BlindsidedChapter 2 free porn video

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After a very restless night I got up showered, shaved and then dressed for work. Downstairs both girls were eating Rice Chex cereal at the kitchen table but Kaelyn was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom already took off for work." Kathy told me in-between bites.

I noticed Kaelyn hadn't bothered to make any coffee so I set up the pot and then started it brewing.

Finished eating the girls rinsed out their bowls and then after giving me a kiss and telling me they loved me, and reminding me that I should think about forgiving their mother they gathered up their backpacks then headed out to catch the school bus.

Now alone I drank one cup of coffee and then drove in to work.

Sitting in my office I decided if I wanted revenge I needed to know my enemy so I called my old college roommate, fraternity brother, and best friend Jim Shade.

Immediately after graduating Jim had applied for and had been accepted into the FBI academy. Over the years he and I had kept in touch, always calling each another a few times and year, and we had even gotten together a few times when Kaelyn and I, along with the girls, had vacationed in Washington DC and the time that he had vacationed with us staying in our spare bedroom.

He answered promptly... "Director Shade," Jim's familiar voice greeted me.

"Hey Jim," I greeted him in return, "Jack here. How ya doing old buddy?"

"Hey Jack!" He responded. "Overworked, underpaid, but still on the federal dole my friend. And you?"

"I don't know. That's why I called. I need a big favor." I told him honestly.

"Okay, if I can do it you know it's yours Jack."

"I need anything and everything you can dig up on some guy named Mark Larson. He works at the same accounting firm that Kaelyn works at."

"You know what you're asking could really put my ass in a sling don't you? It's not only unethical but illegal as hell."

"Yeah I know," I answered. "I told you it was a big favor."

"What's up with this Mark Larson Jack?" He asked.

In detail I explained what was going on.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed after hearing the story. "Kaelyn! I don't believe it. You guy's were made for each other. Shit man I'm sorry!"

"Believe it Jim." I assured him.

"Okay Jack, give me a couple of days and I'll see what I can dig up."

"Thanks Jim, I definitely owe you one for this." I told him.

"Hey, if she really hasn't slept with this guy yet you can pay me back by at least trying to patch things up between the two of you. You know how I feel about Kaelyn." He returned.

"I'm not sure that's possible Jim. Even if she isn't fucking him just think about how you'd feel if some guy told your wife not to sleep with you and she fucking did it." I responded.

"Yeah. I see your point." Jim agreed.

"Oh yeah Jim," I said, "If you need to call me for any reason, either call me at work or on my cell, not at home okay."

"Will do," Jim confirmed.

We talked for a while longer discussing how the girls and Kaelyn's parents were coping, along with a few other details then we ended the call.

I arrived home from work at around five-thirty that night. Both the girls were doing their homework at the dinning room table and they greeted me enthusiastically, jumping up and kissing me while asking if I was alright. Kaelyn had not gotten home yet.

I smiled assuring them I was fine and then I headed upstairs to change clothes.

Having changed I had just come down when the front door opened and Kaelyn walked in. Spotting me she said "hi" coldly and I returned her false greeting just as coldly. She entered the dinning room and greeted the girls with much more enthusiasm than she had me but it was obvious that when the girls returned their mother's greeting they were reserved.

Pretending not to notice the girl's coolness toward her Kaelyn told them, "I'm going up to change." And then she left.

It was my night to prepare dinner so I started some water boiling planning on fixing spaghetti and garlic bread with a tossed green salad on the side.

By the time the pasta water was at full boil the girls had finished their homework and Kim was spreading garlic onto slices of French toast, while Kathy was tossing a salad when the phone rang.

Kim answered, "Hello" and then said, "Oh, hi Grams." Then after a slight pause, "Okay, I guess. Could be better, you know." Another pause and then, "Uh-huh, hang on, and I'll go tell her."

Kim covered the mouthpiece with her hand and then turning to me she said, "It's Grams. She want's to talk to mom."

I held out my hand for the phone and then also covering the mouthpiece I asked Kim to go tell her mother that she was wanted on the phone.

Kim ran upstairs then when she returned she nodded to me and I put the phone up to my ear keeping the mouthpiece covered. Both girls came up to me, standing in tight, so I tilted the handset such that all three of us would be able to listen in.

