Sharing the good times of my wife and I pt 2
- 3 years ago
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Dilemma is a Latin word. It means so much as having two choices that are mutually exclusive. Dilemmas can bring your life to a standstill; they can also leave you crazy.
After leaving Fleming, Juliana found a hidden nook somewhere in the puzzling maze of the villa. She sat down on a little bench and fought her tears. Her mind felt just like the labyrinth she'd just followed – a bewildering sequence of corners, stairs, and doors that opened – or didn't.
It would be easy to blame Fleming or Charrier, but they weren't the real cause of her misery, were they? They only grabbed chances – rewards, you might say; prizes for their unique talents. And anyway, was offering her body such a terrible thing, considering the wonderful gift it would enable – the gift of life for the man she loved?
Juliana knew it wasn't that easy. Oh yes, if she'd been the big chested, single-minded Melinda there might be no problem: she wouldn't even sit here probing her confused mind. But she wasn't Melinda; she was Juliana Enders, the thoroughly naïve Christian girl that didn't know how to just give her body. She realized, deep down, that Dr. Charrier knew that too.
She wasn't the elegant butterfly that let herself be fucked on the dinner table, like the girl in the party dress. She wasn't experienced like the tattooed woman, or pliant like the scared blonde she prepared to be fucked in the lounge. Juliana was an ignorant country girl; she had to find her way in a jungle of exotic plants named 'love' and 'sex, ' grown into one inextricable knot.
The problem wasn't that she wanted out; she knew she couldn't. She was prepared to pay the prize of her body for saving her husband. What scared her was that it wouldn't stop at her body. She remembered her feelings while sitting on the doctor's knee being felt up, or being licked at the dinner table by Melinda. She recalled the incredible sensations that shook every nerve in her body and entered her mind.
Juliana sat in her niche, chewing on her dilemma. She didn't make a sound, but warm tears ran down her cheeks.
"Mrs. Austin."
The voice sounded clipped and British. It belonged to John, the butler. She looked up, rubbing the tears from her eyes.
"You have an appointment with Dr. Charrier, if I may be so bold to remind you," he said. Juliana sighed and rose.
"I know," she said. "Could you please show me the way? I'm lost."
The big black table was still there, and so were the abstract paintings and the modern draperies. The doctor rose from behind his desk. He wore a burgundy robe with gold and black print. Under it she saw a black shirt and pants. A sash closed the robe around his bulging stomach.
"Welcome yet again, Mrs. Austin," he said. "Please, let's sit over there." He gestured to a corner, where overstuffed club chairs stood around a low table. "So much more comfortable, don't you think?" He smiled as he led her there, and waited until she sat before sitting down himself. His big hands rested on his knees; his large pink head was reflected in the glass surface of the table.
"As for comfortable," he went on, "how do you feel now, Mrs. Austin, after adjusting for a few days?" She just stared at him. He asked how she felt?
"I feel awful, doctor," she said. His face fell. He leaned forward over the table.
"I'm so sorry to hear that," he said, his eyebrows frowning. "Did we cause any of your discomfort? If so, please tell us, so we can remedy it."
Was he mocking her? He looked sincere. She moved deeper into the leather chair, crossing her legs.
"It is just..." she said. "Doctor, I'm very worried about my husband." His face relaxed into a smile. He sat back.
"Of course," he said. "But there really is no reason for that. He is doing great, under the circumstances."
"Dr. Fleming just told me so," Juliana informed him. "He also said you wouldn't allow me to see him." The smile didn't leave, but it seemed to freeze. He rose.
"That's right!" he boomed. "He needs his rest. Can I get you a refreshment – coffee, tea, anything at all?"
"But I understand he is in a coma," Juliana said.
The doctor walked closer, his bulk blotting part of the light that came in through a tall window.
"Mrs. Austin," he said, his voice tainted with forced patience. "Your husband is in the best hands imaginable. You know that. We do our utmost to save his life, and we do that for free. It is my gift to you. Now I told you before that I didn't want to repeat myself on this, Mrs. Austin, but have you even started thinking about how to recompense us for our unselfish efforts?"
Juliana sat straight in her chair now, her fingers strangling the hem of her sweater. Everything felt so wrong, and yet: everything the man said sounded reasonable. He stood over her, looking down; his knees almost touching hers.
