AimlessChapter 3: Whore free porn video

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From the OmniSentia site:

In the late twentieth century and into the early twenty first, drug companies wielded lots of power. They took money from the government to pay for research that would eventually turn into products that made the companies billions of dollars. They formed sweetheart deals with each other, making it so that the most popular medications didn’t have any real competition. In the USA, the lack of competition allowed the companies to drive up prices to ridiculous heights.

Citizens were incensed that drugs that were developed in the USA could be found cheaper in other countries like Canada. As the examples of price gouging kept pouring in, a people’s revolt of a kind never seen before in the USA since the mid eighteenth century started to happen.

It wasn’t just the drug companies. The energy companies had similar sweetheart deals with each other. They dictated the price that “independent” stations would sell the various energy products: electricity, hydrogen, and even petroleum for those classics that used internal combustion. They made sure the licenses for solar cars were locked up in endless committee hearings. This was seen as just another example of how the corporations weren’t acting in the public interest.

At first, a few people started to run for office on platforms that highlighted the bad behavior of the corporations.

People started voting for these “people’s candidates” that promised not to be beholden to the corporations. It was a movement that once started conservatively (Tea Party movement, 2009) and soon spread like wildfire just a few years later on the progressive side (Sanders primary, 2016). This eventually led to the formation of the People’s Candidates Party, 2020 or the PCP, as it is commonly referred. The politicians from the PCP ran as “outsiders.” Some were your normal run of the mill politicians in sheep’s clothing, but they were easily weeded out by watchdogs following the money (Briggs campaign, 2124; Grove scandal, 2127; Fronk scandal, 2196; et al). That left the true revolutionaries. This combined with a series of sexual scandals involving so-called religious or “morality” politicians (Lewis scandal, 2145; Hardy/Lemmon incident, 2148; Smith-Tomkins scandal, 2149), showing that those espousing the most conservative sexual values were themselves among the worst offenders. The PCP became the “third party” to the conventional two party system.

The rise of the PCP and the fall of the morality leadership resulted in a basic sea change in American politics. Reacting to the more outrageous of the perceived offenses by large corporate donations, the new politicians sought to strip these behemoths, including the pharmaceuticals, of the huge political power they once wielded.

It wasn’t an overnight switch. The large corporations fought back tooth and nail with their existing propaganda machines, but they were finding that their profits were being chipped away on a regular basis by small riders to essential legislation that took away a tax break here, and a shelter there. Bit by bit, the behemoths found their sources of income shrinking and their power dwindling. Scandals involving the heads of these corporations made their leadership constantly in play, with stockholder revolts chipping away at their power from the inside.

The PCP started a ball rolling that resulted in larger and larger rule changes.

Sarcastically reciting the “Corporations are citizens, my friend” mantra made popular by a pro-corporation politician at the start of the twenty-first (Romney presidential campaign, 2008), the PCP and their supporters started to enact laws limiting the power of corporations. The Corporate Citizenship and Accountability Act, 2138 (CCA) ensured corporations doing business in America acted as “good citizens” with criminal cases directed at the corporations themselves for misbehavior, going as far as the dreaded “Corporate Death Penalty,” which could have the corporation’s charters being stripped away, board members jailed, and assets of all involved seized with the possibility of punitive damages for willful misconduct.

With the corporations assaulted from all sides, the FDA and Patent system started to modify their rules, requiring RAND (“Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory”) licensing fees for any drugs that were distributed in the USA, regardless of how new or self-funded the research was. They tried to fight back by not making their more essential medications available here, resulting in CCA prosecutions against the drug companies. They found themselves as defendants in high stakes murder prosecutions from the government for withholding treatment, with the real possibility of the defendants ceasing to exist if they were found guilty! Nearly every one settled with the government to avoid the death penalty, although at great expense to the corporations. “Too big to fail,” became an oddly quaint and historical slogan and laughably inaccurate in the current political climate.

