CalleyChapter 5 free porn video

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It was an unusual scene in the courtroom when the hearing on Calley's case arrived. Instead of a few interested parties, the courtroom was filled to capacity with well wishers, co-workers from our company and enough legal power to stop a mile long train in full motion going downhill. Whether or not it could stop the child welfare people was another question.

Jill was there, having been subpoenaed. She didn't look too happy about it. I did my best not to look at her.

The court was called to session. The judge more than a little surprised by the scene that greeted him when he walked in. He was quite used to conducting these hearings in an informal manner. Too many times they were pretty straightforward. This one didn't look like it would be.

"I don't know what all this mess is about, but we're here today to determine the best course of action concerning the welfare of one Calley Ainsely. That is the sole purpose of this proceeding and I mean to see that we determine the facts of this case. Prosecution, you may call your first witness." the judge said.

"Thank you, your Honor. The prosecution calls Jill Tanner to the stand."

Jill got up and was sworn in, stating her full name for the record.

"Miss Tanner, for the record, how long have you known the defendants."

"Objection! Your honor, this is an informal hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin are not on trial here." the defense attorney called.

"Overruled. In as sense they are. Their fitness as parents is being determined. Don't try to turn this into a legal circus." the judge said.

"Yes, your honor." the defense said, not liking the way it was going already.

"Please answer the question, Miss Tanner." the judge instructed.

"I've known the defendant, Michael Irvin for over two years. I was engaged to be married to him." Jill replied.

"Alright, in your own words, would you describe the conditions which prompted you to make your accusations against the defendants." the prosecution asked.

"Yes, on the night of August fourteenth, approximately one week ago, I went to the defendants home and let myself in with a key he had previously given to me. Since returning from back east with ... Calley, Michael has been acting very strangely. He suddenly broke off our engagement and has refused to see me or take my calls. I was concerned over him, I went to his house to find out what was going on. I looked around, but I couldn't see anybody. I went into the master bedroom in search of Michael. When I got there, I was shocked to find Michael, Brenda and Calley all naked and in bed together. I asked Michael what was going on, but he told me it was none of my business and told me to get out. I left, but I reported the incident to the child welfare agency." Jill testified.

"Thank you. No further questions." the prosecution stated.

"Defense do you wish to cross examine?" The Judge asked.

"Yes your honor.

"Miss Tanner, How did you feel about Mr. Irvin being granted custody of Calley?"

"I was opposed to it. Michael gave me no warning whatsoever of the event. Yet he was granted custody based upon the assumption that we were to wed, that I would become the child's step mother."

"I see. And you didn't wish to become a step mother?"

"No, not particularly. Especially to a child I had never met."

"Okay, lets move on. When Mr. Irvin returned, did you see him right away the day he returned?"

"No, not until the night I walked in on them all naked in bed together."

"Please restrict yourself to the questions without elaborating, Miss Tanner." the judge chided.

"Yes, your honor."

"So you did not see Michael the evening he returned?"


"Were you aware he was back in town?"


"And how did you know that?"

"He called me when they got in and asked if I would pick him up at the truck rental agency when he took the rental truck back."

"And did you?"


"And why not?"

"I was busy."

"Doing what?"

"I don't recall."

"I see. And how long was Mr. Irvin back east?"

"About three weeks."

"Did you know when he would return? If so how?"

"Yes, he called me and told me when he was leaving."

"I see. So you hadn't seen your fiancee for three weeks and you knew he was returning to town. Yet you were too busy to see him that evening, but you don't recall what you were doing?"


"I see. Let's move on. Did Mr. Irvin give you a reason for breaking off your engagement?"

"Uh, I don't recall."

"You don't recall? I remind you that you are under oath."

"He was hysterical."

"What exactly did he say?"

"Something about me not supporting him."

"Over his guardianship of Calley?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"I see, which you really didn't support?"


"So was he justified in terminating the relationship?"


"I withdraw the question, your honor. Let's return to the night you walked in on the Irvin family. Did you witness any immoral behavior?"

"They were naked in bed together! All of them!"

"I repeat, did you witness any immoral behavior? Were they engaged in any sexual acts?"

"I don't know. They were all under the covers."

"So how did you know they were naked?"

"I could see no clothing on any of them."

"You said they were under the covers. How could you tell?"

"I could see they were all bare on top. I could see bare shoulders on all three of them. I saw no evidence of bra straps on either of the ... females."

