364 its a cream filled world
- 4 years ago
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007 (Continued)
Next on the itinerary was Fairchild AFB, about two hundred miles north. According to Wikipedia, home of KC-135s and some Huey helicopters.
Soon after I left Mountain Home, on my way to Fairchild, I picked up two high flying radars ahead of me. Judging by the weakness of their signals, they were a long way away, but the signals were slowly getting 'brighter' in my vision-mapped detection system. They were on the same band as the F-15Es behind me had used. It was a commonly used band, but there were fifteen Mountain Home F-15Es unaccounted for so maybe these were two of them.
I decided it would impress the authorities more if I intercepted these two, plus I didn't want fighters flying around in the same airspace as me. I put the helmet back on, adjusted the sheet so it also blocked infrared sight from the direction the radars were coming from, and headed straight up, putting an airtight silo around myself when I got to about 5,000 feet.
I thought about dogfight issues while I climbed. There were a number of factors that seemed important to me:
Detection systems. This was probably going to decide the battle, as they should never see me while I already knew the direction they were coming from. I wouldn't be able to tell their exact distance until I saw them, but that didn't matter much. Even if they turned their radar off and I lost sight of them, a max-sized radio blob would allow me to see them well before they saw me. Provided I was careful with how I positioned the sheet, my ability to detect them was a great deal better than their ability to detect me.
Speed. Their top speed was Mach 2.5, three times faster than mine. They could easily get away from me and stop me getting away from them. If they were flying supersonically now, I'd have to act very quickly before they were out of range.
Maneuverability. I was ALL over them for this. I knew enough about how planes flew to know that for a sustained maneuvering duel, power-to-weight ratio was a critical issue. All modern fighters have ratio of about 1.0; maybe as high as 1.3. I had 88! Sure they could pull high-g turns, but they did that by increasing wind resistance on one side of the plane, which slowed it down. Every time they turned, they traded away speed. With their low power-to-weight ratio, it'd take them a long time to rebuild that speed. After a few 'jiggles', they'd be going so slow that they'd be lame ducks compared to me. I could 'jiggle' all day long, and then accelerate after them far more rapidly than they could accelerate away. I'm particularly good at accelerating upward, whereas they can barely do it.
Weapons. My best defense against their weapons would be to fool them into firing at the Guardian Angel(s) rather than my much harder to see physical body. Guardian Angels could move DAMNED fast, so they'd be a hellishly hard target to hit. That should keep the pilots busy for quite a while, until I lured them into passing within five hundred feet of me. Assuming they actually fired at my body, then missiles and bullets would be the worries (bombs, not so much). Self-guided missiles shouldn't be much of a threat as radar-guided missiles would wonder what to do, and heat-seekers could be led around by the nose by heat blobs; which would be invisible to the pilot's eyes, to further confuse him. Missiles that the pilots could guide, maybe by putting a laser designator on me, would be more serious, but I could jiggle like crazy. I could also hide behind a huge area of max-sized light blobs, like I had for the sniper that had shot Ava. Jiggling and hiding is what I'd have to do versus cannon fire too. In short, they'd have trouble taking me out with their weapons. On the other hand, my 'weapon' was only a short range one, but if they got within 450 feet of me, it'd be all over.
It'd be a very interesting duel, but my money would be on me, especially in an ambush situation like this.
[[A point of explanation: The Blinks Allowed Effect means I could look away for up to thirty two seconds and NP-fingertips and blobs would not self-cancel provided they remained within my maximum range. I could send NP-fingertips out beyond my 500-foot limit, and the Effect allowed them to coast along for the next thirty two seconds before they self-canceled. That wasn't the case with blobs; they self-canceled the moment they got out of range. NP is a physical force that persisted after it got out of range, like a stone continues to exist after its thrown beyond five hundred feet. Blobs had no physical presence; they were maintained by my mentally interacting with the Universe at the desired location, which I couldn't do beyond five hundred feet. That, unfortunately, meant I couldn't send a Guardian Angel flying away from me at Mach 3.0 to have the planes chase after it. Nor could I 'fire' Mach 50 max-heat blobs toward the planes from miles away, which was a pity. That also would've made destroying air bases far easier and safer. Firing NP-propelled, long-distance missiles didn't work because beyond five hundred feet gravity exerted its influence and air resistance would slow them down and blow them off course, because I couldn't apply any corrective force.]]