We heard Kaelyn's voice,..."I don't know mom, I suppose it's because after so many years Jack and have settled down into the routine that most couples fall into, raising the girls, work, social events, both business related and otherwise, and more work. The sex that was practically constant at first between us dwindled to weekly, then every other week, and then lately it's become really scarce.

I'm sure that I'm just as guilty as Jack in the fading away of our sex life, maybe even more so I don't know. But it's not just our sex life mom, the recent months have shown a sharp drop off of cuddling and kissing and even the simple touches and words that a couple uses to reassure each other of their love.

I was just feeling unloved, unwanted and taken advantage of. I don't know mom I started feeling like I wasn't attractive any more. Well, then about three months ago I started talking to this guy at work named Mark Larson. Mark started working there about a year ago but we never really talked before other than to say hi when we passed in the hall. Well anyway, after talking with Mark a few times I discovered that when he and I converse, he speaks with remarkable passion. By that I mean I get the sense that the issues at hand have been provoking him for some time, his frustration, dismay, and aggravation are not merely intellectual. You know how it is typically when you talk to a man they may complain or remark negatively, but the associated emotions don't show much. Well, with him they are so plain I can feel them myself.

And when I opened myself up to him he completely understood me and knew exactly what I was feeling, something I haven't gotten from Jack in quite a while. Mark just pays such close attention to little things I say or do it's like I'm the most important thing in the world. When I'm with Mark, I want to look good for him. He makes me feel sexy. I feel more confident. I take the time to dress up. The twinkle is back in my eyes. I haven't felt that way about Jack in months. Whenever I walk away from Mark I feel light-headed, giddy, confused and curiously pleased. His eagerness to unveil his secret emotions to me, and his understanding of my secret emotions so unabashedly seems like a sort of private club of two, even to exchange affection. And I am truly of a mind to give him any and all of those things mom, and yet, on the other hand, I'm still unsure."

Then Grams asked, "Have you done anything sexual with this man Kaelyn?"

Kaelyn answered, "No mom. I wouldn't do anything like that unless Jack and I were separated. Well, Mark has kissed me a few times and we've gone out to lunch together but nothing beyond that. Oh, when we kissed he has tried to touch my breasts a few times but each time I told him no and he stopped."

Grams again, "Are you sure you're telling me everything Kaelyn? You told me you feel like exchanging affections with this man. Are you certain you're not leaving anything out?"

Kaelyn: "I'm sure mom. Well, there were a few times when he took me to a private spot for a conversation, and he stood near me, and spoke nearly in whispers. Now I assumed this was only out of practical consideration, because he didn't want to be overheard at work. But the whole atmosphere was pretty intense. He made it plain on these occasions that he was telling me secrets maybe one or two other people might know about his thoughts. And he did all this with great fervor, as if unburdening his soul, as if I were the only person who could truly understand. Our minds seem to be so much alike it only intensifies the experience you know what I mean?"

Grams: "I know nothing of the kind. What does this ... this Mark fellow look like?"

Kaelyn: "Oh he's a pretty good-looking guy, he has a very pleasant speaking voice, and he smells good too."

Grams: "You stupid twit! I thought I raised you with more smarts than that. You just described Jack you ninny, with the only exception that you're willing to open up to this bozo Mark confessing all your inner-most feelings, yet you're unwilling to do so with your own husband, a man that loves you more than the whole world put together! How stupid can you be girl?! Can't you get it through that thick skull of yours that this Mark fellow is a predator? A predator that has trained himself to recognize a venerable woman as easily as if she had a big sign hanging around her neck with the word, "Seducible" in big red letters written across it."

After hearing Grams Kim pumped her left fist in the air.

Kaelyn: "No mom he isn't..."

Grams interrupted, "Don't give me that girl! Even I know that no man responds to a woman with such deep emotion unless he's trying to seduce her or he's gay! You had better take a real hard look inside your heart Kaelyn before you destroy everything that has any real meaning in your life. You've already got the catch of the century in Jack, and with the way your girls feel about their father you'll lose them in the bargain."

Kaelyn: "I ... I don't know ... I'm so..."

