BethChapter 14 free porn video

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June 24, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke early, showered, and went downstairs. I cleaned up around the house, picking up detritus from last night. I held off on washing the remaining dishes until Dad and Mom were obviously awake, so started making breakfast for us all, a mishmash of eggs, hashed potatoes, and chorizo all fried in a big skillet. I couldn’t help making some noise, but my parents don’t often sleep late, so figured that they’d be up shortly. I had the coffee ready and was setting the table when Dad came out.

“G’morning, Cupcake. Thanks for cleaning up.”

“Hi, Dad. No problem. I was up, so...” and shrugged my shoulders.

“Thanks, anyway. And breakfast smells great. I was pondering lazing around in bed for a while longer when the first wafts arrived at my nose and convinced me to get up.” He paused, then added, “You know, you look sorta cute in that apron with your butt hanging out.”

“Da-add. Are you saying that my butt is big?”

“Not at all, Dear; it’s ... very nice. I guess that I’m still just getting used to seeing you like this. It’s been years since I’ve seen you naked. I have to say, you are very lovely. Your mother and I have ordered larger sticks, as I think that they’ll be necessary to beat the horde of boys away.”

I bent my head down, as my face turned red. I was embarrassed, but I was also liking his looking at my butt – and that he liked the look of it. Visions of last night flashed through my mind and I kept my head down for a while longer.

“Yes,” added Mom as she entered the kitchen, “very big, very hard sticks.”


I started dishing out breakfast while Dad poured their two coffees. “That was a very enjoyable evening last night,” Dad said. “The dinner was excellent, and I raise my cup to the two chefs.”

With my apron still on, I curtsied, though it probably looked pretty silly. I doffed the apron, hung it up, and seated myself.

Mom said, “As I’m not wearing a stitch of clothing, I’ll forego curtseying, but thank you, Dear.”

Dad riposted, “I think that I could get used to this: being cooked for and waited on by beautiful, naked women.”

Mom threw her napkin at him, but he bravely sallied on.

“I don’t want to be a slave-driver and wear you two out, so I think that you should look for suitable additions to the staff.”

“Be careful, Dear. My coffee is about to follow my napkin, and I cannot imagine that it would do the jewels any good. You may be able to avoid that ill effect by getting me a clean napkin.”

Dad chuckled and got her one from the drawer.

I turned to Mom, “Would you be able to drive me to the mall? I should get a new pair of cleats.”

“Yes, but what’s wrong with the ones you have?”

“Nothing other than that they’re getting old. Besides, it’s best to have an alternate pair – a pair already broken in – before one actually needs the new pair. I’ve seen a cleat break, and it’s not good to play with a missing cleat.”

“Okay. Do you want to take the gang and make an outing of it?”

“Rhee and her mom are already gone. If you’d be willing to go get them, I can see if either or both of Gracey and Liya are interested.”

“I have little on my docket today, and your dad is going to the gym this morning, so...”

“Thanks. I’ll text them after breakfast.”

It turned out that both already had family plans, so I got my new cleats and spent much of the rest of the day pondering two offensive sweepers and watching a lot of soccer videos to see if I could get further inspiration.

Oh, I forgot. I ran into Charlize Sanderson coming into the sporting-goods store where I got the cleats as we were paying. Oddly enough, she was getting new cleats, too.

[Ms. Diary, I hadn’t mentioned this earlier, but Charlize and I were team members, along with Rhee, back in our early soccer days, but her family moved away after the second year that I played organized ball.]

“What are you doing here, Charlize? That is, why are you here getting cleats rather than back home?”

“I just couldn’t find anything I liked there, but the town’s too small to have a store with a large-enough selection, so here we are.”

“Too bad you’re not still living here. We would kick royal ass if you were still here, playing on our team. It could be a fun mental task to figure out how to structure an offense with you two pure center forwards on the same line.”

