Bea's PonyChapter 7 free porn video

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"So the three of you were in bed together," I said. Helen and I were sitting at the kitchen table having a second cup of coffee after Jack left for work.

"Yes," she replied, "And your Mr. Young is one of the gentlest men in bed I've ever known."

I felt a twinge of jealousy which I put down right away. So that's where he disappeared! In fact, I hadn't seen him again. Somers and I went downstairs for a drink, after he had given me back my clothes, of course. Somers had mellowed after our encounter. Later, Jack and Helen came down, and we left.

"What did Jack have to say about all this?" I asked. "I thought he was pretty square."

"He wants to please me, Bea. I think he would agree to anything as long as he wasn't left out of it." she said.

"Well, what did you do?" I asked.

"When you and Jack went upstairs, Jack started telling me jokes, dirty jokes. He knows a million of them, as you know. He went through four of them, and then Mr. Somers told a really filthy one. That man has a low opinion of women, Bea. You should have heard that story. Disgusting!" she averred.

"I did an operation head-start on him," I said. "Maybe he has a higher opinion of us now." I remembered how Somers had almost cracked me too. What happened after the filthy joke?"

"Jack told a few more of his traveling salesman ones, and then Mr. Somers said he was tired and wanted to go lie down. He said if we were very tired, he would show us a spare bed upstairs. Jack and I said fine and up we went.

"Well, we both got undressed in the bedroom Mr. Somers had pointed out to us and we were just about ready to get down to business, when in walks Mr. Young, stark naked and carrying his clothes with him.

"He said he was sorry and would be glad to turn the lights out when he left. He said he had been using the bedroom temporarily until he got married.

"I rolled over onto my elbows and told him it was all right. I didn't mind that he had come in, and I told him that Jack didn't mind, and why didn't he just stay." She giggled.

"Why you little devil," I said. "What did he say to that?"

"He looked at me, I mean at what I've got here. You know."' She pointed at her breasts. "He said I was a beautiful creature, and that Jack was lucky to have me for a wife."

"Next thing I know, his thing starts swelling, and if he had any ideas about leaving the room, he soon forgot them. He dropped his clothes on the floor and came over to the bed.

"Jack started fussing then, and I kept telling him to shush. Jack was really embarrassed. But Mr. Young started talking to him and pretty soon Jack was all for it. "Well, Mr. Young lay down on the bed first, on his back. That thing of his was just a rootin' tootin' to go. I wanted it bad too. He told me to get on top of him, which I did, and he put it in. 'Boy, ' he said, that's wide open country!! On account of the pony, you know." She glanced at me shyly.

"Next thing he told Jack to get on his knees behind me and stick his thing up my rear end. Did you ever? Jack really was hot for the idea, too, and he never has suggested anything like that at home. I couldn't believe it.

"He told Jack where to find some cream to use, and Jack went and got it. He put it all over his thing and then rammed it up me. It felt like fire at first, but then all three of us going to town like that together like that, it started to feel good with two things like that in me at once. Have you ever done that?"

"We all three came at about the same time and toppled over. Jack had had a lot to drink and went off into dreamland almost at once. I mean he went out. Talk about sawing wood!" she exclaimed.

"Mr. Young said to follow him, and he went into another bedroom where he made love to me extra special. I asked him where you were, and he said you were sleeping. I asked him if you would mind if you knew what he were doing, and he said no, you didn't have any strings on him and vice-versa."

"Was that it then?" I asked, irritated beyond compare. I was seething inside. I wanted to get into the car and drive over there and break something over his head. I looked down at the floor and began mentally counting the tiles in an effort to take my mind off the whole thing.

"That was it," she said. "What a night!"

I sat, staring at the floor and drumming my fingers on the table.

"Helen," I began. "what do you think happened to Clyde?" I got up from the table and walked slowly over to the door leading to the back yard. The pony was eating the lawn with singular dedication.

"I don't know, Bea," she responded, apparently puzzled by my question.

"I mean," I said without turning, "what do you, Helen Smallwood, personally think happened that day? You must have some notion or theory. Your mind can't be a blank."

"I'm afraid it is though, she replied. "I haven't the faintest notion where he can be."

"Suppose we forget for the moment where he might be right now," I argued. "How do you think he got out of the house?" I turned around and faced her.

"I don't know that either, Bea. There didn't seem to be any explanation. There was no way he could have possibly gotten out."

"Exactly!" I said. "There was no way he could have gotten out by himself."