As a direct result, a lot of drugs that used to cost over a thousand dollars per pill went down to tens of dollars instead, and the more popularly prescribed medications found competitors and generic equivalents, causing the first major downward pressure on medical expenses since the Affordable Care Act, 2010 experiment in the early twenty-first. Effectively, the out-of-pocket cost for most citizens was reduced to zero for a class of drugs known as Prescriptive Essentials, including heart and cancer medication, and eventually even to elective medication such as birth control, abortion, and sexual augmentation.

With advances in sexual medications, such as the annual DNI birth control injection, available for no cost for most citizens both male and female, the birth rate started to plateau and even decline. DNI was easily reversible if a couple actually wanted to start a family immediately thereafter. This, combined with IFP, a drug that enhanced fertility in either gender, meant that pregnancies no longer were prone to random chance. A couple could decide to go on IFP and within a week could find the woman had been impregnated if she was within a week or two of the height of her fertility cycle. “Birth, if and when you want it,” was the slogan (IFP Slogans, 2173). This, along with the outlawing of sex laws that involved no real victims, gave birth, so to speak, to a new sexual revolution, much like the one in the mid-twentieth century that resulted from the original contraception pills and the subsequent changes to people’s sense of morality.

The pendulum would always swing back and forth, but the current swing toward nearly total sexual freedom makes it seem as if there would never be any push back. This is fallacy, of course. It will always swing back, but at present, it looks like it will be a while before it does...

Sleep didn’t come easily for me that first night with Bob.

I was horny nonstop all day, with each humiliation increasing the desire, and nothing I seemed to do did anything to lessen it. Bob didn’t order me into his bed, and he hadn’t made it into a rule, so there was nothing compelling me to do so. I knew there were other bedrooms, but deep down, I knew my uniforms were in this room, and I was expected to be in this bedroom. This is your room. It is wrong to sleep in another room. That voice inside my head told me so. I knew that fighting that voice was fruitless. It was incessant, and I had human limitations. I’m sure the voice came from my collar, and it seemed to have more power over me than I consciously had.

That didn’t leave me much choice.

While Bob was soundly snoring away, I kept staring at the bed. It looked so comfortable despite the presence of the little shit sleeping in it. It was where I belonged, like a good little whore.

Even a whore doesn’t necessarily spend the night with all her clients, I thought back, trying to reason with my own mind. The entire “good little whore” was a constant reminder of what I was, what I had become. It was humiliating. It was wrong. But fighting it was useless.

And if I didn’t get myself off, I thought I would explode.

I found an extra blanket and pillow in “my” closet on the top shelf. I retrieved them, and set up an area on the floor. It wasn’t the bed, but it was better than some places I endured before the WfD shelter. I remembered the second vibrator in my mini dresser and retrieved it as well. That might help me get over the hurdle that was keeping me from achieving release.

When I got it out, I figured how to turn it on. It was loud, and at first, I was worried that it would awaken Bob. I turned it off and Bob was still snoring. I forgot how much I hated his snoring! The dildo was too large to be functional as such, but I figured it could still work topically on my aching clit. It wasn’t fancy at all. It probably would have been current state of the art in the late twentieth century as a gag gift.

I found a few tissues in the bathroom, then lay down on my makeshift bed. Again I turned it on. I listened for Bob’s snoring and he hadn’t awakened. I touched it to my clit.


Something was wrong. I tried it again, and again. Nothing. The need was there, the vibrator was vibrating, but my clitoris wasn’t being affected the way I expected. I should be riding the crest of a wave of sensation, but the only thing there was my current state of arousal, and now a new frustration.

After turning it off, I tried my fingers, remembering how they felt when I frigged myself in front of Bob and Renault. Nothing. I pushed them in and out of my vaginal cavity. Nothing. I lightly rubbed my clit. Nothing. I gave it a more urgent rub. Nothing.

There’s always Master’s cock. It was a tiny, tiny voice inside my head. No! Never! I’d rather die!