Grams: "You're so nothing but venerable and feeling sorry for yourself right now Kaelyn. Talk to Jack honey. He's your best friend and he would turn the world upside down for you if needed. You just think about it and you'll see I'm right. Now go do the right thing."

Kaelyn: "Okay mom I will. I'll think about it."

Grams: "Promise me you'll think hard child. Promise me."

Kaelyn: "I promise mom. I promise to think hard."

Grams: "Good girl. I love you. You've got a whole bunch of people around you that love you honey. Listen to those of us that do love you and not the ones that just pass in the night."

Kaelyn: "I will mom. I will."

Grams: "Goodnight honey."

Kaelyn: "Goodnight mom ... and thanks. I love you."

Grams: "I love you too honey. I always will, no matter what."

Then they broke the connection.

After I hung up the extension phone Kathy exclaimed, "Way to go Grams!"

"Do you think Grams got through to her dad?" Kim asked.

"Who knows?" I answered without any enthusiasm while shrugging my shoulders

"Does that mean you've decided not to forgive mom no matter what?" Kathy asked.

"Pretty much," I told her and then I added, "Come on girls let's go finish up dinner."

Both the girls looked dejected but they did help with dinner.

When dinner was close to being finished Kathy stood at the bottom of the staircase and called up, "Mom! Dinner's almost ready!"

A good half hour passed before Kaelyn joined us but when she did it was really something. She looked radiant. She was dressed in a low-cut, skintight, black semi sheer, silk jersey knit gown. Her round breasts were generously exposed and rested precariously atop her bodice, and as she walked, her long, shapely legs provocatively peeked out from a revealing slit running up the front of her dress. Her light hair was wrapped tightly in a French twist, leaving her long slender neck exposed, with a single tear-drop pearl necklace suspended from a thin gold chain looking subtle beneath her patrician profile.

Both Kim's and Kathy's eyes looked as large as saucers as they just stared at their mother unable to say anything.

Without even realizing it I stood up when Kaelyn had entered. She looked like a princess. Then it hit me and I really got pissed. Looking first toward Kim and then to Kathy I said, "Girls, would you give your mother and I a moment alone please?"

Without a word they both got up and left the room.

Once the girls were gone I looked directly at Kaelyn and with anger in my voice I said, "I see you've got a big night out planned with lover-boy! Well let me tell you something Kaelyn! You damn well better take a change of clothes with you, because you won't be getting back inside this house without a court order!"

Kaelyn wrung her hands together nervously and in a soft voice she said, "I swear to you Jack, I did not dress up because I was going out. I dressed up to have dinner with my husband and our two daughters."

I didn't believe her. My threat to lock her out of the house must have really scared her. "Riiight," I said sarcastically drawing out the word. "It must have just slipped my mind that you always dress like this on spaghetti night."

Looking directly into my eyes she said, "Jack, I don't know how or why but somehow I had convinced myself that you wanted different things from our relationship than I did. Well, tonight mom talked to me and it was like a light switch had been flipped on inside a dark room and I could see again. In that light I realized that for months I have been focusing only on the little insignificant troublesome things with our relationship, and completely ignoring all the big wonderful things we have together. I can easily understand how you might feel that I'm not being completely honest about this right now, wondering how could I possibly switch from one extreme to another in so short a period of time, I'm sorry to say that I have no answers for you Jack that will convince you of my sincerity, because I don't understand it myself. Honestly Jack, I don't understand this any more than I understand how I got to where I was in the first place.

"You have nothing to lose here Jack. After talking with the girls and then later with my mother I came to fully understand just how wrong I've been and how much I've hurt you. I also realize that nothing I can say or do right now will change how you must feel about me, and I know that I may have lost you forever, but my dear, dear Jack, even though you may not want me anymore I refuse to give up on you without a fight. Honestly honey, I dressed up tonight in order to seduce you. So, that's the long and the short of it ... I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'll fight until my very last breath to win you back."

I looked back at her and in a calm voice I said, "You know what Kaelyn? I probably would have been able to get around you letting another man console you, flatter you, share your inter most secrets, touch you in a possessive way, and even kiss you, but when you stopped making love with me because that sorry son-of-a-bitch told you not to, that I can't forgive. That's what he did, didn't he, Kaelyn? He told you not to fuck me, didn't he?"

