Julian Part 2
- 2 years ago
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We won’t tell him. Ever. He has been so limitlessly sad since Julian died. There is nothing to do but stay next to him and hope he gets over it soon. It is mid-winter now in the fourth year of no more Julian. If he hadn’t been under doctor’s care, we don’t know what would have become of him. He has slit his wrists twice now and sleeps rarely.
We take turns holding him at night, trying to keep him warm. But even in the hottest nights of mid-summer, he is freezing and is like ice. So you can imagine what it is like for him here in snowy cold fourteen degrees winter and close to Christmas when he and his British friend and partner were the closest, for he had always associated Christmas with England, for that matter, it’s just about impossible not to with books and the media and all.
We won’t tell him it will get better. For it won’t. We won’t tell him anymore that he will come out of it, that Julian is in a better place, that the car crash in the outskirts of Paris was over four years ago and the pain is long gone from Julian, but Julian is long gone from him as well, and the anguish and the bitterness he feels, though he knew it was mad—he knew Julian hadn’t done this on purpose, that it was just a tragic motor way accident and no one was really at fault. It had been late night. And rainy and slick.
When Princess Diana’s funeral was on telly, he watched all of it, and mourned Julian instead of her, and he bought the mags and Elton John’s ‘Candle in the Wind’ and played it a million times, sobbing his heart out. He watched all the news about the crash, before and after, and the endless investigations into it and who had instigated it and damn the paparazzi anyways. He dwelled on it incessantly. He would not eat. He was skin and bones. We had to force him. It was then we had to accept the fact he was going mad.
He had begun talking to Julian as though he were alive and in the bedroom with him. As though everything was as it had been before, with today and yesterday and last month and a century from now mixed up in his shattered mind. He would tell Julian how it had all been a mix up and as soon as he left bed, as soon as he felt well enough again, he would set everybody straight about it all. I could see in his eyes, he imagined Julian nodding, and he put his hand to the air as if holding Julian’s hand, invisible, and then he put his hands and arms round the back of the air as Julian, in his mind, hugged him and it half kilt us.
I thought of breaking ranks with my other cousins and telling him but the others said no, never, they were uncharacteristically vociferous about it, they are normally quiet and soft spoken people, but this has half pushed all of us round the bend, and this is the night I hold him under quilts, as best I can, he keeps throwing them off, and I keep putting them back on.
He can get quite agitated at times and in those times can get quite violent, he will cry great gobs of tears. He will talk and talk to Julian, laugh insanely at jokes he heard from no one. Which scares us half to death, and we can say till we’re face blue that Julian is not there, that he will never be there, that you are just doing yourself an injury, your mind is sick, you need hospital again—but we can’t have him committed, the thirty days we made him spend were torture to him, all the good they did was to give him the drugs, if the drugs are not compounding his state.
The doctors, good though they are, do not know what he was like before all this, before the drugs too, when he had been able to be level headed and reasonable and cheerful many times, as long as there was Julian. Who is to say the drugs have not propelled him into this nightmare? Who is to say he might have gotten over Julian’s passing already, without them?
Morning came slowly, ever so. I am exhausted. Holding onto, or trying to hold onto, the writhing ship that is my cousin, the tormented and wrecking sinking thing that is he. I get angry sometimes. I get angry these things have happened to him. And that they have happened to us too. I know it’s the nightmare, the real one, but he doesn’t. I know there is a way to fix it. So do they. But they, like I, are selfish. He was such a handsome young man once. He had a melodic singing voice. He was moody and dark a great deal, but he was also a charming person with a joke and an easy smile and soft comforting words. But after Julian, the art of living has passed him by, as he has passed himself by.
Though we stay in the wilds of the English countryside, though we never let him get to that cemetery in Sevenoaks where he so deucedly and feverishly wants to go, because he says over and over, let me stand at his grave, Seven oaks being Julian’s home town, let me please make sure, he will beg so piteously. As if there is anything to make sure of. As if there is some trickery, oh, he thinks there is, how suspiciously he looks at us sometimes, as if we are making the whole thing up, as though this is a cruel evil joke invented to drive him mad, we tell him over and again that it is no joke. That we have his very best interests at heart. But he doesn’t listen. He blames us. And he blames Julian. And he blames God. As well as himself.
I bring flowers every morning. Sometimes my cousins come with me. This morning, for instance.
