Training CentreChapter 11 free porn video

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Tuesday, week five;

Sam, having swapped his shift, had cancelled his alarm. He still woke at five am, though, and the change in his body woke Martina. They were face to face and looked into each other's eyes. Martina's bore a mixture of hope, fear and, yes, desire. Sam's some confusion, some anxiety, but mostly desire. He wriggled and slid his arm under her neck, pulled her to him, caressed her back with his free hand. In response, her free hand found his cock, already half hard, and held it. That completed the erection. Her pussy moistened. Became wet – very wet. A previously unknown drive inside her impelled her to fling her leg over him, draw her knees up, position his cock, and, sitting up with the duvet slipping off them both, lowered herself onto his hardness.

"Oh God, Baby!" The words were torn from his mouth as if by torture.

"Baby is it? Really? Master, I'm yours. Whatever you want, I'll try to become." Her pelvis was making newly learned movements, stimulating her pussy, her clit, his cock. She stiffened and stilled as her first orgasm arrived, their pubes pressed together as her pussy muscles rippled. Resuming, a second orgasm arrived just as his semen was bathing her cervix. She stayed upright and his hands found her breasts. "Not very big, are they? And if I lose weight they'll be even smaller."

He chuckled. "Not worried. Besides, I know a way of making them bigger."

She didn't say anything to that, but she did think. 'Bigger? Does he mean implants? Or ... does he want babies? I always wanted children, but Paulo... '

"Come, lay beside me, Martina. We don't need to get up yet."

"We'll have a wet spot."

"Something for you to sort out while I'm out. But yes, let's get up and shower."

After a thoroughly enjoyable shower – necessary, but also recreational – Sam called the kitchen. "Hello? Yes. Corporal Sam Howe. Apartment three. I require cooked breakfast for myself, plus the assigned diet for Trainee IS29/12."

"Certainly. Is this urgent? Or will the same time as the Centre do?" There was a pause and then, tentatively, "You've kept a trainee in your apartment?"

Sam frowned, about to respond with 'none of your business', but instead decided a neutral, factual response was better. "The use of Trainees by off-duty staff is in the procedures, but in this case I am assuming personal responsibility for this individual. Her lunch will need to be delivered to my apartment, but later she may be participating in activities within the Centre, the kitchen, or the laundry. However, the food will be billed to my account."

"Understood. Will seven-fifteen work?"

"Fine. Thank you." He replaced the internal phone and looked round to see Martina holding a bundled sheet.

"Master, what do I do with laundry?"

"Linen, towels, and so on, go in a laundry skip outside each room. I will be billed for each item at the end of each month. My clothes I hand wash and hang over the bath to dry."

"You're going out today, Master? I am to stay in here?"

"Yes to both. I may be back by lunch-time, but I cannot be certain of that."

Meanwhile, the remaining women were out of bed and working through their exercise regimes. Sam, of course, had no equipment in his apartment and did not want to take Martina to the trainers' gym until she had his collar and some exercise clothing.

"You want me to cover up?"

He couldn't decide if her pout was real or assumed. "No. But I don't want other men seeing you naked in a red collar and bending you over a vaulting horse. You're mine. At least for the next year. I don't want to share you."

"But I have to share you?"

He was almost sure the pout was assumed. "Unless you want me to resign?"

She stepped up to him and held his face between her hands. "Master, I'm sorry. A share in you is better than I ever thought I'd have. I don't mind, really."

He dipped to kiss her, her hands sliding to hold the back of his head. The kiss intensified and his hands found her bum and began to squeeze. It would probably have led to another bedroom encounter, had a knock on the door not announced the arrival of breakfast. As it was, it took a real effort of will to separate and they were both panting.

After breakfast, Sam didn't allow himself to think about anything other than leaving the room and the building. He still hadn't admitted his love for Martina, even to himself, but the parting kiss – a mere brush of the lips – declared it to her as clearly as a fanfare of trumpets. She watched him leave with eyes glistening.

Left alone – alone and to her own devices – for the first time in over a week, she initially picked up the t/v remote, but then put it down and ran warm water in the sink. She took the sheet, stained with the evidence of their carnal activities, and washed it by hand, then set it aside in the bath. She then washed Sam's discarded clothes from the previous day, and rinsed them and the sheet in the bath before hanging everything from the rail over the bath.

Finished with laundry, she found a duster and attacked the layer of dust that accumulated on every level surface above eye level before she swept the whole apartment. Dusty and short of breath, she put everything away before running through some exercises that didn't need equipment; squats, crunches and press ups. (She couldn't do many of any of them, but she was determined to improve. If she did three that day, she'd do four tomorrow).

