Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 4 Thursday
- 2 years ago
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Adam woke me before my PDA did. First I felt him get up, then I heard his alarm, then I drowsily watched him gather up his stuff. After that I listened to him taking a quick shower and going downstairs. It was six twenty.
I took a quick shower too, and then headed down to breakfast as I had on Tuesday. Walt and Adam were seated at the table and Cynthia was flipping pancakes. None of us was wearing a stitch; it seemed a bit odd. I mean, wherever you go, there are always some people wearing clothes.
Walt, like Cynthia, had the look of being twenty-five years old. That's an odd result of the injections; parents hardly look older than their teen-age kids. Of course, it was good for the libido, too. Walt gave me a quick once-over and immediately developed an erection. He didn't seem embarrassed by it, though, so neither was I. In fact, I kinda like knowing when I give someone an erection, even if they are a little older. I looked away before I started to get damp, though.
Adam and Walt were chattering like magpies about the stock dune buggy. Walt was asking questions as fast as he could think of them and Adam was mostly replying that he didn't know.
"Vivian, sit down and have some breakfast," said Walt after a few moments. I guess he expected me to do that without being asked but I was being careful. Anyway, by then, he was limp.
Cynthia, meanwhile, had served me a heaping stack of pancakes. At the same time she pushed a tub of butter, a rack of assorted syrups, a fruit mix of strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and a bowl of fresh whipped cream within reach. Then she held my shoulder for a second and told me to dig in.
"I was telling Vivian about your interest in old planes," Cynthia told Walt.
"When was this?" Adam asked.
"Yesterday evening, at work," Cynthia replied.
"Aviation has certainly advanced since the days of biplanes," I prompted.
"Well, flying isn't what it used to be," Walt observed. "It used to be something special. Young men signed up for the freedom and the glory and the respect. Being a pilot was a rare skill that people looked up to and respected. They came from miles away to see a man and a machine that could fly.
"Nowadays, pilots sit in the cockpit and watch a computer run the show. Other than training simulations, it's been years since anyone had to take over the controls. We're less than bus drivers. I think the airlines keep us mainly for the image and the publicity."
"Did you every fly one of those old planes?" I asked.
"No, I flew a couple of small planes in flight school, but even those were computer-monitored. The computers stopped you from making a mistake or deviating from the flight plan. The annual certification tests and the training that leads up to them are all on simulators."
"That's too bad," I remarked. "Did you ever see one, at least?"
"Nope. Never flew one; never saw one. They're all gone. I never even met anyone who saw one: not a genuine, original biplane."
"Well, you never know," I replied. "You coulda met someone who just didn't mention it."
Walt gave me a funny look just then, as did Adam and Cynthia. In a flash I mentally replayed the conversation and decided I was still OK. Even so, I tried changing the topic.
"I guess you're interested in dune buggies too, eh?" I asked.
"Well, yeah, but not like old planes," Walt reverted. "It's a shame, really. I mean, with all the color, and legends, and history behind those planes, you'd think someone could keep a few running. If it weren't for those old planes, and the men who built them, and the men who flew them, where would we be today? Still clinging to the dirt, that's where! You think we'd have ocean liners crossing the Pacific in a couple of hours? No, I don't think so. We have artifacts from the Egyptians, and the Greeks, and the Romans, and the Mayans and Incas that date back thousands of years!. But can we keep a few great old planes -- the dawn of aviation -- for even a hundred or a hundred and fifty years? No, and it's a damn shame. Do you understand what I'm talking about?"
Vaguely, dimly, I sensed the alarm. Then I sensed dry sheets. Then, not wishing to press my luck, I rushed to the shower. It was just cleaner that way. Mom was in the hallway as I strutted back to my room. We said good morning and touched briefly as we passed, then I sat on my bed and stretched. Mom went downstairs. I thought seriously about getting dressed. I really did. But if Nadia was correct, I needed to remain naked during whole shoot for Bushie's. That would be from nine o'clock,...
The drama shop was a zoo. OK, sure, Dee Muntz was there, but so were about a hundred other kids, all trying to jam into that little room. Nadia and Ben seemed to be getting things organized all right so I decided it might be a good time to take a pee. Mistake. The lavatory was just as crowded and Reasonable Requests were rampant. Somehow I avoided getting propositioned on my way to a toilet, but then some guy wearing a football jersey, a pleated skirt, and bobby socks insisted on watching...
