Melody - Lost From HomeChapter 5: Ropeville School 2 free porn video

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I awoke cuddled up with the small form of Pauline who was still asleep, but when I awoke she looked at me — with eyes of the slave personality.

"Good morning my master, how may I serve you this morning?" she asked me.

I thought for a moment and made a suggestion she nodded and moved down in the bed, I felt her breath on my cock as her warm mouth engulfed it, and then I felt her tongue as it swirled around the stalk, and then I felt her nose as it positioned itself against my pubic bone, my cock deep in her throat.

She started humming, the effect was amazing! If I had pen and paper with me I would have written that down for adding to further slaves training — of course that was if I was ever allowed to return to my former life — Then Slave started to move her head back and forth milking me of my discharge, she swallowed it all, like the perfect slave she was trained to be.

She re-emerged, licking her lips, and smiled at me, "Thank you master, it was a pleasure to serve you." She said, "What can this slave do further for you?"

I smiled at her willingness, and then remembered who it was that was before me, so I said.

"Slave, you will go into the bathroom, gargle and brush your teeth, when you have completed that you will return to me and kiss me, while you are midway into the kiss you will allow Pauline to return. Is this understood?" She nodded to me

"Yes master, this slave is happy to serve you; you do not need Pauline while I am here." She was begging to remain in charge of her body.

I patted her head, "I know slave, but Pauline needs to go to school today, and needs to react normally to the work there, I don't think you would be able to control yourself. You have been very good and obedient I am happy with you. Now go." Once a slave has bonded with her master she needs to be re-assured at all times, but if she makes a mistake she should be punished immediately — never forget that.

I heard her gargling in the bathroom, as I got up and dressed, I had put on my pants and was zipping up the fly when she returned to me, I bent down to allow her to kiss me, her tongue was in my mouth, expertly licking the inside, when I felt her change, I fought her tongue which was now moving in a cautious pattern as she tried to remember just how it was Slave was playing with me.

"Mr. Purple! Why did you want me to kiss you?" She asked me.

I smiled, "Well Pauline, I thought you wanted to kiss me, but would be too shy to ask." She blushed beautifully I thought, she was still dressed in the Slave uniform — nothing — and hadn't realised that, the red hue going all over her body. I turned her around to where her school uniform was lying on the seat where she had placed them, and patted her bottom to get her moving. The feel of my hand on her flesh made her look down. She took a look back at me and then quickly put on her panties and blouse, then her socks. Then she turned to face me.

"Mr. Purple," She started, "Do you really want to keep me?"

I nodded and then said, "Only if you promise to obey me completely." Her face went solemn on me.

"Master!" This wasn't Pauline's voice but a variation of Slaves' "My life is dedicated to serving my assigned master — you are my reason for living, It is impossible for me not to obey you."

I smiled at the girl, "I do understand that, I was just trying to be funny. But now that you're here what is your name?"

The eyes of the girl lit up, "My name is Felicity, and I am here to guide you if there is any problems or if your commands are not understood."

"Thank you Felicity, how many personalities are with you?" I had to ask that, I didn't want to be surprised by a newcomer.

She seemed to consider this, or maybe counting inside her head, then her eyes focused on me again, "Master there are eight active personalities and ten inactive proto-personalities." 'PROTO-PERSONALITIES' what the blazes were they, I was about to ask when my phone rang.

I answered it "Purple here." It was the school office informing me that the girls had target practise in the afternoon, and gym lessons just before that, so my morning lessons would only be with me. I told them that I understood that and returned to Felicity — to find, from the way she was dressing, that Pauline was now back with me, this was getting confusing.

I spoke to her, "Pauline, I know I don't have to say this, when we are in the class you are just another pupil, if you do anything wrong I will punish you, do you understand." She turned to me her eyes shining.

"Yes, Mr. Purple." She said, I smiled at her, all in all life here didn't seem to bad, I hadn't forgotten about Melody, but at the moment there was nothing I could do for her, she was in good hands, and hands that I knew wouldn't let her down.

I washed, shaved and dressed and was ready to walk to the school, Pauline stayed one step behind me, when I turned to tell her to hurry up she shook her head.

"I was always told to remain behind my master," she said, "Please let me stay here." I gave in, it appeared to make her happy — I was beginning to wonder who was the master and who was the slave in this relationship?

