Bridget's DaysChapter 4 free porn video

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(The West Coast of Africa, 1684)

I frantically dug into the soft floor of the jungle, one eye fixed on the growing light appearing in the Eastern sky. My hands scooped dirt, rotted vegetation, fallen branches and anything else they encountered, flinging it in a pile beside the shallow trench I knelt in. The triple canopy overhead was thick enough to filter most of the day's sunlight. I just prayed it would filter enough.

I was out of time. I took the woven mat of branches and leaves I had constructed and placed it over the trench I had dug. I covered it as much as possible with the dirt I had dug from the hole. Then I wiggled into the trench and pulled the mat up over my head and grimly settled down to wait. Come nightfall I would continue the pursuit I was engaged in, or I would be a pile of ashes.

As I waited for whichever outcome would take place, I shook my head ruefully. The moment I relax always seems the moment I end up falling deep into shit.

Just weeks before things had seemed perfect. I had been returning from an extended trip to the Orient following my hasty departure from Budapest. "Extended" fits well, since it had been about 60 years. Because I had traveled overland on my way there, I had decided to return by boat, on several of the numerous Arab ships that plied their way all the way from China back to the Middle-East. I had not had trouble even with exposure. It was considered natural for a female to remain below decks in her cabin, and since we stopped quite frequently I had been able to slip ashore to obtain food. No point in panicking the crew when you're out at sea.

After reaching Alexandria I had decided to skirt the coast of Africa, rather than attempt to pass through Southern Europe, since that whole area was in upheaval, again. I was contemplating trying to reach France and Paris from the Atlantic side when once again my luck ran thin. The crew of the last small boat I had charted decided that they would keep the cargo, mostly consisting of what I had brought back from the Far East. Having me to sell on the coast of Africa as a slave was merely a bonus. So when we passed what would be called the Straits Of Gibraltar they simply locked me in and sailed south.

Someone might ask why I didn't just break out. Well, two reasons. First, because of where I was in the hold I wasn't sure when it was day or night. Second, they had placed a timber across the door that even I couldn't break. So I waited. Besides, its not as if I HAD to get to France. Africa might be interesting too. When you're immortal you go where you're blown sometimes. I was getting tired of getting just a little water and bread through a small hatchway though.

Finally I heard the anchor fall one evening. I knew it was evening because I heard the crew discussing the "night's feast" they were about to go to. So when the hatch was opened later I pulled the man through and fed from him. He had given one squawk before becoming a late night snack for me. When another man came running to see what was wrong I had two for dinner. With the strength that gave me I was able to break the hatch cover and finish off the other three crew members.

Once that was accomplished and the bodies had been all tied to a heavy piece of chain and dumped overboard I decided to go ashore. I was wearing an open shirt and trousers and added a pair of boots. There were a couple of muskets on board but I decided to stick with the katana I had brought back from the Orient. After all, a sword never jams, doesn't take two minutes to reload and works just fine when its wet.

I sculled a small dingy ashore, happy that the oar arrangement allowed me to face where I was going. Something about approaching an unknown place with my back turned seems to make me grumpy. The shore was lined with dark skinned people, outlined in the glow of fire built on the beach. They looked friendly enough, given that every male was holding a weapon of some kind. They weren't pointed at me though, which is always a comforting sign. Instead everyone was waving. As the boat touched land eager hands pulled it on to the sand.

I hopped out, my hands carefully held to the side. I had never met any African people before, so my mind was filled with nothing but fifth-hand comments and rumors. Contrary to so much that I had heard, they simply looked like people. But then I had heard silly rumors about the peoples of the Far East until I got there.

All the men, and some of the women, were armed. However no arrows were fixed to the strings of the bows and I noted the spears seemed to be held in the left hands and were not presented in a threatening manner. Since both spears and arrows were wooden shafted I was glad of that. Its funny how as weapons became more sophisticated they also became less dangerous to my kind.

My eyes fixed on the tall man standing in the center of the gathering. He carried himself with pride. Alone among the others, he held a shinning steel axe. His broad forehead was topped by a magnificent headdress which included bright feathers of unusual size. Centuries later, I still wondered how the peoples of that village had come to possess ostrich feathers.