I rose to 50,000 feet before the radar beams were coming at me horizontally. I lay down with my feet toward the radar sources, moving the sheet to cover that direction. I flew myself to be where I judged directly in front of the planes to be, although that was a bit of a guess so far. I also raised myself another 2,000 feet, and had a max-sized radio blob about three hundred feet above me and closer to them, to see them more easily when they approached.
I adjusted my position as my opinion of their flight path changed.
Five minutes later, my radio blob saw them, as clear as day. That made it easy to get myself lined up nicely. I started accelerating in the same direction they were flying, like the receiver in a baton-passing relay race. I didn't want to get up to even half their speed as that'd give them too much time to see me. I just wanted to have some speed on to give me more time to find where their ejection handles were.
I heard them coming, which confirmed they weren't supersonic. Had they been, I would've squeezed their fuel lines instead since I've heard somewhere that ejecting at supersonic speeds is REALLY bad for pilots.
I sped up to about 300 mph, angling down at a good angle to be just a little slow for a collision, so they'd undertake me. I carefully watched them get closer and closer, waiting to see it they reacted to my presence. My being in front of them made it very easy to imagine that they'd spot me even with my feet-first attitude and sheet in place. If they did react, I was ready with some VERY bright, high speed, and highly distracting lighting effects designed to herd them back toward me, but they weren't necessary; the pilots never saw a thing - I pulled all four ejection handles simultaneously.
One of me, that wasn't otherwise busy high-fiving himself, grabbed the planes' sticks, pulling back to make them climb steeply, then centering them again, making it easier for me to accelerate upward after them. If they flew above my range, I'd keep climbing until I caught them, as they'd slow down and stall soon. Going up also put me above the pilots, making it impossible for them to see me once their chutes deployed, not that I thought they had much chance of seeing me anyway. By the time they recovered from the shock of the ejection, and their world stopped tumbling around, I'd be a tiny dot.
I accelerated upward, braking my horizontal movement so the airmen would fly forward away from me.
The planes easily climbed out of my 500-foot range, but they were slowing down and I was accelerating, so I narrowed the gap quickly. They hadn't gone up in a tidy formation and were separating from each other, and one of them was spinning too. They were out of control, especially because the open cockpits had to be producing some messy drag.
I got within range of one plane, grabbed its stick, and tried to steer it closer to the other one, but flying one of these things was a hell of a lot trickier than flying my little two-seater training plane. I can't write, "I was all over the sky" because there hadn't been enough time for that yet, but I was working on it.
I was still struggling with the stick, when another of my minds suggested we 'manhandle' the whole damned thing. I grabbed hold of it with a great deal of NP, stabilized its spin and got it pointing in the right direction. It weighed more than I could lift, but it only required a fraction of my total force to push it around. I didn't bother with the stick, instead steering and pushing it with brute force as it caught up with the other one.
The other plane also required some manhandling to get stabilized, and then I pushed both sticks forward to put them into a shallow dive in the direction of the next base. It took a few adjustments (mostly the brute force way), but I eventually got them partnered and semi-stable; the open cockpits presumably the cause of the bouncing around they were still doing.
I would've LOVED to put a Guardian Angel in each front seat and fly it around the descending pilots, and maybe even buzz the next base with them. That'd be a superb distraction for my next attack. Unfortunately for that fantasy, the Guardian Angels would self-cancel five hundred feet from me, along with all my ability to control the planes. The planes' tightest turning circles were probably more than a thousand feet wide, and that'd be with a pilot who knew what he was doing. The only thing I was going to do with these planes was hold them in a controlled descent so I could crash them somewhere harmless (except for the planes).
There were no other radars currently emitting that I needed to worry about, only the very long range, metal-detecting emissions that the air is permanently full of, but I didn't want to be nursemaiding these planes for long so I made their descents steeper. If they got too fast for me, I could lift their noses for a little while.
On the way down I fiddled with one of the backseat controls to find out how to use it, so I could find out how good the infrared vision is. It took about 20,000 feet of altitude, but I found a way to display the infrared vision on one of the two screens.
I flew four hundred feet ahead of that plane and looked at its screen. With the sheet in place and my feet pointing at the plane, I couldn't be seen. With the sheet removed there was a faint smudge. I enlarged the sled so it could continue to fly directly ahead stably, while I turned my body sideways on it. The image that formed would have alerted the pilots. Taking my helmet off and facing the plane was even more noticeable. I was only four hundred feet away and the obvious human shape shouldn't be so bad at more usual ranges, but it was still scary how much I stood out. I kept my body position and interposed the sheet, seeing that it hid me very well again even without my wearing the helmet. I put it back on anyway. First chance I get, I'm going to buy something dark and sheet-like that folds up tightly, to carry around with me on these types of missions.