I noticed, during the walk, that there wasn't as many police officers in evidence, which surprised me as I would have expected, in fact I did expect to be questioned about having Pauline with me, but then I realised that she had been given to me, to be used by me — giving 'them', the mysterious controllers, another hold over me, no doubt my activities with Pauline had already been recorded, I could expect another 'interview' soon.

I was about to walk past the school when Pauline's voice called me back, I looked up and then thanked her, I entered and directed her to the playground where her friends were waiting, obviously wanting to hear about their teacher, I hope Pauline would obey instructions, but then realised that even if she didn't it wouldn't hurt my reputation amongst the girls.

I stopped by the administration office and enquired about the target practice they would be attending, Kris, the senior of the two there had thawed enough to talk to me,

"Why are the girls being taught how to use guns?" I asked her.

"Well here we try to assure that all the girls are able to defend themselves, they also have the normal self defence classes, although all of your group are mainly 2nd Dans, their classes are on Thursdays after school, which is why any detentions they are given can't be attended on that day." She told me, "We do keep a track of all their progresses of course."

I considered this, "So what if they decide that they don't need to listen to the teacher, are they likely to try a throw on me?" I asked, smiling to show I didn't really mind such a thing, I'd had a bit of judo training before and could block most easy throws.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," She said, "They do understand that they are here to learn and have respect for their teachers, only if they are threatened by strangers do they go into combat mode." She said this last and then had a puzzled look on her face, as if she had said something wrong, I thought I'd better not enquire about this 'combat mode' I hoped never to find out about it.

"That's good," I said, I could see the relief on her face as she thought I'd missed her gaff, "I wouldn't want to get into trouble for inciting a riot in class, is there any way I could see the results of their marksmanship tomorrow, I may be able to work out an incentive to improve their aim."

She smiled, "I think that can be arranged, in fact several teachers already receive their students marks for similar reasons." She told me.

I thanked her and went onto the classroom where I prepared for the morning lessons. When the girls arrived they seemed slightly apprehensive, but that soon changed when they saw me standing by the blackboard, when I asked them what was wrong they looked amongst themselves, and then Jessica spoke up.

"It just that we didn't expect you to be here teaching us today," She said, at my quizzical look she said, "Many of our parents seemed annoyed that we had a man teaching us instead of a woman who would know how to control us." She added with a smirk, I looked closely at her, there was something missing, but I didn't see what it was.

"Well, I haven't been told any different, so here I am, now please get into your seats for the lessons, as the girls seated themselves I could see that Jessica and Pauline were sitting close to each other, the animosity I'd expected following yesterday's punishment inflicted on Jessica by Pauline appeared to have been forgotten.

The first lesson was mathematics, always a subject to put children to sleep, but I had learnt that I was allowed to use my imagination with their punishments, so I had them do simple sums, which they had to mark themselves showing by how many they were out, they were then asked to walk up to the blackboard, and write down how many sums they got wrong, and then to add up the total that they were out on for all the sums.

Only 4 of the girls had all correct answers, I smiled, now for a bit more fun. I placed five chairs in front of the class; I then called out the 4 'brains' and invited them to sit down on the chairs.

"This is what is going to happen" I told the class, "For every answer wrong, the girl with the wrong answer will receive a number of spanks," I waited for this to sink in and then continued, "I will reward the best of the class by allowing them to administer the spanks," at the cry that came up I carried on, "This does two things, it will teach the best way to administer punishment on others, and it will encourage all of you to improve your scores."

I looked at the blackboard where the results were written down, I called out five names, and these girls reluctantly moved towards us, I assigned a girl to each place, telling 'my' victim to knell by the chair to await my arrival

I found that Pauline was one of the girls, she looked at me, pleading, but I shook my head. I directed these girls to lie across the laps of the seated girls; I went behind each one and raised their skirts so that they were held in the small of their backs, I then lowered their panties down to their knees, I noticed that several of them went red at this humiliation.

I then spoke to the four punishers. "This is a punishment spanking; it has to be hard — to show the receiver that they have done wrong, the strikes should be applied evenly, as we don't want to cause unnecessary harm. Yes Sharon?" I spoke to one of the seated girls who had raised her hand.