"Are you suggesting someone took him out?" Helen asked. "How did they get in? There was no sign of forced entry anywhere."

I saw the realization of what I had planned for her to think spread across her face. "J-Jack?" She looked up at me in amazement. "You think Jack took Clyde? But he didn't get home until evening," she protested. Her face reddened suddenly. "Besides, for what reason would he do a sneaky thing like that?"

"I'm not sure that he did, Helen," I confessed, walking back and sitting down. She was on the verge of resentment at my accusation. It was the reaction I had expected and wanted somehow. I picked up a nail file and fussed at my fingernails.

"No? You sure seem secretly pleased at the idea if you're not," she perceived. The thought I had planted in her mind was cankering there. "Well?" she asked suddenly. "Is that all you have to say, that you're not sure?"

"I'm not sure," I repeated, looking down at my nails. "There are just some things that make me think of the possibility."

"What things?" she asked.

"Somebody that had a key would have had to let him out of the house," I stated. "I heard Jack say last night at John's that he got back early on Tuesday, not Tuesday night as we assumed."

"He probably meant he got back to the office early in the day," Helen countered. "He doesn't always come directly home after a business trip."

"Then there's that telephone number," I brought out. "The number of a man who keeps a lot of animals at his place. Why would Jack have had just that number on a slip of paper?"

"Didn't we already discuss that?" Helen reminded. "It's undoubtedly a business contact. You said that man owned a garage."

"Yes," I agreed, "But wouldn't it have been more likely Jack would carry the telephone number of the garage? The number on the slip is a home phone," I informed her.

"Oh, Bea," Helen said impatiently, "he knows dozens of those guys personally. Goes on hunting and fishing trips all the time. I even know some of the wives."

"The telephone number of a friend like that would be in some kind of address book, wouldn't it? I asked. "Jack must keep account books, too. This was a fresh piece of paper, and you said yourself you never heard him mention the name before."

She practically glared at me. "Is that where you're going this morning?" she wanted to know.

I nodded.

"Well, I'm going too," she announced, getting up out of her seat. "Excuse me," she said. "I'm going to get dressed." Her tone was short and curt.

I watched her as she trailed out of the kitchen in the robe. If we found Clyde out there, she was going to be madder than hell at Jack. Either way, she would be angry with me for some time.

I had played with my nails long enough. They hadn't really needed any manicuring. It was just a nervous habit, and I had been nervous talking to my sister. I hadn't intended mentioning the, possibility of Jack taking Clyde until I was absolutely sure, and even then if I could have arranged it with Jack, I might have kept it from her.

Was I really so upset about John with Helen that I had wanted to get even? I had always loved my sister above all others, and now I had deliberately made her uncomfortable.

I stood up and stretched. A warm, pleasureful sensation ran down through my vulva. I squeezed my breasts lightly and walked back to the bedroom to get dressed.

We were out on the highway to Fort Worth when Helen spoke to me.

"If we find Clyde out there, what shall I do?" she asked.

"About Jack?"

"Yes," she replied.

"He'll have to have an explanation," I said. "Helen," I said in all seriousness, "is there any possibility he might have come home early one day and caught you with Clyde without you seeing him?"

"We always did it downstairs," she said. "Clyde doesn't like to go up and down that staircase," she mentioned. "I suppose," she went on, "if Jack had looked in a window."

"What would he have done?" I asked. "Gone out and gotten drunk and sworn to get rid of the dog, right?"

She puckered up her mouth and nodded.

"He's just going to have to live with both you and Clyde, Helen," I insisted. "Compromise. Tell him you only play with Clyde when he's away on trips because you get so lonely for him. Tell him about all your girl friends who play with men when their husbands are away. Ask him if he'd like that better?"

"You know how he can get, Bea," Helen demurred. 'You know how it has been with that pony. I don't think it would work."

"If you would just take a stand. I know he loves you," I argued. "You said he would put up with almost anything. Put it to the test."

"He wants to be a part of it," Helen said.

"Figure out a way," I urged her.

We were silent for a long time then. We passed through Fort Worth easily. Helen knew a way to get around to the other side without running into a lot of traffic. She was still sulky to an extent. I knew finding Clyde would be a tonic to her whatever the circumstances.

We had been driving along a back road to the northwest for some time when Helen announced she had to go to the bathroom real bad. After about another mile we saw a service station up ahead on the left. It turned out to be a small rural station offering a cut rate brand of gasoline.