"But you did not see their lower torsos?"


"And you did not directly witness any sexual acts? As they were all under the covers?"


"What in fact were they doing when you walked in?"

"It looked like they were asleep. But they weren't. They each talked to me."

"They talked to you?"


"What did they say?"

"Michael told me to get out, that I wasn't welcome."

"I see. Did he inform you that he was married to Mrs. Irvin?"

"Uh, I guess."

"Did he or didn't he."

"Yes, come to think of it, he did."

"When, was this later?"

"I don't really recall"

"Wasn't it in fact contained in his first statement to you?"

"It may have been."

"It may have been. Isn't it true that in fact he told you to get out, that he and Mrs. Irvin had been married two weeks previous to that?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"You guess so?"

"Yes, alright. That's what he said."

"And your response?"

"Uh, I questioned him about the presence of the child."

"I see. And his reply?"

Jill was squirming pretty badly as she replied.

"He said she slept there."

"That's all, just slept?"

"That's what he said."

"And you didn't believe him?"

"She was naked ... she was in bed with them!"

"But you witnessed no immoral acts. You can't even say for certain that they were nude."


"I see. You stated that all three of them spoke to you."


"What did the child say?"

"Uh ... she said something about having picked Mrs. Irvin to be her mother."

"I see. And what did Mrs. Irvin say to you?"

"Uh ... I think she accused me of being vindictive."

"Of being vindictive? Why would she say that?"

"I told them I was going to report them to the child welfare agency."

"Which you did?"

"Obviously. Yes."

"And were you being vindictive?"

"I don't understand the question."

"It's very simple. Did you report them because you felt slighted that Mr. Irvin married his then wife Brenda instead of you?"

"No, I reported them for the good of the child."

"Who's guardianship by Michael you opposed?"


"I see. Lets move on. Did you know Mrs. Irvin prior to this?"

"I've met her before."

"I see. When was the first time?"

"I don't really recall. It was at some company gathering."

"When was that?"

"I don't know exactly. Shortly after I met Michael."

"So, about two years ago?"


"And how long has Mr. Irvin been employed there?"

"He told me then he had been there six years, so I guess about eight now."

"And how was Mrs. Irvin introduced to you?"

"She was the bosses daughter."

"The owners daughter?"


"I see. So if Mr. Irvin has been employed there now eight years and Mrs. Irvin is the owners daughter, then it is likely that Mr. Irvin has known Mrs. Irvin about eight years now?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"Six years longer than he has known you?"


"I see, no further questions."

Jill was shaking visibly when she stepped down off the stand. She knew she had been shown to be nothing but a vindictive, jilted woman.

"What was that all about?" I quietly asked the attorney.

"Just showing her for what she is." He whispered back.

The prosecution then called the child welfare worker to the stand. She was sworn in and stated her name for the record. Initial questioning established that Calley was quite rebellious. Using profane language at her and her co-workers. The child had not admitted to any sexual abuse from the defendants, but a medical examination had shown that she had indeed lost her virginity.

"Ms. Cravits, are you insinuating that the child entirely developed her rebellious nature and use of profanity in only three weeks time in custody of the defendant?" the defense asked on cross examination.

"No, but the defendant, Mr. Irvin had custody of her for two weeks before that."

"So he had her a total of five weeks?"


"Is it likely that the behavior developed in that period of time?"

"It's possible, yes. Especially if the child was subjected to severe, sexual abuse."

"Isn't it more likely that the behavior developed over a much longer period of time?"

"It is possible."

"I see. In the medical exam of the child, did the doctor who made the exam state when the child's virginity was lost?"

"Not exactly, no."

"Did he state that it was a recent injury?"

"Not specifically."

"What specifically did he state?"

Ms. Cravits now squirmed a bit.

"He stated that the child had not been a virgin for some time."

"Longer than five weeks?"


"So Mr. Irvin could not have been the person who took the child's virginity?"

"He may still have been. The child stated that she has known him most of her life."

"But you have no specific evidence that it was him?"

"Not specifically, no."

"Do you have any evidence to the effect that it was him?"

"No, not exactly."

"Did you ask the child if it was Mr. Irvin?"


"Did she admit it?"

"No, she denied it. But she may have been under extreme emotional duress to do so."

"Did you ask the child who in fact did take her virginity?"

"Not specifically, no."

"So in fact, except for Miss Tanners complaint, you have no specific evidence of wrong doing on the part of the Irvins?"