Of course, I knew what his cock looked like. I’ve known it for seven and a half years, despite not having seen it the last five until today. And thinking about him pissing into my mouth sent further waves of humiliation-inspired desire that simply did nothing to bring me over. If anything, it was now worse and still unbearable.

Then I remembered sucking him in the living room. Taking it gently and lovingly. I did it without being ordered, with no imperative to do so other than an urge to shit. He didn’t make me want to do it, I made me want to do it. Well, he did make me make a choice, but still, I was the one responsible. It was insidious in retrospect--the ultimate humiliation of me making love to the little shit’s cock willingly.

Another thing I recalled that while I was working him there in the living room in front of my daughter, my desire tamped down, except for the knowledge I was doing this almost in front of my daughter that triggered the humiliation response. Once Bob achieved his ejaculate and I rushed to the bathroom, the desire gradually rose back to where it previously was, or maybe a little more. I could use the respite, and the idea of sucking him again formed and stuck like flypaper in my mind.

A good little whore loves to suck her Master. Right?

I needed sleep, and that just wouldn’t happen in my current state.

No! I would not, could not crawl to his bed, anxious to feel him in my mouth again ... but the thought would not go away. Crawling is nice, the thought lured me. I will be a good little whore.

The inability to pleasure myself with my fingers or even the large dildo bothered me. It was wrong, the voice said. A good little whore didn’t diddle herself unless told to do so. But that didn’t make sense. I wasn’t told to do it earlier in the bedroom in front of the two men, and it almost felt like a jolt of electricity...

That was when I realized that the jolt wasn’t from my fingers. It was from the humiliation! At the time, I hadn’t as yet realized fully how much humiliation was turning me on. Frigging myself in front of the two guys was humiliating. Alone, in my bed area, it was not. I was attempting to wrest my own control but that was apparently not allowed, by what mechanism, I had no idea. But it was clear, I could not do what needed to be done by myself.

A good little whore knows that all of her pleasure comes from her Master.

There it was. That word... Master... that had been flitting in and out of my mind, starting to take root.

The little shit had absolute control over me, over my body, even my thoughts somehow, but I never saw him planning anything or running some kind of controlling app that was telling me what to think and do. He was right now snoring away, and his control over me was totally absolute even now. That insight bought me some more humiliation and upped my levels even further skyward.

I would not get off even if I dragged my body over there and sucked him, I realized. Never before in my life had I received an orgasm without physical stimulation, and that meant I would have to fuck him. And he would wake up and smile that smarmy grin that told me he knew he won yet another battle. More humiliation, even now just thinking it.

I did have orders from him. The house rules, for instance. I was the cook, so I needed to be up for breakfast ... even before to get it set up. I also had to be ready for him whenever he wanted me. He hadn’t wanted me, except to suck off Renault and afterward to piss in my mouth. But tomorrow was another day, and a good little whore should always be ready. That meant sleep when I could, especially while Master was asleep. That meant tamping down the humiliation that was creating a feedback loop preventing me from sleeping, from which I had no escape except to willingly do what I vowed I’d never do again in a million years.

I didn’t realize I was crawling until I reached the bed.

I need to be a good little whore. I need that cock. A good little whore knows that all of her pleasure comes from her Master. I need my Master’s cock. The thoughts became a mantra.

If I did this, he wins, and I lose. What did I have to lose? I already lost my money, my home, my way of life. Well, I could also lose Shirley, I remembered. I didn’t even have self respect. I lost that this evening when I took him willingly into my mouth.

This would just be a continuation down a path I’ve already started.

How bad could it be?

This is the man that took everything from me, maybe even my own daughter. He was the one that was in a position of domination over me. And he wasn’t even ordering me to do this. If he did, I could easily tell myself I had no choice. But the little shit wasn’t ordering me, even though he knew he could. And I was helpless against his dominance. I could still not want to do it, but my body wanted it; it craved it. He was still taking everything, and I was now abetting my own debasement.