We kneel round his bed, and we hold his head and we are so sad. No one would believe about Julian. No one would believe we could have done such a thing. They would say we were faux necromancers. And that would not be true. But it is true, we’ve lied to him for some time now. It’s the only way we could keep him with us, for the lie must always continue. As do ours. We are more selfish than Julian. I dreamed it up. He would have gone mad if he had known the truth. Well, he finally did go mad, so what was the point of it anyway? And that laudanum or whatever he is taking. I would pour it out of doors if my cousins were not keeping such a secure, strict eye on the medicines dispensing.
Out of his hearing, now this cold gray drear December day, we huddle together outside the small house, in our heaviest clothes, and our heavy coats, the snow falling thickly on us, when everything looks like a shadow, and the world appears to be made of nothing but charcoal, as well as we are made of the very same substance as well as the world round us, small little dark bobbin it seems to us now with a very ugly knife edge frozen ice smell to us. He is a ways away, I told him at first, after I saw with horrors the eldritch nightmares we were causing him, making new, deeper inroads to his heart and tearing it apart, but he would leap at me and clasp my hands so tightly, they would have red marks on them for days.
He would be so red-faced and monstrously hopeful, as if he would tear the world apart to find his friend and be with him again. He would cry, ‘Where is he? Take me to him. Did he tell you that he died in order to get rid of me? Am I that worthless? Am I so much a nothing to him that he dreamt up this cruel hoax to rid himself of me? I forgive him. Everything. Tell him please. Whatever I did to offend him, I will never do again. I will be his servant. I will be his dog. Tell me and I will race to him.’ It would take all of us to get him to release me. We would have to administer so much medicine, he would pass out.
I stopped telling him Julian was far away, for he always interpreted it as he would be less far away the next day and the next week, that he would be at the door then and rush to his bedside and crush him in his arms and the sweet words ‘Julian, Julian’ not night terror words anymore, but words of love and adoration met, with Julian’s arms round him and kisses to follow.
We did make up the lie.
We walked away from him and went to the parlor, where we took off our coats and hats and gloves, as we sat by the fire, and Sophia made tea and brought us our cuppas. We didn’t talk much. I imagine we were thinking the same thing. He was right. Julian could
n’t have cared about him after all, even after eight so very close years. Julian wrote him, saying it’s over, don’t try to contact me, it was fun, but there are other things and other people I have to attend to, Cheerio, Julian. Cheerio, indeed! I threw the dreadful offal letter in the fire immediately. It burned a stench into this very room that is still lingering. What a bastard to do such a thing. What a royal f—ing bastard, may he rot for it.
He had moved in the meantime. I tried to find him. To demand answers from him. To beg him to come back. To do something. To kill him, perhaps. I don’t know. I tried my best. I went everywhere, talked to all the people I could think of who knew him. I didn’t know him well. Met him and some of his friends, had he done this to them as well? and for what reason? Or had this been reserved for Hugh alone?
Selfishness, I would imagine. Not giving a damn, I would imagine. Save about himself. I even tried Scotland Yard, checked school records of some schools I remember hearing him mention. He never mentioned his family to me or in my presence. He was a likeable fellow.
Open and witty and charming as well as his ex-friend and ex-partner he had summarily kicked in the teeth, consigned to hell, and had gone blithely on his way, other wise how could he have done such a monstrously evil thing? Or perhaps he is dead, indeed and is in hell indeed. Most hopefully so. I try to think of betrayal of him from Hugh’s side and cannot. Hugh was utterly devoted to him. They were together all the time, exchanging books, and all, Christmas letters and gifts in the mail till Hugh moved here. It was all going so well, till out of the blue.
I knew there had been no fight. Huge had been so happy and bubbling about Julian’s birthday the next week and where Julian had said they would celebrate-in Paris. Which gave me the immediate idea of the car wreck in France. I had to say something, didn’t I? He was so in love with Julian. He collapsed after denying over and over it was not true. As it got worse and worse. As my cousins came to stay with us.
