Adam And The Ants: The BeginningChapter 9: A Little Help, Here? Someone? Anyone? free porn video

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Well I'm standing here, what do I see?
A big nothing threatening me!
It's so sad when you're young,
To be told you're having fun.
So unplug the jukebox and do us all a favor
That music's lost its taste so try another flavor:
Ant Music!

— Adam and the Ants, "Ant Music" (used without permission)

Saturday, July 28, 1984 3:16 PM

I stopped pacing back and forth across my bedroom long enough to look out my window for perhaps the hundredth time in as many minutes. The scene across the street remained unchanged: Mrs. Phelps' Chevrolet was still parked in the Morrisons' driveway, with no sign of Mrs. Phelps, Charlotte, or Mike Miller. I resumed my pacing.

Why would Charlotte bring Mike Miller to visit her grandparents?? ... along with a dozen other similar questions all spun around like a tornado inside my head. My emotional side, which had been getting too much exercise all summer, screamed that a girl like Charlotte would never go for a jerk like Miller. No girl in her right mind would! My logical side reasoned that they had probably been going to the same schools for years, and that she would certainly know him much better than I did. Perhaps she knew something about him that I didn't, and that something would be enough to overcome his apparent intellectual shortcomings?

The debate raged on, interspersed with occasional and increasingly frustrated glances out the window. More than once I wondered why my anger and frustration wasn't tempered by being near my ants, but my focus remained on what was going on across the street. My ankle was starting to get stiff and I would need to sit down soon. I wish I could be a fly on the wall over there, I thought.

A fly on the wall, no ... but an ant on the floor? I looked at the ant farm on my desk, then out the window at the Morrisons' house.

Could I connect with the ants in the garage again and see what was happening in the house? It couldn't hurt to try. Anything was better than just pacing back and forth in my room! I sat on the edge of my bed and once again looked at the ant farm.

"How do I do this, guys?" I asked.

There was no answer.

"Fine, be that way. I'll figure it out myself."

The day before when I had ... whatever you might call what I had done ... I had been asleep. I doubted that I would be able to fall asleep in my agitated state of mind, but I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes anyway. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I reached out with my consciousness and tried to feel the ants on my desk. After a moment my awareness of the room around me became clearer, even with my eyes closed. The awareness grew, and soon I could envision the entire room! It wasn't like seeing with my eyes, but every detail of the room was crystal clear: the drawer in my dresser where I kept my tee-shirts was part way open; my left shoelace was untied, and there was an apple core behind the garbage can under my desk that was starting to get moldy.

So far, so good, I thought. I focused my awareness on the window and beyond. I felt something in the yard and concentrated my attention in that direction. It was an anthill! Not carpenter ants like the ones in the farm, but smaller and a bit less organized. The colony was located mostly under the sidewalk and had several entrances in the yard. I pushed my awareness across the street. The farther away I pushed, the less focused my awareness became. I found another colony of the smaller ants in the Morrisons' yard and used it as sort of an anchor for my consciousness, then pushed again toward the garage. The ants under the workbench seemed to have felt my presence and— well, I can't quite put it into words— they sent their awareness to meet me. Suddenly I had the same full awareness in the Morrisons' garage that I had a few moments before in my bedroom. I had somehow connected my consciousness to theirs!

I spared the briefest of moments basking in the new experience, before directing an ant to cross the garage and crawl under the door. In the kitchen, the Morrisons and their guests were seated at the oval table. Mrs. M, Mrs. Phelps, and Charlotte were on one end while Mr. M and Miller were at the other. They were all engaged in conversations, but despite my hyper awareness I could only hear muffled sounds. Charlotte was showing a handful of Polaroid photos to Mrs. M, who was scowling in the general direction of Miller more than looking at the photos. Miller, meanwhile, seemed to be pantomiming throwing a football with one hand while shoveling Mrs. M's cookies into his mouth with the other. Mr. M didn't seem to mind the lack of manners, but having spent 30 years in the Marines I'm sure he had plenty of experience dealing with guys like Miller.

The conversations continued for a few minutes until Mrs. Phelps, apparently announcing that it was time to go, stood and tapped her watch with an index finger. Charlotte hopped up and gave the Morrisons each a hug. Mr. M offered Miller a handshake, but Miller was too busy looking at Charlotte's backside as she bent over to hug Mrs. M in her wheelchair. Mr. M cleared his throat, finally getting Miller's attention and the handshake.