"At the dining table, Mrs. Austin," he went on, "and on my knee in the lounge you acted like a dummy, like a blow up doll that I could have bought for fifty dollars. Do you think your husband would have even a fraction of a chance if I treated him like you treat me – cold, absent and aloof?" Juliana felt tears flooding her eyes.
"Please," she muttered, looking up at the darkened face. The doctor went down on his haunches and took her hands in his. A smile returned to his lips.
"Are you a virgin, Mrs. Austin?" he asked.
It seemed a silly question; she was a married woman after all. Her mind went back to the many times Alec's penis had forced itself into her vagina. And yet...
"Yes, Dr. Charrier," she said. "In a way I still am. I have often given my body to my husband, but as far as real ... sex is concerned, I guess I'm still a virgin. Does that make sense, doctor?"
He rose to his feet again, his joints creaking.
"Yes," he said. "That makes a lot of sense to me. And I think it explains our little problem." He held out his hand and helped her up. Then he put an arm around her shoulder, hugging her closer. His cologne was sweet and abundant.
"Now go to your room, Mrs. Austin," he said, walking her to the door. "Your lunch will soon be served. Take a nice nap after that, before you shower and dress in what will be laid out for you. Be as beautiful as you can and present yourself at the lounge around five o'clock."
Reaching the door, the doctor let go of her. She stopped.
"What will happen at the lounge, doctor?" she asked. He smiled.
"Let's say," he said, rolling from toe to heel and back, "you'll be deflowered at last, in a sense."
They say fear is healthy; it makes you either run or attack. Juliana knew fear from the calloused hands of her father or the brimstone of hell and eternal damnation. But she never knew the kind of fear that seduces you with its sweet, arousing embrace. Of that fear Juliana knew nothing.
She was a bunch of nerves, ever since she returned to her room. When her lunch arrived, she could only nibble. Her afternoon nap was a series of shallow nods at best. At three-thirty she washed her hair and took a bath, hoping the hot water would untangle the knot in her stomach. Caressing her slick skin, she tried to imagine what would be waiting for her. Images of the two women last night, didn't help much to calm her down.
Then her fingertips met the coarseness of regrown whiskers. She rose and stepped out of the bath, shivering from the cool air. She found a small lady shave and stood under a bright light to carefully remove the stubbles. Forcing her hand to be still, she felt her nervousness wane. She concentrated on finding every niche and whisker. Then she shaved her armpits and her legs.
Rubbing lots of lotion all over her body calmed her down even more. Wherever she massaged her skin, it turned pink; a sweet glow radiated from where she touched herself.
Returning to the bedroom, she found pieces of garment laid out on the bed. She picked up a black, stretch-satin top. It was not so much a bra, more of a short, tight chemise. The panties were black and made of satin too, more like very short boys' shorts. She pulled them over her smooth legs, secretly enjoying the goose bumps.
The other parts of the outfit were a black skirt made of fine-knitted jersey and a white see-through blouse. There were no stockings, but she found black pumps with higher heels than she ever wore.
Juliana sat down at her vanity mirror, only wearing the top and panties. Seeing her reflected face, her nerves returned. She surely couldn't be this, could she? And yet here she was.
She reached for a silver box and a sponge. Like the girl Mei showed her, she spread the pale foundation thinly over her face, throat and chest. Then she picked up a brush and dabbed sweet-smelling powder into her skin, adding pinkish rouge to accentuate her cheekbones.
Mei had pointed out which parts of her face to accentuate and which parts to camouflage. She had a generous mouth with good lips. But her main assets were her eyes – large and round and violet-blue, framed in long lashes.
Mei had shown her how to choose and apply the various shades of eye shadow, and how to draw deliciously subtle lines around them. Juliana's skills were still a far cry from the girl's, but after twenty minutes she knew she had outdone herself – and undone herself.
Staring at the stranger in the mirror she recalled the women at church muttering about 'painted faces' that belonged to 'Satan's whores.' Back then she'd been secretly thrilled by the phrase, having no idea what it meant. Now looking at the reflection of the smoky-eyed woman with the pale face and the red, sparkling lips, she wondered if she'd found its meaning. She shrugged. Then she freed her moist hair from its towel and took the blower to dry it. Careful brushing she created a golden halo.
The jersey skirt felt soft and slippery. It hugged her hips and stopped just short of her knees.
The blouse was transparent. It buttoned up to her throat and had long, wide sleeves. One could easily see the black top and the outlines of her arms and shoulders.