She got a confused look on her face. "What? No, he never, that was my idea..." suddenly her expression changed to one of comprehension, and then it changed again to that of shame, then clasping a hand over her mouth she burst into tears and wailed, "Oh God! What have I done? What have I done? Oh dear God!" and then she abruptly turned away and bolted for the stairs.

Suddenly, my rage left me as I watched her retreating back, racked with sobs.

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Hello ISS readers this is Aman 19 years and its my first story about me and my maid sumitra.About me I am tall and smart guy even with my dark complexion and about sumitra she is 18 and has a very sexy figure of 36-28-36. The day I saw her I dreamt of ramming her but never got a chance.Than I started planning out how to seduce her and make her mine.One day while she was sweeping my room I lying on my bed watching T.V. I got a quick glimpse of her bra and her cleavage she looked at me and caught...

3 years ago
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A Rose By Any Other NameChapter 4

True to her word, Heather called me at home the evening after my choir concert and the two of us made plans to attend her rock concert together. It was a band I'd not heard of, but according to Heather they were a local group and had made it pretty big. "I can't believe you haven't heard of them," she said in amazement. "What kind of band are they again?" I asked. "I told you. Hardcore punk with some rap thrown in." "And there are enough people in Omaha to fill the Civic Center...

1 year ago
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Youre My Bitch Now Part 9

You’re My Bitch Now Part 9Chris stared at Rick. ‘Rikkie, what have you done? What have you toldhim?’‘It's a her, not a him, and I haven't told her anything. She caught mein the panties I was wearing the other day in the office, then she sawyour text message to me tonight and she put two and two together. Ihaven't told her anything, but she sussed that something is going on.’Chris sat down on the bed. ‘Shit, shit, shit.’ Rick came and sat next to him. ‘I don't think she really knows anything.I’m...

3 years ago
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Free Love Club

The Free Love Club is a swingers club, made up of all kinds of couples that join up for whatever reasons they see fit, whether they just like the idea of swinging, or they feel it will help their relationship and/or spice up their sex life.

4 years ago
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A Great First Threesome Experience

It happened quite early on. We had only been married for around a year when we moved from Montana to Oregon. We had only been living there for about six months when a male acquaintance of Laurie’s got moved to the same city in Oregon by the company they both worked for. He needed a place to stay for a few nights until he could find an apartment of his own, so we invited him to stay with us. Laurie and I have always talked to each other about our own personal fantasies. One of mine that I had...

2 years ago
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a little about myself

My father decided he had enough of the family life when I was very young, leaving my mom to raise me by herself. In order to work she hired sitters or when she could afford it send me to day care. After a few years of the pressures of bringing up a boy on her own she became an alcoholic, and some of her decisions were flawed. Not appointing blame, she did what she could. Some times I'd be sent to a womans home for the day. She watched many k**s and couldn't keep an eye on all of us at the same...

2 years ago
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A Shipwrecked Princess

The wind was blowing across the ship, and the princess was getting bored.It had seemed like such a fun voyage, and for years she had begged to be allowed to go out on a ship, touring to the exotic ports her parents talked about. Now that she was an adult, she had been allowed to go on a sea voyage to the land of Punt. But she hadn't realized how boring it could get, out at sea.She watched the desert shore slide by slowly. She shifted in her seat, at the rear of the ship, next to her private...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Revelations Pt12

Karen says we need to get these to the lawyer immediately, James says whats the hurry. Dad wants to marry Paula during the midnight candle light service Christmas Eve. He wants us all to spend Christmas at the Cabin and he has a lot of arrangements over the next week. But they pulled it off, the guys got together and made all the arrangements with the church, getting the devorce finalized, the girls decorated the cabin for Christmas and most importantly Danny took Paula out and purchased a...

4 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 25

I skipped the weekly training session with my cycle team. Instead, Paul and I head to our makeshift lab. We would have done it sooner, but we wanted to make sure my leg was fully healed. On the way over, Paul comments, “You look a little worried. Are you? Is this something we should be doing?” “Anxious, not worried. I want to see what I can do. I am a growing boy. My body is changing. Truth be told, with all the fighting I have been doing, I should have slipped up before now. Even my leg...

