that had caught her attention though, for he later on described the tribes of natives he had encountered, with most of them being tolerant of his presence having never encountered a Caucasian before. Some of them had even gone further than that and had shared remedies which were more akin to spells rather anything that he recognised from a medical textbook. One witch doctor in particular however, seemed to have a greater knowledge than most and had, for the most part, only been prepared to demonstrate rather than share his secrets. There was one demonstration in particular, which had enthuse the good Doctor. It sounded preposterous, but Doctor Livingston had sworn that he had seen one young native boy who had been ridden with consumption cured in two days. He knew then that he just had to have the witch doctor's secrets, for the good of medical science if nothing else, but it had taken threats of bloody murder to extort them from the old man, and he had finally had to flee for his own life once the witch doctor's tribesmen discovered what he'd done. Margery considered that this sounded most unlike the man she had known, but her excitement at having the secrets he had described, right here in her own basement helped her to push aside any misgivings that she might have felt, aside. She picked up the paper where she had been making copious notes and re-read them, becoming lost once more in the items described by the Doctor that were required to concoct the remedy for Consumption. This held a particular interest for her because her younger brother Theodore had recently been stricken by the disease, and she feared that it would claim him before much longer unless helped by some divine form on intervention. Could this indeed be it? "Now let me see" she said to herself," I have some of these ingredients already but others will be more difficult to find. How am I going to find snake venom in the quantity needed to make this formula effective". She put down her papers and poured herself a glass of water before standing, and then cursed the impracticality of her female garb as her long skirts caught underneath her shoes. Oh, how so much easier it must be to be a man, she mused once again. She continued her pacing for a few moments, her brothers condition adding urgency to her thoughts, and then suddenly, her face brightened as an idea came to her. "Of course, cousin Rupert. He might be able to help me" she almost shouted and sat down, impatient that she would have to wait until tomorrow to pursue her idea, but satisfied that a possible answer was nearby to hand. It would have been unseemly for a Lady of breeding, as she considered herself, to venture out unaccompanied at this hour, yet another example of how modern society constricted the fairer sex. She could have come and gone with impunity had she been born otherwise. * * * * * * * It was late afternoon when she had returned from her visit to the zoological gardens that her cousin Rupert was attempting to establish. She had remembered him telling her once, at a family affair they had both been present at, of how his staff regularly 'milked' the venomous reptiles in his care, both as a safety precaution, and also due to the medicinal properties the poison contained, at least in small doses. It had been proven to thin the blood in certain circumstances, although its use was still in its infancy. He had willingly agreed to provide her with a vial of the liquid once she had informed him of its purpose in her research and she fully intended to make up a batch of Doctor Livingston's formula tonight, ready for testing first thing tomorrow. Without pausing for refreshment she went back into the study where Samuel and her equipment lay and removed her coat before going straight to her notes. She was about to open them when she spied a sheet of paper with her name on it and recognised the writing as her husband's. 'Margery, I have promised an old friend that I would meet up with them later and will go straight there from the club. Don't wait up for me, I will be late. Samuel' She put down the note and grimaced. It was short and to the point, containing no words of affection or even a pleasantry. It merely illustrated the disregard and contempt that he must hold for her. Well, she could assure him. The feeling was mutual! She snorted as she crumpled up the note and threw it back onto the desk. An old friend indeed! An old friend of the female variety, no doubt. One who wears cheap perfume and who might be more inclined to provide him with the wifely duties he seemed to crave. She decided to set about her task of preparing the formula as a way of forgetting about her husband's indiscretions for whether she held any love for him or not, it was still humiliating for her to be cheated on in this way. Why, she would wager that this was the talk of the Gentlemen's club he frequented, only served to add to her shame. An hour later all thoughts of Samuel had gone as she ground the herbs needed for the potion in a mortar and pestle, until they were a fine powder. To this she added the modern pharmaceuticals that she intended to use as a replacement for the more esoteric variety that Doctor Livingston had described. She was sure that they were a close match and that they were certainly worth trying if it meant her research might continue that much quicker. To this she added two pints of drinking water that she boiled for another hour until the concentrated solution had been distilled and captured in a medium sized beaker. Whilst this was progressing she made herself something to eat and reviewed Doctor Livingston's notes again. She was sure that she had followed the instructions correctly. Now all she had to do was to dilute the solution in another two pints of water and then add the snake venom, before allowing it to cool. She walked over to her workbench and measured out the required amount of water and then placed that and the distilled liquid into a larger vessel. Finally, she took the vial of snake venom and carefully held it over the liquid before shaking the required three drops into the mixture. She was just on the point of dripping the venom when she suddenly had the urge to sneeze. She managed to stifle it but the effort of doing so caused her body to shake, resulting in at least three times of the amount of venom to fall into the solution than she had planned. "Oh Heaven's, you silly woman!" she cursed to herself, knowing that she would now have to go back to square one and start the experiment over again. Even as she cursed however, events started to spiral rapidly out of control as the larger amount of venom started to react unfavourably with the distilled solution and frothed and bubbled, spilling out of the vessel and over onto the workbench. It quickly formed a pool that threatened to spill over the side of the workbench and onto the floor. Margery gasped aloud, finding the stench of the liquid overpowering and fearing that it would stain her meticulously clean floor. She looked around for a cloth with which to mop it up but, unusually for her, there was nothing to hand. Suddenly, she caught sight of her husbands cloak. He must have left it there before heading off to his precious club, due to the fact that today was far warmer than it had been of late. Without further ado she grabbed his cloak, for the liquid seemed to have increased to almost four times its volume already and it's rapid expansion showed no signs of abating. She quickly threw it over the liquid and let it absorb the fluid, knowing that she would have to arrange to have it cleaned tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow might be warm again and Samuel might not need it. Finally, the liquids growth ceased and the effervescent froth settled back into the vessel. "Oh, thank Heaven's! I thought it would never end" she sighed to herself as she dropped the now sodden cloak onto a tiled corner of the floor and sat back down on the chair by the workbench. She closed her eyes and gave thanks that at least Samuel wasn't here to see what had happened, and what she had done to his precious cloak. As she opened them again, she looked over to the vessel and once again, gasped. "I don't believe it - it's not possible!" she exclaimed She rose out of her seat and walking over to get a better look at it. It was empty. There was no liquid inside at all, only the merest hint of a residue which looked like a fine dusty powder. She turned the vessel upside down and watched the powder leave the vessel cleanly and settle onto the workbench. As she ran a finger through it she noticed that she was displacing the powder and that none of it was sticking to her. Still stunned, she looked back down at the cloak on the floor and walked back over towards it. As she lifted it she noticed that it was also completely dry, and that it too had a fine covering of the same powder that she had found inside the vessel. As soon as she shook the cloak it floated towards the floor, leaving no discernible mark on the cloak at all. If anything, it seemed cleaner! Never in her whole experience had she seen such a thing before, and she sat down again, her mind reeling from her discovery. She reached across for Doctor Livingston's notes and started reading through them once more, hoping to find a clue as to why such an occurrence might have happened. She was so engrossed in her reading that she only thought about the time when the last of the natural light started to fade as the sun made its way past the north east facing window. "Goodness, how long have I been sitting here?" she said to herself as she looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it must have been well over two hours. She shivered, more from tiredness rather than the cold, and picked up her husbands cloak and draped it over her shoulders to comfort herself whilst she finished the Doctor's manuscript. As she did so she had a sense of something being not quite right and noticed a faint blue aura appear all around her. Within seconds she felt a churning sensation from within her stomach which she at first thought was hunger, but as it continued she knew it was like no hunger that she had ever felt before. A deep cramping sensation overwhelmed her and she fell out of the chair and onto the floor, fearing for her very life. She passed out briefly as the cramping sensation spread to other parts of her body and was thus spared the sight of the fine hairs on her arms and hands thickening and lengthening, whilst her limbs themselves started to grow. She came to again just in time, as her tightly buttoned dress started to asphyxiate her, and by instinct alone she ripped it away from her neck, surprising herself with her own strength. She then noticed that the tightness was coming from all over her body and ripped away the front of her dress as her shoulders widened and her chest