“Yeah, that would be interesting. Who’d have thought back on that team that all three of us would still be playing now and that we’d all be important to our respective teams. I mean, you and I are both team captains, Rhee and I are the two leading scorers in the league, and you’re tied for the league lead in assists.”

I was taken aback briefly, as I wasn’t aware of anyone other than me that was tracking assists. Certainly, anyone that wasn’t among the leaders in that category. But Charlize is soccer crazy, so I guess that it’s not that surprising. We said our good-byes, and Mom and I went to Granny Brown’s for lunch.

June 25, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Practice went very well, today. I got to the pitch early and told Coach the wrinkles that I’d come up with concerning our two-sweepers offense. It dawned on me yesterday that, against a team with a relatively poor offense, we could occasionally run both sweepers on the same side of the field, the idea being swamping the defense on that side. Of course, and as practice proved, that meant that Padme and I would have to run even more than usual. We agreed that it might not work in reality, but Coach said that we could always switch back to our normal offense, dropping Padme into a pure center midfielder position. However, even against our starting defense, which knew of the plan, we did reasonably well, so I think that it might work quite well against Central.

June 26, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Sunday night and Monday were quiet for me, and Mom sent no texts. I will be staying at Rhee’s tonight and will let you know if anything interesting happens there.

[Added June 27]

Rhee and I stayed up somewhat late and wound up not doing anything particularly sexual. But it was nice to sleep with her again.

June 27, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Today’s game was great! Our over-loaded offense did the trick against Central, and we won 5-0. I almost feel sorry for their defense, because it’s a good one, as the score could easily have been doubled, but for the superb play of the fullbacks and goalie. If they had even one real scoring threat, they’d be better off.

They did change things up in the second half, but we were already up by four at that point. Rhee got two goals and our wingers got a goal each. I got four assists, which should put me back in sole possession of first in the league. We put the backup offense in for the last 15 minutes, and Padme scored then, her first of the season (she has mostly been a backup and is our youngest player); she and I played the whole game. In addition to the over-loaded offense, the not-quite-excessive passing practice that we’ve done the past couple of weeks also played a part in the win.

June 28, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Tomorrow’s game is against the league’s current cellar dweller, so we’ll run our standard offense. Padme played very well yesterday, and Coach thought she deserved a chance to start tomorrow and run the offense. So, Padme ran the offense today in practice. I’ll start tomorrow at center half, just to keep an eye on things. However, I’ll sub out for Rathi, our usual starting center midfielder, in the first half sometime. Because of all that, Coach put me in charge of practicing the backup offense against the backup defense.

Rhee will stay here tomorrow night, as her mom has to go out of town for work. She’ll come straight here from our game, which is at our pitch. This will be the first time that she overnights since we established the house clothing-optional policy. I’m looking forward to what happens. Even though her mom will be back, she’ll stay Saturday night, too, as that is our gang’s sleepover! Yay!

Mom reported in: “27th, N.”

June 29, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written on July 2, 2017]

Because of the hectic end of the week, with lots of company, I am writing three days’ worth of entries at once, this being the first. Obviously, some of the details are probably already becoming vague memories, but the highlights, as reported here, should be accurate.

This day’s game was another good one. It wasn’t even a minute into the game and the ball came to me a bit inside the center of the pitch on our side. I was just about to pass it forward to Padme when I saw Rhee start streaking, so booted it deep. Rhee ran under it and one-touched it past the goalie!

Only three minutes later, we had a big offensive press on. Their goalie had already made two good saves, but we were managing to keep the ball in or near their penalty box when Mia took a shot from the left that was blocked on defense, the ball caroming out to me just outside the middle of the penalty box. Though I could have shot, I saw Padme near the right side of the goal – their defense was packed in, so I chipped it softly toward her and she headed it into the close corner.

Five minutes later, Coach subbed me out a bit earlier than we had planned. Padme was doing a good job with the offense and we already had a two-goal lead on a relatively poor team. I had expected to get no assists in the game, so I was ecstatic on playing just less than ten minutes and getting two.