"Not specifically, no. But the child has been abused."

"But you have no evidence that abuse was performed by the Irvins?"


"I see. And what are your qualifications for your position?"

"I hold a bachelors degree in developmental psychology." she said, proudly.

"I see. Are you aware of Mrs. Irvin's education level?"


"So you weren't aware that Mrs. Irvin holds her masters degree in developmental psychology?"

The woman paled.

"No, I was not."

"Thank you. No further questions."

The other welfare workers testimony equated to much the same conclusion.

The prosecution made the error of calling the deputies who removed Calley to the stand. They didn't have much to say for the prosecution. Only that the Irvins had lawfully complied with the court order and that they had encouraged Calley to do so as well. Then the defense got up.

"Deputy, have you been assigned to take custody of many children from their parents or guardians?"

"Yes. Far too many."

"How many would you say?"

"Over one-hundred."

"I see, and was this case similar to those others?"

"No, it was very different."

"How so? Why don't you just describe the difference in your own words."

"In many cases, there is clear evidence of physical abuse. Sometimes it makes you sick the things people do to their kids. In cases where there may not be visual evidence of the abuse, the children are shy and withdrawn. They are clearly scared to death of their parents. Many of them are particularly thrilled to be taken out of the house. This was not the case at the Irvin residence. The child was clearly afraid of being taken away from the Irvins. The Irvins in fact had quite a hard time convincing the child to go with us willingly. She was clinging to her step-mother. She was crying. They all were. It was blatantly clear that none of them wanted the child to be taken, they were just obeying the law."

"I see, and this is unusual?"

"Very. I've never seen any other instance like it. The child may have been abused, but I seriously doubt it was by the Irvins."

"What are your qualifications for making these determinations?"

"I hold a bachelors degree in criminology and my masters in developmental psychology."

"Just one more question, Deputy. What is your opinion of the relationship between the Irvins and the child in question?"

"They love her very dearly. She loves them and needs them. I got the impression that they all loved and needed each other."

"Thank you, no further questions."

It was desperation on the prosecutions part, but they called Calley to the stand. She was sworn in. When asked to state her name she replied: "Calley Ainsely, but I'm going to petition to have my name changed to Irvin."

"Miss Ainsely, were you in fact in bed with the Irvins when Miss Tanner walked in, announced or not?"

Calley looked nervous.


"Were you wearing any clothing under the covers?"


"So you were in fact naked in bed with them?"




"Why were you naked in bed with them?"

"They let me sleep with them."

"They let you?"

"Yes, I asked."

"You asked them to let you sleep with them?"



"Because for many years I haven't slept well at night. The first night I spent alone with Uncle Mike was the first time in years I haven't woken up from nightmares."

"When was that?"

"Just over three weeks ago, on the way back here. It was a long drive, so we got a motel in the middle of it."

"He took you to a motel?" the prosecutor craftily asked.

"It was a thousand mile drive. It was safer to sleep in the middle of it. Yes, we stopped at a motel. Uncle Mike rented a room with two beds in it."

"But you didn't use the other bed?"


"Why not?"

"After dinner, we sat on the bed together and watched part of a movie. I leaned against Uncle Mike. I felt so comfortable with him, not like I had with anybody for years. Not since my mother got killed. I was so glad he had agreed to take me, I guess I started crying. Mike held me in his arms while I cried. I fell asleep that way. Instead of waking me, he pulled a cover over us and held me all night long. That was the first night I didn't wake up from nightmares. I woke up the next morning snuggled to his side. We were both still wearing our clothes."

"What did you do then?"

"That morning?"


"I got up and took a shower."

"Did Mr. Irvin ever see you undressed in the motel room?"


"Ah, When?"

"When I came out of the shower. He was asleep when I first came out, I reached into my suitcase for my clothes. I guess the noise woke him up. I looked down and he had just opened his eyes. He was still facing as he had while he was asleep."

"But he was looking at you naked?"

"I guess, I was halfway dressed when I noticed he was awake."

"What did he do?"

"He apologized and turned away."


"I don't follow."

"What did you do?"

"I told him I wasn't shy about my body and finished putting my bra on."

"Why did you tell him that?"

"Because he looked real embarrassed about seeing me that way."

"Lets go back to the night Miss Tanner walked in. You were naked?"

"Yes, I've said so."

"Why were you naked?"

"I like to sleep that way. I don't like clothes on at night. They feel like somebody holding me down."