expanded in girth, at least. She groaned aloud as she watched her breasts recede beneath her underclothes and then pulled them away as well, just in time to see her nipples shrink to child like proportions. "Oh dear God, what is happening to me?" she cried, noticing her voice had become deeper, as she then pulled at the ever tightening corsetry that was by now crushing her very insides. Within moments she had removed all of her clothing and was standing completely naked, and running her hands up and down her muscled body before they settled around the strange tube of flesh that now hung between her legs. She started to examine her bodily changes , being far more fascinated at the changes that had been wrought rather than shocked. That would come later. Curious now for though, she moved her hands deeper between her legs where her most intimate area, the one that had most strongly defined her womanhood, had once resided. As she expected, she found a hairy and wrinkled sac that she cupped in her hands and moved about. She then gave a cry of pain as she pressed them together, a pain that was indescribable. As she gripped the workbench for support, she vowed that she would be far more careful in future if things remained this way, and would treat them with proper respect. As the pain gradually receded her mind finally accepted what had happened to her. Somehow, incredible as it may seem, she was now a man! Something, somehow, had changed her. She immediately knew, her instincts guiding her, that it must have been something to with the concoction that she had accidentally created, and then remembered the blue aura that had surrounded her when she had put the cloak on. She - he now, moved purposefully to where it had fallen from her, and draped it over his shoulders again, to see if by some chance it might change him back to how he had been. Somehow, he was not surprised when nothing happened. Maybe it was just a one off occurrence and he was doomed to remain this way forever! What on earth would his husband - how ridiculous that sounded - think when he found out. At the thought of Samuel a change seemed to come over the newly created man, and a smile crept over his face. What would he think indeed! If he had been here with his wife, instead of being away carousing with his cohorts, and probably meeting up with his suspected mistress later, this might never have happened. Margery felt an anger build within him, an anger that contained a ferocity beyond anything he had felt as a woman as the increase in testosterone surged through his veins. He looked back down at his new body and was reminded once again, that he was now a man. His body seemed a little larger than the female body he had previously, and as he stretched he felt his muscles tighten in a new way, sensing the power that just wanted to burst forth. His face broke into a smile as he pondered his future and started to view his change from a slightly different perspective than that of a few moments ago. Why had he considered that he was 'doomed' to remain a man? Why, this might be the best thing that could possibly have happened. No more having to be a second class citizen; no more being cautious at travelling alone; no more spending half the morning getting dressed for the day and best of all - no more 'wifely' duties. All of the frustrations that had dogged Margery's adult life had now been miraculously resolved. Yes, maybe this was not such a bad thing after all. The thought of wifely duties sent his mind back to Samuel, and how he had treated and cheated on Margery. Instead of the anger that he had felt before, he now felt a quiet determination, a determination to put his 'ex' husband in his place. Why, now he could even enter the gentlemen's club and confront him there and then if he so desired. He would be able to enter the hallowed halls where no woman had trod before. Then, another thought struck him. No, why confront him there - he would more likely to be ejected, or even overpowered by Samuel's friends or the staff. No, why not kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Why not follow him when he leaves the club and then he could see just who this 'old friend' was. He would wager anything that the old friend was female. First things first though. He would see if he could fit his new body into some of Samuel's clothes. How strange it would feel, just to be able to pull on a shirt and trousers and be considered dressed! * * * * * * * Samuel swirled the last of his brandy around the bottom of the bowl shaped glass and then brought it up to his lips, letting it trickle down his throat, and then placed the glass back on the table. "Another old man?" the young and whiskered gentleman opposite him asked and snapped his fingers to attract the waiters attention. "No, I've had enough I think Edwin. It's been pleasant but I've got to meet someone now, and if I drink too much more I don't think I'll be able!" he said, rising out of the leather chair. "Able to what?" the man said with a puzzled look that quickly turned to one of amusement as he caught his friends meaning. "Ah yes, able indeed. I suppose you are meeting up with your 'special' friend again. I warn you Samuel, one of these days you are going to catch something from her. Her reputation precedes her". "Nonsense, you are just jealous. She saves herself only for me" he said, looking around for his cape and then remembering that he had left it at home. His friend shook his head, sorrowful at his friends stupidity, as Samuel briefly considered stopping off on the way home to retrieve it, but he changed his mind, not wanting to listen any more of his wife's nagging. He bade his farewell and stepped out into the night air, looking for a cab. As he waited he had the strangest sensation of being watched. He looked behind him but could see nothing untoward. Just then two cabs appeared at once and he hailed the first one. "Thrawl street please, and hurry!" he said to the driver as he climbed into the back. The driver watched him get in an then turned to face forward again, wondering what a gentleman like him could possibly want in that unsavoury part of town. He smiled grimly to himself, knowing that he could only be up to no good in that part of town, but it was no business of his, just so long as he paid his fare. * * * * * * * Charles, as Margery had decided to call himself, moved back into the shadows as he saw Samuel turn around. That had been a close call he considered, but then laughed to himself. How would Samuel have recognised him anyway! He watched as Samuel got into a cab and for a moment, he thought he was going to lose him, but then saw another cab behind the one Samuel had boarded, and quickly ran over to it. "Follow that cab!" he called to the driver, and then sat back in the seat, wondering where this journey would lead him. As the cab bumped along over the cobbled streets, he took in all the sights of night time London, feeling an incredible sense of freedom at being able to do such a thing, and on his own as well. As Margery, he had never set foot outside the house in the evening, at least unaccompanied. London at night was no place for a woman on her own. He laughed to himself once more, and savoured the moment. He felt liberated - free of the female chains that had shackled him for so long. Finally, the cab in front stopped outside of an Inn in a poor part of town and Charles watched Samuel leave the cab and enter inside. Charles then left his own cab and paid the driver before going inside himself. It was yet another new experience for him as he entered into the noisy and smelly atmosphere and watched as Samuel spoke to a man behind the bar. He suddenly became aware that a few of the patrons were watching him and decided that he'd try to appear as natural as possible so as not arouse their suspicion. He went over to the only free table and sat down to wait for someone to take his order, and a few moments later a large built woman approached him. "And what can I get for you sir?" she asked him. "Uh, an ale for me, please" he said, wanting to appear manly, and then watched as the woman turned around and went back to the bar to fetch his drink. He looked for Samuel but couldn't see him. He must have gone somewhere, or maybe he was hidden behind some of the crowd standing by the bar, he thought. Just then, another woman approached him. She had large breasts that threatened to spill out of their low cut dress she was wearing, and Charles stared open mouthed, not believing how brazen she was acting. "'ello then luv, would you like some company, just for the price of a drink"? ", thank you. I..I am fine" Charles replied, hoping that she would go away. He was not in luck though, for she sat down beside him any, leaning forward to make sure that he could not possibly miss her cleavage. "Well then luv, 'ow about spending another penny or two then, and I'll give you more than just company my dear"! A strange feeling started to build within Charles as he tried, but failed, to avert his eyes from her generously displayed bosom. He knew that he shouldn't be feeling like this - not at all - but he couldn't deny that his body was starting to respond to the girl's dubious charms. It was a completely unexpected development and he shifted uncomfortably on the wooden bench he was seated at, trying to disguise the hardness developing in his trousers. He was still not used to his new equipment however, and managed to trap part of it in his underthings, causing him to feel a sharp pain that made him feel quite bilious for a moment. Charles grimaced and quickly moved again to a more comfortable position. The sudden pain had returned his senses to him and told the girl that he was not interested,. He wanted to focus on Samuel now, and did not want to be distracted. The girl looked annoyed at first, and it looked as if she was about to make a scene, but Charles was saved any further embarrassment by the barmaid bringing him his ale who then shooed the girl away, much to her displeasure. "'ow's a girl to make an 'onest living if you don't give 'er a chance, eh!" she moaned, but moved on anyway. He picked up the jug of ale and sipped it cautiously at first, but after a taste or two decided that it wasn't too bad and then took a larger gulp. He put the jug back down on the table and looked around the bar again, seeing if he could spot Samuel. He was just about to curse his luck when a loud a raucous girl's laugh from the far corner of the Inn caught Charles attention. He had mixed feelings as he saw the girl in question, with her arm wrapped around Samuel. He felt relief at having spotted his - her - husband, but also anger at his betrayal. Somewhere from the back of his mind he also felt another emotion, one of jealousy. This was maybe to be expected in the current circumstances but the shocking thing for Charles