Helen parked the car away from the pumps so as not to give the impression we wanted gas, and we got out.

A beefy kid of about twenty-one or two came pounding out of the little station house grinning from ear to ear.

"Ma'am!" he greeted us. "Got troubles?"

"Bathroom troubles," I said. "Where's the rest room?" I looked around the back of the house for a doorway but could find none.

An older man came running out of the house. "What is it, Homer?" He asked the fat boy. "What do them ladies want? You ladies lost?" he addressed us.

"Stopped by just to use the rest rooms, Pa," he told the older man. "I'll go on down and tidy up," he said, padding off behind the house.

"That boy's a real worker," the man informed us. "Real clever with his hands. Should have been a carpenter."

"Amazing," I noted, thinking about the enormous hams I had observed at the end of each of the boy's arms.

"Are the rest rooms messy?" Helen asked him, appearing somewhat leery of having to use them at all.

"Ain't that," he told us. "Just kids get in there sometimes leaving a lot of paper laying around. Can't always watch it. Homer'll set it in order. No point in waiting here," he said. "Go on down."

We walked down and around the house and observed a path running slightly downhill leading to a wooden outdoor privy. There were two doors marked crudely with chalk designating which was for men and which for women.

"Don't pay no attention to them signs," the old man shouted after us. "One's the same as the other."

I looked at Helen and she laughed for the first time that afternoon. We both laughed.

"Do you suppose Homer is still in there?" I asked Helen when we reached the step leading to the doors.

"I don't know," she said, " but I can't wait or I'll pee in my pants. Keep an eye out, Sis," she requested, stepping up onto the platform and walking to the door marked for women After she had gone inside and closed the door, I debated whether or not to use the other side. I didn't have to go so bad as Helen, but the power of suggestion was working on me.

I decided to wait until Helen came out and use the one properly marked for my own sex. I half expected to find Homer waiting inside the other one anyway, grinning and blushing sweatily, expectantly hoping I would show a bit of pussy.

It seemed Helen was taking an awfully long time in there. Maybe she had cramps as well as a full bladder. The dear girl had a constipation problem since marrying Jack. Too few orgasms will do it to a woman, I thought.

In a moment there came a shriek from inside followed by gasping moans that seemed to die in intensity. I raced up to the door and pushing it open and saw Helen seated on the commode, her head thrown back, and her body racked with what appeared to be the throes of sexual passion.

Looking down at the round opening I could see her pussy clearly. To my amazement huge strings of jism were cascading down out of it into the pit below. What looked like an entire load came out before it ceased dripping.

"Good Lord!" I exclaimed. "What's happening in here, Helen?" Looking around, I saw no one else was inside. It seemed incredible. I started shaking her. "Helen, " I insisted, "what happened?"

"Oh, Bea," she puffed, grabbing my arm for support. "Believe it or not, I just got screwed." She was trying to catch her breath. "And cripes, did it feel good. Phew!"

"But how?" I begged her. "there was no one in here."

"Hand me that paper," she requested, pointing to a small pile of cheap toilet tissues stacked on a shelf.

I handed several to her.

"Thanks, " she said, wiping what was left of the load from her cunt. She dropped the papers through the opening and stood up, pulling up her underpants. "Wait until we get back in the car," she whispered.

We walked up the slight incline together and back to the front of the station. Homer was standing there red as a beet and grinning. I noticed his sweat had soaked through his shirt in several places. He reeked of body odor.

The old man came out of the house as we got into the car. "Hope you ladies found things to your liking," he called out to us. Helen waved at him as we pulled out,

"Now tell me, I'm dying of curiosity"

"When I went in there, it looked like an ordinary outhouse," she began. "I went over to the place where you sit and pulled my pants down. I sat up over the hole and began urinating."

"Well, she said, "I had just finished peeing when the fattest, warmest thing you could imagine pushed its way up into me. I didn't know what it was at first, but it sure felt like you know what.

"I looked down through the opening and saw the thing up in me was definitely no imitation. There was a man lying on his back underneath."

"Was it Homer?" I asked.

"I couldn't see his face," she said. "I could just see that part of him that showed through the opening. It was a fat man," she added.

"Then if must have been," I concluded. "That slob. What a way to get a piece of ass!"

"I had no idea how long the thing was he had stuck in me." she continued. "When I looked down, all I could see was like a tree stump stuffed up between the lips. I had the feeling that plenty was in there, though. It was grand. It didn't seem as if he were going to get around to pushing it in and out," she continued.