Then, Coach pulled a fast one on me. As I came off the field, she waved me to her and told me that I was to coach the rest of the game. That she’d be there, but substitution decisions and, particularly with the less-experienced Padme running the offense, offense choices were to be mine until the final whistle.

I almost – it was a very close thing – told Coach that she was crazy, but I held the words in and just nodded my head. Coach walked around on the sideline watching the game, but she didn’t say a word to anyone. Once we got our sixth goal (for a score of 6-0), 12 minutes into the second half, I started putting backups in. In fact, by the end of the game, the only starter remaining was Padme. I felt that she should get as much time running the offense as we could get her, since she was showing that she could handle it and was doing a bang-up job at it.

Unfortunately, the first sub that I sent in was to replace Lissa, who twisted her ankle. She’ll probably be out for a couple of games, but I sure hope she’s back to snuff before we take on GV in a few weeks. On the way to the locker room at game’s end, Coach pulled me aside.

“I’ve annotated the game ball, but you get to decide the recipient and award it. You did a great job today, and that was a great decision to leave Padme in. She reminds me a lot of someone else I knew at that age: a good, calm head on her shoulders; no real weakness in her game; just in need of more confidence and experience. I can’t remember her name, but I do recall that she looked a lot like you.”

I colored, quite brightly, but kept my eyes up and said, “Thanks, Coach.”

I took the ball that she handed me, and headed on into the locker room, slipping in mostly un-noticed. I let the excitement about the win die down a bit and then yelled, “Gather ‘round!”

Teammates turned toward me with a bit of surprise but heeded my call and were relatively quiet.

“All right. By my estimation, everyone got at least one touch today, correct?”

The response was positive and loud.

“Also, by my estimation, that hog of a center forward of ours got another hat trick, right?”

The response was comprised of shouts of “HOG” and snorting noises, all loud.

“Also, by my estimation, Ann’s shot from outside the penalty box might have achieved escape velocity had she kicked it straight up, yes?”

The response included lots of sizzling noises.

“Yeah, had I been their goalie, I’d have wanted no part of that thing!” There was much laughter. “I’d have dived the other way, in fact. Ann, that was a superb shot. Next time, please take an inch off the height. We might need that goal someday.” There was laughter. “Seriously, that shot rang the goal, it’s just too bad that it hit the crossbar so squarely. I’ve never personally seen such a doozy of a shot.”

“Also, by my estimation, our youngest whippersnapper ran the offense all game, a game that, I might note, we won 10-1. And, by my estimation, she managed two goals and five assists... and she was involved in all but one of those ten goals. Therefore, by the power vested in me by the fact that I’m the tallest one here – except for that cheater, hog Whatshername at center forward who puts lifts in her shoes...” there was much guffawing, so I waited for a bit more quiet before continuing, “the game ball goes to Padme Farhad!”

If Padme weren’t so dark-skinned, I’m sure that she’d have been blazing red. Various team members hugged her; there was lots of back-patting and loud exclamations.

Then Coach piped up, “Listen up!”

A few more hands were laid on Padme, but all eyes were on Coach, who had made her way next to me during the celebration with Padme.

“I have two ... no, thr ... no, four items. First, I want to extend my own ‘attagirl’ to Padme for a game very well played. Of course, you know what that means. If we don’t see that level of play continue from you, you’ll be joining Whatshername and Gracey on the bench.”


“Settle,” yelled Coach. “On the subject of right wing. Barring something of a minor medical miracle, Lissa will be out for Tuesday’s game and, probably, Thursday’s game. So, someone will get a lot more practice tomorrow in the starting right forward slot, a decision that will be made by the start of practice, tomorrow. The third item is that we play at Watermelon Mountain on Tuesday. Unless you have another way there, please make sure that you are here by 7 am and let me know, ASAP, if I’m to expect you here.

She looked around, as did I, but no one looked nervous. Coach continued.

“We’ve got an early start time and a long way to go. Please, please, please, make sure that you have a ride before then.” She scanned eyes once more, then carried on. “The final item. I assume that you all know who coached most of this game. Yes?”