Upon awakening, the first thing I sensed was nakedness, complete nakedness: no bedspread, no blanket, no sheet, no bedclothes. Just me, my ever-present erection and the air. The door was open for anyone who wanted to peek. Dignity at that point wasn't much of an option. Blithely and boldly I navigated the hallway and seized the bathroom before the twins or anyone else took it over. I tried my new pissing exercises for a few minutes, but achieved no real success. Instead, I began my shower...
We got to Bushman's shortly before nine thirty but pandemonium had clearly preceded us. For one thing, there was a craft fair operating in the park across the street. Nobody had checked the park schedule, and nobody had made provisions. Neither, of course, had the craft show vendors. As a result, the artists, artisans, food vendors, and local merchants were all arguing furiously about curb space. Progress was slow but step by step, inch by inch, everyone was slowly getting settled. The next...
After Calculus class the hallway was peaceful. Other than a few guys who were collecting clothing remnants as souvenirs, there was no sign of the earlier melee. When I got to the drama shop for Holloway's whippy-dippy support group, Ben was in the hall talking on his PDA. "Lavi, this is Ben," he was just saying, obviously to Lavender Liu. "Yeah, I know. Long time no see. Three days, right? Hey listen. Could you, Ginger, Heather, and Jasmine meet me by the parking lot doorway at four...
About four in the morning I woke up a couple of times and couldn't get back to sleep. On the third try I decided I might as well get something done. As quietly as possible I closed the hallway door, snapped on the desk light, and booted up the computer. First I reviewed the previous day's lecture material and it was scary how little seemed familiar. I must have been more spaced out than I realized. Anyway, I finished reviewing the lectures, did the assigned reading, and then whipped...
First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...
As it turned out I only slept until 7:00 AM, but even that was really late for me. I think the sunlight woke me up; it was usually dark when I got up for workouts. Noises and pleasant aromas were coming from the kitchen, both irresistible. I sat up in bed, stretched, went to the bathroom, checked that my pajama bottoms were closed, and headed downstairs. Dad, apparently, had already left for his flight. The newspaper and some dirty dishes were at his place, but no sign of Dad himself. Effie...
By the time Calculus ended at three o'clock I was practically sleepwalking. I could have used a sixteen-ounce espresso or three but had to settle for a Coke. I downed the can in seconds then headed to the drama shop for Halloway's whippy-dippy after-school support group. Adam and Dee Muntz, of all people, were tangled up outside the drama shop door. Dee was on top and had all of Adam's cock in her mouth, which even then was no easy feat. Adam's face was pinned beneath her hips and she...
One good thing about sleeping on the floor is that you hardly ever oversleep. Especially if it's a tile floor. I really should have checked that, I suppose. Or gone to Jonson's, except that I didn't want to push that situation too fast. Anyway, because Reb and Magic were still asleep, I stepped outside to make my calls. Ted had left a message giving his number and urging me to call back any time. So, even though it was five AM his time, I saved his number in my address book and then...
I have no idea why I signed up for Communications. Perhaps I imagined being a sportscaster, or being interviewed for the news after a swim meet. But whatever my expectations had been, the reality was quite different. First, there was the room. The front third contained a flat raised stage with a television news set on the right and talk-show furniture on the left. Partially blocking the view were two television cameras and a teleprompter. Microphones and lighting fixtures hung from the...
When I woke up the next morning I found both myself and the bed pleasantly dry. Nevertheless, I wasn't taking any chances. I headed straight for the bathroom, then straight for the shower, then straight for the drain hole. Draining myself of excess semen took less than twenty seconds and after than, pissing was a breeze. When I left the bathroom, I found Mom standing naked in the hallway. "Adam, there you are," she said. "We have crepes and blintzes in the kitchen. Get 'em before they...
"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway was just beginning. "This morning we have another student who's in The Program and who'd like to present some information about himself. As with Dee, who spoke yesterday, I'm hoping this will cut down on repetitive questions and answers that waste time for everyone. Go ahead, Ben." "Uh, hi, my name is Ben Daire. A lot of you know me," he began. "Now that I'm in The Program, I guess everybody knows that I have two cocks. At least,...
I awoke at my usual time, a little before dawn, but not in my usual situation. A fierce wind was shaking the cottage and driving sheets of rain against the windows. Some tree limbs had broken off and were lying in the yard. Large waves were crashing against the shore and rising into the air. It was a first class storm. The boat! We should have pulled in the boat Saturday night! Instead, the wind and the waves were tossing it around and crashing it into the dock! Then, the bow line snapped!...
The next morning I woke up as usual and headed down to the Y for workouts. As I neared the locker rooms, I saw Ethan and Caitlin enter what used to be Men's, with three more girls and two naked guys right behind them. No one seemed to be using the former Women's room, however, so with some trepidation, that's where I went. Inside, the former Women's room wasn't much different from the former Men's. Of course there were no urinals, but the tiles, lockers, and benches were the same. The...