Juliana slipped into the pumps and rose, trying to walk. She thanked whatever God might still listen for her strong farmer's daughters ankles. As she strutted the length and breadth of her room, she saw it was time. Fresh anxiety made her shiver. She picked up her clutch and left the room, very aware of the perfume surrounding her.
Juliana's heels clicked on the marble floors, sometimes scratching when she hit an uneven spot. She turned a corner and almost bumped into Melinda.
"Oh my," the girl said in her high-pitched girly voice. "Don't we look gorgeous today." She grinned and made her finger indicate a pirouette. Juliana felt the glow of a blush as she turned left and right on her impossible heels. The blonde clapped her hands. She looked quite festive herself, in a very short blue dress that displayed her hard-earned assets rather bluntly.
"I bet you have a date," Melinda said, stepping closer and touching her arm. "How exciting. Who's the lucky bastard?"
The question brought Juliana's nervousness back.
"I ... I don't know," she said. "Dr. Charrier told me to be at the lounge at five, dressed like this. That's all I know."
Melinda laughed, now holding both of Juliana's hands. "A blind date!" she exclaimed. "Oh my God, so thrilling. Now rush, honey. Have fun. Don't be late." She let go of Juliana's hands and walked on, swaying her round ass.
Juliana sighed and turned the last corner.
Soft music got louder as she opened the lounge's door. Cigar fumes still seemed to linger from last night; they blended with old, musty leather and fresh perfume. Shades were lowered on the windows, she saw, muting the afternoon sun. In the club chair next to the empty fireplace was the silhouette of a man. Some light fell on his hand; it held a glass filled with an amber liquid. The man was clad in a black jacket over a white shirt. His face looked away from her.
Juliana saw where he looked at. On the sofa across from him was a woman. One of her knees rested on the seat, the foot of her other leg stood on the carpet, balancing on a high-heeled sandal. She wore a black top with spaghetti straps. Her right hand moved inside its left cup, slowly massaging her breast. Her other hand covered her crotch over a thong. Slim black garters ran from the bottom of her top to black sheer nylons. Juliana had seen her before; she was the tattooed, black-haired woman who played with the blonde in this same lounge. She was openly fondling her body in front of a man.
He noticed Juliana's arrival and turned to her. She knew him; he was the man who'd fucked the fragile girl in the evening gown at the dinner table. He smiled and reached out with his free hand. She hesitated, looking from the hand to the woman and back. The man nodded; Juliana took the hand. It felt warm and dry – strong too.
He lifted her fingers to his mouth, brushing them with his lips. The sudden touch made her shiver. She turned her attention to the woman again. One breast was bare now, she saw. The hand squeezed and mauled, making her dark, pierced nipple slide through her fingers. The woman's eyes were fixed on Juliana's. Her face was contorted, her mouth opening to let out a moan. Looking down, Juliana saw that her other hand had slipped inside the thong, working vehemently on the flesh below.
"You are Juliana, aren't you?" the man asked.
His voice was deep and mellow; his fingers massaged hers. She cleared her throat.
"Yes," she said.
"Well," the man went on, "Dr. Charrier wanted you to meet Ellis; I understand you saw her before." He brought her hand to his lips again, his eyes never leaving the masturbating woman.
"Ellis is very good at ... what she's doing, and she has been looking forward to meeting you, haven't you, Ellis dear?"
The woman smiled, speeding up the rubbing. Both straps had fallen off her shoulders by now; her entire chest was on display. Juliana looked away.
"Don't look away, please, Juliana," the man said. "It would be rude to ignore her show, don't you agree? She loves to be seen. Tell us you do, Ellis."
The woman, obviously distracted by whatever she was feeling, returned slowly to reality.
"Oh yes," she breathed. "Yeeeesss. Being watched makes me feel hot." She moaned again and increased her pace. The thong slid down her thighs. Juliana felt the man's warm hand move up her arm, caressing her through the gauzy material of her sleeve. By now she recognized the buzz entering her mind – and the glow spreading through her body. She should pull away her arm, she thought, but she couldn't. She should run, but her legs never got the message. So there she stood, being caressed by a stranger and staring at a woman degrading herself in public.
The woman didn't seem to care. The man chuckled.
He put away his glass of whisky and turned towards Juliana.