"Mr. Purple, Marcy here is my best friend, couldn't I spank someone else?" she looked as if she was going to cry, I shook my head.

"No Sharon, does she know that you like her?" both girls nodded, "And does she trust you?" again another nod from Marcy, "Then you will continue." I spoke up to include the rest of the class, "Now it will occur over and over — you will be asked to punish a friend or even a lover. I know this may be difficult," I saw Pauline's eyes watching me, "But that is part of being a dutiful slave."

I then spoke to the girls in front of me, "As this is the first time for some of you, I will monitor the first five strikes." I then counted off each one slowly, correcting a couple of the girls, I then sat down as the girls started on their next set of five, I looked at the girl, Rachael kneeling by my chair, she wasn't wearing a pendant, and she looked really scared.

"Rachael," I said, "I'll give you a choice, this action here has excited me and I'm not sure if I'll be able to devote the correct amount of ambivalence to your punishment, I'm willing to let you forgo it if you show me your talent for fellatio." She licked her lips and looked up at me.

"Do you mean that?" She asked, I smiled and nodded — it was strange, at my last school, if I demanded that from a student, she'd be screaming by now, and I'd be arrested! But not here, she moved close to my legs, "My brothers' say I'm the best one in the family, better than mum!" she confided in me.

She reached to my trousers and undid the fly, a couple of the girls gasped when they saw this, and it distracted the four seated girls as they stopped to watch as Rachael lowered her head and engulfed my cock, sucking on the head to compact it and then moving down to force the shaft into her young neck, which she achieved without gagging, I could feel her breathing through her nose. After deep throating me she pulled back and gave a few gentle nods of her head before going down again.

After a few more times of this exquisite action I showed her my appreciation by coating her tonsils (if she had any) with my sperm, which she held in her mouth. When she lifted her head she turned to the class and opened her mouth so that they all could see, and then she swallowed the contents smiling all the time, listening to a few of the girls saying 'gross' I could see that most of them were wearing the pendant and so I could understand why they were saying that, then I looked at Jessica again, her pendant was missing! That was the difference I'd noticed.

I allowed the girls to return their seats, and I noticed that quite a few were talking to Rachael, asking her about the taste I think. I waited for the noise to quieten down, "Now I'm not going to say that won't happen again, except for those who have already shown their orientation I will expect everyone in this class to experience it, or a variation of it anyway. I noticed a few of the girls were looking towards my, now covered, groin area.

I then started the next lesson, spelling; I will admit that I did introduce a few — non-regular spelling bee words, but I was glad to see that they could spell these words, this took up another half an hour. I let them have a break, to play and think over the lessons so far.

During this time I asked to talk to the Principle, but was told that she was busy, although she did have a message for me, it was short and sweet. 'Keep up the good work'. I asked Kris about the pendants and whether the wearers could decide not to remain in the 'program' so to speak.

"They show the sexual preferences of the wearer, although they can decide to change their minds and remove the pendant, but we normally wait a few days before letting them commit themselves to that." She told me, I mentioned that Jessica was apparently pendant-less, she smiled.

"Yes we were told about that, her mother was slightly worried, she seems to have a slight fixation on her teacher, but she is slightly hesitant in doing anything about it." Meaning that I would have to start things rolling — so to speak, I thanked Kris for the information and returned to the classroom, where several of the girls were already lining up to enter, Jessica was among them, I opened the door to allow them access, but held Jessica back.

"Have you anything you want to tell me?" I asked her, she just shook her head; apparently she couldn't speak to me in private, she was tongue-tied, I went down on my haunches so that I was face to face with her, "You forgot your pendant today," I pointed out, she shook her head, "You didn't forget it?" I said she then nodded.

"Dn't want it." She said softly.

I smiled at her, "That is a big step to make, to decide to change your point of view, but it doesn't mean that you've given up playing with girls you know," I said, "It means that you are available to anyone, male or female, if you feel that you're not ready for anything just speak up, in most cases people will listen, okay?" I told her.

She nodded, still silent — this was really a changed Jessica from yesterday, which not only puzzled me, but did give me cause for concern, just as long as it didn't interfere with her lessons.