The clear morning sun and a beautiful lake breeze were streaming through the screen porch and into the living room. It was odd to wake up without pajamas, and odder still to be in bed with two naked girls. A morning erection wasn't so unusual. Carefully, I scooted to the end of the bed and headed for the bathroom. No one was there, so I closed the door, relieved myself, peed, and pooped. By the time I was finished, I was erect again. I decided to call the doctor's office about it. Lavi...
Support group attendance, at least, seemed to be down. Instead of being packed, the room was only half full. If there was any joy, that was it. Dee Muntz was still hanging around but at least she didn't insist on sitting with the moderators. Maybe she was tired of getting her arm yanked. The first student with a so-called problem was Marilyn Lipsche, a luscious blonde who made Crystal look plain. And believe me, Crystal knew it. "Hello everyone," Marilyn began in her melodious little...
The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...
The next morning I ate a light breakfast, then went to the Y for an hour of laps. There were only a few other swimmers and like myself, most of them were on swim teams. Everyone wore suits and used separate locker rooms. I enjoyed the sheer normalcy of it. After heading back to the locker room, I found that my PDA had a message waiting. So, after showering and getting dressed, I strapped it onto my wrist and told it to read the message. Hi Adam, this is Ben. I'm at registration here with...
Honors seminar had less than its share of athletes but membership in chess, debate, drama, Mathletics, and other organizations made up for it. Altogether, I think three, maybe four kids showed up in clothes, Petunia Pei and Yulan Yuan were kneeling in front of Ben, each sucking one of his cocks. No surprise there. I snuggled up next to Pietre Agoras, who was dressed much like his dad but without the foustanella. Then, to my surprise, Julio Sessums snuggled next to my other side. His cock was...
The next morning I woke with Adam's arm draped across my side. Eventually I couldn't hold still any longer and then he woke up too. "You doin' OK?" he whispered. "Yeah, weird but OK, I guess." "Olivia's just a friend. You know that, right? And it was Friday the thirteenth..." "Yeah, shower buddies," I recalled, silently regretting I'd ever proposed that arrangement. Then oh well, I thought: better the trouble you know. Gently I grabbed his cock. "You better be careful,...
Vivian fell asleep pretty quickly. Not that I blamed her: I was pretty tired myself. But at least having the first watch gave me time to think. After everything we'd been through that day, being naked for swim team seemed like a pretty small problem. Being naked still felt odd, but I was getting used to it. The boat, the restaurant, the beach, strolling around the town of Oval Point: being naked for any of them hadn't really mattered a whole bunch. The incredible fact was that most people...
The bell rang just as I got to Honors Seminar. I barely got to my usual spot snuggling with Pietre when Holloway began her daily announcements. "Good morning, students," she began as usual. "Today a student who's in The Program would like to present some information. I think you'll see why I've granted her request. Go ahead, Dee." The picture changed and there was Dee, extra-tall frame, extra-long mouth, extra-long hair, extra-high heels, and extra whatever else. Her eyes looked...
Sunday morning everyone at Jonson's feasted on the leftovers from Nate's Swedish Breakfast and actually made a dent in them. Then, at eight, everyone assembled in the front yard for the drive to Shallow Chasm. In addition to Adam and me, this included Nadia, Ben, Dan, Olivia, Ginger, Cynthia, Lucy Lastik, Edgar Robinsong, Guido Rabottini from Guido's Quick Fill, Bushman's office clerk Fiona Fledermaus, and Lola Liliuo, the soccer mom with the fake Mohawk. In fact, the whole Liliuo family...
Fortunately, the location for taking both the Bonded Courier test and the Notary Public test was the same: the county clerk's office. Unfortunately the office closed at five, each test was an hour, and I arrived at three thirty. So what the hell, I started with the Bonded Courier test and handed it in at five to four. "Tough test, eh?" the smiling testing administrator asked my right tit. "Not so bad," I replied. "Can I take the Notary Public test now? There's still a full hour...
The next morning I went to swim practice at the Y as usual. The Y, however, had started to get whacky. In particular, Ethan and his girlfriend Caitlin were undressing near the center of the locker room formerly known as Men's. Caitlin was on the girl's swim team at Inner Outlands High School. "Hi, Ethan. Hi Caitlin," I greeted them, "What's up?" "Just practice," answered Ethan. And with that, he and Caitlin strolled out naked toward the pool. I just stood and thought about that...