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Beast Humping

Beast Humping by Ron Bywood Index Chapter One "Spectator Sport" Chapter Two "Dog Eat Dog" Chapter Three "Passion In The Pasture" Chapter Four "A Bird In The Bird" ** Chapter Five "Freaky Fuckers" Chapter Six "Take That, You Swine" Chapter Seven "The Lady Goes Ape" ** This chapter deleted from this copy. Contained slaughter of birds and murder. Introduction "Bestiality--violation of animals--monstrous and revolting to...

4 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 8

Karen scaled the fence again, her cunt dripping onto the strands of wire, glistening like dew in the light of the moon. On the other side, she gathered up her skirt and blouse, but did not get dressed. She had promised her brother another blowjob on her way out, and saw no reason to put her clothing on prematurely in case that blowjob happened to turn into a fuck. But the thought of fucking and sucking with a man, even her big-pricked brother, no longer held much attraction for the horny girl...

2 years ago
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Beasts Are Better1

Beasts Are Better by Richard Long Chapter 1 "Here, let me do it." "Yeah, you know how to get a cock hard, just rub it over that honey hole of yours, baby, and I'll ream it out good for you!" Eileen Tremaine reached down to grasp Hank Barstow's flaccid cock as he knelt between her widespread thighs and leaned over her prostrate body. As she did, she cursed herself for having delayed the exciting moment; she had had him firm and hard while she had been mouthing...

2 years ago
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Beasts Chapter Four Minotaur

"It is still two days to my home lands." he told her, "I am fine living on the lands but Tempest you are a carnivore." she nodded. for the last 5 days she had only been eating what they had been able to find. she had stashed the oranges from a tree the day before. her stomach growled, she knelt down digging through her bag yet again, hoping to find a piece of dried meat that have perhaps gotten lost but found nothing. Brick moved to her side and knelt beside her, "drink." he told her...

2 years ago
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Beasts Are BetterChapter 5

Jackson's cock, the vigor with which he applied it and the resulting ferocity of his orgasm left both Eileen and Doreen fully satisfied for several hours. Doreen went back to her cottage, vowing that she was going to sleep the rest of the day and savor the memory of the donkey's massive prick. Eileen forced herself to perform the several chores which needed doing. For once she completely forgot about her pussy and its seemingly incessant demands; she discovered just how comforting it can be...

3 years ago
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Beastly Isekai Tales of the CrossBreeding SlutPrincess 1

The Guildmistress eventually calmed down, a few deep breaths away from lucidity. She eyed the cursed woman, making absolutely sure no apparent disgust appeared on her face, otherwise the poor thing would lose it. She knew Livia would break the second she hear it, just like she herself had so long ago; it had taken her nearly two decades to fully accept it. But this was different - it was too much to bear for a poor soul. Her life, their lives were in danger; she had a job to do. "Livia,...

4 years ago
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Beastly Isekai Tales of the CrossBreeding SlutPrincess 0

The business woman had announced the end of that man's career as a matter of fact, in the driest of tones, and with the same schadenfreude as for the preceding hundreds. Only a few words were exchanged before the former employee left her office, spiritless and distraught. Moments later, she stood and made sure the door was closed and properly locked. Livia could barely hold for a few seconds before furiously starting to masturbate. The aroused blonde hastily undressed in the middle of her...

3 years ago
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My husband does have to be a human being most of the time. His job is the one that pays most of the bills. He’s a contract mediator, but if you ask him he’ll sigh and say that he’s a ketchup popsicle salesman. Degrees in psychology, philosophy and business. He doesn’t talk a lot, but if you spend half an hour talking to him? At the end of it, he’ll give you two sentences that make everything he wants sound reasonable.He likes people. He likes to listen to them. But he does seem a little lost at...

3 years ago
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Beastly passion ch1

Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not her 200 dollar bottle of perfume, but her....

2 years ago
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Beastly Isekai

"You are fired." The business woman had announced the end of that man's career as a matter of fact, in the driest of tones, and with the same schadenfreude as for the preceding hundreds. Only a few words were exchanged before the former employee left her office, spiritless and distraught. Moments later, she stood and made sure the door was closed and properly locked. Livia could barely hold for a few seconds before furiously starting to masturbate. The aroused blonde hastily undressed in the...