Locating the IR camera was simply a matter of creating a small heat blob near me and keeping it centered on the screen as I moved it toward the plane until it was right in front of the camera. Then we searched the cabling from the camera back through the plane. It merged into other things, but it wasn't that hard to find a cable that ran into a small, very strongly constructed box containing electronic chips. We removed that box from the plane, opened it up, and scattered very small pieces of chips across the countryside. I did the same to the other plane just in case its camera had got a shot of me during the struggle I'd had to get control of these things.
The planes and I descended to 8,000 feet and leveled off. I didn't bother increasing their throttles, just pushed them harder and somewhat upward with more NP-points, as I could control those precisely. We flew with me looking for a suitable crash site. The terrain under me was very hilly with lots of forest. At this time of year, forest was definitely not a good place to crash two high-explosive jet fighters. I kept heading west looking for a suitable spot.
I was getting worried how long it was taking, because if any other plane came to investigate, they'd be eyeballing the two empty planes carefully, and they might see me flying nearby.
I finally found a small lake. More like a temporary widening of a mountain river, but it'd do. It wouldn't burn and there were no humans or houses in it, as could be the case with the forest. I steered the planes in an arc so they could get into a good position for a side-by-side dive into the lake. I got them oriented properly with their wings lining up with the long axis of the lake, tilted their noses down, and guided them all the way down.
Their dual impact splashed a HELL of a lot of the water out of the lake, damned near emptying it, but it rapidly refilled. Wreckage had broken off and scattered all over the place, but none of it ignited, saving me from having to scoop up tons of water to dump on any fires. It would've been a lot less trouble if I'd cut the fuel instead of ejecting the pilots, but I wanted the Guardian Angel's destruction to be total. I wanted: Shock, Awe, Respect and Terror. Plus some Big-Titted Girls please, that being something to think about for the next settlement agreement.
I headed west again. I was a little confused about where I was, as the little dogfight and subsequent struggle to recover and control the two planes had made me lose my bearings somewhat because I'd stopped keeping track of my sense of direction. When I saw the lights of a town in the distance I angled toward it, read signs to find its name, then searched through cars parked in out of the way places to find one with a map. I found where I was, where Fairchild was, got a new compass heading, and headed that way.
I'd just got up to speed when two more radars lit up ahead of me. Two more of the missing F-15Es, presumably.
The ambush had worked before, and after my experiments with the plane's infrared sensor, I had even more confidence in the wonderful effectiveness of my $5 sheet versus $100 million worth of fighters. Plus I knew where a suitable lake was to put my soon-to-be-acquired toys after I hijacked them. I climbed rapidly.
A few seconds later I could tell that the new radar sources were heading to the previous planes' graveyard, no doubt to find out what had happened to them.
Long story short: a few minutes later, there were four planes in that little lake.
When I finally managed to get close to Fairchild, I saw two more F-15Es flying a circuit over it. It would've been rude to exclude them from the fun, and they were flying circuits in a neat formation, which made it SO easy. I didn't want to waste time trying to control the two planes, and I couldn't let them fall to earth themselves as there were many houses in this area, so I crimped their fuel lines. I'd let the pilots glide them down for me, then I'd destroy them on the ground.
There were no fighter aircraft at Fairchild, just a couple dozen KC-135s and a few helicopters. It looked like the order had gone out to evacuate the base, because everything that could get into the air was lining up to do so as fast as possible. The first few of the choppers were already rising into the air and the others weren't far behind joining them with pilots and ground crew running flat out to get that done.
I had a bright Guardian Angel rise from the tarmac at one end of the helicopter area and fly along its length while I followed it a few hundred feet above pulling fuel lines out of their sockets. One after the other all the chopper engines died. Those in the air already weren't for much longer, returning to the ground fairly quickly after their engines died. Quite roughly in a few cases, but I'd been confident that none of the landings would be so hard as to injure anyone. The impacts might be hard enough to damage a few of the choppers, but that wasn't going to matter in a few minutes.