They all headed for the front door, except Mrs. M who stayed at the kitchen table with a scowl on her face. My seeing-eye ant followed the group out and watched from the doorway as Miller tried to sit in the middle of the back seat. Charlotte giggled as Mrs. Phelps shook a finger at him and shooed him to the side, then they were on their way. I bade my viewing host goodbye with a warning to stay out of sight, then willed my consciousness back to my own body.

Back in my room I opened my eyes. If I had been angry before, now I was furious. Miller was just as big of a jerk while visiting the Morrisons as he had been at Tito's! I stood up and resumed my pacing. Along with my furor over Miller's behavior, I was also stunned at what I had just accomplished. I had sent my consciousness all the way across the street, and exerted some kind of mind control over an ant! On top of all the anger and wonder, I felt a wave of guilt. I had been spying on people I considered my friends. My parents had raised me better than that— but I couldn't help myself. I just had to know what was going on!

The emotions were swirling around like a hurricane in my head. I stopped pacing and sat down at my desk.

"Why do you guys only help when I'm sad?" I asked the ants as they scurried about. "I could use some calming down right now."

Anger protects the colony. There is no need for sad.

"Okay, that sort of makes sense," I mused. Perhaps they equated anger with the conviction required to defend their nest from predators. "But now another question: Why don't you talk more?"

This time my question went unanswered. "Well, if this anger is going to be worth keeping, I guess I should do something with it."

I went downstairs, and wandered aimlessly around the living room, dining room and kitchen for a few minutes looking for something to put my angry energy into. Finding nothing downstairs, I was about to head back up to my room when the garage door caught my eye.

My bike!

It had been in the corner of the garage since the day Pappy and I picked it up from the shop.

Maybe a quick ride around the neighborhood is what this anger needs, I thought.

Moments later I was pedaling up the street with all my might. With every push of the crank, I envisioned the anger flowing out of me, through the bike, and into the ground.

All those ants down there under the street can have it, I thought.

I pictured myself ladling out "Rage Stew" to hordes of ants at some sort of anger soup kitchen. And just like that, I was laughing maniacally at the thought, and all of the anger was gone.

So wit is a foil for anger ... who knew?

This reminded me that I had planned on spending more of the weekend rehearsing for my next encounter with Mike Miller. So for the next two hours, I cruised up and down the streets of Rolling Hills, rehearsing out loud along the way. The more I rode, the better I felt. Gone before long was also the stiffness in my ankle.

Later, I wondered what people thought of the teenager biking around the neighborhood, talking to himself and laughing.

Monday, July 29, 1984 9:30 AM

Monday morning I woke up to find a note from Mom saying that the Morrisons would like me to come over.

I didn't waste any time. I wolfed down a bowl of cereal, dressed in some of my better work clothes and headed across the street.

Mr. M greeted me at the door with a half-hearted smile and invited me in.

"Charlotte came for a visit yesterday," Mrs. M stated as Mr. M brought a plate of cookies and a glass of milk to the table. "She brought along a young man from her school."

"Oh?" I feigned nonchalant ignorance. "Anyone I know?" I felt bad playing silly games with the Morrisons like this, but how could I possibly explain to them what I knew? How I had witnessed a part of the visit through the eyes of an ant while laying in my bed across the street?

"Mike Miller is his name," Mr. M said. "He said the two of you had met at the new pizza place, and that looking forward to continuing a discussion the two of you were having."

"Oh, yes. I remember Mike. We only talked for a few minutes. I'm looking forward to continuing our discussion as well." And that discussion, I thought to myself, Will hopefully take a turn in a very different direction from the last time.

"He plays football," Mr. M continued with a gleam in his eye. "Tight end, just like I did back in high school! And he told me he's considering the Marines after college."

"Well, I didn't like him," Mrs. Morrison spat. "Not one little bit! His manners were atrocious, and the whole time he kept staring at Charlotte ... at her legs and her chest ... like ... like..." She couldn't seem to come up with a comparison. Having seen it myself, though, I knew exactly what she meant.

Like a hungry dog looking at a steak, I thought, but I kept it to myself.

"That's why we asked you over today," Mrs. M. Continued. "We want to know what you think of Mike ... whether or not he's the right sort of boy for Charlotte to be seeing?"

Before I could answer, Mr. M cut in. "He wasn't all that bad, Irma," he placated. "He's just a typical teenager. Right, Champ?"