There were various answers, but the loudest was Rhee’s “Wasn’t it that short person that babbled on for way too long before you got here?”

Rhee’s quip was met by laughter; much laughter.

Coach’s stentorian, “Settle,” rang out, again. “Yes, after Beth subbed out, she ran the show. Note that she got everyone in the game, and soon enough for everyone to get touches. Note also that Beth kept Padme running the offense the entire game, getting her much experience and” she looked at Padme, “confidence.” When she got Padme’s nod, she went on. “Finally, note that Beth also came up with the idea that was so successful against Central.”

Where was Coach going with this? Wherever she was going, I hope she gets there soon, else I’ll fry to a crisp with embarrassment.

“So,” Coach added, “I have decided to officially name her as ‘Assistant Coach.’”

I was dumbfounded. Apparently, I was the only one, as there were whistles, screams, and other expressions of mirth. Coach let the jocularity go on for a while, then called for attention, again.

“One of the reasons for this decision is that I may soon have some family things that will take up some of my time and having Beth to run things if I suddenly need to miss a practice will help tremendously. I know that most of you are friends with her and that some of you are very good friends. Please don’t let the fact that she’ll be the boss at times negatively impact those friendships. I know that Beth won’t let her friendships dictate her moves. Note that, other than Lissa, Rhee was the first one for whom she substituted.” She waited a beat or two, then, “Of course, I think that she’s jealous of all those goals she gets. What do you think, Rhee?”

Put on the spot, Rhee gulped, but stood tall and replied.

“Yeah, I would have liked more goals, but everyone needs game time. And Heather hasn’t gotten much. The whole team is better, the more experienced everyone is. By the way, good goal, Heather!”

“I agree,” said Coach. “That was a well-placed shot.”

I quickly turned to Heather, who was the only team member fairer than I am, having nearly white hair just to her shoulders and a mass of freckles. She was scarlet. But she womaned up and looked folks in the eyes. I think that I need to figure out how to get her more game time, because that was a great shot. Despite what many might think from her appearance – she is somewhat short and skinny but has long legs, she can run! In fact, we could plan on her being a streaker ... Oops, got side-tracked there. Back to the regularly scheduled program.

“Okay,” Coach said, interrupting banter. “Practice here at 9:30 tomorrow. I will have to leave early, but not by much; Beth will run things from that point. Good game, all. See you, tomorrow.”

Since Rhee and I were going to my house and since it was so close, we skipped showering at the field.

When we got all our stuff up to my room, I said, “Shower time!”

Rhee responded with, “Ooh. I don’t know. Am I allowed to shower with the Assistant Coach?”

I whapped her upside the head. We trooped across the hall to the upstairs bathroom – which has a lovely, huge shower with two shower heads – and stripped off, tossing uniforms and undies into the hamper. When I was washing my hair and had my eyes closed, Rhee grabbed both my breasts from behind and started caressing them. I startled, giving out a squeak, then shouted.

“Hey, I’m busy here.”

“I couldn’t resist. I’ve never fondled an Assistant Coach before. In fact, I can think of a lot of things that I’d like to do to an Assistant Coach.”

“You sex maniac, leave your exalted Assistant Coach alone!”

“Exalted, is it?”

Rhee turned me around, to which I squawked, then leaned into me until my back was against the side wall and kissed me, her tongue invading my mouth as soon as I separated my lips. Yes, I still had shampoo in my hair and my eyes closed to keep shampoo out, but I enjoyed it so much that I nearly forgot about those minor details.

I managed to disengage my mouth enough to blurt, “Lemme get my hair rinsed, you brute.”

Same as Beth
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Never Too LateChapter 15

As I'd promised, I took Vanessa to bed on Friday night and Jenny happily withdrew to the guest room. The lovemaking was slow and sensual, sealing the solid bond that now held us together. "I can't tell you how much weight was lifted off my mind when you threw Donald out of the house. Would you really have gone to the press and informed his publisher?" she asked. "Probably not, but he didn't know that. I couldn't put that poor woman in America through what you've been through,...