The first KC was just starting to lumber down the runway, with the rest lined up behind it like a lumbering line of elephants. The Guardian Angel accelerated across the airfield to intercept the leading KC. The angel slowed down when it neared its destination, flying into the middle of the first plane's large cockpit by passing through the glass and pilot at a speed slow enough that the crew could see it happening. I imagine that'd give them nightmares, especially the pilot, and the story will scare the shit out of everyone that hears it.
I used several tons of force to push the cockpit's instruments and controls out of the sides and front of the aircraft. There wasn't even a yoke left for the pilot to hold. They were left sitting in their seats with the front and sides of the cockpit missing and the breeze blowing straight in. A second later, the roof was missing too. I held the three crewmen firmly, unbuckled their harnesses, and lifted them out; placing them a hundred feet away while I was slicing, dicing and then burning their ex-aircraft.
The other KCs were lined up going nowhere, blocked by the burning wreck. They weren't the sort of aircraft that could make a quick cross-country getaway, but they tried. The Guardian Angel flew from cockpit to cockpit, quickly repeating what it'd done to the first plane. There were only twenty four KCs, and it only took a few seconds to destroy each cockpit, so the most successful evaders only managed to get about twenty yards cross-country. Sadly for them, that was much shorter than their minimum takeoff distance.
Soon there was a VERY big bonfire going because they'd been quite close to each other and chopped up airborne tankers burn REALLY well.
There were the usual fire trucks, which suffered the usual fate. And when the last KC was alight, the buildings, helicopters and any Air Force cars and trucks got dealt with in the usual way too. It was just business as usual. The base didn't have much in the way of aggressive attack options, only small arms, which did the usual damage to the angel. Wiping out Fairchild AFB had been quick and easy.
Last on the night's itinerary was McChord AFB, about two hundred miles west. Dad's parents' lived in Seattle, only thirty miles north of McChord, but popping in for a visit after destroying the base probably wouldn't be a good idea.
McChord is home to quite a few C-17 Globemaster IIIs. At $250 million each, it was going to be an expensive visit.
Or not, because when I arrived there wasn't a plane to be seen, not even any F-15s on patrol.
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A noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes. The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table. "Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer. I just...
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That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure. "To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you...
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I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...
"So what's for dinner?" I yawned lazily. "Probably pizza," Katie replied absently. I was still in bed. Melinda and Yesmine had gotten up a little while before to take a shower, and Red wanted some cuddle time. "I'll tell you what," I started. "Melinda, Mimi and I will take the kids out for dinner and you, Leah and Geoff can have some 'alone time'." My wife perked right up at my suggestion. I could tell she wanted another go at her new male slave and I knew Leah was always up...
Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up. For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and cold mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore. One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends. We were a tangle...
"You look very handsome," Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I'm going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie. The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah's new hybrid Lexus sedan. It...
"Sweetheart? Wake up ... you want to see this." It took me a second to blink away the haze as someone tugged on my shoulder. The bedroom was still dark. Leah was curled up on one side, Mimi on the other. I slipped out from between my lovers and followed Melinda to the monitors on the other side of the room. She backed up the video feed to show me something that had happened a few moments before. She pulled a robe around her shoulders to ward away the morning's chill. Through the...
Second part of this story was published on 19-08-2008. Though it was posted in the name of maakabur, it is being displayed under ISS Admin. No problem. I am Kamal. My wife Ashes is a beautiful & attractive lady. After about 8 months of marriage, at her insistence we visited a tailor at midnight. She wanted to get a Jean trouser stitched for her first Diwali and to make tailor agree to stitch cloth she undressed fully. And inevitable happened. Tailor fucked my wife in my presence. I wondered...
Servant of Servantsby [email protected] (Francis R.)I nervously climbed the stairs and searched in dirty corridors smellingof refuse before I found the apartment. For my heartbeat to steady, Ipaused briefly before knocking, and noticed the television set playinginside. Some seconds later the door was opened by Sabrina, to whom I hadcome to offer myself as a slave. She was carelessly dressed in cheap worn-out clothes, a knitted plaidcovering her shoulders; she was eating a sandwich and,...
Servant of ServantsI nervously climbed the stairs and searched in dirty corridors smelling of refuse before I found the apartment. For my heartbeat to steady, I paused briefly before knocking, and noticed the television set playing inside. Some seconds later the door was opened by Sabrina, to whom I hadcome to offer myself as a slave.She was carelessly dressed in cheap worn-out clothes, a knitted plaidcovering her shoulders; she was eating a sandwich and, chewing, looked at me for a few...