The next lesson was Geography, which would take us up to lunch, I talked them through the water cycle — how vapour was picked up from the seas, stored in clouds, to pour as rain and return to the seas — which would normally be boring until I made it an interactive lesson, getting some girls to act the part of clouds, others as streams, which made it quite an enjoyable lesson. When the bell rang for lunch I sent them off to the cafeteria listening to their excited chatter.

I noticed that Jessica was still in the classroom, I looked up at her, "Yes Jessica?" I asked her, she seemed unsure of how to ask the question on her lips, and then she spoke in a rush.

"Mr.Purplewillyoufuckme?" And then she covered her mouth with her hand as if she hadn't really meant to say that, I pushed my chair back.

"Jessica, come here please," I said smiling to show I wasn't annoyed at her she cautiously came up to me I held out my hands which she took, I lifted her onto my lap, she curled herself up, much as she had yesterday, I spoke to her again.

"Jessica, I understood what you asked me, I didn't want to upset you by saying no outright," she raised herself up hopefully, I held up a hand to stop her speaking again, "But, I don't want you to rush into this, you have to think this out carefully. Talk to others first get their impressions and ideas; don't throw yourself to the first man to take your fancy. Ask your mother her advice first. I do thank you for your offer, but you have only just met me, I'm not the type of person you may think I am. Now wipe your eyes and go onto lunch, you've got lessons with other teachers this afternoon, I'll see you tomorrow, go on now." I gently set her down on her feet and pointed her towards the door; she turned round and then threw her arms around my neck again, kissing my face.

"Thank you Mr. Purple, you seem to know what to say." She said, and then ran out of the door, I smiled at her vanishing form, shook my head and started to work on tomorrow's lessons, I felt a small pain on my neck, 'here we go again' I thought.




I opened my eyes, I must have fallen asleep in the classroom, lucky the girls weren't here or I'd really be laughed at. My mouth was dry, I reached for the water jug on my desk, poured out a glass and drank it down, there was an odd taste in my mouth, something I hadn't noticed before, where had I tasted that before... Then I knew what it was! A check on my arms showed that I had a few small punctures there, which I didn't have before!

I went through the probabilities.

1. While the girls were at the gym and target shooting, I had been drugged and examined.

2. Since I've been returned, either they're examining the results or they have more plans for me!

3. They've returned me here, to make me think nothing's changed - so they still have plans for me!!

So with that piece of knowledge locked away I decided to carry on with my work, but when I looked at my watch and saw the time, half-past six! I had 'lost' six hours - work would have to stop, I hope the principle wouldn't mind! I picked up my stuff and went to the admin office, the women had all gone home, but there was an envelope there with my name on it, this I took with me and walked back to my lodgings.

When I arrived the smell of a meal assaulted my nose, I entered the room to find Pauline seated at the table doing her homework, what surprised me was that with her was Jessica, as I was so quiet the two hadn't heard me arrive, I could hear the girls talking.

"Pauline," Jessica was looking at her friend, "have you done number 8?" when Pauline said yes Jessica asked, "So what's the answer?"

"I can't tell you that!" said Pauline, "That's not right; you're supposed to do it yourself. I'm not allowed to help you like that!"

"And so you shouldn't." I said making both girls jump, I turned to Jessica, "You should be able to work out the answer on your own!" she looked down and nodded, I looked at the work she'd done, mentally marking them, when I got to her current sum I could see where she was going wrong. I sat beside her and showed her the mistake she'd made, and then I let her carry on with the sum.

In the meantime Pauline had brought in a hot meal and placed it at the table for me, I looked at it and asked her who had cooked it?

"Well we did!" She replied, pointing to Jessica and herself, "We thought you might need one, after working so late." Which I thought was nice of them and so I thanked them both.

As I was eating and watching the girls as they continued their homework, I realised something, 'they knew I was working late! And that I would be hungry! Did this mean that Pauline was part of this thing? Or was I just being paranoid? I'd have to find out later.

When I'd finished eating and the girls their homework, I waited for Jessica to go home, except she didn't. What she did do was to stand with Pauline in front of me, as if waiting for an order, I looked at them both without speaking, and then finally Pauline broke the silence.

"My master." Jessica gave her a sharp look, which 'Slave' ignored, "This supplicant," She indicated Jessica, "Wants you to honour her with the gift of your body."