I stood on the sand in front of all of them, waiting for whatever was going to happen. The powerfully built man in the lead stepped forward and indicated himself. "T'shombe," he announced with a ringing voice.

"Bridget," I replied, touching myself on the chest. He turned and walked towards the village proper and the fire in its center. I could smell roasting meat. With a gesture he indicated I should follow him. I did and the rest of the villagers fell in behind me. I sensed no threat from them.

T'shombe laid his weapon against a frame by the central hut. Instinctively I doffed the baldric supporting my katana and leaned it beside the axe. From the nod and grunts of approval around me I knew I had done the right thing. Peace had been offered and peace had been accepted.

T'shombe and I and a young warrior I took to be his son sat on a bench that appeared to be the only place other than the sand to rest. The three of us strove to talk. We discovered that we shared a number of Arabic words and managed to make ourselves understood to each other in a broken version of that tongue. I learned that Arabic traders often stopped here. They had thought the boat was another of those itinerants and were surprised to discover a woman, especially one alone.

As we conversed, the party apparently already planned had got underway. Food and drink were served all around. The home brewed wine was quite good, and quite powerful. I made the offer of a cask of red wine I had found on the sloop and eager hands used my skiff to fetch it. Then we all sat down to a good old fashioned feast.

Songs that I could not understand were sung and the villagers all enjoyed themselves, as did I. From my conversations with T'shombe and his son I gathered that the village had been here for as long as anyone knew. The people were a mixture of farmers and fishermen. There was only one other village anywhere nearby, farther up the river. They had peaceable relations with those others, although a word that I didn't understand was used in reference to them, or possibly to certain members of the other tribe. When the word was used, the people shivered slightly.

They had seen a number of Arabs and Arab traders but they had never met a European before. My red hair and pale skin fascinated them. Even more so, T'shombe himself seemed taken with my green eyes and spent quite some time starring into them.

For my own part, I found the entire village charming and the people both friendly and attractive. T'shombe himself, although not classically handsome, was muscular and I thought quite good looking. Never having been one to deny myself a new experience, I was rather attracted to him, as I certainly could tell he was to me.

I would never know what would have happened next. Suddenly the night was shattered by war-cries and screams and a large party of unfamiliar men flooded the village. They must have been lurking in the jungle for some time, waiting for the village's guard to be lowered, as it had been for the feast.

The fight was a blur. I saw T'shombe seize his axe and try to rally the warriors but they were caught unaware and half-drunk. A pile of invaders swarmed over him. I screamed in anger and launched myself into them, hoping that if I could get him clear we could at least get some of the women and children to safety.

There were too many for even me to deal with. I was just about drunk myself and my speed and coordination were affected. I broke one's neck and tore the jugular out of another with my fangs. My vampire instincts overcame me for once and I stopped to drink his blood. That was when a vicious blow caught my head and I fell senseless.

My vampiric constitution brought me back to consciouscness after probably no more than three or four hours. I searched the village, finding only dead bodies among the half-burned ruins. I was thankful the flames had not spread to where I had been. I dug through a pile of bodies to where I had last seen T'shombe. He was dead of course. I wanted to take time to bury him decently but I couldn't. I had too much to do.

From the number of missing villagers, most everyone had been taken away. I had found the tracks of many people walking in a line, suggesting they had been tied or chained together. I realized this had not been a surprise battle between warring peoples. This had been a slaving expedition, pure and simple.

I don't like slaving. You don't own people, often enough though I have seen it over the years. I had been received in friendship by the village here. I thought of the children and of the men and women who had treated me kindly. I was pissed. Most of the legends are true on that fact. Don't piss off the vampire.

I found enough torn cloth to wrap around my midsection. I was glad they had left my soft boots on my feet. From the condition of the rest of my clothing and what I could feel on and in my body, the raiders hadn't cared that I was apparently dead. I really don't like being raped. It upsets me. And I was already upset enough that I didn't plan on taking anyone alive. At least for long.