"You are truly beautiful," he said, as he started to undo the button of her right sleeve, moving up the fabric and kissing the soft inside of her lower arm. "So young and sweet," he whispered. She stiffened and looked away. He took her other hand and undid the button there – ah, the damn shivers.
"Keep looking at Ellis, Juliana," the man insisted. "So much to learn." She returned her gaze to the woman, who was really clawing her vagina. A wet sound counterpointed her stream of moans now. Her eyes were closed, her face showing an almost pained expression. Juliana tried to imagine her feelings.
"Lower yourself a bit, honey," the man said, pulling softly at her arm. She bent her upper body, looking at him before returning her gaze to the woman.
A hand pulled at the front of her blouse; he must be undoing more buttons. She tried to empty her head.
"Now rise again and shake it off, Juliana," the man said. She rose and shook, feeling the thin material slither down her shoulders and arms.
"Lovely," he commented, placing a hand on her stomach. Looking down she saw her nipples push little dents into her shiny top. She also saw the man's fingers undo two buttons of her skirt. He pulled it down to reveal her panties and thighs. His hand plunged immediately into the slight opening below her crotch, cupping her vagina as he squeezed. She took in a sharp breath and heard him chuckle.
"Moist," he said. "Hot."
Juliana imagined herself standing there, slightly bent at the waist, her thighs parting under the pressure of the hand. She groaned, whispering tiny 'no's' under her breath.
"Yes," he whispered, boring his gaze into her eyes. "And yes, yes, yes..." Each word accompanied a squeeze of her vagina, the tempo increasing. Then a cry from the woman on the sofa tore up the misty heat around Juliana. She looked up and watched Ellis collapse. Her body convulsed; she gasped like a fish on land.
"Sit in my lap, honey," the man said. "And let's applaud for Ellis." Dazed, Juliana gave in to his hands; they turned her around and pulled her into his lap. Where Dr. Charrier's thighs had been soft and bouncy, his upper legs were firm and muscle-bound. Between them was something hard; it throbbed against her inner thigh.
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It was a little after nine-thirty PM when we pulled into the garage. Mary looked around and asked, "Do all these cars belong to you?" "Un-huh," I responded. "After all there are quite a few of us living here." I got out and then went around and opened the car door for Mary. "Thank you sir," She told me stylishly while extending her hand. "You are more than welcome Malady," I responded taking her extended hand and ushering out of the car. As she stepped out her skirt rode up and I...
THE CRICKETS (Gay male)Adrian rather enjoyed those parties, the ones his father threw on occasion, at their summer home. Adrian’s father was Lord Atherton and he knew just about everyone or, shall we say, everyone wanted to know him. Adrian enjoyed the parties because they were somewhat decadent, at least to him and his father, most of the guests ignoring the best of what went on during the party. But I shall try to give you a glimpse of the action without revealing everything right away.Adrian...
So late one Sunday Nite while driving home from a function I decided to put my Sissy gear on and hopped on the Chat line and find some dick before I made it home. I met someone who told me to come over and met him outside in front of his house. He got into the front seat and the convo/session is as follows: but first he is about 5'11 about 160 dark skin and definitely sexy with it. 1st GuyHim: you wanna stay in the truck or you want to go in the back of the house on the porch. Me: We can stay...
One of the Girls by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams,1997 Eric just pulled away from the curb after dropping his date off. As he drove home, he thought about when they had met. It was a little over two months ago. He was in restaurant near campus and she had been sitting with some girlfriends. She was the only one he'd seen before. They shared some classes and he knew that her name was Jessica Anderson. He had also known that she had transferred to Millikin from Kent...
Elizabeth is a beautiful, mature woman I have known for several years now. One of my regulars and one of my favorite lady friends, we have had some wonderful times together. I can always count on some hot sex when we hook up and even in between times, as Elizabeth also likes phone sex when we can't get together.Elizabeth is a former model who now runs her own fashion line of clothes as well as makeup and perfumes, although as far as I'm concerned, she could still keep up with the best of them...
TabooPR9117 CHP1 - Learning the rules Amanda look around the room, there were six girls there, each clutching their files and small bags with their possessions inside. She was scared, but she didn’t want to show it. She wanted to appear disinterested, like the situation didn’t bother her. Prison had a formidable reputation and she didn’t want to be eaten alive. When the door opened, two male and two female guards dressed identically in thick black trousers with starched white shirts contrasted with...