I took a moment to nibble on a cookie while I contemplated the question. I didn't know a lot about girls, but I watched enough television and movies to know that any time a girl's parents (or grandparents in this case) told a girl to stop seeing someone ... well, for some reason it only made her want to stay with him more. I washed down the cookie with a sip of milk, giving myself an extra moment to formulate my answer. I decided to tell them the truth— but maybe only a part of it.

"I'll be honest," I said. "I really only met him for a few minutes, but Charlotte is a smart girl. If he isn't the right kind of guy for her, she'll figure it out." And, I thought, I'll help open her eyes to that fact.

My answer seemed to satisfy the Morrisons, if for different reasons. I made small talk, mostly asking about Charlotte's trip. When I finished my cookies and milk, I made a show of checking for crumbs on the table and taking the dirty glass and plate to the sink. Mr. M didn't seem to notice, but I caught a gleam in Mrs. M's eye. Before I left, I asked to use the bathroom. I didn't need to, but it gave me a few moments alone to connect with the ant colony in the garage, and send them a feeling of thanks for the help yesterday. I also tried to make them understand that staying in the garage was dangerous, but I didn't know if they would listen or not.

I spent the rest of the day pedaling around the neighborhood on my bike, again practicing my lines as I rode. I was pretty confident that I could put Miller in his place the next time we met, but visions of Charlotte in a cheerleader's outfit kept creeping into my thoughts.

Tuesday, July 30, 1984 9:04 AM

Pappy took me to my final follow-up with the orthopedist. The doc was thrilled again with my progress, saying that he expected me to need the cane for another couple of weeks. I mentioned how much riding my bike helped with the stiffness. Hearing this, the doc asked if he could write about my rapid recovery for some kind of case study, but Pappy told him he would have to talk to my parents first.

Pappy dropped me off at the house, where I was somewhat disappointed not to see the gang waiting for me. Brett had mentioned a few days before that the team would be starting "two-a-days" this week, but I had no idea what that meant. What I did know, was that it would keep both Todd and Miller, along with the rest of the team, away from Tito's for the next couple of weeks. After having spent much of the weekend riding my bike, there was no reason not to take it to Tito's and see if the gang was there. I performed a quick inspection of my bike, checked the air in the tires and put a drop of oil on the chain, then headed up Wendel Road.

Locking my bike to the fairly crowded rack at Tito's a few minutes later, I recognized Brett and Charlie's bikes. David's family was away on vacation, visiting family somewhere in Florida and Eddie was at summer camp with the Boy Scouts. I headed around to the park area, looking for my friends but hoping to see Charlotte as well. I suddenly realized that as much as I had been practicing what to say to Mike Miller the next time I saw him, I hadn't given much thought to what I would say to Charlotte! On the other hand, we had been close friends as far back as I could remember. I shouldn't have any problems holding a conversation.

The Heads had maintained possession of the tables closest to the building, and the jocks and elites kept to themselves on what was now 'their side' of the path. I kept an eye out for Charlotte as I made my way to the woodline, but didn't see her. If she didn't show by noon, I would seek out my not-quite-a-friend Mindy for information. For the moment, however, I was not in a hurry. As I strolled along the path, I also noted the presence of several ant colonies, mostly near the big garbage cans. I wondered if they liked pizza?

Once into un-crowd territory I quickly located Brett and Charlie. They made the appropriate sympathetic comments when I told them about Charlotte bringing Miller to visit the Morrisons, then we settled in to just enjoy the day. Now that I was able to get around on my bike, we started making plans to do some of the things we had talked about— swimming at the lake and possibly that trip to the mall, if my leg was strong enough.

Faith was there, hanging out with the Heads as usual, and I caught her looking my way a couple of times. When I made eye contact, she held my gaze for a few moments with a sly sort of grin before looking away.

The day was hot and humid as always, and over the course of the morning I made several trips up to the pizzeria for Pepsis. By noon, I was hungry and feeling an urgent call to nature. I excused myself from the conversation I was having with several of my fellow nerds comparing the merits of Star Wars versus Star Trek, and headed once again to the pizzeria to use the rest room and get some lunch. I was about to round the corner to the front of the strip mall when a commotion from the Elites' tables caught my attention. I turned to see what was going on just in time to see a copper-haired girl in a yellow sundress approaching an excited mob of other girls. It was Charlotte! I would recognize her auburn locks from a mile away— and she was wearing the same dress from last year's birthday party!