1 year ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 5

When Tony had left Karen's apartment, bitterly ashamed and embarrassed by his inability to get another hard-on, the pitiful fellow had turned into the nearest bar and ordered a stiff whisky--as if to compensate for his less-than-stiff prick. He had drained the glass at a single gulp, but unlike his balls, the glass could be instantly refilled, and he ordered another drink. Standing at the bar, he thought wistfully about the beautiful woman he had so miserably failed. He'd had plenty of...

4 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 7

Karen hadn't yet decided what sort of animal she wanted to fuck and suck with, nor whether she preferred quantity or quality, but at the zoo she could pick and choose from a wide selection. She was window-shopping now, moving slowly down the path that wound past the enclosures. She could see well enough. The moon was bright, and there was subdued night lighting along the path. But when she moved into the occasional shadow between enclosures, she felt as if her sexy body was so hot that her...

2 years ago
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“Darkness is its own kingdom, It moves to its own laws, And many living thingsdwell in it.” -Patricia McKillip My kind is startling to humans when we are accidentally glimpsed, cloaked in night’s dark mystery. We are a unique type of were-folk, with an appearance more feline than wolfen, and of course werewolves are far more prevalent in your mythologies. We learned long ago to avoid contact with humans whenever possible and as a result there are few references to us in your histories. Created...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Beast Boys Babes

It had been a long night. Again. Beast Boy rose from his bed slowly, careful not to trip himself as he untangled the blankets and sheets from around his legs and torso, cursing under his breath and trying not to think about the dreams he'd been having. Every night since his 18th birthday, he'd dreamt of at least one of his female teammates, friends, or some other girls in his life, in various... scenarios... with him. Looking out the window, he saw the tip of the sun breaching the horizon....

2 years ago
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He liked to believe he wasn’t violent, but the moment she started with those snarky comments his anger spiked. She used that mouth and tongue of hers like a weapon designed specifically to get a rise out of him, perfectly orchestrated to bring the beast to the surface. Usually he could resist, deny her the satisfaction of knowing she got him right where she wanted him. Tonight he wasn’t as strong. It always started when he got home. Today was no exception. He could tell her mood by the way...

4 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 2

Tony humped, shoving his iron-hard prick up toward Karen's flooded fuckhole. His cockhead slid against the inside of her thigh as it lunged toward the target--and then his balls erupted before he made contact! Tony gasped and jerked violently. His fuckjuice came rushing up his cockshaft and spurted from his pisshole in a creamy cascade. The steaming hot slime skimmed up the inside of Karen's sleek thigh and splashed into her crotch. Tony gave a strangled cry, a combination of shame and...

2 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 4

With her head resting on the edge of the couch and her slender back deeply arched, Karen jerked and pumped her ass and hips about while the greedy Alsatian slapped his wet tongue steadily into her creamy fuckslot. He lapped away energetically and vigorously. Pussy juice sprayed out, streaking his hairy black muzzle. He whined and whimpered and growled as he worried at her pussy. His big head jerked like a terrier shaking a rat. Karen was rising towards the crest again, getting hotter and...

3 years ago
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Beasts and their toys

Well my first experience with bestiality was a few summers ago, I was over at a friend’s house hanging out, he left for the grave yard shift, I was lounging naked on his couch (it was a very hot Las Vegas summer night) channel surfing when Scooby (a fawn Great Dane) came over and put his head on my thigh I ignored him at first, but he kept whimpering. I went to stand opening my thighs and exposing my pussy to him, he sniffed and nuzzled my thighs sliding his nose and muzzle into my pussy. I...

2 years ago
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Vampires are not fertile. Vampire female cannot bear a child and similarly, vampire male cannot conceive a child. Dead flesh is not able to produce life. But that doesn't mean that they cannot indulge themselves in pleasures of the body. What I have in mind is not mating between vampire noble and human girl, so very popular. Typically, vampires do not mate with humans for other purposes than for gaining power in human society. They do not derive pleasure from this, they derive pleasure from...

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Beasts Chapter two Minotaur

"Yes father." She looked back down at the book before her trying to concentrate but her mind kept moving to the battle from the night before. The Minotaur that her father held for sport. Though she hated watching beast kind fight and kill for show she had become enthralled by him immediately. The raw power he held, the way even under a cloth his manhood swung. How even that appeared to have been a mighty weapon of it’s own. Her legs pressed together at the thought of such a brutish male...