was that he actually felt jealous of Samuel, as the thought passed through his mind that he wouldn't have minded spending some time in that girl's company, himself! An unspoken battle for dominance took place where Margery's decent and honourable thoughts fought against Charles more lascivious ones, and this time hes won out. A shiver ran through him though, as he wondered what could be affecting him so. He again returned to the task in hand at looked back at Samuel, seeing him return the girl's hug and then lead her towards some stairs that ran alongside. Charles picked up the jug and drained its contents and then slammed it back on the table. "T..that swine!" he spat, "I just knew he was up to no good. Why, I would take him out and give him a damn good hiding if I was a ma..". He had been about to say 'if I was a man' and then realised that he WAS a man. A look of determination crossed over his face followed by a bitter smile, as the barmaid came over and asked him whether he wanted another drink. He was about refuse and then decided that maybe he would have another, after all. If Charles was about to have a fling with that common little trollop then he might as well give them time to get started, that way he might catch them in the act! Besides, maybe he was wrong and there was some completely innocent explanation for them leaving to go upstairs. Of course, he knew that he was fooling himself, but he was still shocked at having his suspicions confirmed, and was almost in state of self-denial. Ten minutes later he had drained his second pint and stood up to go upstairs. He walked up to the bar and was just about to climb up the stairway when a large, moustachioed man barred his way. "'cuse me a minute. Just where do you think you're going?" he said, easily stopping Charles progress. Despite his new found strength and stature, Charles knew that he would have no chance against this bear of a man and decided to attempt persuasion as opposed to force to get past him. "I'm sorry, I should have asked you first. I am trying to contact Doctor Soames. I believe that he has gone upstairs with..with someone". "If Mr Soames is indeed upstairs 'sir' then I doubt that he'll want you disturbing him" the man answered, standing his ground and continuing to look intimidating. Charles had to think fast, else his chance of exposing Samuel's treachery would be gone. "I have some urgent news for him. I am a close acquaintance of his and I have just heard that his wife has found out what he has been doing here. She may be sending someone round here at this very moment. I beg you sir, give me a chance to warn him - now"! "Ah, then I suppose that might be different then. I tell you what, you just go and tell him what's what then. I don't want no trouble here" he said, moving aside to let Charles past. "Thank you, thank you indeed. He will have cause to remember you for acting as you have done, you can be sure of that. Here.." Charles said,, reaching into his coat pocket, "please, have a drink on me". The barman caught the two pennies that Charles tossed him and tugged at this hair. "Thank you sir, thank you kindly" the barman replied, but Charles was already on his way up the stairs and did not hear him. As he reached the top he could see three doors, once his eyes had adjusted to the dim light. Which one were they in? He approached the first door and listened carefully but there was no sound. He looked around at the other two doors but before he had a chance to investigate them he heard a light slap, followed by the sound of a giggling woman. He crept up to the door and listened once again. "Oh sir, that is real naughty of you. Stop it at once" the same girl he had just heard cried out, and this was then followed by another giggle. That was then followed by a man's voice, telling her how beautiful the girl was. A voice that she clearly recognised as being that of Samuel. A cold anger possessed Charles as he reached inside the cloak and extracted a medium sized carving knife and studied the blade, knowing that it would penetrate flesh all the way through to the bone, and beyond. His hand gripped the handle and turned it quietly as he opened the door and crept into the room. There in front of him was a woman lying flat on her back with her bodice pulled down exposing her breasts and on top of him, moving into her body with a passion, was a posterior that he recognised as being that of Samuel. They were so engrossed with each other that neither had even noticed his presence. Charles was shaking with fury as he watched their coupling and he lifted the knife above his head, ready to strike in an instant. "! Yes, you I say!" he cried out as Samuel turned to see him for the first time. "W..what the - who in God's name are you" Samuel called out and pulled out of Polly, rolling alongside her. Polly lay there, outraged at this interruption, with her nether regions on display. A wave of red mist started to descend over Charles at the sight of her sex, and the aroma emanating from her hot and moist groin triggered something primeval inside of him as he felt himself harden once more. "You I said, what do you think you're doing barging in here like this?" Samuel cried out, breaking the spell that Charles had been rapidly falling into. Regaining his senses, Charles stared coldly at Samuel. "You sir, dare to challenge me as to my being here! Why, you are nothing but a cheat and a liar. How could you cheat on your wife so"? Samuel's face went pale for a moment, confused and worried. Was this someone that Margery had sent after him - was she suspicious? He started to raise himself whilst attempting to cover his lower parts, reaching for the cane that he had left on a chair with his clothing. Charles was again momentarily distracted by the 'charms' of the girl who still lay uncovered and only noticed Samuel leaping at him at the last moment. With a strength that surprised him however, he swept his arm across himself and caught Samuel on his jaw, sending him sprawling backwards and unconscious on the floor. He felt a deep satisfaction at the sight of his ... Margery's husband who had finally gotten his due, but as he turned back to the girl he felt something else. A smile crept over his face and he found himself moving towards her, knowing that nothing was going to stop what would happen next, nor did he want it to! As he approached closer, removing his clothing as he did so, he saw the fear she had initially displayed turn to interest, as his manhood became free. "Oh lawks! I don't think I's ever seen one that big before" she exclaimed, and then lay back as he took hold of her body. He was like an animal as he spread her legs wider and she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his strong back. Moments later, she lay spent and bruised and looking at Charles in awe, his seed dripping from her insides. She was speechless at first, as the man removed himself, and then saw a puzzled expression on his face, which then turned to one of disgust. "Wh..what have I done?" Charles said, suddenly horrified at his actions. "Whatever you did, I's wouldn't mind some more!" Polly said, reaching out towards him. "No - NO! Get away from me" Charles pulled her away, as he looked around for his clothes. Just then he heard a groan and as he turned towards the sound, he saw Samuel sit up again and rub his face. Charles started to dress quickly, wanting to be out of this den of iniquity as soon as he could. He kept one eye on Samuel as he buttoned his shirt and then saw some form of comprehension start to return as he eyes settled on Charles. A hint of amusement passed over Charles as he saw the look of fear in Samuel's eyes. "Wh..who are you? Did my wife send you here?" Samuel said as he backed away towards the wall. A cold anger, once again, descended over Charles as he looked at this poor excuse for a husband. "It is not I who should be doing the explaining. I swear Samuel, I never want to see you back inside my doors ever again. Oh, how could you? After all those years together..". Samuel was confused. He had never seen his assailant before and yet the way he had just spoken - it was as if it was Margery talking, herself! That was by the by though, surely, as soon as this fellow reported back to his wife then he would be undone. The scandal of someone consorting with a common whore or, more to the point, being caught with one, would make him a social leper. There was yet one chance though. "S..sir, I do not know who you are but surely, is there not some arrangement we can come to, some compensation say, that might ensure your silence"? Charles was stunned. Catching Samuel consorting with a such a trollop as the one next to him, and his subsequent betrayal of his marriage vows, was bad enough, but now - he was fully intending to compound his treachery by attempting to buy his silence. Oh, if only he was aware that the man he was attempting to bribe was actually his wife. He was speechless beyond words for a moment, and reached for his cape, intending to leave and seek some fresh air. As he did so he remembered the knife that he had placed inside of it earlier, in case he had needed protection. The pulled the knife from the pocket where he had left it and looked at it, turning the blade in his hands. As soon as Polly caught sight of what he was looking at she feared that he meant to do away with Samuel, and possibly herself also. She ran across to Samuel and threw her arms around him, seeking his protection, though he tried to push her away. Charles just stared at the both of them, disgusted at this display of treachery and cowardice. He knew, there and then, that killing either or both of them would be a kindness and he decided that it would be far better to let Samuel suffer in shame. He dropped the knife to the floor and turned towards him. " make me sick to the very pit of my stomach. J..just get out of my sight!" he yelled and then took his cloak from around his shoulders and threw it over the pair of them, wanting to erase them both from his sight. Upset and disgusted, he stormed out of the room, leaving the pair of them stunned to silence. "H..he's gone!" Polly gasped, shocked at their narrow escape. "I thought that we was going to meet our maker, that was for sure"! "Oh shut up you stupid girl. Don't you see - my life's ruined!" Samuel shouted at her. She wasn't listening though. Her attention was now fully on the strange blue glow that was emanating from the cloak that was still on top of them both. She was also aware of an unusual stirring deep in her stomach and placed a hand on her belly. "Ohhh - I feel's so funny down here!" she groaned out aloud and reached down to feel where the pain was coming from. "Damn! I don't feel so good myself.." Samuel answered, and then doubled up from a cramping sensation from deep within him. It was like nothing else that