3 years ago
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Sexy teacher and her student

From the moment I entered high school I saw her. Mrs. Jaymes. She was a vision. Unfortunately I would have to wait until junior and senior year to possibly have her as my English teacher. All of the guys at school would talk about how good she looked, and of course she knew it. Not that she flirted with any of us or teased us in anyway. She was actually very strict in her class when she wanted to be, but also knew how to make you laugh. I would go home almost every day after school and think...

2 years ago
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Black Cock Party Gay

I am going to skip ahead during the same time frame that I stayed with Bob and share with you the wild evening I had at a party that Bob and I attended. Bob had been an athlete and even though he was now in his late twenties, somehow he had friends that were current athletes. He was pretty popular and was invited to a lot of parties. This particular party was huge and there were tons of people. The house was full of guys of all races and many hot girls as well. The music was pumping while...

4 years ago
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Widow Bidhwa Aunty Ko Choda

Hello dosto mera naam aditya hai main meerut ka rahne wala hoon meri height 6 feet hai.Main dekhne main ek acchi persnality hoon.Mere lund ka size 5.8 inch hai jyada bda aur lamba nahi hai par ha kisi ko khus karne k liye bahut hai.Main sex ka bahut deewana hoon.Auntya aur bhabhiya chodna to meri aadat si ho gyi hai unhi main se ek aunty ki khaani btane ja rha hoon jiski adao se mujhe auntya chodne ka shok lga tha to jo log pani chorne k liye story padh rhe hai wo pls apna lund hath main le le...

2 years ago
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Rachels Research 3 Emily James

James and Emily live in a big, bright, newly-built house on an estate on the edge of London. They are happy, attractive, hard-working and sociable couple. When I first met them, it was obvious that James was somewhat older than Emily but the age gap didn’t seem large and they were clearly very much in love.Emily was seven months pregnant, expecting their first child. Her swollen her belly was very noticeable and she was making no attempt to hide it. Although the child will be their first as a...

3 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 6

Sunday breakfast was rowdy. So rowdy we were asked to tame it down, or they would have to bust up our long table. We were now large enough that we filled up about eight tables. Funny how Misty and Cherry both beat Sarah to the table. Sarah sat next to Misty, and we all chatted. Sarah asked me whether I would go to church with her. I said that would be great and asked everyone else if they wanted to come to the early service. Mandy was there, so she and Adrian went with Sarah, Misty, Cherry,...

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Second ChanceChapter 20

Having pitched the night before I knew I was free to rest and recuperate, so I buckled down to business. The Branson Eagles needed two broadcasters with TV experience. Baseball was forever changing broadcasters, so experience would be easy to come by. Talent was going to be the hard thing to find. I called the Meghan, the secretary in the Royals media department and asked her to help me find the names of experienced broadcasters who were out of work, between contracts, and/or needing a...

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Laura Dowd entered her apartment and grinned from ear to ear as she was greeted by moans and slick, slapping sounds of flesh on flesh coming from her bedroom. Her fiancé, Jim, was undoubtedly in her bed watching porn, again. Jim had booked the day off to cook Laura an early dinner so that they could work on the final details for their wedding. Laura left work shortly after one o’clock that afternoon, with the intention of surprising Jim.Laura became instantly aroused at the thought of feeling...

Straight Sex
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How Sweet It IsChapter 7

Rob came into the bedroom five minutes later carrying a large, dusty, cardboard box. He looks a little embarrassed. I understood perfectly when he explained, “Here’s my stash. I just couldn’t bring myself to throw them away. I have kept them hidden because I was sure you’d be upset if you saw them. Well, that and I didn’t want you to know what a pervert I am.” I looked inside at all of the back issues of the letters magazine and smiled up at Rob and said, “You are, indeed, a fucking pervert!...