As I gently pulled the sheet from over him, I saw his cock, half flaccid, half hard. It was mostly in shadow, but I knew it. I tasted it twice today, and it was familiar. As I gently threw my leg over his body with my crotch in the air, I knew that this was a moment of depravity that would never be forgotten.

Slowly, I lowered my body toward its target. I used my right hand to align it. This was the moment.

I saw light reflect from his open eyes, and knew he was awake to witness my ultimate loss. I knew the grin he would have on his face as I committed the extreme sin against everything I stood for. I was committed to my final corruption and knew I could no longer stop myself, just as I couldn’t force my feet not to bring me into his bedroom that first time. Fighting was futile, all resistance was in the past. I felt it touch the lips of my pussy, and it was unlike any other time, even the very first time. It resonated with my body, something the vibrator and my own fingers couldn’t do in the slightest bit. This moment, my last moment, and ultimately his moment, would be forever seared into my memory.

My traitorous womb accepted him inside me as if welcoming a long lost lover.

Even after my orgasm, which took less than a minute to start and about five minutes to end, I continued to ride him. I couldn’t stop. A good little whore wants her Master’s semen and accepts it in any form he decides to give to her. But he wasn’t giving it to me. My body was gripping his cock, accepting it, even welcoming it. My mind wanted me to stop fucking it, wanted to reject it, wanted to rip it off his body, but I was powerless against my body’s craving.

It also registered in my mind that for the next five years, this was my lot. Apparently, only his cock could get me off. Sucking him, and being a good little whore could help ease the humiliation-based urges I had, but my body apparently required his cock and his cock alone to bring me over the top.

I knew I had my annual DNI shot a month ago at the shelter. I wouldn’t get pregnant for the next eleven months. The shots were free and available everywhere. But still, the thought of fertility entered my mind.

Bob always wanted a son. He therefore refused to accept Shirley as his daughter despite the play acting he was doing with her today. I could easily see him ordering me to no longer take the DNI. He might even make me get it reversed and put me on IFP. He would definitely make me bear him a son, trying again and again over the five years of my slavery every time a daughter came out instead.

Fuck. It was just like the little shit to have had me reversed or super-fertile with IFP while I was unconscious and having my collar installed. Those little bastards swimming up my Fallopian tubes might already be triggering something I didn’t think I’d ever even be worrying about!

It was just like Bob to do that kind of thing to me, not caring one bit about what pregnancy does to a woman, let alone one that is collared and limited in her freedom as I found myself. Worse, he could make me have abortions if he discovered I was carrying the wrong gender, something he demanded when Shirley’s gender was determined. I refused it then, and stood by my rights. It was the beginning of the end of my marriage, I see now.

Same as Aimless
Chapter 3: Whore Videos

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Finding WendyWhore

Emshon's Authors Note -- This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) back in 2001. I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a- goodie. Finding Wendy Whore It was late Friday night and I had enjoyed a few beers too many. As usual, I was feeling quite randy, so I decided to browse the internet and seek out a little cyber-action. I live in a small town some three hours outside of Dallas, so my...

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Wife wants to whore

Wife the whoreAfter her first dips into the wild side Kathy came up with all sorts of scenes and some of them were just off the wall. We had been playing for about a year and out drinking at a bar at the hotel we were staying at for the weekend and Kathy watched as three different women came into the bar and were picked up by what seemed to be total strangersKathy followed a woman into the ladies room and started a conversation with her and found out that this place was a great place to meet...

4 years ago
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Diary of an Interstellar Whore

Yana of Wavaq, Age Fourteen Planet Wavaq[1] Year 9700, Earth Calendar My world is pretty bleak for females. We were conquered by the Prapt[2], the interstellar pimps. Why the slimiest, ugliest, invertebrate creatures in the known universe have a monopoly on prostitution, especially owning or controlling a majority of the most beautiful bipedal, mammalian females, is one of the mysteries of the universe. Wavaq females have long been considered the loveliest mammalians in the universe, even...