he had ever felt before, neither was the shivering that was making his whole body very cold. The two 'lovers' pulled away from each other, first looking at their own bodies and then at each other, overwhelmed at the sensations that were effecting them. "Oh lawks Doctor - what is happening to you?" Polly cried and pointed to Samuels chest. He looked back down at himself and noticed that his whole torso was slimmer that it had been. More disturbing however, were the breasts that were growing there. He was spellbound as he watched them increase in size and was further shocked as he noticed that the hands that reached to grab them were a lot slimmer than those he was used to - in fact, they looked just like those of..". "A girl - in God's name, you're becoming a girl!" Polly cried out, in an ever deepening voice. Samuel's face turned to one of horror as Polly's words snapped him out of the trance that he had fallen into. He then felt a terrible drawing sensation from his groin and looked down just in time to see his penis shrinking and the start of a slit appearing, recognising what it was immediately. He looked up towards Polly, his feminine face about to plead for whatever help she might be able to give him. His plea was halted though, as he looked closer at her and saw her breasts disappear, and then a large fleshy protuberance appear from between her legs. "Polly -'re a..". "A man! Oh lawks, I'm changing into a man"! Moments later their changes were complete and the new man and girl looked at each other in amazement, both stunned from their transformation. It was the man however, that spoke first. "Witchcraft, it must be witchery that done this to us" he said, and then marvelled at the sound of his deepening voice. The new girl suddenly remembered the cloak, and the strange blue aura that had surrounded them at the time of the change. By some quirk, or by instinct, she knew that it was the cloak that had enforced their transformation. She turned her head to look for it but the man saw her and grabbed out to hold her wrist as she reached out for it. "Ouch! You're hurting me. Let go of me you stupid girl. It's the cloak - it was the cloak that did this to us. Let me have it - I want to change back"! The man increased the hold he had on her, not realising his strength as she cried out again, in pain. "I'd watch who you were calling a stupid girl if I was you. It ain't me that looks like a girl right now if you see's what I mean". As if realising the implications of what he had just said, an evil smile passed across the man's face. The girl who was once Samuel looked at him and wondered what he was smiling at and then comprehension dawned upon her as she looked down to his groin and saw his engorged manhood. A new fear, unlike any she had experienced before, gripped her. " - you can't possibly mean that.." "Shut yourself up girl, and lay yourself down for me" he said, slapping her face as she fell backwards, the pain far in excess of what she could have imagined possible. "Now let's see if I can make you squeal my love, squeal like a girl. That's what you always told me you liked - lot's of squealing" the man said as he forced her legs apart and moved himself above her. She lay their dumbstruck, hardly able to believe that this was happening to her. She - he - had been a man of good reputation, a Doctor, a man of letters. How could she be here now, spreading herself? She then cried out at the pain of her first penetration but the initial pain soon turned into something different, something that made her feel funny inside. "That's it my lovely, squeal for me, squeal for your man" he said to her, enjoying being the one who held the power for the first time in either his or her life. Five minutes later Samuel was lying back on the bed, her legs still spread as the warm fluid, the man once Polly had despatched there, leaked from the crevice between her legs. She was in a daze, unable to believe what had just happened, and didn't notice the man looking inside her - Samuel's - jacket. "I don't think that 'oive ever seen such money, not in the whole of my life"! Samuel looked across at Polly, as he took the wallet he had kept in his jacket and emptied its contents on the small dresser in the corner. After the unimaginable ordeal that she had just endured, she no longer had the strength or will to stop him ,even had it been possible. "I think this will keep me in comfort for some time, 'specially with you bringing more in. Ain't that right ..Polly!" he said, looking back over towards the girl again, her face showing bemusement. "P..P..Polly?" she questioned and then stopped as she saw the leer on the man's face. "Yes - Polly, that's who you'll be. Mary Anne Nichols is now your name, or your real name, but everyone knows you as Polly. You can be Polly, like I was for awhile, 'aving to sell yourself to live. You were ready enough to use oi, so maybe's you can try it and keep Albert here, for that's what oi'll be calling myself now, in comfort for a while". The new Polly's face went pale as she registered the horror of her situation. Th..this man seriously intended to put her to use as a whore, probably out on the street. She desperately tried to think of a way out of this, s..she had to escape somehow, but that would be impossible now, for who could she turn to. Once that man had reported back to Margery then surely, she would have nothing to do with her as either Samuel or Polly! "Here, put these on" Albert said to her, throwing her his former clothing. She held them close, reluctant to don them, but as she saw the him looking at her with a barely hidden menace, she started to do as she was told. She didn't want the beating she was certain he would give to her. Such was the difficulty she had in trying to dress herself that she failed to see Albert take the cloak and fold it into a bundle before leaving the room for a second. By the time that she looked for it again, and realised that it had gone, she knew that any hope she had harboured of changing back to a man had vanished. Surely, she was doomed and totally dependant on Albert's goodwill to even give her a chance of regaining her former status, and she was sure that there was precious little of that. * * * * * * * Charles made his way back to his house and returned to the basement as soon as he arrived. His initial thoughts of being in control of his life and in being no longer a second class citizen had intoxicated him at first, but now that he had seen, with his own eyes, the darker side of being a man it was no longer so attractive. Moreover, he had not only seen it, he had felt - indeed - he had even participated in it when he had virtually attacked that girl For certain, the girl was willing enough in the final analysis, and their union had brought pleasure to her but it didn't hide the truth. Even if she had resisted he knew that he...he would have raped her. Even worse was the fact that although the conclusion of that act had brought him somewhat to his senses, he had been aware, as he returned home, that the lascivious feelings that he had experienced earlier, were starting to return. If he hadn't made a conscious effort to control himself, and avoided as best as possible, sight of any females then he wasn't sure that a repetition of his attack on the girl could be avoided "Oh Lord! Is this what it has come to?" he wailed, and then determined to see if he could repeat the experiment that had created the 'magic' cloak.. He decided that being second class was surely preferable to becoming a monster - male or otherwise. * * * * * * * Baker Street, London August 30th 1888, afternoon It had been four weeks now, since Charles attempt to recreate the formula that had made him a man, but he had experienced no success, despite the many long days and nights he had spent in his basement. He was at the point of despair now for although, with great effort, he had managed to control his ever increasing lascivious urges he had weakened a few times, taking his pleasure of his former gender with more frequency. What scared him most though, was that he was finding that he could not remember what happened both before and during his coupling. He knew that he could become quite aggressive and was beginning to fear where it would lead him, and what he might do. Occasionally, he would wonder what had become of Samuel, although the bitterness and hurt remained with him and did not want to see him again. He had been forced to shut the surgery with neither Margery or Samuel available, and had explained that away by claiming a contagious disease present. He couldn't maintain that story forever though, and needed to find the 'cure'. He was at the point of wondering what he should do next, before he became a monster, possibly forever, when he felt a strange sensation, not dissimilar to that he had felt almost four weeks ago, to the hour. Suddenly, he felt a sharp stabbing pain from within his insides and doubled over, moaning and whining. At first he thought that he was dying, suffering from some fatal malady, and wailed with his suffering. Eventually though, despite his growing panic, he began to notice that his voice was rising in pitch, and was also becoming smoother, more melodic. A new awareness and hope crept over him, and he looked down and saw that his clothes were loosening, at least in some areas. "Heaven's, could this be my prayers being answered?" he said, as he stripped completely and watched his penis start to wither and withdraw inside of him. This was followed by the sight of Margery's breasts returning, and then by an expansion of the hips and a swelling of his behind. Margery cried tears of relief for indeed, her female form had returned. * * * * * * * Spitalfields, East End of London August 31st 1888, evening "Excuse me dear, I would like to take up a little of your time, that is - if your are not otherwise engaged". 