I debated going out to the boat. From a quick look it appeared that she had not been touched. I could retrieve better clothing and one of my spare swords from her, since the raiders had carried off my favorite. But time was a'wasting. What if my new friends were only being carried off a short distance to an already waiting ship? I started in pursuit, running down the easily marked trail until I had to stop for the sun.

All day long I waited inside my make-shift shelter. Twice I was burned by stray sunbeams that penetrated chinks in my coverings. The canopy above diffused the sunlight but what reached me was enough to cause me great discomfort. My skin tightened until every slight movement was agony. I trembled, gasping for air that I didn't need. The only thing that kept me from bursting from my shelter was the knowledge that I wouldn't get 10 steps before I was reduced to a pile of ashes. And that might be only the beginning. I really don't want to go to Hell.

Finally, after what seemed like eons, I dimly realized the sun was going down. Exercising all the patience I could, I managed to wait until I was sure darkness had overtaken the jungle. Pushing my coverings aside, I knelt at the edge of what had come close to being my grave until I was able to regain control of myself and stand up.

I still hurt all over. Only one thing was going to help me now. I half-staggered to the trail at the far end of the clearing. I could still smell blood, mingled with the aroma of fear and pain. I started after the slavers, moving slowly at first until my body loosened. Then I was running, accepting the occasional fall as the price I had to pay for speed.

The aches and the pains paid off. I saw a flickering light through the jungle long before I actually came on the slavers. I slowed and then left the trail, moving as silently as I could through the jungle, letting my ability to smell blood keep me oriented. I crouched where I could see the entire encampment.

"Yes!" I thought exhaultantly. I recognized the faces of my new friends, including T'shombe's son. I also noted there were other, unfamiliar people locked in the slavers' chains. Not that I could possibly know everyone from the village, but mingled with them were a number of slender, shorter blacks. My guess was that the raiding party had hit the other village first.

I crept closer. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I was determined to do something. Fortunately it seemed a lot of the raiders were missing, probably gone ahead to wherever the rendezvous was set up with the Arabs or Europeans the prisoners were to be sold to. Still, there were too many guards for even me to handle.

Then the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I turned, just my head, and got one of the biggest shocks of my undead life. Crouched almost directly behind me was a huge, black panther. Its yellow eyes bored into me and its teeth were bared.

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Introduction: A website actually worked I would like to say I had a sob story, but like most people I am over dramatic about my own life. I grew up in a good home, until my parents divorced when I was in 6th grade. While my parents were both supportive and loving, I lived with my mother and missed out on a lot of Man time with my dad, so I never learned the unlimited self confidence a lot of guys have. I have seen many guys who were ugly, broke and balding still have no trouble going up to any...

4 years ago
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A Passionate Movie

I had anticipated seeing the movie we were about to watch, but as I left the ticket booth I saw you lingering by the fountain in the plaza. Meandering around, your hips gently swaying; you seemed a very conservative woman taking in a movie. Little did anyone know the truth beneath your facade.It was the second time you had worn a skirt; the first being when we met. I remember watching you walk from your car; the light fabric of your clothing swayed with the rhythm of your body. So sexy, that I...

2 years ago
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Her Barking StudChapter 4

Late Monday evening, Daisy Chain Sharon arrived home. The house was dark and there was no sign of Jan. "Christ, where's that kid gone now?" she said to herself, snapping on a light. She held the front door open as Meat, the boxer, went outside. The sight of a boxer, after her wild fucking experience with the boxer named Richey the Fourth over the weekend caused her to smile with the fondness of the memories the dog generated. She'd fucked a lot of cock in her life, which had earned her...

4 years ago
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By Air Mail Ch03

*** This is a sort of split chapter in terms of locales, since a lot is going on in more than one place. Amelia still struggles a little to try to plan something for when Craig gets home – while Craig himself tries to urge his mechanical steed faster, hopefully without him needing to die for it. Later on in the afternoon, I’ll reveal another pair of characters altogether. I wanted to take the reader out of Cascade for a little while as well. 0_o ************* Craig woke in the morning and...