By the time she had exhausted herself and the available occupations, it was approaching midday and she showered off the sweat and dust. It was perfectly timed, as Sam returned just as she was towelling off.

His eyes widened as, having torn his eyes away from her body, he saw the clean, neat and tidy state of his apartment. She led him to the bathroom and proudly pointed to the laundry.

"Martina – you didn't need to wash the sheet!" He immediately noticed her face drop. "Oh, I don't mind. I'm impressed and pleased. It's just..."

"Master, I think we may be going through a lot of linen, don't you? And there's no need to pay someone else to do it when I'm here. It's my job, Master, and I want to do it."

"Well – put that way..." he kissed her. "Thank you. Now." He held up a small device. "Let's get that red collar off you."

She stood still as he released the plastic collar and laid it aside. He kissed her neck. "I hate to do this," he said, holding up a narrow, stainless steel collar, engraved with her legal identity, IS29/12, and his name as the exclusive holder of her Indenture. The collar, a little less than an inch wide, had radiused edges for her comfort, a small range of adjustment and was locked in place by a pin that had to be cut to enable removal.

"Master, I am proud to wear your collar. I am proud to belong to you."

He shook his head in incomprehension. "I have some Lycra exercise gear for you, and we'll need to fetch your trainers and bra from the Centre." He reached out and tweaked a nipple, "But first..."

Major Prestwick, having arranged for a meeting room and an extra trainer for the afternoon, took RSM Reg Smith, Chairman Booth, Philippe Sturgeon, Andrew Whitten and Joshua Sutherland out of the Training area to the meeting room. Once everyone was settled with their choice of beverage, he began.

"Chairman, I've asked you here to bring you up to date, make some observations, and to ask for some amendments to our procedures. First of all, this week we reached our complement of trainees. However, one of our trainers has formed an attachment to one of the new trainees, IS29/12, Martina Rossetti, and has bought her Indenture, with the agreement of her former husband. I understand Andrew is to take over Zero Four's Indenture by the end of the week?"

"Yes, sir," Andrew interjected, "but I need to bring Dorothy to meet her again, to confirm her approval. Junior will need to come with us. I don't think Dorothy will object."

The Major nodded in satisfaction. "We should be able to take the next two on Sunday without exceeding our nominal complement, then. I was appointed, as I understood it, because I was not interested in abusing the women. My staff were all selected with that in mind. Most of the women needed the prompt we give here, but the last two women are just here because their responsible male wanted rid of them. Now, our experience of the last four weeks has taught us something. Before I get into that, though, there's something else I need to point out. That is, there is no call for a large number of prostitutes. There is no real call for even a few more prostitutes. Madame Anastasiya's girls are hardly overworked. So why think that prostituting these women will pay for this facility?"

When he stopped, Chairman Booth spoke up. "We realised that the prostitution wasn't a real option, and expected the women to be bought out, usually by their former husbands or fathers. I am certainly intending to take Helena back and probably Karen too."

"That's good to know. But we've found out that some of the women have talents that need to be nurtured. For example, Chairman, did you know your former wife is actually a competent pianist? Or your daughter a potential scientist? Philippe – your former wife is actually quite a gifted artist, and your daughter seems to have a way with words. Also, we've taken the time to find out what turns the women on, why they've not been interested in sex at home."

"So, Major. What would you like to see?"

The Major nodded. "First of all, the referring person should pay for the stay up front. We should not be aiming at turning the women into prostitutes in order to pay for all this. Secondly, while we should work on their attitude and explore their sexuality, our aim should be to give them saleable skills. And getting them physically fit, of course. That's for us. Here's the hard part. There's something wrong with a society which sidelines seventy-five to eighty percent of its population. That is your responsibility. I don't know if it's politically possible to emancipate our women, but it makes no economic or social sense to keep them second-class citizens."

His words produced a tense silence which lasted several minutes. He waited them out.

"You're right." The Chairman eventually agreed. "Politically, though? Difficult, if not impossible in the present climate." He frowned. "We can pass local bye-laws, but the problem is enforcing them. As regarding the present Centre set-up..." he paused, "I don't think there's a problem, at least with the present Committee members. Others, though," he paused again, "I agree we need to amend the admission rules." Then, after several seconds more, "Of course, some could come out of the penal budget. That young woman – Linda Burgin..."