3 years ago
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One Too Many or Not Enough

Lynn is my lush. However, she also happens to be my best friend, my business partner, and with someone else. My name is Alex and this is our true story.My best friends have always been female. In high school, my best friend was the soccer babe. In university, it was the skater chick that I eventually went on with to have three children. In divorce, it’s Lynn, who suffered through the whole break up of a long-term marriage six months ahead of mine. It was the life-changing experience that bonded...

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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 555

Old Rotorhead provided this medley Shifty variants: “She’s like a Japanese goldfish,” said Tom koi-ly, “spectacular looks, but her mouth is always open.” “She’s like a goldfish,” carped Tom, “looks good but her mouth is always open.” I hasten to add that the sexes can be reversed in the foregoing, and they make just as much sense. Another one liner from Alphqwe After my last visit to the Doctor I now have to practice social distancing from my Refrigerator! ???? Stevensalo submitted...

3 years ago
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A sexy meeting

It had been so long since they were both together, stealing a couple of hours at a time, meeting very quietly without anyone seeing them. Today was different, his house was empty, she had a day off from work and they had planned this day for so may weeks. Pete was very excited, he had cleaned the house, made up the bed, made some snacks, opened a bottle of red wine and had showered and shaved, everywhere, Tanya liked to kiss his skin and lick all those erotic places but she did not like hair....

4 years ago
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My Towel Fell On The Ground And She Saw My 8 Cock

By : Latharaja143 Hi all I am raja from Madurai a regular reader of ISS before my marriage and after my marriage I never used to get time to see ISS. But when my wife went to her mother house for her pregnancy I again started reading the ISS. This incident happen when my wife went for her pregnancy with my neighbor latha in Madurai. She is around 30’s with a two year daughter and her husband is working in Dubai and he used to come every six month. During this period he had just went so he...

1 year ago
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Caught masterbating part 2

Today is Friday and Tim moved in yesterday,Tonight we are going to eclipse for some .Tom met Tim and I there at 9 pm,Tom brought a very hot women with him,I fell in love right on the spot,my pussy was so wet just from looking at her.He said introduced us to Tina,she is so hot!!!she has long black hair,long legs,curves in all the right places,and an ass to die for.Tina is a fire fighter for nyfd.We hit it off right away,We went out to dance to hip hop music " Man she knows how to dance"By the...

3 years ago
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Distant Love Part 6 Were friendsrightreuploaded

"You look like some cartoon character!" Alex said. "That because you never saw me fighting..." I said. "I've heard that it's worse..." Mark said laughing a little. "Haha..." I said sarcasticly. "I thought brazilians were good in...other sports like soccer and stuff..." Alex said. "Yeah...half brazilians like Samba too...I don't...and I always hated soccer..." I said. "Are you sure you were born in the right place...?" Mark asked. "I have my doubts..." I...

1 year ago
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*VERY EXPLICIT and 100% fiction! It was late friday afternoon as John Stuart, the 49 year old senior executive of a small engineering firm made his way home from work. The working week was over and John looked forward to spending the weekend with his daughter Jessica. Recently separated, John was living on his own and was eager to spend as much quality time with her as possible. Finding time to spend with Jessica was difficult as John was always busy with work, therefore he usually only saw her...

Erotic Fiction
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First Foursome

Jay and I have had a few experiences trying to live out our fantasies. But one night we discussed going to a swingers club and started sifting through the internet trying to find somewhere suitable. Eventually we found a club only 20 minutes drive from our home and called the owners to have a chat. It sounded a very nice and well run establishment and we arranged a visit then became members just a week later. Our first experience was a real eye opener and we had a terrific time. But I’ll write...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sperm Donation 5

The next day was Saturday and soon after he got up Jack received another call from the clinic. Jack was asked if he would mind coming in to the clinic as soon as was convenient that morning. Since Jack didn’t have any plans for the day he quickly agreed. They didn’t go into any details about what he would be doing but Jack was sure it would be a very fun and interesting experience for him. Jack quickly dressed, ate a hasty breakfast, and was out the door on the way to the clinic. After a few...