Candles filled the room and Melody stood there in the center. She looked over the table at Titus and smiled. He had gotten her note, she could tell by the look in his eyes that he understood the words she'd penned. "Daisy helped with the mess..." she had added a an erotic poem to the card, telling him in detail what had happened. Daisy had written it and she too had sent one to Rick. They were at Rick's place now, just like she was at Titus'. She didn't know what they were doing, but...
I am terrified of flying but i wish to see the world!I decide to go on a trip, where shall i go? I talk to a travel agent and she talks me into the irish coast. I have always wanted to kiss the the "Blarney Stone", as an irish american i agree. The day comes to go to the airport and i am anxious but scared. I call a cab and go despite my aprehension. I check my luggage and get my boarding pass. Of course the security check point line is huge.I have time before my flight so i decide to get a...
Introduction: sorry I havent posted in what feels like years life got busy anyways heres a story enjoy guy <,3 ya Brick was starring into the darkness in his room only the half moon in the sky lite his room threw the single window in his room. He gulped a dry lump as he now stood only a few inches away from Katrina his step sister who was in his bed wearing her classic red plaid pajamas. He was nervous as all hell, because he couldnt believe this all started a few hours ago. In a few hours...
i had this dream last night of this beautiful girl i well kind of know lets say i see her alot well we were four wheeling in my jeep down by the river having a good time she was wearing a blue sundress and sandals and a blue bows in her pig tails looking verry stunning out of no where comes this down pour making things verry muddy verry quick on our way out we hit this creek mouth and get stuck trying every thing i can to get out i burry it to the frame so were stuck good i call a friend to...
Gradually over the next few weeks tensions eased a bit, the fraternization rules were relaxed and Germany became a much better place.The rubble clearing still went on though, it had to, the building work was moving on quicker than most of us had anticipated.I'd met Eva's younger brother Manfred and I'd managed to get him a job on our building gang as a tea boy and general labourer, he still did a bit of black market wheeling and dealing, but mostly he was kept busy working and he was getting a...
Historical© dircat December 2003 Chapter 1 We had been kidnapped the night before. We'd been out for dinner together and as we left the restaurant I half saw this shadowy figure come up to me from my left and half saw an arm raised in the air. Something hit me on the back of the head and I went down like a light. Coming to was difficult. I woke up for a few moments with a splitting headache then almost immediately sank back into darkness, only to go through the same thing again later on. At one...
I was sitting at the bar one Saturday evening drinking my beer and hoping to get lucky. Even though my looks are said to be pleasing to the eye, finding an interesting fuck can sometimes be tedious. At around eleven p.m. as I was getting a sinking feeling, a lanky guy sat on the bar stool next to me. He wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, but not too bad. He was one of those, ‘one a.m.’ people.Confused? Okay…let me explain: A friend and I had code for club or bar pick ups. If you went home with someone...
Gay MaleAnne's friend told me that she wanted to have a private conversation with her and they disappeared for a long time. When they came back Anne had changed her clothes. She was wearing jeans and a shirt, ready to travel. The lunch was delayed and when we eventually started back home it was getting dark. As a result of our previous evening's activities, mom went to straight to sleep and I drove in silence, only stopping to stretch my legs and refuel the car. Anne was afraid of the last...
As I posted before was into CBT being a young almost teenager was horny all the time would wrap a cord several wraps around my nuts until my balls purple I would leave the ends of the cord long and tie them to my ankles so with every step and when riding my bicycle my balls were being yanked keeping me hard and horny. One day with Chris my friend we rode our bikes over to the little league field there were dugouts we would get into them for privacy and I would go down on Chris it seems that I...
“Joshua, I think we should go for a swim,” said Michael. “Yeah that would definitely cool us off,” replied Joshua. “I’m sweating so much.” Joshua and Michael walked down the path they were on and found an opening through the bushes that led to the river. They started taking off their boots and wool pants. They pulled off their long sleeve shirts and were left standing in their underwear. Their bodies were glistening in the sun from the sweat that rolled down their bodies. “Whoa...
It was a great thing he had Taz now, as he had a reason to go out of the house, and also to go jogging. Getting back to playing sports with buddies was not yet on his list of priorities, as he was still trying to get his life in order, and adjust to the post-Aron era, as he had come to call his life now. Taz was a great jogging partner. Adjustments to the shoebox, as he called his home now, had to be made, and the cabinets now held dog foods from various brands which Carter wanted to try to...