"Twenty-nine stroke ten," inserted the Major. "Yes. Taking and driving away. Driving while uninsured. Causing death by dangerous driving. Her indenture is for five years. Actually, I've been thinking of some useful work we can put her to once she's acclimated to the environment. I'm sure you've noticed the weeds growing round the building. Then there's Zero Nine; she's here because of a criminal offence. Incidentally, her five year Indenture seems excessive set alongside the seriousness of Ten's offence."

"Quite. Yes, Major. I'll take your concerns and discuss them with the Committee. The women in line for admission, should their families not be willing to fund their training, can be returned, or consigned to the open market..."

"Don't much like that idea," the Major put in. "They should be assessed as to their character. Neither of the last two trainees should have come here, and they certainly should not have been dumped God knows where. I'd rather accept them and consider finding them an appropriate placement quite quickly."

The Chairman obviously didn't like the correction, but he had to admit the justice of it. He sighed in resignation. "Very well. We'll tackle the families."

The Major knew he'd got as far as he could for the moment. "Thank you, then, gentlemen. I think that's all?" Receiving nods all round, he stood. "Joshua. A moment?"

"Certainly, Major."

The others filed out, leaving the two men alone.

"Joshua, I know you've got your wife and that other girl..."


"Myra, yes. Might you have room in your household for Eleven? I don't want to keep her here longer than I have to."

"Room, yes, but..."

"Talk to your ladies, Joshua. See what they think."

"My ladies, plural, Major?"

"Yes, Joshua. I think there's no doubt they are both devoted to you."

Joshua acknowledged the comment with a shrug. "With the new regulations, I'll probably free Myra and ask her to marry me quite soon. I never thought I'd be looking at a plural marriage, but Ksenia and Myra are very close."

"Ask them. Unless you're opposed to the idea?"

Joshua shook his head. "I'll ask."

"Interesting meeting, Husband?"

"Um. You could say that. I'll tell you all about it, but I want to involve Myra. It's time to, um, regularise our relationship."

"Yes, it is, Husband. And past time."

"I know. I've just been waiting for the right moment. Is Dorcas asleep?"

"She was. I'll see."

The two women, blonde-haired Ksenia and dark-haired, fair skinned Myra, found Joshua in the lounge. "Please, sit. Relax."

Once they were settled, though Myra seemed nervous and was sitting on the edge of the sofa she shared with Ksenia, Joshua presented Myra with an impressive document bearing a court seal. "Myra, this is your manumission. Your freedom. I hope you'll want to stay here with us, but you're free to go if you wish."

The girl accepted the vellum. She looked at Ksenia and Joshua, rather than reading the words. "I..." she swallowed and glanced round again. "I don't think..."

Ksenia took her hand. "It's okay, Myra. We don't want you to go. But it's important that you be free to answer the next question."

Myra looked away from Ksenia and found Joshua kneeling on front of her. Her heart pounded almost painfully.

"Myra, Ksenia and I both love you. We want you to join us in marriage. Will you marry us, Myra?"

The girl's jaw was flapping and she was wildly looking from one to the other. Her eyes glistened with tears. One eye overflowed and a tear tracked down her cheek, to be followed by more, from both eyes.

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1 year ago
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Training In Delhi

During the Christmas celebrations last year suddenly my college wanted me to go to Delhi for a one week training programme called by UGC and everyone suggested I do not go, but then there was no one else in the college free. So I went. It must have been very cold last year as I felt numb after I got down from my train at Delhi. At the station itself I received the hospitality of the UGC welcoming team who pushed me along with some other people into a big bus and drove through the city to some...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Training Day

Training Day by NorthernWolfAs the elevator rose to the thirtieth floor, Beth watched as the city descended outside of the glass windows. She felt foolish. After all, she was a professional, and didn't have to rely on the way she looked to impress her clients. She had argued with her husband that her skirt was to short and her heels to high. After all she was going to a training session, not a dance. He had insisted that looking good was important to her professional image and she had given...

1 year ago
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She was running hard – her aertex shirt clinging to her wet flesh, rain and sweat mingling and pouring down her face, her chest, between her breasts and down her belly. The short gym skirt flapping as her thighs pounded against the slippery ground was leaving red marks on the vulnerable skin. Mud splashed on her calves, forming dark marks against the cold pink. She looked up as she ran down the hill and lost her rhythm as she saw him standing at the gate. Even from this distance she could make...

3 years ago
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Training and Changing

Training and Changing (part one): by: Jess Moreau The hearing in court had been brief. She had refused to press charges, and the district attorney had reluctantly accepted the plea agreement that his lawyer had put forth. He wouldn't go to prison, and he certainly deserved to go to prison, but he would not be getting off Scot free either. His wife would have him by the balls for the next two years. If he misbehaved, his butt was mud. He stood before the judge in prison grays and a...