'Polly' turned wearily, but found some degree of comfort that the man who was propositioning her at least appeared to be a gentleman. That was in stark contrast to those she had serviced yesterday, and earlier on this evening. It had been four weeks now, four long weeks, since she had lost her female virginity to Albert, and he had ensured that she had been well used since then, both by himself and others. She didn't know what was worse - having to surrender herself maybe three of four times a night to strangers, or having to endure the humiliation of bringing the money back to Albert, her pimp. The scariest thing though, was what started out as a forced act had become a way of life. It hadn't taken long before she found that she was no longer surrendering herself and instead, was responding eagerly to the men who bought her favours, and now she was desiring and craving each sexual union with an abandon that was close to hysteria. It was getting harder to imagine that she was ever a man of means, and soon she was sure that she wouldn't even want to go back, given the chance. All she could think of now, was of sex and then more sex. Mind though, she'd felt some funny cramping feelings inside her belly this morning and they seemed to be building. As she was once a doctor she knew what female malady this foretold and was not looking forward to the experience. Any further thoughts she might have had were interrupted by the man in front of her. "I said excuse me dear, would you help me for a moment"? She looked down to the junction of his trousers and imagined what they contained both desiring their contents and also hating herself for doing so. It was then that something broke through her sexual cravings, something about his voice that she recognised. She took her eyes away from her first point of interest and as looked up into his face her hand flew involuntarily to her mouth. "Edwin!" she gasped, her face showing her utter shock at this latest twist of events. Instantly, she became Samuel in mind. It seemed that the very fates must be conspiring to humiliate and mock her. "Sorry miss, do you know me?" Edwin said as he stepped back a little, understandably worried that this whore should appear to recognise him. Polly's mind was in turmoil. She looked hastily over her shoulder to see if Albert was anywhere in sight. Last night he had put her out on the street as usual, but had decided that she had not been cheerful or friendly enough to the men approaching her, even though her commitment had not been in doubt. She had received a beating later to teach her a lesson, and had no desire to repeat that experience. On the other hand though, with her long time friend in her very presence then salvation was possible, at least in virtue if not in body. He could be her saviour. Dare she though, reveal herself to him and risk another beating if Edwin did not believe her tale, and Albert saw her? Her hopes dropped, knowing that if the situation was reversed and a common girl like she now was, claimed to really be her best friend, then he knew what he would have done. Probably have taken her anyway, and then not paid. She tried to keep the tears away from her eyes and she looked back at him again, his face still showing concern. "I asked you miss, do you know me?" he repeated his question. Polly stole a glance back at a window in the room where she guessed Albert might have been and saw a movement. He was watching, she knew it! Fear overcame her and she resorted to her common whore persona once more. "Nah mister, I was just telling you my name. Edwina, you can call me Edwina" she said, forcing a smile and talking in the common manner as Albert had told her she must. She moved her shawl around her shoulder, exposing her breasts in the way that Albert had taught her, and swallowed hard, knowing that she would have no choice but to offer herself to her friend. Oh, how far she had fallen! Edwin suddenly realised what she was doing and looked distinctly uncomfortable. "! You misunderstand me. I am here looking for a friend that's all. A friend who came to this area nearly a month ago but then disappeared. We were due to meet again today, but nobody appears to have seen him. I..I knew that he came to these parts on occasions, and that he - eh, well - spent time with ladies such as yourself" he said with grace, "so I came to see if maybe anyone - you, might have seen him"! Polly felt her heart sink even further. Dear Edwin. Friends since their time at medical school together. " mister, I ain't see no one like him!" she said, and backed away. "But I haven't even told you what he looks like"! Just then Polly heard a knock on the window and saw Albert, gesturing for her to come back to their room. She felt her bladder cry for release, hoping that she hadn't upset him too much but fearing that she might have. She knew that it was better to return quickly for he might go easier on her then. Turning away from her old life for the last time, she looked at Edwin. "I..I'm sorry sir, I've got to go know" she said, and practically ran inside, taking the narrow wooden stairs towards the room she was now sharing with Albert at a furious pace, leaving a stunned Edwin, shaking his head. Once inside, she knew that she had every reason to be scared, for Albert was standing behind the door and grabbed her as soon as she entered. "I told you last night, you gotta look like you want it, it ain't enough just to do your stuff and anyway, you's were talking too long!" he accused her, his eyes burning with fury. She trembled and tried to pull away, his strength was hurting her. "No - I swear, I told him nothing!" she cried. Albert stopped for a moment, her words grabbing his attention. "Who said anything about telling him something - I didn't! What you been saying to him? Have you been telling him who you were"? "No - NO, I wouldn't dare - honest!" she screamed, truly in fear for her life now as his eyes blazed. "Liar!" he shouted and then threw her across the bed, reaching over to the carving knife that Charles had left behind, and that he had hidden in a drawer by the bed. He placed it inside his jacket pocket and then went back over to Polly and lifted her from the bed by her hair, ignoring her cries as he regarded her, coldly. "You're coming with me. I can't be trustin' you, and one day someone might be foolish enough to believe you". He clamped his other hand across the crying girls mouth and dragged her down the stairs and out into an alleyway, somewhere where he knew that he wouldn't be seen. He looked up at the street sign that bore the legend 'Buck's Row' and then turned his attention back to Polly, an evil smile crossing his face. "You should 'ave done as you were told" he said, reaching inside his jacket. Albert had failed to notice, in all the excitement, that Polly had been trembling and crying for some time now, and if he had he would have put it down to his treatment of her. As he looked at her now though, it seemed as if her face was rearranging itself and changing. It was then that he started to feel something himself and soon found himself on the floor and doubling over. It was just moments later that Doctor Samuel Soames stood over the real Polly, still wearing the remnants of the dress he had been wearing when he - as Polly - had been dragged down into this alleyway. By some miracle - some divine form of intervention perhaps, he had regained his identity just in time, and was savouring the moment. This time, it was his face that carried an evil smile. "Well, well Polly - it seems as if there's been a turnabout, doesn't it"! He watched amused as he saw the girl feel inside of the men's clothing that she was wearing and discovered the breasts that, once more, hung from her chest. She looked up and saw Samuel standing over her, once more assuming a position of power. "No - No sir, I...I was going to treat you well - honest. I..I was only kidding you sir!" she pleaded, backing away from him as he looked down towards the floor. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him looking at the knife she - he - had dropped and she tried to make a grab for it. She was unsuccessful though and she whimpered again as she watched him lift it and examine it's edge. "Now start removing your clothes, I can't go around looking like this" Samuel said, and started removing the remains of the female clothing that he was still wearing himself. As she started to loosen her trousers, he looked back to the knife that he was holding. "Hmmmm - still sharp I see. That's good". He then looked back towards Polly again, just in time to see her attempting to get to her feet in a desperate attempt to at least get back onto the main street where she would be visible to others. He moved swiftly towards her, grabbing her by her jacket and pulling if off of him. As she swung her arm around in a desperate attempt to evade him, she caught him a lucky blow to the throat which sent him staggering backwards, leaving him dazed for a moment as she started running away. He was nearly naked as he ran after her but just as it looked as if she might make the main thoroughfare, she tripped over, her feet caught in her loosened trousers. "So you thought you'd escape me then!" he cried hitting her to the floor. As she lay there sobbing he pulled away the rest of her male clothing and started dressing himself in them. It was at that point that Polly let out a piercing scream. "Help - HELP! Somebody, help"! "Why stupid.." he started to curse, and without realising what he was doing lashed out at her with the blade. It cut right through her abdomen and a deep red stain started to spread across her naked torso. She looked at herself in horror and then screamed again, causing him to repeat his act again and again until she finally became silent. "Oh my God! What have I done?" he said, looking at the blood that was now staining his hands. As he heard the sounds of people calling and of police whistles in the distance, he picked up the jacket he had discarded and ran, bare foot, down the alleyway leaving the remains of the body of Mary Anne 'Polly' Nichols to be discovered by those who would soon become his pursuers. Cursing himself for his foolhardiness he must have run for an hour or more, until he was well away from the area. He had hoped to be able to return to see if he could discover where Polly, as Albert, had hidden the cloak, but that was now out of the question. He was alone now, with no one that he could turn to - that is, except for Edwin. Edwin, of course - now that he was back in his true form then he might harbour him ,or might even help him set himself up again! With a surge of hope lending him new energy, Samuel stumbled out of the back alleyway where he had been hiding, and straight into the path of a hansome cab, sustaining injuries that ended his life just moments later. * * * * * * * Appendix Extract from Journal of Margery Soames September 10th 1888 It has been over a week now, since I changed back to my female persona, and I have worked tirelessly in attempting to recreate the formula, though without success. Maybe there is some element of the formula that I am missing, but I am certain that I have followed the instructions implicitly. My lack of success with the experiments merely seem symptomatic of a far greater malaise that is blighting my life. It was only a day after I had changed back that the police informed me that Samuel had been found, dressed in shabby clothing and crushed under the wheels of a cab in a street accident. Despite the way that Samuel betrayed me, I would not have wished such a cruel fate for him. Aside from my own malaise however, a far darker ones seems to be descending upon London. The very same night that Samuel died, a woman was found brutally butchered, just yards from where I had followed Samuel an