I was torn. I would have loved nothing more than to sprint over to the elite tables and join in the massive group hug, but my body had other needs! I spent a brief moment debating but my body's needs won out over my heart and mind, and I hurried inside to take care of business. Lunch forgotten for the moment, I rushed right back out— and bumped into Faith at the corner.

She was grinning ear to ear, despite the fact that I had just almost knocked her down. "I see you've recovered from your little mishap with the soccer ball," she observed.

"Yeah, no permanent damage," I blurted out. I really just wanted to go talk to Charlotte! Why was Faith always showing up at such inopportune times? I hurriedly thanked her again for her help with the puddle, all the while looking over her shoulder to see where Charlotte was.

"Hey, look at me," she said softly. I realized I shouldn't be so rude. After all, she was the only one who helped that day. I blushed and stammered out an apology.

"It's ok," she stated, putting a hand on my forearm. "Just relax and be yourself. Everything will be just fine." Then she gave my arm a gentle squeeze, stepped around me and went inside.

Same as Adam and the Ants: The Beginning
Chapter 9: A little help, here? Someone? Anyone? Videos

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Adam Comes to Visit

This summer, my mom's sister left her husband of eighteen years and their son, my cousin, Adam, came to stay with my mom and I for a little over a month. That's really where all this starts. My mom and I are very close and we talk about all kinds of things. She's great because she's willing to talk with me about boys and sex and all that. She says it's better than learning it wrong from other kids. She's probably right. So, we've talked about sex in more detail than many moms and...

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Adam and Mike

Adam woke up feeling horny, holding his cock in his hands and playing with himself, turned to his smartphone for some porn. But soon became bored and felt he needed something more.He searched for Mike's phone number and stared at it for a while lingering on the decision to phone him or not. In the end his raging hormones overcame his shyness and lack of confidence and he made the call.Mike answered from the other side and his deep sexy voice melted Adam's heart straight away. Adam explained who...

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Adam Seduced by Megans Mother

This is the second in a series about Adam. Adam and his girlfriend Megan were both freshmen in college. Megan introduced Adam to her little sister Abby, who proceeded to seduce him. Will Megan's mother take advantage of Adam too? Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating...

2 years ago
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Adam and Mike Part 1

Adam was alone, living in the of London. He walked the streets with eyes constantly searching the crowds, picking on guys with handsome faces, fantasising about what it could be if he could just have them.At the age of 30 Adam, failed to get any relationship. He was handsome himself. With a mediterranean look, black hair, brown eyes and sun kissed skin, he had a body fairly well shaped with his work, his long walks roaming the city and his frequent incursions to the gym.But Adam didnt feel...

4 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 4

Dear Jason, Geoffrey, Adam, and Matthew, I have gone to run errands, that long list of chores have really piled up, I’ve gone to complete them I trust you four can manage to cook yourselves dinner be back at 11:00! Love, Mom That was perfect I thought, I would cook Adam dinner as we got to know each other. I was now glad for the cooking lessons that my mom drilled into my head night after night. I couldn’t find much in their pantry, so I decided to cook something simple, spaghetti. I wish...

3 years ago
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Adam and Ellie Part II

"Adam, can you come take the trash out?""Yes, give me a minute it's almost halftime."I rolled my eyes. We had the ability to pause our TV, but somehow he doesn't remember it exists during the game. Actually, I don't know if he thinks it works on anything else but the Bachelor or Bachelorette, you know, my shows. I knew I had a few options: do it myself without a word, tell him I'd just do it, or pause the game myself. I chose to tell him I'd do it."That's fine, I'll take it out myself."Suddenly...

Love Stories
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Adam at the Arcade

Dear readers: Lots of gay sex, so don’t read if that’s not your thing. Lily and Adam appear in ‘Doggies Don’t Wear Clothes’ and ‘Drilled by Desmond,’ but this story takes place several months before the events of either—long before Adam knows how to please a cock. That said, it’s not violent, like ‘Drilled by Desmond’ was. ***** One problem about Adam: Although he was a man, he had no idea how to please one. They had to take care of that. So, one night, after Lily triggered him, they went to...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 07

The next day Jesse greeted Adam at her door. As the dinner party was formal, he was wearing a black tux with a white shirt. She had put on a white strapless dress that was slightly longer than some of her other ones, but it still didn’t come to her knees. Her hair looked uncombed, but very sexy and windswept. She also was wearing a small diamond necklace and diamond earrings. ‘You look ravishing! I can also tell that you have nothing on underneath. ‘ Adam said softly with a grin. ‘But my...