3 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 29

Sally and Nan were bustling about the Captain's Cabin, tidying up. McCock had finished his ablutions and was adjusting his waist band attachments; the insistent beeping of his PDA sounded. McCock extracted the instrument as he moved into his office examining its face and it told him this was a com on the FTL link to Mountserrat and very few people had his private com link. "Good morning, McCock." "Aggy, good morning to you, Uncle Gus. Trudie included your com in a list of contact...

3 years ago
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Bachpan Ka Khel

Hi. Mai pahli bar koi story kisi site pe likh rahi hu. Meri umar abhi 23 sal hai. Ye ghatna aaj se 5 sal pahle hui thi jab mai mama ke gaon gayi thi. Garmiyo ki chutti thi. Main apni ma ke sath apne mama ke yaha aai thi. Waha light nahi thi. Raat ko hum chatt par sotey thay. Din me mai frock pahanti thi aur sotey samay samij aur skirt pahanti thi. Ek raat main mummy se gussa ho gayi aur mene unke pas soney se mana kar diya. Mamaji ne haste hue kaha- bitiya naraz ho gayi. Aa aaj mere paas so ja....

3 years ago
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My blond Mom Part 2

My name is Doug. I’m 18 years old and am 6’0, about 150lbs, well built from running track in high school, a fairly good looking guy. My mom divorced when I was very young and raised me all by herself. Even though she had to raise me on her own she still managed to take great care of her body. She’s 38 years old, about 5’10, long blonde hair, legs that go on forever, a thin figure, always perfectly tanned, and huge 38DD breasts (I just had to sneak a peak at her bra). Since I graduated high...

2 years ago
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Animal PartnersChapter 9

Swede looked out over the quiet peaceful scene of the farm. It was nine o'clock. He and Mary were getting ready to go to bed. He felt good inside. The dinner had been good and for the first time in a long time, he'd felt at ease with Mary. They had talked. He had enjoyed it. Mary was in the bathroom and he was actually looking forward to her joining him again in the bedroom. He thought that lately she was looking younger or something. He didn't know what it was, but he liked the...

1 year ago
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Sweet Surender

Sleep came naturally to her that night. She'd curled up in bed reading a book and wearing her favourite Disney night shirt with a matching pair of white bra and panties. Yet as she turned the pages, her yawning was becoming more and more persistent. She kept looking at the glass of water next to her and wondered if it had been laced. Shaking that thought from her head she tried to concentrate on the page, but the words started to look jumbled up and blurry. Feeling disappointed she put the...

2 years ago
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Dear Summer Sapphira Bundie Neeley 1

I "Hey Auntie Summer how have you and my uncle Robert been doing?" You "Well, we've been doing alright I guess, why do you ask?" I "Oh Just wondering." I was just spending the summer with you guy's, because I was doing really bad. Sleeping outside and inbetween things just on the upstart of starting my Independent Recordings company, BFO Recordings llc., So I let Paps come thru to hang out with me, Paps "Whats up cousin?" I "Just chillin' at my Auntie and uncles house." Paps "Where they stay...

3 years ago
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Meeting the ldquogirlrdquo of my dreams

I saw her almost immediately. My eyes drawn to her. Somehow I knew, somehow I sensed how special she was. I had always been attracted to shemales. To me Tgirls were the perfect objects of sexual desire. The sex drive of a man and the beauty and sensuality of a woman, just perfect. For those reasons, my heart would race, pulse quicken and lust heighten when I’d see one or be around one of these very special ladies. It was at my gym. I had not seen her before and my eyes were fixated on her, even...