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A church bell tolls twelve strokes as he automatically spreads his legs wide apart to keep his balance. There is a moment of vertigo and confusion before he reorients himself taking care to not attempt to control this body. Then his new mind becomes melded, filled with his old memories along with some new. It must be high noon as he opens his eyes on this sunlit day.Detective Chief Inspector Lorenzo Herne cannot keep from smiling as he gazes out over the ramparts of the stone structure to the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Phantom Window

(AN: Story has henceforth moved to Hentai Foundry, and is no longer confined to the CHYOA format! ) This is not my day. Ever since I got here, I've had a feeling it would all go to shit. I'd love to revel in my ability to accurately predict what's coming, but I just can't be arsed. Here I am, standing with my figurative pants around their figurative ankles. What the fuck was she thinking? I'm never gonna date a...

Mind Control
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A Life As A Phantom Thief

John= Your real first name Doe= Your thief name You look out at the city before you, from the top of the Atlantis Hotel, you can see everything, including the patrol cars. As the helicopters circle the museum, you can't help but swallow hard and half expect a baby alien to erupt from your stomach. You can't believe you're about to do this, but you know in your heart you should. "It may be breaking the law, but the rich keep taking the cash that should go to everyone, yourself included, John...

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Phantom Phallus The Completed Saga

Trina laughed as she threw another handful of the overly-buttered mess at him. “That’s what you fucking get!” “But it’s true!” “Fairies are not stupid!” “Yes they are!” “They’re gonna kick your ass if you keep talking shit!” A frustrated banging on the adjacent wall, from the room where Trina’s mom slept, brought their playful argument down to low giggles. “You witches are fucking crazy,” Justin said softly, smiling as he shook his head. “That was a stupid truth question,” Trina hissed...

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Bawdy Tales of Old London Town part 1

Here we are. You and I. Together in this special place out of the rain. The dusty air is thick with the aroma of storytelling as we make our way between row upon row of well-thumbed books that pack each straining shelf to the heavens. Book upon book stuffed with tales both fact and fiction. At the end of each row is a sign revealing the nature of these tales for the inquisitive to peruse. The theme for this particular row says "Victoriana - Fiction from a golden age." Wandering between...

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Two Moms Two Sons 9 London And Sandra Talk And Sext

"So, you really had sex with Pete in the library?""Yes," I answered as we both sat down on the couch. "I fully realize that it's not as classy as the shower, but we did it.""Weren't you worried about getting caught?""Well, don't tell Pete I told you, but it actually started with him jacking off under the table. I couldn't help, but to please myself to him. Even with me on his mind, it took him a few minutes to pop, but he did. Then he praised me with one line, and I had to say...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 21 Gia And Keishas Plan Involving Pete And London

POV: Keisha, then Gia "Go see grandma, little London," I said, handing her to London. "There's my cute six-month granddaughter," London mentioned, taking her. I smiled as I saw my mom hold her. "Well, you certainly made her rather happy, Keisha," one of my dads said, pressing his back onto mine and wrapping his arms around me too. "I agree," my other dad added. "Oh, hi, Jake and Al," London greeted them, coming towards them. "Yes, I wasn't planning on being a grandma just yet, but...