The silent alarm on my PDA definitely went off too early. Oh, it went off at five o'clock all right; my body just wasn't ready to be disturbed at that hour and it complained bitterly. Nevertheless I sat up, stood up, twisted the knot out of my back, and quietly pushed myself toward the bathroom. On the way I grabbed my roll of maps. Nadia was still asleep. First I drank some water, then splashed some on my face, then dampened a cloth and rubbed it in. That felt better. After a few minutes...
Adam & Eve adult store! Why are you still buying sex toys from that weird, greasy feeling sex shop across town? It’s expensive, the cashier with the combover always gives you that weird look, and you have to carry that black bag back to your car hoping that nobody you know sees you. It fucking sucks. But it doesn’t have to be that way. What if I told you there was an awesome site that could offer discreet delivery and competitive prices with none of the shame? Well, I’ve got just the site...
Online Sex Toys ShopsA little story about the Landlady's friend :) Vivian's AdventureVivian had been Diane’s best friend for nearly twenty years. She had seen her go through a divorce and adjust to being over fifty and single. She had tried to help her out by introducing her to a few eligible bachelors she knew, but nothing ever worked out. Viv always thought Diane was different than most women. She never acted her age. Diane didn’t complain about the things everyone else her age complained about. Di had never...
This was Written for Enjoy!Vivian and Tanya are friends from work. Vivian is Asian American with a big firm set of breasts and a luscious ass. She has jet black hair and is very exotic. Tanya is a Russian blonde. Her rack is very similar to Vivian’s. She has an athletic build and her ass is every bit as large, round and juicy as Vivian’s. Vivian and Tanya had been working out together lately at the local fitness club. They had worked up a glistening, sweaty...
So it was that Amy and Vivian began what they thought would be the adventure of their lives. Amy was tall at 5’7, slender yet somehow impressively curved, her blonde hair cut just above her shapely shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled like the open ocean when she saw something she lusted after - which was often. Her soft-spoken manner and shyness only lasted until she got to know you, and then she became the demanding, typically spoiled rich girl. Her friend Vivian was in some ways the polar...
Amy had already been raped twice - once by Karzec and once by Anatoli. Even after Vivian had been forced to lick out her sex and swallow their cum, Amy’s young cunt still felt unclean, and traces of leaking cum had dried along her inner thighs. She groaned, revolted with herself, remembering her orgasm as Anatoli had fucked her furiously from behind. What else could these psychos possibly dream up for them? Her eyes widened now at the new scene of horror unfolding. Karzec had thrust her into...
No signal. Vivian groaned in exasperation and hit her head against the steering wheel. This was the proverbial middle of nowhere - nothing in sight but fields on both sides of the road, and no cell phone reception. And her stupid car could pick no better place to break down.She tried the ignition again, to no luck whatsoever. With a sigh, Vivian got out of the car to have a better look around and to get a breath of fresh air.Her skirt caught on the seat as she was getting out and hiked up her...
“Wow, we really lucked out with this place,” said Vivian Hannity. She was talking about the apartment they had just rented on Sedgwick Avenue.Her new roommate, Miranda Grossman – or just Mandy – replied, “I’ll say, I especially like this view looking out at the reservoir. How about we celebrate by smoking a doobie?”“It’s a bit early in the day for that, isn’t it?”“Naw, you’re just fooled because of the time of the year and how light it still is out there. If it was February you wouldn’t have a...
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LesbianVivian is my fine friend with big boobs, formerly from Amsterdam, where we were almost neighboursVivian is very famous in Japan where she resides now and paparazzi photographers follow every stepVivian starts her career as teen in Prague and only lets men fuck her first few months for some moneyVivian switches soon to model only with other famous models, still she looks for love and satisfactionVivian is happy to get to know me as fan and friend, who helps her a few times from some...
Obedient Vivian (MF, reluc) By: Darkdm My wife Vivian was originally from Taiwan. I met her through a friend when she came over to the US for a short term project. She was only 22 years old at the time. When I first laid my eyes upon her, I was in love. Her angelic face, shoulder length silky, black hair, and slender body was everything I wanted in a woman. After spending sometimes with her, I was amazed that she had all the qualities I wanted in a woman as well. She was smart, gentle, and...
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My name is Evans and today I’m here to tell you s story how one day my life changed when I massaged my aunt Vivian. Before I jumped to the story allow me to tell a little intro about my life. My parents were in their early twenties when they met and they didn’t get on that well and split up when I was eight years old. Three years later my mom died so I went to live with my dad, during this time my father was on and off with women so he never really introduce me to them. He always told me that...