"Ah. Has anybody ever held you down?"



"My father."

"Mr. Irvin?"

"No, my birth father. Nick Ainsely."

"He held you down?"


"Has Michael Irvin ever held you down?"

Same as Calley
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Jen Teases Her Husband Into Panties Part VI

Chapter XVIII "Time to wake up, sleepyhead." Tom opened one eye to see Jen standing over him wearing a towel. She had already showered and now it was Tom's turn. He groaned and looked at the clock. It was already ten in the morning. Yesterday had tired him out more than he'd thought. He pulled the covers off and was once again self-conscious. The nightgown he was wearing reminded him that Jen was in charge; as she had so aptly proven yesterday. More girlish training was in store...

3 years ago
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Revenge Pissing Part 3

Gabriella was the next to be invited back to the house for there were still a few days to go before Tiffany’s ex returned from his holiday to discover that his house had been covered in piss by the flowing pussy showers of Tiffany and her friends. Of course, Gabriella had thought the whole idea to be an intense wind up until Lizzy, in the front room, had yanked down her work trousers and white panties to reveal the stunning sight of her naked hairless muff to the assembled crowd. Without...

3 years ago
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One Night of Passion

We had been staring at each other all night. The looks were driving me insane. He was tall, tanned and had the nicest smile I had ever seen. I was in my favourite bar with some of the ladies from work as we normally did on a Friday night, and I had seen him a few times but for some reason this one was different. The waitress brought over our drinks and placed them on the table. She handed me a napkin and told me that it was from the gentleman at the bar, Him. I looked at the napkin and it read...

2 years ago
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Im Straight PART 3

This all came to me as he continued on spasm after spasm of his cumpumping into me, I freely, wantonly urged more and more out of him draininghim soaking and sopping him up. And when Trey finally pulled out of my ass some 25 minutes later, Isqueezed my sphincter as tightly as it would, I wanted his sperm to swim inme, I never wanted to release them, I wanted them to swim into my body andlodge themselves. I wanted to retain Trey's essence within me, become apartof him. Wordlessly he laid...

1 year ago
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The balcony

I woke up feeling a little bleary but otherwise good. I threw the covers back and made my way to the bathroom to urinate with my eyes half closed from sleepiness. I brushed my teeth and showered. I toweled myself off and then made my way to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee and reached the balcony doors. I slid the door open and stepped out into the morning sunlight and stretched out. I heard a light gasp and I turned with alarm to see my neighbor staring at me in shock, her hand held up...

3 years ago
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My 2 AM Phone Call Part Two

My day started around 2:00 a.m. with a phone call from a Black man I knew from an intense relationship that started in a video store theater several years before. After using me as he pleased for several months, he suddenly dropped me and just vanished until this morning when he called and gave me very specific instructions where to come, what to wear and when to arrive. That is why I now found myself inside a cheap motel room on the Gulf Freeway, dressed in a black micro-mini skirt, a little...

2 years ago
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Young Womens Academy

Ally Romano got up from the chair and proceeded down the hallway. to room 17. Ally was slightly built, blonde and 16 years old. Ally was a boarding school student. Ally was a sexual predator. Pushing the door open she saw a young blond haired student sitting crosslegged on the bed. What's your name she asked? I'm Angela Moore she replied, and don't you know how to knock? Let me ask the questions and you will fare better, and yes I am in charge. The house mother is out for the evening. In...

1 year ago
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Louisiana Lessons Part Five Lee Anne

Cupping and lifting up her breasts she teasingly asked “You boys like what you see?” Noticing our embarrassment she then asked. “Would you like to see more?” After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river...

2 years ago
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Charming the Snake

I liked the idea of this story base. It was posted anonymously in another web site and I wanted to develop it in my own style, It is with sincere wishes to the original author and trust I have not contravened his copyright or aroused his displeasure. Since reviving this story from my archives, I have received the original author’s approval. By mistake he used his given name so I won’t state it here and it was in 20004, I have edited it in various ways, some spelling, some continuation, some...

2 years ago
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A Baby Family and His BrotherChapter 2

Lying on the couch with my blouse above my boobs and skirt in disarray Nick looked down at me and seen the satisfaction in my eyes. He leaned over and grabbed my hands and lifted me to him. Slowly he help me get my cloths straighten out and said that we were going to his house and be more comfortable. I looked at him puzzled, stated "your wife what about her". He smiled and said, "She is expecting us". Many things went through my mind, didn't know what was happening, but I knew that this...