2 years ago
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Beasts Chapter six Minotaur

"Is this it?" Clara asked him. "This is my home lands.” He answered. "Is it always like this?" Brick looked down at his small companion. "Yes, my kind are a loving, peaceful race. Clara, I will not swear this to be an easy adjustment for you but I do hope that you will call this home." "I know that game!” suddenly her ears perked up. Though still a bit floppy she looked excited. Her hand pulled on the cloak he wore, “Brick I know that game. Father always said it wasn’t appropriate...

4 years ago
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Beasts in the Night

One Lisa was determined to find out what was going on with her family as she hiked up the familiar mountain trail. The last year, ever since the triumph of her Olympic gold medal, had been confusing. Something had changed, in her, in her brother David, in their relationship with their parents, and in the way they all spent their time. It wasn't the nuclear family anymore. It was as though they were all passing into some sort of new relationship. Funny memories kept coming back to her that...

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Beasts Are BetterChapter 2

When Eileen awoke the next morning she still felt a warm, soft afterglow of sexual contentment. Her bed and body reeked of come, though it was a smell which she loved. She never failed to marvel at the way her cunt could transform sperm, giving it a sharp sexual scent. Mere sperm by itself could not begin to compare with the mixed essence of love, as she knew from having sniffed of her son's sheets after he had had a wet dream. Nevertheless, she drew herself a bath, laced it liberally with...

4 years ago
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Beasts Are BetterChapter 3

Doreen gave every indication of accepting Eileen just as though she were a man. Her fervent, obscene cries of abandoned exhortation, the convulsive twists and thrusts of her trim, quivering hips as Eileen worked the rubber prick into her grasping cunt, the quick gasps which escaped from her lips, all seemed to be exactly the same reactions she would be displaying were the prick boring into her body made of human flesh instead of rubber. She clawed at Eileen's buttocks, digging her fingers...

3 years ago
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Beasts Are BetterChapter 4

Eileen did not have to wait long before finding out what Doreen had in mind when she said that they could find a more satisfactory lover than Hank Barstow. They spent a short time in recuperating from their violent exertions and then dressed. Doreen slipped on an ultra-brief dress made of some kind of clinging nylon or silk knit, a paisley print that barely covered her luscious hips. Eileen noticed that she wore neither panties nor bra under the garment. Doreen laughed when she saw the...

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Beasts Are BetterChapter 6

Doreen insisted that Eileen allow her to drive into the city with her and Eileen agreed. She felt that if she had to make the long drive alone she might fall asleep at the wheel. They set out together, forgetting about their meal in the excitement, and Eileen explained the situation as she drove. It developed that young Jack had been excused from his final examinations as a result of superior work done in class during the school year. The school was a fairly progressive one and was currently...

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Beasts Are BetterChapter 7

They spent the rest of the day in bed with Jack. They left his side only to bring food or drink for themselves, or perhaps to visit the bathroom but otherwise they stayed close beside him. There were not many consecutive minutes during that day when either Eileen or Doreen was not sucking the boy's big prick, or fucking him, or jacking him off, or somehow engaging him in a sexual act. When they were not thus engaged, they were either too tired to do so or were discussing exactly how they...

3 years ago
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Beasts Are BetterChapter 8

The session with Jackson served only to arouse all three of them, even Jack had dumped a prodigious amount of sperm into Doreen's hungry cunt when he had fucked her. The sight of the woman taking the donkey's cock into her cunt and then jacking the beast off so that his come shot all over her torso filled them with lusty desires and they wasted little time in starting to satisfy them. They pulled on their clothes quickly, put the bench back outside the barn in its usual place and untied...

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Beasts Are BetterChapter 9

Later that day, after they had spent hours in recuperating from the aftereffects of their bouts with the animals, Doreen and Eileen found that Jack's amazing virility had brought him back to an active state. His ability to spring back to his normally horny state surprised them, especially Eileen. Once again Doreen had a suggestion which they proceeded to put into practice. "Have you ever been sucked and fucked at the same time?" she asked, giving the youth a quizzical look. "I've got a...

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Beasts Are BetterChapter 10

The following days became a blurred succession of erotic images that none of them could later recall with much clarity. They spent as much time as possible in bed, of course, or else with the donkey and stallion. The more they allowed their freely ranging sensual natures to roam the more abandoned they became in satisfying their lustiest whims. Each night, upon going to sleep, Jack had been thoroughly reduced to a state of limpness but each morning found him as horny as ever. He proved over...

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