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The Office Whore

Nicolette is our office whore. She started as the receptionist, but it got so difficult to get inside the front door, what with all the men lined up to fuck her every day. It was simply easier to move her to another room. Besides, it’s difficult to answer the phone when your mouth is full of cock. Every morning we all must punch in. Company policy is quite specific, punching in consists of pumping a load of cum into one of Nicolette’s well-greased holes. She is our own very special...

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Meeting WendyWhore

Emshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) back in 2001. I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a- goodie. Meeting Wendy-Whore For those of you just joining us; allow me to recap. In a nutshell, I'd been drinking one night when I started browsing the internet. I was only looking for a little harmless cyber-sex, but I happened upon a sex slave site that featured a...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 11 A Dirty Filthy Motherfucking Assfucking Whore

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...

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Little Miss Sissy Whore

Chapter 1 -- The Pick-up Every year I waited eagerly for the three days when PC-Expo was back in town. In the past, I was always able to find some willing and naive out-of-town female to pick up, "do the nasty," and say my hasty good-byes. Most of them were from some small hick town and were entranced with the Big Apple. In fact, that was both the nickname for the city, and for me. Most women just couldn't wait to sink their teeth into me. So there I was, looking for some love, on the last day...

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Rinku 8211 secretary whore

Rinku got DK’s message about an urgent assignment for the day. She smiled as she wore a flaming red semi transparent lacy bra & matching panties. She wore a white satin shirt through which her red bra was visible quite clearly. She pulled up a dark mini skirt, which was more of a belt with two pieces of cloth in front & back. Both these pieces could be joined together with three big buttons on each side. She tucked her shirt in her skirt & wore a dark blazer to complete her sexy business...

4 years ago
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Whore by Vickie Tern I was still groggy when my eyes opened, but I managed to blink a few times and then keep them open. No use, I was still hallucinating. I still imagined I was surrounded by beautiful girls. Each time I opened my eyes there they were. Five or more beautiful, scantily clad young women seated across from me at a big sunny table in a big sunny kitchen. Chatting casually together while eating toast and cereal and drinking coffee. ...

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Ships Whore

Ships Whore Pt. 1 Synopsis: A man is set up by his wife and shipped off to the infamous Trans V Ocean Lines. Here he is transformed into a tranvestite ships whore and forced to serve as a whore to all that desire her, after a while she gets to like it. Of course she eventually finds a way to turn the tables but must endure incredible humiliation and repeated gangbangs with a few thousand normal degrading sexual acts thrown in. Allison caught me eventually. My penchance for...

1 year ago
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Dirty Whore

I close the door behind me as I enter the subtly lit room dressed in a long black trench coat, stockings and stiletto heels, carrying a very large handbag. The dimly lit room that you and your filthy clandestine cumslut occupy, your current underground lover on her knees facing you with her back to me. She has been properly trained so she doesn’t dare turn around. You look up to see me enter. You both look exhausted from your recent exploits. I slowly move toward you both with an unusual...

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My new life as a Black Cock Whore

Introduction: Parts of this story are from a young woman that wated me to rewrite and post it My new life as a Black Cock Whore! I was a young married housewife that had an over active imagination, along with an incredible sex drive. I had mixed feelings about a number of perverse fantasys ever since I was a young girl! My interest in dark sexual encounters was so overpowering that public morals, perception and my own conscious, as to what was acceptable, along with the arrangement I was about...

2 years ago
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The Renters 8211 daddy8217s slut whore

You walk up behind me where I’m picking flowers in the back yard and put your arms around me, and whisper in my ear, “Are you my girl?” You can feel my familiar response, as your words immediately excite me, and I answer breathlessly, “Yes, John.” “Good girl!” You begin to nuzzle my neck at my collarbone, at that place you know makes my knees weak, and you slide the tip of your tongue up the side of my neck and gently tease my earlobe. As you hear my...