Hi, I am Neha. I live in Noida. Some part of this story is true. My husband is from a small town who runs a large business in Noida. I will not mention the exact location. I got married in 2014. Every year we visit my husband’s home two times. I don’t wear Indian saree, blouse in Noida. But in his home, I have to adjust to traditional Indian housewife dress. His family is the richest family in the area. The incident happened this year when we visited his home. I was getting bored. I told the...
“From the start. Again,” the trainer’s voice sounded even and voided of any emotion. Cory kept his calm façade and began again to retell the story. How he had come back to the apartment, it had been dark, he had been hit and then tied up. No, he had no idea what happened. The slave? He had left him at home to go shopping, as he had to ready the dinner for that night. No, he had not heard anything. Yes, his master had had to be home around that time. They kept on asking him the same...
Hi friends , first part of this sex story was published in Feb 2013. Thereafter I forgot to write subsequent part . Let’s have recap – I am Alka, having a grown up son Mohit. People say I am beautiful and owner of a very lovely & sexy figure. That fateful day my son dropped me at a mutton shop and moved away. There I got impressed by butcher Raffique’s monster cock and got fucked by him there itself in presence of his youngest daughter Ruby. Thereafter Ruby’s would be husband fucked me in...
Hi guys this is Rohit again thanks for wonderful emails specially from married females and couples I am here to bring you third n final part of my story please rate and share it and if you guys also wants to share your fantasy pls email me at now my wife nidhi will continue third part:- Hi guys, thanks for so many mails, Now I come straight to my story.shankar ka Lund Dekh ke muje laga ki abb meri taraph MIT jayegii aur Maine Shankar ko dekh ke fir se ankh Mari wo mera issaraaa samaj Gaya aur...
Thursday, February 24 to Monday, March 21, 2005 Some of the consequences of the latest merge were as expected. One of those was that I quickly found my schoolwork even easier, usually to a ridiculous degree. I self-studied more and more. I only needed one mind to be tuned into the teacher in any class while my other three minds did other schoolwork. The teachers eventually gave up trying to catch me out with ambush questions when I looked inattentive. Sooner or later they all let me work on...
The last thing he wanted was to draw the others’ attention. He was glad he had been given a larger helmet, so his forehead and half his eyes were shadowed from view. He pulled the collar of the coarse miner’s uniform he was wearing a bit higher, to hide his face. His worries, however, had proved in vain so far. The hard work in the mines left little time for workers to chat up others, or even look around. He knew from Lucas that someone was going to wait outside for him every Tuesday. He had...
I am Ranjan aged 40. My wife Sheetal is 35. We are having a a son aged 8 years who stays in boarding school. Because of my job we need to change our location in every few years. Recently we are shifted to a small town having a servant quarter behind our house. When we reached to our new house Ishwar and his wife soma were staying in the servant quarter. Earlier they were working for the previous employee. They requested us to allow them to stay there. Because of their good behavior my wife...
I am Ranjan aged 40. My wife Sheetal is 35. We are having a a son aged 8 years who stays in boarding school. Because of my job we need to change our location in every few years. Recently we are shifted to a small town having a servant quarter behind our house. When we reached to our new house Ishwar and his wife soma were staying in the servant quarter. Earlier they were working for the previous employee. They requested us to allow them to stay there. Because of their good behavior my wife...
By : Ashabhosle This is Asha again with my 4th story, thank’s for appriciate me after reading my last story ” how my nanand’s driver fuck me” I got at thousand’s e-mal and more then 2000 friend ship and chatting offer and almost 2500 fuckig offer. In this new advancher, I was humilated and rough fucked by my brother’s sevant Usman please read and send me feedback on ‘ Actuly this is my expriance when I went to Baroda at my brother’s place there how Usman who was my brother’s servant 18 year’s...
I am 5’9” in height and around 65 kgs in weight and very fair complexion and by god’s grace I have no hair on my body except my head of course and yes I am proud to say that I am a guy even after this experience and have had a very dynamic experience with a very strong and masculine guy, who really changed the dimensions of my thinking. It was somewhere around 1 week ago, during the winter time of January, I was going home from college and as I entered my society, and went towards the...
Hi guys, I am Deepal,20, and after a lot of holding it inside I have finally found a place in here where I can lighten up my heart by sharing this real life experience of mine. I always kept it inside my mind and couldn’t share it with anybody, but with platform as this site, i find it the best to share my experience. I am 5’9” in height and around 65 kgs in weight and very fair complexion and by god’s grace I have no hair on my body except my head of course and yes I am proud to say that I am...