3 years ago
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 7

The day was taken up with sight-seeing and shopping. The flickers decided to hang around the hotel. They had a comfortable place to sleep, a safe garden to roam around in and an abundance of good food. Basil informed Gazza that he could find plenty to amuse himself with and flashed a picture of one activity he planned to spend some time perfecting. Gazza chuckled and decided to leave the newlyweds to their bliss and bonding exercises. He did remind Basil to change the towel on the couch if...

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Adam Eves First Time

Adam & Eve’s First Time Alone was I, walking aimlessly through the green pastures and meadows, when upon a forested glen I did come. Seeing no harm in it, I entered the shadowy realm for a little exploratory expedition. Soon I realized I must be careful of the myriad array of briars and brambles which could rip and tear uncovered skin. I began thinking about how lucky animals were to have fur or hair for skin protection. The only furry hair covering I had on my body was on the top of...

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Adam Jesse Ch 14

When Jesse and Adam walked in the meeting room, most of the board members were already seated. Gerald hadn’t arrived yet, although this did not surprise Jesse. She went to the head of the table and motioned for Adam to have a seat beside her. Questions were already flying around the room before she sat down. They were all wondering why she had called a meeting. The first person Adam noticed was Doug sitting directly opposite him. Both men glared at each other for several moments before Adam...

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Adam Jesse Ch 06

The next day, Adam was working the night shift and not long after he had been working, Mark showed up. ‘What’s up? ‘ Mark asked, as he sat down at the bar. ‘You’re a son of a bitch, you know that? ‘ He said quietly. ‘What the hell did I do? ‘ Mark asked. ‘ Look man, if you and Jesse are having problems, don’t say I didn’t warn you. ‘ ‘Yes, and what exactly were you warning me of? ‘ ‘Oh, I get it now. She turned you down too! ‘ Mark laughed. ‘What’s the real story on her, Mark? ‘ Adam...

2 years ago
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Adam Jason and I

Hi, Im Matthew, Im gay if you havent figured out from the section youre reading, and this is a little about me. Im 5ft 3in, longish black hair (just past my ears) I had a swimmers physique, cause well, I was a swimmer, I was hairless except for my head( I shaved my pubes) I had brown eyes, I didnt think I was sexy, but I mean, I didnt think I looked too bad. I was a freshman in high school, so I was basically the bottom of the food chain, having no chance at all to be with another guy,...

3 years ago
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Adam and Eve Black Love

Is there such a thing as too much of anything in this life? I sure hope not. My name is Evelyn Kara Auberge. I am head over heels in love with a reformed player from the States. Here’s a little bit about me. I was born in the town of Cap-Haitien in the island of Haiti but I barely remember it because I’ve lived in the region of Ontario, Canada, ever since I could remember. These days, I’m a recent graduate of Carleton University in the City of Ottawa ( I’ve got a Master’s degree in Psychology )...

4 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Introduction: (All four are in this one.) Oh, are we going to have some fun. He stated as he pulled some rope from behind his back Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

3 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye and beamed up I shot him a glance to silence him and snuck up behind Geoffrey. “Hah!” I yelled and jumped on top of Geoffrey back...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 8 Wednesday at School

"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway was just beginning. "This morning we have another student who's in The Program and who'd like to present some information about himself. As with Dee, who spoke yesterday, I'm hoping this will cut down on repetitive questions and answers that waste time for everyone. Go ahead, Ben." "Uh, hi, my name is Ben Daire. A lot of you know me," he began. "Now that I'm in The Program, I guess everybody knows that I have two cocks. At least,...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 1 Monday Morning

The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 4 Tuesday Morning

About four in the morning I woke up a couple of times and couldn't get back to sleep. On the third try I decided I might as well get something done. As quietly as possible I closed the hallway door, snapped on the desk light, and booted up the computer. First I reviewed the previous day's lecture material and it was scary how little seemed familiar. I must have been more spaced out than I realized. Anyway, I finished reviewing the lectures, did the assigned reading, and then whipped...

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Adam Jesse Ch 02

Several days had gone by and he expected Mark to arrive home any time. He also began noticing the traffic that now seemed to move up and down the block. Like he was told, most of it did come and go from Jesse’s home. They were right in telling him she entertained. It seemed to be nonstop day and night. She had adults of all ages, dressed anywhere from formal attire to jeans, to even bikinis coming and going. While Mark had been gone, he had decided to do a little checking up on her, which...