Yes. Julian may very well be dead. He certainly is by now. We are dead too. But we keep tending the grave of our beloved Huge, who knifed his own throat, tearing it open, bleeding to death five days after I had told him Julian was dead. We kept his ghost alive as long as we could with our lies and our selfishness. And the fact, for reasons we didn’t understand then, we were tied somehow in the spider’s web of the thing. I guess you could say we are Flying Dutchmen, now, my cousins and I for putting Huge through that torment for four years, until I found a book on magic, and used it to cast his spirit back to a calm and restful afterlife. Julian should be serving our eternal sentence with us, since it was his fault to begin with. And perhaps he is. Somewhere out of our sight.
Be that as it may, once upon a time, a ghost, thinking himself alive, mourned a man who was, as far as we know, and most probably was, snakes being skillful survivalists, alive, who in spirit and soul was truly the dead one. Later, after we’ve warmed our ghostly legs at the fire enough, we will go into Hugh’s bedroom and continue the shadow play with illusion. It is something, after all, to keep us busy. And not think of the grave and the tombstone scarcely a yard away. Sleep being sleep and bed being bed. Or how we adapt the story line to each year or so, keeping up with the times, for we’ve no choice in that either.
Someday I will find Julian. And I will kill him most horribly. Even though he is now a ghost. After all, I am practiced in the fine arts of all the ways to kill one, and to keep it alive in torment for as long as I want. That would be worse. That is what I plan to do.
I still search. And will not stop. Till finding him.
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JULIAN'S STORY He climbed the stairs to the spare bedroom, pulled two suitcases from underneath the bed and placed them on it. They were empty and he opened them both. He had been putting this off, it was something he knew he had to do but he felt a stab of regret but knew he had to get on with it. Julian went to the wardrobe and before opening it looked at himself in the full length mirror attached to the front of the door. "Getting on," he thought as he looked at the old man...
Author’s Note: This is a re-post of my previous and first submission. This time ’round, it has been revised, changed and lengthened. I hope you enjoy it. Also, there is NO sex in this first chapter, and there may not be any in any further chapters, I don’t know yet. If you are looking for a quick wank, then look elsewhere, if you want a good story, read on. Oh yeah, don’t forget, this piece is only allowed on Literotica. My Introduction to Death The ringing of my seldom used cell phone...
The hill was an escape, a portal to an easier world. In fact it wasn’t much of a hill at all, more like a rise in the ground and a path that went up among the rocks under the trees. Kaiser, the Rottweiler, watched them from behind the fence and barked at Chano because it was too stupid to see that he was a trusted friend and that no one had put Chano in the back of the yard inside a fence. The smart dog lived in the house where it was warm because she was old and gentle and took a piece of...
Introduction: The Patriots grow more desperate in their attacks. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Seven: Deadstick Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. As Wormwood raged across the world, the chaos served the Tyrants interests. By January, Canada and Mexico had fallen under their control. As governments struggled to maintain control of their populations in the devastating wake of the plague, Warlocks arose. Men and Women who swore...
Lisa Bennet rode her horse smoothly and calmly across the desert sand, sleepily leaning her head against the neck of her horse. Her long, blonde hair fell to either side of her head, and her bright blue eyes could only be seen every now and then, for they were nodding off. Her average, but perfectly shaped breasts heaved slowly against her saddle, and her cowboy uniform and hat helped keep some of the heat off of her. She was a five foot four woman, and she had left her home four years ago when...
Like a few of my other stories, this one clawed and scratched at the inside of my skull, getting in the way of other stories until I acquiesced to let it out. I’ve configured it as a Weird Pulp style for brevity’s sake. There is no graphic sex here. It just wouldn’t fit. Special thanks to Sbrooks for the editing and Crkcppr for Beta reading it for me. Any remaining errors are entirely mine -- probably added after their assistance. The Song of Farwalker and Deadgirl: The Long Night of the...
As Wormwood raged across the world, the chaos served the Tyrants interests. By January, Canada and Mexico had fallen under their control. As governments struggled to maintain control of their populations in the devastating wake of the plague, Warlocks arose. Men and Women who swore dark Pacts to Lucifer. Oppressed peoples and beleaguered governments turned to Mark and Mary Glassner. And the Tyrant's price was simple—submission. –excerpt from 'The History of the Tyrants' Theocracy', by...
G.S.P. Chapter 11 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead * * * “I must ask you citizens of New York. Does the presence of the G.S.P make you feel safe?” Cyclone shouted into the camera and then took a long pause as to let the question ring before he continued. “Looking at the past weeks you have reasons to feel more secure, but not because the lazy for hire G.S.P group, but because of us honest heroes from my Knighthood of Peace. It all fits the same pattern. G.S.P was never about battling the...