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Filthy Whore

Fred lay on his back on his palatial bed. He was lying naked. His body freshly oiled and taut after the workout. His big thick cock was erect and throbbing. He had a glass of champagne in his hand and was sipping it gently, savoring the dry fruity taste of and the sight in front of him.Standing over his naked body was Jenna, the dirtiest, nastiest slut in the world. She was a cum hungry nasty slut whore who loved to get fucked like a pig. And that of course made her Fred's most favorite girl in...

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Admin Whore

"Court is now in session. All please stand." A woman dressed in a black robe walked behind the raised desk and sat down. She pulled a file to her and read a few seconds. She looked up at the defendant standing there in full shackles on his wrists, arms, knees and ankles. In addition, there was a glowing band around his throat. She sighed and said, "A jury of your peers has found you guilty, Eric Denton. Your numerous and heinous crimes against women have shown your total lack...

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My new life as a Black Cock Whore

I was a young married housewife that had an over active imagination, along with an incredible sex drive. I had mixed feelings about a number of perverse fantasy's ever since I was a young girl! My interest in dark sexual encounters was so overpowering that public morals, perception and my own conscious, as to what was acceptable, along with the arrangement I was about to enter into allowed me to easily brush all of these concerns aside. My husband had taken me to an all black bar...

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Little Red Riding Whore

Little Red Riding Whore – Part One This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, livingor dead, is coincidental. Fifteen-year-old Joely Baker kneels on the wet asphalt of a dead-end alleyoff the downtown street nicknamed the "Chicken Strip". Her soft red lips arewrapped around the swollen cock of Harry, the beat cop. The middle-aged policemanlooks down at the young girl and sucks in his beer gut so he can see into thelarge blue eyes of this teenaged whore. She looks up at him as...

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Animal Whore

Barn WhoreAs your slave, I never know what will be coming next. It?s part of the fear and excitement that makes me belong to you not just in practice, but in my soul.        One night, as I sleep in my cage after a long day of cleaning houses naked except for stiletto heels, leather cuffs and collar, and clothespins, you wake me up by pouring a bucket of cold water on me. Since I?m gagged - as usual - I can?t actually protest, and there?s no escape, the cage is designed so I can only fit in it...

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My White Wife Lori Becomes a BlackCock Whore

This is an interracial cuckold story written for and in the first-person voice of the Lush reader and enhanced for your reading pleasure.The last thirty years almost seem like a blur as I look back at my rather unconventional, but sexually-fulfilling life with my wife, Lori. My name is Howard, and now at the age of fifty-six, and Lori at forty-nine, we are celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary this year. It is still amazing to me, given Lori’s conservative religious beginnings, how she...

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How i became a whore

How I became a whore Hi ISS readers, I am Saroj Sharma from Rajasthan, a beautiful married girl, age 26 years, doing Govt Job (gazzetted status). My hubby is also a gazetted officer. I am not new to this site. My five stories in which three were true are available on this site under category COUPLE. I want to clarify that this story is not real and totally a work of fiction. I have used my name in this story as a central character for showing reality only. My hubby is qualified as MBA and he is...

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Best Served Cold Chapter 12 Dirty Little Whore

Linda motioned to Johnny to follow us as we left the bar. He walked between us, nervous but hopeful, unable to escape the unending, seductive lure of Linda's big brown eyes on him. We arrived at the elevator and waited for the doors to open. Once the three of us were inside, Linda touched the glowing button, the doors closed, and the elevator began its ascent...As I reached for the button above it, she stopped me and shook her head just once, flashing me a quick, private smile. When the doors...

Wife Lovers
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Thy Name is Whore

For all of you like me that liked this story, but the ending was left off I found it on line at another site and author I an am posting it here with the ending. Personally I would have named it "Once a Slut Always a Slut"byMrRobbur©As I looked over the restaurant to find the client I was supposed to meet, I saw my ex-wife Susan. She was sitting with a slightly heavy middle aged man. You could tell he was once in good shape but good food and time had taken a toll on his physique. Susan was...