Gay MaleHi everyone. This is my first story here. I am currently 23 years old. I will reveal my name later based on your responses. This story is about my first time being actually penetrated. It had happened a few months after my 19th birthday. I know I lost my virginity a little late, considering how slutty I try to be! Some more basic details about me, so you guys can imagine me a little maybe. My height is around 5’4. I am very fair-skinned. I am not size zero, a little chubby or curvy. My bra...
Hello, everyone, hope you like past two telugu sex stories about my servant and my friend’s mother in my home.I like to continue in my language as usual. Adhulayum paaruga yaavulo oothumai rendu per pearum sangeetha tha enn anna ku marriage fix panni irundhaga marriage ku naa yellaraiyum kupten yeppidiyo enn servant vandhuduvanu thariyum so enn friend amma ku invitation kuda poona appo ava saptutu irundha, hi yeppidi iruka keata avalum nalla iruken sonna enna sapida sonna naa veanam uncle...
Hi my name is Sunita I am 21 years beautiful girl with size of 38-28-38. Here is my story with Ramu our servent. Ramu is 42 years old; he is 6 ft strong muscular man. Often he used to work just in vest and many times in the garden I have seen him working wearing shorts only. He used to call me Beti and treated me nicely always. Lately, however, I have noticed him staring at me often. Sometimes he had given me mischievous smiles also. When I asked him he used to say he was thinking of some movie...
“Should I ask what’s wrong?” Edgar’s voice broke the thread of his gloomy thoughts. “Besides the obvious,” the scientist added, with a tinge of humor. “The obvious?” Cory turned toward his friend, with a small smile. Maybe it was not too bad to get distracted for a bit. “We’re planning to start a war we have no idea we can win, we have coyotes and who knows what other desert critters to worry about, and, on top of it all, Marcus just offered to become a mentor for me in matters of the...
My name is Diago and I am just 18 years old. I am currently in my senior high and I belong to a very rich family. My parents both works very hard to provide me with all the luxury I want. My father owns a steel factory and my mother is a fashion designer. Before getting into the story of the sexy servant, a brief intro about us. For a while now, my father is not keeping well and I feel that his business is soon going to be mine as my mother is busy with her work and she would never change her...
Maid/ServantThe dull sound of the large truck moving was lulling him into sleep. He had no notion of how many hours had passed since he’d been sent out from his former master’s house and shipped to be taken who knew where. The gray clothes he wore felt like a rash against his skin. The boots were a bit too large, as well. It was like Dion was given a new life, along with a new uniform, that didn’t agree well with him. He kept his head down. It was too dark to look at his companions. No one was talking,...
Thursday, June 7, 2007 (Continued) My explosive cargo and I flew northeast across the farmers' fields at a very low altitude. Once I was clear of the base's residential area, I turned north and rocketed toward Canada, only forty miles away, zigzagging to avoid the many missile silos there were in the area. I stayed VERY low, because - unlike me - five steel-cased W80 nuclear bombs would definitely show up on radar. So far there wasn't a radar beam coming down at me, so if I stayed low I...
Hi everyone. I am studying my graduation. I stay in university hostel and rarely go to hometown. Actually my hometown is 2000 km from where I study. So I generally goes to hometown twice or thrice a year. Last year after my exams when I planned to go home, I came to know that my family has gone to attend a marriage ceremony in village . And they will be back after 1 days of my reach to home. As almost all the students had left and I had already booked tickets I decided to go hometown. My...
Our house had four keys for the main door lock. My parents carried one each and I and our servant maid, Pari, carried each. Since my parents worked and had to leave early for their respective jobs they gave an extra key to our servant maid so that she could come in the middle of the day and do her work. I was doing my engineering and was 20 years old. I was about 6’1” tall and well built. Our servant maid, Pari, was about 5’5” tall and had a great figure. she was about 27 years old and looked...
I’m a 21 year old gay guy, staying in Delhi. What I’m going to tell you, however, happened when 5 years ago, when I was 16 years old and all of it is true. I have not added anything extra since the story itself is erotic enough. I lost my virginity to a servant who worked for us then and still works for us now. I lived with my mother and father, and we had a full-time servant who stayed with us. His name was Ramesh Thakur. He cooked, cleaned, and he also served as a masseur for the family. I...