I looked at Jessica, "Are you sure about this?" I asked her, she looked down at her feet and nodded, I couldn't accept this, "Jessica! You have full control over whatever you want to do, if you feel frightened or unhappy about anything just speak up!"

She swallowed and then looked at me, tears glistening in her eyes, "I'm sorry Mr. Purple, I really thought I wanted to go ahead with this," She said, "I've heard other girls saying how painful it was, I don't really want to do it!" I pulled her towards me and sat her on my lap, I could see that Pauline wanted to speak out, but I stopped her with a shake of my head.

I held Jessica in my arms, just as I had done on the first day, and spoke softly to her, "These girls you listened to, did they say how they were feeling when it happened?"

I could feel her nod her head, "They were worried about it as well."

I nodded, "They were scared about it and so they tensed up, their partner was so intent on having their fun they didn't take the time to allow their partner to relax, and so making them even more frightened and tense, and so making it much harder to break through the hymen." I smiled down at her, "So do you understand what I'm saying?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment, and said in a calm voice, "Because they were scared it really hurt them and they were scared because they were frightened that it would hurt?" she sounded astounded at her answer.

I nodded, "Exactly! So all you have to do is to find somebody you know and trust, somebody who will be kind and gentle with you, and then you should have no problems." I told her.

I could feel that she was starting to calm down, now she knew I wasn't going to do anything to her. She looked up from her perch and said,

"But Mr. Purple, I don't know anyone like that." At which Pauline sniggered, making Jessica look at her.

"You idiot Jessica," said Pauline, in her normal voice, "You're sitting on the best person to do it. Mr. Purple knows how to make a girl feel at ease, ask him to do it, go on, before you chicken out!"

Jessica drew in a sharp breath, thinking about her friend's words, but then I stepped in.

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There was one showing left. So, we cleaned up, and got in her car, and scooted out and got a better spot this time, four rows from the front. I had seen it before, but she hadn’t, and the special effects did hold up. The sequence when the woman walked in a circle on the moving set was quite amazing. I speculated how they did it to Mel, and she looked at me for a minute, then we went back to the movie. The jogging scene was also quite cool! All we had to eat this time was a medium popcorn...

4 years ago
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Melody Malone

I was in Los Angeles on business and one day I was in Century City for a business conference and when we broke for lunch I headed for a restaurant I'd heard about. I was walking down the street when something slammed into my shoulder and I heard a voice say: "Watch where you're going asshole." I turned and saw a guy standing there looking at me and smiling. It took me about half a second to recognize Bill Gibson and I stepped to him and took him in a big bear hug. Bill and I had grown up...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 13

The crying we heard as we turned off the shower was replaced by Maggie. “My Daddy’s Dead, “ Melody Rose said. “That means it’s time for the Tremaynes, and the Lockharts, to live together. “I said. Everyone, give it some time.” I walked over to the arms of Maggie, giving her a slight kiss on the cheek, adding, asking, “Did you have Wills and other such papers in place?” “Of course, we did!” I was surprised by her attitude, but she did just lose her husband. I lowered my arm from her...

2 years ago
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Melody Came AlongChapter 5

My emotions still rocketing all over the place, I arrived at Helen and Tom's. I was later than I had intended to be, having gone by my place for some things, and, then, doing a little shopping for Melody. I had picked her up a couple of over-sized tee-shirts, one blue the other dark green, along with some gray and black sweats with matching socks. I also picked out a pair of black-checked pajama shorts and picked out black tee-shirt to go with them. Last of all, I had stopped by a teddy-bear...

1 year ago
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Melody Came AlongChapter 2

Having decided to let Melody set the pace of our relationship, I sat back and enjoyed the ride. We continued our play on the court, added a phone call to our weekly schedule, and sent each other notes through e-mail. She made Saturday nights our date night. We combined dinner with a movie or a play; or stayed at her place eating take-out and watching old movies on video, and ended our evenings playing a running game of Scrabble. By our sixth date she was whipping my ass by eight thousand...