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Eating her till she Cums

Your soft thick thighs I kiss and lick making my way to your succulent pussy lips. While I'm kissing your thighs you rub your soft semi-hairy pussy in a circular motion. Our eyes all the while watching each other not sure what's to come. But it looks as though you have been wet for a while thinking of me tongue fucking you. My mouth is already watering with anticipation of your sweet taste. I rub the hair of your lips with my fingers and start working my way up and down, stroking you as...

2 years ago
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His Willing Victim

Fear would have made me speechless, were it not that I had already lost the ability to speak. My eyes desperately tried to pierce through the intense darkness; the gag that had been placed in my mouth making it impossible to call for help. I was tied to a wooden chair which was pressing against my back in a way that was far from comfortable.The rope that bound me was digging into the tender skin of my wrists, making it not at all tempting to struggle and increase my discomfort that way. To my...

4 years ago
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Happy Valentines Day Daddy

John was looking forward to Lexi's weekend visit. She didn't usually get to come home from college in February, but she was in the middle of her internship, so she was on a different schedule than in previous years. Both Lexi and her boyfriend Raymond were working toward advanced degrees in exercise physiology. The two of them were coming to stay with him for Valentine's Day. Lexi had spent New Year's with her mother. John had gotten used to not seeing his daughter every holiday since the...

3 years ago
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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 0510

CHAPTER FIVE Cynthia’s Story. I guess it had to happen. Peter had been busy with his business, building it up from the small family business that he’d inherited from his father. I can understand that, but what I can’t understand is his lack of interest in family matters. Take this morning for instance, he was prepared to stay home from work to answer police questions but when he discovered that he wasn’t needed he left for work without kissing me good-bye. It wasn’t that he has been in the...

4 years ago
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A New Start

Rachel flounced out of the apartment building, dragging her huge suitcase behind her, her anger palpable. How dare that little prick treat her like that, she wasn't just some little toy, they were supposed to be engaged, she fumed silently to herself as she made her way to a nearby hotel to book herself in and consider her next move. One Hour Earlier Rachel turned the key in the lock and snuck quietly into the apartment, hoping to catch Nick still in bed, or even better, in the shower. She'd...

1 year ago
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Jock TalesHomecoming PT 2

Jock Tales---Homecoming PT 2“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”.Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly...

2 years ago
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At the movies to accompany our video as told

My interactions with Ken and Keiko started when she sent me a quip about being disappointed that she's too young for my preference. I retort back that if she read the fine print in my profile she'd notice that I make exceptions for pretty women with her measurements. Keiko is beautiful, there's not that much more description needed. She's of Asian descent but doesn't fit the stereotype of the petite boyish figure. Her small frame houses a round tight butt and uber sexy 32DD breasts. They...

3 years ago
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Rough Sex With My Girlfriend In Nagpur 8211 Part 2 Punishment

Hi friends. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my story. If you haven’t read my first part, please read it. So I am continuing with the story of day 2. I woke up late in the morning and saw Shruti was not there. I went to the kitchen to find her. There she was, my angel, looking as bright as sunshine. She was wearing a pink one-piece which barely covered her thighs. Her beautiful long hairs were hanging loose and came up to her waist. I was in my boxers, I went close to her nimble-footed...

2 years ago
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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 10 Jar of Hearts

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 10 Jar of Hearts -I Don't Know Whether to Kill Myself or Go Bowling- My proposed sleepover dominated the conversation during lunch. The biggest issue was how to spend our time. Shelly had half a dozen movies she wanted us to see. Abby, who'd recently discovered K-pop, wanted to watch DVDs of boy bands gone 'Gangnam style'. Brett pushed for us to do each others hair and nails. From where I sat they were simply three voices in...

2 years ago
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Sex Starved Wife

I walked into Great Clips right before closing wanting to get a haircut.   I was greeted by Elise. I followed Elise to her stall admiring her ass as it swayed side to side.   She asked what style of haircut I wanted I told the same as last time. We made small talk while she cut my hair. Elise is your typical stylist. She is has supple breasts, long brown hair that is pleasantly pulled back about 5’5” and an ass to die for. She was in a black skirt and a white blouse. The skirt ends...