1 year ago
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its too dirty for mom

I sat down at the kitchen table and waited for mum to start. She had called me down from my room, interrupting my personal time. Or my furious wanking to whatever I found hot in the moment. I usually came as quick as I could, wanking more to release stress than to get pleasure. As my dad said when they were looking for antonyms for patience and carefulness they just put my name down. I was the type of guy who skipped the talking parts of movies for the action. What did I care if I missed some...

3 years ago
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The Allure of VirginityChapter 9 Saying Goodbye to Lily

It was Wednesday lunchtime. I lied down by myself on a patch of grass on the soccer oval. School today was boring and I couldn't wait to get home. Today had been a disaster. Since I stayed up so late last night I woke up half an hour late this morning. I managed to catch the bus only because I skipped breakfast. Throughout class I was hungry and tired, but I managed to pull through. As I sat on the grass a girl about my age walked by and looked at me for a while, about four seconds. I hate...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 8

When Barbara Sloan awakened the next day, she remained very still so as not to awaken Steve. She stretched and sniffed the air, smelling Karla’s marvelous fragrance that permeated the room. Then she looked over at her female bed partner and smiled. As the girl slept soundly, her face in repose was childlike in its innocence. Gently she squeezed her hand that was resting on her upper thigh. The instant she did, Karla’s eyes opened slowly, then with a start as she realized where she was. As she...

1 year ago
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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

4 years ago
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Mini Minds Eye

I spotted her walking towards me, first intermittently amongst pedestrians moving in both directions on the busy sidewalk. I was sipping a cappuccino in my favorite sidewalk cafe, which with its raised deck afforded me a commanding view of the bustling crowd. Like always, when a goddess graces our earthly domain, there's a charismatic glow around them, reducing mere mortals to a haze. Most men and a few women give them a wide berth to facilitate a lasting neck-craning view Walking confidently...

1 year ago
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But seriously. My father is a drunk. He’s also a show off, especially when his poker buddies are around. I mean, it didn't bother me. Not really. Not for years. Sure, I used to be upset about his drinking and I used to get really upset about the gambling until he got control of the impulse. When I was 7 or so he started gambling with pennies and quarters rather than the larger sums of money he used to play with. I figured a playful pat on the rump here and there wasn’t such a bad price to...

3 years ago
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Economics and Decisions

The economics of sex are interesting. Sometimes we marry for sex. That can cost millions. We take ladies to dinner. We buy drinks. We pay for prostitites (although I never have). And we invite women to join us on exotic trips. Even if we don’t spend a lot of money, sometimes we spend hours of our time on the phone. Occasionally we find ’em, fuck ’em and forget ’em without spending a dime. That has its place, but it’s not as good as the other stuff!!!  This is an analysis story. I don’t have a...

1 year ago
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The Day the Earth Stood Naked

Author's Note: I didn't like the way this was written so I decided to rewrite it. Yawning slowly, I lay in bed a few moments longer. Have you ever felt like something was just wrong? It was like there was something missing or something was there that shouldn't be. Maybe it felt like...something was just off about the world. You couldn't put your finger on what, you just knew something was off. Well, that was how I felt as i lay there in bed. Let me start over. My name is John. I am (or was at...

2 years ago
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Chloes Story Part 1

The Beginning of Something Joey and I had been together since I was a freshman in high school and he a junior. We were never an "item." Neither of us was popular enough for that designation, but that's probably why we were always so close. I had been raised in a very strict and very Christian family, so I never was allowed to dress in any way that was fashionable. In my family, everything fashionable was "sinful," anything that would show any hint of my burgeoning body was "moral turpitude."...

Wife Lovers
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Tracis Abduction Rape 2

It had been almost a month since Traci was grabbed from the forest trail and raped. She could not stop thinking about every detail of what happened to her. She felt guilty for not reporting the rape to the police but she felt highly aroused every time she replayed the incident in her mind. She remembered him telling her as he left her tied on the ground with cum dripping from her ass, “If you want it again just go for another hike.” She could not believe that kind of use and abuse...

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Can I Love Ch 06

The sixth part now, let me know what you think. ——————– I woke this time in my bed, alone. I looked round searching for Tom. Where had he gone? As I got out of the bed, the smell of cooked breakfast hit my nostrils. As I walked through into the kitchen I laughed, ‘Can you get anymore cheesy?’ I giggled when I saw him, wearing only his boxers and an apron. I took a second to check out his figure, those long legs, and that muscular back I had come to know so well last night. He looked behind...