1 year ago
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MELODY MEChapter 5

Without answering her, I pulled her closer to me and kissed her softly on the nipple I had been rubbing on, and I heard a very soft, “Oh yeah!” That motivated me to lick my way to her open mouth while I got myself between her legs without our genitals touching. I stopped to ask, “May I enter you?” “Just do it, pleeeeeaaasssse?” With my hand on my fully lengthened, hard as a sapling 8.25 inches, I pressed against her. Her pussy was fighting back, so I pushed again and her voice gave out a...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 6

“Yes, I must admit. It is the second best feeling I have ever felt, Mel!” With that said she dropped all the way down, and I immediately came inside her! “I’m sorry, I am so sorry Mel! Will you ever forgive me?” “Don’t worry lover boy, I’ve done some reading too. It doesn’t matter how quick the first one is, it’s the second one!” I got hold of her, flipped her on her back, which caused her to growl at me, and I began to thrust hard, deep, and fast. “Ooooh, Paul ... keep it going, Baby, I...

3 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 3

Apparently, I had surprised her, and after taking a glance at her Dad, who nodded his approval, “Yes, I will marry you, on December 14th. Why so soon?” “Think about it for a few moments, I think our moms want to see the ring!” We had only kissed and touched one another fully dressed, and by the time she got the hugs and handshakes, her face was illuminated. We had promised the parents we would finish high school and promised the dads no kids until after we graduated. That caused her to...

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MELODY MEChapter 8

Without saying a word, Stephen, Maggie, Peter, and Ruth all stood up and with car keys in hand my mother said, “Put your suitcases back in the car, please? A three-car caravan, with the Tremaynes leading the way. St Louis, Missouri has a metro area in excess of three million people. Part of that growth was the easy access to the HMS. Exactly what Michael Thomas had in mind, I am quite sure. We eventually stopped at a very nice and recently painted apartment complex with the name Kensington...

3 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 9

Maggie was so interesting up close. I had never noticed how pretty her eyes were. Melody is a little shorter, but more endowed, but I had better be careful looking at her mother so closely. “Time to get out,” Mel said reaching for my hand. After they were all out and drying off, the moms went in to change as Mel took my arm and said, “Do you realize how close you came to kissing my mother?” “NO! I didn’t, I was just enjoying her company. She had mentioned how much she would miss you. All I...

2 years ago
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Melody Came AlongChapter 8

Melody moved in the next day. Since she didn't have much, it didn't take long. We celebrated by going out to eat at a fancier place than we usually went to and I gave her a ring, which we had to go show Tom and Helen. She went back to work and started working out with me and playing with me. It was wonderful to see the girl I had come to know coming back out. All this made the day I came home and found her drunk seem like a nightmare twice over. I had gone by and picked up her bears from...

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Melody Came AlongChapter 3

I stretched out on my bed and opened my grandfather's journal to the next entry. When he had died ten years ago, he had left all his journals to me. He had kept one up until the last month of his life, when he had suffered a stroke that he never recovered from. I had been reading an entry each night since I had received them. This one was about fishing and had references to the first time he had carried me out on a Minnesota lake. With fishing, it's not the size of the boat, motors and...

1 year ago
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Melody Came AlongChapter 4

The night out in front of Helen's and Tom's had been one of the best things that had ever happened to me. We hadn't done anything other than kiss in the car and then outside her door, but I could have cared less. She loved me! Over the following weeks, we were both relaxed and found new delight in each other. Without removing our clothes, we kissed, petted, and teased each other to utter distraction. Her favorite thing to do was to straddle me and grind against my cock; until I yelled...

1 year ago
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MELODY MEChapter 2

With my birthday in only three days, I asked Mom for a special meal to impress her parents. It’s funny how she immediately gave me three choices and I picked my favorite. I went online to find something about friends that become more. A lot of what I found was about romance. And being careful to not overwhelm your friend with too much emotion. With all of that in mind, we welcomed the Tremayne’s promptly at five pm. The potential Hatfield’s and McCoy’s had finally met. Or was it the...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 4

Let me explain... Until the Marriot Mansion was built, the tallest hotel in Indiana was in Indianapolis, the Salesforce Tower (formerly known as Bank One Tower) reaching 811 feet high and 49 floors tall. In belief of the concept, ‘If you have the money, spend it,’ Trillionaire Michael Thomas co-designed the Mansion and the Mansion Marriott, alongside the late General Contractor Mr. Kenneth Bell. In a letter he had put in every major newspaper in the 50 United States, Mr. Thomas proclaimed...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 7

Pulling up to the drop off point, we each got a bag of the outfits my fiancée will be wearing over the remaining days of our ‘vacation!’ On the way to the concierge, I reached into my pocket and gave back the keys and three twenties. “Mr. Lockhart, the use of the vehicle is free of charge for people staying at the Hotel!” He said. “Keep it, we had a blast and you provided the means. We may want to do that again over the next few days.” Putting the money in his coat pocket, he said, “Very...