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 21 Years Old E504

This beautiful soft spoken blonde is 21 and is here to make her very first adult video…she works as a waitress and is a college student so there’s those pesky student loans to pay off and using her good looks and amazing sexy body seemed like a good way to make some quick cash! She’s never done anything like this before so it’s all new experiences for her but she’s into having some fun, that’s for sure…after her introductory interview she gets on her...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 3

The woman was called Kola. She was the young thing that had brought me the cup of drink and the platter of food. "She is a widow," Tagar told me in all honesty. "Her mate died in a hunting accident but a moon ago and she is without a man now. Her own father and mother have already gone to the spirits and she is alone and there is none of age who would take her in and care for her. She is a good woman and I think it would be a good trade." I stifled my immediate response as best as I...

1 year ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 2 Jennifer

I quickly rushed out to the living room trying to catch Jimmy's mom before she got away believing she had somehow entered the wrong apartment. Being sober I prayed this reunion with his mom wouldn't turn out to be like a free visit to Belleview or perhaps a monkeys' tea party at the zoo where a disgruntled worker has filled the teapots with whisky. And also the monkeys have been lobotomized and injected with a drug that makes them extremely stupid, aggressive and nasty. I still couldn't...

4 years ago
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Stepdaughtertobe pt 4

This is part four of the story. We get a little rough this time. Amy and I had a few minutes alone on Sunday evening when Rachel was in the bathtub. We were able to talk a little about what had happened the night before, and where to go from here. She fully understood our predicament, and was on board with figuring out a plan. The middle of the night was problematic, since I have a day job and shes in school, as well as the fact that Rachel could wake up and discover us at any moment. I have...

3 years ago
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Meet The Maddisons 9

The Maddison family was coming over this afternoon to discuss the Sex Olympics and go over the videos they'd taken during mum's gang bang training session at their house.I was a bit nervous as I was really keen to see Alison again. I really liked her, but I was worried the sex was overpowering any relationship that might be between us. I wasn't jealous or anything. I knew she regularly fucked her twin brothers and her father, even her mother. I guess she also screwed plenty of guys outside her...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 18

October 1, 1881 While Eli was getting his latest prisoners turned over to the jailers, Jefferson left the courthouse through the back door and ran out to saddle his horse. He rode hard up the back way, cutting across an open lot and through someones yard as he raced home. He didn’t take time to put his horse in the barn, he knew Eli would see it anyway. He jerked the saddle off and turned his horse in the cow pen. When Eli rode into the yard later, it was almost sundown and there was no one...

3 years ago
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Stranded DaddiesChapter 2

A new movie had started, on Jimmy Joe's porn station. It was called "Sock Her Balls Tournament" They had laughed uproariously as women who had to be in their mid twenties, but were acting the parts of High School girls, pranced around on a soccer field, trying to kick a ball, while their fathers, who could only be five or six years older than the women, talked about how hard High School was for their daughters, and about how worried they were for their daughters' virtues. All the shots of...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 40

The next weekend I realized I had forgotten to do something, and grabbed the frame, and drove out to the skating rink. I walked in about an hour before they opened, and asked for the manager. As soon as he saw me he smiled and bid me to come in. The same girl was translating, and I told them to hold on and that I would be right back. I returned with the frames and set them on the counter where the skates were handed out. I told them that this was a gift from the owner of the rink in...

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The Toe Job ChallengeJim Earns Respect Chapter 1

Jim earns respect As a prequel to the continuing series about Barbra’s Reawakening, I’ve decided to reach even further back to give a little bit of my background, my history, the events that made me who I am. Some of them are worthy of entertainment others are bit more tricky and only shed light when taken in context with the rest of the stories. But isn’t that life? Anyway this story, or the two of them anyway, reach back to my time in college and working full time mostly in a part...

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New Jock TalesChptr 5Me and Mr Jones

“Hey great game guys—gotta jet” “What's up Dillon—gotta hot date”? “Ya, I think so” “No shower ? Hope she likes funk” ! “ya, me too” I grabbed my duffel bag from my locker, and quickly ran out the shower house. We had a good game that night, and I was pretty excited. Even at 10:00 at night, it's was pretty fuckin hot in East Texas—about 80. I was sweatin like a pig, and damm near smelled like one. I hopped in the GTO with Mark Mattox. Catching me right after the game he said he had a...

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