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The Phantom Stallion

“For every shadow and lie hides a blade, that blade be death. Revenge it seeks on all whose lust could enchant such a blade. Ride it shall and seek to find all the lost souls. For once it fabled lost the love of life, for life was not so kind. Lover still an affair it seemed, far from touch, too far to be seen. Yet saw it did, the Rider there! Oh watch, young child. BEWARE! -R” I was walking one night. It was late, the ground slightly damp and cool. I, carrying a torchlight and a...

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The Phantom

You wake up at the bottom of the stairs with a pounding headache. You slowly get up, everything is dark around you and you start to walk towards the living room where you notice a light is and can hear voices coming from there. "Hey, what's going on?" you ask rubbing your head as you walk into the living room. You see your fiancee sitting on the couch with tears still glistening on her face as she is talking to what seems to be two cops. "Okay ma'am, can you please run through what happened one...

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danny phantom series 2 by jay rich

As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...

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Phantom Lover

There comes a time in each sensual experience when you never know if it is real or imagined. When the physical part of your body has you in such an intense grip that the dimensions around you start to meld. She could not have said at that exact moment if she was awake or dreaming, living reality or fantasy, only that the feelings flooding her senses had total control over her. She felt as if she was wandering through a maze of mist in her mind. Lights and shimmers of color blaze across her...

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danny phantom sissy story pt 1

Introduction: this is a story based on one of my favorate characters. the themes are based on the whole series Hi guys, Im Danny fentom but my friends call me Danny phantom. Normally I would have some fantastic heroic story for you but this time I got something more strange. More strange than a half boy/half ghost? Yes. It began with my best friend tucker. He is a negro boy and a real tech geek. He is also my best friend. He is tall and always wearing a cap. One day I was watching TV together...

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Phantom of the Cinema

The Phantom of the Cinema By Simon It was Saturday night, and George was in the ?Dog and Duck? bar with his two best friends from his University days, Paul and John. It was a number of years since they had left education, and they were all now fairly successful in their jobs. It meant that they were unable to get together as often as they would have liked, but once every couple of months they cleared their diaries, had a few drinks and went out clubbing. Up to this point,...

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My Phantom Lover

Sitting at my desk, the computer monitor flickers and lights the room. The soft blue-white glow makes my skin seem even paler. It is late and the house is quiet, with my glass of Pinot Noir and my vibrator near by I anxiously log-on to the computer. It has been a long day and I am hoping that I have received a "special delivery." I take several sips of my wine and I rub my neck; my hands run down to my ample chest. Slowly I circle my tits with a lone finger from each hand, tickling and tracing...

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A Winter Phantom

  She stands near the window, watching the snowstorm come in.   Clouds darken the sky, and snow lightning, a rare phenomenon, splinters the inky blackness.   Sleep has eluded her once again, and she is restless.   Snow covers the ground and frost creeps into the corners of the window pane.   She stirs the embers in the fireplace and lays an armful of logs on the grate.   In her sheer, white nightdress she looks like a ghost in the light of the flames, but in reality, she is no ghost. She still...

Straight Sex
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"You look great!" "Thanks, honey. I'm not too soft looking, am I?" Mary stood in front of the full length mirror in the hall, continuously turning from side to side. After each turn, she would poke her waist or push in her stomach. "You're kidding, right, Mom? No, you're not 'too soft!' I don't think I've ever seen you this nervous!" "I haven't seen him in twenty-five years! I was a lot younger, and smaller, back then! I don't want him to be too disappointed." "I'm sure...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 24 The Phantom of the Opera

Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...

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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Two Moms Two Sons 12 First Half London And Sandra Push Their Luck

"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...

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London Girl

I kicked my legs idly against the stool as I watched the people passing by outside. It was a grey day in London, the end of a long cold winter, and the pedestrians were still bundled up in coats, jackets and scarves, hunched against the biting wind. Small patches of chill sunlight darted through the broken overcast up above, raising bright colours on the busses and taxis that crawled past.I toyed with my food, ate another piece of sashimi, and then eyed my phone once more.The email had arrived...

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Two Moms Two Sons 2 Sandra Overhears London And Makes Her Move

I walked out of the kitchen and saw them. "Hey, boys, do you two have anything going on tonight?" I pondered, walking back to my chair and sitting down."No, Mom, I think we might just hang out in Joe's room tonight," Pete replied."Are you going to talk about girls, Joe?" I pondered, stopping my eyes on him. 'Your mom doesn't want it, but I want your dick inside me. I surely hope she allows me to get my hands on you because I want you. I'll get you one way or another, but maybe, just...

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Two Moms Two Sons 17 London Would Love To Have A Daughter

POV London We all walked into Keisha's room, and she sat down with Joe first. I couldn't turn down the chance to look at Keisha again. I couldn't be sure just how this was going to go, but I still had high hopes. I sat down in between them and glanced at Keisha. "Do you love my son, Keisha?" "I don't know, maybe. I certainly know you love Joe, only an extra loving mother would blow their son and ride them too. I'm sorry if you're mad that I watched you with him. I never wanted you to...

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Alexa Chapter 28 London Baby Part 3

Alexa Chapter 28: London Baby, Part 3 Marty stood as we entered the lounge area. The look on his face was priceless. His eyes were wide, his mouth was open. Jenny and I looked at each other and let the smiles on our faces grow. Marty began to say something. "You two, ah um." You could see the frustration at the inability to speak come over his face. We both walked over to the man who has become like a father to me and each kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks" Jenny and I said in...

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Two Moms Two Sons 10 London And Sandra Put On A Sexy Show

"Holy shit, we're dating our hot moms," I said, sitting down on the couch."Where have you been, Joe?" he laughed."I mean, we both actually went on dates with our moms a few weeks ago. Having sex is one thing, but we had dinner, and sat across from our moms, in an intimate setting. You have to admit; things are getting serious, Pete. I've already kissed my mom more in the past two months than in the previous five years before then. I mean, they seem crazy about us. Do you know what I...

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London Under Chapter 1

Peter winced as he touched his nose. He looked just as bruised as he thought he would be. He didn’t understand it, they didn’t steal anything from him and if it weren’t for the group of people who turned down Barlow Road at 3am on a Wednesday morning, the men would have continued beating him and most likely he would not be standing in front of his mirror Wednesday afternoon. The whole event was weird. They didn’t ask him for any money, and the two men wore clothes from the nineteenth or...

1 year ago
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Alexa Chapter 26 London Baby Part 1

Alexa Chapter 26: London, Baby! Part 1 Marty started to get impatient with us as we sat in the Delta Sky Club waiting for our flight to be announced. For the six weeks since our birthday dinner, we have talked about nothing but this trip. The moment we got home we knew that we needed to start making plans. The first thing that needed to be taken care of we had done, I had applied for my passport immediately after my name change so we were set there. Clothing would be worked out,...

3 years ago
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Vampire Empire aus London

Die Ankunft der Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI Es ist der 28. Mai 1830 als Edward-Maximilian Williams wie jeden Tag zur Arbeit ging. Er ist 23. Jahre alt und am 31.12.1806 geboren in London. Edward-Maximilian ist 1,81 m groß, zu dem hat er blonde Haare, einen Schnauzbart, grau grüne Augen, ein muskulösen Körper und sein Kantiges Gesicht hat meist ein Lächeln auf den Lippen. Edward ist Einzelkind und seine Eltern sind. Skye 45. Jahre alt und Edgar Williams ist 55. Jahre alt. Beide Leben in...