3 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 10

We got home, undressed and she was the aggressor, big time! Five minutes into it, she asked, “What happens if you die before any more of your uncles die?” I repeated that back to her, wanting her to hear it clearly, then I answered her. “It depends,” I said as she was enjoying things. “If we are married, you get what I already have, if we aren’t married, you get nothing.” “So, two of your uncles died of severe and sudden heart attacks, and now you are thinking that you could die of the same...

1 year ago
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Melody Lost From HomeChapter 4

(ROPEVILLE SCHOOL 1) As we left the bustling City Hall I spoke to Lucy, "So this Principle Salinas, is he a good man?" she gave a laugh. "No SHE is a good principle; she's in charge of the girl's school." She told me. Seeing my look she added, "We're not co-educational here the boys and girls are taught separately, that way there's nothing to distract them. We pride ourselves that our children have higher SAT scores than anywhere else" I stopped and stared at Lucy. "What! I'm...

1 year ago
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Der ungleiche Kampf war zu Ende. Ich spürte, wie mich die Schwäche zu übermannen drohte, während ich blutüberströmt auf die Knie sank. In der Ferne hörte ich das jaulende Geheul der Polizeisirenen, die sich rasch näherten. Um mich herum lagen zwei reglosen Körper, daneben wälzten sich noch zwei weitere vor Schmerzen stöhnend auf dem Boden. Dutzende Festgäste strömten in dem Moment aus der Halle, als die Polizei gleich mit mehreren Streifenwagen auf dem Parkplatz eintraf. Ich sah die vor Angst...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 11

I woke up, but in two keystrokes I showed her the list: MEN IN BLACK (1997) PHOBOS: THE LANDING (2023) INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEEY (1968) METROPOLIS (1927) BACK TO THE FUTURE (1985) THE CITY UNDER THE OCEAN (2022) TIDAL WAVE: IBERIAN COAST (2020) FORBIDDEN PLANET (1956) AVATAR 3 (2023) THE MARTIAN (2015) LANDING ON MARS (2021) OUTERSPACE: THE MUSICAL (2021) BACK IN TIME: 1820 (2022) TIDAL WAVE: THE WEST COAST (2022) AD ASTRA: (2019) We took my car, found...

1 year ago
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Melodys Voice

The pale beauty of the moon spilled across the kitchen floor, casting long shadowy fingers over Melody’s face. She sat, unmoving in a cushioned chair, her leg pulled against her chest, her pale arms crossed atop her knee. She hid her face in the crease of her elbow, the trail of silvery tears ending just above her perfect lips. Blinking her thick, black lashes against the accumulating tears, she stifled a tiny groan. Her leg extended towards the floor, each tiny, pink toe pointed into a...

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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Melodys New Life Chapter Two

Chapter Two by BrettJ © 2010 All throughout dinner, Eric Prince kept looking at his gorgeous daughter and his sex-kitten wife, wondering what was going on in their hands. Well … Melody’s head, because Ariel’s hand kept reaching under the table and fishing for his cock and stroking it. Some men might find it annoying or teasing, but Ariel never teased – if she played with your cock or did a sexy little song and dance, you knew Ariel was in the mood to fuck and you’d better be...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

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Catholic Schoolteacher

Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

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Deeply Relished The Paradisaical Sex Trap Set Up By My Two Gorgeous Schoolmates

Hi friends. I am Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my back to back absorbing sex encounters with 2 of my schoolmate beauties Poornima and Prathiba whom I met after 6 long years. I had no contact with them from the time we completed +2. Prathiba is a Malayalam babe, fair complexion, slim with some fat and flesh in her arms and thighs. She is a real beauty. Poornima is a brahmin, wheatish complexion, slim and a bit skinny. She looks too hot. In fact I used to see both of them...