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Incest GamesChapter 2

Glynn Johansen had a tough time keeping his eyes off his sister at breakfast the next day. And when she brushed her bare knee against his under the table, he started to raise an immediate hard. She smiled at him, and her eyes were warm behind lowered lashes. He thought there had never been a more beautiful girl, and the tightening of his belly muscles reminded him how hot and sexy she was. But it finally penetrated, what his mother was saying, and he damned near choked on a bite of pancake....

1 year ago
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The Slutty Mermaid

By: Plugged_In_To_Life The Little Mermaid and all its characters are property of Disney and all other affiliates. This scenario is mine. Chapter One: Punishment For Being Late Ariel quickly swam back to her home, knowing she would be in for a serious punishment. She had completely forgotten the concert and her big debut today. Beside her, Flounder swam along looking very scared and trying not to look conspicuous. As she entered the palace, Ariel swam into the throne room where her father...

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Having a fun time with Daniel the sexy head lifeguard

The following links are to youtube videos (there is no porn in them): Example of the urinal 1: Example of the urinal 2: I have been going to a men only indoor pool for several years ever since it was a former public pool in the city park district. I see Daniel every time I went; he was a large and tall 6’ 4” blonde hair guy with wash board abs, and broad shoulders. He wore a red swimming trunk, but you can easily see a nice size...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Sister Nats 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is Ankit Gupta with the next part of my story and but before that let me introduce you all to me and my sister Nats and I am a 19 years old healthy boy with a height of 5’9 and a 7.5″ dick. I live in Kolkata. So if any girl or aunty is willing to have fun then feel free to contact me on Nats is a real sex bomb with 34 36 36 stats and wherever she used to go people used to stare at her sexy body and her beautiful face and to add to that her body had a real sexy tan. Now coming...

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A Dream

I returned to my home from a long hard day at work, reeking of pizza and sweat. Upon walking into my room I enter with out even turning on the light. To which point I walk into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and step in. It is freezing cold. I begin to lather up when a hand reaches in grabs my dick. I stay facing the wall and close my eyes. I hear her step into the shower as she slowly starts to stroke my cock, which has been hardening steadily. She begins licking on my earlobes which...

1 year ago
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Be careful what you wish for chapter 2

Be careful what you wish for Chapter 2 I was trapped as a very amply proportioned black girl; certainly I was light skinned but still identifiably a black female. I did not sleep, then I was woken by a whatsapp from Elaine. "Morning Liana, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life'. You will find that the only clothes that fit you are the jogger pants, they will very stretched and that old sweat you used to wear for gardening. The first thing you need to do is set up a...

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Peter PrueChapter 4

When Monday came, Prue went back to work. When it all started going to pieces, she’d first tried to drown herself in work for a few days. Work would distract her, she’d hoped, and she needed distraction. But it hadn’t. That first Monday, weeks ago, her boss Victor Kuric, Vic, had talked to her and it had been about her coordinating the next project. It was a promotion and a huge compliment. But somehow all the glamour had left the prospect, and he’d noticed. Grinning in his sweet...

4 years ago
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Ek Raat Mast Bhabhi K Sath

Hi guys,mai swapnil bhopal se mai yaha ek medical college se mbbs kar rha hu n mai dikhne mai thik hu normal indian colour and height 5’9″ hai n thoda patla hu n mera dick ka size 6″ h n girth 4″ hai.Ye bare mai tha n story pasand aye to mail karna pe.   Ab story pe aate hai Ek din ki baat hai papers end hone k baad mai aur mere frnds party ka soch rhe the uske baad humara plan bna ki tds chalte hai toh hum gaye thursday hone k karan wo ladies night thi hum andar entry li n beer pi rhe the...

4 years ago
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im Boot

Als Student hatte ich viel Zeit und war zu einem Segelturn mit einer Gruppe auf Mallorca. Dort in der Gruppe lernte ich Kerstin kennen. Sie war 27 und war gerade mit ihrem Studium fertig, während ich gerade mitten drin steckte. Wir hatten beide, unabhängig von einander, noch eine Verlängerung des Urlaubs geplant. Nach Ende des Turns und Rückgabe des Boots mussten wir beide feststellen, dass die Insel völlig ausgebucht war. Entnervt beschlossen wir als letzte Möglichkeit noch mal ein kleines...

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