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Didnt meet my friends

Hello I’m Keri I would like to tell you a little bit about myself before I tell you what happen. At the time I was junior in high school. I’m 5′ 6′, 110 pounds 34B-24-34 dirty blond hair pass my shoulders. It was a Friday afternoon and me and a few friends were making plains for Saturday we all said that we should go to a lake close by to hang out we agreed to meet up there around 1 pm. So Saturday morning came and I got up and started to get ready I picked out a white and light blue bikini and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Abella Danger Flexible Abella8217s Gymnastic Butt Fuck

In colorful, sheer leggings, leg warmers and a workout bra, all-natural Latina vixen Abella Danger circles a stripper pole, wiggling her thick, juicy ass and seductively fingering her butthole. Markus Dupree rips open her skintight nylons to bury his tongue, and then his big cock, in Abella’s shapely booty. The amazingly flexible young sexual athlete takes a fierce anal pounding, doing the splits as Markus fucks her pussy and ass! Abella takes a messy, open-mouthed cum facial… and...

2 years ago
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The Internet Acquaintance

After being gone for more than six months, I was looking forward to being able to relax and lounge around the house, naked as always. The wife and k**s had all left and I was finally alone. I quickly stripped off my pajamas and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being naked. I walked into the computer room and sat down, anxiously looking forward to playing online and stroking with privacy once again.I logged onto the computer and quickly went to my favorite websites, including this one. I was...

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The Wishes Tempus FugitLocus of Control

The alarm went off, buzzing that irritating noise which dared disturb his peaceful slumber. He sighed, cranked his eyes open, and stared at those offending digits informing him of the time. ‘Fuck.’ He had started to discover the downside of the wishes that he had made. First, his brain seemed to be more active than before. He was constantly on, constantly thinking, or overthinking things all the time. He needed to find a way to quiet his brain at times or he would go mad from the...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 15 Married

The Friday afternoon, I was packing up a few things to take back home for the mid-year break when Murray Allen knocked at my door. “Great, you’re still here,” he said. “I was hoping to catch you before you left. I guess there’s still stuff to sort out for the wedding and honeymoon. I wanted to tell you, it’s not official yet, but we recommended that your thesis be accepted, and you will be getting your PhD. Now, it still has to go before the Professorial Board, and they will recommend that...

1 year ago
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The Best Kiss

Ok so I've thought about this story many times on many nights over many years but I'll tell a version incorporating more of what I know about you now. There is no one way to tell it but I'll let my mind run with what it feels the best version of this story is... Ok, it is a very cold Christmas Eve. Both of us are two years out of college and now work full time. We were running around all day today looking for those last minute Christmas gifts for people we know. We had to babysit your sister's...

3 years ago
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4th Grade

Here is the first part of a story for your enjoyment. The story may continue, or it may not. In any case, it contains material situations, and descriptions of an adult nature and those under 18 should not read it. In addition, some adults may be offended by scenes involving forced cross-dressing and abuse of authority and power by parents, educators, and siblings. Those potentially offended are invited to move on to a different story. They are not the intended...

1 year ago
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BFFS Dixie Lynn Athena May Lola Leda Home Run Hotties

Baseball babes Dixie Lynn, Lola Leda, and Athena May have been preparing for the big game for a long time. They want to be in tip top shape to win big in the championship, and today they are seeking some help from their favorite coach. He shows them how to properly field a ball, getting them to bend down and perk their bubbly asses out one by one. Then, they take a nutritional break, letting him slide his girthy meat stick inside their tight cunts. They gasp as he pounds them side by side,...

3 years ago
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The Genie Part 1

David was annoyed. He was annoyed for a number of reasons, the most of which being that he had to spend the day with Donna the old lady from down the street. Why did he have to spend his day with this woman? The answer was another one of his annoyances he had been suspended from school, again. It was October and David being 14 had just started high school. David had been tall for his age most of the time growing up and also a little chubby. He wasn’t round and tall like some of those...

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Fun at Work part 5

(Parts 1 to 4 are available for viewing, too!)I paid the pizza delivery guy, closed the door and locked it. There's a man waiting for me in the living room. Peter, my colleague-turned-friend, the guy I had just started kissing a few minutes ago before the pizza arrived. I had just moved into my new apartment and he volunteered to help me get settled.I placed the box on the coffee table and turned to him. He was seated on the sofa, gazing at me. I was standing in front of him, smiling and...