3 years ago
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She was running hard - her aertex shirt clinging to her wet flesh, rain and sweat mingling and pouring down her face, her chest, between her breasts and down her belly. The short gym skirt flapping as her thighs pounded against the slippery ground was leaving red marks on the vulnerable skin. Mud splashed on her calves, forming dark marks against the cold pink. She looked up as she ran down the hill and lost her rhythm as she saw him standing at the gate. Even from this distance she could make...

2 years ago
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Training Session With The Staff

Dear ISS readers…..Let me introduce myself as KK as everyone calls me. I am 29, with a average athletic built, 6 ft tall. I am from Chennai and will definitely enjoy my experience. I am a professional and was working in India and got a chance to work abroad, and I would like to narrate the same which I had with an India sexy chick there. I was sent to an island which is one of the third world nations and myself being the expatriates, was given a flat inside the office premises. It was a newly...

3 years ago
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Training Big Brother III

The next day was Saturday. Tom was up early hoping to avoid his little sister. He emptied the dishwasher. That job was now all his since it could be done when their mom wasn't around. Karen had only agreed to continue her jobs that were visible to their mother in order not to arouse her suspicions. Karen must have heard him clattering about. As he was finishing up the dishwasher she appeared, still in her nightgown. Their mom was still asleep. "You're up early," she said. "Uh...

2 years ago
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Training of Women

I was on the subway and I saw this beautiful woman that I had to have. I stayed on the train until she got off and I followed her until a convenient time I could introduce myself. I told her that I was a movie mogul and that I saw her on the train and wanted to give her an audition. She was quite flatted, but said she was not interested. I asked her to go to lunch and discuss what I had offered. She was hesitant but finally said OK. I told her I had a place in the upper New York...

1 year ago
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Training The MILF Part 4 Loving The MILF

The day had come to select a Master for Susan. Devon pored over the information of several possibilities, trying to find any reason to disqualify them.Ronald was looking for a sub who would clean his house in addition to serving him sexually. While Devon was certain that Susan was an impeccable housekeeper, he hardly thought she’d appreciate having to clean someone else’s house as well.Mitchell was looking for weeknights only. He had a vanilla wife who traveled during the week and wanted...

3 years ago
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Training Rose Pts 18

Rose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it. Angie. Training Rose I cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted, as they inflamed my tender bare buttocks, left, right, nine,...

2 years ago
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Training Days Prologue and Chapters One through Three

To my Readers: You will find that this is an extensively edited, revised, and expanded version of the three postings I submitted earlier. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in writing it. As always, thank you so much for your critical reviews and comments. Please keep it up! It helps me a lot. If you wish, send me an email: [email protected] - Marie Training Days, Prologue From my earliest memories I wished I was born a girl. I loved the feel of the satin edging of my...

2 years ago
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Training a HatinreChapter 3

When Higzashi woke, it was to a hot, moist sensation around his groin. He opened his eyes, peering down. Under the blanket he noticed the bump that was Shime's head bobbing up and down his shaft. That long tongue of hers was wrapped tightly around him, forcing a low groan from his throat. He was almost painfully hard, responding to her experienced technique. "Shime," he groaned again, almost regretting he'd spoken when she suddenly stopped. "Why are you doing that?" His voice was very...

3 years ago
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Training Umbreon Part One

as I could, but movement and light out of the corner of the eye caused me to stop. Fixating on the azure glow, a smile broke across my sharp, 25-year-old male features. I took in every part of it as best as I could as it was turned away from me. The tell-tale waist-long midnight hair of a female Umbreon, the ears similar to a rabbit's, the curve of its breasts and its hips that complimented its slight features well. Its skin was pale due to all the time it must spend in the dark. It was a...

3 years ago
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Training Jobbers

The Underground Women’s Fight League (UWFL) is a premium fight club for wealthy viewers. The use of the word “fight” is somewhat of a misnomer, as they mainly cater to what their fans like to see: one-sided brutal beatdowns. There are two stables of participants which clearly differentiate their roles - “fighters” and “jobbers”. Patrons can still bet on the matches, but never on the outcome. Instead, they make bets on how long the jobbers can last, how many blows the various parts of their...