The Stocking Dead by Arcie Emm Shrieking snapped Matt awake, but only silence greeted him. Memories, nothing more than terrible memories that found fallow ground within his mind during those moments just before sleep ended. "Can't sleep, Rock Star?" Matt looked towards Jase, recognizable in the sliver of moonlight that squeezed through the boarded up window at which he kept watch. Not yet answering the one time drummer of their band, Fade to Gray, he sat and stretched, cushions...
HorrorA Rose Before It's Time (Remembering Our Dead) by Cabinessence Inspired by the Remembering Our Dead site Thanks to Connie for editing. IT BEGINS You see, I have this good friend who grows roses for a living, the long stem variety with soft red petals that you might send to a loved one as an enticement for them to swoon at your feet. He once told me that the real secret to his work is to know exactly when to cut the rose, so that the full potential of its beauty has had the...
She perched on the corner of the gravestone, as the sun shone its last rays over the high wall. She was waiting for him, as she always waited. She tugged down her long blue summer dress, despite the fact that it was October, on the cusp of November and the air was beginning to chill, she felt ... nothing, not too hot – not too cold, just ... nothing. The last of the sun's rays blinded her momentarily, and then darkness began to fall. She saw the caretakers as they moved through the...
The declaration was followed by a silence of some length. The Secretary of the American Embassy and the Peruvian attache had followed the conversation with eager interest. Major d'Astrignac nodded his head with an air of approval. To his mind, Perenna could not be mistaken. The Prefect of Police confessed: "Certainly, certainly ... we have a number of circumstances here ... that are fairly ambiguous ... Those brown patches; that doctor ... It's a case that wants looking into." And,...
If you've read my past stories, you know that I work out in a gym that's in a gay area of town known as "Boystown." I'm bisexual, and I've been known to pick up a guy or two at the gym. On this particular day a tall, athletic, white guy caught my attention. He was about 6'6", 210 lbs I would guess. I was doing my leg presses and he was deadlifting. What first caught my attention were his huge shoulders and arms. His shoulders looked like he had on some football pads, and his arms were thick. I...
GayRonnie tugged his pants on, he wasn't going to say anything. He searched around for his shirt, he grabbed it off the floor along with his shoes and socks. He sat on the edge of the bed. He wasn't going to say a word. He tugged a sock on and put on his shoe, he angrily tied it, then did the other one. He rammed his hand into his shirt, struggling into it. His face was livid with uncontrolled rage, that five minutes before had been uncontrolled lust. "This is it Tanya, the last time." he...
Bianca nudged me awake. “Hmm,” I grunted. “I know this is a completely irresponsible question, but ... where are my sister and Anabella?” “Last I saw them they were with this older guy. I’m sure they’re okay.” The protective big sister reared her ugly head. “Okay, okay, okay ... Fritz made sure they were put into cabs and sent home,” I explained. “I’m so dead,” she moaned. I pulled her to my chest and kissed her forehead. “Eva said you’ve been working really hard and needed a good...
Blood trickled from Dominion’s slit fingers, sliding across the floor of his office at the prison and forming two separate puddles. As with all of his creations, two great shapes rose up from the puddles like they were gateways to Hell. Granted living flesh and blood bodies, a man and woman kneeled before him. The man was a goliath, a bone structure that would suggest gigantism, but much more stable and natural. He wasn’t made in mankind’s image, but in the image of their evolutionary...
She was a goth. She did what she would do often times on various night of the week, buy a bottle of whiskey, go to the cemetary and drink around the graves of the part of the cemetary that the grounds keeper would call, "that best forgotten" section. Where all the worst murderers, pedophiles, mutilators and rapists, even wiches and devil worshipers were buried. Some of them hung, others shot dead, and even some burnt alive. It was easy to see what attracted her to this part of the...
(Right so this was a story I started a long time ago but deleted because it wasn't written that well. However, after all this time, I feel I've improved and honestly miss this story so I'm bringing it back! Hope you all like it!) The Fantaverse is the newest virtual reality device that always the user to enter any universe. Whether that be from novels, television, or video games. So as soon as you heard of this device you immediately started saving up, and it wasn't cheap. After months of...