1 year ago
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Body and SoulChapter 11

Dan snuggled up under the bed covers and watched the sunrise through the window. He had the feeling that some critical point had been passed. Up till now he could kid himself into believing that he was unchanged inside this body of a ravishing woman. Now he had positive proof that this was no longer true. He could hear someone in the bathroom next door washing. It was the sound of his lover from last night. He had been in a similar situation less than a week before. Then his lover had been a...

1 year ago
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Sophies Revenge Part 2

My name is Sophie, and this is the story of how I first gave in to my feelings for my boyfriend's friend. Now, I don't want you think that I found any of this easy. It really first started when I saw that my boyfriend, Jon, had been flirting with girls on Facebook.I had just gotten home from work and I'd gone to our desk top computer to check my emails, when I noticed Jon's Facebook page open. I was about to close it when I saw some messages he had been sending to a couple of girls he had been...

4 years ago
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How I Became Mrs Shaheel

Hi friends, Happy to meet you all through Indian sex stories. I had been an reader of ISS for long and thought I could submit my story here. This is an incident that made me reassess my orientation and discover my own self.. To begin with I was a normal guy who was more into academics and neglected by fitness. Being a foody I was became fatty due to the lack of exercise. I was usual in my college times, being a horny guy with no idea of turning into a gay until this happened. I did my...

Gay Male
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Second Job

It was about 30 minutes to close when I was told that Ms. Ochoa wanted to see me after closing. Although I wore a pager per her orders, I never turned it on. Fuck her. First off, if the money from this job wasn’t going to help my son in college, I wouldn’t be here. Secondly, I’m a supervisor at my real job so I don’t take orders well. Thirdly, ever since the little prissy Mexican, Ms. Ochoa, became supervisor she had these little nit picky orders that were just bullshit. Finally, the truth be...

1 year ago
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The Cheating Husband

You are David Grayson, a married man for 21 years. And in those years, you discover that you are not into women but into men. And after you discover your sexuality, you caught yourself in an affair with a man who shares the same lust and desire you have. It's wrong, you say to yourself. But everytime you are near him, you lost all your sanity and want to be him. The question is, how long will the affair last? (Note: Your sexual position depends on the love interest that you choose.)

2 years ago
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Lesbian sex between teen sisters

Anna knelt in her ‘secret place’. It was dark. The only light came in through a crack in the wall. When her family had moved into this house a year ago she had found this small cubby-hole behind a secret panel in her closet. She had covered the entrance with some clothes and hadn’t told anyone about it. Whenever she wanted to be alone, she could come here and nobody could find her. Tonight she knelt, naked, in her secret place, so she could ‘pet’ herself. She...

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Changing Professions Part Three

Part Three: An Offer Hard to Refuse In the first two chapters, we learned that Eve lost her teaching job and found a new career in the adult film industry. She starred in her first full length porn flick called "Daddy Knows Best" and is back home from the Caribbean . Let's check in with her now to see how she is doing after the video's release. The most demanding and time consuming job in movie production is the editing. I could never be an editor because the person needs to be patient,...

Straight Sex
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This was so embarrassing… He would be here in nearly an hour. I am 18 after all, why on earth did my parents have to call a babysitter on me for the night. I am no baby! Just because last summer when they were away I had a party and had the cops called on me, was no reason to put me through having a babysitter for just one night. They were going to be gone only ONE NIGHT! This was ridiculous. I was in my room, pouting of course. What could I do to make my parents feel stupid for this? There had...

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Unexpectedly Filled

I didn’t cope very well when I started university. During freshers’ week, when everyone was making friends, I stayed in my dorm room. Compared to the posh voices of the rich kids, my Brummie accent sounded low-class to me. Naturally slim, I lost weight that first month so that my legs were like sticks and my breasts the size of dumplings.One night, Kate, the girl whose dorm was next to mine, obviously felt sorry for me and invited me to a house party. I plucked up the courage and decided to go....


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