As I shut the front door, Celia poked her head out of her sitting room at the back of the hall and said, “Care for a drink?”“That would be lovely, Ms. Zhang. Let me wash up.”I took off my hat, shoes, and overcoat and went to wash my face and hands. It had not been a tiresome day, but I felt better joining her in her private space after cleaning off the daily grime. She gave me a healthy discount on the rent of her extra bedroom in return for maintenance around her house and other properties....
Masturbation‘What’s going on?’ Heather asked. ‘Where are you taking Lee?’ she didn’t understand that Lee was threat to her and her family. John realized that the shape-shifter didn’t recognize Heather, probably due to his ‘bimboizing’ of her, which changed her appearance. Heather had unwittingly saved the day with her lust. Nevertheless her bimbo urges were still in charge of her and John’s cock was much too close for comfort, and before John could stop her Heather sucked his perpetually erect cock right...
"Holy! ... You're kidding!" "Mitch, what's going on? I'm trying to work here!" Usually, Tory and Mitch sharing the office space at the house wasn't a problem. But, when trying to work on her finals, Tory found Mitch's outbursts disturbing. It was Friday evening and she was trying to get as much work done as possible, since she and Mitch would, again, be chaperoning the prom on Saturday. "Sorry, baby, but you've got to hear this." Tory saved her work and then moved her chair so...
I had to find a place to live. It would be defined by whatever the state decided to pay me as a salary plus the bonus of whatever I could 'arrange' from the investigations I made. So rather than contact Mission, I checked the balance on my prepaid credit card. The balance had been $500 at the beginning of my job as a stripper. It was again $500 without any explanation. I didn't argue. Instead I tried to decide what to do with the money. It was hard since I didn't have any idea where I...
Arabian Nights Pt. 01 By MicheleNylons© Michele felt the huge member buried in her anus begin to pulsate; hot, creamy semen flooded her back passage. She was lying face down on the huge bed; pressed down into the satin sheets and soft mattress, her own penis trapped in her satin panties was also hard and leaking pre-seminal fluid. She lay still as Ahmed, the man lying on top of her, emptied himself into her. Ahmed preferred to fuck Michele doggy-style and finish with her prone;...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Before she returned to Denmark for the school year, Magda and I agreed to phone each other with details of our sex lives, and to always, in the future, inform each other of such things. It was understood by now that we were not an exclusive couple, but that she was going to be my top girl, and I was to be her main man. I would phone her, instead of vice versa, so as not to stick her mother with a large and suspicious telephone bill. Sure enough, we...
IncestNote: This story is completely fictional! Hello! My name is JASON . I am gay femine guy of 21 and I am the only son of my parents. My mom is 42 and dad is 50. My dad works as a sales representative and goes out for work every time. My mom is a teacher in a near by boys school.This story of mine is personal itis mixture of fantasy begins from my childhood. One night I was suffering from many imaginations in my dreams of getting fucked in my ass and i cumed in my dream as well as on my bed every...
GayWhen things came clear again, it was very obvious that I wasn't really awake. For one thing, I was sitting on my bed in my old dorm room at Dartmouth. For another, Cooper James was sitting in the chair at my study desk staring at me. "Cooper?" I asked. "Hello Grandfather," he answered gloomily. "I'm sorry," I said, not sure for what. Maybe for lots of things. "Great grandmother never told a soul," he said, letting me know what he thought I was apologizing for. "I always...
In the heat of the afternoon, I watched the players on their last lap round the soccer field. It was my first coaching job looking after a Under-19 Girls High School and I loved every moment of it. I waited for the last player to come in before dismissing the team, ‘Great work. I’ll see you Friday.’ I dragged two big bags across the ground—one filled with equipment and the other with soccer balls—towards the clubhouse. As usual, some of the mothers had stepped out of their cars to watch the...
Hi I am Lokesh working as Teacher for Higher Secondary School. This is the first time that happened with my colleague virgin girl, Lakshmi. We are living in the same colony in My sore (Karnataka). I am fair, Jim body person. Lakshmi gorgeous girl white fair white color, she has big boobs and a very nice structure about 38-85-30. Coming to story, I have to say thanks to my colleague. Since my colleague dinesh loved her. He asked me to be a mediator. I always had a lust on her and so I agreed to...