3 years ago
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Training my first pumper woman

Training my first pumper womanI have always been a very horny guy; full of powerful sexual needs that were not being met. Every week, I needed to clean out my pipe a number of times a day and there was not always a women on the other end if you get my drift--which is sadly the case for many college students. So, I got my first pump to train my manhood to grow to thicker and meaner heights. It was the old kind made by John Holmes--with a black knob on the top and made a loud pumping/hissing...

2 years ago
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It was a difficult thing for Buffy, watching her friends suffer. Her entire life had been about protecting people and preventing as much harm as possible. She'd always done her job very well, but all of her years as a slayer didn't help in any way when it came to mending a broken heart.When Willow broke up with Kennedy the first time, Buffy and Xander swarmed to her side and stayed with her for two days, helping her get over the post-breakup blues. They ate ice cream and pizza and reminisced...

1 year ago
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Training Babys Ass

[For Sweet Simone]TRAINING BABY'S ASSTraining my young stepdaughter to love having cock in her ass became part of my daily routine for a while. I can't tell you how excited and happy it made me - and my dick - to have THAT to look forward to after work. We were lucky that her mother usually didn't got home until early evening, giving me plenty of time most days to continue her training uninterrupted. I made sure to use her mouth, her pussy, and of course her cute puckering little pink asshole...

2 years ago
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Training Programme Leads To Unbelievable Sex 8211 Part 2

Hari entered the training classroom. The training programme was outstation in a hotel and was for 2 weeks. He wondered how he would kill time during evenings and weekends. He surveyed the class and saw a mix of young and middle aged men and women. He surveyed the women and out of 15 women he found 5 women good looking and interesting. The 5 women were in the age of 25 to 40 The doorbell rang, Myra hid in the bathroom and Hari was surprised to find Sheila at the door…. Sheila studied Hari from...

1 year ago
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Training Marisa

Training Marisa By Rosemary Flowers Chapter 1: Her Arrival I have finally found a wife who is truly submissive. She wasn't always so. Feminising a man to the point where he is more feminine than a woman, to the point where he forgets he ever claimed a life as a man, to the point where she lives the life of a truly submissive wife and servant, is a long and painful process. Especially for her. But I digress....

3 years ago
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Training Program And Sex 8211 Part II

Hi all this is kittu again from Mumbai, with the Part II of the story – Training Program and Sex. Day5: Thursday Usually day starts for me at 7 but dues to last night no sleep I was in bed till 9. My roommate has done his best to wake me up but I was in deep sleep and at the same time saw 5 calls from sneha and couple of msg. In hurry moved to the training hall by then the first session was done and as iam late I could not get seat nearby to sneha so had to settle in the last row. All my...

3 years ago
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Training 2 Hubby

First off, these started as his fantasies not mine, but as time has gone on our sex life has gotten incredibly hot and I wish I had started earlier.I've known for a long time that my husband has some submissive fantasies, and even fantasizes about being forced to eat his own cum. This seemed bizarre to me at first, but now I love making him lick his cum off me every time we make love and he thanks me for it. I don't like to swallow cum, but it is super hot that he will do it on my command.After...

2 years ago
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Training My Stud Boyfriend to Take Dick

My name is Belinda I am a college coed who loves sex with both girls and guys. I am a hot brunette with long black hair down to my butt crack with ivory white skin and piercing blue eyes. I have a nice shapely body and love my real 36 C breasts with strawberry sized nipples. I have a clitoris that protrudes from my clit hood that looks like a cock and makes lesbo sluts mouths water. My girlfriend and lover Claire is a sexy buxom blond who is my roommate and 69 partner. We both take turns as...

4 years ago
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Training the MILF Part 3 Owning the MILF

Susan arrived at Devon’s place filled with anticipation. He’d promised her a reward for being such a good girl. She giggled a little. No one had ever called her a good girl.She entered the training room, removed her long coat, and kneeled at his feet with her gaze lowered. She was completely naked and felt a mix of vulnerability and lusty need.“Look at my slut, ready for me,” Devon praised her. “You’ve come a long way in such a short time, my dear.”Susan kept her head down but nodded in...

4 years ago
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Training Rose

Rose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted, as they inflamed my tender bare buttocks, left, right, nine, ten, and then he...

2 years ago
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Training my first pumper woman

I have always been a very horny guy; full of powerful sexual needs that were not being met. Every week, I needed to clean out my pipe a number of times a day and there was not always a women on the other end if you get my drift--which is sadly the case for many college students. So, I got my first pump to train my manhood to grow to thicker and meaner heights. It was the old kind made by John Holmes--with a black knob on the top and made a loud pumping/hissing sound and was made of clear...

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