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Such a little whore

I come into the room and I look sternly at you. I tell you" I know what you did and now, now you need punished." I walk over to your bed and I grab you by your arm pulling you from you bed and letting you fall to the floor. " get on your fucking knees and face me you stupid slut" I growl at you."Look at that pretty face and your sexy pink your mouth. NO open it wider" I push two fingers into your mouth making your choke and gag a bit. " awww my little princess doesn't like that very...

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How I Became an Ivy League Whore

1 -I guess my journey into debauchery began like many others: from desperation.Deep down, I had always known I was a very attractive young girl, but I guess I hid it behind textbooks and nerdy big-framed glasses, sacrificing a normal teen experience in order to trudge through academics and secure an acceptance in one of the nation's most esteemed universities. I didn't mind being the pretty, petite bookworm seeing that I was an only chìld to a single parent who couldn't afford to buy groceries...

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My Wifes Friend is 2 Whore

Annie had been my wife’s best friend all through high school and college, as well as the through the five years that followed. She had not only been her maid of honor at our wedding, but she had also been present for the birth of both of our c***dren. In addition to the fact that she was one of the sweetest women I knew, she was also very easy on the eyes. In fact, she was one of the best advantages to me putting in the large in-ground pool in my back yard a couple summers ago; I figured it...

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Halloween Whore

Halloween Whore Melissa looked at herself in the mirror and put on even more lipstick and eye shadow than she already had on. The heavy makeup was part of her costume that she was wearing for the Halloween party that she and herhusband, David, were going to. Her costume was that of a street walker. Her black skirt was short and came to just below her panties. She also had on a garter belt that held up her black fish net hose. She had debated on whether or not to wear the crotch less panties she...

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The Town Whore

My husband went to work like a good husband should. He is a good man and me, I’m a slut whore because I’ve been fucking my neighbor for a couple of months now but I would like to stop but my neighbor doesn’t under stand the word no. It all came about by accident; we have lived next door to him and his wife for about six years and are pretty friendly. He works the night shift so he is always home in the daytime and this day a pipe burst in the basement so I called him for help. I was in a panic...

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The Fifty Rupee Whore

I was sitting on the bed in the small room, literally twiddling my thumbs and waiting. I was dressed in a black knee length wrap-around skirt and a snug white t-shirt that accentuated my boobs. There was no bra underneath, so my nipples were poking through the fabric. A rusty ceiling fan was rotating at full speed, making a low whirring noise. The room was still a bit stuffy. I got off the bed, and walked to the only window in the room, which was closed. Struggled with the tight bolt a little,...

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The Girlfriend The Whore

It was shaping up to be a boring night as Leslie and I sat on the couch in our new house watching TV. Neither of us was really paying attention to what was on, I was looking up stuff on my laptop and Leslie was playing on her phone. We were both worn out from moving into our new house over the last week. “What do you want to do for dinner? You want to order a pizza and watch a movie?” I asked her.“That sounds good. You know what I like,” Leslie replied.I started ordering the pizza online and...

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Mother Becomes My Whore

My mother Uma has been a deeply religious lady(at least I have believed so far) until yesterday. What I saw shocked me. My father works in USA in a big form and I live with my mother in our big bunglow. My dad comes once in three months. I am Rahul, a second year student, aged 21. I live in hostel and visit my mother once a week. Uma Devi has her own temple in one part of the house. In this temple she prays and worships God and often has great Gurus and Swamis visiting her. Yesterday I came...

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Laura Lady Whore

I was her favorite repeat customer, in fact the first to pay her as a whore. She thought she was getting two hundred dollars, just to play with herself at my direction. I had told her, if she could make me so hot, I jacked-off in her mouth, I'd see, she got six hundred dollars, for a thirty-minute show at a Stag Party. It was kind of an audition, or so I made her think. Take everything off but the high heels, nylons, garters and the corset. That's nice, I like a corset that let your tits...

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