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Home Schooled

It was when I was in junior high that I realized that being home schooled, I definitely grew up different than other girls who went to public schools. I wanted to experience my 11th and 12th grade years with kids my age to you know go to Proms, and School football games. I know my grades were good enough to even apply to a good collage with out even going to a formal Graduation. The thing is, I would be going with out you know interacting with kids my age. I had a great friend who did go to...

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Virginity Lost2

I'd always had a good relationship with my sister. We weren't your stereotypical siblings, we never argued and we were comfortable with each other naked, we had to be, we shared a room. But I never viewed her in a sexual way. I guess I started looking at her in a sexual manner once I started secondary school. I was one of the few people in my year that had not been exposed to sex so when my friends used to talk about wanking I was clueless and would just nod along. But it did however, get...

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The gem he lost1

Matthew didn't know yet what a gem he had in the new girl at school who also happened to be his cousins new neighbor. Matthew was a good looking boy of 15, his birthday was a few months away. He had bright brilliant blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hanged to his chin and was shaved underneath. 5'10", 150 pounds give or take, slim build, but muscles that were defined. Matt had his fair share of girls, even at 15 he knew what he wanted from them, and knew how to give them...

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Virginity Lost1

No doubt Hanna and Katie were to return in a week with incredible stories of wild flirting and necking with exotic, wild and handsome foreigners. In the worst-case scenario, the boys would embody all of the above. Hanna had had sex before with her boyfriend Keith, which seemed to have opened the door to a flood of sexual exploration to which every teenager is prone by nature. However, I always had a feeling that most of what she told us was going on between her and the boys in school were...

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Das geile Treiben im Kloster Althaus

Schwester Marianne zog die Ordenstracht aus, faltete sie sorgfältig zusammen und betrachtete sich lang und ausführlich im Spiegel. Trotz seiner bald fünfzig Jahre hatte sich ihr von Gott geschenkter Körper gut gehalten: Ihre Haut war nur um die Augen herum ein bisschen faltig geworden, ansonsten sah sie gute 15 Jahre jünger aus, als sie war. Ihre Brüste waren nach wie vor voll und fest und hingen nicht wie zwei nichtsnutzige, ausgetrocknete Hautlappen, wie bei der Großzahl der älteren Nonnen....

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Journey Towards Mumbai Giglostory 8211 Part 1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, mera nam rajiv he. Age 23 height 6ft dick 6.3” .   Email id: any sex starving females contact me and I’ll show you what is heaven. Without wasting time let’s start the story.   Ye story 3 weeks pehle ki he. Aur is 3 weeks ke period ne muze mumbai ka giglo bna diya. Muze mumbai aa kar 2 months ho gaye the me mere mausi ke ghr rehta hu. Waise to meri sexlife acchese chal rahi thi meri girlfriend bomb he aur usko mene tarah tarah se chodke khush rkha he....

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UnLost in Space

[Excessive praise and kind criticism, as always, is very welcome.] Eric felt an inspiration to delve into the fate of the Robinsons after the end of my story and invited me to add my input into it. Thus, we present... UnLost in Space Written By Eric, and rewritten by Caleb Jones StarDate: 7/7/00 Three months after 'Misplaced in Space', a story by Caleb Jones. The rest of the crew of the space ship Jupiter 2 began to notice with some surprise John Robinson seemed less...

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LostGirlChapter 2

The gist of LostGirl's story began with her father, Sergei, an ethnic Russian engineer transferred to Estonia during the Soviet era. Sergei, like most Russians who transferred or otherwise immigrated to Estonia was not welcomed by the Estonians, who resisted what they considered the 'Russification' of their society. Sergei understood this and worked hard to fit in, finally wedding a beautiful young Estonian woman named Kaisa. Rather than help Sergei, this marriage alienated Kaisa from most...

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LostGirlChapter 3

The flight to Estonia was long and mercifully uneventful. Normally Bill slept like a baby on even short flights but this time he was too keyed up thinking about what awaited him in Estonia. He was almost exhausted by the time of the final leg of the flight, the one from Amsterdam to Tallinn. He had to make a connection at Amsterdam and was not amused that his arriving flight deplaned at the very last station on one long concourse and that his departing flight was departing from another end...

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