Wife Lovers
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Little Piggy Series Nascar Ole Country Style

Warning: This story has Dom/Sub, Wife sharing, Brutal Anal, F2M Oral, male creampie cleaning, Alc., Humiliation, and Nascar. If you’re trying to quit watching cars drive in a circle, PLEASE STOP HERE.One thing that us Southern backwoods inbred, white trash trailer rednecks are known for it Nascar. Now add some friends, Alcohol, and me, a dutiful wife, and you got yourself a good time! Cum see how I pleased my hubbies desires. Don't forget the shine.Once Upon a time in a Southern backwoods...

3 years ago
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A Painters Erotica

The painting was poorly created, but she barely noticed. They stood together at the same piece, his presence so close and intimate with her shoulders and lower back she wondered if he might get an erection, would she feel it. Such thoughts. She had become a monster of passion and desire and she hated herself for it. She’d never wanted anyone so much in her entire life. Not that that meant much in itself. But the very touch of him against her could send her into a chaos of stupid senseless...

4 years ago
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An Accidental Love God Ch 10

Chapter 10: Bernard Gui So I sit here in my office drinking my anejo and smoking a cigar. One reason I’m in the office is because my wife does not like ‘those smelly stinky things’ in the house. I assume that means the cigars, not me. Bernard Gui has just left for the airport and I’m writing this to get my thoughts in order. Bernard, ‘Bernie’ to his friends, had come to us as a lead though my New Orleans club. Bernie was in town for a conference. From what I could tell he had gotten to New...

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The Resurrection of Crazy JaneChapter 6

If I was a cartoon character, my eyes would have popped out, like an anvil was flying straight for my head. Only it was Zoey. She kept lunging her body at me with a sense of desperation, attempting to reach past me, going straight for my now-softening cock. While her body was full of wanting, her eyes were still pure fury. Her eyes were enlarged, she was breathing heavily, and she looked absolutely unhinged, like she could kill me at that instant. The combination of facial expression and...

2 years ago
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Attack of the Naked Zombie Bitches This is from a

Barging through the entrance of the diner is RexStunz and his mistress, Mistress Kim, as he calls her. Rex isa scumbag of a lawyer. He cheats on his wife, and cheatshis clients. He is the perfect definition of a snake. Speakingof snakes, Rex is always grabbing his dick. Somehow hehas avoided contracting any venereal diseases from all thewhores he screws. He wears loose underwear, and anytimehe sees an attractive woman he begins fantasizing offucking her. His overly large dick gets hard on the...

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The Savage

The Savage Hi, my name is Simon, and I have anger issues. I thought I had mastered them, but it appears I had only suppressed them. As a child, I had had court mandated anger management therapy, and medication, but that was all behind me now, the records sealed. I had always been a fighter. Growing up as the runt of the litter in a family of 6 kids will do that to you. My parents were hard-working folk, salt of the earth but great advocates of the ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’...

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A Quick Lunch

I eat out a lot. Yes, that's a pun but, really, I mean it literally. I enjoy eating meals out. I have my favorite places all over: the breakfast joints, the excellent little pubs where the cook doesn't know he could be a chef, seafood on the water, dark-paneled steak houses. Different places for different moods, different company, different purposes.I was at a place I like to go for lunch when I am by myself. Great food, busy enough to be private if you know what I mean, good light for reading,...

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Summer of Fun Part 6

This is the 6th installment of a multipart series. I appreciate all comments that I have been getting. And when you comment it encourages me to write more. So please don't forget to comment. Thank youAfter my cock had been baptized into the first older woman I ever had things were changing around me. In the beginning I didn’t notice but then the changes more immense. My whole life was taking a turn and not for the worst in most cases. I returned to Brandy’s house a few more times during that...

4 years ago
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Mom Helps Me Live My Fantasy

"Ohhh... oh BABY, oh SWEETIE... YEESSSSSS... Oh, eat Mommy, eat Mommy's cunt..." She grabbed my hair and ground my face hard into her salt-and-pepper bush, this magnificent woman, 25 years older than me at 25, her pussy slick and hot with juices now coating my face. I fucked her with my erect tongue, brushing her clit and making her spasm under me. She answered with staccato gasps timed to each stroke. I cupped my hands under her 50-year-old ass and ground my face into her like I wanted in, and...

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