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Adam Jesse Ch 10

It was well over an hour before they both were dressed and went to the kitchen. Someone had already made coffee and there were bakery goods on the table. Jesse poured them both a cup of coffee and they each took a roll. Adam followed her outside where there was already a crowd around the pool and at the bar. ‘Well it’s about time you two decided to join us. ‘ Sandy said. They made their way to where Sandy was now talking to a small group of women. Jesse sat on the lounge chair, leaving...

4 years ago
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Adam Prologue: Hello Friends: This is a photo of Adam. Adam is the latest young man to audition for my upcoming theatre season. He wants to be a professional actor. Some of you know that I have gotten many young men their starts in professional theatre. Some have gone on to become big stars. For any of you living in the Minneapolis area, the man starring in Peer Gynt at the Guthrie, Mark Rylance started out with me in every sense of the word. Anyway, I am helping Adam look into Drama Schools...

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Adam and Ellie Part I

It was a typical Tuesday; I was off work, Adam was at his store that he opened, and our two-year old was sharing his cereal with the dogs. Days like today made it hard to believe it was only five years ago when Adam found me upset and pissed off in the old bar down the road. How did one chance encounter, hundreds of miles from home, lead to this little family?The only thing different about today was the fact I had news to share with Adam, and him me. We were going out to dinner later that...

Love Stories
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Adam Desire 1 Meet Miss Lulu

AdamDesire-1 Introduction: This is the first of my "AdamDesire" series of stories, an autobiography of that part of my life having to do with my love of cross-dressing. For many years, I kept a book of notes about my experiences being dressed in women's clothing and the different women who guided me on those journeys. These are excerpts from those journals and notes Its my very personal true story. Since I lived them, I hope that you see that my stories have the ring of true...

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Adam comes home for Christmas

Adam could not wait to get back to the warmth of Florida from his college in the North East. He liked the university, just not the climate. He was met at his plane by his parents and his f******n year old little sister, Alice. He was a freshman in college and she was also a freshman, but in high school. It was very hot that day and she was just wearing a loose halter top and some very short and very tight shorts. It had only been four months since he saw her last, but she seemed to have...

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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 8

Kristen: These two teens had permanent smiles, it seemed; that well-fucked look. Amy followed me upstairs while I changed. "About our little party for Adam, um, I've been thinking. It would be pretty daring, you know, doing all that in front of each other. But, I think Adam would love it. Where else can a guy find two prettier women who want to make him happy. I think I'd like to do it, even in front of my mom." Well, the ball seemed to now be in my court. My daughter was becoming a...

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Adam Jason and I chpt2

“Hey Adam, let’s go to sleep in your room, just in case someone comes into the game room and it’s a bit uncomfortable here.” I said “Ok…” He replied in a daze I lifted him up in my arms wedding style and started walking down the hallway looking back at the couch, it was covered in stains if anyone came in within the next hour or two it would be obvious what we had done there. I finally got to his room good thing his parents had gotten him a big bed, it was queen sized. I put him down and...

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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

The next morning I went to swim practice at the Y as usual. The Y, however, had started to get whacky. In particular, Ethan and his girlfriend Caitlin were undressing near the center of the locker room formerly known as Men's. Caitlin was on the girl's swim team at Inner Outlands High School. "Hi, Ethan. Hi Caitlin," I greeted them, "What's up?" "Just practice," answered Ethan. And with that, he and Caitlin strolled out naked toward the pool. I just stood and thought about that...

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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 13

Kristen: As I woke up, I could see Amy up over Adam sucking his cock as he licked her pussy. What a nice way to wake up with all this lust and loving going on around me. I knew my daughter was happy. Unfortunately, we had to take Adam to the airport later that afternoon and then return home to a male-less household. As I watched them, Adam wrenched and cummed into Amy's mouth as a bit ran down her chin. Ah, it had happened to me many a time. She started bucking against Adam and I could see...

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Adam Jason and I Chpt 5

After dressing, we gathered our things and his mother dropped us off at the band hall entrance to the school, now I was nervous, if he was right, as much as I would enjoy it, would mean that I would have lost and he was then in command. We made our way into the band hall, I opened the door alone, as Adam wanted a drink of water before going inside, immediately five pairs of eyes landed on me, stalking its prey, me. Wow…. It hadn’t even taken a minute, I thought as the five girls came over to me...

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