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No FutureChapter 52 The Streets of London

Eugenie 2099 It had been a long and arduous trek to London from her distant home in a plague-ridden village in rural East Midlands, but Eugenie was determined to get as far as she could from all that she'd used to know and all the memories associated with it. Although Eugenie had lived all her young life in one of the English Republic's most deprived regions her memories weren't all bad. Nevertheless, it wasn't surprising that so many villages in the East Midlands had succumbed to and...

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London River 200 191000

I recently met a few college-aged gents at a bar who didn't understand having a milf fetish. These dumbasses didn't even know who I was. We just happened upon the topic as gents are want to do. Obviously, I disagreed with them in the least and felt compelled to guide them towards the milf light and introduce them to one of my favorite milfs, London River.Teaching Youth About the Magic of MilfsFirst off, I explained that all the twenty-something dumb college cunts they're fucking have no idea...

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White DelightsChapter 20 London Town

On the flight to London the Emir was idly reading a book he had chanced across in his late uncle, the Crown Prince Gamel's collection of erotica. It was a fictional account of part of the life of an Irishman who had worked as the head of the Janissaries for an absolute ruler such as himself in the time of the Napoleonic wars. Little had changed apparently, in the training, selling and treatment of slaves since then. There were three interesting ideas in the book which were new to him. The...

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Facebook Fuck In London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...

2 years ago
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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 11 Molly in London

VOLUME-2 Chapter XI Out shooting. • A female carter. • A feel in the train. • Molly in London. • Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. • Molly at the Hall. • Copulation in uniform. • A sham illness. • An afternoon with Molly. • She turns harlot. • Gets clapped.-Her baby. I was in wonderful condition. Early to bed, out-of-door exercise, good plain living, everything to make me so. I felt as if I could fuck all day. If one day I had neither of the women, the next day my prick stood from morning...

4 years ago
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Vampire Empire from London

The arrival of the Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI It is May 28, 1830, when Edward-Maximilian Williams went to work like every day. He is 23 years old and was born on December 31st, 1806 in London. Edward-Maximilian is 1.81 m tall, he has blonde hair, a mustache, gray-green eyes, a muscular body and his angular face usually has a smile on his face. Edward is an only child and his parents are. Skye is 45 years old and Edgar Williams is 55 years old. Edward's personality was characterized by friendly,...

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Two Moms Two Sons 29 London Deals With The Aftermath With Her Son And Daughter

POV: London“Fuck me, that was intense, but I think it had to be done," I said, pulling Joe and Keisha to me. "You got that right, London," Sandra agreed, holding Gia and Pete. "I guess we don't need to hide anything now though, and its gonna get crowded here." "Yes," Joe sobbed, before kissing me. "Let's go, Mom, let's make our relationship completely official and have sex." "I like that, son, I love you, I swear, nothing will ever change that. I stood firm against your father, and...

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Alexa Chapter 35 London Calling Part 1

Alexa Chapter 35: London Calling, Part 1 "Do you guys always travel like this?" Katie asked as she nibbled on some flatbread and hummus before taking a sip from her Rum and Diet Coke. This was a new experience for Katie, while it was starting to seem like old hat for me. The Delta Sky Club was the kind of place that neither Katie and I had grown up with, but Jenny's family connections had made it seem almost like part of everyday life now for me. "One great thing about being with...

1 year ago
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Facebook Fuck in London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till...

3 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 7 London Visits Her Son In College

I licked my lips nonstop as I calmly made my way down the hallway. 'This is an excellent school, but I have no interest in seeing it, I only want to see a hunk in 1D, and no it isn't Pete. I can't wait, Joe, I want your hard cock inside me, and hopefully we'll have a little privacy,' I thought, keeping my eyes on the door. 'I'm just wearing a sexy short skirt and a spaghetti tank top too,' I thought before I halted at the door. 'I'm wearing a bra and thong though; I wouldn't want the...

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Lithuanian Wife and Cock Slut in London

The blended cultures and people where I live, about eight miles southeast of London, are very different than those of the small city outside of Vilnius, Lithuania where I was born and raised. Most people in Lithuania are the progeny of ancient Caucasian tribes, while the London metropolitan area has a mix of people and cultures from all over the world.My name is Isabel, and I moved to London when I was twenty years old. That’s where I met my Portuguese husband, Pedro, and we have a wonderful...

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Cindy London Vacation

Cindy is a closet cross-dresser. She makes plans to dress full time when she is visiting London. She has made many friends on line and now she will meet them one by one. Cindy will go out in public to a sex club that caters to CD/TV where she meets another CD. Cindy's holiday in London meeting on line friends and going to a sex club I cannot believe my plans to make a fantasy into reality. Every six months my job allows a Rest and Recreation break. I would be returning to...

1 year ago
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Angels Of London

Some of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...

Escort Sites
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Weekend in London

It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let’ s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...

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An online friend from the USA visits London

Another day of heavy rain in London.  I listened from my bed as the latest storm drove rain into the window. Outside I could hear the wind howling. Without even opening the shutters I knew it was going to be grim.My mood was not improved by the radio news. Coronavirus, Trump and the latest post-Brexit fuck-up from our incompetent government.If all that wasn’t enough I had just been dumped again, by WhatsApp this time, a first for me. I was done with online dating, it was a disaster for me....

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London adventures 01

“Dude, can’t we just open a bottle of Glenfiddich and chill at your place?” I asked my best friend as I slumped on his couch and kicked my shoes off. He continues to totally ignore me and sorts out an Uber taxi to take us to one of the sports bar in London. Having driven to London from Exeter, a good four hour drive, I am absolutely knackered but Rob is having none of it. “Dan, you’ve got to go out and check out some chicks, man. I’m getting a bit worried you don’t like pussies anymore,” he...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My day out in London

The following is a description of my day out in London on Monday 29 March 2011. Everything here really happened, I have made nothing up. For those of you waiting for further instalments to my stories, please be patient, I am working on them. Thank you to all of you who have left feedback to those stories. I have a blog, I plan to post some of the photographs that I took on Monday. Thank you, Sissy Graham. I went in to London catching the 06:48 train. I...

2 years ago
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Weekend in London

It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...

3 years ago
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London Underground Could Been Better Part II

Hi all… I am an avid reader of this site and I wanted to narrate an incident that happened to me just 2 hrs back when I was traveling in the London Underground Train London, UK. Any comments and interests can be sent to Also looking forward to hear from any ladies in London, UK to have temporary sexual interests as well…All activities will be kept secret in the best interests. About me I am 5’ 11”, medium built, 28 yrs old single Indian from Bangalore. I own a company in Bangalore and I came...

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The London Underground0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 1 A Sexy Talking Asshole on the Whiteshit Express

“Fucking or Non-Fucking?” asked the lady behind the ticket counter.“Fucking, please,” replied Alison confidently.“First Class or Shit Class?”“First, please.”“Two-berth, four-berth, or seat?”“Uh… what’s the difference?”“Well, it’s a long journey, so frankly, if you’re planning on doing any fucking, I would avoid the seat carriages. You can just about give a blowjob, but there’s barely room to spread your legs. Are you travelling alone?”“Yes.”“Then I’d go for a four-berth fucker. More fun that...


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