My girl friend Yi Shien Lu aged 55 is Divorced women and has one Daughter aged 21 named Vivian and one Son named George 18 nad Vivian is leaving with her Mum and George is leaving with his Grandma. Yi shien Lu is working in Travel agent and Vivian is college student. My girl friend use to Travel with group one week every month. Yi Shien Lu have very white skin and fleshy tye of women, she has been living alone for nearly five years when i met first time and we been living together for three...
Vivian is twenty-three years old, 5'6" tall with platinum blond hair reaching the middle of her back. Her eyes are a deep blue. She teaches medieval history and coaches the women's cross-country team. My name is Bruce, I am twenty-seven years old, 6'2" tall with short blond hair. My eyes are dark blue. I teach physical education and coach the men's cross-country team.We run our practices together. As the season progressed, a friendship developed between us. When practice was over, we would go...
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Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...
She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...
Vivian is twenty-three years old, 5’6′ tall with platinum blond hair reaching the middle of her back. Her eyes are a deep blue. She teaches medieval history and coaches the women’s cross-country team. My name is Bruce, I am twenty-seven years old, 6’2′ tall with short blond hair. My eyes are dark blue. I teach physical education and coach the men’s cross-country team. We run our practices together. As the season progressed, a friendship developed between us. When practice was over, we would go...
Robin - Thursday morning before school I woke up with the new sensation of someone laying down next to me. Now that in itself is not unusual, since many of the times that both of my bodies sleep in the same bed I wake up with them pressed against each other. The unusual part was that I had never woken up with Robert's cock against a girl's ass and Roberta's tits against a guy's chest. Still half asleep I raised up Robert's head. Looking at the alarm clock, I saw that it was about half...
Recording our raunchy romp in mom's room. by Oediplex 8==3~ One morning I saw the oddest sight. I guess mom thought I had already left. I was due for playing over at my buddy's house that Saturday. In fact, I had left, but remembering I had promised to bring a magazine, I returned, having not gotten far. The door to her room was open a little, so as I passed it, I caught a glimpse of her. She was not fully dressed yet. Of course, that got my attention. Mom is a beautiful...
My name is Vivian Cunningham-White and I'm not crazy. I think I have been in this mental institution for almost ten years but I don't belong here. Right now it is early morning and I'm lying quietly here in my bed pretending to be asleep because my meds from yesterday have worn off. I hope if I stay real still no one will notice that I'm awake and almost normal. That way they won't force me to take another pill and put me back in the dark. Almost normal? That's what I feel like now. My...
"Hi, Vivian!" I called to the clerk leaving the store. She was one of my favorite checkers and I usually went through her line if I could, even if I had to wait. However today she had not been at a register when I came through. Apparently she had already checked out and was off duty. "Hey, how ya doin'?" she answered, her usual reply to everybody. "I'm okay. You look like you don't feel well." "Nah, I'm okay, jes' tired. It's been a long day, plus I've got a backache." The...
Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...
Thursday Morning Emanuel Emanuel heard a shrieking noise suddenly start. I guess it’s morning. Good morning Manny. Emanuel sat up and glanced at the alarm clock. Good morning precious. You’re up early. I know. For some reason, I couldn’t wait to start the day. Emanuel smiled and started towards the bathroom. That tends to happen when life starts going well for people. That makes sense. Would you mind if I ask a stupid question? Why would I? Go ahead, I’ll do my best to...
Obedient Vivian (MF, reluc) By: Darkdm My wife Vivian was originally from Taiwan. I met her through a friend when she came over to the US for a short term project. She was only 22 years old at the time. When I first laid my eyes upon her, I was in love. Her angelic face, shoulder length silky, black hair, and slender body was everything I wanted in a woman. After spending sometimes with her, I was amazed that she had all the qualities I wanted in a woman as well. She was smart, gentle, and...
Please do not read if you are under 18 years of age. The first chapter of Vivian?s story is mostly plot and character build up. For some reason, I have been really taken with this character and I want to do her tale justice. As always, I would love to hear your feedback.Ch. 1My name is Vivian. I have been instructed by my son-in-law to record the events of my training. My late husband began teaching me on our honeymoon on how to service and please him. This is the story of our beginning...
Jake Wow! What a lunch that was. Susan and I made it through the rest of the day, met Jill and waited while she and I dressed — Susan had thrown all her clothes away that morning, so she was going to have to do some involuntary outreach — and then went to Sue's car. We found a light slowly flashing on her car phone indicating a message waiting for her. She found it was from her mother telling her to take us home to dress, than come back to their apartment for dinner. Dress? Hmm ... A new...
All characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...